Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nevers Mumba tours Mindolo demolished houses, calls for immediate arrest of Councilor behind the disaster


House belongings from a demolished house
House belongings from a demolished house

MMD President Nevers Mumba has demanded for the immediate arrest of the Mindolo Councilor who authorised the construction of houses in Mindolo North which have since been demolished leaving over 1,000 people homeless.

Dr Mumba has also demanded that the area MP and the Kitwe Town Clerk be fired for causing the untold misery that has befallen the affected residents whose houses were demolished.

Speaking when he went to offer solidarity to families affected by the demolition exercise, the MMD leader said the councilor who sold plots to the unsuspecting members of the public together with his MP should be arrested with immediate effect.

Dr Mumba who spoke to the residents in Bemba said the Councilor only identified as Mwape who is said to have allocated the plots should be arrested.

The MMD leader said the Government must find alternative solutions than razing the houses.

He said the Town Clerk should be fired for releasing the machines which were used to demolish the houses.

“We now have refugees in our own country, it’s a disaster created by Government. This was unnecessary. The confusion and the pain and the furthering of poverty that has been brought by this act alone is going to affect thousands of lives not the 400 they are talking about, more than 1000 people are affected by this phenomenon,” Dr Mumba said.

He added, “It will take a long time to heal this wound that PF has created. That is why we are demanding that immediately Government must provide water here, they must be a clinic to be set up here and we must make sure that the army brings tents here because this is a disaster that has been created by this government.These are Zambians that voted for the PF and we must give them the amenities that are necessary immediately so that we save people from dying.”

And Dr Mumba has challenged the PF government to provide tents for the affected families who are now spending nights in the cold.

Dr. Mumba who also served as Vice President during the Levy Mwanawasa administration said that governments are voted into office to take care of people and not to destroy their lives.

He described the situation in Mindolo as a disaster which the government has created by itself hence the need to expeditiously move in and provide the necessary amenities to mitigate the suffering.

He further wondered how a caring government would do such a thing to its own people saying these people are living like refugees in their own country.

He advised the PF government to stop politicking and move on the ground to provide the much needed help such as the provision of water, blankets and a clinic for any outbreak of diseases that might occur.

The MMD leader later distributed blankets mainly targeting those with babies and young children.

Dr Nevers Mumba walks with the stranded residents
Dr Nevers Mumba walks with the stranded residents
Dr Mumba reads to children
Dr Mumba reads to children
Dr Mumba listens to the cries of the stranded villageres_1
Dr Mumba listens to the cries of the stranded residents
Dr Mumba listens to the cries of the stranded villageres
Dr Mumba listens to the cries of the stranded residents
Dr Mumba hands over blankets to mothers whose houses have been demolished
Dr Mumba hands over blankets to mothers whose houses have been demolished
House belongings from a demolished house
House belongings from a demolished house


  1. I’m sorry to say this but those people had to be cleared off that land as someone had paid for it other countries do it investors won’t come into the country if there is a risk their assets would be stolen ala Zimbabwe good move by Pf and no I didn’t vote nor support the Pf government……though I believe the Pf could and should have handle the situation more humanely…… Opposition parties are crazy to complain against the rule of law let’s see what happens when someone settles on one of there farms…..

    • Whose councilor is it that he has not been arrested? And indeed the Town Clerk too need fired…
      However the government need to compensate the victims.

    • Please, let us stop this nonsense!! The PF government did the right thing. Let us not make them look like devils. Those squatters know that they built illegally. Ask them to produce Title Deeds. Parading babies is not going to cut it.
      There is a problem in Zambia. Lawlessness must be curtailed immediately. That is why PF government has done the right thing here. The victims are the owners of the land not those squatters for heavens sake. Dr Mumba, take them to your church if you care so much. Blankets and mealie meal wont solve the problem. They are still squatting on a property where the courts of the land have ruled that they should move away please. Stop this political nonsense!!!!

    • [email protected]
      These Opposition President politicking about the demolished Mindolo houses should first imagine its their land these people have built these houses without their consent.
      Their is alot of disorder in this our country. That former Kitwe MP was kill some people who had squated on his Land and a Lusaka Policeman was also badly clobbered.

