Friday, February 7, 2025

Zimbabwean firm to invest in Kasaba Bay – RB


Kasaba bay at sunset
Kasaba bay at sunset

A Zimbabwean firm has expressed interest in investing Kasaba Bay with an initial investment capital of US$ 8 million.

The foreign company Matetsi Wild Life Enterprise has since engaged government into the possibility of investing in the Mpulungu based bay.

Company Director Charles Davy disclosed after the tour of the bay that his company was keen in investing in Zambia because of the country’s enabling investment climate and growing economy.

President Banda said such investment would go a long way in promoting the northern tourism circuit .

Mr. Banda said government will do everything possible to facilitate such meaningful investment.

He said government would work on infrastructure such as roads and airports in a bid to promote a good climate for investment.

Mr. Banda said tourism is key to the country’s economy particularly at a time when the country is trying to diversify its economy.

Meanwhile, speaking before departure for Lusaka, Mr. Banda said his administration would strive to ensure that all provinces got a fair share of development.

Mr. Banda, further, reiterated the support that Northern Province gave his candidature and the MMD party during the October 30 presidential elections.

The President said his administration would work to fulfill its election campaigns.

Mr. Banda was in Northern Province for a three day official visit during which he inspected the abandoned tourism infrastructure at Kasaba Bay in Mpulungu District.

President Banda also paid courtesy call on the paramount chief Chitimukulu in Mungwi district and also officially opened the Provincial Auditor General’s office



  1. I bring 3D investment to Zambia:)>-The environment /climate that both the investment enviro is very ok.Hoping to do gud biz here.


    Asked to name the firm that was interested in investing in Kasaba Bay, President Banda relied, “I don’t know yet but i can confirm that its definately coming and i wish to take this opportunity to thank the people of Zambia once again for giving me support during the elections.”

  3. I think this is demeaning, Zimbabweans with all sorts of problems invest in our country and the entire presidents announces the deal and even takes them to Kasaba bay. People can’t we as Zambians surely put up this cash. We have peace and a nice people and all and now we are courting ZIM investors. Whats up Zambians?

    I think this “Attract Investors” is being pushed too far. And trust me these are coming for BIG profits and make no bones about it. This is how you end up selling the whole country to foreigners and as Zambians you shall have nothing , but cheap jobs from infesters. Jobs these guys bring are exaggerated. These guys want big profits. Zed giving away business opportunities

  4. Non of our own local businessmen can invest in this sector? Zimbabweans are fake currently messing up hotels on the copperbelt and other industrial companies e.h Monarch just to name a few. Wrong move in deed. Wake up Government. Wake up RB.

  5. Curious to know the projected year/month investment project would start. It’s one thing to express an interest in investing and actually having a solid plan and following through with it. I wonder what the percentage of “locals” would be employed if this thing were to come to life. Mr. Davey, am sure your company has some dates and figures concerning this possible investment. Would you please enlighten me and maybe even share a couple of specifics relating to this project? 😕

  6. RB also. Hope he heard correctly. Hope he was not told ZIM $ 8 million and he mistook it for US$ 8 million.

  7. This is very wierd. How can we sink so low as to allow a Zim company revamp Kasaba Bay when they cannot revamp their own ? Bloggers help me with reasons why this deal does not have the potential of failure

  8. Zimbabwean investor? humm
    are we in the 1980s or what?
    I hope its not a brothel type of investment ka. ok at least he should employ zambian prostitutes. hehe :”>

  9. #13 you bring a constructive argument even though you sound abit unrealistic. If they (“ZIMS”)could, don’t you think they’d want to invest back in their own country? It’s about money & the opportunity, and that’s the bottom line! Am sure, if Mr Davey did not see the “potential” in Zed, he wouldn’t bother. The question is, how much of this investment will benefit the locals and Zed as a whole? yes, we have ‘peace and nice people” but really, that’s all it is. If we can’t invest in our own freaking country, why be mad a any foreigner who sees the potential to obviously make money? Come on man, let’s be a bit more realistic here. #15 you raised a couple of good points there; Mr Davey u there?

  10. Why, presidential trips tend to gobble up millions of kwacha? But Presido knows a thing or two about economy, particularly that money doesnt grow on trees. Protect the till

  11. Rupiah’s chopper makes noise for the villagers of Kasaba. Envious villagers who have never set foot on a plane can’t see its value. They should start seeing RB’s chopper as their own, even if they don’t get lifts on it. And they need to make the chopper work for them; like cutting grass using its big blade (or is it called the propeller?) for animal fodder. And when it lands, the chopper can trot around the field and mime digging, the way cattle-drawn ploughs work. That way, RB shall have served Zambias and left everyone happy, isn’t it?

