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Mansa Central has endorsed Lungu, says former Health Minister Dr Chilufya


Mansa Central Constituency in Luapula Province has endorsed the candidature of President Edgar Lungu during the Patriotic Front National Convention and the August 2021 general elections.

Mansa Central Member of Parliament, Chitalu Chilufya said the party in the constituency and Luapula Province are behind President Lungu’s candidature because people have witnessed unprecedented development in all sectors.

Addressing hundreds of Mansa residents and Patriotic Front members from all the wards in Mansa Central Constituency who matched in solidarity, Dr Chilufya said people in the area are supporting President Lungu so that he continues with his development agenda.

He cited hospitals, schools, and markets that have been built as some of the many developments that have been brought to the constituency and the province as whole.

Meanwhile, Dr Chilufya said he will apply to recontest the seat, and has encouraged those intending to stand on the PF ticket to do so.

He noted that PF is a democratic party and that everyone has a democratic right to contest for any position.

And speaking when he featured on Kfm Radio, Dr Chilufya thanked President Lungu for giving him an opportunity to serve the country as Minister of Health.

Dr Chilufya said he will continue working hard to ensure that the President’s vision of ensuring universal health access for all is achieved.

He revealed that he will continue working hard as a Member of the Central Committee and working together with the current Minister of Health to ensure that the vision is achieved.

Opposition Alliance… The Great Political Project that Could Have, Might Have and Should Have, But Never Was.


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. Most people that l meet these days always chastise me with the same sentences… “the trouble with you opposition is that you can’t work together”! And … “for as long as you are divided, you will always give the incumbent an advantage to bounce back”. Initially l would make an effort to explain to such people about the efforts we had made towards opposition unity and how those efforts failed, but these days l just save my breath. So all l do is smile and agree that indeed, opposition unity is important and how it is a pity that previous efforts at opposition unity did not materialize. But what really happened with the Opposition Alliance project? Why did it fail? Was it a necessary project?

2. One Wednesday afternoon in 2018, about 11 political leaders representing their respective parties assembled at Pamodzi Hotel and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together. I was one of them, and was to later serve as the Opposition Alliance’s Chairman for Media as well as Chairman for Finance. In front of flashing cameras, we all committed to fielding single candidates in each electable position in the 2021 general elections, using an electoral pact that was to be yet agreed upon.

To me personally, l looked at this MoU as a stepping stone and the true substance of the entire Opposition Alliance was to be spelt out in the soon to be agreed Electoral Pact. The Electoral Pact is what would spell out which political party would field a candidate in which constituency and ward? It would also outline which political party would sponsor a presidential candidate and running mate.

However, such an Electoral Pact never materialized and with the passage of time, several members of the alliance left including myself. However, the pinnacle of this Alliance Project was reached yesterday when the name of the alliance was officially changed from Opposition Alliance to UPND Alliance. The funny thing about yesterday’s developments is that throughout my tenure as Spokesperson of the Alliance, l spent inordinate amounts of time and effort trying correct the perception that naysayers were advancing that the Opposition Alliance was in fact a UPND Alliance and that we were all there just to escort UPND. I vehemently argued otherwise, but yesterday l felt quite silly that the naysayers were proven right, not implicitly but explicitly, when the Alliance changed its name from Opposition Alliance to UPND Alliance.

3. But the pertinent question perhaps is; was the Opposition Alliance necessary to dislodge the ruling PF? Well, it depends on ones point of view. Others have argued, rightly so for that matter, that given the results of the 2016 general elections where about 98% of the votes were shared between the ruling PF and the main opposition UPND, there really was no value in UPND uniting with other small political parties and that such an alliance would just birth confusion. Unnecessary confusion. And that UPND was better off going it alone. I must say that there is undeniable truth in this point of view. On the face of it, UPND does not need to be in an Alliance with anyone, based on the assumption that the future will be a linear continuation of the past.

