Wednesday, March 5, 2025

President Sata gazettes new Chief Kalindawalo after withdrawing recognition of previous chief


Chairperson for the House of Chiefs Chief Madzimawe practicing photography on his i-pad device during the Chakwela Makumbi traditional ceremony
FILE: Chairperson for the House of Chiefs Chief Madzimawe practicing photography on his i-pad device during the Chakwela Makumbi traditional ceremony

President Michael Sata has gazetted Michael Nsangu Tembo as Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga Speaking People of Petauke District in Eastern Province.The new traditional leader was recognized in a Gazette notice of 26th February 2014.

In November 2012, President Michael Sata revoked the appointment of Everson Mumba as Senior Chief Kalindawalo.President Sata then directed Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Nkandu Luo to convene a meeting with the Nsenga chiefs and resolve the matter and present a comprehensive report to him.

At the time a senior royal traditionalist in Nyimba district in Eastern province observed that the love of money was one of the root causes of tribal conflicts in chiefdoms.

Euriah Daka, who is Mbumba (royal sister) to senior chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people in Nyimba, observed that most wrangles between chiefs erupted soon after the Patriotic Front government increased traditional leaders’ subsidies by over 100 percent.

Ms. Daka alleged that the Kalindawalo chieftaincy had been facing wrangles because of the love of money.

She expressed concern that people’s love for money was threatening the peace of the Nsenga people.

“One of the major root causes of tribal conflicts is the love of money. When President Sata increased subsidies for chiefs, we saw the mushrooming of chiefs who are not duly put to the throne not only here in Nyimba district but other parts of the country,” she said.


    • Thats the attitude of a docile people. someone is destroying your country and your response is ‘Kulaloleshafye!’ My goodness!

      Sata should stop messing with chiefs.Nsenga’s what do you say?

    • All Politicians both opposition and ruling have failed this country.

      We waste more time on differences and no common grounds at all.

      Like the issue of Chiefs and many others, at what stage should Politicians intervene?
      Who ever comes into power wants to take advantage of situations & thinks more on Plundering as much as possible, no one has a straight . In an all major parties there are wrangles why?
      Let us leave better marks and be wise as we are put in these leadership positions.

      Lets not pretend only when there is a ‘by-election’, funeral or the likes.
      Every thing should be seen to be moving every-time.
      Enjoy wisely

    • Iwe Mulenga , President Sata is building this country. You mean you cannot see the infrastructure development taking place everywhere. Muletasha

  1. Iam Nsenga and iam not happy with sata’s style of Nincompoop type of leadership, he has messed up our nation this CNP

    • Nsengas mulimuchibe….you dont have a GBM or HH or the Litunga. You have Mangani, RB has alot on his plate.

    • A very reliable source desclosed to me what he termed ‘a highly guarded secret’ on the Bemba-Lozi connection … THE 2 GROUPS/TRIBES ORIGINATE FROM 2 BROTHERS.

      Now that sounds laughable to say the least but considering the status of said source i’m just left mauless. Any confirmation please?

  2. sata’s will to restore dignity of the chiefs deserve commendation.its unfortunate the gesture of increasing the allowances is bleeding hatred among royal family members to the extent where family trees are skewed in order to save selfish interest. the worst is that opposing families engange lawyers at great cost in case one party is aggrieved.and as usual,thieving as lawyers are known for,they will go to the courts and the most corrupt lawyer will carry the day even if he has a wrong family tree!

  3. It is indeed high time people from the East started acting like people with a backbone. The name we have earned ourselves is that of being subservient and easy push overs. This moniker hasn’t been helped when we have paramount chiefs like Mpezeni. If it can be proven that the new chief Kalindawalo has no claim to the royal throne, then it is only right that the Nsenga people of Petauke reject this imposter. Let people ought to pay homage to the rightful Chief and should unite to sustain and support him. This can be done in the form of crop or monetary levy to the deposed chief. This meddling by the govt in traditional affairs is causing confusion and splitting people up. A divided people are easy to conquer and rule over. Enough is enough, which Chief will be next?

    • Walipena this Nsenga problem has been there since the Kaunda time and it is only President Sata who has sorted out this problem and you are calling it fighting chiefs.

  4. He can only do that with other tribes and not the Bembas. And it the president who gazettes or the government? I do not understand this language so help me.

  5. He can only do that with other tribes and not the Bembas. And is it the president who gazettes or the government? I do not understand this language so help me.

  6. Can we have clarification on this. Is Chief Kalindawalo now in Nyimba District? I knew him to be in Petauke District. Kalindawalo is much closer to Petauke than to Nyimba. Nyimba has chiefs like Ndake , Lwembe, Mbaweya and the like. As for who is the rightful chief, the strory begins with the families who petition their family members, allowing politicians to take advantage of the situation by opting for individuals who support their parties.

  7. Iwe malik stop involving sata in nsega wrangles,remember he found them and he is here to end what are u complaining?ee?jst say a person who has bn found to be the right one for the thrown u don’t like him,simple.

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