Former first lady Maureen Mwanawasa says she will continue supporting UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and his party despite him losing the just-ended presidential election.
Ms Mwanawasa said in an interview yesterday that the fact that PF won this year’s election does not mean that they will win the next one.
She said it is important to have divergent views in a democracy.
“There is an election coming next year and we will get back to the drawing board so that we can work on the errors,” Ms Mwanawasa said.
And Lunte MMD member of Parliament (MP) Felix Mutati reiterated the need for all Zambians to maintain peace and unity in the country.
He said Zambians should rise above pettiness in politics and violence but work together in unity and harmony.
“We must learn that we are political opponents and not political enemies. We must, therefore, learn to co-exist as Zambians and always refrain from engaging in violence,” he said.
However, Former MMD national Secretary Katele Kalumba says he is ready to work with President Edgar Lungu the way he worked with late President Michael Sata if the new head of state is willing to welcome him.
Its her democratic right but she must wine from plundering money meant for patients. It is inhumane, callous, immoral, evil, and heartless to steal what the world has donated to help address the global pandemic. The money donated to the Global Fund by empathetic human beings around the world is must never be exploited by criminals she has only proved. having done so, she has lost any moral voice, ground and conscious. Its sad is being the symbol or face of PF.
Sorry, meant o say “Its sad she is being the symbol or face of UPND”.
Maureen has proved to be no different from Henry Kapoko. We should never honor criminals of such base character. Women are suppose to be the most empathetic species-beings but not this lady after heartlessly plundering millions Kwachas meant to ameliorate the suffering of HIV patients in the country. The whole theft is just devious to say the least.
Who else can she support? Muliokela?
We will only Rest after 18 Months frm now. The war has just begun and we will field HH as the candidate. Till a Tonga President is ushered in then will rest.
Mr Mutati and GBM we r sorry for disappointing you let God Comfort you. HH should go to each provincial Capital and thank the voters.
Peace and Love to Zambia.
Truth be told here.
Easterners are really funny people politically. I think the tribalism tag befits them better than any other tribal grouping in Zambia. In 1991, they voted UNIP because KK was considered their own after the Northerners disowned him while all the tribes voted for change.
They continued to vote for UNIP until one of their own RB was promised the vice presidency by MMD thats when Eastern became MMD.
They remained MMD until now when Lungu one of their own was to be elected president…
In 2016, they will still vote PF as long as Lungu remains the leader of PF, no matter the mess he will unleash on them. They are a very loyal tribalistic group of people.
This explains why RB campaigned using Umhozi kumawa during the elections .
I consider Easterners the worst tribalists because to them the credibility and quality of a leader matters less when voting as long he /she is one of their own.
They stayed with UNIP – a rogue regime despite the KK being the worst dictator Zambia ever had.
They stayed with RB despite his massive corruption tendencies when the rest of the country moved on and looked for change.
Now they are going to stick PF another rogue regime as long Lungu remains its president no matter how much suffering the PF will inflict on the farmers and their community.
If tribalism exists in Zambia then the Easterners are thousands of miles ahead of every tribe in Zambia.
Umhozi Kumawa and wako ni wako, is now charge of government you will a lot Banda, Phiris,…
@Wanzelu. Never say again in your life. How can you say easternz are tribalist and yet outside southern province we gave hh the bigest margines.
Wanzelu you must be chief editor for zwd , looking at your zeal and passion.
Surfice to say you re just a good entertainer.
Its good to have you around otherwise things will turn out boring
2016 with our tribo cousins we are applying nega nega formular.
Dundumbwezi PF= 80
HH =14 000
HH must not be allowed to enter state house using emergency exit
We have began again, Katele was not s factor in these elections so he can support whoever he wants. EDGAR has done nothing so far to change anyone’s views about whether PF is a party to support.
So for now Job seekers have won, the majority of Zambians did not vote and the young who are of mixed parentage will vote on Principle and less on tribe. I have a wife from North east Zambia and I am from northwest Zambia.
The tribalist name calling strategy that PF used will not be effective on my children. They will vote for quality.
Nabapwa ba Maureen, she looks ill .
I saw a picture of her with her mouth full at HH house built with stolen Zambian money, she was failing to chew . njala yamunyonkola Zoona uyu muzimai
Maybe Wanzelu is incapable of analyzing the recent results as obtaining in Eastern Province and Southern Province.HH won in Sinda Constituency beating EL.Can Wanzelu tell us which Constituency in Southern Province EL won? The total votes HH got from Easten Province beats the votes EL got in Souther Province 10 times over.So which province between the two is more tribalist???
please I know that you have PHDs in insulting but limit your insults!! However, as long as you continue mentioning tribal issues, don’t forget that it’s real!! No one shall run away from the fact of the two main regions!! Remember north western Rhodesia ( balotse land) is underway
Dr Kabuko Mwanawasa! That is no longer an endorsement!! Just collect your membership card and contest for presidency at the UPND conference. HH just reached his second expiry date going by Mazoka’s UPND (a candidate beaten twice shall step aside for another elected candidate).
