Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF MPs threaten not to pass 2015 national budget if Edgar is not adopted


Members of Parliament
Members of Parliament

Some Patriotic Front Members of Parliament have threatened not to pass the 2015 national budget if Edgar Lungu is not adopted as the party’s candidate in the presidential by election.

The MPs have also threatened to suspend their financial contributions to the party if Mr. Lungu is not adopted.
The MPs in support of Mr Lungu addressed a news briefing at Blue Nile Lodge in Lusaka and revealed that their group has grown to 70 from the initial 63.

Speaking on behalf of the MPs, Lupososhi Member of Parliament Lazarous Bwalya said the MPs have learnt with dismay that a fresh Central Committee meeting has been called to discuss a matter that in their view was already resolved.

“We appeal to the Central Committee to abide by its own decision made on 13th November 2014 and supported by the collective will of the people expressed through ourselves, the democratically elected representatives. We are surprised to learn from the media, that the Acting President, Dr. Guy Scott, is reported to have scornfully and unilaterally rejected such a legitimate resolution from a legal organ of the party,” Mr Bwalya said.

He added, “In its place Dr. Scott has unilaterally issued a Notice for a General Conference and has assigned himself the function of the Secretary General by receiving purported nominations. In our view, this Notice is clearly Null and Void, because the said Notice was issued without the authority of the Central Committee as provided for under Article 58(K) of the PF Constitution (k) which states that the Central Committee had the powers to summon the Regular or Extra-ordinary meetings of the National Council or the General Conference.”

Mr Bwalya said it is no longer in dispute that Dr. Scott has engaged himself in numerous illegal and unconstitutional acts by attempting to rule through decrees and threats.

“Dr Scott has also breached the Constitution by causing the transfer and appointments of officers or appointees of the Republican President. Dr. Scott, without the authority Cabinet cancelled Cabinet Meetings and without reference, consultation or authority of the Central Committee also cancelled Central Committees too.”

He added, “Dr. Scott’s conduct is adrift with established procedure and democratic principles upon which the PF was founded. Dr. Scott has drastically departed from principles practiced by our beloved President, His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, who consulted widely, and ruled by consensus.”

“As elected representatives of the people, we have a moral and constitutional obligation to enforce the will of the people. It is for this reason that we appeal to the Central Committee to uphold the wishes of the people and end this self-created succession crisis by adopting a leader that Zambians, PF members and Members of Parliament have supported.”

Mr Bwalya said Zambians should not be cheated adding that the actions by Dr. Scott so far have nothing to do with advancing democracy nor the Rule of Law.

“We therefore appeal to Dr. Scott to abandon pursuing and advancing sectional and private interests and stop abusing the lofty and dignified office of the President. Dr. Scott’s only role during this difficult period is to promote public interest and a smooth transition both in the party and government. As Members of Parliament we have a sacred obligation to ensure that, the wishes, vision and legacy of our beloved President, His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata is upheld and promoted.”


    • GBM doesn’t support anyone for nothing, we have seen it in the past. Remember when he had a difference with the late MCS when GBM gave up his ministerial post, he brragd that he is the one that sponsored PF and that without him PF would not survive. When he stepped down he didn’t want to have anything to do with PF, he started condemning it and calling it names. However when he got window of the President’s deteriorating health and the eventual firing of Kabimba he quickly came back to PF because he knew what lay ahead. People should remember that GBM has publicly stated he wants to be president , we know want he is up to. I WOULD RATHER PF LOSES THE ELECTIONS BY SIDING WITH THE 70 MPS THAN TO LOSE BY SIDING WITH A FEW.

    • Thats why its important to field educated MP’s.The PF circus has nothing to do with the national budget.Some of those villagers have no idea what they are agreeing to.

    • The PF constitution ONLY allows the Members of the Central committee (MCC) to make decisions in the party and not unilateral decisions by the President. Those ministers (70) who have rallied behind Lungu have quoted the PF constitutional clause on which they rely upon validating their decision. Can those supporting Scott in this matter equally quote something that we can follow. It is clear, at least to me, that those pro-Lungu are in it to keep out the cartel from the Presidency and for me anything that keeps M’membe away from the corridors of power is good enough.

