Friday, March 7, 2025

No tribe is a favourite – President Lungu


President Lungu flashing PF symbol upon arrival at Solwezi airport today
President Lungu flashing PF symbol upon arrival at Solwezi airport today
President Edgar Lungu says he will not discriminate or favour any tribe when appointing people to positions of authority.

Speaking at Solwezi airport today when he addressed people who welcomed him, President Lungu said he was shocked that some people have condemned him for appointing Richwell Siamunene as Defence Minister on account that he is Tonga.

The president said as long as PF remains in power, it will be a party for all Zambians.

He said Mr Siamunene deserved the appointment of Defence Minister by virtue of being Zambian.

President Lungu said he had confidence in the Sinazongwe parliamentarian because he has faithfully worked with the Patriotic Front since the time of late President Michael Sata.

The Head of State said all Zambians who work with the PF qualify for appointment.

And Mr Siamunene said he decided to work with President Lungu because his goal was to bring development to the country.

He said all Zambians should support President Lungu for the betterment of their lives.

Meanwhile, President Lungu expressed disappointment that some people are using money to buy their way to be adopted for the Solwezi West parliamentary seat.

He said he had information that some aspiring candidates were paying constituency and district officials so that they can be adopted on the party ticket.

Mr Lungu assured the people that the party will pick a candidate who people want and not leave it to party officials in constituency, district and provincial committees to pick a candidate as they may have been compromised.

President Lungu is in Solwezi enroute to Zambezi to officiate at tomorrow’s Lunda Lubanza traditional ceremony of the Lunda of Senior Chief Ishindi.

He is accompanied by Mr Siamunene, Agriculture Minister Given Lubinda, Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula, State House Deputy Minister Mulenga Sata, Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Emmanuel Chenda and PF deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri.

President Lungu was received by North-western province permanent secretary Amos Malupenga and the PF provincial leadership.


  1. Why has Levy Mwanawasa been the best president Zambia has ever had thus far? It is because Levy appreciated education. It was under his watch that inflation dropped to single digits and debt became manageable. Levy mobilized a good team for his cabinet. He had Mangande at Ministry of Finance, RB as his vice, all accomplished economists. Contrast this to Lungu who has Inonge (does anyone know her qualifications), such nincompoops like Kambwili and Chikwanda ( a historian who masquerades as an Economist). Maybe we should thank Frederick Chiluba who had the good sense to know what damage he had inflicted on Zambia because of his lack of education by giving the country someone who actually went to school. Apart from the RB’s of this world, we had Fundanga at Bank of Zambia, Dr. Kanganja as…

    • and what did that single inflation digit bring to your table? the best presidents are KK and SATA. They left tangible infrastructure to look at not some text book indicators.

  2. The VISIONLESS Lungu the number one PF tribalist, with his KUMAWA BANDITS of RB & Dora!

    PF is left only left with 10 months before they are KICKED OUT of power!

    The Skeleton Key

  3. Am sure Davis Chama has heard you loud and clear, this mbwana mukubwa MP chenda is surely going to replace on official and think he will always be in the president’s entourage as cargo till 2016.

    • @DIVIDE AND RULE I was also shocked to see mbwana mukubwa MP chenda among the president`s entourage after being stabed in the back with appointments. I am just wondering what is the new deal this time around! The President can campaign as hard as he wish in NW province but the economy is not stupid, it will speak louder in 2016. Let him just work hard to improve the economy like Mwanawasa did after being called a cabbage. Otherwise, people of Solwezi have rejected PF as was evidenced by the number of people that welcomed him at the airport.

  4. I don’t think he will always be in the president’s entourage as cargo till 2016, if i was chama or kambwili i would start preparing myself for exit.

  5. Siamunene may have been working with the PF, no problem with that but he is not suitable as minister of defense.

  6. Whether you like it or not,North western province is now a strong hold for PF……The performance by President Lungu so far has been very impressive.Those criticizing him are just jealousy and envy is eating them up until they give up in 2016.

    • Jane my dear what development are u seeing apart from the political pronouncements? The Inyatsi guys are nolonger working due to no money given to them by gvt, the Solwezi – Chingola rd is all but the detours at play. Wake up my dear, Kitwe – Chingola on the copperbelt as been abandoned and another project in the name of Chingola – Solwezi was politically announced……what are toking about? The things are bad in the country my dear…….I will not say anything about electricity

  7. It is very clear that even in 2016,PF is likely to win by 80%The other small parties will just share the 20%.There is no justification for change of govt in 2016 because these guys are performers and just need to be well focused and avoid paying attention to the few disgruntled elements who will never appreciate no matter what ever govt will do.

  8. Its not true that president Lungu has appointed UPND mp Siamunene on account of his out standing performance. Siamunene is a pony in disguise. We all know how PF has has tribalised other people when its own government comprised of Zambians from Northern and Luapula provinces. Records speak for themselves. Lungu must direct his comments to senior PF members left out in his government in order to please people in Southern province insulted by his party Secretary General Davis Chama. So far opposition is brewing in his own camp, many not happy and corruption continues as he has seen in adoption of Solwezi candidate.

  9. Stop the unnecessary talk of accusing SG Chama.He never insulted any body.U have talked alot of rubbish as UP and DOWN about PF especially the Bembas whom you have called Kolwestan,thieves,etc.Have you ever heard people in Northern,Luapula or Copper belt complain or exaggerate the way you are doing it ? Are you not ashamed of yourselves always talking about a dead issue ? You don’t appreciate you guys despite what people are able to do for you…..your nega nega formula will eat you up in 2016.

  10. No matter what the government would do to those in opposition, they can’t appleciete. Let them wait tirelessly as though they will scoope.Siamunene’s appointment has brought disappointment to others in opposition. Lungu’s Leadership is as a result of good governance that doesn’t support trible politics and envy at no cost. Come 2016 you shall see Lungu flying to the blim as others are holding unto their wests as though they are dull. Mulekeni umwaice abefye umwine ni Lesa mukulu wamusalile.

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