  12. Charles Davy….These are the white Zimbabweans who are decamping. The guys have capital after all they are the ones who made that country what it was. The ‘Africans’ took over and as usual they have made a mess of the country.

  13. Fellow bloggers, lets us be realistic. We need to capitalise on Zim’s misfortune just as they did before we got Independence. Remember that Zim’s tourism sector is well exposed than ours. If we are serious we need to bring in serious commercial farmers from Zim as well as investment in tourism if possible even manufacturing sector. However this shouldn’t be done at the expense of our land, as in giving away the whole bush.

  14. While we’re on the subject, is it just me or doesn’t ba RB always seem to be loving the photo ups? Ok, I think I get it now. You are Zambia’s PREZ; you won the elections fare and square (or did you?)Regardless, Mr Banda sir you are the Head of state and as such, you need to start acting like it. I know it’s been a couple of months now and let the “I am now the President honeymoon” be done with already. There are major issues that have to be addressed, you know them don’t you? Education, poverty, housing, corruption…did I mention corruption? Ok, so please show us that we majority elected for a purpose. And remember, we don’t forget all your campaign promises. Or where they just that?

  15. Imwe money is money whether it is coming from Estonia, Myanmar, East Timor or Solomon Islands. It is still money. Perhaps the question should be on how much and what the impact will be on the economy. And nobody has stopped locals from investing. In Lusaka’s Olympia today, almost every other house is a lodge (brothel?) run by locals.

  16. Blackmans Child

    Yes, but remember that we have Zim farmers in the Mukushi farm block. Some went to Nigeria and others ito East Africa. capitalising on Zim’s Woes is a good thing, but we should scrutnise who we bring in. We like to jump at the slightest mention of the word “investor”. Thats our problem. we need to exercise caution. This is how bamati nyunya ka?

  17. to be honest with you guys 1 would have celebrated this move if we were in the 90s when Zimbabwe was Booming unfortunately.. we had very few investers form Zim..all they wanted was to export there products and not invest in other contries..but now we dont know wheather this move is to help us or chew from our land.[-([-( i dont know

  18. That’s a good idea!
    But those guys should be given conditions on how to treat our zambian employees other than exploiting them. The government should not allow investers to mistreat zambians the way the chainese do. That is totaly WRONG! why should we be slaves in our own country? Zambians, pliz think BIG! [-(:d/

  19. “PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has admitted being forgetful, saying “that is what happens when you have an old man as President.”And President Banda has told ministers and other senior government officials to quickly help chiefs whenever the traditional rulers were stranded.”


  20. This same so called investor why hasn’t he invested in zim, the problem with Zambians is that of being short sightered not being cautious of the future.He will just come to make money and go back to his is sometimes good to scrutinise these people not just accepting blindly just because of the mentioning of the dollar.

  21. “ELEVEN people have died while 21 have been injured when the minibus they were on in yesterday collided with a truck near Ngwerere turn-off in Lusaka.”


  22. I visited Kasaba bay when it was managed by Circiut Holdings.Great place -it holds great potential in hosting fishing tournaments but the downside is the logistics of getting there.When I think back at those days I wonder why we had to dismantle things like circiut holdings and mulungushi investments-they just needed to improve efficiency.Dont tell me this zim firm can do a better than circiut holdings


  24. As Zambians we should wake up and start owning our country even Zimbos are called investors and only in Zambia.Can we invest at home or we will be foreigners in our own home and continue to be reduced as cheap labor.At the same breath we welcome our brothers next door.

  25. #1 Tiyende pamozi u have such a peaceful name..kabili nama comments yalelondoloka..just stepping on your toes :d:d

  26. Look I smell a rat here. Trip to Nigeria to woo investors and now to Northen Province, Kasaba Bay with Zimbos as prospective investors. I thought this was just a tour of the province. Ladies and Gentlemen, how much money do you need to resurrect Kasaba Bay? Apart from that what other attractions are there apart from the lake? Why not give a group of Zambians trained at Evelyn Hone College a loan and 5 years tax exemption and then see what they do with the money? I believe KK left some infrastructure there. Whats wrong with us? Isn’t this RB acting out of Nolstagia for Zimbabwe where he was born?

