![Denny Kalyalya](https://i0.wp.com/www.lusakatimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Kalyalya.jpg?resize=452%2C529)
President Edgar Lungu has appointed Dr. Denny Kalyalya as Governor of the Bank of Zambia with immediate effect, replacing Dr. Michael Gondwe who will be assigned a new role elsewhere.
According to the statement released to the media this afternoon by Mr Amos Chanda, his special Assistant for press and public relations, the three-year contract appointment is pursuant to the powers vested in the President under Section 10 of the Bank of Zambia Act Number 43 of 1996.
“In your previous assignment as Deputy Governor-Operations, you served commendably well and your service at the World Bank as Alternate and later as Executive Director for four years was distinct. You boosted Zambia’s image and you were held in high esteem by your colleagues,” President Lungu said in letter to Dr Kalyalya yesterday.
“Your experience and knowledge in the sphere of economics should stand you in good stead to help our country at a time when we face enormous challenges largely on account of external factors.”
The President has stressed that Government would rely on the Central Bank to take measures that stimulate the economy and widen participation by small and medium enterprises as a veritable strategy for employment creation.
The Head of State paid unqualified gratitude to Dr Gondwe for serving with distinction both at home and abroad. President Lungu noted that the vast reservoir of knowledge, experience and contacts Dr Gondwe posses will enable him serve Zambia well in his new role.
Meanwhile, President Lungu has appointed Luapula Province Police Commissioner, Mr. Malcom Mutale Mulenga, as Deputy Inspector-General of Police with immediate effect.
The appointment is pursuant to the powers vested in the President under Article 44 of the Constitution. The President announced last week that he would appoint two deputies: one for administration and the other for operations in order to improve service delivery.
The Head of State has also renewed the contract for the Inspector-General of Police, Mrs Stella Libongani for another term starting February 20 when her current contract comes to an end.
Who the f£$^ is this man?
HH wouldn’t
He is appointing relatives
Wholesale changes could be opening a can of worm for oneself
If it is not broken don’t fix it.
Why does the Bank of Governor have to be a political appointment. Fiscal policies are set by the Government
Shouldnt monetary polices be independent of ? and this is the main duty of the BOZ? point being that BOZ Governor shouldn’t be a political appointment
Am I wrong?
Somethimes it is wise to just google the person before you react. You have the tools and resources at your finger tips than just embarass yourself. Surely who doesn’t know Denny, were you living under a rock on something in the last 10 years? You are just busy shouting that MMD left a surplus cash and PF is burning cash and yet you don’t know people were behind the surplus cash created by the previous Government , how luaghable. Educate yourself on how to use Google before comenting
I have had to do a simple Google search for you lazy cadres and this is what I got
Denny Kalyalya is World Bank Group Executive Director for 22 African countries, including Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, and his home country of Zambia. Previously, he was Deputy Governor – Operations at the Bank of Zambia, where his responsibilities included overseeing mission critical or core functions of the central bank, including monetary policy formulation and implementation, currency and national payments systems, as well as regulation and supervision of banks and non-bank financial institutions. He holds a PhD (Economics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (UMASS, 1993), obtained on a Fulbright Hays scholarship, an MA (Economics) from UMASS (1989) and University of Zambia
Come on Lungu you have only 18 months if you are not careful you will spend all that time appointing people please let’s do it and start working
Who is Denny Kalyalya
@Paul, dont shoot anyhow if you dont know the man. The man is very qualified, not in the ranks of Dr Mwanakatwe of ZamTel.
Had the privilege of being taught by him in the 80´s in school of Engineering, in the Economics component. Definitely a good choice although, there are other equally competent economists in his group. He was deputy bank governor in the time of Dr Fundanga`s reign as BoZ governor.
Dr Kalyalya is the man who made Magande to tick. He is not bad for the job.
If you want more proof ask Magande or get all the speeches by Magande from ZNBC. He used to call him as Dokota Kalyalya, just add the tonga accent to that and you will hear Magande speak through you.
which relatives?learn to be mature.Stella Libongani is Lozi,while Malcom mutale is Bemba.Danny Kalayala is Lenje.are they from Estern?dont just critisice anyhow.
Why is the BoZ a political appt? The danger with this is the Governor has allegiance to the person who appointed him/her.
This is not healthy because the appointee can never say no when the President asks for money.
Let the BoZ governor be appointed on merit and without political interference.
Don’t know the man, never heard of him either. But if he has the credentials being talked about here are true, I could care less for as long as some competent person is put in place to do job right and move our country forward. I therefore roundly say that’s what MERITOCRACY appointments are supposed to look, feel, and be about—to appoint people who know and understand the job they are appointed to do—and not based on who someone knows.
