Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND Statement on floor prices


KITWE farmers showcasing their farm produce during the District Agriculture Show
KITWE farmers showcasing their farm produce during the District
Agriculture Show

The PF government must immediately announce a decent floor price for various agriculture produce for this year so as to protect farmers from being exploited by briefcase businessmen.

The idea of always leaving farmers to speculators is what has killed the agriculture sector and led to an increase in the cost of food due to lack of motivation and incentives.

By committing to early and regular announcements of floor prices that can be relied upon farmers will be more able to advance their operations and consider other options such as diversification and value-adding ventures.

Agriculture is just one of the many sectors that has suffered due to the lack of vision and direction under the PF government.

If government cant announce the floor price now we wonder if they will even be able to pay farmers on time, or whether they will once again be subjected to the usual punishment where payments are delayed and delayed. Many of us have still not forgotten the detentions and arrests farmers faced in November and December 2014 for protesting that government should pay them what they were owed for maize supplied long before.

The PF government must take its responsibility to support farmers seriously. Only by doing this can we improve food security, lower food prices and increase employment opportunities in the sector.

Charles Kakoma
UPND Party Spokesperson

Issued by: UPND National Campaign Centre, Lusaka


  1. Mining has failed us. Countries like Malawi that depends on agriculture have a strong economy than ours. Therefore we need someone who has the passion for agriculture to steer this nation. This is where we need to try HH without looking at tribe which most bloggers and voters brag about.

    • UPND has been presented with so many opportunities to excel but, alas, they are allowing them to flow throw their fingers and then crying foul.

      There is an appropriate time to make statements like the one above. Doing it now makes you sound like demagogues. Now is the time for you to spell out long term for Zambia. General Elections are just round the corner. Driving around the country two weeks before the election may win you votes from the illiterate masses but there is also a large population of literate Zambians now who won’t fall for that gimmick.

      Pull up your socks guys or give room to other smarter strategists.

    • I we be serous you want us to try some one who can authorise the movement of cows in the streets of Lusaka so that we can cows jam instead of traffic jam. This man called HH cannot be trusted with the Zambian economy if he mismanaged the sale of mines to enrich himself. Further more he is full of himself. He sold the mines at an undervalued amounts and later got some kick back.Eversince he took over UPND the number of MPS which our late statesman Mazoka left has dwindled to almost distinction. He wanted to win this years election by receiving massive votes from one from where he comes from.

    • Such thinking, which may appear obvious to some, is unfortunately not the strategic focus of those given to plan it because they are busy perfecting the art of political self preservation.

    • Are you sure Malawi is doing well? Please update yourself with the current situation. Malawi as we are talking is worse off than Zambia. Infact there is a lot maize being smuggled into Malawi from Zambia. You are talking of the Malawi of yesteryear

    • I am still waiting ba UPND to hear that you have arrested Davis Chama. Your 48hrs has passed. Ni muli imwfye tukwete amaka kaili. Dont make your words go hollow. Act!!!!! Arrest the Davis chama.

  2. Yeah right. You want the government to make announcements so that you start criticizing bakachema. Can we just keep quiet if there is nothing to talk about. We know HH is an opportunist from what he did with privatization. Always waiting for government to do something so that he can take advantage. HH “chinja mutundu uzawina”

  3. Friends,
    Go through the history of civilizaysaan, societies have been founded on agriculture. Mainly centred around the great rivers of the world, be it the Euphrates, Nile, Indus, Yangtze or Ganges. The late Dr. Kamuzu Banda was a firm believer in agriculture. It was for that reason that Malavi never suffered famine. I have friends living today on the northern end of Lake Malavi, these guys, and their families subsist on cassava and fish.

  4. This pf chagwa govt does not learn anything at all. UPND has penetrated provinces like Eastern Provinc because of poor handling of farmers and that is why next years elections will be easy for HH to win because there are a lot of campaign issues e,g poor economy caused by pf etc

  5. If governance is all about passion for agriculture, we might as try Heritage Party with Village Concept.

    What we need is just good governance that is mostly concerned about the welfare of Zambians and their all-round prosperity.

    Zambians must come first in domestic and foreign policies.
    This has been the missing link in every successive government since the decline of UNIP and their detracting from nation building policies.

  6. @1 – Kungwe -Are you sure Malawi is doing well? Please update yourself with the current situation. Malawi as we are talking is worse off than Zambia. In fact there is a lot maize being smuggled into Malawi from Zambia. You are talking of the Malawi of yesteryear

  7. This maize is very expensive to grow. If you are not involved you will think it is easy. Find something like cassava may be.

  8. 48 hour ultimatum you gave the police is now going into two weeks. Why are you not effecting a mapatizya arrest on Chama like you promised you cows without teeth?

  9. The mindful and people with wisdom look at issues and people without wisdom talk about tissues. How do you much to talk about tissues which have no sense except passing through your fimofimo and thrown into the toilet but you continue having your bad smell on your nose stinking instead of throwing it in the toilet.

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