    • Who cares about that WRONG budgets, with figures ending with odd numbers.
      The UPND will pass a budget in February. Chikwanda and Yamba said their will be less spending in this transition period to avoid theft.

    • The who country cannot be held ransom by these useless MPs. They should settle their nonsense in their own party and not bring their confusion to the whole country

    • And these are the idi.ots every half brain is supporting, please give me a break. These retards are not interested in anything other than their potbellies, they are only positioning themselves for jobs. I hope people will give them a bloody nose and teach these parasites a lesson by voting for the opposition.
      And as for HH I say, wake up and stop being an under 5 for once, go campaign with purpose in Bembaland.

    • The day i always dread to come at last has found me. didn’t believe sata when he said my MPS are useless until now. pipo of zambia. why should we be held as economic hostage because of self inflicted PF party stupidi.ty differences. I would have said Phaq U PF MPS but am restrained HH refused us. Any who wants yo useless budget. Come January UPND will pass a pipo centered budget. Ba Makaka why do u want to blackmail us. Zambians Pls open your eyes, is this the rubbish you voted for in 2011??? ###Via fyola Kwaa.

    • The level of ignorance being exhibited by our so called “representatives” is alarming to say the least. To call your excercise in imposing Edgar Lungu as your preferred candidate, the “will of the people” is the height of madness. The will of the people is contained in the constitution, whether PF or Republican. The constitution educates us on how we choose a candidate. We do not need one imposed on us who is scared to stand at the convention and by a bunch of crooks who are afraid for their jobs.
      A word to the so called 70 “people’s representatives” – we will vote you out when the right time comes!

    • Blackmailers do not mix legistrative responsibility with partisan issues , let democracy prevail without rhetoric endorsements. Have you been promised jobs? Follow the PF Constitution.Why are you afraid to have your favourite candidate subjected to General Conference election. Every Zambian has a favourite candidate, do not impose yours on us. Let there be open and free race amongst several presidential aspirants for one candidate to be picked!

    • This is an absurd and suspicious report.

      The 63 signatories contained names from UPND and MMD who had no right to be there

      Because of that it a scum and this report just undermines the democracy already under tatters.

      Why again is Mr Lungu petrified of the convention?

      He is looking popularity contrary to what this report is purporting and trying to insinuate


    • Don’t you worry about the budget at this point in time and please don’t hold us to ransom. PF is not Zambia and Zambia is not PF. Your mandate to rule will come up for renewal twice in as many years, one in January 2015 and the other towards the end of 2016. You will be lucky to still be at the helm in 2015 let alone 2016!

    • Get your facts right, the central committee is not the party or majority members and therefore not the will of the people.

    • Nonsense, Why should PF party affairs have to do with the National budget? shows how dull the PF MPs are? what will Happen if your Lungu loses then?? What a party with shallow brains..

    • Elected Members of Parliament demonstrating their idea of democracy by blackmailing?

      What does the passing of the national budget have to do with selecting a PF-candidate for the presidential by-election?

      Just one more sad example of a confused PF which cannot even agree on what its own constitution is saying about this, that or the other.

    • People need to be careful with what you are wishing. M’membe swindled you in 2011 by fanning the lies of the PF. He was mute when they were plundering the national reserves and he was mute when they plundered the Euro bond. Those calling for a national convention are playing straight into the hands of M’membe. Those MP’s that are aware of of the schemes want Lungu through the MCC which equally has the power to nominate a candidate among its members or indeed call for a convention. Scott, even as party president never mind acting party president, does not have the powers to unilaterally call for a convention and never mind to receive nominations from presidential aspirants. The authority of the PF’s MCC should not be undermined, not by Scott and certainly not by M’membe.

    • When I say Zambians are docile because they allow mediocrity to reign over them, some people insult me. Why should they block our budget? Let them resign so that we just go for general elections and flush them out.

    • @ Robin, be very, very careful of the will of the people and not of the will of 63 or 70 “useless” parasites which meet and conduct business in lodges

    • “The will of the people??” imwe ba kambwanga mwa mene utu masako te?? Go ahead with your stu”pid threat, will work favourable for the opposition, the new president will simply dissolve parliament, resulting in a snap general election & we then WON’T BE HELD TO RANSOM by imwe “useless” ba kambwanga in Sata’s own words!!
      So zed will still get its budget!!

