I fully acknowledge and appreciate that today is youth day.
However, it is not out of lack of patriotism that I have supported the stand taken by our UPND youths and their counter parts from other opposition political parties that have chosen to stay away from any sort of celebrations on this day.
We find it totally heart breaking that almost 50 years of independence, we still have politicians who lack basic understanding and urgency for a new constitution which they promised themselves.
This lack of integrity and honesty by our colleagues in government does not inspire us to urge our youths to emulate and participate in national day celebrations.
Like many other citizens, the youths were equally cheated by the PF government on many things.
The large number of our youths that are largely responsible for putting PF in office voted them on the premise that they would urgently deliver a constitution that would guarantee basic fundamental freedoms and human rights that would ensure accountability and good governance.
But just yesterday, the hopes of the youths who are the future generations were again trashed by the PF MPs who voted against our motion that would have given clear road map for a people driven constitution.
Our youths were also cheated on the provision of decent and permanent jobs, and yet our colleagues in the PF have not come back and explain to the youth why the jobs have not been created.
We find it difficult to encourage our youths to celebrate under an environment where we have a President who, while launching a project at the airport, was told that youths were killing each other a few meters from where he was, he decided to ignore and chose to run away.
We find it difficult to celebrate when the youths are still struggling to get into school, and when they are struggling to make ends meet.
Each year we offload more than 150,000 grade twelve school leavers without any glimmer of hope that they will ever live in a country where advancement is limited only by your ability and not lack of opportunities as the case is with Zambia.
Let me take this opportunity to reaffirm my commitment to the youth when we take over Government.
As UPND, we reaffirm our commitment to the provision of quality and affordable education through a well-managed and professional bursary scheme that will not discriminate or be based on who you know.
We are also looking forward to the provision of quality health services, especially reproductive health aimed at adolescents.
My pledge to create jobs for the youths has not been shelved. I have shared some of the strategies with the current Government but they are not interested. When I write, they respond by calling me names. We are of the view that Government cannot and will never create enough jobs to absorb the youths. The best option is to promote youth entrepreneurs who will in turn create employment for others.
That is the only sustainable way to ensure that jobs will be created. We are importing a lot of things that can be manufactured in Zambia by our youths if we have the right policy mix and adequate venture capital.
We are constructing roads and none of the youth are involved in that road construction, simply because there is no deliberate policy in Government to do contract discrimination to benefit the women and youth that can supply building materials to construction companies.
On this youth day, my message is simple, come 2016, let us work together and ensure that we vote for the UPND that will deliver true economic freedom and opportunities for our youth to thrive.
We voted for a Government that promised jobs to youths but is now employing people that are above retirement age. Let us not make this mistake again, twachula pafula.
Take this time to reflect on the Zambia you want to live in and then see who can deliver that Zambia for you, we already know the answer, UPND.
For now, we can only urge you to be good citizens and refrain from being used for violent behavior and other socially unacceptable vices.
Hakainde Hichilema,
UPND Information (PI Dept)
Well said mr incoming President. Atleast u have told these illeterates who don’t listen straighteges from the learned . UPND and HH 2016
This Bantustan leader would have done himself a lot of good if he used this opportunity to denounce his insatiable and unconscionable appetite or tribal, regional politics.
if HH was the only opposition political party leader left in the country, then there would be no need to hold elections as no reasonable human being would vote for him
Brilliant message Mr President post 2016! Although I only came to know of existence in 2008 and I have never seen you in person, I believe you are just the right man to deliver Zambia from this PF disastrous government. I say this from the way humbling and consistently encouraging your messages are. What you say is very inspiring because its coupled with tangible evidence as shown by the way you have turned your hard into massive wealth. If there is any one who can set a brilliant example to the youth of today that hard genuine work pays its you and probably GBM
Coater,open your eyes!You seem to be n a deep slumber!!HH will not wn in 2016 mark my words.HH has no experience and he can run a government!
So, Ba Gen, the fact that he had someone stand ku Mansa seat and all other seats where there have been by or ward elections or whatever, that to you says he is regional? Coz in my humble understanding, practising regional politics means sticking to one area, in this case Southern province which would mean HH would not even bother with the rest of the country. He would only be active in towns aya kuba tonga. He wouldn’t even bother making statements on Chitimukulu and so on. I would really be interested to know what basis you use to define him as regional.
Continue dreaming.Prosperous Future(PF) is hear to stay.Dont cheat yourself.For your Information,Democracy is the Dictatorship of the Majority.What the majority decide is what can happen.This Provincial Political Party cant and wont make Govment in 2016.Try 2061.Only Cornelius Mweetwa is your Best MP.In MMD,Vincent Mwale is the Best.Your Party can only make impact if you Unity as Opposition.Otherwise,kuwayawayafye.
“Only Cornelius Mweetwa is your Best MP. In MMD,Vincent Mwale is the Best.” So who is/are the best in PF?