  27. The Zimbabwean investor is welcome with his $8 Million US.
    I dont agree with people who criticise investment from outside on the basis that we need to have our own Zambians invest.
    There are various and vast opportunities for investment and the govt on calling for investment does not exclude Zambians.
    In the same way when foreign investment comes in it does not take away the plight of the Zambian Investor.
    If us Zambian want to invest we can still do so alongside foreign investors.
    There is no need to complain because where are we before these guys come on the seen?
    Do we want govt to give us money, No! In fact govt is looking for money to develop the country hence the call for foreign

  28. #47 you have a real brain indeed. Tax exemption for foreign investors only is what is stopping Zambians. Why the h*ll can’t we have tax exemption for our own citizens?

  29. So when we talk about Zambians being encouraged to invest let us also ask ourselves if there are any Zambians being discouraged?
    Lack of knowledge should not continue to be an excuse at all. Some people say the is unfair competition so Zambians can’t make it; well how does a foreigner who is investing in the same economy under the same tax law manage? You might say no they are given a window of tax relief, that is no long the case for most sectors of the economy. In fact in some industries that has never been the case, yet we see foreigner easily manage with dedication, while Zambian don’t. I have given examples here before that Zambians want to enjoy luxiury before they invest.

  30. Actually Fine you are right that some of us are just lazy and want to enjoy – but not all. Many would invest under the right conditions

  31. Mr Davy sounds like the father of prince harry’s girlfriend. He is mugabe’s friend! He’ll promote tyranny.

  32. The issue of Tax excemption should not be an excuse for Zambians not investing.
    Talking from a knowledge point of view is very necessary; if you check the procedures for investment in Zambia with the ZDA you will discover that there are only a handful of sectors which giver a window of tax insetive to FDI. The majority of the sectors offer equal and fair competition, why doesn’t a zambian invest in such sectors.
    Looking for excuses all the time is what has always killed african development. We have citizens blame govts and govts blame western powers and western powers sit, lough and take advantage.
    Looking for excuses for everything will always make you justify your lack of progress.

  33. Back to the attitude of a Zambian; I must say that investment has not been part of our upbringing.
    Even in school we were told that when you get your education find a good job and have a personal to holder car, various enjoyable things here and there etc.
    I have said it before here that in farming there are no such segrative tax laws; the playing field is equal.
    By the way I have said before that when a foreigner, say Somalian has a K20m the first thing he will look at is to invest it, say in a block making machine. A Zambian finds the same money he will buy himself a second hand corolla car. After 2 years the Somalian has more the 5 block making machines and a benz car. The Zambian’s car

  34. Good challenge for us locals. The other day MP Namugala gave a cue to the people of Zambeziland in the diaspora to invest in such ventures…

    Zim tour operators have very good programmes and they will take every advantage of the condusive system as the Director David said.. ‘keen in investing in Zambia because of the country’s enabling investment climate and growing economy’

    RB, wanje watishekinga ka. Nigeria, Zimbabwe, who is next?

  35. 60 cont’d..
    After 2 years the Somalian has more the 5 block making machines and a benz car. The Zambian’s car has broken down and is back to squre one because there is no sustaining income to maintain it. The Solmalian does not only have the sustaining income, but enough capital to even invest in other areas of the economy in a much bigger scale and contributs to employement.
    Now, simple investments in the construction sectors like block making do not give anyone any tax insetive at all; foreign or Zambian the level is the same.
    But a zambian will find a way to blame the govt and sometimes even his neighbours if they seem to do better.
    Our attitude has killed us more than govt policies!

  36. #61. Sony Ericsson Phiri
    Yes my brother I am a Zambian and have not lived outside Zambia for not more than 1 month. I have only gone to other countires either to vist or on short trips.
    My ancestors were born in Zambia as far as any traceable record, my grand parents were born in Zambia, my parents were born in Zambia, I too was born in Zambia, went to primary, secondary and tertiary in Zambia. Even my university education was local (UNZA).
    And I am in Zambia; I see, hear, and feel everything that happens in Zambia.

  37. #64 You are very RIGHT.We shud start thinking of investing home guys, not only enjoying the cheap booza and 2nd hand cars.Lets look home lest all investment opportunities are taken.

