President Michael Sata has been advised to analyze his term of office in government and be acquainted with his weaknesses and his strengths.
Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Lubwa ward Youth Chairperson Chisankama Mudenda said it is important that the Patriotic Front (PF) government begins to listen to the advice and cries of the people over issues like continued borrowing.Mr. Mudenda told Qfm news in an interview that he wonders why the Country has continued to attract debt without seeing any tangible results for such borrowing.
Mr. Mudenda also wondered why President Sata blames former Heads of State whenever governance systems go wide off the mark due poor implementations of policies.
Mr. Mudenda said it is also unfortunate that Zambians could have believed that such a great leader full of enthusiasm like Mr. Sata whilst in opposition would end up being the contrary.
Who is Chisankama Mudenda to question Mr Sata?
he is doing a wonderful job thank you very much.
Mr Mudenda you are another mousepiece of HH or you are excuse my language, just dull.
ati..”mousepiece”…kikikiki, mushota ndiwe dalo zoona!!!
Mushota ulimbwa sana
Iwe Mushota
Is your brain functioning properly. One thing that annoys me with Sata is his arrogance and PF’s careless borrowing.
You are also beginning to irritate me with your attitude.
We will not criticize
Only because you’ll read this Mushota…blah..blah… educatddd….blah..blah..Schmuck
What is wrong with being HHs mouth piece? You want everyone to be on Satas side all the time like you do?
What about you mushota who are you to question someone opion.I think you mushota you have a big problem because you always blame people who opposed u know that we suffering here back home things are getting worse everyday.
During 2016 election campaigns, UPND will be telling Zambians what they will do for Southern Province. Sata will not be talking about what he will do but what he would done in Southern Province.
Mudenda you are a liar. Sata does not blame his predecessors of our failures as Zambians. The man has even gone to the extent of honoring all our founding fathers.
@HRM, you are really an !diot! Why is everything about tribe you stinking PF monkeys? Voesek ashlo!
It’s mouthpiece not ‘mousepiece’
Indeed, I know that just terrible spell check .
Not sure I need your help but thanks
Iwe ci London eye uli ka kopo. You mean you didnt know what Mushiota meant by mousepiece?
Stop excusing 1diocy! Daniel Mwamba aka Mushota is just a dull dude!
Mushota….blah..blah…blah… blah..blah. Read it and weep. Schmuck.
Tongas, always trying hard to please their master tribal god hakaivotela Halike. once one tonga bull writes crap, spirits follow with insults
Yawn. Boring my friend. Try something fresh. If you tire out the tonga argument before elections, what weapon are you going to use muma campaign apart from pangas?
We dont have Tongas any more. a Tonga man would never eat subsidised Mealie meal.
By the way what does it mean to be Tonga? Is it just about mwalibiya or mwabeleka buti?
Zedian I am not surprised that you have nothing to offer but HH/Tonga insults as IS ALWAYS THE CASE.
If Tongas want to win the next elections let them go out there to the people and tell them that even Bembas and Easterners are people like Tongas.
The UPND campaigns that are going on in North Western are nothing but simply revealing the UPND shallow minds.
What does “2016 No Bemba/Estern Vote” mean in a civilized society? This can only happen among stone age people.
@Mushota it doesn’t mean you have a job ar Mr Sata is your uncle you better shut up and mind your own business cause Mr sata has brought darker standards of living ever since he came in….
Neasen you dont seem to have any qualitative additions to make to this debate. it is above you. Go home.
God is not not going to answer your prayer for doom in mother Zambia.
May be you need to be told that Zambia and Rwanda are the fastest growing economies in Subsaharan Africa.
How can you ask someone to do what they are not capable of doing? Sata is not capable of any sort of analysis or critical thought. He is the president because he was the only one speaking at the time the MMD lost all popularity and because of tribe. I have always said that if any other region in Zambia came and presented such a malabishi candidate for presidency it would not be entertained. People come up with all sorts of excuses for his failures and do not want to accept the truth the man is bad for Zambia. How can anyone take you seriously if you are represented by such comical mediocrity!
I dont care even if Sata lost the next election.
What I know for sure is that Sata has done in 2 years what we were supposed to do in the fifty years we have been independent.
Go tell President Sata that I dont need his job. I already have mine, and I have never bought subsidised mealie meal in the last 12 years.
Kaili utwala amataba ku chigayo, twelve bloody years of wheelbarrow pushing. Respect dude!
It is people like Mushota who bring presidents down! Tell the old man the truth, not everytime praising when things are bad! You praise just so you can continue eating! Zambia niyatu tonse osati mushota and his ticks!
What truth is Mushota going to tell Sata?
I bet just like Museveni and Kagami the West and even the USA will never oppose Sata with regard to Economic Development even he were to rule for 30 years like Museveni, they will still support him….except for same sex marriage
Sata has demonstrated that most educated Zambians are brain dead.
The only way that sata has demonstrated that most educated Zambians are brain dead is that he, uneducated as he is, convinced them to vote for him, otherwise my friend, you’re flogging a dead horse elo the only way you can be a fervent defender of a failure administration and president like the one we have today is if you are in government yourself. The hallmark of a good leader and government is being able to strike a balance between capital projects and ensuring the standards of living of the ordinary zambian do not go down. What is happening now is like a father who decides that for the next 5 years there will only be one meal a day until you kwanisha to buy a plasma TV. The majority of Zambians are genuinely complaining . Do not bury your head in the sand my friend.
Dunde love, stop insulting Zambians.
Honestly why are spending sleepless nights over issues that will add nothing to the quality of your life?
Get it from me my tribesman has ruled Zambia before but I kept eating mugaiwa.
I carry maize on a wheelbarrow sometimes I hire a taxi…and I have never been a slave of GRZ, neither will I allow myself to eat HH subsidies. My kids go to school and I even have a water well with a tank in my yard where I draw water for my washing and toilet. Go on and wait for HH rule!!!
occupation: Blogger
They say a country gets a leader they deserve. this becomes an anathema for Zambia. we as a people sure deserve better than Ukwa! Lest ready ourselves to bring in a progressive visionary leader to steer the nation back on the a trajectory of sustained economic development. Time to throw the rot along with the incompetent tribal cabal out of government.
Iwe ci HRH are you George Chela or Mmembe? Stopyet chap. You got the habit of defending PF and Sata as though it were your only egg eish! Give us a break ata iwe.