Monday, September 16, 2024

Our Response To High Court Ruling – RB Is Celebrating Too Early


Rapheal Nakacinda-Communications Director- Office of the President-MMD
Rapheal Nakacinda-Communications Director- Office of the President-MMD

We have been compelled to respond to the apparent misrepresentation of facts being created following the High Court ruling delivered on Wednesday December 10th, 2014 in the matter in which Movement for Multiparty Democracy President Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba had sought an application to restrain MMD National Secretary Mr Muhabi Lungu from interfering in the running and functions of the office of the Party President.

The euphoria exhibited by Rupiah Banda and his team confirms that they have deliberately chosen to misunderstand the ruling and are therefore creating an impression that Mr Banda is now the adopted presidential candidate for the MMD. We wish to clarify that the court did not whatsoever rule on the adoption process for the presidential candidate of the MMD but rather on the injunction.

Justice Chalwe Mchenga was categorical in his ruling when he stated that the injunction was discharged because there were no definite parameters provided by our legal team on which the injunction should be sustained. The ruling does not suggest that the suspension of Dr Mumba as party President was done legally. Neither does it suggest that Mr Banda is a candidate.

To begin to assume victory now by dancing and laughing too early is like dancing to a song before it is played, because this matter will ultimately be resolved when the main matter and other matters come before the Court.

We wish to appeal to our loyal members across the country to remain calm and resolute as we go through this legal process which we believe will help restore sanity to our beloved party.

Issued by: Mr Raphael Nakacinda
MMD Director for Communications
Lusaka, Zambia on 10th December 2014


    • Since this is about dancing, MMD is advised not to dance themselves lame before the main dance is yet to come. RB may just get over this hurdle, but let us wait and see what the election results would be like. Never may have the last laugh.

    • Ba Pastor if he had only cultivated himself in the school of critical thinking, humility, integrity and self introspection, he wouldn’t be misfiring like this to his own detriment. A strategic man with a sense of reality would have realized the opportunity of working with RB to build his momentum on the back of the an internationally recognized statesman. RB could have built and jump-started ba Pastor’s Decision 2016 leaving him with a solid momentum come 2016. he would have been left with a consolidated national and international support base which on his own Nevers will never afford to marshal. You cannot build political leadership on the alms of some outlawed mercenary Groups in arms trade and mining sector predatory connivance. worse still is to resort to insults and thuggery boys.

    • I am 62 in March 2015. I will definitely vote for RB to prove to all and sundries that we might be old but are wiser and active. We have a lot to contribute to society. Life has not ended for us and we do not want degradation by anybody, no discrimination from anybody. I am going out to talk to all elderly people and request them to turn out in big number and vote for their age mate to send the right signal to sundries and all that old age is not an end and certainly not a disgrace. We might not be very fit for manual jobs but certainly very valuable for planning, translating our wisdom and first hand experience into development projects, direction to new generation and encouragement and mentor the learners on the job.

    • People who love Nevers should advise him about the folly of these court injunctions he is trying to pursue. Is his aim to kill MMD? Okay assuming he goes ahead and sues Muhabi again now with the right papers where will this take him? The nominations are within 9 or so days. What this would result is possibly him and RB knocked out of this presidential election. How will party faithfuls look at him then? The party will not field any candidate and is that what he wants? If he wins, how will he work with people like Muhabi, Nyangu, Kaingu and the like? Really Nevers is this fight worth it? Or are you doing this out of pride? What does the Bible say about pride? “Pride Comes before a fall”. Honestly I fail to see this self imposed fight by Nevers. It is unnecessary and very individualistic,…

    • God has nothing to do with our naive political misfiring. Ba Mumba is neither a critical thinker or strategist but a CNP filled with hot air. Did you hear his manifesto in Muchinga that he want to become President so he can go finish the infrastructure development of President Sata in Muchinga Province. To him man North, East, South, West, NW, Lusaka, Luapula should give Nevers the Presidency so he can go finish up Sata’s initiated Projects in Muchinga.
      At the Gospel concert he held in Kitwe, he said his vision is to get to state house so he can allow Churches to freely worship in schools and not build their own churches as he did with his Victory Ministry of 35 years of zero footprints while young minsters have build their own Churches. Ba brother need prayers and straight talk.