    • If you force your favourite candidate on me outside democratic PF election count my vote goes to the opposition. Why is your Edgar afraid of contesting amongst other aspirants? Recently he publicly said he was a mere foot-soldier of Sata without interest in the presidency. Let him contest amongst others than being imposed, endorsed, anointed or whatever if he is equal to the National Presidency. No one is against him, but it has to be an open race contest for all worthy aspirants.

    • Let the following candidates contest freely for PF presidential elections including Edgar Lungu, GBM, Lubinda, Kabimba, Masebo, Mulenga Sata, Dr. Kaseba, Kambwili, and Sampa including amai Wina then the best candidate would be freely elected, this way PF elections would be more democratic than endorsements and anointings!

  1. Did Edgar Lungu at some point threaten to De-Register MMD because of the chaos that had rocked our party at some point when PF had sponsored the Kachingwe led faction?

    Can I hear the same call please? We have a party here that is threatening the peace of the country. Can we have it de-registered please? The chaos and confusion in this party is just too deep. Can the Home affairs Minister please do the needful.

    This Party is just amazing!! Just when you think that things have started settling down and normancy return, from nowhere you just get somebody withing the party throw another granade on the party. Absolutely jaw dropping.

    • ….good points but substitute Normancy for normality. Others use the word normalcy which is seen to be an uneducated way of saying normality and may be commonly used in the US. That’s all. Like Mushota,Thank-you.

  2. Let them declare that they want paliament to be dissolved, so the people can then decided who should go to parliament. They cant hold the nation to ransom these bastards. Why do they feel so entitled, and some of them are not even educated. Thats why Sata called them fools. Guy, disolve parliament so we go for general elections.

  3. Why are these MPs afraid of a general conference? how can you claim to be democratic when you don’t want to choose you leader in a democratic and transparent manner?

    And why is Edger Lungu not willing to follow the PF constitution? What kind of a lawyer and Justice minister is he?

    • which constitution are you referring to. guy is the most confused character I ‘ve ever seen. president does not fight with central committee. tell also fat Albert to go take his belly to kasama

  4. Mr Bwalya,you are right except that,you are also overlooking the vice president in your decisions.You have disrespected him by having a central committee meeting without him being present,you have chosen your president without consulting with the acting president.Why do you think that your decision is binding than that of other people.You have a very valid point,but the manner you conducted yourselves is fishy.Its evident Lungu has support amongst PF MPS,you should have first resolved the modalities of chosing the president.There is no problem,except that you are both dictating to each other without listening.The best thing is to sit down and agree on the method and move from there.

  5. Please Scott we want EL if u want to be respected.Why do u want to impose unpopular candidate?Kabimba is not popular .He is unsellable chap.He can’t win even in his village.nshatalamonapo unpopular chap like Kabimba.EL is lavoble n people wnat him.We won’t vote if u don’t give us EL.We need to be united but u’ve continued doing what enermies of PF are telling u.People who love PF want EL.We respect U scott but you’re dissapointing us boss.Please never listern to Mmembe and kabimba.Give us lungu

  6. To HELL WITH THEM…..the in-coming govt will approve tht budget !!!

    Useless Spokesperson the so called Bwalya, he is such A USELLES MP and NOT FAMOUS at all to hell with his 70MPs…..the rest will support the budget.

  7. Fwaka yaba PF at work!No wonder Sata called them all useless.So Sata was the only think tank for these useless MPs.Fwaka with beer(Kachasu) you can’t think properly.

  8. Just disband the party pf so that we can have another party in government in power. As a matter of facts, 85% of you pf MPs will soon start appearing in courts on charges ranging from abuse of office to misappropration of constituency funds. We are fade up of you as pf died when the late president HEMCS was buried at embassy park on 11th November, 2014. You are abatch on usi lezi leaders and this is what the late president used to describe you. Have you all forgotten??? How can a drunkard and crooked man lead us? And why are you fearing the convention?

  9. Team Edgar, why can’t he go through the conversion if you think he is popular. Who needs your vote when we have mmd and upnd in the house who are more organised than you. Edgar, what sort of president will you be if you are sponsoring confusion?


