Sunday, September 8, 2024

Plane carrying Djibouti leader fails to take off


THE plane carrying visiting Djibouti President, Ismail Guelleh, yesterday failed to take off at the Livingstone International Airport, causing panic among security staff.

The Zambia Air force (ZAF) aircraft, which had carried the visiting leader from Lusaka, could not start as panic gripped senior military, security and Government officials who were all over the airport apron.

Following the failure, senior officials instructed protocol staff to lay the red carpet, which had been removed after the President had boarded, for him to use as he was about to be evacuated from the aircraft.

The panic became more apparent among the security personnel, while airport staff also waited for a solution from the ZAF crew.

The motorcade that had been parked a short distance away was driven closer to the plane to carry the President who was about to be evacuated from the plane.

The aircraft which was scheduled to leave at 14:25 hours for Lusaka, only took off after 20 minutes.
This was after it was attended to. It was not clear what caused the failure.

Security personnel stopped journalists from taking pictures and threatened to grab the camera from Times bureau chief, Edward Mulenga, after noticing he was taking shots of the plane.

Speaking earlier in an interview, Mr Guelleh said Zambia was blessed to have the Victoria Falls, one of the natural wonders of the world.

Mr Guelleh said Djibouti would work closely with Zambia to prop up tourism.

The President who was impressed by the falls assured that apart from tourism, his government would work with Zambia in telecommunications and advance the two nations’ technology.

He praised the people of Zambia for the warm welcome and urged them to continue with their warm spirit.

Mr Guelleh said Livingstone was a well known city in his country and felt he should visit it.

He was accompanied by Health Minister, Brian Chituwo. The visiting President is expected to leave for his country today. President Mwanawasa last night hosted a State dinner for Mr Guelleh in Lusaka.


  1. Another sensational headline!! If you read Daily mail, reports the same story without sensationalising it, but simply says a technical problem which was sorted in 17 min – if the problem had been severe, no one would have dared putting a visiting dignitary on such a plane especially after a number of Airforce crashes. It is time zambian press got journalists to master certain subject areas & develop an indepth understanding of that speciality, which would result in less sensational headlines.

  2. how disgraceful.I take it the Djibouti leader has forgotten our history as regards ZAF planes.Thank God it was still on the ground otherwise the Zambian people would have waiting for TWO reports on ZAF airplane disasters!!! Lesa waluse !!!

  3. Those of you interested in technology can read my article at ICT WHICH WAY FROM ZAMBIA?(Wireless or Fiber) enjoy reading.

  4. SAGE, i have seen your article. I am a Computer Science graduate from CBU….i will take time to read your article to see what you have to say.
    I got to see your name and i was wondering whether you are the person i know?

  5. #2 before I commented, I perused both stories, & as I have a bit of flying experience, I could only conclude as I did, becoz the plane actually did take off & made its journey to its destination without any further hitches – that could only have been done for a minor problem which was well understood by all concerned.

  6. #6. It is amazing how news headlines can influence a story. I read todays Daily Mail, i am supprised to hear that same story was covered by the paper.

  7. SAGE, Good attempt, but you lack full understanding of the Telecommunication landscape in Zambia or knowldege of Fiber in the Next Generation Communication.
    Zambia need to access the trans-antalantic Fiber for a number of reasons, and the best point to access it for now is via Siavonga/Chirundu/Lstone to Zimbabwe and into wider RSA network. But as for every need for protected network, another route through namibia maybe sought
    The Satellite Tx Syst you are talking about in future Networks will always play as role as a Backup due to a number of Factors I dont have to emntion here.
    I want also to tell you that, Fiber can be overlayed with defferent technologies the most common being SDH creating both the SDH Protection and Optical Protection which is your worry ,, I guess you know the difference betwen Optical Cross Connect and Digital Cross Conect.
    Start to see this fiber as longhaul compared only to longhaul Microwave, Satellite and copper Cable( Transmission)

  8. SAGE, again your mention of unreliable ZESCO power attract me to tell you that, the Fiber is not part of the Power transmission network technically but mechanically. The Fiber is built and pprotected by the outer copper cable(Shield). It is this outer copper shield which is used as a grounding for the power network. The Inner Fiber is independendntly terminated and have its on transmitters and Receivers, which in this case are optical. I guess you still remember Wavelenghts..
    Basically, I would look at the implication fo this Investment in three folds.
    1. Access Network..Where your WIFI, WIMAX, GSM-BTS EDGE/GPRS, CDMA-BTS/EVDO, UMTS all of other Subs based boarding stations.
    2. Transmssion Media and Aggegrate Nodes, OXC, DXX, DXC, Physical Path, and Logical paths to Core Network.. Servers, Switches, Content Servers, System Admini etc.
    3. Gateways, to peer networks, International linkage.