ECL seems to be headed in the right direction so far—I guess it is the LAWYER THING in him that is at work. Hope he does not lose his bearings as most presidents tend to do after a while.
Now lets get to work Doc. And boy…, don’t we have WORK TO DO ahead of us. No time to malinger sir!
Who the f…. are you not to Know kalyalya?
What are his credentials?
I think UPND dedicated armchair critics in blogs led by Milupi and Cornelius Mweetwa have completely given up to confusion and absurdity. They see tribe in every Zambian decision as long its not made by HH. Dr. Dan Kalyalya is one of the polished brains any leader can think of engaging in resetting Zambia for success. Him and Dr. Fundanga did wonders at BOZ. He has been one of the best assets we gave to the Global Financial market. Its time we got him back.
Just another excellent nomination. No doubt parliament will ratify this one without much ado. Congrats to President Lungu, he has scored big again!
@Professional: What is your solution then if even yourself seem confused in your statement? First you ask “Why is the BoZ a political appt?” then you contradict yourself by saying “Let the BoZ governor be appointed on merit…” Now, who do you suggest should be making such critical appointments if NOT the president who, by virtue of the office (presidency), he/she is the chief economist whether they like it or not?
Look, don’t be lied to so easily. Even in advanced economies, central bank Governors are all political appointees. The Fed chairman (the equivalent of the central bank) here in the USA is always a political appointee. So is the case in many other countries. And all new presidents have the choice either to keep or fire the Fed chair after assuming office!
@Mushota- Let’s be sober when commenting. Which country’s Central Bank governor is not appointed by the President? Let’s be sober. Do you even have proper economic knowledge? The Central Bank operates to administer monetary policy based on the fiscal policies of government and the economic conditions of the general environment, in other words, reconciling the interests of the people (the government they vote for) with the realities facing the country. Be sober.
In countries where accountability actually matters, the central bank governor is nominated by the president and then a panel parliamentarians confirms the appointment – so it’s not a straight appointment by a president. This minimizes any hidden intentions by a president.
But in Zambia we are still in the dark ages where no one will question the enormous authority a president has to hand pick a central bank governor.
Irregardless, Denny Kalyalya is a more than qualified for the job.
In USA a panel of republican and democrat senators will grill you as a bank governor nominee by a president until they are satisfied you are clean and deserve the job. That’s how it should be done
@Chils: Even in Zambia the central bank Gov. has to be ratified/confirmed by parliament. Parliament has the ability to reject or accept any appointee sent to them by the president. But can our parliament do that? Well, that’s their question to answer. But if they choose to simply rubber stamp the president’s appointments without doing due diligence scrutinizing such appointments such can not be blamed on the president.
@yambayamba, in Zambia you are more than guaranteed parliament will just rubber stamp the appointment. They have to protect their salaries or it may entail loss of jobs and suffering.
EL should have complimented this appointment with a change at the helm of the Finance ministry.
I`ve little knowledge about this guy. There isn`t much about him online. Unfortunately, the comments on this blog are not helping, especially those who claim to know the guy. What are his successes? Not merely mentioning his academic papers and government positions, being a lecturer does not constitute success, what did Kalyalya achieve when he served in those positions? What projects did he initiate and execute? We need more information on this guy.
Good luck to him though.
For anyone who has claimed to have studied MBA with all the fancy qualifications and does not know who is who in the Capital & Economics Framework of Zambia, it really shocks me how they can embarrass themselves.
This is a well deserved appointment. Period.
I am not for Edgar & PF .. but I salute some appointments he has made so far.
Job well Done, we will support you even from where we stand in the outside perimeters.
Like someone has said, why not Google, check on his profile before you utter so much nonsensically.
I’m I seeing things bwino bwino? Special Assistant to the President for Economics and Development is one Tonga guy. Now BOZ Governor is Tonga also. I hear Finance Minister will be Tonga soon. Does it mean Tongas are there to fix problems caused by others while they continue plundering? Edgar should return RDA whereitbelongs, replace ABC and pass the new constitution if he wants to tick.
Dr Denny H. Kalyalya joined the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) in 1996 as Adviser – Economics. During 1997/1998 he was seconded to the IMF as a Special Appointee, Monetary and Exchange Affairs and African departments. In addition he served as economics lecturer (1983-1995), Assistant Dean (Postgraduate), School of Humanities and Social Sciences (1994/95), and Head of the Economics Department (1995) at the University of Zambia (UNZA). Since 1998 he has been the Director of the Economics Department, BoZ.
Dr Kalyalya was born in 1957 in Monze, Zambia. He holds a PhD (Economics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (UMASS, 1993), obtained on a Fulbright Hays scholarship, an MA (Economics) from UMASS (1989) and UNZA (1983), and a BA (Economics), UNZA (1980). Dr Kalyalya has undertaken…
No matero qualifications here gone with Satan tubobembeko
Well this looks like a good appointment.