  11. Mr Bwalya you are a disgrace to the bemba tribe. I would wish you were a Tonga but you are a God given ***** brother

  12. Imwe ba so called 70 mps listen if Lungu is popular let him go and win at the convention. Because if he doesnt go a convention then he appointed by you 63 or 70 when he loses the national presidential election then the divisions will crack even further.
    Scott is just helping you to unite through a convection of which EL can win if he is popular.
    But with a big doubt EL should show maturity and also check if his chawama still supports him.
    Endoserment were rejected by MCS mhsrip when GBM started it why should it be right today.
    Mwalalubana ba Pf if u are not careful.

  13. My mourning period is over and am back to blogging. Those who celebrated my absence during the period of national mourning should be ashamed of themselves. Am back with full vigor.
    Please be advised that Paul the Octopus jnr has predicted that Miles Sampa will be the next president of Zambia. Lungu’s camp is jittery and exhibiting undemocratic tendencies. The new era of young leaders has come.
    Miles will be well funded by corporations & powerful tycoons. So far he has made tremendous inroads within the PF rank and file to be the favorite to win the presidential candidacy at the forthcoming extra-ordinary party convention.
    Sampa will in the next few days be receiving powerful endorsements. I’ll provide you with a full list of probable endorsements in 48 hours. Stay tuned…

  14. No these mps r now makin hon lungu unpopular,i will vote 4 pf and el no matter wat,bt jus do wat the constitution says,b rest assured dat even at the gc,el will still win,so hon lungu jus go 4 the convention and prove ur critics wrong

  15. I support the threat by the PFoolish MPs to boycott the 2015 Budget. Chikwanda’s budget is the most useless garbage of a national budget ever. It has to be completely rewritten by the new President and Cabinet after the January 2015 by-election. Please Parliament don’t pass this budget. Opposition MPs should support this move.


  17. Lungu Is A Threat To Upnd And Mmd. He Has Given Them A Sleepless Night. Whether They Go For Conversion Or Not If Lungu Was Appointed By God To Lead This Nation It Will happen. Thats Wen Sum Opposition Leaders Wil Comit Sucied. Upnd Did Not Go For Conversion Why This On Pf. Edgars Name Is On Pipos Lips. Thats The One They Want. Vote For Upnd Bt Lungu Will Win. Mark My Words

    • Lungu is the threat only to uncorked bottle. As to your “analysis”, difference between “populist” Sata and “populist” Lungu is clear, Sata had Scott as the brain. Lungu has group of 60 – 70 useless and brainless selfish hungry scavengers trying to hold the Country for ransom!!!

    • Such supportive sentiments can only come from an Easterner like you, be national and patriotic whenever supporting candidates. Why are always to end up with imposed Easterners as replacements each time a sitting president dies?

  18. The issue of the general conference is tricky as pf as a party doesnt seem to have clear documentation as to who is a bonafide member, other parties have cards and can be proved, and for pf its who knows who situation to be pf and that is why we have fights among ourselfs. After these clears we need to make good changes

  19. Any wonder why Sata called these PF ministers useless. True to every word, what has the budget got to do with the selection of a candidate. A budget is meant to advance the running of the country and not a selection of a candidate. how f00lish!

  20. At first I thought this Edgar Lungu was the answer. But recent events indicate otherwise. The facts are simple, Sata was training and observing Edgar for the top job. But remember, not every trainee makes the grade.

    The more I read in between the lines, the more I realise HH can capitalise on this intra party confusion. He has been most dignified so far, and perhaps most prepared. He would have my vote today. But lungu??? Let us be serious please.

    • I tend to suspect the Opposition are funding the endorsement of a weak PF candidate in Edgar whom they hope to tear to pieces during the campaigns for his love of the ‘unholy drink’ and his cowardice to hire a disgruntled citizen fighting delaying legal battles in Court on straight-forward constitutional matter, why did he easily succumb to be charged with treason if he was convinced of being in the right. Let us have peaceful PF elections and prayers for the right candidate to win. As for the Opposition you are free to attempt winning the presidency under a sitting Ruling Party in Government…mere waste of resources rightly for the sake of democracy!

