Thursday, January 30, 2025

Help us pay Chinese contractors, Kaingu pleads with Chinese envoy


Michael Kaingu
Michael Kaingu

Education Minister Michael Kaingu has opened up about the financial challenges facing the PF government after he pleaded with China to help Zambia for Chinese contractors constructing schools in the country.

Dr Kaingu passionately appealed to Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming when he called on him at his office on Wednesday afternoon.

He said the Zambian Government is finding it challenging to pay the many Chinese contractors working on several schools.

‘As you may know, we have various schools at various stages and most of the contractors are Chinese contractors. Our situation is that we have run out of money to pay these contractors and we are scouting for resources so that we can pay these contractors so that they can complete our schools,’ Dr Kaingu said.

Dr Kaingu added, ‘We would be grateful if you could find ways and means of funding contractors so that they could complete our schools. I don’t know how the Chinese government will help us source some for some funds.’

He said the schools construction project is at various stages with some at foundation stage while some are nearing completion.

‘So when I heard that you are coming I thought I should put in a request for your government to help us pay these contractors,’ Dr Kaingu said.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Youming says China is willing to assist Zambia develop its education sector through the awarding of scholarships to Zambians to study in China.


    • Only a black man would say that crap. Chinese are in business too and need income.anyway kudos to the ZWD for being consistent with its news.they have always said broke PF govt just as they coined the term CARTAIL which most pf cadres dispelled at first.

    • Uko! Yazanda Iwe!

      The poor broke PF, visionless indeed. Bo Kaingu, ask Lungu & PF why they borrowed too much, especially the HIDING OUT of $193 million! Uko!

      Confused MMD BANDITS now bootlegging in PF are now the SCAPEGOATS’ like RB & Dora, these BANDITS are destroying the country. Where is the integrity, where one runs from, to & to from, as they walk they wish?
      Lungu, the economy & kwacha are in LIMBO, leave the DDP Nchito alone, Mugabe the DICTATOR is NOT solance for the people.
      Davis Chama PF~SG~now yaps about one party state, b’coz of dictatorial infections.
      Today Kambwili yapping that NO info freedom & tomorrow , info freedom but slowly. He knows not what he does not mean!

      The Skeleton Key

    • How stupid of Mr. Kaingu and his PF CNP! So, this government boasts of “massive infrastructure” when the projects are unplanned financially? What’s happening to the taxpayers’ money and the budget pronouncements they make?

  1. Twasebana as a county indeed. It’s like stealing from the left pocket only to put the stolen loot in the right pocket…

  2. This is so sickening ba Kaingu……!
    Meanwhile you contracted people without having money, the reasoning beats me.

    • You are absolutely right. How on Earth can somebody enter in to CONTRACT without having secured 100% of his own contractual obligations.

      It will be in public interest to know why AG has approved this contracts. Or, as usual under this Government, our learned Attorney General or his learned Solicitor General will hide behind “State Secret Documents”?

      What a shameful, incompetent and border-line illegal way to contract further debt for the generations to come.

  3. This quite embarrassing. Where is kambwili to brag about money being available to pay contractors??? We can’t continue like this. Elo there is a eurobond payment mu 2020. This govt. Is full cnp. PF cadres over to you. It’s very clear that PF have failed to manage our finances but the PR side is managed well.

  4. That was a good response from the Chinese ambassador: “China is willing to assist education through scholarships to study in China.” I wonder what Kaingu’s next sentence was. Am sure the Ambassador was laughing all the way to hear that Govt started thousands of projects without money!!!

  5. I’m truly lost for words. How on earth do you contract someone when you know that you don’t have the ability to pay them? These are signs that the government has failed.

    • Its actually evidence of failed Sata. God did us a favour to take that man away. He really put this country in a mess and poor Lungu will have to sort out this mess before the next elections.

      The big qtn is where did the Sata take the 2 eurobonds? because all the projects that were suppose to be financed by the eurobond are incomplete due to lack of money. Besides, there has been other debt gotten for developmental projects, so why are we failing to pay still?

  6. … we told you about Chimbwi – No- Plan, Sata was as gullible as the people that supported his tribal madness all the way to plot 1. I wonder how much tribal insults on HH if he the one in such stupid governance. May the salaries for teachers even delay for more than a month so that they learn a lesson for influencing and brain washing their uninformed pupils and students support such madness.

    • The only problem is that your HH is not sellable. If he was he should have taken the 2015 elections clean. Am confident Lungu is the right man and he will do us proud, the only thing is he will have to work extra hard.
      The challenge is he has inherited a broke government messed up by Sata, the positive side is that he is a likeable person. The guy did not say a word but everyone was saying “ni a Lungu Chabe!”
      So he needs to use his popularity to churn out positives for the country-though its an uphill battle

  7. What a disgrace! With that kind of attitude, Zambia will never develop. How about stop abusing aid money by enriching yourselves? We need China to help us commission an international audit so that we can trace where all the borrowed money is going. You have no shame?

