Saturday, February 1, 2025

4 women die on the spot in road accident



Four women died on the spot in a road traffic accident on the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriage way while ferrying merchandise to Kitwe, Police have said.

Police also confirmed two other accidents in Kafue and Chilanga respectively, which resulted in the deaths of four other people.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner, Joyce Kasosa and Police spokesperson Charity Mukanga-Chanda provided details on the deaths of the four women, who were traveling from Maposa Farm bloc around 04:00 hours.

The four women died while transporting merchandise to Kitwe during the early hours of yesterday.

“One of the deceased women had a seven-year-old child who was unhurt but was badly traumatized as the child was found holding on to its mother’s body, which had a crushed head. The truck was being driven from South to North and due to excessive speed it hit into the stationary Isuzu,” Ms Kasosa said.

Ms Kasosa said five passengers from the accident were admitted to Kitwe Central Hospital (KCH) while nine others were treated and discharged.

She said the Isuzu, which was being driven by Andrew Mwila, 40, of Bulangililo Township in Kitwe, was extensively damaged.

The accident happened when the driver of an ERF truck registration number ALJ 4932 identified as Frank Kasongo aged 54 of house number 8010 of Lubuto Ndola, hit into an Isuzu light truck Registration number ACH 8162 which had parked on the road after it developed a fault.

“The Isuzu overturned after being hit leaving four dead, seven injured while among the injured, four are admitted to Wusakile Mine and Kitwe Central hospital” Ms Chanda added.

In the Kafue accident, Ms Chanda said the two accident victims died after a Police Land-Cruiser they were travelling in hit into a stationed truck on the side of the road near River Motel.

She said four other people sustained injuries. The deceased were identified as Bernard Simbaya and Edwin Munene while the injured were Esna Mulpa, Tobias Mooya, Thomas Nyirenda and Winfred Tumbola, all of Siavionga.

“The incident happened as the driver of the Land-Cruiser, Kelvin Mukubi was trying to avoid hitting into an on-coming vehicle which was overtaking at a curve but in the process swerved and hit into the trailer of the stationed truck,” she said.

Both drivers in the two accidents had been detained after being charged with two and four counts of causing death by dangerous driving respectively.

In the Chilanga fatality, Ms Chanda said two unidentified white men died on the spot around 14:00 today.

“They were in a Toyota Prado registration number ACP 6526 coming from the Chilanga direction to Lusaka. The bodies of the deceased are at UTH mortuary,” she said.


  1. Action is needed here. Widen the roads,make stiffer rules for driving schools. Mark the roads with reflective roads marks and punish severely those people who do not have or display triangles when their vehicles develop faults instead of hiding behind facebook. Stupid RATSA also must be trained and funded properly. Reduce corruption in RATSA than your relatives and cadres involving in scandals like supplying fertilizer.

    • Widening the roads is a good idea.. But where will the finance come from..? Laws already exist but the implementation is pathetic!! RTSA & police knew about the upcoming long weekend . Yet year after year, policies and preventative measures are not put in place. They simply do not care nor do they have any humanity in them!
      With all these accidents happening! Where are all the emergency response teams! – probably complaining about their allowances!! Majority of all traveling on our roads during these holidays are intoxicated… The police know it .. Everyone knows it!! We shud be more careful on our roads ourselves cos there is no one to help us if we have an accident!! Better sign your will before travelling!!! So dont blame government … Blame ourselves ..

  2. I was on the mazabuka to lusaka road y-day! Why do people who stop along the road do not do so further off the road. Also, if the vehicle in front is driving slowly holding up traffic, they should have the brains to move on to the hard shoulder to allow other traffic to pass freely without causing a huge tailgate… Bright lights at night on oncoming cars– do not get me started on that topic!! Minibuses just pull on to the road withput tealising how close the vehicles are approaching from behind them– i managed to honk so loudly at one of the blue buses that it moved off the road again!! Yes .. I was fustrated at him for coming on to the road without knowing how close i was to him…
    But at the rnd of the day .. It comes down to patience of the drivers.. Wait 30 seconds…

    Praying for the bereaved families.
    A Task force to look into causes of road traffic accidents and prevention measures is needed ASAP. This is an urgent national matter that deserves to be attended to without fail. Leaders pls take action!!!

    • That will be an absolute WASTE OF TIME AND SPACE. The laws and regulations are already there. Look at who is enforcing them and how they are doing so. Monitor and evaluate these bankums who pretend to wake up to go to work when all they are doing is looking out for an easy buck from a scared citizen! Those that fall short, fire and replace. It is time to declare zero-tolerance on MEDIOCRITY. It has finally reached critical mass! We should have caught it when it started those many decades ago; now it is overwhelming but not impossible.

