Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sata urged to emulate Kenyan president’s leadership


President  Uhuru Kenyatta
President Uhuru Kenyatta

National Restoration Party (NAREP) President, Elias Chipimo junior, has urged Republican President Michael Sata to adopt the kind of leadership shown by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta who has taken a 20% pay cut.

President Kenyatta has together with his deputy William Ruto taken a 20% pay while Ministers have taken a 10% cut on their perks to help bring down the government’s wage bill.

Mr. Chipimo told QFM News in an interview that such a bold decision shows that a leader has a heart for his country and inspires people’s confidence.

He lamented that the Zambian government is consuming more than 60 percent of the national income yet people are not willing to take pay cuts.

Mr. Chipimo said there is need for Cabinet to take similar measures as the Kenyan government has done by cutting down on certain expenditure even outside their salary structures.

And Forum for Democracy and Development Spokesperson, Antonio Mwanza, told QFM News in a separate interview that it will be commendable for the PF government to consider the measures taken by the Kenyan government.



    • I hate anything about Kenya. And that Uhuru is wanted climinal. Sata is far much better those useless tribal Kenyans.

    • Zuma deserves what he earns. South Africa yandalama. I am not sure about Kenya as I dont know much about the economy and performance. As for Sata, what do you expect from a snake? Greedy, selfshness, confusion, violence, character assissination, lies, corruption and tribalish are his characteristics.

    • NOT the Kenyan president should emulate Mr Sata

      This man is Useless is Mr Chipimo Junior. In what capacity are you talking Mr Chipimo
      I know you want to stay relevant but this a jealous rhetoric that will be flushed down
      The toilet and rightfully so.

      Be proud of the man you have at the helm, you are the only president who defames the president
      And gets away with it, shows what a great man Mr Sata is by not prosecuting you.
      You tube


    • You are busy bickering about the need for Sata to cut politicians ‘s pay when he has just announced that his allowances and that of his close supporters be raised to in line with the devaluation of the Kwacha.

      Sata would never do that except under gun point!

    • Mr Chipimo, how do you then expect HE Mr Sata to fulfill his promise of more money in his pocket? Come 2015 with the kwacha which is nose diving, his perks will go up by 500%.

    • @ketulo or potilo same difference. You’re tripping and getting your knickers in a twist just to be the first to comment. Engage oblongata and shoot after. What is it you wanted to say? Please go back to the back of the queue and we’ll think about checking it or trashing it out.

    • When the common man and a few genuine leaders in Zambia commented on the increments Sata awarded himself, the cabinet and MP’s; the vast majority of people thought it was politics of envy when we criticised the increments. Our Chumu Munsololwa does not take advice nor would he want to emulate anyone. He will continue to plough his own lone farrow.

    • Few weeks after he was elected in March 2013, President Kenyatta promised to reduce the country’s public sector wage bill significantly. In June, the MPs reluctantly agreed to slash their annual pay by about 40% from $120,000 to $75,000.

  1. The salaries of a Kenyan President, Vice President, cabinet ministers & MPs are more than their counter parts in Africa & even in Europe! Seconded only by Jacob Zuma of the mineral rich county of South Africa.

    • Zuma deserves what he earns. South Africa yandalama. I am not sure about Kenya as I dont know much about the economy and performance. As for Sata, what do you expect from a snake? Greedy, selfshness, confusion, violence, character assissination, lies, corruption and tribalish are his characteristics.

    • @Lovely,
      For sure I was shocked to learn that Kenyan Ministers are one of the best paid in the world! Not Africa but in the World…. So what does that tell you were you find 90% of it’s population living under a Dollar per day? Someone is not paying tax correctly and there is more money moving in and out of that country which is not being accounted for. Tribalism is rife it’s not even funny, next to the Nigerians, Kenyans are bad news were greedy is concerned. Chipimo I like you and I agree with you on this point, Kenyans can also be vicious just to make it, it only looks bad when they live side effects, otherwise, Zambia could emulate their positiveness towards reaching high goals, it would be be supper cool. But I dont envy them though, too much evil those kenyans!

    • @ Cindy & Lovely. Well said! This chap didn’t even bother to research the amount of money those Kenyans get. Ati ba aspiring president. If Elias’ neighbours defecated on their front lawn he would probably do the same. Kapoli!

    • @Cindy. I think Cindy’s hate for Kenyans is clouding her judgement.Objective view of Kenya therefore becomes impossible.
      Kenya’s budget is about 1.6tr shs and all their leaders combined pay is not even 10b shs so where do you get your hateful fake 90% figures from?
      Even Zambia has greedy leaders and tribalism but naona chuki imejaa moyoni mwako such that you cannot judge Kenyans objectively.Hiyo ni roho mbaya sana Cindy.

