Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Swearing ceremony in Pictures



Vice-President Inonge Wina, with Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and  Tourism minister Jean Kapata shortly before the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Vice-President Inonge Wina, with Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and Tourism minister Jean Kapata shortly before the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from  newly appointed  Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates newly apponted  Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates newly apponted Vice-President Inonge Wina during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


State House permanent Secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
State House permanent Secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba  during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba congratulates UPND MP Dawson Kafwaya on his appointment as North western province minister
Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba congratulates UPND MP Dawson Kafwaya on his appointment as North western province minister


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from Tourism minister Jean kapata  during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from Tourism minister Jean kapata during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Tourism minister Jean kapata  during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Tourism minister Jean kapata during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed  Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs  Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed  Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs  Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs  Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives congratulates  newly appointed  Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs  Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives congratulates newly appointed Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde  during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates State House permanent Secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates State House permanent Secretary Emmanuel Chilubanama during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba  during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu congratulates Foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from  newly appointed  North-Western Province minister Dawson Kafwaya who is also UPND Solwezi member of parliament during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu receives an affidavit of Oath from newly appointed North-Western Province minister Dawson Kafwaya who is also UPND Solwezi member of parliament during the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina, North Western Province minister, Justice minister Ngosa Simbyakula, Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda, Home affairs Davies Mwila, Tourism minister Jean Kapata , Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde, State House Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu, Special Assistand for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda after the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina, North Western Province minister, Justice minister Ngosa Simbyakula, Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda, Home affairs Davies Mwila, Tourism minister Jean Kapata , Health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde, State House Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu, Special Assistand for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda after the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina, North Western Province minister, Justice minister Ngosa Simbyakula, Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda, Home affairs Davies Mwila, Tourism minister Jean Kapata , State House Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu, Special Assistand for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda after the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Vice-President Inonge Wina, North Western Province minister, Justice minister Ngosa Simbyakula, Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda, Home affairs Davies Mwila, Tourism minister Jean Kapata , State House Special Assistant to the President for Political affairs Kaiza Zulu, Special Assistand for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda after the Swearing-in-Ceremony at State House on January 26,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


  1. It is good she needed a mother. She is in good hands. Mama Inonge look after us all in parliament. Congratulation for renew reappointed ministers.

    • This economy needs someone who understands it given the short duration. It needs one who did the budget too. Finally it needs someone who knows where to mobilise resources given the high demand on projects. Lungu is very right to maintain Chikwanda.

    • How…? Him and Madam Wina fought the cartel to ensure that Sata’s(MHSRP) instructions were followed i.e Lungu were to succeed him…



  2. From the word go I saw that the hand of God was with Edgar Lungu and I was jealous because I wanted it to be on HH but who am I? When God says yes no man can say no

  3. All differences aside,if you really disire to see Zambia develop support our new President..Unity will lead us in the right direction of development.

    And remember leaders are people like us they make mistakes too,let us work with them so that we if an error occurs we have nobody to point fingers at. It is still #One Zambia,One Nation.

    • @TrueZambian

      I like this post….unity and development are two side so the same coin. They are like the lungs and nostrils; you better have both to stay alive!

  4. Edgar, I can see you are a humble man.For appointing Ma Wina really touches me can you continue in the right way and God will bless you.

  5. . Bembas are not tribal. Why did they fail to vote for their own Mumba for the MMD.

    This is all F00lish articulation my dear.

    Just point to the tribal Tongas who can cause genocide once elected to state house as their brains are clogged with tribe and hatred for other tribes.

    We made a very big mistake in western province to vote for their tonga HH.

    Wait for 2016 Elections.

    • Muyunda, stop tribal remarks. Tonga , bemba whatever, we are all zambian. Friends, go to history and understand these things. lets not hate our brothers and sisters the tongas. people are making vague arguments. if you go into history, you will discover that Bembas are more tribal and corrupt than any other tribe in Zambia. PF has no material that can attract voters in southern province. people have the right to choose and so they chose HH. i mean HH is far better presidential material than Lungu. my happiness is that Boma Bo Inonge is Vice President only. The people of bulozi will ever vote for the right candidate and work with the government of that day period.