Remember, a lot of us left UPND the moment the rubbish called “Only-A-Tonga-Can-Lead-UPND” was introduced by Hakainde.
I can’t be suprised that Mazoka’s disciples are occupying the top two position of Zambia
Mazoka & Sata must be smiling their skeletal selves away! TODAY!
Heartless woman, a chief in the name of Maureen Mwanawasa, your HH will never ever be the president. Edgar is geting stronger and stronger by day.
I like this woman just how she responds. There is always wisdom and sense. Farmers have suffered so much in that country when all we see is people electing a failure party again. Just because it borrowed money to construct roads in Lusaka and CB means development. The price of mealie meal this year may end up reaching k100. per 25kg bag.
HH’s performance during this years’s election is but the best he will ever manage.Come 2016 if he still gets UPND NODE to stand,his performance will be not as good because unlike this year’s election where apathy was more rampant in Eastern,Northen,Muchinga,Luapula,Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces as compared to provinces where HH won. My guess is that come 2016,HH’S PLANE OR Helicopter will merely overfly State House.
Thats the way to go mama Dr. MM. Do not lose hope. One day you will celebrate. HH2016.
Maureen leave the chap alone(HH).Your support of UPNd is questionable,HH is not a samba mulopa find your much.
mrs mwanawasa,suely a lady of your stature no one would think u did not account for money u were given. your hh failed for he was rejected by the majority. and you all upnd go fo convertion and choose another leader. your hh has outlived his usefullness. are there no leaders in upnd who can take over from hh?????? that one hh will never ever win upnd an election.
im waiting to see a bold man in upnd who will rise and take on hh for upnd president. all its that all upnd leaders niba mukuta??????????
Yes HH is the next President. Why do I day so? EL has no capacity to quell what is yet to hit him. The very people who voted for him will tear him apart. The majority of the civil servants blindly voted for him without giving it a second thought.
Look at where you are today. You have declared a dispute over a 5% salary increament after belt tightening for three years. Now you have made your bed please, please, please lay in it.
How i wish you knew what will follow after the election day and that EL will be president.The choice you made on the 20th January 2015 has a profound negative effect on your back pocket. Thats your EL. A non achiever.
Very childish. What do you think of my niece and my nephews, my cousins born from intermarriage of a Tonga and a Bemba? Sorry, I cannot support you from your premitive way of thinking. I love both Tongas and Bembas. You boast that you are educated, where is your education to set you free from slavery of tribalism? The bible says pray for those people in authority, now you are wishing them evil. If you do not repent or change bitterness will kill you. The spirit of bitterness will overtake you and control you until you are destroyed. Shame to anyone who has fallen for tribalism.
HH has never won any election, be it at ward, district, province and national. Edgar Lungu was a MP for Chawama in Lusaka, Zambia.
Doing same thing expectin difrent results is waht albert einstein call insanity.
Just concetrate on yo ngo and recover bit of public respect.
In 2016 hh will meet bare knacles. This past fight was just a teaser
Bt still madam u r a thief,hw cn u embezzle money meant 4 tha poor?and u expect us to vote 4 u and ur party? U tha same foools that cost ur hh the elections
Very wise woman, unlike some political vultures, Maureen has demonstrated maturity, consistency and good morals.
Flight HH , Boarding on Going.
How can a normal person praise a thief who stole money meant for patients of HIV/AIDS? Your Moureen thats what she just did— she stole the money meant for HIV/AIDS patients and the court has told her to pay back. Zambians cant vote for a thief and her party- UPND.
Halyamba Hukucilya!!!
…Good words from great people. Mutati says “We should remember that we are political opponents and not political enemies.”
Maureen says “There is an election coming next year, we shall go back to the drawing board and see where we made errors.”
I think there is some humility in these sentiments…No hate speech, just looking forward. I think that’s a way to go
Man dont you get tired? Thats what you said you would win in 2015 but we told you you will lose …you could not listen. Again you have started saying you will win in 2016 but we are telling you that you will lose again. HH-UPND will lose terribly coz in 2016 Zambians will vote in the spirit of Southerners. I think you know what I mean.
Mmmmm, nice suit. It’s a good thing it’s in black, she can wear it to the funerals of all the HIV/AIDS victims she has denied funds from the Global Fund.
The only thing Maureen should be doing is apologising AND PAYING BACK THE MONEY, she ‘misappropriated.’ Any way she must be drooling at Vice President Inoge Wina! Dreaming, HH will also appoint her…yeah right!
She can stay with UPND, as the old saying goes, ‘Jimmy Crack on…and….we don’t care.’