  21. We told you there were no brains in PF and you were disputing, I am sure you all learnt in primary school what a budget is. How can somebody hold the country to ransom using a budget because his preferred candidate is not adopted. Sata was right, most of his MPs are completely useless, that statement had a foundation.

  22. Democracy! Democracy! Democracy! Cry my beloved Zambia. This party has no direction at all. The PF is the AXIS OF EVIL! America must declare this party as such

  23. Miles Sampa is the only way forward! I would hve looked the other way if Nawakwi or Christine Kaseba were to stand, now I hve no other choice but to cast my power Thumb on Sampa. Guy Scott would also do but unfortunately……….

  24. Hon Guy Scott which political party has gone for convetion? UPND has never done that yet the look more organized than PF. Think of being a Hero by giving pipo what they want. This is lungu’s year

  25. When is voter registration in RSA, cos I need to vote for Lungu. I don’t care about his phuza face cos I want to cast my vote for him.

  26. The thinking in this country defies the simplest logic. How can Miles Sampa deliver when he is in a party that has completely failed us. We go to bed hungry because of these chaps and in some peoples wisdom PF is still relevant. Imwe vibanthu, mealie meal was at 30 Kwacha only 3 years ago and you are still talking of candidates from PF. Just what is wrong with all of you? A party las lamentably failed and you are still talking about them. Is it dullness or what?

  27. We do not believe and shall not believe propaganda. Guy Scott is doing well.Lungu is not doing his job.He was preaching that people should give up their positions and stand but he has failed to do so.Like many lawyers he does not even understand his own constitution. Time to fill in candidature may run out and he will not even stand at the convention. Lungu is not popular!He is being made to look popular.Let him fight the right way.We cannot vote for a candidate who has nothing to offer but cry about instruments of power.What does he think will happen on the 29th?Please useless camp Lungu advise your candidate.

  28. These mps are not serious and they want to impose Lungu. If indeed he is popular, let him face the other members of the conversion. And some of you are portraying the post as a cartel, I wonder how u will call these scared maps.
    Respect Guy and I fully support him on following the party constitution. We are watching the useless mps.

  29. I don’t care what is happening to either Guy Scott or Lungu, my party is intact and organized and has been attracting new members all this time. Can you all stop the Lungu and Scott issues on LT, this not a PF site, take this argument to your designated areas where you fight with pangas. Shaaa

  30. Just go to your convention Imwe ba PF and pick your candidate, you are trying had to deprive your members of their voting rights, always full of short cuts. Are you ever going to learn? What a party? Shameful through out, liars all the time

  31. These MPs want EL because in his drunken state he is going to appoint everybody that will have backed for him during this period. He is being pushed by the financial muscles of PF. This is very sad country men/women let’s call for a convention.

  32. Well I said it a long time ago that like it or not Edgar would be our next President and that is well on what is going to happen, the likes of Guy Scott and his racist ambitions of bringing in a President who would support the imperialist agenda of companies like Zambeef, Zambia sugar, Amatheon, Chobe farms, KCM, Mopani and other racist companies that are here to exploit. Viva Edgar Lungu my President, abash Kambwili, GBM and other hungry politicians that are ready to sell the souls of Zambians for money! By the way ba Lusaka this new site is terrible please be advised if you want to maintain your readership or bring in new bloggers return the old site to us as this one is not compatible with many smart phones.

    • Do you really think the people of Zambia will vote for Edgar pa January 27? What makes you so sure? You drunk people need to think about the result of that election

    • @ 00/00lack of vision
      As you been saying here all this time, Sata is not sick, now Lungu is the man.
      Thanks to God, there are no to many boneheads in Zambia to follow your recommendation

  33. These MPs are retards and racists. How can the threaten to block the budget over a party issue. PF must be voted out and the new president wether UPND, NAREP of MMD should dissolve parliament. Agulugufe akantu ba mamambala

  34. Remove Guy Scott. During the time president Sata , he had never been allowed to act as presdent. Sata knew him better. Why now ? Whatch it Zambians , T B Joshua prophesised about a southern African country being in blood . Do not say we were not warned. TB Johua can not stop it but we can trough prayer and action, Please let us remove Guy Scott.

