Sunday, September 8, 2024

FDD calls on Human Rights Commission to investigate Police action at UNZA.


The Opposition Forum Democracy and Development (FDD)has called on the Human Rights Commission to investigate the brutal actions of the Zambia Police which left some students seriously injured.

Speaking in an interview FDD spokesperson Antonio Mwanza said the Commission should investigate and recommend appropriate punishment for those responsible for the injuries caused to innocent students whose demands are genuine.

Mr. Mwanza who is also former UNZASU president said it the responsibility of Government to ensure that students are paid their meal allowances as students can not be learning on empty stomachs as opposed to turning the institution into a battle zone.

“We want the human rights commission to investigate police brutality against innocent students at UNZA that they have brutalized.

“Government should pay the students now and not turn into a battle zone. The students have to eat so how does the government expect students to attend classes on empty stomachs.”

The opposition leader also demanded for the immediate unconditional release of all the arrested students saying the protests at the institution are as a result of the PF Government’s ineptitudeness.

“We also demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all the students that were arrested. The protests at the institution are as a result of the of government’s ineptitudeness.”

Mr. Mwanza further said Government should beheld responsible for all the damages which occurred at the institution and adding that the PF is a thieving Government which should be kicked out as they have pocketed the money meant for student allowances.

“The Government has to be held accountable for all the damage, physical or otherwise that has occurred at UNZA because had they paid the students their allowances all this violence could not have been there.

“The PF are a thieving and uncaring Government that needs to be kicked out now because they have continued to pocket resources meant for social services such as the payment of student allowances,” Mr. Mwanza said.

UNZA students on Friday night fought running battles with the police resulting in the damaging of property including one bent hostel and several students injured.


  1. FDD spokesperson litole yankumba , students in Uk have not been paid for more than six months and facing eviction from private landlords . No rioting or damaging universities, person or public properties . Some people if they go to UNZA they feel they are educated and more than anyone. This behaviour is that of a bush product and uncultured. Some of these students have come from poor families and very far . Influenced by very few unintelligeable students from well do familes so that they can disrupt lessons. The same money they want will be used to repair the damages. Politicians like Mwanza are clued and baseless and not fit for purpose of leading the nation as their support for this behaviour shows they are not mature to lead. Politics is about making good judgements and moves

    • If they can be able to get social welfare allowance & support doesnot mean we have one in Zambia.Be logical,sober and much more understanding to the Zambia setup not those insults you are issuing just because you are able to clean toilets and get a few pounds plus taking care of the old and cleaning there shit does allow you to insult any zambian.You left this country to go and search for better life though the hassle involved and you want your friends who have not abandoned there country to be sleeping on empty stomachs???

    • Ubu bupuba sana.these chaps are ao dull,it damaging other people’s cars a way to coerse governement to act.ififine ifima bursary efilemitumpinka ba ngwele.

  2. My son was also a victim. Unfortunately after knocking off from work, he decided to visit a friend in Chelstone. On his way back he was caught up in the fracas as he was on a mini bus. All the passengers were picked by police and locked up at Chelstone police. House wives were on this bus and were equally detained and only released the following day after 14:00hrs upon payment of ‘Admission of guit’ fine. What incompetence is this? Three UNZA students were actually pulled out of the UNZA clinic hospital beds and brutalised at Chelstone police.

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