  4. Maybe its me, but I find the reporting of this/these acident/accidents so mixed up I am failing to comprehend.

    However, it high time parking of vehicles whether faulty or not, has been outlawed in Zambia. Many lives in Zambia have been lost through vehicles hitting other stationary vehicles. In other lands one cannot abandon a vehicle by the roadside. Otherwise that person will find his vehicle at the pound. It will take payment of a heft fine which accumulates with each passing day in order to get it back. In Zambia the councils should be making a lot of money on abandoned vehicles.

    • Indeed Peter traffic laws should start biting and more stringent measures must be put in place to curb the rising carelessness and carnage on our roads. You see RTSA vehicles everywhere and I fail to understand what they actually do to enhance safety driving! Abandoned vehicles including poorly parked ones should be towed to the pound! This would be employment to many who own tow trucks, they can even be contracted by the councils and receive instruction from RTSA on how to go about it. Certain sections of the roads should not allow parking and/or stopping on the shoulder. Sadly most of the vehicles are not insured but allowed on the roads and when an accident occurs there is no way of compensating the victims. Road safety administration needs revisiting and improved

    • @FuManchu, you are not the only one. the article is confusing and difficult to follow. looks like those grade nine police report. There is no relationship between the picture in shown. Anyway, sad to lose life, our roads are fine. I think its the drivers altitudes that needs to change.

    • This is why tow-away services either by the Police or private contractors is applied in sane societies. If your vehicle breaks down it must be towed away within reasonable time either by yourself calling up tow services or by a towing company that will charge you for the task. This way we will be sure that useless drivers who don’t ensure their vehicles are properly positioned after a breakdown will be taken care of.

  5. Mukanga thinks this normal an online discussions is what needs his attention! We need to rise against this inept government. Road signs are no longer in place, roads are not marked (floor panted marks), roads sides are not cleaned (grass, trees, merchandise block the view especially on curves), dilapidated parts of the road that make them narrower are never repaired, passing spots (overtaking) are non-existent. But our engineer, law maker, and policy maker is busy politicking about “insults” against his president ! And here are the rest of us watching them yapping! The moment we know we can sue these guys for every life we loose on these roads maybe they will get their butts off their couches.

    • Lundu, it is not this government; it is the ZAMBIAN mindset. This is not starting with the PF government – man up! The problem with the ZAMBIAN mindset is that we wait until disaster starts before we attend to simple things like checking bolts, nuts, paint, and competence. Finish and Klar; nothing complicated here.

  6. It is really strange how people associate road traffic accidents to satanism. We all know very well the nature of these catastrophes. The roads are not good, people are careless on the road, the vehicles are not worth to be on the road, we have unqualified drivers on the roads disobeying traffic, and corrupt police officers collecting money. Train the police officers and equip them with necessary tools and insure that people go through strict proper driving lessons. Forget about satanism and be responsible enough period!

    • @The Observer, it is a sign of a nation lost. When you see people resorting to cheap measures to explain ineptitude, incompetence and sheer carelessness you know we are lost. In a neighboring country they were praying for violence to reduce and the very next week the tally added up; see what I mean? We think our carelessness can be explained by superstition or the supernatural. It is very unfortunate.

  7. My heart cries out for the 7 year old child found clinging to his mother body at the accident scene.Honestly what can be done to reduce these accidents.Will complaints end on social media? What are engineers doing about these poorly constructed roads.Obviously we can not depend on the Pf kaponya govt to help.Zambians have to take matters into their hands but how? Something needs to be done.Its depressing reading about accidents like this every week.soon people will be desensitized to the horrors of Zambians roads because its every day news.

    • It was sold when your grandparents and parents stopped applying resources to maintenance works and built that mansion you inherited using the diverted funds. Why is this so difficult to understand??? This carelessness is nothing to do with the supernatural. Read the track and the trend and you will see we started getting lost with Zambianization and incompetence. READ HISTORY – READ!!!!!

  8. I feel sad for the 7 year old,May God comfort the child&pray that there will be someone who will look after them like their own. May God also comfort the bereaved families

  9. People must learn to take responsibility. This idea of blaming all accidents on so-called satanism is refusing (deliberately) to be analytical and finding the real cause. I have never see the devil driving a motor vehicle, at least not yet!! If someone is overtaking on a curve and hits into an on-coming vehicle, how doe sthe devil come in, mwebantu? Ubututu pa Zed too much.

    • @Uwauma na fyala, I agree with you 1000%. I have been laboring rebuttals to some empty-headed comments on that very subject above! Sometimes I am not sure whether to laugh or cry at the mediocrity we are faced with.

  10. Highway enforcement has gone to sleep, as can be seen from a lot of people who are drunk-driving. Its so sad that innocent lives are being lost because of one’s drunkenness , maybe this is the right time to ask this question; Between Ucwala and fwaka wa Chingoni , which one is more lethal and causes deaths? There is need for expert analysis , alcohol is becoming sweeter now!

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