  9. #8 HK read the article within the context. which in this case is compareing the viability of implementing Wireless V Fiber. So dont get confused this is long article you need time to read and understand. And by the way you can also write one if you have a better way of puting things. We are not in competition, we are here to share ideas on how feel things should be going back home. #5 Probably you know me. My email is on the article drop me a line so we can talk.

  10. Whats wrong with ZAF Planes? Do we have an army or air force which can protect as at any time without its fleet falling off? Remember Gabon Crash.

  11. #5 Born Rich, so you are the one who used to lift those Government Trophies alot and was a Don at Nkwazi and SOSOLISO,and used to import alot, or where you a regular at the mountains the Ayatola Pontiff General?
    Born Rich,its nice to know you are from COBUSU.
    I just hope you did not start a family in Musonda or Kaponto or else they are looking for you now?
    No worries,just joking hahahaha.
    Breaks no bone,Born Rich.

  12. hahahaha Kayata, Your wish is my dream. I have always insisted that, the Airforce and Zambia army are irrelevant in the present setup. There is need to re-structure these units and cut the numbers as they are just a bottomless pit. There is need to re-deploy these men into the Police Unit to combat criminals with their APCs and Helicopters. The money which would be saved can go to help the street kids.
    The use of ZAF plannes whose safety records are questionable is actually irresponsible on the part of our President and his protocol pipo to put a president of another country.
    Where was our Presidential JET and also the Helicopter?

  13. haha HK, Fred once told Eric that “kufi landafye ba Eric” ie “You just speak it Eric”,
    Eric was DM at State House then.
    Most of the funds diverted through the Intelligence account were said to have been for inteligence operations. One wonders what intelligence operations they were,because apart from new fleet of vehicles at the Red Brick,we did not see maintenance of fleet vehicles in the intelligence unit.
    I should also understand that ZP,ZA & ZAF are part of the intelligence unit?
    HK, this was going to be another “Samora Machel” type of event.
    Djibouti are already ussed to bullets, i wonder what we were going to do and what was going to happen, because zambian defence jets can’t even move faster than sound.
    You know what happened last when Angola threaten Zambia in the 90’s.
    Our Soldiers are ever drunk with the cheap beer from the Provost at the barracks,looking from what happened to Captain Solo whom upon seeing liquor in the commanders house forgot about his mission. ctd

  14. All failed coups in Zambia are said and believed to have been as a result of the soldiers turning up under the influence of alcohol.

  15. #12. Kayata, COBUSU mwela weka weka. Especially ku Chambeshi Hostel where the monks used to shoot like hell. One of these fine days i must do something to bring positive change to that hostel. Maybe adopt it or something.

  16. Ba Born Rich(17),Chambeshi was a very dignified Hall of Residence(it was a Duty Free Zone) that has produced many intellectuals and entrepreneurs.The new owner of Phonix Contractors was a Chambeshi resident, another is a high ranking diplomat, several are dead or dying with a few in prison and some budding politicians!!!The days of Monk Square are sorely missed!!

  17. #18.The Original Pundit
    I agree with you.
    I was in Chambeshi for all th 4 years i spent at CBU
    Most of the Monks who used to shoot and cause trouble pa Chambeshi used to come from elsewhere.
    Anyway, most of it was fun and i enjoyed it.
    Ooh my heart!! How i miss that monk square!!!!! But anyway, we must never go backwards, the “NOW” and the “FUTURE” are something to get excited about.
    Good day.

  18. There was nothing out of the ordinary that happened to the ZAF aircraft in Livingstone.It is normal.

    Almost all aircraft engines whether,Propeller, Turborprop, Fanjet or Jet have got a regorious safety procedure when starting them. Mostly with engine number one, when it fails to Ignite or start three times you have to wait for a period of between ten to fifteen minutes before retrying. This is mostly to enable the start up tempreture parameters for Aircraft fuel,oil and avianics, hydrolic to revert to normal.

    Sometimes you have Ground Power Units (GPS) and Auxilliary Power Units(APU)to Jump start the engines.

    This happens all the time at the airport

  19. Ba Citizen(20), i wonder what airlines you have been using. Suffice to say that military aircraft are configured slightly different from commercial airliners.your contribution has indeed answered alot of questions!!

