Friday, March 7, 2025

Over 50 people injured in Chibombo in a Bus Accident


Zambia Police Service spokesperson Charity Munganga Chanda
Zambia Police Service spokesperson Charity Munganga Chanda

FIFTY people have sustained injuries after the Power Tools bus Registration number APX 7615 they were on over turned along the Great North Road in Chibombo district due to excessive speeding. The bus was coming from Kitwe heading to Lusaka with 60 passengers on board.

The accident happened at around midnight 14 April, 2015.

In statement released today by Zambia Police spokesperson Charity Chanda, the injured that include the driver were taken to Liteta Mission Hospital while others who sustained serious injuries have been transferred to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

“We are appealing to members of the public who suspect their relatives to have boarded on the power tools bus from Kitwe to Lusaka to check on them from the two Hospitals,” Ms Chanda said.

In 2013 over 50 people died in Chibombo district, Central province, after a Post Bus from the Copperbelt collided head on with a truck which was coming from Lusaka.

Close to 70 people were on the Post Bus registration number ABV 4020 that collided with the Congolese truck registration number is 1793 AB 05.


    • Its HH at it again, wanting more and more mone and wanting to win the by election. HH the free mason. You will never rule this Country. You even go to Londdon to bad mouth the Country and yu think we can votre for yu .
      Yu tribalist, we know you have brain washed the Lambas to turn against other tribes. Yo dirty trick won’t win u plot one. Zambia is a Christian nation and can’t have a free mason for president

    • I think a better question than whats wrong with Chibombo is, whats wrong with the people who drive between Lusaka and Kabwe? Between Chibombo and this bus driver I am willing to bet that the one at fault is this very bus driver (yes even though I am not a witness). Surely the road didn’t “do” anything out of the ordinary except “be” a road.

    • @1, that’s a million dollar question. WHY Chibombo? And #1.1, very sheepish. Mum including 17 other passengers died around the same area in 1999 due to careless driving by minibus driver. This has got nothing to do with HH and I feel personally offended by your remarks. GRZ should do more, if possible, retrain all public transport drivers including those working for civil service organisations. Enough is enough.

  1. Is it necessary to include number plates in all the reports about accidents? Anyway, wishing them all a quick recovery. Road safety issues and driving are matters that Zambia needs to get to grips with. Too many road mishaps in the country.

    • Then how do you prove the authenticity thereof if such details are missing? At least we all agree on wishing them best recovery!

    • But kwena Harold Muna sure. Its good practice each time you see your relatives, friends, girl friends etc off to get number plates for the buses or indeed any other means of transport one has taken just in case of an eventuality. Also this kind of reporting proves authenticity of the story. Hope this makes sense now Harold.

  2. The maximum speed on these buses should be limited to 90 km/h. This will curb accidents. For example, Intercape bus drivers, be it locally in South Africa or cross border, are not allowed to drive at more than 100 km/h. Imagine bringing those good roads in RSA to Zed, our boys will kill themselves.

  3. It is very necessary to include the number plates. It can help with contacting the owners of the vehicles in case the driver is seen to be over speeding prior to the accident. Also, you will notice that these vehicles have phone numbers on them, this is also for the same purpose in case the driver is misbehaving.

    There seems to no proper political will power to come up with a lasting solution regarding the accidents at Chibombo.

    Perharps, put speed at 40 kms per hour until you finish the Chibombo strech

    • You can even put a 3km per hour speed limit the lunatics will still behave the same way. The day each driving Zambian takes responsibility for the POOR DRIVING CULTURE prevailing is the day the accidents will reduce. You can have 10 lane highways but all it takes is 1 nincompoop driver and 50 people’s lives get wasted. Just watch the way we Zambians park on parking lot lines in shopping centres and then we expect to drive on a highway I would laugh if wasnt so sad. If you cant do the basics you cant do the complex simple

  4. when there was an accident in Kafue somebody issued a decree to ban ferrying people on lorries and trucks. Now that a bus has had an accident I decree that the government must follow suit and ban the ferrying of people ob buses. What do you think?

