Sunday, September 8, 2024

Franciar discusses new musical direction and “The Voice”



Franciar has been on the Zambian music scene fo sometime now . She first got the spotlight with her hit single “Umutokofyompo” . Since then she has gone on to make other hits such as “Computer” featuring Pjay and “Walasa” feature Macky 2 .
She has since turned aways from making club-friendly music to more conscious music .Music that talks about real-life situations that she and all of us go through .

“..ive taken this route because thats what my heart wants, that is what God tells me to do, that’s the real me coming out. What I mean by the “real me” is that this is what iv always been all my life and how iv always wanted to sing aIl my life. I love to be “the voice” of the people , I love to reach out to the world giving them a positive message and i love to sing about myself and my life because most of the things I, as a lady, would go through or rather face in life, a lot more others face it even worse. So if i sing about it, it wont only speak for the under privileged People but it will strengthen them, motivate them that they are not alone, it will encourage them to move forward despite whatever they are or have faced through my music. Most of all I love to praise The Lord and worship him in my music and me singing like this and this direction iv taken isn’t just for the album or for money , but its how I intend to sing and reach out to the world in the long run. This is my passion.

My target like I said is the world at large, because we as a nation face a whole lot of different things that we can’t really say out, but at the end of the day through not speaking we tend to react and become what we are not just so we get comfort through our wrong choices. So many other activities are indulged through impulse, influence and temptation, so when one gets to listen to my music, it will make them sit back,and think twice about their actions, about their lives and wheather certain things are really worth doing just because of their life stories. I am “THEVOICE” of the world and that is my album title. “

We caught up with Franciar to discus her new musical direction and new Album .

KAPA187: Having been in the music industry for sometime now , what are some of your highlights and low points of your career so far ?

FRANCIAR: Well I have worked with a lot of artists and producers it’s a tough road trust me it only takes a passionate,strong artist to endure everything the music industry comes with, but in as much it’s a tough n bumpy road , when you make it , it’s amazing and wonderful.My highlights I can say have been working with blazer, JOB,bobby east and flexvill marley. we started from the very bottom together in chunga at NO INTRO studio then joined blazer.We were a family and still are together, we achieved a whole lot. I can proudly say. Working on my WALASA album under money music was a great achievement too because I was given a platform to showcase my God given gift. I would also like to highlight and appreciate my work with mzenga man on my song NSANJE which was released in February 2014, it was an amazing experience. Having given a platform in 2012 to represent my country at the WEYA event in UK was a success and amazing experience I thank God, there a lot of good things I would like to highlight , I can go on and on…. Well finally am currently working on my second album titled “THE VOICE” produced and written by Starn Da Industry, he is an amazing producer and writer and its been amazing working with him. My low points in the industry are mostly false rumors, people trying by all means to bring me down even when you have done nothing wrong to them, its just so terrible and sad that you would almost reach a point of giving it all up,people tryna block your talent by underrating you, making you work so hard and ending up with peanuts or better yet nothing, people try to take advantage of you knowing you are a female whose young and searching for her dream and hoping it would come true but all they want is to use you and ruin your dream, it takes discipline, morals, standing your ground and knowing what your heart and God wants in order to over come such challenges.

KAPA187: What has been the response from your fans about your switch to more conscious type of music ?

FRANCIAR: well I can’t lie this switch has shocked many because nobody ever expected this of me. Only those that really know me behind all the craziness of my previous kind of music, knew the music I am really into. But I thank my GOD that despite the change even more people support and love my new direction of music. only a few would still request for me to rap crazy again, dance crazy and so on, but I will still embrace rap music because it made me who I am today. Only what i’ll talk about will be totally different from before. The response is very overwhelming and great I thank The Lord my GOD for giving me this talent and having the heart to sing not for my self but for the world.

KAPA187: Who are some of the artists you are working with on your album “The Voice” and when will it be released .

FRANCIAR: On “THE VOICE” album i’ve worked with my sister ROZAY, my brother FLEXVILLE and hoping to feature more but that’s about it for now. It is going to be released in September and the dates will be communicated soon as the whole project is done.

KAPA187: What advice do you have for your fellow youths ,especially females ,about getting into and being successful in the music industry .

FRANCIAR: I would advise my fellow youths to be open minded,clever,well informed about the industry they want to join. Know what you want and how modestly you would go about it, people will bring you down, demoralize you to an extent where you just want to quit, but be strong and determined no matter what people say or think about you. Have someone in the industry you will look up to and see how they handle all hardships and success. Before I joined the industry I looked up to my sister MAMPI, quite alright her music and my music are totally different so as the directions but I look up to her because of what a strong and determined person she is, she’s a fighter, a hustler and above all , she’s a believer who endured all sorts of hardships too numerous to mention, for that I love her and i’ll always look up to her. Not a lot of people will still stand and still make it looking at what she has faced as an artist. Get proper advice from experienced artists don’t be a miss/mr know it all, be yourself, don’t be an imitator of another artist, be unique and believe in what you do, be aware of the users in the industry. Above all be God fearing, seek for Gods direction in everything you do and you will never go wrong.

KAPA187: You recently released the song “Namiyewa” which a lot of your fans enjoy . What is the song about ?

FRANCIAR: #NAMIYEWA written and produced by Starn DaIndustry, is a song I sang for my father , it’s my true life story and experience, I come from a family of 8 and im the last born. My father past away when I was only a year old, I never got to meet him, hear his voice, his laugh. I never had a father and daughter bond or relationship everyone of my siblings had with him before he died. I never got to play with him or get spoilt by him, now you can imagine how I feel when my mother narrates how a wonderful man my father was and how he loved us all and just how he embraced me when I was a baby.I break down into tears every time I think about him and how much my family and I really miss him. I think of how much life would have been different for us had he been alive, how he would have been so proud to see us all grown up and independent. How he would have been so happy to see his wife (my mother) and his grand children grow. It hurts me, So I narrated my story in full to starn and he worked wonders on it, so we did this song because I know there people out there in my shoes, feeling the way I do, This song is what inspired my whole album to be called “THE VOICE “. Im very sure people will love the album even more.

KAPA187: Any last words for your fans…

FRANCIAR: I would love to give thanks to my mother for the love and support she has shown and been giving me, thanks to all my brothers and sisters , thanks to my boyfriend Bwalya Mwansa for his unconditional love and support despite everything I have faced as an artist he has stood by me through thick and thin, I thank my God for this man. I give thanks to all my fans for the overwhelming support and love from day one till date you are still with me, may God bless you all for making me I love you all. Thanks to the haters who always have something negative to say about me in order to see my downfall, you made me aswell because through your hate I have managed to block out and work on all the potential weaknesses which they would use to pull me down and this is what I use to motivate and tell myself that I have to work extra hard more than ever. You can NEVER bring me down knowing that the “he who lives in me is GREATER than he who is in the world”, to all my fans always I say “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” thanks. Finally to starn Daindustry for believing in me and bringing the best out of me , God bless you.







  1. nice one my sister . the new message in your music is fantastic . how i wish more of our sisters would follow your lead instead of exposing there nakedness

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