Friday, March 28, 2025

FAZ Confirms Departure of Acting National Football Team Coach Patrice Beaumelle


Zambia national team players go through a training session under theguidance of Head Coach Herve Renard (right) and Physical Trainer Patrice Beaumelle at the Olympic Youth Development Center in Lusaka
FILE: Zambia national team players go through a training session under the guidance of then Head Coach Herve Renard (right) and Physical Trainer Patrice Beaumelle at the Olympic Youth Development Center in Lusaka


The Football Association of Zambia wishes to officially announce Mr. Patrice Beaumelle has decided not exercise his right to renew his contract with the Association following its expiry on 31st July, 2014.

Beaumelle who until recently had been acting as Head Coach for the Zambia National Team following the departure of Herve Renard leaves Zambia after five years of commitment, dedication and hardwork which during both coaches tenure saw the Zambia National Team lift the Africa Cup of Nations trophy for the first time in February, 2012 in Libreville, Gabon.

FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya thanked Beaumelle for his tireless dedication to duty and for showing commitment to the country especially since the departure of Renard.

In his letter dated 3rd August, 2014 addressed to the FAZ President Beaumelle thanked the Association for showing confidence in his abilities.

“From the outset, let me express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity you gave me to serve as coach of the Zambia National Football Team; a position I served with honour, to the best of my ability and thoroughly enjoyed through the many games and championships we competed in.

“As I leave the Chipolopolo, I wish once again, to proffer my deepest gratitude to you Mr President and through you to the Patron of FAZ, the Minister of Sports and FAZ partners who worked with us, staff of the Football Association of Zambia and Zambia national team, the players and people of Zambia who are very passionate about their game and supported me throughout the last one year.

“I wish you well for the future and believe that with your leadership, FAZ and Zambian football will continue to soar to greater heights and attain many more glorious days.

“Working with the Chipolopolo, the various junior teams including Women National Team which qualified to its maiden African championship has been a real pleasure. The journey was exciting and challenging and had many good and difficult situations but I take with me the good memories.” Beaumelle said.

FAZ expects that the current Zambia National Team technical bench to continue in the interim.

Nkweto Tembwe
Communications Manager
Football Association of Zambia


    • Chipolopolo needs a combination of both tact and high levels of physical fitness, but not of these attributes without the other. This combination is what lacked with both Renard and Beaumelle. Our boys lack mental strength to even sustain a lead as we saw in the game against Japan. No hunger and no die-hard attitude the kind of which was displayed by most South American teams at the just needed World Cup finals(thank God we didn’t qualify coz we’d conceded twice what Brazil did!). Now let’s go and steal that old frenchman Claude from DRC( he’s good technically), and then employ an American physical trainer. Then we’ll home and dry!

    • understands that Chipolopolo coach Patrice Beaumelle is leaving his job to join French compatriot Herve Renard in Ivory Coast with barely a month before Zambia open the 2015 Morocco AFCON qualifying campaing.

      Beaumelle’s contract was expected to be renewed this month but the coach is said to have gone for months without pay and there seems to be no assurance of him getting his pay going forward due to lack of commitment by the FAZ partners who include the mines to even meet other terms of his current contract including accomodation a ZamFoot source reviewed.

      The Frenchman had indicated that he would only sign a new contract on his terms which was a sure indication that it was not a forgone conclusion that he would stay.

      With his mentor firmly in the driving…

    • Physical trainers should be employed at all premeir league teams. That’s where they are mostly needed because players stay with their teams throughout the season. They should join the national team when they are already fit.

  1. What a relief! Chipolopolo needs a proper coach not a person who is going to use us for experiments. I don’t think we have time to try out people. We should take seriously a recent observation by some visitor from Europe advising as to up our game, give a little more, get aggressive and show character. We should have been at the World Cup by now.

    • Its not love of africa, but to be precise they love the gullibility and faithfulness of africans. You believe everything that has to do with a white man is advancement and better than your very own. thats why there are some people on LT wishing that Guy Scott could be president or that zambia is run by the british as a colony again. I however dont blame you my brothers and sisters, this plot to have you in this state of mind was hatched several centuries ago to be precise about 600 years ago. ever since, the african has been hunted. but i say to you get off your knees you mighty race and stand and rule as you did thousands of years ago in the brightnes of the sun. Wake up african and wake up. Get an african coach and we will be fine. no more bamwisa as coaches!!!!

    • @ 5.1 Zagaze, I agree my bro with what you are saying, what I can follow up on “These guys love Africa” is simply that they can’t make it in the competitive European environment, look how he failed to stop that small French team from relegation.

  2. It is time we started using our local coaches. Players understand the local coaches and there is no language barrier

  3. ANYTHING BAD you dont chase it chases itself,the stepping stone Zambia worked for the two boys ya! for sure chance favors the prepared mind.But the main issue is the shape of our league and upcoming talent development.Jay Jay agree with me for once..

    • Don’t post gibberish, Patrice shouldn’t have been given that position in the first place he knew it you let him because you have an incompetent selfish administration in Football House. Those selfsame selfish empty suits will never ever develop the league its mere wishing thinking…the departure of the PE tutor’s assistant is just the tip of the iceberg.

  4. Zambians NEVER EVER learn how many times have I told YOU that YOU are going NOWHERE as long as you have a corrupt administration in Football House. FAZ kept this boy in the job so they could continue to steal with impunity…how can he not be paid when FAZ were PAID for the Japanese Friendly. Here is your Kalu getting personal loans in the name of FAZ yet he is not paying his so called coach. If you prompt BUFFOON Kambwili he is going talk as Ministry of Sport pay FAZ to pay the coach. BUFFOON Kambwili will talk.
    Zambians how many times have I told you…the young boy Patrice has now built up his CV and gone back to his previous position with his boss because you sleepy docile Zambians were snoozing forever praising corrupt empty suits.
    Need I tell you to WAKE UP AGAIN!!

    • @Jay Jay, when are publishing list of your favorite candidates for Zambian coach? I liked it, some names from Cambodia and China.
      On that list add Lucky Msiska.

  5. @JAY JAY
    can u town down on your roten language.where ar u from? and where were brought up? i bet u ar not zambian because of your language learn to respect others .if you av ideas y cant u come out and help instead of u hiding on the net which wil not help anyone.
    stop vomiting insults my friend.

  6. So, when people were mobbing RH recently in Lusaka he was on a mission of “re-recruiting” Beaumelle. People thought he had come back to Zambia because of the love he had for the country now it has proved otherwise “the fox indeed”.

  7. This can’t be as simple as it appears to be. He should have given reasons for stepping down. There must be a contract he must be bound to. Spill the beans, we want to know who is wrong and why FAZ is unable to do anything. I read elsewere that he has been frustrated in his job and has not been paid for SIX months…

    What kind of silly contract allows him to inform us without giving any notice period???
    Something fishy going on here.

    Kalusha helped Zambia go once ALONG LOnG time ago and for many years now he is pushing it down under for reasons best known to himself… Plz someone get him out of FAZ. Let a new generation take over.

  8. Let us now look forward and get a real coach so that the guys can win 2015 Africa Cup. Forget about this coach and builds ourselves. Blaming this person will never help. Let those who are mandated do the needful for Zambia.

    • since we in Zambia believe in resurrection and incarnation. we can as well go and resurrect Bonneti. Afterall he qualified us to the much talked about 2012 africa cup victory! please in all you do dont bring fossil coaches. we need speed and agility in our football.

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