Monday, March 17, 2025


80% of Itezhi-Tezhi power corporation completed

Eighty percent of the Infrastructure works on the Itezhi-Tezhi Power Corporation (ITPC) has been completed and will be handed over to the corporation soon. And...

Eastern Province has potential to export power – Wignaraja

EASTERN Province has potential to export power to neighbouring countries by 2015 if Government invests in mini-hydro power stations, says United Nations (UN) resident...

15 liquor companies take government to court over Tujilijili ban

FIFTEEN liquor companies have challenged the Government’s decision to ban the manufacture and supply of alcoholic drinks popularly known as Tujilijili in the High...

Zambia’s metal and non-traditional exports decline

ZAMBIA’s metal and Non-Traditional Exports (NTEs) have dropped from K3,621.0 billion to K3,589.1 billion between February and March 2012 representing a decline of 0.9...

State looking into Kuomboka issue

Government says it has not been notified of the decision by the Barotse Royal Establishment to cancel the 2012 Kuomboka ceremony and will engage...

Economic support from international community overwhelming – Chikwanda

Finance and National Planning Minister Alexander Chikwanda says Zambia has received massive economic support from the international community since the ascendance to power of...

Miles Sampa directs CSO to complete the construction of their new building by end of the year

Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning Miles Sampa has directed the Central Statistical Office-CSO to complete the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Office complex...

The Monetary Policy Committee has Maintained the BOZ Policy Rate At 9.0%

The Monetary Policy Committee met today the 27th April 2012 to review recent economic developments and assess the upside and downside risks to the...