Sunday, February 9, 2025

The constitution is of paramount importance to the nation-Edith Nawakwi


Opposition Forum for Democracy and development FDD leader Edith Nawakwi says the constitution is of paramount importance to the nation as it is the starting point of development in any country and will be her no number one priority when elected president in the forthcoming by elections.

speaking when she featured on a live program at Mansa’s Yageni Radio in Luapula Province Ms. Nawakwi said there is no country which has developed without putting in place a good constitution that ensures the full participation of it people in running the affairs of their nation.

The opposition leader explained that a good constitution ensures that people are protected from being exploited by their leaders and curbs a lot of ills that comes with a bad constitution.

She further said she would like to be remembered for being the leader who gave the people a constitution that empowers the nation adding that she would not dwell much on promises like other candidates as the time left to complete the term is too short for a person to embark on implementing their outrageous promises.

The Opposition leader who is on a campaign trail also said she will not offer easy solutions the challenges like others who saying they will live the venders on the streets when there can be better solution to the problem because no one wants to spend their lives selling on the streets.

And Ms. Nawakwi reminded the people of Mansa that they were promised a number of things by the PF during the Mansa Central Parliamentary by election promises she said have not been fulfilled up today.

She noted that it would be folly to vote for the PF in the forthcoming presidential elections because that be saying the people are happy with the fulfilled promises.

She said the Current government promised to reopen the Mansa batteries something she observed remains a promise to date.

She advised people in the province to ensure that the vote wisely by voting for a person who will help the province move out the jaws of poverty which has griped the province for a long time.

She said the province was rated as the third most impoverished province in the but it was possible to change that by voting wisely.

The opposition been holding meetings with members and would be voters in small groups and will return to Lusaka on Monday for the nominations.

And Opposition Forum for Democracy and Development FDD President Edith Nawakwi has called on women and youths to start aspiring for leadership positions as that is the only way the country will move forward.

Speaking when she addressed members in Mansa, Ms. Nawakwi said the country continues to lag behind because women and youths are left out of leadership positions when they are the majority in the country.

She observed that countries such Rwanda and Tanzania have by passed Zambia in terms of development because women and youths are fully participating in running the affairs of their countries.

She said the country’s resources can not be left to few individuals adding that the majority country’s population are youths and women.

She further added leadership positions will only go to the youths if they fight for them as the old people in these positions will not hand them over on a silver plat.

The opposition leader also found time to pay a curtesy call on chief Matanda were she reiterated her call to the people to judge everyone in the race to plot one equally as well as for people not to use their emotions when casting their votes but choose a leader based on their capabilities.

While in Chief Matanda’s area Ms. Nawakwi addressed a number of groups asking them to try her and give her an opportunity to prove herself as leader.

She said men have been at the helm of the nation for 50 years and that it was time to try a woman as the country does not belong to men only.

Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Nwakwi addressing people
Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace
Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace


Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace
Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace
Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace
Edith Nawakwi Meeting Chief Matanda at his palace
Edith Nawakwi talking to people
Edith Nawakwi talking to people
Edith Nawakwi talking to people
Edith Nawakwi talking to people


  1. Amano ukucepa ai!! What a bunch of brainwashed ignorant dunderheads that reject that which is before their eyes, but worship “an invisible old muzungu that sits on a cloud”…tsk.. tsk.

    What do you expect from someone who’s leadership is for people that still use a hole in the ground as a toilet?

  2. Madam Nawakwi…….

    Zambians have waited for respective governments to give them a Constitution that is relevant to the times we live in and times to come. You and fellow opposition party leaders ganged up to label HH a “bitter” politician for consistently reminding the PF government and the late Sata that they were wrong to deny Zambians a new constitution they had promised to produce within 90 days.

    I can see even the co-chief architect to the late President Sata in defying calls for a new constitution, making a promise to give Zambians a new constitution when he forms his rainbow party.

    One day in future, Zambians. rural and urban, will wake up and scrutinise leaders before casting their precious vote. HH has always been consistent. Give HH a chance Zambians.

    • Nawakwi is just like any other politician. She used to be in MMD and left to form her own party. Now she is touching on issues like the constitution which she was almost against when HH reminded Sata about it. Some of us don’t forget what you do. She is corrupt and arrogant!

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