  38. Thanks Fine. I think we share the same frustration (I feel shame as well) at the culture of “nsanje” which means outsiders have to be the ones to invest and make things happen because people just sit and complain and do nothing. I’m surprised you are not PF by the way, but anyway being Zambian is beyond politics…

  39. #67. Sony Ericsson Phiri
    You are right and I agree with you. It is not a nice thing to see foreigners make it when we seem not to be very kin to archieve great things in our own country.
    Now, much as the govt is very much interested in seing many Zambians progress and contribute not only to the development of our country but also to that of their own well-being they have a duty to push for the development of the country and provide the needed services to the citizens. So they will not wait for us as Zambians until we gain interest and change attitude. Instead they will attract investment from wherever it is found. So, if no Zambian shows up they will go for the foreign one.

  40. NyamaSoya seems to be in a hurry to accomplish something. His aquired speed worries me a lot.suddenly he is the tender committee on his own trying to award contracts to foreigners. countrymen remember, it started with state house lown keeper (his tenant in lusaka).RB directed ministry heads to consider her for landscaping jobs now he is globe trotting with investors for Kasaba bay.This breeds familiarity to the head of state & makes him prone to was a few years ago chiluba was given a BMW as head of state then. what happened is corruption set in.History repeating itself bana, more corruption.

  41. Yayi tabonga imwe a LT. Now history has proven them wrong today! They grabbed all the wealth from Northern Rhodesia to build their so called homeland Southern Rhodesia! Hmmm, you see, they r now coming to their north, a place they only considered as a source of wealth, copper! And not a place to invest in! they overcrowded themselves in the Southern theirby grabbing all the fertile land from the “natives”. Had they dispersed throughout the federation, Kasaba would have long being developed even before independence. Any way vyakusogolo sivizibika, bwelani palibe kanthu. Pa Zed pali che! Mufike na ku Kanele kose tikumulindililani! Tamupani moni wamafuta!!!

  42. We are pleading for investors when this facility was well managed by circuit holdings-circiut safaris- a former subsidiary of zccm -it beats me-Who ever gave us this idea that foreign owed and run is always better when all tourist lodges in mauritius are state owned and run I dont know.

  43. Nyama Soya Rupiah Bwezani Banda. Born in Gwanda, Southern Rhodesia and now Zimbabwe…you are now cracking deals with Bazungus from Bulawayo ka? These are the chaps you grew up with in Zimbabwe and are now being rewarded. We will get you once you are out of office.

  44. Fine and Sony Eric Fimo Fimo, you guys have heads on your shoulders. Zambians are some of the worst hypocrites one will ever meet. They are peaceful quite fine but they have too much nsanje or akalijo.

    What is wrong with Zimbos investing millions of US dollars in this country? Who stops Zedians from investing? Nodody.

  45. UNIP ideas were excellent ideas in the beginning though mistakes were made in the end.
    With very educated people at the time and high challenge of illiteracy they managed bring about the strategic developmental infrastruture that we see today.
    If you know how to work with ratios try to compare 27:17 years and analyse the level of development in 27 years, the education, health, transport, housing and etc infrastructure that happened in the two periods.
    The temptation to think that because UNIP messed up in the end then there is nothing they can offer is a misguided view. Even people that have made great achievements have made mistakes and vise-versa. Therrfore openmindedness is cardinal.

  46. Ba Fine bakamba, epo mwaba?gud to hear from you. Is that money in Zim dollars or USA? Pantu ku Zimbabwe abengi ma billionares na ma trillionares. And this investor might be one of the few milionares. Ala inflation iya ba ku Zimbabwe ya chilamo.Afternoon LT.

  47. I am worried!! Why do we let foreigners still do our homework? Are dumn or are we have no money. If there is a mixture then there is no way out of this mess.

  48. This capital displayed by the would be investor is manageable even by a Zambian but if you try to invest as a Zambian the conditions will not favour you. You will be subjected to untold taxes before your business growsw.

  49. Ng’andu Magande once lamented that may be he should be authorised to go to O’Hagans at Manda Hill and whip some sense of responsibility into all those young Zambians who spend millions every weekend drinking draught beer cheering Man United like kaponyas shouting to get their buses full.

    Attitude. If those millions were invested into a cooperative, chas would reap big. But here we are ranting against innocent Zim investors.

  50. 80 Dennis Brown…don’t belittle others for sharing their misgivings on this sort of investment. Some of us have worked in government ministries before and we know what kick backs accompany such deals. In any case, why is RB seemingly instrumental in canvassing for this deal? How transparent and fair are such transactions, when all you hear about is the President sounding subdued with small investments like US$ 8 million?..personally I never heard the government lobbying or inviting investors for this particular transaction. This is Zed Mudala some of us know how the government dives into wrong hands willingly…with open eyes-Just to get kang’ono!

