Wednesday, February 5, 2025

President Edger Lungu expresses concern on the brewing tribal conflict between Lundas and Luvales


President  Edgar Lungu  being welcomed by former republican vice-president Enock Kavindele at Kalene airstrip mission airstrip in Ikeleng’e
President Edgar Lungu being welcomed by former
republican vice-president Enock Kavindele at Kalene airstrip mission
airstrip in Ikeleng’e

President Edger Lungu says the ongoing tribal wrangles between Senior Chief Ishindi and Senior Chief Ndungu of Zambezi district in North-western province is worrisome.

President Lungu wondered why the two traditional leaders cannot co-exist because of language despite inter-marriages that exist between their subjects – Lundas and Luvales.

The Head of state said this in Ikelenge district today when he met Traditional leaders from the area.

He has since challenged all royal establishments in the country to come on board and help harmonise unity in the country and help him lead the nation under the national motto: on one Zambia one nation.

He noted that if not resolved the issue can lead to bloodshed.

President Lungu said he is trying to integrate people across all tribes, regions and political parties in issues of national development adding that he knows that no tribe is dominant over the other.

The President has since constituted a committee through the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs to seriously look into the matter before he makes a ruling.

Meanwhile President Lungu said he is determined to bring meaningful social and economic development to North-western province through infrastructure development and ensure that the Manyinga-Jimbi road is worked on among other projects government is implementing in the province.

-President Edgar Lungu talks to Kalene mission medical doctor  in charge Felix Chibwe (l) during the tour of a theater unit on Thursday in Ikeleng’e as North-Western province minister Dawson Kafwaya and Health deputy minister Dr Chilufya Chitalu ( r) look on
-President Edgar Lungu talks to Kalene mission medical
doctor in charge Felix Chibwe (l) during the tour of a theater unit
on Thursday in Ikeleng’e as North-Western province minister Dawson
Kafwaya and Health deputy minister Dr Chilufya Chitalu ( r) look on
-President Edgar Lungu admires village chickens he received from Enock Makabi, a land mine survivor at Nyeka village in chief Nyakaseya’s area in Ikeleng’e
-President Edgar Lungu admires village chickens he
received from Enock Makabi, a land mine survivor at Nyeka village in
chief Nyakaseya’s area in Ikeleng’e
President Edgar Lungu walking side by side with a land mine survivor Enock Makabi AT Nyeka Village in Ikeleng’e district
President Edgar Lungu walking side by side with a land
mine survivor Enock Makabi AT Nyeka Village in Ikeleng’e district
 President Lungu  eight year old land mine survivor Gift Mutebula during the photo session with the land mine survivors at Kalene school grounds
President Lungu eight year old land mine survivor
Gift Mutebula during the photo session with the land mine survivors at
Kalene school grounds


  1. Is there any issue really between my cousins? I don’t think so. Why is the president meddling in the affairs of the NWners? We don’t want another Chitimukulu saga.

    • Your Edgar is obsessed with the tribal shiiiiit. From Tongas now he wants to teach Bakalubale… Remember Adamson Mushala.

    • Lets co-exist as one people and learn to resolve our differences in a civil and amicable manner.

      Ba kalubale naba kaluunda will always share that area, traditional leaders must not insight hatred between these people

    • imwe bantu! please who is in charge of the president`s wardrope kansi??… if feel sorry for zambia!! KK used to look good in safari suits, FTJ was just amazing, PLM looked good, RB was not bad despite loving young girls and MCS had class despite his kaponya step!!,,
      Awe shuwa, GBM or HH`s gardeners look well dressed than your Changwa!!

    • Are you the only Jew in town who does not know this? Zambia has 7 official local languages 3 from one province that tells you a lot!
      Each tribe is trying to outdo the other how pathetic. If you are this tribe you cant work there; this one is this tribe so not here! For goodness sake move one and stop the nonsense! when shall we learn as Africans?

    • @Ndobo, be more specific. Those decapitated suits are new Zambian national attire, but the shoes I can recognize that pair, I sold it to Mulenga Sata, am sure it was over-size so he gave it to his boss.

  2. Lunda vs Luvale… Now that’s tribalism if you ask me. Not this nonsense that we keep referring to as tribalism for political mileage.

    • Ba Kalubale batushupa sana. We cannot live with these people. Honestly how can we live with such vagabonds, lunatics, filthy people? Mr.President no ways!!! They just have to find some other area otherwise will throw them into the Zambezi!

  3. By the way, what’s up with these Safari suits? These guys look terrible. Wear a traditional outfit or something.

  4. Why put this issue on spot light magnifying it for political gain. This issue has passed through from way back as 1940s and past presidents ended up gaining political mileage after which nothing has ever come out. North westerners be wise not to be divided on the pronouncement being perpetrated by politicians . We have always for many years lived as one. Watch out whether Lunda or Luvale by this entering behavior .

  5. The Lunda/luvale feud is a non issue mostly fueled by politicians and traditional leaders. The grassroots live together in peace and intermarry a great deal. Please ECL don’t start fueling the problem and stick to developmental issues especially the ROADS IN NWP. Don’t waste the trip on useless issues.

  6. I guess it was a buy one get one free for politicians at Safar world. Safari suits every where.

    Viva President Nawakwi.