    • @ Mzambia wazamani,
      Kaka yangu namarafiki kibau wa kenya, ata siyo kweli kwamba siwapendi naogea tu ukweli.
      For real Kenya is well more developed and advanced than Zambia and it is East Africas power house, Lakini tunasema corruption is way to rampant arafu wakenya wengi roho ni ngumu kabisa! In short, am lamenting over the issue of someone pocketing more than enough whilst the one he opts to serve cant even afford shilingi ya matatu!




    • People have to talk. This democracy, they just exercising their freedom of speech. I am not surprised at your filthy comment as you are a sata boy. You are just exhibiting dictatorial tendencies like your president.

  3. Please let us Compare Apple to Apple than Ichumbu (Sweet potato). The Kenyan president is a smart boy, young and modern. He is changing his country for the best. Sata is too old, he has wrong people, all his fellow old men. We should put an age limit to presidential candidates, because what we have is disaster. It is the only way we will get Zambia on right track. No more Freedom fighters. Let them retire and allow the young Zambians to take over. So Chipimo, get serious and attract younger Zambians to your party.

  4. The salary is a small percentage of his take-home amount. If he also cuts allowances & all Ministers, MPs, civil servants & parastatals follow suit, then Govt can save big time. He is a leader, so he needs to lead the way. If civil servants see him stealing through his son, they follow suit. During FTJ’s 2nd term, theft became the norm after details of the Zamtrop transactions were exposed. Even the judiciary was lenient torwards that stole big. Machungwa, Kapoko & Mabenga are still walking free.

  5. Instead of reducing it, our president has increased his salary3 times!! And, let us not forget, this is the same guy that condemned RB for having a huge salary. Now, question is, if the salary was high at RB time, how about now?

    • After THREE times increasing his OWN salary he also made an ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL payment to his own wife!

  6. The only one he should emulate at this rate is Mandela – in many respects. The most important is to step aside after a first term of working deservedly having presided over a new constitution, infrastructure development, and hand-down to a younger cadre of leadership.

  7. Once a politician always a politician!
    He may be doing this for a show… to help his image abroad and to do damage control! But for how long we will soon be aware of it and why not just establish a fixed pay for all polititicans for the next five years?
    Funny part about this is that, the world will never know the steps that led to such a decision. You see politicians, Mafias, prostitutes and robbers all fall in the same category! They never just soften their cords for nothing, whatever the case, it is to benefit them so I hope we can break through to their bone, but they sure are so tight gripped they are so unpredictable! By the way, glad to know that you are the president for the alliance you deserve it, congratulations!

  8. In my view, pay cuts are not really that effective in terms of cutting down on national expenditure. The real money slingers are financial structures like the Banks, Tax /Revenue Authorities etc.. that is where the money is and that is where government needs to put their minds to ensure disciplined budgeting.

    • You are wrong. The presidency and government ministries also spend a lot of money. If all these have to cut on their salaries and costs, a lot of money would be saved.

  9. What you have to understand is, Uhuru kenyatta does not need the president’s salary, the man is considered to be on the wealthy people in Africa. A pay of 20% means nothing to him.

  10. ”President Kenyatta’s basic salary is Ksh 1.2 million ($14,000) a month or $168,000 annualy,With the new 20% wage reduction, he will be taking home a little over $11,000 a month. But he probably doesn’t need the money anyway. Kenyatta, who featured in 2011 ranking of Africa’s Richest People, is a prominent member of one of Kenya’s wealthiest families.”
    ”President Michael Sata’s annual salary has been increased to K414,406 or $82,000 annually with a special allowance of K108,934 or $21,000 annualy barely a year after his salary was increased to K327,000 in 2012. ”
    I dont support the presidents pay but KenyatTa is not the role model we looking for!! their Parliament are highest paid in Africa.

    • Rubbish, I get paid more than him? Maybe he has other side dealings. Kenyans have doctorates in corruption. They call it “something small – small”

    • @ One hit,
      Hihihihihihi! Infact it is Kitu kidogo.
      Bloggers google the video, Inchi ya Kitu kidogo, thats Kenya for you!

  11. Elias Chipimo my upcoming politicians your request can be compared to a person swimming in the river with a friend in the river and then a crocodile pounces on your friend and then you start asking a crocodile to friend to let go of your friend as the crocodile can feast on fish in the river.Do you think the crocodile can let go of your friend and then it goes for the fish? Or asking the hungry lion to let go of the buffalo and go for the small dicker or rabbit? Will the lion agree to your request?

    • Your hypothesis has no heads or tales! Nice try but falls short of the message you are trying to convey but we hear you. Remember! doing nothing about any matter that may arise for correction is never a solution.

