Friday, March 7, 2025

RB has lost it-Nevers Mumba


MMD President Nevers Mumba at the Newsmakers Forum
MMD President Nevers Mumba at the Newsmakers Forum

MMD President Nevers Mumba has charged that Rupiah Banda has lost the dignity and respect he once had following his endorsement of PF presidential candidate Edgar Lungu.

Dr Mumba said the former President has disappointed many Zambians by opting to work with the PF, a party he fought hard against.

Dr Mumba was speaking in Lusaka Monday evening during a Newsmakers Forum public discussion organised by the Press Freedom Committee of the Post Newspapers.

“Zambians are asking, we thought you were just saying PF are the devils of the day, so what has changed? So, for me, I cannot speak against him as an elder brother, but I can say this: Zambians including myself do not look at him the way we looked at him the day before yesterday,” Dr Mumba said.

He added, “It is gone and it has been taken away from him and unfortunately it has also taken away from the campaign of Mr Edgar Lungu because nobody in his right mind is going to feel inspired to follow that example.”

The MMD leader observed that Mr Banda’s decision to work with the PF is sad and more than unfortunate.

Dr Mumba stated that grassroot MMD members are the ones that are hurt the most by Mr Banda’s move because they worked and sacrificed hard to make him Vice President and later President when he was incorporated from Chipata.

“I think all Zambians, the least they expected was for my elder brother to say, ok it does not look like am gonna run in this election, I will not run to support Nevers Mumba, but I will just stay away and pray for this political process. But to go and surround yourself with people or group like that? I would have been more tactical myself and be surrounded by people from other provinces, but it now looks like an Eastern Province cartel,” he stated.

Dr Mumba said whatever Mr Banda and Mr Lungu agreed upon must be huge for the former President to give up his legacy.

“Whatever Mr Banda agreed with my brother Edgar Lungu must be huge, it must be huge, for him to sacrifice his legacy, his own dignity and his future and we are investigating, it must be huge and as soon as we put a finger on it, we will reveal.”

He continued, “Eastern province people are being accused of being tribal when they are not. Even today on the front page in a newspaper, I saw Dora Siliya and Muhabi Lungu smiling at each other, to each other and yet I was the one who was putting out the fire between them because they couldn’t even shake hands and now because there is a Nevers Mumba in between, then they can laugh.”

He said, “There is a scripture in the Bible, when two Kings who never even used to greet each other but when the issue of Jesus came up, they became friends because Jesus had to be crucified. People of God, you can see as Zambians, Zambia is not interested in tribalism and what is happening with my elder brother is that he has gone tribal and he must come to the centre and be the father of the nation in one way or another, whether he can redeem himself, I don’t know.

On MMD MPs who have endorsed other presidential candidates, Dr Mumba described such actions as immoral.

“That is a sign that there is immorality in the process but it is good for me because I prayed for a re-branded party. If they didn’t do what they have done, we could not have known what was in the hearts of the people, now we know and now i will take action,” he said.

Dr Mumba said the erring MPs will be dealt with by the Constituency Chairperson while any member of National Executive Committee who endorses another party will be treated as having crossed the floor and joined the other party.

“In politics, politicians must be brave, if you want to cross the floor, leave, that is leadership. Nevers Mumba makes hard decisions everyday and you need to learn to do the same. In other countries, I would have received resignation letters by now,” Dr Mumba noted.

And the MMD President unveiled a ten-point master plan for Zambia’s development which is anchored on education.

“The the new Hope MMD, education will be mandatory. Any parent or guardian who does not take a child to school will be prosecuted. We will introduce free education by increasing government revenue and broadening the tax base,” Dr Mumba said.

He said educating the majority of Zambians will make it difficult for selfish politicians to continue taking advantage of poor and illiterate citizens.

MMD President Nevers Mumba at the Newsmakers Forum flanked  by Deputy National Secretary Winnie Zaoloumis and Director-Communications  Rapheal Nakacinda
MMD President Nevers Mumba at the Newsmakers Forum flanked by Deputy National Secretary Winnie Zaoloumis and Director-Communications Rapheal Nakacinda
MMD President Nevers Mumba stresses a point at the   Newsmakers Forum
MMD President Nevers Mumba stresses a point at the Newsmakers Forum
Part of the audience at the Post Newsmakers Forum at  Southern Sun Hotels in Lusaka
Part of the audience at the Post Newsmakers Forum at Southern Sun Hotels in Lusaka


    • January 21, it will be announced…Edgar Lungu is leading in the elections
      January 23/24 it will be announced…Edgar Lungu has won the elections
      By the first week of February it will be announced…HH has resigned as UPND president..
      ****VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015 AND 2016****

    • TB JOSHUA has discarded lies spread by PF candidate Edgar Lungu that the prophet has seen Lungu winning the Zambian presidential by-election.