4. In fact, from my observation during my stay in the Opposition Alliance, l got the feeling that the UPND never wanted the Alliance to work in the first place. There are several times when meetings of the Alliance were called at short notice at HH’s house and you all sacrifice and abandon what you were doing to go and attend the meeting, only to find that HH is not there. You are told to wait for a few minutes, but you wait for several hours and to no avail. Then 5 hours later, you note from social media that he is actually addressing his people at some event in Kafue or somewhere else. This happened on a number occasions.

To me personally, such lack of respect for the time of others is what drove me to pull out my party; the Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) from the Alliance project. But the hypothesis that UPND was never interested in making the Opposition Alliance to work, and that they infact deliberately engaged in actions which had the direct impact of undermining the Alliance project, might suffer from one major flaw; UPND are the ones who reached out to everyone else and asked us to work together with them. In other words, they were the architects of the Alliance project, so then how could they decide to undermine their own project?

5. Well, two possible explanations come to mind. It is possible that when HH embarked on the Alliance project he did not first get the blessings and mandate of his senior party members who subsequently applied pressure on him. And for fear of dividing his party, he decided to backpedal on the Alliance project but then was not brave enough to directly inform his Alliance partners that he had a change of heart, but instead resorted to just undermining the Alliance project so that it just dies a natural death. This is actually very plausible because l personally saw the animosity with which senior UPND members related to Opposition Alliance partners. Am sure in their minds, they felt that these new comers have come to reap where they did not sow, just at the time of harvest. And who would really blame them? They had a valid point. They had toiled with their chipani for decades and it’s only human for them to feel threatened.

6. The other possible explanation as to why the UPND decided to start undermining the Opposition Alliance project which they themselves initiated is that they merely wanted to tick the box that they had made an effort towards opposition unity. A number of key stakeholders including the church, civil society and the diplomatic corps had always pressed upon the UPND to unite with other political players so that they can speak with one voice. Possibly in order to comply with the expectations of these key stakeholders, the UPND decided to initiate the Opposition Alliance project, but when they saw that the other political players were genuinely committed to it, they then decided to covertly undermine their own project while putting up a public appearance that they were committed to it.

They expected everyone in the Opposition Alliance to fall off and for the project to die a natural death, and for sure, some of us left soon enough. However when the UPND noted that one Chishimba Kambwili appeared to be unwavering in his commitment to the Opposition Alliance, and time was running out towards 12th August and that everyone expected them to unveil the long awaited Electoral Pact, they decided to pull their most audacious move yet; rename the Opposition Alliance to UPND Alliance and stop all pretense that the alliance cared about embracing other political parties.

7. Allow me to end with the question that l had began with, albeit in a paraphrased way; is opposition unity necessary? Or to put it another way; would UPND’s prospects be better on 12th August if they had the 11 alliance partners on their side than if they don’t? Would the Opposition Alliance in its initial composition have given the UPND a greater chance of winning the August 12th general elections? If so, how? Well, my view is that the Opposition Alliance would be of no value to UPND if we assumed that the 12th August general elections will be a repeat of the 2016 general elections; a two horse race between UPND and PF. But is that a reasonable assumption? I think not.

On the contrary, l see this year’s general elections as being similar to the 2001 general elections where everyone got a piece of the cake. What this means is that the new political players will eat into both the PF and UPND voters base and that the chances of any party getting 50%+1 votes in the first round are extremely slim. Very very slim. What this means is that the real election battle will be fought in the second round. Now, given that the UPND have clearly dry-gulched almost every other opposition political party in this failed Opposition Alliance, and now renamed UPND Alliance project, HH will find it very difficult to approach and work with any of the political leaders that he has so far betrayed, at the time when he will need opposition unity the most in order for him to stand a better chance of going through in the presidential election rerun. When that time of the rerun comes, l personally would rather go into an alliance with the PF, because Mr Lungu’s level of political selfishness is yet unknown to me, whereas that of Mr Hichilema is well documented, based on my personal experiences in the failed Opposition Alliance and now renamed UPND Alliance project. Indeed, it surely was an ambitious political project that could have, might have and should have but never was.