How ever, those rats ,monkeys and cows running down Zamtel should all be fired and replaced with quality leadership recruited on merit not on tribalism and political nepotism.
Going forward recruit technocrats like the Permanent secretaries and BOZ managers, Judges , parastatal CEOs on merit by advertising the posts so that the best get the job as HH says. In this way people who get the jobs will avoid taking those jobs for granted because they would not have got the jobs through favours.
Those who get jobs on favours tend not to be serious with their jobs because they know that it was given to them as a favour and so they think the one who appointed them cannot fire them even they under perform as long as they continue bootlicking PF.
So @senior Man and his crew of PF praise singers have resurfaced after burying their heads when the report about Zamtel making a huge loss was trending.
I knew they would not comment because of utter shame.
Guys if you want to give unwavering objective opinion of your good for nothing PF madness,please try to comment even on issues you see PF messing up.
Do not only come out when something good done by PF is reported because such good reports about PF and Lungu will soon dry up completely in the coming weeks, and months ahead as people start to feel real impact of economic hardship due to fast devaluation of the Kwacha as a result of PF ‘s incompetence.
This hide and seek games wont help you, unless you get paid for commenting and are afraid that your pay masters will sack…
I am so happy that its a technocrat taking over Bank of Zambia, not only that but this is someone well liked and respected in his profession. Congrats Mr kalyalya, you have our full support.
After Inonge, this is the second wise appointments Lungu has made.
I am no fan of Lungu, but I have been a vicious critic of Denny. That said, Denny is the best man for the job at this time. Like I said, I wouldn’t trust Lungu with the instruments of power but on this appointment, I tip the hat to him. Denny knows his BoZ.
You hurt or don`t like us but you need us when it is critical that`s life
Most of the PF credible people are UPND products Anderson Mazoka still leaves eg Edger Lungu, Inonge , Given lubinda the real Pf are cadres most of them are not even proud of their papers look at kambwili i won’t mention more names because you able to see for your selves .
Mr Chikwanda is educated but can’t apply his knowledge into practical even in UNIP was a failure just the backing he has if he was from other provinces he would have been flashed already.
What an id!ot you are Paul! Where do you live? You are such a shame to ask such a silly question!
Danny Kalyalya???? Nchito za booka kuli Edgar…another friendship appointment…ifintu ni Lungu
Infact this is the work of the OP, if HH won Kalyalya was going to be governor or finance minister period, it was not a secret so Lungu is using a lot of grape vine in the way he is appointing people, good job EL, good job HH.
When you have nothing nice to say, it is good to just shut-up sometimes. I do not agree with President Lungu on a lot of things, but on this one he has shown wonders.
Iwe chi watchdog,, tell your sponsors that you don’t have things to write about because this Lungu man is operating above board..congratulations Mr President for another brilliant appointment.
I don’t Support Vodka Lungu, but this appointment to me is excellent.
Kalyalya has got knowledge of banking than Gondwe who was only running a trading Bank somewhere in East Africa.
Well don Lungu and Congratulations Denny.
I support this move…congratulation DK you deserve it and I know HH wanted to appoint you too.. me too.
Tongas are brilliant whether you like it or not. That’s why mubayopa
Is it because Kalyalya is a Bantu botatwe, that you are so pleased with the appointment. You are such a hypocrite
Good lucky Mr. Man
congratulations boss
this man thst has been appointed is very brilliant , intelligent and well experienced. may God help u sir as u contribute at BOZ in a new role
The appointment is indeed credible but the economy turn around depends on how the Presidency, ministries of Finance and Commerce interact with the management at BOZ. The individual brilliance could be marred by lack of common denominator.
I like these appointments. Lungu is really working
Edgar keep impressing me with his appointments apart from a few like those of CK at information ministry! Denny is an economic guru and the right choice for this job. Edgar is showing a big difference between him and the late useless president MCS. Dr Gondwe was a complete misplacement! if he continues on this path he has my vote in 2016!!!
@Mthangatambeta- Don’t worry with Chikambwili’s appointment, I’m sure Edgar has set a trap for him because of his carelessness. He will be yapping carelessly and will be sacked instantly.
This is an excellent appointment.
We had fossil at the hem of central bank.
The central bank needs to ensure that exchange rate is kept in check in line with export earnings and inland tax collections but whereas these were doing fine and inspite of the oil prices plummeting, the fossil did nothing to induce measures to make the kwacha appreciate. He was a watch and wait Governor based on FALYAISOVA.We cannot in this era operate like Gondwe. This is where Caleb Fundanga is missed.