      Lungu through his campaign manager and spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba has been spreading lies about TB Joshua.
      But TB Joshua has now come out and refuted ever seeing any sick man being sworn in as Zambia’s next president.

      And followers of TB Joshua are annoyed that Lungu is spreading lies about the prophet. one follower said the lies are meat to embarrass Joshua. The followers says that if Lungu looses the elections, people will see TB Joshua as fake prophet when he has not said anything.



    • Dr. Mumba you are absolutely right…I mean RB losing it. Altho’ we shud all admit that he has been under immense pressure from Mugabe and maybe some PF who are obviously regretting their shortsightedness. RB shud have maintained his ground and remained independent. PF is prosecuting him and his immunity has been removed for crying out loud.
      The problem with some people is that they think the electorate who voted for RB and Sata in 2011 will vote for EL and “RB under the alliance”. I can’t just understand this f00lish way of thinking. People have different reasons for voting for candidates everytime around. And this time around a number of those who voted for RB and Sata are voting for HH.

      Viva HH, Viva UPND, Viva UPND endorsers.

    • Meanwhile, a Malawian prophet says UPND’ Hakainde Hichilema will win the presidential by-election.
      According Malawian media, the prophet made the revelation during the night of cross over to 2015.
      The prophet said that the PF will try to steal the votes from HH a situation that may lead to violence.

    • Great patriots they make decision that transcend personal pain in a spirit of national interest, unity, 70*70 times forgivess and stability which today of current csndidates, its only gurranteed under tested and experienced Defense Minister EL. Dr. Ksunda and RB have again risen above self. RB has so much nation support that automatically shifts with him to EL to seal stability and unity. The likes of bitter Nevers are shaupwawino chatterboxes with impact. If anything, this election is not a 2 horse race with Never totally useless.


    • I am just wondering how Old could Nevers be ?

      I ve liked his tenacity BUT he should NOT worry with the ‘eastern Cartel’ UPND will demolish it. Zambia’s Democray is growing and SOON WILL have STABLE POLITICAL PARTIES. I just hope tht the MAIN FOUR:

      3. FDD
      4. PF will develope a VERY GOOD successful plan for their future stability.


    • To you UPND cadres agreeing that RB has lost it, I wonder if you would still feel that way had he endorsed HH. Indeed RB is a factor that’s why chamibaba. On that note Can I just say Infintu ni Lungu!

    • RB may be saving your MMD party Nevers. However hard one looks at these elections, Nevers has no chance of winning and come February, there may be no MMD to write home about if HH becomes President. PF will rebrand as Rainbow Party in 2016, just like MMD became PF after Chiluba’s ill-fated 3rd term bid. All the MMD MPs who are campaigning for HH now, cannot turn around to campaign for MMD in 2016. Nevers THINK with your brain for a change and stop dreaming. RB is doing MMD a huge favour. If Edgar wins, the Rainbow party will die, HH will be humiliated and may go and drink Bwantu and MMD will have a chance. In 2016, RB could easily say, ‘I supported you to do 1, 2, 3 but you haven’t so now I back MMD. That is how political adults do politics. The under 5s are still drinking milk.

  1. RB has bought PF…. forget about fighting corruption, hypothetically speaking, how will Lungu continue the RB court cases after getting the dirty Naira?

    Sata would have never allowed RB anywhere near PF….Never!

    PF can kiss my vote goodbye!

    • I am reliably informed by close relatives of RB that what motivated the old guy for presidency is because he felt he did not do much for his family when he was in power. Simply stated, he did not steal enough to elevate his immediate and extended family to economic height. His relatives are no wallowing in poverty three years down the line. In endorsing Lungu, he sees an opportunity to steal. His son Andrew, a very political mature person put it right when he says his father is driven by greed and people who have associated with RB will attest to this. The man is shamelessly greed and his love for money overrides everything else. The deal he made with Lungu will soon be laid bare for all to see. He wishes to see his sons back in Zambia without any possible prosecution for their crimes.

    • UPND stooge, EL is winning this and UPND will be buried with the white collar criminals assembled under Unprincipled Party of Nowhere Destination. Nevers stabbed RB and not the other way round. He opened his mouth wide and soon will be history along with Mbulakulima and Zaloumis.

