Sunday, September 8, 2024

ECZ to replace lost voters’ cards for the forthcoming presidential by-election


Electoral Commission of Zambia Director Priscilla Isaacs
Electoral Commission of Zambia Director Priscilla Isaacs

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has disclosed that it will replace lost voters’ registration cards ahead of the forthcoming presidential by-election.

ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac however said the commission will only do replacements and not issue new voters’ cards.

Mrs. Isaac said the commission cannot register new voters or those that have relocated due to limited time before the presidential by-election.

She was speaking in the Washington DC at the Zambian Embassy when she paid a courtesy call at the mission.

And Charge D’ Affairs at the Embassy of Zambia Joe Chilaizya thanked Mrs. Isaac for visiting the embassy.

Mrs. Isaac is in Washington DC on the invitation of the Woodrow Wilson Centre where she made a presentation at a discussion entitled; “Electoral commissions and the consolidation of democracy in Africa: progress, challenges and prospects for the future”.

Mrs. Isaac was also observing the just ended mid-term election in the United States under the auspices of International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

This is according to a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambian Embassy in Washington DC, Patricia Littiya.


  1. Whenever a good thing is about to happen, something to hinder automatically happens. Nwe the boy already has 2 votes with no doubt: his and mine PLUS his and my family members’. No LOOSE this time ala! Go Go Zambia Janza Kumbele. Even if they say no new cards TULAINDA. May Late Mazoka’s spirit accompany us.

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