Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nevers urges Chinsali residents not to be intimidated by the PF harassment


Dr Mumba meeting Simon Kapwepwe's widow
Dr Mumba meeting Simon Kapwepwe’s widow

MMD President Nevers Mumba on Wednesday successfully toured Chinsali the Provincial Capital of Muchinga Province despite attempts by PF cadres to disrupt his tour.

Dr Mumba who started the tour by paying a courtesy call to the Police Commissioner Bony Kapeso went into a meeting with the provincial leadership led by the chairperson Francis Bowa.

Addressing the members after a closed door meeting, Dr Mumba who spoke in Bemba said there is need for the people of Muchinga Province to put the Province and Chinsali in particular on the map as a birth place for the freedom that the country is enjoying today.

He said Chinsali is not only a birth place for First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Simon Kapwepwe but a place where the fight for the independence of the nation started hence the need for the people to be proud of the history.

[pullquote]Chachacha started in Chinsali and this is a place where freedom fighters used to have dark corner meetings to plan for our liberation[/pullquote]
“What has brought as here today is explain the significance of this Province to this country. Chachacha started in Chinsali and this is a place where freedom fighters used to have dark corner meetings to plan for our liberation,” he said.

He further urged the people not to be cowered with people insinuating that Bembas should not rule the country because of the way President Sata’s poor leadership style.

“People should not judge all Bemba using the same yardstick they use to Judge President Sata. I do not insult people in public, I’m different from President Sata.”

Dr Mumba also accused President Sata of fabricating lies about him in Chinsali to an extent that he forced some named Chiefs from the Province to denounce him.

He wondered why President Sata has continued to fight the truth about his (Dr Mumba) origins which he said cannot be changed.

He said people of Muchinga should be proud to have their own son leading a strong opposition party and urged them to support him so that other provinces can follow suit.

And Dr Mumba called on party members in the province to go down to the grass roots and ensure that the party is organized in preparation for the 2016 elections which he said the MMD would win due to the failed promises of the PF.

Meanwhile, Dr Mumba has described the ploy by the PF in Chinsali who tried to disrupt his meetings as shameful.The PF cadres led by the young brother to Sports Deputy Minister Christopher Mulenga, identified as Sharpi Mulenga tried to disrupt the meeting but quick action from the police stopped the cadres before a fight could ensue between the two camps.

Dr Mumba said the PF cadres had demonstrated their ignorance of democracy and that their actions are indications of how scared the PF were due to their failure to deliver on their promises.
“When you fail to fulfill what you promised that is the reaction, if the PF were comfortable, organized and credible party they would not be intimidating political opponents,” he observed.

He further said Zambians are not interested in politics of violence but the development of the country.

The opposition leader later visited Chinsali District and Lubwa Mission Hospital before visiting his mother’s grave site at the mission.

Dr Mumba also visited the widow of former freedom icon Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe as well as the grave site of her husband late husband.

Dr Mumba visiting patients at Chinsali District Hospital
Dr Mumba visiting patients at Chinsali District Hospital
Dr Mumba visiting Kapwepwe's grave
Dr Mumba visiting Kapwepwe’s grave
Dr Mumba at his Mother's grave
Dr Mumba at his Mother’s grave
Dr Mumba meets MMD officials in Chinsali
Dr Mumba meets MMD officials in Chinsali


    • I demand that your Sata shows us his roots too, such as grave of his mother, so we can compare if he indeed cared for his parents.
      I real leader behaves like Pastor Mumba, look how humble he is greeting his MMD people, such a man can not call his members useless.

    • Mumba, I can see that you are Sane, respectful and mature man who deserves to be given a chance for presidency. Continue to work hard 🙂 . We really need someone with both the heart and the head.

    • Mumba, I can see that you are a sane, wise and mature, you would make a better president. We need someone with both the heart and the head to take our beautiful country to higher hights.

  1. He further urged the people not to be cowered with people insinuating that Bembas should not rule the country because of the way President Sata’s poor leadership style.

    “People should not judge all Bemba using the same yardstick they use to Judge President Sata. I do not insult people in public, I’m different from President Sata.”


    He said people of Muchinga should be proud to have their own son leading a strong opposition party and urged them to support him so that other provinces can follow suit.


  2. The fight for independence never started in Chinsali. Stop creating fake history. It started on the Copperbelt were Northern Rhodesia ANC was formed with Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika as President. The formation of the party arose out of the Federation of African welfare societies. Simply because late bloomers Kaunda and Kapwepwe were born in Chinsali does not make it the place where the fight for independence began.

  3. birds of the same feathers flock together a monkey is a monkey no matter the colour cheating is like stealing so we are not suprised

  4. Excellent Dr. Mumba, you have been blessed. Such is sound leadership, your courage, wisdom and path will be different. You recently visited Western Province and as always, the people received you. Dont worry about those who might you internally, they are preparing you for the job. They may seem destructive but such happenss to a leader who has something to offer. No one can fight President Sata – he is above PF and above the nation! MMD has demonstrated sound leadership and change of power – the boat has moved from Zambezi riverto INDIAN OCEAN

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