  1. Banda is being used as a spoiler to stop Edgar lungu. Why not punishing Felix Mutati who is campaigning for UPND? Mind you PF won without Eastern and I belv not all will vote for spoiler RB in Eastern province

    • Banda is using himself. He is old enough to know what he wants. Easterners are smart enough to know what is good for them instead of voting on tribal basis – unlike those PFoolish supporters.

  2. RB said he had retired, only to show up because of elections. The man never uttered a single word of support and yet the party was under going serious difficulties. Today the man without shame is the candidate. Enjoy the candidacy but mark my word, you won’t see the presidency. Trust me!

  3. We are voting for a young and energetic generation. Did I not see your name in social studies books years ago, and I should be seeing your name on the ballot again ,no ways. We met in text books when I was in grade 5 and today I am working I should be meeting you again, no ways. We will vote for a young vibrant guy who understands economics and can move the country forward. If your coming back is to come and defend your son who is in hiding, you are lost

    • I am 62 in March 2015. I will definitely vote for RB to prove to all and sundries that we might be old but are wiser and active. We have a lot to contribute to society. Life has not ended for us and we do not want degradation by anybody, no discrimination from anybody. I am going out to talk to all elderly people and request them to turn out in big number and vote for their age mate to send the right signal to sundries and all that old age is not an end and certainly not a disgrace. We might not be very fit for manual jobs but certainly very valuable for planning, translating our wisdom and first hand experience into development projects, direction to new generation and encouragement and mentor the learners on the job.

  4. Mr Nervous Mumba time is running out. Your lawyers need to be a lot sharper.You need to seriously consider putting out an injunction against ECZ not to accept RB’s papers before the matter of your candidature is resolved.

  5. The Nevers Mumba team is desperately grasping at straws at this point. The ECZ has already accepted RB as the MMD candidate. The matter is finished and closed and we are moving forward with our campaign.

  6. I love Zambian democracy. It is the shining example of all democracies in the world. Go a head Nakacinda …dig out more and lay it bare. The so called learned men and women are not so learned after all. They do not even have morals or ethics to follow. Just look at the way the acting chief justice is behaving just because of the Chitimukulu chiefdom. Go ahead and challenge them. RB or Mumba …there is no difference …..neither can win the Presidency..I don’t bet…./

  7. Nevers is a Joke
    In his 3 years as president of MMD what did he achieve.?
    People can’t keep on yelling his young his young. We need real proper ssues to be discussed and age is a non starter.

    ViVa RB

    • I am 62 in March 2015. I will definitely vote for RB to prove to all and sundries that we might be old but are wiser and active. We have a lot to contribute to society. Life has not ended for us and we do not want degradation by anybody, no discrimination from anybody. I am going out to talk to all elderly people and request them to turn out in big number and vote for their age mate to send the right signal to sundries and all that old age is not an end and certainly not a disgrace. We might not be very fit for manual jobs but certainly very valuable for planning, translating our wisdom and first hand experience into development projects, direction to new generation and encouragement and mentor the learners on the job.

  8. Are these f00ls looking at the clock ticking? Because they are here playing Indians&Cowboys when they should focus their dumb butts on an election.

    • It is highly unlikely that Mr Banda will win and his bid to return to politics is ill conceived at best or mischievous at worst either way come January the nation will see his sad tears again and the courts will be dealing with his application to reinstate his benefits if the ultimate winner of this by election is not benevolent. I agree it is way too early to rejoice but then this may be the only opportunity to have any joy by team Banda in this highly baffling enterprise. As for Nevers this is a time to reflect to move onlybon principle not expedience and to learn the lessons you should about alliances and political nativity. I see an opportunity for you to salvage the remnants of MMD and rebuild with those that will not defect to the winner in the coming weeks.

