Mongu district has been hit by a fuel shortage which has paralyzed both government and business activities in the district.
A check by ZANIS yesterday morning found a queue of motorists at Kobil filling station searching for the commodity.
One of the motorists Mwambo Mbikusita complained that the shortage has negatively affected business in the district.
And Moses Misapo noted that most motorists have packed their vehicles due to lack of the fuel in the district.
However, Suban Filling station Manager Abdinur Yasin told ZANIS in a separate interview that the situation is being addressed from Lusaka and that supply would soon be restored.
Meanwhile, the four major filling stations in Mongu including Kobil, Suban, Total and Puma have not received fuel in the past two days.
Use Mukolo to get to wherever you want kaili you are mwamukolo and you dont need fuel.
thot this is another country?
Ba munkobwe this were those fuel vendors come in.
Let them PUT SAND in their fuel Tanks, iam sure the BAROTSE MAJIC WILL WORK.