Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nevers Mumba tours Mongu, pays a courtesy call on the Litunga to offer his condolences


Dr Mumba stops over at a local market to interact with marketers
Dr Mumba stops over at a local market to interact with marketers

MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba today toured Mongu, Western Province where he paid a courtesy call on the Litunga to offer his condolences on the loss of his wife, the Queen of the Lozi people.

Dr. Mumba who arrived at the palace at 10 Hours was met by more than 12 Indunas led by lnduna Inete Akapelwa Silumbu.

And speaking when he addressed the Indunas, Dr Mumba said his party valued the traditions and culture of the nation.
He pledged that the former ruling party would continue to stand by the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) in both the good and bad times such as this period in which the Establishment was mourning the loss of their Queen Mother.

He further explained that his courtesy call to the BRA was not meant to gain any political mileage but a show of support to his Highness in the difficult times the Royal Establishment was passing through.

And Induna Inete Akapelwa Silumbu thanked the Dr Mumba for the visit saying, “the BRE was honored and appreciated his visit.”
Iduna Silumbu said the Litunga needs prayers to strengthen him and his people in the predicament they are facing.
And Dr Mumba also toured Lewanika General Hospital which is one of the oldest health institutions in the country.

The Opposition leader commended the ruling Patriotic Front for not abandoning some of the projects the MMD left unfinished such as the construction of a new Eye Care Department at the Hospital.

He told Senior Hospital Administrator Mbeha Akabondo that as an opposition leader, it was his duty to ensure that government was providing the necessary health services to all Zambians regardless of their social status.
He said his visit was meant to give him a feel of the challenges at the health institution faced so that even when he reminds the government about their obligations he would be doing so from an informed position.

Dr Mumba also encouraged patients at the biggest referral hospital in Western Province where he told them that what they were passing through was temporal and that they would be fine in no time as God was with them.

The opposition leader earlier had a closed door meeting with Provincial and District Party officials who included Povincial Chairman Kantongo Kameya and Provincial Youth Vice Chairperson Manton Matuka Toyambe among others.

Dr Mumba visiting newly born babies at Lewanika General Hospital
Dr Mumba visiting newly born babies at Lewanika General Hospital
Dr Mumba praying for the sick at Lewanika General Hospital
Dr Mumba praying for the sick at Lewanika General Hospital
Dr Mumba and his entourage touring Lewanika General Hospital, Mongu
Dr Mumba and his entourage touring Lewanika General Hospital, Mongu


  1. Nervous Mumba would be a very good president, I dont belive Zambia has ever had a total package in terms of presidents, thats why the country is in this state. I guess he has what it takes to be that classy president if someone can persue him to a point were they vow to use whatever resorces and means to remove him as party president!

    • Did this chap even get Police permit and clearance to go where he went and later on start praying for people and giving them false hope. I hope somebody in Western province was not sleeping at the wheel , otherwise heads will roll and somebody will lose his job. We can’t be allowing this failed pastor to be roaming everywhere without any cleareance. There are laws in this land and they need to be followed and respected.

    • @Cindy
      Now this is your bemba uncle to be proud of,,,,, If this man summons me for your lobola meeting, i would run and fall to my knees to pay respectfull,, Dr Mumba is very respectful and very uniting.

      Not that other uncle of yours, who can call ba pongoshi useless,,, and threaten/bully him to the bone

    • @ Ndobo,
      Hihihihihii……. you are funny, my other Uncle is working hard maybe thats the reason why he gets sensitive, do you think having full responsibilty to rule the country is easy? Just look at how grey handsome Obama has gone……. Maybe when Dr Nervous become president he will also develope some negative effect,maybe he may grow hair which wont be recieved well from the other camp! Otherwise, this man is meek, I like him for the person he is and nothing towards the tribal lines!

    • @Ndobo its surprising that you always stress on tribe, ignore tribe and look at people as simply zambians,it may help clear your inborn bitterness.Please disist from using tribe at every opportunity, mature please. Read cindy’s writing you may learn something good.

    • Dr Mumba a declayed servant of The Most High GOD Vs kabimba and mmbembe delayed servants of satan the devil.Remember,God has never lot any battle….

    • Ba Kabova,which law are you tallking about?Which Law in Zambia does require one to get clearance(from who) to pray for somebody.Pliz don’t mislead the innocent Zambians by bitterness,hatred and kalijo of Dr Mumba.It won’t work.This man is protected by God.If God be for him(Dr Mumba),who can be against him.

    • I truly can’t see any presidential alternative to this man right across the current political landscape. Dr Never Mumba stands head and shoulders above the rest. You can search him but you simply can’t fault him. He’s every inch as respectable in appearance as what comes out of his mouth.Open your eyes voters this may be our last chance for a decent president, a complete opposite of what we’re facing at the moment.Problems in MMD are nothing to do with him, but people who want see him fail. He simply won’t. He came into office democratically, and democratically we shall send him to Plot1 in 2016 to restore our pride to the outside world.The whole country is behind Dr Mumba, soldier we’ll get there.