Looking at the vernom being spewed at Dr MM, I can sense she is a threat to the PF. Notice how they don’t attack Mutati, Kachingwe, GBM et al.
Liule fye trying to empty the youngmans pockets.
No , its because she is a thief who stole money meant for HIV/AIDS patients and the court of law has told her to pay back. She is a merciless woman who has no heart for the poor .
which threat , they just lost the elections.smh
She is a threat to HIV/AIDS patients.
PF in no longer strong as it used to be. I am failing to understand the people who are tribal who I can describes Bemba changanya. The Bemba changanya are too talkative because they have no tribe and that is why they always talk about Tongas and if they knew that I am one of the well know and Identified tribe found in Zambia, they cant go on saying Tonga Luvale, Bemba etc.
They have caused regionalism in the country to say this Northern- easterner area and is no go area for other tribes hence the Southerner north westerner with along the central regions to realize that these guys has a sheep skin while inside they are goats so is seen through previous bye- elections.
Some like HH think that you can enter University from grade 1? Get lost under 5, you will still lose because most of us from the North have woken up from our slumber and will vote like you voted in southern province. We will go round the country telling them what you have taught us. You will see how people will vote in 2016 nakabili ukalile and ‘vote was stolen’. how can votes be stolen after 11 representatives have signed? Sure you are under 5.
Molini could never have risen to prominence without MMD adopting LPM to finally be president and her as first lady. She shud always support MMD or else is prostituting, which she did well at campus
Ideally, I should not have agreed with you but because you have hammered the nail n its head I tend to do so.
Wanzelu, Wanzelu, Wanzelu!! Please spare me. Come to think of it, at least the Esterners have been able to move on in the subsequent elections while the Southerners continue the same path of “wako ni wako”. I ask who is better?
Come to think of it HH got more votes from Eastern outside Southern than any other province. Don’t provoke matters such that HH can loose even what he got this time from Eastern come 2016. Mind your language please.
What drugs are you on.
HH got more votes in Southern, Central, Western, and North Western.
In all the other provinces, he more votes from the farmers who understood his message after being disappointed by PF.
Had PF not been led by Lungu and Banda stood on MMD, they would have voted RB not MMD.
Dora the other day confessed that, its Lungu who won this election not PF. Meaning if a non easterner had stood in these elections then Eastern would have not voted for PF but MMD.
I know that I hammered the nail on it head thats why some of you are reacting and on denial.
Southerners westerners, Northwesterners, and people in central provinces always vote for a best candidate irrespective of tribe.
How come Miyanda a Tonga, got less votes than Nawakwi an namwanga in…
Yes Moureen has her right to support any party such as HH-UPND but she must know that Zambians have known her to be a plunderer of patients’ money. She and her relatives stole the HIV/AIDS money meant for the patients. So she has no morals to say she wants to work for the good of Zambians, no , she will be just stealing as she did.
She must also know that HH-UPND will lose come 2016 coz Zambians will vote in the spirity of Southerners.
Turning to Katele, I urge H.E Lungu not to entertain him coz Katele Insulted PF. Let Katele continue in UPND, what has changed so soon?
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
its not correct to keep quite thinking all is well.what has been shown in the last election is a sad thing.i hear one saying Easterners are tribal no no no its not true………but people should just come out and mention the Southerners,Westerners and North westerners the voting wasnt objective but Subjective.If Bembas were Tribal they would have voted for :Eric Chanda,Nevers Mumba,Daniel Pule or Elias Chipimo…but they gave votes to both HH and Lungu among them no one is Bemba.Call a spade to be a spade and a folk as a folk not caling a folk as spade and otherwise.Let us all condemn this kind of voting were on can get zero-0 and the other 10,000 nononono……..runaway from this kind of a shameful type of voting………………..i rest my case
Maureen will remain resolute in her support of HH, she appears to have found something that works for her and it is within her democratic right. Mutati on the other hand, sounds like he is having a re-think because he has not come out categorically to say he will continue to support HH, rather his focus is on getting along with everyone. It appears to me that he may be waiting to see what EL does before he plots his next political move. Katele is being the classic politician. No loyalty, you move with the winds of change.
Where does she stay, I’m fancying my chances with her, she’s still single ain’t it?
And the guy Larry Mweetwa is in his mid 40 s , but he behaves like a baby.
You all PF minions including your ka chakolwa president, are all f00ls and idoits of the worst kind.
If Ka chalolwa reaches 2016 August he be very lucky. I have seen his medical records. Its not not good for him at all.
So start preparing for another presidential funeral
Ignore my prognosis at your peril. Dont say I didnt tell you.
Don’t fall prey to the PF tricks. The writer of this article realises that Easterners are going UPND. So PF is trying to bring antagonism between Southern and Eastern so that Easterners feel offended and stop voting the Farmers Hope Party -UPND. Wake up and scan the minds of every comment. Who agrees with what I say?