Zambia has continued to lose millions of forest hectors due to heavy deforestation


Zambia has continued to lose millions of forest hectors due to heavy deforestation being carried out in various places in the country and Limulunga district in Western Province is not an exception.

To help resolve this problem, Keepers Zambia Foundation ( KZF ) has embarked on stronger community involvement on the conservation of forests, through its project dubbed “harnessing the potential of forestry in Limulunga”.

KZF Field Facilitator Lungowe Nyambe said most forest reservoirs in the district are encroached by the locals and unsustainable timber harvests for charcoal production is rife.

“When you look at Limulunga now the picture is not pleasing that is why we have come up with this project to change the picture in collaboration with other government departments and the Barotse Royal Establishment”, he said.

The project which is being implemented at a cost of over two hundred thousand with financial support from people in need (PIN) aims to enlighten women and youths on the need to own and protect their forest.

PIN Capacity Building Officer Gift Nyambe has commended KZF for prioritizing the protection forests in the district.

“We want to thank KZF for this project because our forests have diminished in the outskirts hence the need to come up with stronger regulation,” she noted

She also observed that collaboration with the BRE and Forestry Department, Department of Agriculture, the local Council and the community is key in the project.

Meanwhile, Forestry Department Senior Extension Officer Jennifer Mate applauded KZF for joining the crusade against deforestation.

“Most of our forests have depleted due to many encroachments taking place in our area. It is great that the community is being involved fully,” she said.

Joseph Mutumba a farmer in Nang’oko called for stronger partnership between the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) and government in the management of nature.

He said the BRE should also work with village Indunas to ensure compliance from the locals in protecting natural resources adding there is currently a gap.

Opposition Alliance will now be called UPND Alliance and I’ll be the Alliance Presidential Candidate-HH


United Party for National Development(UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has announced that the opposition alliance formed to unseat the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) will now be called the UPND Alliance.

With the post on social media, the UPND leader said, that at a meeting held yesterday afternoon with the party’s fellow alliance partners in the opposition to address various issues on how to progress ahead of the August 12 elections, a declaration was made all partners to work together as an electoral pact to liberate Zambia and bring it to normalcy.

Mr. Hichilema further said that partners entrusted UPND with the responsibility to be the flag carrier of the electoral pact, a gesture which the party humbly accepted, adding that the Alliance resolved that going forward, the pact will now be called the UPND Alliance.

Mr. Hichilema further announced that his alliance partners entrusted UPND with the responsibility to nominate a running mate when the right time comes.

“This is not just an alliance with our opposition partners but it is also an Alliance with the people of Zambia. Together we will liberate this country,” Mr. Hichilema concluded.

Opposition Leaders meeting to form an alliance in 2018
Opposition Leaders meeting to form an alliance in 2018

It was not clear which parties will be part of the partnership, but a key figure missing from the alliance announcement was Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Chishimba Kambwili

Last year Dr. Kambwili made publicly said that that a united front is required to eject president Lungu from Office. In a congratulatory statement to the Malawian opposition alliance’s victory, Dr. Kambwili said an untied resistance team is needed to eject president Lungu and his PF from office.

THE NDC leader appealed to all opposition political parties to learn from Malawi that unity of purpose bears results.

“I appeal to all the opposition political parties in Zambia to learn from Malawi’s case that unity of purpose bears results, and if you are disintegrated you will not achieve anything. This is why, we in the NDC and UPND have been serious about our alliance,”

Zambia Get AFCON U17 Group A Draw With Hosts Morocco


Zambia U17 has been drawn against hosts Morocco in Group A at the 2021 AFCON U17.

The tournament group draws were conducted today, February 24 at the ongoing 2021 AFCON U20 in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

Uganda and 2013 champions Cote d’Ivoire complete Group A of the tournament Morocco is hosting from March 13-31.

George Chilufya’s side will face Cote d’Ivoire in their opening Group A match on March 14, Uganda in their penultimate Group A match on March 16 and Morocco on March 19.