  5. I think most of the roads in Zambia are too narrow. They are one lane roads and without proper road markings, it becomes very difficult for the road user to estimate the road edges or where the central road marking should be. Again it goes back to the planners to do it well.

    • In europe back roads or as commonly known B roads are just as narrow with perhaps higher traffic volumes than we experience. There is only one difference POOR DRIVING CULTURE in Zambia. If the road changes, change your driving style, speed and vigilance accordingly. Drive on this same Lusaka – Kabwe stretch often enough you will think no one has ever had an accident on this stretch never mind dying.

  6. Very unfortunate. I wish them a quick recovery on the positive side its not 50 deaths. Whats even more unfortunate is that such accidents will continue as long as we keep blaming the roads, the vehicles,the government, H.E Lunge, H.H, R.B, the church, the sky, the neighbors dog, the rats in the ceiling, apartheid……. anything and anyone except the bad driving culture in Zambia. Till we face the truth we will continue crashing and blame whatever is fashionable at the time.

  7. You uncircumcised baffoon. How dare you bring in HH in what is happening on the road? Is it because he has failed to defend himself from accusation of drinking blood

  8. The driver could have been tired as he was driving from Chavuma direct to Lusaka.Can the company employ two drivers to be on the bus because you can imagine driving all the way from Lusaka to chavuma and then within the hours driving all the way back from Chavuma to lusaka.
    Its a big problem.
    Thank God that no life was lost.

    • Every driver especially a PSV licence holder must know the effects, let him be arrested I am sick and tired of these drivers who play a small “god” with peoples lives. If he lives he should be jailed and after release never be allowed to drive ever maybe that way some of the lunacy we experience on the roads can be stopped. They should join motocross if they want to “fly” on the road.

  9. Because RATSA highway patrol is sleeping.

    Let me help resolve this road carnage: Install GPS tracking devices on all passenger buses. The control centre will clearly who’s speeding and tag the culprit to the licensing agency for appropriate punitive action. A dual way should also easy the problem in the long term, resources permitting of course. For now, request for me to tender for the supply of a proper GPS system from Israel. So help us God!

  10. i always strongly reject this feable excuse each time an accident happens that its due to excessive speed. In the 90s i used to drive between ndola and lusaka in 2hrs with toyota camry baloon type. Volvo bus used to take three and half hrs. What has changed is the behaviour of these bus drivers behind the wheel… Always on phone to girl friends, chatting with conductors, eating while driving. Added to this is zindaba and stella libongani’s most corrupt officers on earth. Pipo get driving licences before they know how to open a vehicle door.

  11. Revise traffic rules to save lives. We in Kenya revised our’s in 2003 and it worked wonders. It included: 1.Fitting Original speed governors 2,speed limit 80KPH 3. Impromptu alcobrew test 4. Driver not to exceed 6hrs a day driving 5,saccos of not below 30 vehicles where all are denied operation for 60 days if one causes an accident. 6,safety belt tied before departure and no excess passenger /overloading 7,driver with 7 yr experience with valid documents and uniform 8. No misbehaviour eg overlapping ,loud music, not picking or dropping passengers except on bus stops and no police bribes, instant fines by police with receipt given on the spot and you continue with your journey(minor offences) 9.minimum 10 yrs for rogue drivers causing accidents 10; pedestrian using the road wrongly…

  12. It is a multi faceted problem and as such it’s resolution should be;
    1. Our road infrastructure is inadequate and poorly designed ( including signs and markings ) for our current population. e.g chibombo road is serving 6 provinces.
    2. Law enforcement has fallen short and the consequences are yet to be Reaped.
    3. Presently only one transport mode is ”available” ( road) thus the congestion, and the results are obvious.
    4. A middle income country like ours falls short of resources to avert all of the above.

    These challenges can be overcome, we have experts in these disciplines we can over come if we engage them.

    Transport is the lifeblood of commerce, this is one key sector we need to carefully manage if our economy is to attain the envisioned growth targets. ARRIVE…

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