  20. #22 KUKU
    Helicopter iliko, it is for the use of the Zambian President on official duties.
    Even when in a motorcade the Zambian president is driven in his own car and the Visiting president in another.

    For security reasons

  21. #23Manje Iwe Ci Citizen ninshi so nikupasa visiting president ija yoonongeka? Kapena ni bwanji? But off chartering a different plane, otherwise this was going to be another Haybilimana of Burundi.

  22. #24 KuKu nakuuza kuti inja ndeke si yoonongeka, osoyopa ija ni normal procedure po ya sha engine.

    Habyalimina’s aircraft was shot down using a rocket or a portable surface to air missile.It was not a technical.

    KUKU uwoneka uyopa kukwela ndeke, na muma tall buidings uypa chikwepe uyenda na ma stairs paka kufika pa 22nd Floor.

  23. #25 Iwe Ci citizen ine sininga kwele indeke cifukwa cachani, namisebo iliko?Nili na phobia yama heights, but manje ingati ni normal procedure why banalikuzitundila ma bosses? Iwe ni Chi buffalo plane bana mupasa uyu mufana wa ku Djibouti

  24. The constitution issue is more pressing but you guys have opted to talk about the aeroplane which failed to start for 20 minutes. What is the hell has become of you. Kuku we must discover the forward over CC or CA what name you give or its a Lozi Indaba lead by an Induna. We should not buying time and soldier foward with how best we can resolve this constitution issues. Banengu muzayamba kulila in future if you dont find favours in the new constitution. You have the chance to influence things.

  25. #25. ama CITIZEN
    Ba Nkana FC filishani ifintu?
    Is Division 1 North also on break like the premier division?
    I no longer trust FAZ. Kuti wasanga ati ama points basenda yonse. It seems these guys do not want Kalampa to come back in the super league.
    Kindly update me if you can.

  26. Chuchi askayese kuyenda ku Djibouti kulibbe chopper pamwamba pa Challenger. Bazakamupasa Donki, olo, kumukwezeka pa Missile

  27. Iwe #29HK – zina lake ndi Chuchu not Chuchi, azakupeleka ku koti, suziba kuti ni loya he is very particular about spelling of names.

  28. #28 abena BORN Rich

    Division 1 are is also on break like premie divion.

    Our last game before the break was not played because our opponents failed to pitch up. Instead of FAZ awarding us three full points they are busy dilly dallying and cliaming that they must first sit and hear from both sides.

    Aba ba FAZ belefwaya uku twikala pa nsansa

  29. #31. Thanks ama CITIZEN for being a good CITIZEN. imwe ama CITIZEN paliba daata not mudaala Kuku!!! Mudaala Kuku doesnt usually give correct data. I have to correct him all the time!! Anyway, he still stands a change of going through in 2011 as presdo wapa ZED. I fear electing ba Joze. He may impose the BOOK OF RAFQUA on us!!

    Talking about FAZ, these FAZ chaps are quick to take points away from Nkana FC even if it means doing so under a Fig tree but when it comes to giving us points which are due to us, they say they have to “sit”. We may have to pertition these people!!

  30. #9 Mwaice HK kanshi niwebo IT specialist, walebepa ati niwebo Dr?Uli wa wrong mwaice iwe.
    SAGE mwandi naubika data bwino sana, nomba you must link up with the Computer Society of Zambia,efyo ulecita ifi dont be lazy read widely, especially where you are not so sure of.Iam BSc Mathematics from Unza so I understand this literature,well done SAGE.HK what you do in prosperity ,continue from where SAGE left,its just about fiber or wireless, dont discredit your friend, he sat down to gather those facts.Give credit where it is due, otherwise ukaba mutasha filikumasaya.

  31. AM, point taken, In fear of litigation and loss of my hard earned caretaker allowances,, I hearby correct the name spelling from Chuchi to Chuchu. They sound similar though. He may as well be Chucha. Wina azachucha monga KUKU. KUKU, bushe U masunga nkunku mu Pantry..

  32. #35&36 Mwaice HK dobo uleke, bushe tawaishiba ati nine bo ‘Kuku Mukwai’ meaning Welcome,I welcome all souls on earth,Arabs like your bululu pragmatist etc, not that nimasunga nkuku mu pantry.Iwe mwaice I have a farm how can I keep nkuku mu pantry? Usiye Dobo yamucungulo ima dabwisa ka.
    Mwaice IT specialist implies someone who is competent in the interpretation, use and application of computer hard ware and software.Waumfwa te?So what you do Just put up another article if you have alternative comparison between fiber and wireless and make a conclusion why one is better than the other capwa.