Junior Chipolopolo will be facing all three opponents for the first time at an AFCON U17 tournament.

Winner of Group A will play one of the two best third placed sides while the runner-up will face winner from Group B that comprises Algeria,Tanzania,Congo Brazzaville and two-time winners Nigeria- both those matches will be on March 24.

This is Junior Chipolopolo’s second tournament outing after making its AFCON debut at Niger 2015 where they made a first round exit.

The top two sides from the three groups will be joined by the best two third place finishers in the quarterfinals of the tournament that has been expanded from eight to twelve teams in this edition.

Defending champions Cameroon are in Group C with Senegal, Mali and South Africa and chasing an unprecedented third AFCON U17 title.

The top four finishers will represent Africa at the postponed 2021 FIFA U17 World Cup in Peru.

Group A: Morocco, Uganda, Zambia, Cote d’Ivoire
Group B: Nigeria, Tanzania, Algeria, Congo
Group C: Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, South Africa

Hot FM fires Mutale Mwanza


Popular radio station Hot FM has fired controversial radio and TV personality Mutale Mwanza.

Ms Mwanza was until today a co-host of the hugely popular Red Hot Breakfast Show.

The decision to sack Ms. Mwanza was announced by the station’s Chief Operating Officer Oscar Chavula.

Mr. Chavula said Ms. Mwanza was fired for dragging the name of the station to her level.

Below is the full letter from Mr. Chavula.

“It is with profound regret that I must inform you that management has decided to terminate your employment with Hot FM with immediate effect.

We find your brand to be seriously in conflict with the Hot FM brand and values and can no longer allow this trend to continue.

Your latest antics are, in our view, highly disrespectful, unprovoked and unconscionable considering that they were targeted at an elderly national leader. It literally amounts to cyber bullying and we do not condone such in our values and principles.

We believe we have cautioned you enough in the last few months regarding your public conduct and warned you against dragging our brand and company down to your level.

Time has come to part company with you and we wish you well in your future endeavors.”

Oscar Chavula

Hot FM breakfast show presenter Mutale Mwanza
Hot FM breakfast show presenter Mutale Mwanza

Appointment of Vice President by UPND shows the Party is Copying PF-Kafwaya


Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya has said that the appointment of Ms. Mutale Nalumango as the new UPND Vice President is a clear indication that the opposition admires President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s leadership.

Speaking when he featured on a Pan African Radio program today, Hon. Kafwaya said the UPND appointing a female Vice President shows that the opposition have a great admiration for His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungus Leadership.

He said that President Lungu will go down in the country’s history as the first President who had a female Vice President in the country.

“Maybe it will be overstating to commend a party that is copying from an existing party,” Hon. Kafwaya said.

Hon. Kafwaya said it was good to see that the opposition are learning from the PF and further urged them to continue learning and allow President Lungu to teach them.
And Hon. Kafwaya who is also Lunte Member of Parliament said he was happy that the technology which the PF government are providing has the capacity to facilitate for important undertakings such as the holding of online conventions which the UPND benefited from.

“I am happy that as PF, we have provided a platform for the UPND to have online elections, ” he said.

And Hon Kafwaya Said that the PF government has provided an enabling environment for Zambians to thrive in their human endeavors.

The Lunte Member of Parliament said the expansion of roads in almost all parts of the country which have minimized the number of hours people spend on the road.
Hon. Kafwaya also said the construction of schools, health facilities and installation of Communication towers among other developmental projects that the PF government has implemented.

Hon. Kafwaya said he was happy that ZICTA decided to pick a Zambian company Beeline Telecommunications Limited as a fourth phone mobile service provider.
He said it is government’s policy to promote locals to own businesses in the country.
The Minister said that it is unfortunate that some politicians do not want Zambians to own and run companies in the country.
“This is what we are seeing in MOPANI even though they are some politicians who feel all the things owned by Zambians should be sold including Aircrafts,” he said.
Hon. Kafwaya has since challenged Zambians to perform saying the chance that has been given to Beeline Telecommunications Limited be proved and bring to an end the continued narrative that Zambians cannot do certain services.