    • The Director of Public Prosecution is an inde3pendent office and stop thinking that RB will be let off by Nchito!

  2. These politicians are taking us for granted. Who do they think we are – fools to be cheated anyhow? I will never vote for Edgar, not when I’m alive.!!

  3. Some bloggers like 2020VISION just coment without knowing what they are comenting on.Nevers Mumba is right. i heared his speech.RB is forgeting that Lungu was among 100 PF MPS’ who stripped his immunity.Therefore going to bed with Lungu entails serious plans they have made together as reveald by the post.Now coming to the outcome of this immediate relationship, RB will not redeem Lungu from loosing come 20th January.

    • So what? There are no permanent friends and enemies in politics. Secondly, EL was doing his job. He was not the instigator and starter of RB’s cases.

  4. RB and Dr. Kaunda have done the most patriotic decision in true spirit of selflessness, national unity and forgiveness. The Good Lord teaches us the 70*70 rule. It is not patriotic to empower collaborators with mercenary Group candidates but a fellow patriot with proven interest if Zambia at heart. EL has show maturity, stability, long suffering, humility, servitude and progressive leadership despite leader of the Defense forces, National Justice ministry and many times acting head of state. To support any you collaborators with inimocal south African Groups is unpatriotic at worst besides wasting the vote and endorsement.

    • Kikikikikiki, I will have the last laugh but naine. The way the tonga face will look like. hahahahahaha it is/will be laughable for sure.

  5. You are misplaced on this issue. please whats wrong with sitting on christs feet. is joe imakando not better of serving god and being an advisor to gvt. what of our own joshua banda has he left the pulpit? Ba busa apa u need introspection. come bak to where u r supposed to be. na voice its like u r preaching. kushala fye altar call.

  6. …it is true, the old man has lost it all….no need to waste any resources investigating what is in it for RB…..
    …it must be something to do with the following:-
    – amnesty for his fugitive son
    -dropping his abuse of office charge
    -give a blind eye to the sudden wealth of his spouse (a teacher 9 yrs ago)
    -misses travelling on govt expense, to represent the govt on various international forums
    …yes he was better off not to officially take sides like his colleague KK(atleast so far)

  7. The problem is not politicians. Its about bring African, look at the candidates u have, leaders Nsanda, kambwili and the caliber of late Sata that isn’t awkward to a Zambian but it’s even unthinkable here in UK

    • Remember this is not UK. We are happy with the same leaders u can stay there forever but i know you have sleepless nights.

  8. This what it feels when people sense loss. If RB had embrassed Nevers, then oh he was going to be an angel. My brother Nevers, be advised that, what you are witnessing is true politics. Even us Christians behave the same way. We feel the message from our church’s preacher is less appealing than the one from another preacher outside. That’s what brings about changing of churches. As a church minister, Mr. Mumba should be the first to know that there is forgiveness and that is noble. Why condemn it.

    My only appeal, to those who have accepted endorsements from outside their parties, must respect endorsements to other parties by others. They should not expect all the people to embrace policies of their parties only. GOD Almighty gave us a free will.So let no one infringe on right to…

  9. It’s darkest before dawn. This pact of immoral evil-doers, RB & PF, nails it. Zambians will wake up on 21st January to a nice breath of fresh air when a professional govt is sworn in. They have paid the price by inadvertently electing thugs into power.

    • My fellow citizens, Let us all come with our NRCs and VOTERS CARDs to massively vote for HH from all corners of Zambia so we can remove this corrupt govt of PF. The consequences will be worse leaving them in power.

  10. When people say politics is a dirty game, this is what is means Doctor Mumba. Dora and Muhabi may have differed but an opportunity has surfaced for them to unit, no permanent enemies in politics. Take a leaf from Masebo and the UPND lately relationship and what previously happened concerning them. If God has nothing to do with your joining of politics, better go back to the pulpit where the best can be attained from you for the benefit of the many souls as you used to be a cloud puller in that regard (Zambia shall be saved).

  11. we are MMD. I can’t vote for Nevers Mumba. He is not an insightful politician. We cried that Banda comes back. You should have just rallied behind him. We were not saying we would win but we would lose honorably and remain afloat. Look at the positions MMD has found itself after you became president. if UNIP starts being ahead of you in parliamentary elections then ninshi cabipa. You say you respected RB but you refused to tap into that respect when you refused his come back. Look RB has just done what we thought as plan B as MMD members. It is just unfortunate situation that the pf candidate is his bululu. But you know that is not the reason. Lungu is not Sata. Lungu is not a friend of the cartel which is the enemy of MMD. You know very little ba Mumba!