The next we expect is another chaff ABC given ropes and reappoint Musokotwane or Demand. Then EL sets the country back to prosperity
I have talked of this Tonga man,HH had eye marked him as Bank governor as well just like Mwanawasa stole Magande.I have liked this appointment ,i have no doubt the man will perform.I hope it is not a trap like Chirwa.Kalyalya is a big guy in Banks and economic issues world over.Thanks lungu job well done.We are not just critics guys we say the truth.
Ask Dora Siliya if there are no changes since PF is back in power.
“He was a watch and wait Governor based on FALYAISOVA”
hahahahahaha iwe diwe of funta that was good.
Gumugumu, why are u full of hate, please leave Mr Kambwili alone. Let him just do his work and may the Lord help him in his ministral positon. As for Hater, may God have mercy on you
His excellency President Edgar Lungu is taking us to somewhere good. I thank God for this humble man, he is really a jubilee President.
I will keep on praying for him and i believe by the grace of God,
he will perform better than all former Presidents.Those who will
rule after him will find a firm foundation already in place.
Good riddance getting rid of Fossil Gondwe…there is still Fossil Chikwanda stuck in the past!!
Jay jay, I always dislike your comments but lelo wanisekesa….lol
Send all those to the archives where they belong… Innovative workmanship is a necessity in any development. Leave those old men at party secretariat for consultations only.. Viva Mr President..
iwe naiwe chumbu, efya kusekesha, soon you be a fossil too. HH used to call ba SATA an old tired man but soon rather later, he will also be more of a fossil, old and tired since the only chance he has is 2026. as for you jayjay spend your time praise singing useles english premier league
Sorry I meant Musokotwane or Magande
Good move mr president.bt ur execellency u r appointin almost evry 1,wat abt me? Why hav u forsaken me?
Go and bath first
in my opinion, excellent appointment. Should have used this chance to get rid of that Stella Libongani woman though!
He is from Monze??????
Does it matter?
The man is a professional and knows his job. That is what should matter.
Stop these regional/tribal BS!
I think we should be objective sometimes….Bank Governors are always appointed by the president. Analyze the changes made and also try and look at the profiles of the people chosen. This is a good change Denny is an Economist and understands the dynamics of the Zambian economy. I think this is a very good move. well done EL
MMD Bootlicker u nailed it! I see a lot of fools here. It goes without saying. If u want to fool blacks. Hide information in a book or google. Mr. Kalyalya is not only a humble man, he is the best candidate for that job. I have mingle and conversed with that man. He is such a fine man. He saved here in WashingtonDC at the world bank. Such a remarkable man. Mr. Lungu. U have nailed this one.
Please Lungu, if you read these comments, a beg you to also get rid of Dr Ng’ndu the psychologist. The DGO is a very important position in the central bank and requires an informed and tutored eye issues that pertain to the ccentral bank’s core business. Bwalya Ng’andu is far from that. I guess Dr. Mwape, the man Sata fired, or indeed one of the well groomed PhD economics in the central bank could help. Listen and act appropriately. You are not doing the bank and the Zambian people any favour by having Bwalya there. You could redeploy him to Finance if you need him that much. Thank you. I would often charge for advise BUT this sir, I give to you free of charge. The choice is yours
Dr Bwalya Ngandu is Margret Dudu Mwanakatwe’s friend. Where she goes, he comes along. So there!
Print more money Denny. Ndalama zasoba pa Zambia.
Forget about inflation. We need to spend the money.
Perfect appointment.We heading the right direction.All the best
Yes Yes very good ba ECL you are doing very well ni kolopa.com
Congrats Denny and welcome back to UCZ’s Trinity Church. Our offertory and tithe collections will surely get the boost they deserve …!
I have not seen value in many of ECL’s appointments … but this one is spot on. Dr. Kalyalya is one of the excellent candidates for the job of Bank of Zambia Governor.
Dr. B. Ngandu is a misfit as his deputy. Perhaps at Ministry of Labour or Commerce.
I agree. Bwalya Ngandu is overrated and is really and truly fit only for a role as a provincial PS. There are many people who have served at BOZ who can assume that role Ngandu is holding.
That is the proper educated economist and economic manager. Watch how successful zambia will be in 6 months time. Brilliant choice mr president. That’s leadership at best
Adada a Gondwe, lawyer managing a Central bank, wat was ukwa thinking! now this is making sense! Just retire agondwe
bu colour bobe, efyo uleyeba ba Sata ifyo
Good appointment and congratulations Mr. Kalyalya. @1 Mr. Kalyalya is not from the Eastern Province, he is from Southern Province.
Wrong! Dr Kalyalya is Nkoya from kaoma, western province
And that’s why they are so happy
I wished we could change the Minister of Finance. We need someone younger…
Its seems some of these appointments are done in the bear drinking place.