AfCFTA Implementation Provides Opportunities To Stimulate Zambia’s Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery


By Emmanuel Muma CTPD Researcher Trade and Development

COVID-19 has evidently posed both social and economic challenges for Zambia. The country’s growth reduced by – 2.8 % and the cost of living has increased due to the rising inflation. This has caused Government to raise its efforts to reinvigorate growth, reduce poverty and inequality, and attain sustainable economic development through the implementation of national economic recovery programme over the next four years (2020-2023).

As Zambia sets out to implement post Covid-19 economic recovery strategies ,the Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) would like to urge Government to expedite (albeit with caution) the implementation process of key trade agreements such as the Africa Continental Free Trade Area. The AfCFTA offers opportunities that can help Zambia galvanise and stimulate post-pandemic economic recovery and foster economic growth in the medium to long term. This is based on the idea that AfCFTA will promote the creation of a larger and more integrated market whilst supporting diversification efforts and industrialization through promotion of intra- Africa trade. Intra-Africa trade is expected to expand by more than 80 percent and add to about US$60 billion to African exports. Whilst the commencement of AfCFTA on 1st January 2021 and the Zambia National Assembly approval for the ratification of AfCFTA “cheered up” a number of stakeholders , more work remains in the making before Zambia can fully trade and benefit under the terms of the agreement.

CTPD notes that Zambia is not immune to market risks such as import dumping and the competition expected to be created under the AfCFTA. Whereas competition adjustments are necessary to improve economic efficiency in the long run, it is central for Government through the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) to implement the AfCFTA national implementation strategy in order to protect the interest of the local industries and offer business incentives to help them endure adjustments costs in the short term . This will ensure that the liberalization process remains in tandem with the countries’ development and recovery plans.

Further, CTPD is cognisant of provisions on trade remedies provided for at the continental level under the AfCFTA agreement on which member countries can ride on to help ease short-term adjustment shocks . For example, provisions on flexibility in the AfCFTA agreement, include annex 9 on trade remedies that allow governments to take remedial action against imports which cause injury to domestic industries.

However, our position as CTPD is that in spite of these transitional measures , Zambia should still be able to ride on its own national strategies to help leverage complementary AfCFTA measures by synergising the AfCFTA . It is also our expectation that Government takes the lead and responsibility of identifying new markets for Zambia’s exports in parts of Africa that the country does not currently export goods and services and make this information publicly available for the local industry and small-scale traders.

We further expect Government to enhance efforts towards advancing market infrastructure and the implementation of existing initiatives such as One Stop Border Post and online mechanisms for reporting and monitoring unfair trade practices and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) at key border posts like Kasumbalesa. This will help local traders conduct business in a conducive environment, increase the market share in existing parts of Africa where Zambia already exports its goods and services thus contributing to the country’s increased revenue collection from foreign exchange earnings. In addition, this will help to reduce the financing gap towards Zambia’s post-pandemic economic recovery and foreign debt servicing.


President Lungu’s action oriented approach to governance has made him popular and trusted by the Zambian-Kamba


The Patriotic front (PF) in Lusaka Province has noted that President Edgar Lungu’s action oriented approach to governance has made him popular and trusted by the Zambian people.

PF Provincial Secretary, Kennedy Kamba, has since urged Zambians to continue having confidence in President Lungu and ignore propaganda from some opposition political figures who do not meanwhile for the country.

Speaking during a Press briefing in Lusaka today, Mr Kamba stated that President Lungu is busy working around the clock to ensure major mines in the country are run by Zambians and has ignored all false allegations against him.

“I challenge President Hakainde Hichilema of the UPND not to forget his actions of abuse when he sold the country’s mining assets in the name of privatisation which caused indelible devastations on the lives of many citizens. ,” Mr Kamba said.