  51. Our friends fron diaspola, its not that we can not afford to invest in our country, its the environment under which our government subjects us to. Sometimes we are treated like second class citizen, e.g if you are on a que and a foreigner comes he will be attended to before you who came earier than him. You see!!!

  52. 83. Jamaco
    The problem is our general attitudes of focusing on negatives and niot positives.
    We always look at reasons why we can’t make it instead of focussing on why we can actually amake it, while just bearing in mind the negatives we aught to overcome.
    I have seen many people talk about tax issues and it is sad to see that people have perceptions that are not even on the ground. and you will notice that most of these perceptions are actually negative false perceptions. These windows of tax insentives people are talking about are actually in very few specific sectors and there are many areas where the playing field is levelled but Zambians are simply playing the crying chorus.

  53. Our progress will remain undesirable for as long as we can continue to justify our lack of progress.
    If you look at most indians in Zambia, who are actually Zambians, meaning they will be subjected to the same tax laws like any other Zambian they are making a lot of progress through dedication and commitment.
    It is not about the laws and conditinalities that the government puts in place that hinder us Zambians from making progress but our attitude.
    It is not goverment policies that hinder us but the type of opportunities we see, and the rate at wich we make effort to grab them.
    If continue to wait for govt to bring opportunities we will not move. Each one must be an opportunity seeker.

  54. My sister/brother Mukelabai, I hear you very well. You are concerned about state capture. Where the state is captured by those with money and corruption.

    My take is against our ever readiness to cry foul even without analysins issues in full. A few years ago, the lunatic Mugabe chased away white farmers and some of them brought their investment to Zambia. As usual there were all sorts of concerns raised. Those farmers in Mkushi and Lusaka are seriously contributing to our food basket today.

  55. Ba Fine mudala,dont just say it is the people,s negative perception.I do agree that Zambians have the capabilities of investing heavily in various sectors.But the playing fied is not leveled bakakamba.Are you the only Jew who doesnt know that in Zambia foreign investors are more favoured than locals. So you find that even you perceive things with a postive altitude when you talk of business,but because of the hostile evironment to do so one will automatically be put off.Especially if you belong to an opposition party mudala. They send ZRA to come and finish you.Meanwhile foreigners can do business for 5 years without paying tax.And when its time for them to start,they simply run to their countries.Mudala ala bwafya!

  56. Zimbabwean investor my foot””thats a joke how do u give kasaba bay to chaps that have been chased by mugabe?i dont trust these chaps.
    Ba Chewe ba shibukombe namusova insalamu kuli baby c?

  57. In Zambia we like fast money we don’t like investing in projects which will yield profits after like 5 yrs.thats why we shun tourism .

  58. #91. Chewe,
    I agree with you Chewe that there are these tax insentives for foreigners in some selected sectors of the economy, and there are many in fact majority of the industries where the playing field is levelled.
    Now, I as a Zambian should be wise enough; why should I look for opportunities where I know that I will be disadvantaged?
    The other problem I have seen with a Zambian is that most of us do not want to get information instead we want to base on what we hear on the street and the media. I wonder how many have bothered visit ZDA from literature concerning investment in various sectiors and the conditions that apply.

  59. Iwe Munyono kwamba ati buti? Ndila kuma mbayi na ula sobana andime! Inga wabadala ng,ombe 10 naulanda Baby C yebo? taku badaala.

  60. Some Zambians have taken the first steps, they have staudied the conditions that apply in various industries.
    They have persued and weighed opportunities and they have chosen their niche and the are making great progress and contribution to our economy.
    Lack of knowledge will always reduce someone’s confidence levels. It will also increase the likelihood of failure.
    I like giving simple examples; take for example, in Lusaka there is a place called Dream Valley. The place was designed and constructed not with with too much resource but with reasonably good idea and invision. The owner is Zambian and from Mbala. He is making good business from the former bush transformed by mere idea.


  62. I must also say that there are two types of people in Zambia;
    1) Those who see obstacles as challenges that they must overcome (unfortunately these are very few)
    2) Those who see obstacles as a reason that they will use to justify their lack of progress such that if they were accused in court of ‘lack of progress’ they would win the case would be proved innocent (unfortunately these are the majority)
    Now if you belong to the first group you are already a successful man who is just waiting to show results of what you are.
    If you belong to the second group your state of affair is assured of continuity because you are able to undisputedly justify it very well.