    • If you had slight understanding of the Law, you will understand that been duly sworn-in VP it will be illegal to be acting President whilst actual President is allive

  35. Fellow Zambians, we only ve 1 country while Scott has Scotland to run to when the heat he is courting catches up. Forget the convention he is advocating for he just being forced by an ugly hand with devilish intentions. The masses want lungu and who is he to deny them? Abash imperialism!

  36. Hypocrisy in Zambia is too much.Despite UPND not having a vacancy at presidential level,their MCC has unanimously chosen one HH to be its candidate and this afternoon the MMD’s MCC is sitting to choose its candidate.There is literally no one on this site who has condemned them for not going to a general conference to choose their candidates for the up coming by election.It bewilders me to read some comments from educated Zambians who have access to the internet insulting the PF for suggesting to choose their candidate through their central committee as well.If this is not hypocrisy then i need to be told by someone the true meaning of the word HYPOCRISY.What is good for the Goose is also good for the Gander they say.

  37. I have not read anywhere in this article where the MPs have threatened not to pass the budget if EL is not adopted. If this is their decision, they should learn to differentiate party matters with national matters.

  38. In addition to the above HH a fake SDA and known satanist and freemason that partook in the plunder of the mines is proving to be a born loser even before the elections as I have travelled round the country where i carried out a survey of the political landscape following the passing of my father HEMCS and can confidently state that apart from a few selected districts in Southern province the PF with Edgar Lungu as our candidate will carry the day with a resounding PF!!! Pabwato!!!!

  39. do they mean PF budget of national budget, who pays them, is it Edgar Lungu or the people of Zambia, try it and see how will treat you fools

  40. not pass the NATIONAL budget cos of your party politics…..i was going to say phaq u pf mps….but i then realised your budget is crap anyway…..whatever

  41. Unbelievable! How do 70 MPs think they are going to win a general election when they just want to railroad Lungu into position for 60 days? I see either 1) 70 bye-elections coming or 2) RB or HH as president. Sorry but you can’t drink your way into plot 1

  42. So it’s K-Camp versus Drunk-camp versus Fat-camp (and maybe Fossil-camp can make an appearance). I know who I support

  43. Wonder, the late president, called you useless, MPs,
    Foolish, don’t contribute, go to the convention, you fools, why is he scared LUNGU, is he normal Zambians?
    Please Mr Acting President, stand firm, CONVENTION, is the only solution.

  44. Tomorrow’s meeting, mr Acting President, one item on the agenda, CONVENTION, if they start, talking useless things, out of the agenda, walk out, assign MPS , to go ahead on preparations period.

    There few, ministers, I haven’t heard making noises,
    The rest are scared of there jobs, puppets for Lungu,
    Not a good presidential material.

  45. If I were Edgar Lugu, I will be ashamed of these MPs. My advice to the Honorable MP and minister is to steer clear of this group. It shows desperation and lack of confidence. If Edgar is popular he will emerge a winner during the convention. What happens if a decision is made by a few and other members interested in the presidency take the litigation route? To win the presidency, you need legitimacy consensus in the party.

  46. Somebody tell me, why is there so much phobia about the Convention? If people are so-called ‘popular’, why not let the people decide, instead of a bunch of disgruntled individuals who are trying to hold the nation at ransom? It beats me.

  47. What has the budget got to do with the PF candidate…..Imwe bantu do not like Zambia to be PF and PF to be Zambia. You are just killing your party. I am disappointed with Hon Lungu. You can not play football and be the Ref at the same time. There have been alot other people that have acted before as presidents. Now imagine if the president had died(God forbid) during during those times, who should have been the PF Presidential candidate? You are just a “chancer” Hon Lungu. You MUST accept to go to the congress to prove your popularity to the general membership…………….GBM , ABC and Kabimba had acted in the Presidential position before and they equally deserve an opportunity to stand for elections.

  48. PF is a party of threats, if you remember very well, the first thing their leader did was threaten to disolve parliament, then he threatened millers, then he threatened KCM and the list of threats goes on. so it’s not surprising. he taught them very well. now, well meaning Zambians let’s get this threat party out of government. this is a democratic nation and Zambia is not just for PF but for all of us.


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