    • Nevers wreck, please stop giving these desolate people false hope. They need solutions right now. Shame on you for campaigning among the poor and muddling their minds with your lies.

    • @Nubian, is giving to the homeless campaigning, read the bible Mathew 25:35-36, so you would rather the die from the cold.

    • Judge keep on burrying your head into the sand,Before you realize Dr Mumba will be president.Leadership is from God and NOT FROM ‘JUDGE’ like yourself.

    • if you are GOD , i agree with you. IF u are not am sorry, you have no clue about the future , not even the future of yourself, mwaumfwa ayi

  2. Another opportunist ! It is called the rule of law pastor Mumbwe.I agree though the councillor must be arrested.

    • @Saulosi-Why creat a problem you can’t solve?PF is answerable to have illegally given plots to those pipo.They should have shown leadership in this issue.Admit the wrong and then humanily handle the situation.Your hatred for Dr Mumba will kill you.

  3. I was one of those who thought Nevers would never survive the recent challenges he has been through like getting rid of Kachingwe, and the others. I thought those people would swallow him up. But here we are today, he’s giving hope to Zambians that maybe with him, with him things may get back to normal

    He was on Sky News in Southern Province recently. I thought the Tongas would chew him up. But surprisingly the callers were surprisingly very supportive and said he is the only president who does not insult and he is not violent

    This is presidential material. He looks in charge

  4. Matthew 25:35-36 at work.Go Dr Mumba.It’s good to closely interact with the affected people.It shows that you’ve the heart,even listening to them and children.Zambia needs a SHEPHERD PRESIDENT.

    • What PF has done is life and death to the people of Mindolo North. Imagine one’s pension fund he worked for many years and the only hope to leave for his children was a house and then someone comes in and destroys it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This is what was behind don’t KUBEBA slogan and it is pity if you can see how wretched and unmerciful of this PF governance when it Killed the Kampasa Gentlemen without even saying sorry and the matter has died a natural death. No wonder GBM resigned because he did not want to be part of the scam. This is a last worning to Zambians that we should vote on merit and not on popularity.

      There are more problems to surface before 2016 which we shall all be part of our wrong choice.

  5. Saki Sends PF Jibe for Attempt to Block Hichilema’s Mindolo Donation
    Lusaka lawyer Sakwiba Sikota has taken a dig at the Zambia Police for embarrassingly attempting to block the UPND from donating 600 bags of mealie meal to the displaced families of Mindolo East.
    Police had attempted to stop the donation claiming that the situation is not conducive.
    Below is what Saki wrote:
    It is reported that Zambia Police on Wednesday attempted to stop the UPND from donating assorted items such as mealie meal to the homeless families left in cold after PF demolished their houses in Kitwe.

    • Police under instructions from the PF government claimed that the situation was not conducive for the UPND to make donations to the more than 600 starving families sleeping in the cold after PF government demolished their houses in the middle of the night.
      It was bad enough to demolish the houses in the middle of a cold winter’s night but to stop them from receiving food was as heartless as the governments that consign their people to starving labour camps.
      I have seen the pictures of the food distribution and it appeared to be extremely orderly and calm. There were patient lines to receive the donations and no signs of a scramble. The claim therefore from the police that they wanted to stop the exercise because it was not “conducive” shows the callousness of the government.
      This is…

    • Where governments are unwilling or incapable of providing the necessaries of life kind hearted people and organizations step in to fill the gap. In Zambia it would appear that not only does the Republican Vice President believe that the Right to Food is a pipe dream; but this government is prepared to stop The Good Samaritan.
      In Zambia the Scripture in Matthew 14:13-21 would have ended differently and taken a decidedly different turn. In the New DONCHI KUBEBA Version of the Bible
      the five loaves and two fish would have been seized as exhibits and used at the trial of Jesus.
      The Good Samaritan would be charged with conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace.

    • Where governments are unwilling or incapable of providing the necessaries of life kind hearted people and organizations step in to fill the gap. In Zambia it would appear that not only does the Republican Vice President believe that the Right to Food is a pipe dream; but this government is prepared to stop The Good Samaritan.
      In Zambia the Scripture in Matthew 14:13-21 would have ended differently and taken a decidedly different turn. In the New DONCHI KUBEBA Version of the Bible
      the five loaves and two fish would have been seized as exhibits and used at the trial of Jesus.
      The Good Samaritan would be charged with conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace.