Decades of taking Kachasu seems to have retarded the thinking capacity of our our Chibuku Man.
Please dont embaras us in Angola, and the visiting of that country should be the last in this year. You are over spending tax payers’ money like your mentor Rupiah Banda.
I do not mean to use profanity but you are an *****. Denny Kalyalya is more competent that Michael Gondwe in all regard. When you criticise, do it objectively, HH lost, you have to move on.
@ 27 Jane Mulenga
Jane, it’s you who is beginning to sound “DRUNK” I am afraid. Spare yourself a bit of dignity.
Iwe katata should never be mixed with gin and tonic, that is a recipe for disaster. You are the one drunk on this one.
I agree with you Volder and for the record people, Dr. Denny Kalyalya would have also been HH’s choice to take over BoZ had he won. This I know for a fact.
The man is qualified and competent to lead the institution and has been rightly chosen. Its a great choice whether under EL or HH, the right man is in the right job. He just needs the space to do his job.
There goes the Jane Mulenga b!tch with her stup!d comments! Your hate has blinded you so much that you cannot see anything good in ECL’s appointements! Kalyalya is the best appointment so far that ECL has made apart from Boma Inonge! You are just another dung beetle like wanzelu who want to criticise for the sake of being heard,sensilessly so though!
It is good merit has superceded mediocrity of tribe, colour, region etc on this appointment which most of times seems to overshadow this Zambian generation. We hope to see such virtue to improve value addition may be in the next generation if not this one?
Frankly speaking; when it comes to appointments, Edgar Lungu is more decisive than the late Sata. Am just saying.
On that point I agree with you though I would love to believe he was being misled somehow, don’t you think? I wouldn’t want to believe that he would just wake up and say I want so and so to be in that role, people around him where somewhat wrong!
Hmmmm! excellent choice for the BOZ governor! bravo to one EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU. 2016 nafuti nafuti!
In my opinion, this chap might have nicely replaced Hon. Chikwanda
As Finance Minster. He has credentials and is young enough to have creative ideas other than, borrow, borrow, borrow.
Thanks @Chief MMD Bootlicker for posting the google search data on chap. You are right, people ought to search data before posting.
It’s UPND ‘Cadreism’ Manic Friday the 13th behaviour! Today ALL THE GHOULS ARE OUT OF THEIR SUBTERRANEAN ABODES.
i hate myopic pipo who peddle this useles slogan of ‘ young pipo, young!young!’ . been young is been introduced in zambia as a qualification equal to CIMA/ ACCA. its only losers that are peddling this. when your father was educating you, never called old
My presumption is that at the rate Edgar Lungu is traveling at, Alexander Chikwanda’s incompetence. That said, with a governor of the calibre of Dr. Kalyalya, Chikwanda will be kept in check. In my opinion, Dr. Kalyalya’s appointment is long overdue.
Yes you are right, but if we did replace Hon Chikwanda and have someone as genius as DK, we’d be looking at a dynamite teaming. Currently DK has to carry Hon Chikwanda, who really ought to retire. He has put in some good innings, but now ‘times…they are a…changing.’
But …the name Kalyalya…in Zambian literally translates to ‘eating, eating?’ Is this not foreboding!!
Well said Voldemort! It is not only long overdue but the right choice. He can even keep the likes of Dr. Ng’andu in check. Chikwanda should have been removed but I think EL wants to let him finish his term and then let him go. Hopefully that is what he will do.
I fear that Dr Kalyalya will be soiled by these morons. The economy is in a mess and they will seek someone else to take the blame. I wud rather that he remains at World Bank than be messed up by chagwa and his band of brothers.
this position is for real shakers and movers, not headless job seekers. ECL well done continue on this particular line of leadership.
For your information, Dr. Kalyalya has not been poached from the World Bank. His term at the World Bank came to an end and he has returned to Zambia. The timing is coincidental but perfect for the changes needed at BoZ.
This is the only negative comment on the appointment, shem,, even your sponsored blog brothers have either acknowledged or simply stayed away from the Pc..let’s be objective as we write. The President means we’ll…
The mark of THE BEST is achieved by righting the wrongs. The hotter the battle, sweeter the victory. DK is the man for it. Whether Zambia comes out good or bad, we know we can say we gave it our best. I am with you 100% DK.
A Chagwa…..yai nchito mugwila bwino…osagwa! Kalyalya, magande and uyu fundanga ai ndi anthu anzelu kwabasi. A gondwe ni nkuku ya loni!
I don’t know about Magande, but DK and CF are sure fires.