“The economic destiny and prosperity of this country is in the hands of Zambians themselves and that is why President Lungu is returning power to the citizenry,” Mr. Kamba said.

He said that the opposition is only desperate and seeking attention from Zambians of which they are failing.

And PF Provincial Youth Chairman Daniel Kalembe reiterated the party’s commitment to ensuring integrity among party members.

Mr. Kalembe indicated that the party will strive to adhere to the Central Committee’s resolutions to avoid indiscipline.

“As PF members we will make sure that the resolutions of the Central Committee are seriously followed so that we do not have issues of discipline,” Mr. Kalembe told the media.

He called on Zambians not to lose confidence due to the propagated information by the opposition.

Over 500 headmen from Eastern Province pledge support to President Lungu and PF for the August 2021 general elections


Over 500 headmen from Lusangazi district in Eastern Province have pledged their support towards President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front (PF) Party during the August 2021 general elections.

The headmen said they have decided to throw their support behind President Edgar Lungu because of the good leadership the President has demonstrated and the many developmental projects being undertaken in Lusangazi.

Senior headman Kanthema, Everson Mbewe, cited the declaration of Lusangazi as a district as one progressive decision President Lungu took.

He also cited connection of power to Sandwe Chiefdom through the Rural Electrification Authority and the grading of Chilongozi road from Petauke to Lusangazi.

The traditional leader added that the road that links Lusangazi and Mambwe district are also milestone developmental projects that have been undertaken in the area under President Lungu’s leadership.

Headman Kathema said it was for this reason that all the headmen in the area will rally behind President Lungu and the PF party candidates in the fourth coming general elections.

The headman was speaking in Lusangazi, when Msanzala Member of Parliament, Peter Daka delivered 500 bicycles to the headmen in all the eight wards of Msanzala Constituency on behalf of the President.

“Chisangu ward is the like a bedroom for the PF because it is the only ward that had the first PF councillor who was in opposition by then so all the headmen in this community are in full support of President Edgar Lungu, the MP Peter Daka and all candidates who will contest on the PF ticket in August this year,” he said.

Other headmen who added their voices to support President Lungu was Senior headman Sichilima from Mawanda Ward who said the PF administration has delivered development to the people.

“We have seen it all, the developments are many and it will not be fair if we tolerated other people apart from Edgar Lungu, Peter Daka and all the PF candidates in this year’s general elections,” he said.

Meanwhile headman Nyamia, Levison Phiri, also thanked the President Lungu for blessing them with bicycles and for developing Lusangazi.

“What the President has done is a commendable job and he deserves another term,” he said.

And Msanzala Constituency Member of Parliament, Peter Daka said President Lungu was concerned about the welfare of people in rural areas such as the headmen and gifted them with bicycles for their easy movements.

Mr Daka, who was accompanied by Msanzala constituency PF officials, urged the headmen to fully support President Edgar Lungu and all the PF candidates in the August 2021 general elections for continuation of developmental projects being undertaken in the area.

“I’ m just a messenger who was has been sent by President to deliver these bicycles to you because it was what you requested from him so that you use them during your movements from one destination to the other,” he said.

The lawmaker pointed out that Msanzala constituency had benefited a lot in terms of development such as the drilling and repairing of boreholes for improved water and sanitation, grading of the main roads and feeder roads.

“This is one constituency that has seen a lot of developments in all angles such as water, mobile network, roads and electricity among others,” he said.

Shibuyunji traders defy fish ban


The Department of Fisheries in Shibuyunji has confiscated over 900 kilograms of fish from traders from the time the fish ban was effected in December last year.

Shibuyunji District Fisheries Officer, Steven Nyirongo Mr Nyirongo said the fish was confiscated during an operation carried by the department in conjunction with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and Zambia Police Service.

“From December 1, 2020 to date the department has confiscated 656kgs of fresh fish, 283kg kilograms of dry fish , four vikukula and 28 mosquito enets,” Mr Nyirongo said.

