Sunday, March 9, 2025



Tulile was born in Zambia 20 years ago,  and is currently based in Malaysia . She is in university majoring  in Analytical economics. KAPA187: What...

He Will Fight Your Battles

In scripture, the enemy was coming against Hezekiah, causing him all kinds of trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get all upset. He just kept abiding, being faithful and putting God first. In Second Kings 19, God said, “Hezekiah, I myself will come against this enemy. He will receive word that he is needed at home, and I will cause him to want to return and he will be defeated.” Notice that when you abide in Him, the Creator of the universe says, “I myself will come against your enemies. I myself will come against that sickness. I myself will come against those who oppose you.” It says God is the one who caused Hezekiah’s enemy to turn

President Sata welcomes move by Nevers Mumba to sue Government

President Michael Sata has welcomed Dr Nevers Mumba’s intention to sue the Government. This is contained in a press statement released to...

The Zambian Declaration: It’s Time For Change

By Jacqueline Musiitwa Michael Sata and supporters echoed Barack Obama's mantra of 'change' during the 2011 election. As a child growing up, I recall the fervor...

Nevers Mumba sues Government for defamation and illegal detention

Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Presidential hopeful, Nevers Mumba is suing the state over allegations that he has misappropriated funds at the High commission...

Zambia could cut back mineral royalty tax if copper prices collapse-Simuusa

Mines Minister Wylbur Simuusa has told Reuters today that Zambia could cut back mineral tax royalties if commodity prices collapse next year. Mr ...

Alexander Chikwanda delivers statement to Parliament on Bank notes

Minister of Finance Alex Chikanda this morning delivered a statement to parliament on the printing of Bank Notes by the Bank of Zambia. Below...


  This week we will concentrate on flexibility and stretching of the upper body. It is important to stretch your muscles , it prevents injures when doing...