@yambayamba.you phrased well but then messed up on your last sentence.in usa the president has no powers to fire the treasury chairman appointed by his predecesor till his contract expires or he decide to resign .The problem in zambia is not suitability but own broken governance system which gives too much powers to the president rather than the people.The three arms of govt are just independent in media terms but in reality they are not.in my opinion it would be best to appoint ministers outside parliament,this would give our MPs to debate freely as they will honestly serve the electorates without malice.To be honesty we zambians can change presidents a 100 fold the politicians will be richer and the majority of our citizens will continue to wallow in poverty.our system is broken.
Our system is not broken, for goodness sake!
All gov’ts in the world appoint their cabinets through Presidential/prime minister office. The winner…President has right to pick his team! It makes sense as they support his term and carry through his mandate.
This is one hell of an excellent appointment! Well done ECL, Dr Kalyalya is a tonga bull!
I am not a support of Mr dizzy Edgar Lungu and I will never be, but for this appointment he deserves a pat on the back. He has made the right appointment. The man fits perfectly well in that position. This is by far the best appointment he has made so far at least he used his brain. Placing people where they rightfully qualify is good.
@patriot.i didnt mention cabinet or the topic here is not about cabinet.in uk and usa the chairman of the treasury is appointed by the president but once ratified by senate he cant be fired even if a new prsdo is in ,because he is not answerable to the president but electorates thru the house and senate. eg usa,treasury chairman(ben bernake) was appointed by BUSH 43 stayed on till his contract expired under OBama ;s 2 term.our system makes the presidential appointees answerable to the presi.instead of parliament which represent the voters.
Denny Kalyalya is World Bank Group Executive Director for 22 African countries, including Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, and his home country of Zambia. Previously, he was Deputy Governor – Operations at the Bank of Zambia, where his responsibilities included overseeing mission critical or core functions of the central bank, including monetary policy formulation and implementation, currency and national payments systems, as well as regulation and supervision of banks and non-bank financial institutions. He holds a PhD (Economics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (UMASS, 1993), obtained on a Fulbright Hays scholarship, an MA (Economics) from UMASS (1989) and University of Zambia (UNZA) (1983),
Most of the negative comments above are simply powered by ignorance and malice.
Sometimes it is wise to stand still and observe while someone does the work and then comment after seeing the outcome. I never heard of the man either but I do not believe that the president would conscientously entrust the national bank to a useless person.
That said, I’m just as eager to see what how he can perform and this shall be evident soon enough in the country’s monetary policies as well as the performance of the Kwacha.
MMD Chief Boot licker
All of a sudden you have become a darling of PF going by your previous comments against PF.
Are you an Easterner or is it because Lupiya Banda and part of MMD is now part of PF? I have been a keen follower of comments on this site and I’m surprised at you sudden change that everything about PF now and EL are sweet.
There are bloggers on this site who are ‘INDEPENDENTS.” They speak their minds objectively and to the subject matter; not out of malice or political bias. These have a tendency to sway this way and that other way; and to appear to be in this camp today and in that other camp tomorrow. They are not die hard political cadres. They shift their political loyalty to whoever they happen to approve at a particular point in time.
NSANJE woo woo NSANJE ochita lila nayo iyo nsanje
A Zambian watch dog nsanje achite kufwa nayo imwe nsanje
a HH nsanje achita zipaya nayo imwe nsanje
A Habajane Hamulanga nsanje achita kumwa doom iyo nsanje
A HH nsanje achita kunya nayo iyo nsanje
Nsanje woo woo nsanje A RAINBOW achite kunya nayo iyo nsanje
uyo Mmembe nsanje achite kumwa doom iyo nsanje
PF under Lungu is different from PF under Sata. Sata was a man of impulse whereas Lungu seems to deliberate before making a decision.
These Upnd thugs hate every thing that is not done by HH. They even mistake Tongas for bembas as long the appointment is from Lungu.
@ patriot abroad, to all you stinking rotten eggs, why do you always play triable games? You are very much obsessed with HH. I am not Tonga but I like the man because he has brains. You are still suffering there in the uk praying for your daily bread from dumpsters. People who matter like Danny Kalyalya are easily recognised. Some of you are like green flies and will remain as such. Be constructive in your contributions. Come home and help your relatives who are perishing out of starvation.
I like this appointment. Thumbs up for Lungu.
I`ve little knowledge about this guy. There isn`t much about him online. Unfortunately, the comments on this blog are not helping, especially those who claim to know the guy. What are his successes? Not merely mentioning his academic papers and government positions, being a lecturer does not constitute success, what did Kalyalya achieve when he served in those positions? What projects did he initiate and execute? We need more information on this guy.
Good luck to him though.