Mr Nyirongo said it is sad that most of the fish being sold are fingerlings saying this will deplete fish in the water bodies.

“Fish should be left to breed and grow so that it benefits the whole country,” he said.

He urged the residents in the district to venture into fish farming as the department of Fisheries was ready to offer guidance and services on how go about it.

And Shibuyunji District Commissioner, Jairos Simukoko expressed sadness that the residents were overlooking the fish ban.

Mr Simukoko urged the residents to venture into farming and take advantage of the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP), Food Security Pack (FSP) and Youth Aquaculture Empowerment Fund among others.

“I also want to encourage the fishermen to go back and farm or do other types of businesses during the fish ban to avoid breaking the law,” Mr Simukoko said.

Alleged killer of Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda arrested by Police


Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested Constable Fanwell Nyundu aged 25, a police officer with two counts of murder which occurred on 23rd December 2020 between1000 hours and 1300 hours in which a Prosecutor of National Prosecutions Authority, Nsama Nsama Chipyoka and also Joseph Kaunda were shot at and died.

Zambia Police Service Spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed in a statement.

“The suspect is in police custody and yet to appear in Court.”

“Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested Constable Fanwell Nyundu aged 25, a police officer with two counts of murder which occurred on 23rd December 2020 between 10:00 Hours and 13:00 Hours in which a Prosecutor of National Prosecutions Authority Nsama Nsama Chipyoka and also Joseph Kaunda were shot at and died.

“The suspect is in police custody and yet to appear in Court.”

Levy Covid-19 Centre is overwhelmed and overstretched-Dr Tembo


Senior Medical Superintendent at the Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital Dr. Penias Tembo says the Covid-19 Isolation Centre at the hospital is currently overstretched and overwhelmed.

Dr Tembo said government and the hospitals management is not coping with the demand for service from Covid-19 patients as cases keep swelling.

He has since appealed to faith based organizations and the corporate world to step in and help the facility manage Covid cases.

Dr Tembo was speaking on Tuesday when the Lions Club of Woodlands in partnership with Zamtel, ZSIC Life and the Guardian Insurance Group launched a feeding programme for front line workers at the Covid-19 Centre.

Dr Tembo admitted that it is not a secret that Levy Mwanawasa Covid Isolation Centre is facing a number of operational challenges because the facility is overwhelmed.

The Levy Mwanawasa Isolation Centre is the biggest in Zambia and currently has 171 workers who will receive all essential meals through the feeding programme.

Through the Initiative, Zamtel other partners such as ZSIC Life and the Guardian Insurance Group will pay an identified catering firm that will prepare and deliver the meals to the medical facility.

At the same event, Lions Club of Woodlands President Kabwe Kandeke said the initiative is meant to appreciate the efforts by front line health workers who are taking care of Covid-19 patients.

Mr Kandeke has since thanked Zamtel and the other partners for responding to the needs of the front line workers.

And Zamtel since donated K20,000 to the initiative and also set up a Merchant Code 69650 through which Zamtel Kwacha subscribers can send financial contributions to fund feeding programme.

Speaking at the handover of the cheque, Zamtel Senior Manager for Mobile Money Mulenga Masinja said the feeding initiative is meant to appreciate the hard work that health workers are putting in to combat Covid-19.

“As an indigenous Zambian brand, we are making this donation because we believe it will go a long way in meeting the nutritional requirements of our hard working frontline health workers as they provide the much needed care and support for patients afflicted by Covid-19. The funds provided by Zamtel and other partners will also help motivate our workers who are at the front line of this battle against Covid,” Mr Masinja said.

Anglo American must Compensate Victims of Kabwe Lead Poisoning-Amnesty International


Amnesty International says investors must hold global mining giant Anglo American accountable for toxic legacy of lead poisoning in Kabwe that occurred between 1925 and 1974.

Kabwe residents have some of the highest lead levels in the world – especially in children aged 5 years and younger.