  6. People denouncing on the demolition houses in Mindolo North in Kitwe need to be educated on the background to this problem.. This problem was actually created by the MMD. What the Kitwe City Council did shouldn’t be condemned in toto. The people who have built these houses know very well what they did is illegal. The land in question initially belonged to Phoenix Materials who apparently bought it during the privatization of the mines. They entered into partnership with HBW Group, the owners of Manda Hill Mall then, to develop a shopping mall and office complex on the same site.

    • It is PF councillors who started giving away the land after they took control of the council after the 2006 elections. Mwape is a PF Councillor.

    • Kitwe has never had an MMD COUNCILLOR for the 10 years PF was in opposition and for the other close to 3 years PF is in government.Which MMD created this problem bwana Max Mbizo?

  7. Before they could begin construction of the complex in 2010, Mopani Copper Mines put in an injunction claiming that this was their land. After protracted negotiations, an agreement was reached that allowed for the sharing of the land among the three organizations – Kitwe City Council, Phoenix Materials, and Mopan Copper Mines. Phoenix Materials was given the go ahead to construct the shopping and office complex. Sadly while the negotiations were going on, the MMD government in a desperate quest for votes started allocating the land to MMD cadres. If anyone listened to ZNBC TV news yesterday at 19 hours, one of the affected women actually revealed that they were given the land by the MMD before the 2011 elections.

    • Max,
      You are the only one who who has that side of the story. All the residents of Mindolo North are pointing to the same councilor, I don’t know why you don’t want to admit.
      I wonder which news you listen to.
      We all know that there was a legal dispute between the three parties you’ve mentioned, but the problem is not between the three parties. The area councilor gave out the said plots to the residents.
      We appreciate your knowledge of history but we are talking about the man the affected people have mentioned to have sold them the plots. If you know other people who sold these plots other than what these people know then report to the police.

  8. After thee PF came into power, the cadres who the MMD had illegally been given the land started construction. Mwenya Musenge the MP for Chimwemwe warned the illegal developers to stop the construction of houses but they defied him, and continued with their activities. Only a few weeks ago, shadowy organization called Luyando Development Association appeared on the scene purportedly championing the cause of the illegal developers. Despite warnings that they stop their illegal activities, the group was defiant and dared the council to stop them. This was aired on both Muvi TV and ZNBC. The group appeared very well – funded and were even using an expensive public address system, complete with cordless microphones. The question is: who is and was behind this group?

  9. On a personal note, although these illegal land occupiers are appealing on humanitarian grounds and asking for sympathy, they themselves have none of the attributes. Can I forget that only a few short weeks ago, they invaded the old Chimwemwe Cemetery, dismantling and destroying tombstones in a place sacred to me because that is where my grandfather was laid to rest in June 1964 and my mother in May 1967.

  10. Chimwemwe Cemetery also has important historical significance: this is where Kitwe’s first black Mayor, Mr. Jonathan Mubanga and the first black Town Clerk Mr. Gilbert Zimba, have been laid to rest. These are people who don’t care about others’ feelings and yet they expect sympathy from us. It had to take threats of police action before they abandoned their nefarious activities. Have we forgotten so soon that it is these same land invaders who hacked Barnabas Chella to death at his own farm off the Ndola – Kitwe dual carriageway?

  11. If some us have to endure endless the red – tape to acquire land, why can’t do the same? I have personally gone through the lengthy process and ended up without even square meter of land, but I never resorted to invading another’s person’s land?

  12. For me the blame lies squarely on the PF leadership. It is at ke this, when the presence and existence of a republican president matters. The least we expect from him is some statement to the condemnation of the criminal elements within his party, consolation for the victims and a warning to the general citizenry against falling prey to these unscrupulous cadres

  13. What PF has done is life and death to the people of Mindolo North. Imagine one’s pension fund he worked for many years and the only hope to leave for his children was a house and then someone comes in and destroys it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is what was behind don’t KUBEBA slogan and it is pity if you can see how wretched and unmerciful of this PF governance when it Killed the Kampasa Gentlemen without even saying sorry and the matter has died a natural death. No wonder GBM resigned because he did not want to be part of the scam.