  6. @sos (same old shit)…..why are u laughing at me? Is it a crime to give praise on someone who duly deserves it? I haven’t eaten properly since Saturday because of the heartache I feel about HH losing but the truth be told. Look at how David was highly favoured even wen the Handsome, powerful king Saul wanted to kill him – God stood by Him to the very end. Wen you are appointed by God, He fights your battles. I am not happy far from it but I can’t fight God…..let His will be done. All I ask is for Him to heal our heartaches and show us why He thot Lungu was better than our HIGH HOPES-HH.

  7. After all is said and done …who gets the raw deal???…. The poor cadre who was bought Chibuku to fight and machete others: he will have to wait for another Chibuku in 2016…and the guy who braved the heavy rains to go and cast his vote, is already forgotten, 20 people sharing a water tap, needless deaths in the health facilities. You would think this should be at the top of their to-do list???

    • @Supperman….I am touched by your thread. But unfortunately, this is how it is. Young people need to be educated to avoid being used for violence and indeed any other stupid agenda…unfortunately bacause of poverty, and low literacy levels and life skills, this will continue for yet 15-30 years from now

  8. @ Mr. Tembo, blogger posting N0. 2.3….you are very dull…there is no such thing as the annointed in a demogracy….this is not a monarchy..Sindiwe wakumawa…I thought by your name you could be sharper than a Chipanzee in Bembaland

  9. Most Zambians are not tribal but want development.NorthWestern did not vote for PF because the province was sidelined and HH gave them hope.We voted for MMD in 2011 because MMD goverment was inclusive.We could have voted for Sondashi if we were tribal.Even UPND is not tribal as such.Anybody who talks of triblism is tribal himself and could be from any tribal.Why did Banda choose to help PF instead of Dr Mumba?Nothern and Muchinga voted for PF this time because the PF government was focussed more on these privinces hence they voted for continuity.Pls appreciate Dr Scot in these appointments.Most Zambians have confidence in him and hes a founder member of Pf.The president and vice are both former UPND membres.

  10. May thanks to the all mighty God to give us a female VP who is so strong and brave.

    Mama Wina congratulation for that post you deserve it, without you, president was going to give and today we were going to be under the catels or HH.

    You are a hero God be with you through out your career

    we are proud of you.

    • @ Kent Cool, your level of rasoning has shockedmany on this site…your IQ has horribly failed you…an orangutan is far analytical than you azzhole

  11. Yes she must be congratulated for having allowed the raising of pangas, fists and stones for voting of EL at the Mulungushi University PF convention.

  12. Congrats PF but you have to change your ways of doing things. be civil, Zambia is for all Zambians. Well done to Guy Scott. He did we well during these hard times. I hope he retires. RB, KK and Mumkombwe are old men bad for Zambian politics, they must step aside. No wonder non of them has published their memoirs yet.

  13. HEECL has made history by appointing de first female vice president in Zambia just like HEMCS,MHSRIP,made history by appointing Dr Guy to be his vice president.The country is now in safe hands otherwise had these tribalists won,de country could’ve been set on fire.

  14. Kalaba’s forehead is so scary. He needs skin grafting
    Does it mean Guy Scott has been retired in national interest? Time for retribution because the white man blocked Lungu from accessing state resources for his campaign. He also fired him briefly during the period of mourning. Am sure Scott is thinking deeply and regrets lifting the suspensions. From what I see, that’s the end of Scott’s political career. Two days before elections, Scott said he was willing serve in Edgar’s government if Edgar wins. Since he has not been reappointed, is he going to be relegated to an ordinary cabinet minister? Chiluba demoted Brigadier Miyanda from Vice President to Education Minister. Perhaps this is happening again in PF government. Let’s wait and see.

  15. Twachula naba Chilubanama. This chap has been masquerading as OP nokumeka sana ngabalenwa pa Trevor’s ku Kafue, yangu tata

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