  7. All this rot came up with the introduction of local languages to be taught in schools. One Zambia One Nation has been our motto and let the politicians stop their cheap politics by using tribes.

  8. lungu should refrain from creating fire when there is no fire. Lundas and luvales will always be relatives. Stop getting mileage on non issues. Build universities in province instead. Allow nyakuleng’a to be a district on its own

  9. I am actually shocked that there is an issue here. I lived in Kisasa a lunda/kaonde area and people there live in peace. I can imagine it’s the same in areas shared by both lundas and luvales. Besides these tribes have the sexiest women. If you know what I mean.

    • Are you following what your traditional leaders are saying? Let’s learn to be realistic – there is and has been a problem here and it should not be ignored.

  10. This is what Lungu came for in the province what share waste of resources when the economy is in trouble?
    If you nothing its better to remain quite people are tired of promises

  11. Ignorant people comenting as usual. This Lunda-Luvale problem is big and old. The president is right to show concern. The Lundas are always ready to harm the Luvales. Remember their attempt to stop Makishi on the east bank. Pls do not comment if you have no information.

  12. Tribalism is a Bemba disease and unfortunately its spreading to others.

    Very sad to see this social ill spreading from the Bemba bigots who thot Zambia only belongs to them.

  13. Enock kavindele hails from Kabompo and not ikelenge or mwinilunga.what was he doing recieving the president in ikelenge? oh God!!! i forgot pf has no structures in that particular part of the province. infact pf doesn’nt exist in NWP.people of NWP are not easily bought with such cosmetic visits.they are the most principled voters in Zambia.these people are not moved by a few k50 notes dashed around during campaigns,no wonder the pf, a party founded fake promises,deceit and bribery has failed to penetrate in this province.

  14. Hegoat u are such a useless tribalist with a brain the size of a chicken.Look at how silly your comments are! Am sure you are one of the many Zambian’s who are bitter because ECL is the president. ECL is encouraging pipo to desist from tribalism and u damn are busy encouraging it.@Misozi i agree with you,SHAME ON THIS GOAT.

  15. this came about becos they are told to teach a certain language in a school…so who started it then ????????

  16. According to this report the problem revolves around the wrangles of the two senior chiefs. If left unchecked it will definitely lead to bloodshed. It is high time the government pumped some sense it the heads of these two chiefs. It is a well known fact that one of them is pig-headed. The two should be taken to the genocide museum in Rwanda so that they see the potential result of their wrangling. We are tired of reading about this primitive issue. Eish!

  17. Lungs needs wise counsellors who will advise him not to start dictating to chiefs. Lundas will not accept a president going to make command announcements publicly when it is government which created the problem. Lundas know their chisemwa and how they solve problems. If Lungu was interested in solving the problem, he should have gone to Zambezi and meet the two chiefs in a neutral place and privately dialogue with them instead of make the command pronouncement from a public meeting in another province. Lungu should remember that the Lunda Kingdom has been in operation for ages and it will remain while he like Sata will be gone. So good caution to Lungu and his useless minister of chiefs is to trade carefully over this matter with respect.

  18. Iam a Zambian from Kabompo but spent my childhood in Chitokoloki mission and attended Zambezi Secondary school.

    My father is luvale and my mother is Lunda. At the mission, in those days Lundas and luvales were fighting like the way Zulus and Xhosas fight here in South Africa. I live in Cape Town.

    The lundas always intimidated luvales even in primary school and high school. Lundas were always the arrogant tribe calling luvales many names like amuzambukila ha yenga. meaning luvales use dishes to cross the zambezi river.

    I experienced segregation in zambezi and lunda kids not allowed to play with luvale ones. We used to fight to and from school.

    It is Lundas that i blame. Besides i dont taje sides since iam both. A luvale teacher cannot teach in lunda area, they can attack him…

  19. Those who think luvales can co exist in peace must think twice. Villages are divided. You will not find both tribes in one village.

    Luvales live peacefully with, luchazis, bundas, chokwes but there is a stigma when it comes to lundas.

    Elections can show thw divide. Infact Lundas even in lusaka do have same issues. A lunda personnel manager wont employ a luvale but a luvale one doesnt care.

    Lundas are very tribalistic so to say. I grew up there and i speak from my heart. If you think otherwise, i dont care because i crossed those barriers long ago.

    Truth is painful.

    • Ba LT since when did the word TRIBAL.IST become vulgar? So now we can’t say the president is a triba.list with you applying the tuma ********? What a joke!

  20. Ba LT since when did the word TRIBAL.IST become vulgar? So now we can’t say the president is a triba.list with you applying the tuma ********? What a joke!

  21. Read Chindefu comment and you will get what Iam advocating about Lundas.

    He is a spoilt lunda tribalist. Why shouldnt the president preach peace to the Chiefs?

    Its guys like you that are bringing Zambia down. What will a tribe do for you?

    Chindefu needs to be exposed to other parts of the world and see how others co exist. Is there a tribe written on your dilomas or degrees or certificates?

    Even travelling with a bunch of lundas on public bus can be stressful if you are luvale.

    Question is why are lundaa behaving so backwards? I thought that stupid generation is long gone? I am disappointed

    whenever i go home these days, i dont reach zambezi due to painful memories. Just like aperthrid era here in south Africa.

    Grow up!!!! m&**–ther f*%&&&ks

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