  12. Zambia is in serious trouble. Is this the illustrious Elias Chipimo Jr. that I keep on hearing about, that he is a potential future president? Michael Sata did make himself an admirable super star, even among Zambia’s elite, before he became president.

    It’s disappointing that it is not on the issue of the constitution, that this guy is challenging president Sata to emulate the Kenyan president; but rather on taking a pay cut. This is very much like scoring an off-side goal.

    Kenya may have its issues, however, we admire them because, when that country decided to have a new constitution some two years ago, the president did not subject his people to the jungle rumble that we are seeing in Zambia. Why is Chipimo pre-occupied with Sata’s pocket instead?

    • Must not a leader attempt to make himself relevant by speaking to the issues of concern of the moment, and not be totally oblivious of them? Even the infamous George Mpombo managed to do so yesterday. Elias Chipimo is either asleep or is thinking the wrong way.

      Were affluence to be the yardstick, there simply would be no comparison between the two presidents.

      When Mr. Sata became president of Zambia, he only had 7 guns and some little change in his pocket. Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, on the other hand, has been a wealthy man from his birth. Of what consequence is it then, that we read of him having surrendered 20% of his salary as a pay cut? Or is it that Elias Chipimo Jr. is displaying the childish mind that he has?

  13. Lets all ask ourselves some serious questions, do these politicians deserve such huge sums of money is it morally right to give others peanuts when a majority of them live under a dollar a day? Sometimes it better to just keep quiet if you don’t have anything sensible to talk about!

  14. Wht we need is YOUNG BLOOD. UHURU is a BRILLIANT YOUNG MAN. Not bena Chipimo who r sleeping think of Becoming President of this Great Nation- Zambia.

    Spot on my brother! U can be suprised by some bloggers thinking capacity, but I guess once a chumbu suppoter always a chumbu suppoter kaili nabo niba munshololwa muwelewele.

  16. well said Chipimo, only a wise man can understand what you said, companies lay off people to cut costs even reduce salaries, to stay afloat right now our country is on free fall, if Sata can get passed his greed and cut down on his salary,cut off the extra
    positions, there will be more money and less borrowing, Zambia can’t sustain such a big government Sata has created and if he doesn’t listen it’s going to collapse on him

    • Recently the government removed subsidies in a celebrated effort to reduce government expenditure, and yet the economy is still falling freely! How much more difference will reducing Sata’s salary by 20% bring? If that is the wisdom of the wise man you are alluding to, then I am afraid that a more tenable solution is still way of out our reach.

  17. Do you think honestly this rotten teeth old man can do that, to prove me wrong.,, just still one kwacha from him and see what will happen to you.. This man is so ***** ever seeing in the history of the country…!!…Any way live with it you zambia because,,, you told about the man…called sata….!!

  18. Unfortunately, both Elias Chipimo Jnr and Antonio Mwanza are just appealing to leaders whose brain-cases are filled with granite rocks.

    The Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta is endowed with the human genes of his Great Father Jomo Kenyatta who faught the British to liberate Kenya from the Britishi. On the other end of the scale is Michael Sata who betrayed the Zambian freedom in the service of the British colonialists.

    Uhuru Kenyatta’s mission is to sustain his Dad’s vision to serve his people by providing genuine development to Kenya. In Zambia, Sata teamed up with Guy Scott to form a pseudo-political party with the sole aim of plundering Zambia’s financial resources through a diversity of clandestine companies. Kabimba, Mmembe and Mutembo Nchito etc are perfect tools in the…

  19. Interesting indeed.

    How much does the President of Kenya and his Cabinet get?

    Do you know that they are the most paid in the World?????

    Interesting indeed.

  20. Even if the Kenyan president is cutting his pay from an already” highest in Africa” at least he has shown leadership and vision.We need to look at where kenyans are heading to NOT where they’re coming from.The Kenyans are working on massive infrastructure worth $23b and have ICT park in development.What has our poorly paid cumbu govt done for zambia?

    Even Singapore’s PM is the highest paid leader but they have results to show for it.The cheaper the politician,the more he costs his country.

  21. Getting paid high salary is not an issue as much as DELIVERING the end product.You can pay less to clueless politicians like we have and have a mediocre nation or you can pay high like in Nigeria and still have mediocrity.

    Considering that kenya is more developed yet has no minerals,less arable land and less water resources then i think the kenyan taxpayers get more for their taxes than zambians with our lower paid cumbu politicians

    Mr Kenyatta is concerned about his nation’s economic future and he seems to care and he has a plan.But even though our leaders get paid less,they don’t care,they are clueless and they’re mediocre.

    I know which choice mine would be.

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