Friday, March 28, 2025

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta arrives in Zambia


President  Uhuru Kenyatta
President Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has arrived in the country for a two day state visit at the invitation of President Edgar Lungu.

The Kenyan Head of state arrived this afternoon at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport at about 12:03 hours Zambian time and was received at the airport by his host counterpart President Edgar Lungu.

Mr Kenyatta was also met at the airport by Minister of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba, Commerce Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe, Home Affairs Minister Davis Mwila, Lusaka Province Minister Obvious Mwaliteta, and senior government and party officials.

The Kenyan head of state was accorded a 21 gun salute at the airport and later inspected a guard of honour mounted by the Zambia Army.

The two Presidents were treated to an array of entertainment by the traditional dance troops and the PF women choir before leaving the airport.

President Kenyatta is this afternoon expected to hold official talks with President Edgar Lungu at state house and later call on First President Kenneth Kaunda at his office before attending a state banquet hosted in his honor.

The two heads of states are tomorrow expected to depart Lusaka for Ndola to officially open this year’s Zambia International Trade Fair taking place on the Copperbelt Province.


  1. Welcome your excellency. The most talking points currently in Zambia your excellency is the bashing of one Kachema and his mujahadeen by the mighty Patriotic Front and his inability to take a bath together with his vice who we are told is currently a resident of Chainama Mental Hospital. These two vermin are quite contagious

    • Aya ndiye ma PRESIDENT. This man is such a great leader. Keep it up Uhuru few presidents in Africa are like you.

    • Each visiting head of state has interest in the host state. A ngwee for you thoughts as what it is here?

    • Jay Jay is a nasty, ill-informed bewigged buffoon. He’s a performing “bigiot” who goes over the top to try to please a tiny following of.small -minded ignoramuses and nincompoops of his ilk. Glad Kachema continues to be dumped.

  2. Thank you Zambians for giving my president such a befitting welcome. Kenyans are lucky this time around to have a young learned president in his early 50s and a VP in his 40s who eagerly listen to the youth and tuckle their problems unlike our three past presidents filled with old/ colonial mentality. He knows how to interact with people of class and age despite coming from the royal family. I hope they will have a good time with his Zambian counterpart. Thank you!

  3. Please Mr visiting President you are a respected person teach this chap you are visiting to stop mixing with corrupt people surrounding him maybe he will listen to you sir.

  4. Please remove traditional dance troops at airports and PF choirs reserve these to official banquets if you may please.

  5. Kenyans have put us Zambians to shame…bigger airport,an enviable airline,big tourism,more industries,many star sportsmen,a more fiscally responsible president who’s fighting corruption and higher score than Zambia on human development index.

    In Zambia all we do is drink tujilijili,endless by elections and watch EPL while other Africans are seriously forging ahead using a non mineral economy.

  6. @ENKA.

    You are spot on. Our National parts are today no match to the masai mara game reserve yet at one time we where on the same footing.
    I have driven through the 147km stretch from Nalusanga gate and tate yoyo gate on kafue national park several times without seeing a giraffe apart from the usual goats called gazelles and impala, a few buffalo and rarely kudu.

    Our kenyan friends are having economic quantum leeps.

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