    There are more problems to surface before 2016 which we shall all be part of our wrong choice.

  14. Pastor Mumba, what PF has done is not good am not supporting them neither you. the book you’re holding how i wish it was a Bible so that you can preach real hard to the people bcos this is an opportunity now a fallen preacher like cannot. go back to the pulpit i’ll start supporting you.



  16. I thought for any building in Zambia the council has to approve the plan first before you start building. We are so used to doing things outside the Law that we now look at them to be Lawful.

    • You’re right, look at the way we drive on the roads! Everyone following their own rules. “What were vices have become habits.” Somehow the people concerned believed that “ngabasanga mwalipwisha ukukula tabakatobe amayanda!” So it was full speed ahead..! Now the pator wants to support illegalities!

  17. Ambuye thandizani cifukwa dziko la Zambia lalowa usatana ngakhale akunena kuti it’s a Christian Nation. Look at those babies in the cold. I feel like blowing up…….shiiiit.

  18. Okay!I feel sorry for these people.Wasn’t there an amicable way to solve this?And doing it in june sure!If you’ve noticed,every june we have less mad people roamin the streets all because kulatalala,they gain sanity a bit and go back to there respective homes.Do something like pronto.

  19. Illegal buildings must be pulled down period. Where is the sanity in Zambia really? Now people can support the illegal building of houses on illegal land and expect the law to turn a blind eye. Now we should go out to other places too pulled down those illegal ramshackle around the country and bring some sanity! If the pastor and HH are so concerned, let them accommodate them on their farms period. Let this be an example to other compounds especially in Lusaka where cadres do not know the law and do as they wish!

  20. Is this Professor Lungwangwa with Nevers? I think throughout the KAINGU, CHITUWO, Dora issue he has proved to be level headed and mature. He deserves to take over as Vice President…and only one for now.

  21. ‘When calamity befell you, i gave you a shoulder to cry on on”You are a True Leader ba Nevers. I am with all the way. Come 2016, you have my vote.

  22. This is a crisis where is Sata, comfortable and enjoying himself in state house while his people are outside in the cold with babies, the person who authorized this is stupid you don’t do it in the cold season what if people died secondly give people adequate notice not ambushing them like rebels in Congo, we have very immature people in position of power not thinking through their actions , now a stupid minister thinks they will go away where, when the government hasn’t done enough to ensure the poor can also own land or have access to adequate shelter,

  23. CP,
    It is clear that you don’t understand the gist of my write-up. I am not condoning the actions of the councilor; in fact I also believe he and other like-minded councilors should be dealt with severely. I gave this brief history to demonstrate that people whose houses were demolished are just as guilty and culpable as the people who are being accused of being cruel to them. If you are going to condemn the people who demolished their houses, you must also, for balance, condemn those who constructed the illegal structures for breaking the law with impunity and for defying the appeals of all those who advised them against what they were doing and even threatening their lives. These are not peace loving and law abiding sissies; they broke the law.

  24. Sorry for the pipo who have never stayed in kitwe. You do not know the location. Our friends are spending nights in the cold very very sad. Thats a mining area and the ground is weak. These pipo started building before PF formed government. What concern is Mumba trying to show by giving them blankets examples of blankets when they started the problem. Current local government will be held responsible for failure to perform which is not bad. So Mumba talk sense….

  25. PF took control of all Copperbelt and Lusaka councils in the 2006 Elections and SATA boasted that he is now in control of urban councils and Levy iis in charge of rural areas.

  26. Yes Mr Sipopa, TONGAS are good people. Infact Nevers owes his MMD Presidency to Southern Province. The highest vote for him was surpringly from Southern Province delegates. He was also a star student in at the exclusive school for the intelligentia Hill Crest Secondary school. His special assistant is also from Southern Province. He has a very soft spot for Southern Provicne.

  27. This rot was started by MMD councillors, people in Mindolo North knows the truth. These illegals came from Kawama, where they have their own homes! They should just go back to their homes! Mumba is fake, why is he encouraging people to build near an open mining operation as if he has never lived in the Copperbelt? Many people in Lusaka have no idea about open pit mining and the daily blasting which is involved. The Kitwe council should be applauded for doing this, otherwise many people could have lost their lives in future when the houses start to collapse on people as mining operations intensified.

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