Monday, September 16, 2024

Munkombwe ejects ‘defensive’ councillor from meeting


Southern Province Minister, Daniel Munkombwe today chased a ward councilor out of a provincial strategic meeting which was held to discuss how the recurrent cholera outbreaks could be contained in the province.

Mr. Munkombwe ejected councillor, Joseph Jambo, of Doctor Mubitana Ward, saying he was not qualified to attend the meeting because he had personalised issues concerning the illegal potters market in Livingstone.

”If you are defending Potters Market, can you march out of this meeting. Don’t prejudge us, you are not qualified,” he said.

Mr. Munkombwe said he had not called the meeting to discuss specific areas.

He said he did not need to be given distorted information by people who were biased as he had a huge responsibility of informing Minister of Health, Kapembwa Simbao, on what was happening in the province.

Livingstone Mayor, Grace Shafik told the minister that there were too many Zimbabweans sleeping at the illegal Potters Market but councilor Jambo denied saying there were no Zimbabweans sleeping at the area.

In response, Mr. Munkombwe said government was worried about illegal structures that were springing up, noting that government was going to clean up wherever illegality existed.

He said Potters market lacked essential facilities such as clean water and sanitation hence it should not be used.

The minister added that this situation had greatly contributed to recurrent cholera outbreaks in the province.

He also charged that health inspectors were not doing their job because they had allowed areas that were not fit for use by human being to continue operating.

Mr. Munkombwe warned that if the cholera situation in Livingstone was not contained, it would lead to a reduced number of tourists visiting the city.



  1. So somebody cannot have an opposing view to the minister? No wonder the government is in shambles because people cannot accomodate teh views of others

  2. What if the councillor had vested interest in the market in question whereby instead of being objective he wanted to just protect his ntemba ( brothel)? We have not been fed with full details of what really happened as to what caused the councillor to say there are no imigrants when the Mayor had the information. We also do not know whether the Mayor was just depending on hear-say.

  3. I think southern province nako kwama issues sana, from Joseph Mulyata corruption charges to Daniel Munkombwe now chasing.

  4. If yoy read the whole article you will discover that the Minister was right because this Jambo (He still sings ?) is entertaining em Zims to sleep in the illegal market hence contributing to the risk of spread of ‘shiki ‘
    Nkote Smart

  5. It is high time some of these so called leaders step aside for a new and fresh approach to leadership in Zambia. Kwacha, it is time for a new era.

  6. The useless councilor has some queer interest. Zimbos are known for vending cheap poor quality goods. Even sex can be bought at 3 pin. Shame councilor

  7. It is choleric to chase someone out of a meeting just because he does not share your opinnion. I wouldn’t have walked out if I was the councillor.

  8. I didn’t need to shag a Zimbo to know what they do. They are dirty fellows. It is all in the public domain. Read about stories from Chirundu were women protested or about the war between Zed hules and Zimbos. They fought battles in Lstone bcoz the locals complained about a lack of business since the invasion of Lstone by Zimbos

  9. #18 Ba Maureen “choleric” simply means “dictatorial”, I should have used the latter term on a cholera related topic.

  10. Hello bloggre!

    Whats wrong with Munkombwe? That action was very unministerial and he should not be allowed to behave like a school prefect.

  11. At #27, this one says this the other one says that…, this one says get out you are nothing ..What????

    Be serious ba Munkombwe. :-w

  12. The old man is right the so called market is terribly bad and the allegations that zims are sleeping at the market are not far fecthed and it seems the councillor and some of his colleagues were benefiting from the zims at the market. Let us not entertain nonsense when we can clearly see the situation on the ground. No place for misguided leaders. Keep it up OLD MAN!

  13. #32, Ba FUTURE naimwe mwa joiner mu meeting ka?.

    Where is the immigration department to flush out those Zimbabweans??
    thats the best solution not vocal power mu meeting.. :)>-:)>-b-)

  14. He is too old to run any office.He has stopped reasoning properly. These are the people to retire on public interest.

  15. Ladies and gentlemen here do you think those milages on cars being advertised on this blog are true? Is it possible for a 1998 car to have clocked only 46000km not mile for all the years. The problem is they think we are all daft and they can massage the odometer because no one will know. Thats why…..

  16. MMD may be booted out of power uncremoniously unless RB gets rid of people like this Munkombwe, Namugala, Namulambe, ka Mulongoti and all the other childish ministers. We can’t have bootlickers running the show. Do you still remember Kk’s bootlickers like Kamalondo and all those UNIP psychophanst? They ruined KK’s name. RB should know this better. That is why we ended up voting for a pygmy from the Ituri forest as KK was no longer credible due to bootlicking.