NSANJE woo woo NSANJE ochita lila nayo iyo nsanje
A Zambian watch dog nsanje achite kufwa nayo imwe nsanje
a HH nsanje achita zipaya nayo imwe nsanje
A Habajane Hamulanga nsanje achita kumwa doom iyo nsanje
A HH nsanje achita kunya nayo iyo nsanje
Nsanje woo woo nsanje A RAINBOW achite kunya nayo iyo nsanje
uyo Mmembe nsanje achite kumwa doom iyo nsanje
I am one of DK’s vicious critics and I am saying, he is good for it.
President Lungu has brought a different kind of flavor to PF and to the PF government. I have a feeling he has a listening ear and an attentive heart.
Before he left for the World Bank job four years ago, Dr. Denny Kalyalya was profiled by the Post. He is a Tonga from Monze. His tenure at the World Bank ended in December, 2014 and was earmarked for this same appointment by UPND had they won. On the balance of things, he is the most credible candidate but working under a very compromising political environment. That may be the only let down for most professionals who take up these appointments. How can he arrest the Kwacha fall when the overall envirnment is unstable?
It is interesting that some Zambians have accused him for giving tribesmen and women World Bank jobs. Except for his advisor, the rest were there before Dr Kalyalya joined the WB.
And those World Bank jobs are not just given, people have earned them. And you are right that most of the people in the World Bank were there long before he went there. WatchDog have tried to paint a very bad picture of him and yet he was the Governor in waiting had HH won the election. Sometimes, its good to give credit where it is due, he is an excellent choice and should be celebrated and supported by all well meaning Zambians.
Praise and appreciate when something is done properly. EL is a serious man who can not risk his one year to bring a mediocre. Please bring back more Zambian proz in other depts.
NSANJE woo woo NSANJE ochita lila nayo iyo nsanje
A Zambian watch dog nsanje achite kufwa nayo imwe nsanje
a HH nsanje achita zipaya nayo imwe nsanje
A Habajane Hamulanga nsanje achita kumwa doom iyo nsanje
A HH nsanje achita kunya nayo iyo nsanje
Nsanje woo woo nsanje A RAINBOW achite kunya nayo iyo nsanje
uyo Mmembe nsanje achite kumwa doom iyo nsanje
Lungu is Muslim, Lungu is a drunkard? This two don’t add up so next time you want to be malicious do a bit of research!
Good appointment! Those criticising this appointment are just ignorant, malicious or bitter.
Dr Denny H. Kalyalya joined the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) in 1996 as Adviser – Economics. During 1997/1998 he was seconded to the IMF as a Special Appointee, Monetary and Exchange Affairs and African departments. In addition he served as economics lecturer (1983-1995), Assistant Dean (Postgraduate), School of Humanities and Social Sciences (1994/95), and Head of the Economics Department (1995) at the University of Zambia (UNZA). Since 1998 he has been the Director of the Economics Department, BoZ.
Dr Kalyalya was born in 1957 in Monze, Zambia. He holds a PhD (Economics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (UMASS, 1993), obtained on a Fulbright Hays scholarship, an MA (Economics) from UMASS (1989) and UNZA (1983), and a BA (Economics), UNZA (1980). Dr Kalyalya has undertaken…
HH and DENNY both from KOSA. VIVA KOSA
Nora, I have been waiting for this!
No matero qualifications here tubombeko
When they appointed CC (Clive Chirwa) as ZRL director people commended and were happy that the man is learned and has vast knowledge in engineering. What does he do? He starts commending companies where his sons and him have shares. For what? For Personal and family interests. Where is he today? So what we are interested in, is performance and national interest, not knowledge or personal and family interest.
I strongly believe in the saying, “if it is not broken do not fix it.” There are institutions and organisations that are broken such as Zamtel that should be prioritized to be fixed. But perhaps the president is privy to the goings on at BOZ which is not in the public domain. Clearly the presidency has too much power, a relic of KK’s time where even lowly appointment like a City Engineer had to be approved by his office.
Are you saying the free fall of the Kwacha does not need fixing?
seo tingololesha tyala paliye vitingalabile…kwasu ku Petauke
kuliye ndeke koma lomba taiona ndeke. Tikweleko tikaliye kufwa…
mankhwala a muchipatala tiliye nayo nchito, kaili lomba seo ndise mabwana..tikalwala tiutukile ku sasa filika..mweo ngati muliye ndalama nizanu izo…muzionele mweka,,,neo Edgar Chagwa Lungu mwana wa mu Nsenga nili mu enjoy lomba.
Nikaluta ku Angola nigone mu hotela yodula ngako,,,nimwe na ma wiski odula osati ula moba nonzo kumwa ku chawama.