  63. Fine,one of the many problems that a Zambian investor would face when want to start business is the government itself. With foreign investors, the government is assured of benefiting heavily interms of money. Those guys they seek favoures from the government hence doing such things.But you with your limitted capital if you start doing that you will be bankrupt my friend.Those indians and other so called foreign investors like frequenting state house.And they dont go empty handed.

  64. Most white investors are running away from Zimbabwe because of the new laws regarding investment in that country. Zim now has something like a replica of the BEE in RSA. Its now law in Zim that at least 52 per cent of shares in all foreign owned firms must be in BLACK Zimbabwean hands. So these characters are evading that and coming to places like Zambia where even a Chinese bricklayer is regarded a serious investor. They are selfish! I agree with some postings that sometimes Zambians we have perpetual foul cries but in most instances we are also disadvantaged by our own laws. We become second class citizens.

  65. Umusebanya!! Why can’t Banda and his cronies seek to empower Zambians with ownership of a facility like Kasaba Bay? Surely, no one Zambian or a group of Zambians can pony up the cash??? Where was Rupiah Banda born????? Aha, are you thinking what am thinking????

  66. #99,peter i totally agree with you.These are the problems which the government should take serious.And just have keen interesting and see the way foward.But unfortunately they dont care.

  67. 106…This is just another case of a dog trying to save its own. These Bazungus must have been sons or nephews of the farm or mine owners where RB’s father used to work as a migrant worker in Gwanda, Southern Rhodesia now Zimbabwe. RB knows them am sure they used to ply the farms of Gwanda together as small boys.

  68. #104. Chewe,
    It is good to know that you belong to group one; you are a successful person.
    I agree with you, that there are these limitations and obstacles and that the government must address these issues where they exist.
    But I also want to advise Zambians that justifying our state of affirs by looking at obstacles as stopages to our progress will kill all our ideas.
    We may continue to see other Zambians progress while we complain. Within the current state of affairs in terms of investment conditions there is a wealth of viable opportunities that Zambians aught to exploit that they are not doing.
    It will be a LIE to say where we are is all we can be under the prevailing policies.

  69. Dear Zambians just admit that you are poor and you have no money to invest. Kasaba Bay has been lying idle with no takers foe almost two decades. This lousy perceptionion that only foreigners are given favourable investment conditions is a big and lazy fat lie. Can you mention anyone Zambian who has been discriminated in favour of a foreign? When a foreigner or Muzungu says he lives on a farm you will be assured it is. A typical Zambian farm is just that….a name!

  70. Sarah Palin hahahahaha!!! Nice name. Did you move from business class to economy on British Airways just because the business class was not going to London where you were headed to?

    I am just kidding please, don’t tear me apart.

  71. Cannot understand that people are unhappy about a new investor! Even if he is a Zimbabwean. It will probably bring jobs to Zambians in the region. Why has no Zambian invested there until now? There are many rich Zambians here so you all cannot say that it is unfair. But maybe they are not interested in that aerea and are spending their money somewhere else?

  72. #102. Faithful,
    “No. 98 are you maybe talking about Chamba Valley?”
    Is this the question you mean?
    Well the place I refered to is called “Dream Valley”.
    This is in Ibex; It has ‘play park’, sport (including basketball, fooball, volleyball), serminar/workshop and lodge facilities with natural bush surrounding.
    Schools, mostly private, churches, different groups go their for outings. They also offere wedding facilities and various organisations go their for serminars and workshops. They have a capacity of 40 people for their accomodation ranging from K300,000 to K550,000 per night.

  73. #122, do you know what caused the credit cruch in the USA which spread to the whole world? It was not George Bush per say but the wholesomely unregulated credit business. You could get 30 credit cards if you wanted with great ease through the post. A little bit of regulation even if you would make money, alas which I don’t see from those Zimbos if we failed to collect money from the heavy profits made when copper reached $8000, is necessary. We might just end up getting deseases instead of money. We need to scrutinize and put conditions in place, only when a citizen can not be found should we take such measures. How many citizens were alerted to the attractiveness of Kasaba Bay?

  74. #122 you are right people are interested in more immediately profitable things. In tourism you have to wait very long before you make money

  75. I know this is out of topic & I rarely post comments not related to the story at hand but there is finally some good news from Gaza(I hope it is still valid), Hamas agreed to stop the hand-made rocket attacks on Israeli settlements, and Israelis agreed to hold talks in Egypt with PLO and Hamas representives!
    Fellow believers, let us continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

    Thankyou & God bless you today.