  17. (Sorry this topic is not related to the story) Today marks 90 days since this Govt was elected into power. They have finished their 3 months probation and as Zambians we have a right to analyse their performance during this timeframe with all fairness. I have been searching for the MMD campaign manifesto and have not got a hold of it ,infact the website for President Banda is down ,anyhow we should still assess their performance so far.
    1) Promised to increase University Students meal allowance – The Meal allowances were increased in the first week of office but have not yet taken effect.
    2) Promised to reduce Mealie Meal prices – This was done after much pressure from

  18. #39 New Zambia.
    3}Promissed to sort out Doctors accomodation problems- Nothing has happened to date.
    on another level Jamaco did you search for ISP zamnet and their charges?

  19. The minister has a good cause but chasing away an official was way too far. why not take him to site and verify with him? The problem with these developmental meetings is that people spend time locked up talking and arguing even abt things they can verify from outside the door steps. Get facts first, photos or videos then call a meeting …..Does southern province lack young vibrant politicians who can relive this tired emotional old man?

  20. various stakeholders.
    3) Promised to reduce the price of fuel – This was done after pressure from various stakeholders.
    I can’t think of any other accomplishments ,bloggers please feel free to add more.
    1.Corruption is still rampart in Zambia
    2. Promised to create 4000 jobs which equates to roughly about 111 jobs a month based upon the 3 year period this Govt will be in power. So far the Govt is behind by 333 jobs not being created.
    3.Lack of a strategic Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timebound policy to empower local investors
    4.Lack of a strategic SMART policy to restructure the health system.
    5.The Fertilizer Support Program is not based on a SMART

  21. # 1 You are right on. These GRZ politicians see enemies every where. I feel sorry for our country that we have failed to up root these people. The government I have in mind should not include people who have worked in any government or have held party positions in both MMD and Unip or have been a manager in any parastatal. We need a hi breed group to steer us out of this poverty. These guys dont see any thing wrong because they always which side of bread is buttered. But in this new government we shall screen them with no regard to age because even some youth are already conaminated.

  22. strategy as a result it is failing and the inputs are not reaching the intended beneficiaries.
    6)Lack of a strategic SMART policy to restructure the education system in Zambia to offer more practical courses that will allow pupils and students to graduate with an enterprising mentality. lack of a policy to build Public Universities in each province.
    7)lack of a a strategic SMART Policy to counter the impact of the Economic Global crisis in Zambia.
    8)lack of a strategic SMART policy to boost Tourism in Zambia, this policy should have a dependency on many factors which should also be SMARTly implemented such as good road infrastructure throughout Zambia,a deliberate policy on encouraging

  23. 5 star hotels,shopping malls and social amenities to be built throughout Zambia where there are Tourist attractions.
    9.Too much dependence on foreign investors to the point that there is no serious screening,vetting and Zambia does not maxmize on financial profits and social responsibility ventures from the said investors.
    10)MP’s salaries being increased in the first month of this Govt bein in power even when suce a move was denied during campaign time.
    11) Wasted tax payers money and financial resources in sending Govt officials for medical treatment abroad which is not even part of the annual budget.
    12)Too many trips by the President instead of delegating and spending this crucial

  24. time to brainstorm and tackle the problems that Zambia is facing.
    13)No strategic SMART plan to ensure that the NCC delivers a constitution that is representative of the Zambian population at minimal cost.
    14)No strategic SMART policy to ensure that the civil service including local councils is restructured and produces quality services.
    Number 8 should include a strategic SMART policy that encourages multiple Zambian owned airlines to operate local,international including regional and long distance flights.Bloggers feel free to add your analysis. We need to hold accountable every Govt that will ever rule Zambia. Blogging and complaining is the beginning of solutions but we need to go

  25. 10. Leadership Crisis

    Munkombwe says he will retire together with Mr Sata and RB so that we have one state funtion for the veterans retirement party.

  26. 1. Minister Munkombwe was wrong to eject the councillor from the meeting. There is what is known as calling someone to order.
    2. If the market is illegal why can’t be demolished? The problem is that in Zambia there lots of illegal structures and establishments because of political expediency. Consequently, cholera will kill a many people.
    3. The so called town market next to Victoria Hall is a big eyesore and it is unhealthy, hence it should be closed.
    4. Minister Munkombwe is right, the Health Inspectors in Livingstone are as useless as they come. You cannot find a tourist town anywhere in the world that is as dirty as Livingstone in terms of markets, butcheries, bars, streets, restauran

  27. , Jamaco, Cutey, Baby C, 3RuQ and others: Hey guys am off to Thorn Park Grill Pa Matebeto for a juicy t-bone steak. Just to crank my apetite after a bottle too many over the weekend. am sure impwa and kalembula na delele would do. rejoice on number one

  28. The minister shouldn’t be the chairperson of any local government meetings but the elected chairperson, who has wide powers to evict any member, minister or otherwise. Proper mechanism of running the local government should be installed. Power and disorganised chaos is what we understand because someone benefits out of such shambles.

  29. A cabinet minister is not a headmaster and a councillor is not pupil,they should serve the voters first before exercising their powers. **==**==

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