  9. Let RB stand and he shall come no.7 in these elections i bet you….

    HH for President come 20.01.2015
    its Fligt HH2015 baba

    Aleisa Aleisa

  10. RB is the biggest threat to all. Zambia made a big mistake in 2011. Let us not do it again. Zambia has become very expensive, political violence is at it’s peek, politics of the belly and tribalism. We can’t leave out intimidation by the ruling party cadres, these guys think they can do what ever they want and it needs to stop now. I agree that RB should take us to 2016 and restore all. I also agree that there is no time for experiments. RB you have my vote.

    • I am 62 in March 2015. I will definitely vote for RB to prove to all and sundries that we might be old but are wiser and active. We have a lot to contribute to society. Life has not ended for us and we do not want degradation by anybody, no discrimination from anybody. I am going out to talk to all elderly people and request them to turn out in big number and vote for their age mate to send the right signal to sundries and all that old age is not an end and certainly not a disgrace. We might not be very fit for manual jobs but certainly very valuable for planning, translating our wisdom and first hand experience into development projects, direction to new generation and encouragement and mentor the learners on the job.

  11. Mumba chewed money… thats why he is like this. he is too reasonable a person for the behavior he is exhibiting.

    • its a known thing but Zambians unfortunately are easily misled. what mumba did the past 3 years was divide the party ati true blue… his position is so unknown this is why the majority of the MMD members opted to go back to RB so the party can not be extinct. this was a good move as evidenced by Mumbas behaviour. rumor has it that he pocketed some money to bring this instability and am now beginning to believe it because had he been a well meaning MMD member and as president he would have behaved differently especially that the time is ticking. the truth of the matter is the RB is more popular than mumba and i think this has alot to do with the personality. mumba is too full of himself as such fails to work with other people. between the two my vote is on RB.

  12. Is it not laughable to see the man of God failing to interpret signs of our time? Ba Mumba bushe babomfya bible yashani? Let him find the answers from the bible or consult abena tbj ku Nigeria. Why hanging around courts? Find out whether God has rejected you?
    Let us also campaign for Jesus.
    Now it is confirmed that Jesus is coming at the time we least expect him. Are we ready? In what direction are you going now, Hell or Heaven? Suppose he comes now, where can you be taken? Obviously it is to HH. I mean Hell or Heaven. HH reminds us of our destiny. Jesus is alive and still calling us to God. Jesus want us to understand the word of God and obey it not church doctrines. Denominations and their doctrines are man made. Let us pray at all times for our safety and survival. Luke21:36

  13. It’s funny how short memories most of us have. Before Sata left this world. A lot of us were calling for RB’s return. Today we are the same people throwing stones at him. We need to think beyond 20th January, we also need to look at ourselves as people and not voters, we need a person that will unite us so that we move forward. I for one know who I am voting for. I hope you do as well instead of making baseless noise just because you have the ability to voice out. Think twice

  14. It is just simple logic that as we grow old body systems fail to function. If one was man of action five years ago, there is no way he can still have ernergy now. We deteriorate by age and there is no need to make another mistake of allowing an old man to lead.

  15. This world is not short of people whose thinking transcends the bounds of simple logic and amazingly dwarfed memories. Because blind royalty, such souls follow a dead body to the grave. RB’s legs are buckling tipping the scales beyond Sata’s age. No sooner you vote for him is another expensive state funeral. These guys have had their time and they are completely spent – a spent UNIPIST. At their bidding, they choose to enjoy ruble rousing those of their own ilk, chew them, use them and spit them on rubbish dump. If this is not enough, go ahead and lick RB’s boots. Iam taking a quantum leap for a younger generation, new ideas, new innovations, new inventions. Abash UNIPISTS and whisky blowers. HH Aleisa.

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