  76. #128. Sony Ericsson Phiri
    Exactly, and that is why earlier I said to my fellow Zambians that our attitudes need to change.
    Every environment has enormous opportunities and the only question is who sees these opportunities.
    And also the way we see these opportunities differs; from the same bush people will see many different opportunities.
    Where some people see so many opportunities next to obstacles others(majority) see so many obstacles next to opportunities.
    And the rate of achievements in the two classes of people will always be at variance.

  77. Bloggers this is not simple investor.He mighty have born in Zimbabwe but the guy is RICH he has the private jet and He is the major share order of MTN, Vodafone and other companies.The goverment of Zimbabwe is surviving now because of this guy they borrow money from Him. But am afraid President Banda mighty be working together for whatever they want to invest in Kasaba bay.

  78. We will continue having doubts in Foreign investors because our Investment Act is so porous that it doesn’t provide for certian businesses to have 51% Indigenous Zedians & 49% Foreigners. Ask Charles Davy how the shareholding was Victoria Falls Town along the Kazungula Road in Zimbabwe? GRZ need to protect us from this exploitation, look at what Moses Katumbi said about these Mining Companies who are complaining now when they had all the glory?

  79. 130. Nine Chale
    Thanks for that info man; that is very good news.
    We need to continue to pray for peace for the nation of Israel.
    I totally appreacite that piece of info.

  80. What freaks me out is sites like rhodesia (dot) com still exist as do secret meetings and magazines and a global society rooted in Zim, RSA, the UK and down under.

    A white Zimbo with that much loot is no doubt a member. Lets talk more about the new SADC Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Development Assistance Framework (ZHDAF). Who is really paying given that SADC is dead broke? $-)

  81. The father of Prince Harry’s girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, was last night facing financial disaster and possible imprisonment after the Zimbabwean government announced it was investigating him for illegal currency dealing.

    Charles Davy has accumulated a multimillion dollar fortune through his big game hunting business, HHK Safaris, after it survived the wholesale seizure of white-owned farms and game reserves under the regime of Robert Mugabe.

    But any protection once extended to Mr Davy’s company through his business relationship with a senior minister in the Zimbabwean president’s government seemed to have evaporated yesterday.

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  82. Charles Davy is one of the largest private landowners in Zimbabwe. 53-year-old Davy is reported to own 1,200 km² (460 mi²) of land including farms at Ripple Creek, Driehoek, Dyer’s Ranch and Mlelesi. His property has been almost unaffected by any form of land redistribution — and he denies that this fact has any link to his business relationship with MP and Minister Webster Shamu. Says Davy about Minister Shamu “I am in partnership with a person who I personally like and get along with”.[60] Other views on Shamu are less kind.[61]
    Davy is married to Beverley, a former model and “Miss Rhodesia” of 1973. Their daughter Chelsy (born and raised in Bulawayo) is the long-standing girlfriend of Pri

  83. Mr Davy is the founder of HHK Safaris, which represents a number of big game
    hunting and safari concessions in Zimbabwe. Mr Mugabe’s minister of policy
    implementation Webster Shamu is one of Mr Davy’s business partners.

    Zimbabwe’s shadow chancellor Eddie Cross said: “Shamu is an absolute hood,
    one of the worst. I would not even shake hands with him. Yet Charles Davy
    and his partner do business with him.”

    Furthermore Mr Davy seems to have managed to retain control of his farming
    holdings, estimated at one per cent of agricultural land in Zimbabwe,
    despite Mr Mugabe evicting thousands of other white farmers

  84. Caroline Graham from the UK’s Mail on Sunday, who went as an undercover investigator on HHK safaris (charging mostly American clients £17,000 for a 24-day shooting expedition in the Zimbabwean savannah) revealed how lots of money was made through the cruel and barbaric treatment of endangered species in the country. She witnessed animals being shot with bows and arrows – a cruel hunting form that has been discarded by many countries and despicable treatment of native staff.

  85. The journalist said she was also shocked at the brutal treatment of desperate black workers.
    Graham observed that the local population is in dire straits and people were literally starving. She said a lot of black Zimbabweans are working as trackers for the safari operators to feed their families. She added: “They call the locals African short hair pointers and other phrases too offensive to even recount to you.”

