Thursday, March 20, 2025

Sata embarasses George Zulu and calls him a fake Lawyer




    • Zulu didn’t follow protocol, that’s what the issue should have been.

      Sata knows his job

      Ba LT stop you teenage journalism

    • And you think this man is gonna rule Zambia beyond 2016. All these people he is embarrassing will de-campaign him, and will in turn embarrass him in 2016. Watch events unfold. Just saying.

    • But Sata natumpa kwambili, what is really wrong with mistakes in protocol, especially when you are in front of someone you know will insult you anyway? Some of these things you just let it pass.
      Why didn’t he shout at the Minister of Injustice who didn’t prepare the judges’ routine? And that State House they have messed has no chief of staff. A State House with graffiti “Sata was here”.

    • President Sata must be very careful with the way he is treating other people. Whatever you do unto others, that will be done unto you. What goes around comes around. A leader should respect others for him to get back that respect. Mr. Sata state house is not your permanent home, but your grave.

    • there is everything wrong with the people who accept this appointments, how can you be embarrassed to such a level and still take up the job. Effectively this man has been told that he is useless and incompetent . This is the more reason he feels he can insult them knowing they are all sebana wikute people.

  1. This man is not humble. Its everyone for himself in zambia, that is why people will not criticize him. Those who are comfortable will applaud this man. This also shows the man thinks he knows everything.

  2. And Sata was right because Zulu didn`t follow protocol.Sometimes you have to understand the context in which things are said instead of rushing to write sensational stories

    • NO boss it’s a tradition and procedure you are patented before you are sworn in that’s procedure. He embarassed a man discharging his duty for nothing. Don’t comment if you don’t know it’s his excellency trying to be omnipotent when his not

    • Mule ichindika!! You want a weak president whom you can control you poachers. Mwailasha.
      Poshenipo RB am sure he is already drunk

  3. Sata lishuli zoona! This man if a fake leader who is a very bad example to the youths. I’m sure even the people his age are embarrassed at his attitude really. How is it possible that he knows and understands everything?

  4. Wch grade is he doing now? because I believe that he is attending some adult education at Nkwazi house.

    • Do u think this man can sit in class and listen to a teacher? He is a mr know it all. Unfortunately he has no manners at all. U cant embarrass someone jst like that at an official meeting. The chaps he is appointing are also silly. a normal person cant accept to work under this sick man.

  5. Yaba abena chipata ukumamanya, a Zulu you were too fast surpassing the protocols. Maybe he forgot that he was meeting king cobra at state house.

    • Same here!!!!!!! And just to think that the English say that wine gets better with age. This man gets a baby brain with age and he ain’t even that old for people to consider him senile.

  6. My my this was awkward am so embarassed on his behalf!
    No words indeed, how do you reprimand a grown up man like that and what does that say about your character? Sad events in Zambia!

    • He needs to pass through Chainama for some serious psychological evaluation . We have nut cases ruling the country!

    • @Henrique, Chainama will be lost on this man…me thinks he beta be 6ft down and no name etched on stone, if any, to remind us of him.

  7. SATA should learn to respect others. Respect is a two way traffic. The man you’re humiliating is a husband, a father etc, and his relations will shy away from the light for days to come. This is traumatic.

  8. Wow, that was awkward indeed! Did you see how the whole room went into “stupid” mode? Everyone, and especially George Zulu, wanted the ground to open and swallow them. If they were white people, they would have turned beet-red! Lol.

  9. Unip style of rule. What a leader and reader if he has the quality of one and if he takes time to read the real situation.

  10. Mukanga Yamfwa had a stupid smile on his face. He was happy that someone else was at the receiving end of King Cobra’s evil tongue. Why does Sata enjoy humiliating others? Maybe somebody taught him that putting others down is a mark of a strong leader (does anyone remember KK? The man is now Sata’s advisor!)

  11. Wot did Sata mean when he said “without God you wouldnt be there mr zulu…”? He is overrating himself too much.

    • His speeches are so uncoordinated and incoherent. One minute he is telling someone a fool /ulicipuba, another minute he is praising GOD.

  12. The things these professionals put themselves through really laughable even cleaners and care assistants some Zambians laugh at who work here in the UK get by far more respect.

  13. Sata is a highly experienced leader who knows government operation like the back of his hand. Unlike you, he knows what he is doing, so shut up sir!

  14. But is this not the same i.d.i.o.t who appointed more than the constitutionally stipulated number of appointed MPs and had to reverse Nsanda’s appointment as MP and minister? If you want to see real humility, check the video of how President Obama reacted to Chief Justice John Roberts stumble over the oath at Barack Obama inauguration ceremony. That is how civilized men behave, not this animal behavior manifested by the Chimbwii we call president.

  15. what kind of a leader is he? has he got wisdom? and you call him HE. My foot! he is in the group of Idi Amini

  16. But he broke protocol also at the AU meeting in Ethiopia…He behaves childishly at important meetings playing with Zuma’s head and passing silly comment all that does not befit a normal prez. The man was only doeing what was right thats the protocol when you are swearing judges….If he is upright he owes Zulu a big apology.

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