    • i am behind you a 100% @basila. Apapena walasa. BA Mumba you should have listened to the NEC. You failed to listen the voice of reason. statistics showed how unpopular you are but ifitala. Now MMD will be 3rd with very low percentages. you have noone but yourself to blame. MMD as a perty was stronger than you – the president hence to urgency of bringing in a person that was alaredy known to the people and more popular. bUt yourselfishness and ponposity has TOTALLY killed this party. You spaek kwati lubuli lyonse people dont want that, but trouble is its enbedded in your charecter. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MMD”S DOWNFALL. The NEC doesnt hate you they just wanted to save the party. Now and see the reflection of those statistics after 20th. I thought men of God should be humble.

  12. Ba Mumba, please stop behaving like an abandoned girlfriend whose livelihood sole depended on a boyfriend.
    RB, yes he’s not an ordinary people in strictly political circle who at the end of the day is a politician entitled to make a political decision as it’s within the nature of politics. Please stop confusing yourself sensitizing yourself by imaginalizing yourself with falsehood. RB has never been anything else but a politician. He has never been a Pastor, Bishop etc.
    Furthermore the man has explained the reason behind his action which a political decision and nothing else.
    Kanshi chiwaminafye imbushi ukusuma imbwa than imbwa ukusuma imbushi

    • @ 16 Derrick Factors

      I concur. Now with the full floor to himself, let Nevers Mumba prove that he is the real man he claims to be and the real leader he wants us to believe he is.

  13. Ba H.Hpakwakana ubunga na nokofyala tapabansoni. for the sake of you continuing with politics try to join the 4th R party and implement the 50-50 policy and that’s if you want, but if you don’t want just retire and choose another president coz you will never win any election in Zambia. Ifwe tuleumfwilapofye bwino muli ba Edgar C. Lungu.

  14. Nevers, my brother, you seem to be alone. First, how did you lose all your MPs to HH, RB to EL? Sorry bro

  15. Instead of crying foul and talking too much all the time, Nevers Mumba should just ditch his campaign and join the HH team. He is wasting his time because all Zambians now are either supporting Edgar Lungu or HH. Nevers Mumba will receive more civilised treatment and respect as an opposition leader if HH wins, and so I would support HH to minimise unnecessary splitting of votes. Nobody is listening to his campaign, I don’t know what his problem is. Why doesn’t he support HH and then focus his real presidential campaign for 2016??? That is why he is failing to run MMD, the MPs he is leading in MMD are wiser than him: I will be surprised if he survives as MMD president up to 2016, he is too dull. But good luck to him.

    • @ 19 Judge Masipha

      It’s past the HOUR. Nevers Mumba was still catching a nap. Albeit it is now turning to be a nightmare.

  16. This is Politics. A variety of methods are employed, which include promoting one’s own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. It’s ok Ba RB & MMD MPs to Endorse presidetial candidates of your choice. Let them (Constituency Chairperson) deal with you. Apa ni chinja team okolewe

  17. RB does not care about MMD, the faggot is still UNIP deep down. In fact he is happy that he has dealt a blow to MMD. The man has no principles, I have always stated so, even Henry knows it.

  18. NM thanks for saying things as they should be. Do not listen to politics of the wind. You made a mistake once, when you dissolved your party and joined MMD. Now stick in their and die with MMD. It will be a better death. Your MPs are looking for survival!

    • @ 22 Amagenge

      ‘…Do not listen to politics of the wind…” This sounds heavy. Nonetheless, are you not assuming that the gentleman has no survival instinct? or do you mean to imply that he can, in fact, turn MMD around?

  19. Chi Banda cha chabe-chabe. Very greed and selfish old man. He was even raising the PF symbol as he was alighting from the plane in Chipata. I can’t believe this kind of nonsense from this old f00lish man. No wonder he even ended up marrying his own grand daughter because of his greediness. S.W.I.N.E.

    • RB you are shameless really! Your behavior is appalling! When will you realise that being disloyal does not pay. You are asking for trouble. You were with UNIP then MMD and now PF. Everytome your party is not doing well you move on. A mama neo chipili chiliye nzelu! No wonder your son said what he did!