  33. KUKU any news from South Africa? How is the former minster VJ doing in South Africa? He is he still in that death clinic? Iam asking this because some when we were eating shima pa market with umulembwe was telling that VJ is now very sick

  34. #38 Dr. HK IT-support describes the duties that are performed in IT-Department. These duties can be performed by an IT-support staff depending on the know-how that particular individual which can be operating systems, Apilication, Data Processing, Network systems. These functions can either outsourced or in house. An IT-Specialist performs these duties depending on his specialization which i.e can be programming, Network Administration, Streaming, Monitoring, Installation, User supporter, consultancy,Service Desk help,Remote control like MSTSC. The area is very wide ranging from Budgeting, Project Planning, Project Management, Staffing etc. What is important is SLA- Service Level Agreements which spitulates exactly what duties should be performed by the IT-Department. The person who is an IT-specialist is has expertise and he is a professional in his areas. This can some who does routine fucntions, an IT-manager, CIO, even CEO oHe can answer all query directed to him.

  35. #38 mwaice nomba aya ama questions walabafye inga your brother in #33.
    #40 Easy well done for such information,I hope HK will have learnt something from your explanation.A support function has limitations but specialisation means ably and adequately skilled to perform that function with total and concise knowledge of both application and interpretation,in short you are the end performer.A similar example is Nurse-Doctor- Consultant arrangement in that order.

  36. #39 Mwaice Mermaid (Ilomba) abo ba VJ balwele but Lesa wamaka alabafwa balapola.There has been news black out on his well being since he is not a govt official anymore.Godbless him in these trying moments.
    Mwaice nangu umulembwe wacikukola tefyo?Mulembwe nshi bushe ni pupwe,kalembwe katali nangula wakuputula(Okra), ulebikapo na T bone, no wonder imishishi shilekashikila.

  37. Kuku, wawona kuti, Kunkulada nikoyipa ka. You may end up calling a someone a specialist who should be an operator or Call Center Agent because they have knowledge of Computer Hardware and Software use Mwana. Just wanted to make sure you know and Easy have done a commendable Job, I would give him a C+ for the effort.

    Whats the pass grade at CBU in that school which we used to call Ba ZITUNI

  38. #44 Mwaice HK old age yatwigwila, that is why now the cash we are making is for genuine campaign not to bride the electorate in 2011, we want to tell the electorate to elect people who will be ready to clean their shoes or patapata meaning someone who will be their servant and understands their environment better not people like Mulyata and that Munali MP

  39. Dr. HK you always surprise me I was trying to think of teachers who taught you. I believe their are those who went thru ZNS training school because for them nothng is good.change your attitude be postive it helps. A call center agent doesnt fall under an IT Department. They only have computers how this depends on what kind of you call center. You world find A IT-Specialist in a call center agent. Dr. HK this area you have three stages of help desk. There are first level, second level and third level. Now tell me on which level do u find IT-Specialist. These are people of high intergrity and knowledge

  40. Easy, I am just pulling your legs..Stress release mwaiche wandi pa Blog, Wila fisenda persona! Nalibombele, Osa nichita masangalatoni.

  41. Dear Mr. Bill Gates,

    This letter is from Phiri of Chipata Kuno Ku Zambia.

    We have bought a computer for our home and we found problems, which I want to bring to your notice.

    1. After connecting to Internet we planned to open e-mail account and whenever we fill the form in Hotmail in the password column, only ****** appears, but in the rest of the fields whatever we typed appears, but we face this problem only in password field. We checked with hardware technician Mutale and he said that there is no problem in keyboard.

    Because of this we open the e-mail account with password *****. I request you to check this as we ourselves do not know what the password is.

    2. We are unable to enter anything after we click the “Shut Down” button.

    3. There is a button “Start” but there is no “Stop” button. We request you to check this.

    4. We find there is “Run” in the menu. One of my friend clicked “Run” has run up to Luangwa. So, we request you to change that to “Sit”, so that we can click that by sitting.

    5. One doubt is that any “Re-Scooter” available in system? As I find only “Re-Cycle”, but I own a scooter at my home.

    6. There is “Find” button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot for tracing the key with this ‘Find’, but unable to trace. Is it a bug??

    7. Every night I am not sleeping as I have to protect my “Mouse” from CAT,
    So I suggest you to provide one DOG to kill that cat.

    9. My child learnt “Microsoft Word” now he wants to learn “Microsoft Sentence”, so when will U provide that?

    Best regards,

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