Katomai kapemfu mwine,
You have shown extreme backwardness and irreverence to Zambia. Your failed PF came to power on lies. No normal minded Zambian is ever interested in your failed PF. Your meaning of democracy is rubbish. No normal Zambian is ready to suffer under PF up to 2016 worst 2061 you are dreaming. I can guess where you come from if not your are a naturalized Zambian. Join many true Zambian in supporting HH to move Zambia up. This is Zambia, not Zimbabwe where they can tolerate your rubbish thinking.
indeed kuwayawaya fye. wonder y we take time to read some of these posts
Little did I know that HH voted for PF! Mr. President,HH, how are you going to provide employment and bursaries for all youths if we give you our votes? Both in 1991 and 2011, people were ready for change. Do you think, are ready for the change in 2016?
ba katomai even a dog that is in a cage with a plate of meat cannot think like that let free the youth to realise that they voted for nothing clearly not all youth belong to sata . relatives who are given jobs even when they dont have the papers required for those jobs so enjoy for now but you will pay for this time is coming
Aba nabena awe sure nimpepo.
Another deluded Bemba tribalist!
HH we did vote foe PF NOT because they promised a new constitution but they had a good message.Tell us your Agenda HH?As for now its PF.We have seen massive infrastruture,Improvement in road network including my road Central ave in Chigola which had been negrected for many years,cheers PF
Tell me, does HH possess leadership qualities? The guy lives in a dream world. How can you hope to become president of a vast country like Zambia when your command jurisdiction is so narrow and tribal? Someone said HH has 90,000 animals. Could it be that his insatiable desire to rule is based on the popularity he enjoys amongst his cattle. In all fairness I don\t see him becoming president of Zambia without national support.
Umubemba Inkonko in all fairness you will collapse dead when he does, because right now PF are de-campaigning themselves, they are the opposite of what people were expecting even the economy is having a bad reaction, I wish they soon realize they are servants and not God’s to serve the people who elected them
For sure @ Inkoko will b surprised whn HH becomes the President.
Sata has really Destroyed Zambia where democracy is concerned. He has destroyed “All the Institutions” of Democracy and has Brought Poverty all Over.
Brilliant message Mr President post 2016! Although I only came to know of existence in 2008 and I have never seen you in person, I believe you are just the right man to deliver Zambia from this PF disastrous government. I say this from the way humbling and consistently encouraging your messages are. What you say is very inspiring because its coupled with tangible evidence as shown by the way you have turned your hard into massive wealth. If there is any one who can set a brilliant example to the youth of today that hard genuine work pays its you and probably GBM
HH, tell me, what materials will the youth supply to road construction companies?
You reasoning is very shallow. Someone need to have crushing plants, trucks, heavy duty machinery and so forth to be able to do that. You are forgetting that the majority of the so called youths are addressing are able to scan your message make judgements. Anyway, I wish you good health so that you live long to see others become presidents before you.
Umubemba Inkoko or whatever you call yourself, your submission lacks substance and one can only detect ‘hate speech’ similar to those of the supremacy groups in apartheid era South Africa. You seem not to be following what is happening in this country. HH is fielding candidates and holds talk shows in almost all areas in this country. I do not understand where your hate of southerners comes from. Kaunda’s successful reign[a northerner] was made possible in the 70’s by the signing of the Choma declaration. Chiluba[another northerner] was supported 100% for two terms by people from southern. The same cattle you are despising are what makes cattle ranchers in Texas super millionaires, while you are here uli ndwii gnashing your teeth in super poverty.
Grow up and re-align your mind set. The youths, if you listened to their speeches on radio, are demanding for economic emancipation, which HH and his team are campaigning on. Progressive zambians are now looking to such people and teams, not useless ones. Region should now not be a factor if we want to live in a zambia where we can walk in any part of the world with our heads held high.
HH may be tonga but what comes of his mouth is development orianted,pF has been given chance and now they are mamble jumbling,they av faild on their own promises.its themselves to blame support HH lets see.
At least part of the question has been answered by HH himself – “AFTER 50 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE”! Before HH was even born, there were youths who were still wallowing in poverty. HH himself was once a youth but he has turned out to be a very prosperous youth and now an adult in the same country that has allowed youths to be wallowing in poverty! Paradoxical isn’t it! Is it not for HH to advise the youths of the country how not to entirely depend on government by reviewing how he became rich, the things he was doing and how he was dealing with his youth problems? HH wants to be the President and is he sure that the government can provide for every youth? Is it not the fora like the Youth Day where youths would and should reflect on things like youth unemployment? Can we be serious please!
the problem we have in this country is that we the voters seem not to know what we want. just because HH and his pals talk of what we want hear, suddenly has become 2016 material. you see MMD run this country on consumption approach where by rapid investment was at slow speed because monies were spent to cover up problems so that they maintained patronage. Now that the truth has been exposed by applying radical measures that good things don not come easily, every one is cursing PF and HH has found the language because that is what you want to hear, he is 2016 material. Let him start preparing for retirement because the same way he claims to be educated that is how others are too. Remember enlightenment is power……………
What enlightment is there with pf leader? None at all! A liar has no focus pf leadership has nothing to praise about, pf have destroyed Zambia the only relief is UPND!
as for me it is mmd for life