Friday, October 18, 2024

Chanda Kasolo appointed as Information and broadcasting PS


Newly appointed Information and Broadcasting Services permanent secretary Chanda Kasolo has urged the media to uphold responsibility in reporting events leading up to the imminent Presidential by-election.

Mr Kasolo who took over office from Bert Mushala last Thursday, said the media should be responsible as they report on events during the political transition period.
He said it was critical that the media upheld responsibility to promote peace and reconciliation in the political arena.

“The media should be responsible and reflect on the kind of information is passed on to the nation during this transition period so that people are not falsely alarmed,” he said.
Mr Kasolo said the media had the role of helping Government uphold good governance prior to and after the Presidential by-election.

Meanwhile, Mr Kasolo yesterday circulated a notice to all political parties directing them to nominate one member who will serve as a point of contact for the media.
Mr Kasolo said the ruling and opposition political parties should each have one person as media contact to avoid distortion of information.
“Information from political parties should be channeled to the nation in an orderly manner and there is a circular from my office informing the political parties about this arrangement,” he said.
Mr Kasolo has taken over from Mr Mushala who has been moved to Cabinet Office as permanent secretary in charge of special duties.
Secretary to the Cabinet Roland Msiska announced the changes last Thursday.


    • @Mushotal; If Athony Kasolo is your blood cousin, then Miles Sampa is your brother.
      Edgar Lungu’s life getting difficulty, Kasolo is family to aspiring president Miles Sampa. There will be media bias for sure.

    • Sampa is my cousin alebeit from step …..

      Too much Information Nostra..

      Here is the thing I believe Sampa will be your President by the time the next Olympics come


    • @1.2 Mushota Chimfwembe, you say what?? Me, you mean Nostra… to have Miles Sampa has president, president of what? Please Mushota, you know me better, you should have said something romantic than that..XoXoXo

    • Enjoy your Friday Nostradamus

      We could be related, it is all I have to say
      Which would be a horrible thing to discover, I could commit suicide you see 😛


    • @Nostradamus – President of what!!?? With all the drama going on in the PF, he can be president of the local theatre club.

    • @Ricky Bobby

      or maybe president of the Children’s Arts and Crafts club at the local library. However I’ve just realised they sometimes hold their meetings in the church hall. So no, we can’t possibly have Miles anywhere near a church, can we?

    • What does his letter of appointment say? Can someone get a copy, please? This is an irregularity. Guy Scott, let alone, Msiska cannot appoint anyone in government in this time of transition. Scott can hire and fire in PF but not in government. So let this Kasolo guy go back to Luapula. Someone can refuse to follow his instruction citing an irregularity. Why go though with this nonsense!



    • Yes of course. That is why your nephews never phone you, learn to be there for them. When you become president they will come for a job. Practice now by helping them even with 1 term school fees. That laptop you are using, remove password and send to your nephew. Be generous like Sata.

    • He is actually a cousin and not nephew. The question is was this appointment made in line with the provisions of Section 38 (3) of the Constitution of Zambia? i.e. Did Cabinet consent to this change since the Acting President is barred by the constitution from revoking appointments made by the deceased President unless with the consent of Cabinet.

  2. wait a minute , whats are his qualifications first and he is toothless , how does he allow that ***** emmanuel wamba get into znbc and harass workers elo ZP mwali kwee when he entered the premises? eish i really fail to understand this crap , ba znbc dont be compromised by a ka stupid dick head , eish nafulwa mwe

  3. Secretary to Cabinet can reshuffle Presidential appointments when Acting President can’t?
    We shall petition this move.
    Thats why secretary to cabinet can announce death of incumbent president when there is acting president.

    Fili uko tuleya!!!!

    • Good observation. This requires some legal interpretation coz the PS are presidential appointees and are appointed, transferred and disappointed by the President and not Secretary to the Cabinet. Katwishi…

    • Totally agree with you. Many people are not seeing an irregularity here. Permanent Secretaries are appointed by the President and not Acting Presidents. A Secretary to the cabinet cannot appoint a Permanent Secretary. Msiska is giving himself powers he does not have. Guy Scott cannot hire or fire anyone except in the PF Party. Where’s Brebbner Changala to take this to court. There’s so much irregularities in Zambia being allowed. Please stop this rot.

  4. Is it Legal?
    Isn’t a PS a Presidential appointee?
    What has Bate done wrong? Last tiem they sent someone to cabinet office, it was Emmauel Mwamba after a lawful national broadcasting licence was granted to Radio Pheonix…
    Is it that he seems to be team Edger

    • Baba the problem with that question….. is it legal?….. Our lawyers won’t agree on that. We will have all these Sections and Caps quoted at us and no one will tell us the truth. The “truth” will lean heavily on what people benefit from their response.

      We need to curtail presidential power. We need a new constitution. We need a new governement with leaders who actually know what they are doing.
      We need leaders who can see that dirt doesn’t mean one thing in one country and something different at home.
      We need leaders who don’t think development is a few poorly tarred roads.
      Sigh….I need a beer!!

    • @Questionaire – Good question. And the answer is – PS in Zambia is a presidential appointment and GS currently has no authority to tamper with those appointments.
      But are the lawyers, LAZ, parties, etc in Zambia going to challenge these re-deployments by GS. I bet you my bottom Dollar nobody’s going to do it and I even doubt if they realize that this is illegal.

  5. Secretary to cabinet has no powers of changing political appointments but in pf all is possible.the only way to bring civility in Zambia is by reducing the powers of the president.parliament has powers to block such moves if it’s truly independent.

  6. Chanda Kasolo will do a capital job in this role.

    He already has put a stop to all irresponsible media outputs by parties that do not promote Zambian gov’t image.

    We should all support him.

  7. Frankly? We need a breath of fresh air. Zambia needs HH or Chipimo. Not these cartoons called PF who have disgraced the country starting from Sata MHSRIP probably. All they had in mind from day one was looting and plunder. For instance, how can Nsanda be board chairman for RDA with no board members and move RDA to state house? And u say how nice sata was, and yet he was busy plundering right in state house. I m glsd God cut his life short.

    • Spot on. And people are saying Sata has left a legacy we must emulate ! Stealing is a legacy that one can be remembered for? Same to PF.

  8. Mushota and Nostra this is not a platform for lovers. Get to real issues not the nonsence you are displaying. If indeed mushota is a woman

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