    The undercover reporter was assigned to a professional hunter when she arrived at HHK Safari, the firm owned by Charles Davy near Hwange National Park. It’s reported that black workers were referred to as “k****rs”, “n…..s”, “disgusting” and “HIV positive”, and were forced to dri

  86. “HIV positive”, and were forced to drink dirty river water. The hunter assigned to her allegedly said; “We lose trackers to AIDS but it doesn’t matter there is always another one to take their place.”

    Yesterday, Paul Mangwana, the country’s anti-corruption minister announced he was placing the South African-born entrepreneur under investigation for the illegal export of large sums of foreign currency, racism and bribery. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the police are all involved in the investigation that can bring financial ruin to Davy.

  87. But any protection once extended to Davy’s company through his business relationship with Webster Shamu, the minister for policy implementation, seems to have evaporated after revelations by an undercover British journalists that money generated from the hunting business was being kept out of the country.

    The journalist made shocking revelations showing the slaughter of endangered species is continuing in Zimbabwe. Caroline Graham from the UK’s Mail on Sunday, who went as an undercover investigator to a safari firm owned by Davy and revealed how lots of money was made through the cruel and barbaric treatment of endangered species in the country. She witnessed animals being shot with bows an

  88. The safari owner recently issued a robust defence of his relationship with Mr Shamu, a long-term ally of Mr Mugabe and a shareholder in HHK, saying he considered him a personal friend and denying that he had any political activity.

    A HHK official, Graham Hingeston, claimed this week Mr Davy was no longer a shareholder of the business after disposing of the equity that has helped him earn an estimated pounds 20m. And Mr Hingeston also claimed to an American hunting magazine that Mr Shamu was never a joint venture investor but just a “front man” who does not own shares in the business.

    Mr Shamu, who considers himself the main pillar behind HHK Safaris’ success, told the Zimbabwean press Mr H

  89. Mr Shamu, who considers himself the main pillar behind HHK Safaris’ success, told the Zimbabwean press Mr Hingeston was talking nonsense.

    Copyright 2006 Independent Newspapers UK Limited

  90. Alas RB’s Infestors indeed!

    For those bloggers supporting this investment, I hope youwill now understand what our country is headed for under RB – more of nichekeleko!!!

  91. i said somewhere in my post above that mr davy is prince harry’s girlfriend, chelsy’s, father. naku england, they don’t want him. he will just bring tyrannical thinking in nyamaz.

  92. #60-63-64(FINE) I love you bro(i know you are a dude), not because iam gay but what comes out in you.In Zambia we have PHD metality(Pull Him/Her Down).We dont mind our own business,we are always on each other’s neck(Retrogressive).And if by any chance the successful person goes down,everyone will applaud”Talingana benzenzimvesa baja”.Such is life in Zambia,instead of consoling somebody who needs serious assitance.

  93. We are asking you as a Zambian despite your Party affiliation to go to Lusaka Times and sign the Petition,Call relatives,friends and all the Zambians you know to go and make their voice known by signing the petition.It has been 24 hrs since the petition drive started and less than 100 Zambians have signed the petition we need 50,000 – 100,000 signatures.We are counting on your petition.

  94. I have been coming to this site and have never felt like commenting. But The erudition and clear thinking of Fine has impressed me. If only 0.00005% of the Zambians think like Fine and ,begin to give fewer excuses. Much more would be done. Obstacles are there , no doubt, but that doesn’t mean we should instead spend all our money on buying Corollas and frequenting O Hagans.

  95. THE FATHER of Prince Harry’s girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, is facing the threat of punitive fines and even possible imprisonment as well as financial disaster after the Zimbabwean government announced it was investigating him for illegal currency dealing.
    Charles Davy has accumulated a multimillion-dollar fortune through his big game hunting business, HHK Safaris, which survived the wholesale seizure of white-owned farms and game conservancies under the Zanu PF government.

    But any protection once extended to Davy’s company through his business relationship with Webster Shamu, the minister for policy implementation, seems to have evaporated after revelations by an undercover British journali

  96. I remember in the 1990s during Chiluba’s reign when I said that privatization as done by Chiluba is totally wrong. KK’s parastatals were OK, we needed only to increase their efficiency and management. I was criticised for NOT understanding the changes going on in the World. Well the question is: what now?:d/
    Zimbabweans, Chinese, Somalians and Nigerians are investing in Zambia while the locals are leftout!!
    Don’t balme the flies for playing in your mouth if you leave it open!!


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