  2. Keep it up man of God. God is with you in every situation. Unlike others, I believe you have learnt from your mistakes in the past and have come out better.

  3. This man will shock Zambians and become President against all odds because unlike other politicians His love for God and God’s people is evident in all he has done in this Country and outside. God can’t abandon him middle after bringing him this far. I feel sorry for Dora and company, you had a bird in your hands but you let it fly away hoping to catch another. Folish judgement by people who should know better and have political insight. Humble advise to Dora U-turn quickly before you are destroyed by the finger of God, on this matter you are surely losing and God will disgrace you big time. Watch the space God at work.

  4. This man will shock Zambians and become President against all odds because unlike other politicians His love for God and God’s people is evident in all he has done in this Country and outside. God can’t abandon him middleway after bringing him this far. I feel sorry for Dora and company, you had a bird in your hands but you let it fly away hoping to catch another. Folish judgement by people who should know better and have political insight. Humble advise to Dora U-turn quickly before you are destroyed by the finger of God, on this matter you are surely losing and God will disgrace you big time. Watch the space God at work.

  5. Whilst useless members of MMD are busy calling for a convention, the man (Mumba) is busy working. They will make noise and later they will be asked to pay back the money they have chewed from PF If they fail to accomplish the mission assigned to them by Mumembe and Kabimba. I thought Kaingu was a big time business man and yet is just a poor man. At least he has been bribed and he will beef up his business in rural area. Politics is a dirty game. Its difficult to trust anyone. In Zambia anyone can be bribed with few kwacha to issue reckless statement.

  6. Ba Mumba making visits before we use everything in our power to chase him out of MMD.Kuya bebele yama !

  7. Bwana Mumba,kiongozi wa MMD mwenye busara .Zambia itafanikiwa sana iwapo huyu malaika wa Zambia ataingia plot1 mwaka wa 2016. To hell with visionless Sata.

  8. Dr Mumba,a Leader who ministers to the whole person-Body,Soul and spirit-Matthew 25:35-36.God bless you Pastor.Zambia needs this man who can unite and reconcile the nation.Non-tribal man of God.Let the much needed development take place in a united Nation.

  9. Dora’s behaviour is very embrassing, these are the chaps who voted for nevers over MUTATI and today they want tochampion MUMBA’S dismissal, how stupid do you think we are DORA ? sort this issue out in private no need to show your misguided arrogance in public.

  10. I’m not a member of MMD but i feel for the MAN OF GOD, Mr MUMBA stand fast my brother no weapon formed against you shall prosper, MAY THE GOOD LORD WATCH AND PROTECT YOU AGAINST THESE PROBLEMS YOU ARE FACING, AMEN .

  11. Shi Mumba, we are together man of God.If God says YES no man e.g Dora, Kaingu and Chituwo can say NO. Be brave and courageous we are pray for u .

  12. Is it just me or maybe every time a man that calls himself ‘man of God’ does fails to perform his duties, then the rest of the people have no say, or else the pentes will start bringing out the scriptures and claiming that condemning him is a sin because he stands in a church to ‘receive offering’.
    Pastor Mumba in my opinion has failed at politics and maybe this is not his calling and he should step aside and let someone else lead the MMD. Even if you are a pastor it doesn’t mean you will be good at everything.

  13. Were with you all the way Pastor Mumba,you’re the next occupant of plot one,a man with grey matter between the ears.God bless ya.

  14. Dora, you are of this world. Nevers is not of this world. He is born again. He is a spirit. while you are planning to go to fight him at his house, you suddenly hear he is in Mongu with the Litunga. The other time, they wer planning the same thing, they heard that he was on Mano Radio in Kasama. They rushed there, they said he is not here its just his voice.

    It had been recorded the previous night and by this time Nevers had already left Northern Province. Zambians be ready for a movie directed by the Hioly Ghost. Nevers’ presidential campaign had already been launched by the Holy Ghost. Its not by might, nor by money but by His Spirit.


    • Never been successful anywhere! Failure in the ministry of God. Failure at Republican party. Failure at Christian Coalition, Failure in Canada., Failure as VP, Failure as MMD president. What a CV.

  16. This clown is a not just funny but is also a liar. How can he say the visit is not political? Stop lying iwe nevers, what is your problem kanshi?

  17. The lozis keep falling into the same pit and one wonders when they will realise that this bemba conman like those before him is simply using them as a stepping stone to get their vote. We have seen these crooks once they become president attack the lozis with military force. Lozis, stop being so timid.

  18. This is interesting. HH was hounded out of Eastern Province and the Kwacha nose dived. Now Mumba is free to tour Western. Lets hope the Kwacha will start to gain. Things can get even better if HH can return to Eastern and tour freely.

  19. Nevers, be steadfast, in due time God will raise you to save Zambia from satanists. Prosperous through satanism has taken the world by storm. It is not an easy task for anyone who professes to be a christian. They will hate you even if you mean well. We need more men of God to join politics than to leave this important function to shameless power hungry demagogues who have only their bellies as their first priority and not national development.

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