  20. So if RB is not a factor why waste your time on his choice as an individual instead of campaigning seriously? What is wrong with someone changing his mind when he sees things differently? Actually the majority of voters will change their minds for or against HH, or for or against EL, or indeed Nevers Mumba himself. Are they not entitled to do so? If they are, why can’t RB excercise the same freedoms granted to other Zambians? Who told you that former Presidents have no civil liberties?
    Landenifye ati fyamikosela, bushe pali ifyakufisa apa!!

  21. Camera Man: Ati iyo T- Shirt ufwele yabanani.
    Drunk Man: Yaba Edgar Lungu.
    Camera Man : Abakashi babo Nibanani
    Drunk Man : Chisamba Lungu!!!!

  22. Dr Nevers Pastor Mumba and other critics of RB, what we have here is apportioning the pieces of MMD to UPND and to PF. But the apportioning is not necessarily in equal shares because this is politics and not a loving mother dishing out equal portions of porridge to her children. Once you understand this you will forget RB, you should, and campaign hard for your party.

    So the party that gets the lion’s shareof MMD votes shall carry the day on 20 January 2015. Imwe baPastor just go back to the pulpit, this game is not for you as you must have seen that literally no one supports you even in your own party MMD. In fact ba Pastor you should have read the signs when your NEC lost faith in you long before Michael Sata died.

  23. Nevers Mumba should seriously consider a career in Acting. Over a very long time of watching him from the Zambia Shall Be Saved, abandoning his Christian Party to join MMD in the guise that he was responding to God’s call, immediately after being appointed as the Republican VP how he started tormenting by setting up a parallel to the infamous taskforce to question civil servants with properties and other assets how they are acquired them ( among the victims is Fredson Yamba the current Secretary to the Treasury), through gross insubordination ( propelled by his over blown pride) he was unceremoniously fired by Mwanawasa, how he was rescued from poverty by Banda through that diplomatic job and he badly exercised himself by attempting to run the affairs of the office frm his bedroom.

  24. RB is 77 years old. What is it that he wants to be so desperate that he can even ask for money from Muslim fundamentalists in Nigeria.

  25. Nevers mumba this is about the forth party you are going to destroy including your victory ministries you really need to pray very hard for forgiveness because only you alone know what you have done in your past life.real and Genuine MMD members will not allow you to destroy what the party founders fought for in 1991 just because you hav found survival in funds that the party is raising. You really need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you hav any forgiveness or remorse in your Inner self as you claim to be a paster.

  26. God has sent RB to console Edgar Lungu when he loses to HH. Losing an election as an incumbent is RB experience.

  27. Somebody tell NM that RB is now water under a bridge. He is history. Concentrate on the future and how you hope to resuscitate MMD Party which is now in intensive care, and whose vision has passed its sell-by date.

  28. Look whose talking? You had the church…you lost that. You had the vice presidency…You lost that. Formed your own party…your guess is correct, he lost it. You have gate crashed a once vibrant party and you’ve lost everyone in it. Na nsoni ulibe sure?

  29. Now I know that RB is really a dog, two weeks ago RB was supposed to stand on the MMD ticket suddenly he has moved to PF this man is a dog u have completely failed to provide support and leadership to your own party, what a dog you are.

  30. Guys am still shocked at the behavior of our former head state, the question am asking my self is what was happening in state house when he was president it was all footlessness and stupidity,

  31. I feel sorry for Dr. Mumba. He has no single right to suggest that RB has lost integrity by endorsing Edgar. How has he lost it? Did you preserve your integrity when you undressed your bishop rob and joined politics? RB is a citizen and has a right to choose whoever he wants. RB had to accept defeat something that people like you Mumba could not have done. There is no enmity in politics that RB should take PF as a foe. So it would have been better if he had supported you after you took him to court? Mumba MMD is gone, it had only its base in Eastern province and I can assure you that in 2016, there will be no MMD MP in Eastern Province because all MPs will all stand on PF

  32. RB the God Father of the Eastern Province. His gonna sell the country to the Nigerian muslims and how is he going to pay back? Oh i forgot with our girls. Zambians please wake up such acts of desperation will plunge the country into chaos.

  33. A kettle calling a pot black. What about him Nevers? I think he has lost it big time, MMD is too big for him to chew. NCC was more suitable or better still he can go back to the pulpit. Leave MMD to suitable people.

    As Nevers must have proved by now, his election to the presidency of MMD was not only a fluke of chance taking advantage of a badly bruised and greatly weakened party. It was also not the best thing that happened to his political career, which was cursed from the beginning when he deserted the pulpit.

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