‘The horrendous ongoing consequences of mining for Kabwe’s children should convince Anglo American that its human rights policies can only protect the company’s reputation if they implement them properly,” says Amnesty International’s Economic Affairs Director Peter Frankental said.

“The horrendous ongoing consequences of mining for Kabwe’s children should convince Anglo American that its human rights policies can only protect the company’s reputation if they implement them properly. Investors should take heed of the growing number of litigation cases against companies relating to the impacts of their operations decades ago.”

“The Supreme Court’s judgement against UK mining company Vedanta, has opened up the UK courts to claimants who cannot access justice in their own country.”

“There is an urgent need to clean up the toxic lead legacy in Kabwe, and to provide justice and remedy. Alleviating the ongoing suffering of Kabwe’s children, and its future generations, requires Anglo American’s leadership and engagement, not its evasion and obstruction.”

A group of African and British rights organisations have sent a letter to 10 of Anglo American’s leading investors including BlackRock, Fidelity, JP Morgan, Standard Life Aberdeen and Old Mutual.

 Children playing with bottle tops in the dust in Chowa township in Kabwe. The dust is highly contaminated with lead, which is extremely toxic. Photograph: Larry C Price for the Guardian
Children playing with bottle tops in the dust in Chowa township in Kabwe. The dust is highly contaminated with lead, which is extremely toxic. Photograph: Larry C Price for the Guardian

Anglo American is due to release its annual results on Thursday, 25 February.

Kabwe, a mining town in northern Zambia, was managed by the Anglo American group of companies between 1925 and 1974, when the majority of the lead poisoning was caused.

Evidence has revealed that Anglo American was aware of the lead poisoning.

The residents have some of the highest lead levels in the world and health studies in Kabwe have recorded the alarmingly high blood lead levels in children aged 5 years and younger.

Dr A.R.L Clark, a doctor on the Kabwe mine, found that between 1971 and 1974 blood lead levels of children were highly elevated across communities near the mine.

The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a blood lead level of 5 µg/dl (micrograms per decilitre) or lower, yet in Kabwe thousands of children have levels above 45µg/dl), with some above 100µg/dl.

Low levels of exposure can lead to reduced IQ, behavioural problems, hearing impairment, while high levels can be fatal.

Lead poisoning also affects pregnancy and can impair the development of the developing foetus.

Anglo America says it has high economic, social and governance (ESG) standards across its operations.

In an address at the 2021 Mining Indaba in South Africa in early February, Mark Cutifani, the CEO of Anglo American, said “humanity” was a key word for the company and that “people look to Anglo for leadership and assurances that a company can put operations aside and focus on what is good for the community.”

In October 2020, a group of Zambia women and children filed a class action lawsuit against Anglo American’s subsidiary in South Africa for alleged mass lead poisoning.

In response to the class action suit, Anglo American said it is “not responsible for the current situation” and “was not the majority owner of the mine.”

The continued production and circulation of pornographic material by high profile individuals in Zambia worrying


A Media Educator and Social Media Specialist at the University of Zambia has expressed concern with the continued production and circulation of pornographic material which he says has a potential to corrupt the morals of citizens.

Father Francis Chishala notes that the production and circulation of pornographic material that has caught the attention of social media is a matter of concern that should be curtailed as underage children are having access to adult material.

Fr Chishala told ZANIS in an interview that there is a need to urgently address the matter as high profile individuals have been at the centre of the illegal activity.

“They are the ones who should instill good morals among young people but they are exposing children to obscene material.” he said.

Fr Chishala noted that the behaviour of some high profile individual is compromising the country’s status as a Christian nation.

“As Christians, we are supposed to have a strong base so that we do not pollute society with obscene materials,” he said.

He lamented that it is sad that despite negative criticism and threats from authorities, people have continued to display their nudity for all to see on social media.

The Jesuit noted that there is a moral decay in the country saying the Government should quickly address the situation.

“We cannot continue to see elderly people disgrace themselves in such a manner.” He said.

The country has seen increased pornographic content on social media content which is produced by local people.