Niyambe nakumanga ng’anda monga ya Jacob Zuma ku Mfuwe. Ndipo ikankhale ng’anda iyo…
Naluta lomba ku Angola tikaonane nikayowelako. Mubauze onse banthu ovutika ati neo lomba niliye nao nchito.
zikomo kwambili
ndatha ndine
Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Namwe mukunvwa lini.Mpha mwankala pa computer noyamba kulemba vamwalemba kusiya nkhani iliyapa.
Musiyeni Chagwa. Popita masiku mulabile kuti nimwanalume ngangayo. Paliye wamwe tiyeni timuuzye. Akawamya mwaamyila kusankha a Kalyalya tieni timuthokeze.
Another meritorious appointment by the Lungu administration! Great appointment. Colleagues let’s stand behind the Government when they make encouraging decisions such as this one. I for one rallied behind Mr. Hichilema in the previous election because Pf was bringing political cadres to run high profile professional offices. Other educated cadres are Dr. Mupanga Mwanakatwe at Zamtel, Benard Chiwala at Zambia Roads Agency etc. These are personalities who talk very big but deliver very little or nothing at all!
You don’t know what you are talking about when you talk about Bernard Chiwala. Brialliant man, honest, hardworking and God fearing man he is. Talk about something else bwana. I don’t know about Dr. Mpanga Mwanakatwe so I can defend him. I know Bernard personally. Ask RDA employees and they will tell you the kind of man he is. Ask Nkana Water employees who work with Bernard and they will testify. He turned Nkana Water around.
Now i know that most bloggers are merely empty tins, nincompoops and charlatans. No wander we have substandard debates among bloggers. one day one will ask who KK is – mulesoma dont just blog aimlessly all the time ba mambala.
HH was smart not to petition the elections. Too many uncertainties about Zambia economy and with the can of worms waiting to be opened, he would have taken the heat.
You only petition where you sight foul play but where you are beaten clean it’s wise to remain silent in the public face, yet in the darkest corner, of his party blem, jv for the failed plan.. Shem the topic is the brilliant selection of team Lungu…,!
The bar for tongas in Zambian Government is extremely high,it takes a genius for a Tonga to be in government but others even dunderheads straight from Mpika can be a president,anyway just like HH, kalyalya is Kalomo Secondary graduate Keep it up Kalomo secondary school not these schools that are busy producing thieves who end up in streets of our towns.
Nga bena chikwanda. This is mixing water and oil. You know that it doesnt vork
@game meat, Please everyone will have his time soon, keep watching!
Kalyalya/HH=Kalomo sec school but kalyalya has made a big mistake how do you mix with ILLITERATES wania you will be hammered together with the rest because it will difficult for us to separate you from the illiterates so don’t blames,because if it comes to illiterates we really hammer my man.
Good Appointment Dr Kalyalya should now hault the Islamic Finance passed and ensure Zambia does not fall into an ISIS state
Its starts with the “‘Sukusus”” and the “”Aribaba”” talk to justify the Islamic finance
Then it starts demanding for its own police in enforment so you have Islamic police the courts so you have Islamic courts and arbitration the it moves to parliament so you have Islamic parliament it goes on until when a parallel state in ISIS is born and all hell breaks loose
One Zambia One Nation that is the way
Then the FED is structured like the Bank of Zambia Remember the Lusaka and Ndola BOZ
Then individual governors in rotation as it where due to the geographical and economic sophiscation of US about Ten
Then you have the Monetary Policy committee to review and pass policy issues including the Rates
The current announcement by BOZ was well thought out however
Then the FED is structured like the Bank of Zambia Remember the Lusaka and Ndola BOZ
Then individual governors in rotation as it where due to the geographical and economic sophiscation of US about Ten
Then you have the Monetary Policy committee to review and pass policy issues including the Rates like we have
The current announcement by BOZ was well thought out however
Those who do not know Denny Kalyalya, he is from Monze west, worked as lecturer in economics and was head of Department at some point at UNZA. These are fine brains Zambia needs.
You don`t like us but you need us when it`s critical that`s life go Denny
We love you and that is why even in our areas we gave you decent votes. If we did not like you we would be giving you votes below a hundred whilst giving our man votes in the thousands. We love you so much that even sensitive positions like this are given to you. Hope you would have done the same and not applied the Nega Nega principles.
The Guy has heavy papers , chai!!!!!!!
Denny Kalyalya is World Bank Group Executive Director for 22 African countries, including Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, and his home country of Zambia. Previously, he was Deputy Governor – Operations at the Bank of Zambia, where his responsibilities included overseeing mission critical or core functions of the central bank, including monetary policy formulation and implementation, currency and national payments systems, as well as regulation and supervision of banks and non-bank financial institutions. He holds a PhD (Economics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA (UMASS, 1993), obtained on a Fulbright Hays scholarship, an MA (Economics) from UMASS (1989) and University of Zambia (UNZA) (1983), and a BA (Economics), UNZA…