  8. When I coined the term for this useless PF MPs as KK Airport cabinet, I knew that they are a useless cabinet whose only job is to go to the airport to see Changwa off to meetings and back. ZWD has warned over and over that PF is broke. One can’t have such a useless large airport cabinet without being corrupt and broke. This Dr Kaingu who is in PF as a politician of the belly should be ashamed for begging China to pay Chinese contractors. Shame on PF, shame on your airport cabinet and shame on Kaingu. Anyway, bo Kaingu pass my greetings to Iris.

  9. The problem is that HH and Kabimba are not salable to win presidency. This is a painful fact but it is reality. Lungu will win 2016 with a landslide victory and hh will retire.
    UPND must think of replacing hh otherwise it will be 2090 when hh or Kabimba can make it. This is agony of failure by a party to rid itself of baggage.
    No matter what you will say that Chimbwi no plan but the face of Zambia is changing. Sata said the poor should see development and indeed we the poor and voters are seeing progress. Progress is real not to be imagined. USA is in debt 22Trillion dollars. UK 2 trillion. Greece 350 billion. We only have 7billion with a buoyant economy. So what is this fuss about. Mukalusa nakabili. 5 to zero is coming.

    • Ba Patience, stop yapping about HH. What if you Lungu wins in 2016, are you going to serve him for dinner in your house since he is so magnificent? Is he going to finally finish building those schools and other projects that have stalled? Clearly no! He and your lot will continue stealing from the poor Zambian people as usual. Can’t you see that people want service, development and hope for the future generations, all of which can only be achieved through change of leadership? We need a sober and dedicated rational mind like HH whom you despise so much to deliver us from your Pama Fi evil deeds! Mwalya mwapolomya pafula 🙁

  10. This puts the local contractors in a lot of financial stress. The government which has no money to pay them will be pushing them to quickly finish the projects knowing very well that they are not going to pay.

    • Buteko bwamusango shani tukwete mwe Lesa? Please God Almighty I confess my sin of having given a vote to the Patriotic Front party in 2011 forgive me, am truly sorry to you, to the people of my country Zambia and to my child who will end paying for my sin.

      How this govt. has been so callous and incompetent in managing even the little blessing we had it has taken us into a deeper pit of shame and embarrassment to the wider world. Almighty may please help me and all Zambian raise leaders from among us who will truly have the fear of you to do what is just, fair and for the good of the whole country. Amen

      Imagine I approaching my father in law to help me with finances so that I could pay the dowry charges. This is so foolish and stupid. Bamakaka

  11. This is the joke of the year. Are we this brainless? Are we this visionless? Are we this stupiid? Are we doing any planing? Oh what a country. And when people are bringing out these issues we call them all sorts of names. PF cadres what are your comments about such immense stupidity?

  12. Chwe Chwe Chwe nafuti nafuti…..bola yakosa…wina azavomela pa last. That’s Lungu and PF for you.

  13. Unplanned and unbidgeted massive infrastructural developments.What a pathetic legacy Chimbwi no Plan Satan the dictator left.The lesson:NEVER DIVORCE LITERACY FROM LEADERSHIP.We are now paying for putting an illiterate in state house.

  14. God forbid; I would like to force myself to think that Kaingu was misquoted. Otherwise who gonna pay the local contractors?

  15. okay we all agree its embarrassing do we? PF cadres your comments please. This is no time for your empty slogans like fintu ni Lungu, Kolopa dot com or Pabwato. Some thinking required here, we know your are not good at that.

  16. Kwena e. What is the meaning of this?

    This is very stupid. How can the government not have counted the cost of building schools?

    It is begs belief that the government has been convinced by some people to collect very little tax from investors, while running a huge development bill.

    This is too much madimbiko.

  17. Zambia is not a christian nation. If it was, the PF govt could have followed the advice of our Lord Jesus christ when he said “how can you start a project without first counting the cost lest you fail to finish the building due to running out money and people laugh at you”.

  18. I don’t get the logic here. So someone lends you money and you are asking that same person to help you pay him. Why not just cut to the chase and ask him to provide the services free of charge?

  19. So shameful-so so shameful. How can a normal minister beg so shamelessly? And why did they start so many projects when they knew they had no money?

  20. When HH speaks some people call him kachema or under 5 yet HH understands economics better than 20 pf ministers put together,give pf another term and zambia is doomed.

  21. PF is broke we knew these earlier in the year they`ve been eating all our tax dollars now the country is also broke were is our minster of finance !?!?

  22. You see these are empty tins…all dull visionless clowns its a free for all buffet…from the lazy bum who will never host a press conference down to the hand picked dull ministers.

  23. Who are you to even suggest to us to drop HH? You are a foreigner from unpeaceful Congo and brought violence, hatrade, thieves and bloody money in some cases, you have sucked and stollen public funds. Now the abominable pf is advocating for one party state a congolese mentality to hide its evil it has committed and will continue committing without opposition. Bring one party state, you big fool, Chama, you bring bloodshed like congo ethinic bloodshed currently raging there. KK abondoned it, Chama ask KK why UNIP repealed the one party rule!

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