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Zambia records an increase of 9.71% in Copper production in 2020


Zambia recorded an increase in Copper production in 2020 with eight of the Large Scale mining companies recording an increase production.
Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka this morning, Mines and Minerals Development Minister Hon. Richard Musukwa disclosed that the sector performed better than anticipated as copper production increased to 888,061.46 tonnes in 2020 compared to 796,430.77 tonnes recorded in 2019 representing an increase of 9.71 percent.

Hon. Musukwa explained that copper production by Large Scale Mines increased to 868,670.46 in 2020 compared to a production of 787,698.77 in 2019 representing an increase of 9.32 percent.

He further said that copper production by Small Scale Mines increased to 13,391 tonnes in 2020 from 8,732 tonnes recorded in 2019 representing an increase of 34.8 percent.

The Minister said the increase in Copper production by Large Scale Mines is mainly attributed to increase in production by Kalumbila Minerals and Kansanshi Mines PLC while the increase in Copper production by Small Scale Mines was due to increased processing capacities by Smale Scale Mines in 2020 as compared to 2019 as well as stabilized power supply to plants.

And Hon. Musukwa who is also Chililabombwe Member of Parliament disclosed that there was a significant increase in the production of Coal from 361,647 tonnes in 2019 to 448,821.40 tonnes in 2020. The increase in production was due to the rise in demand for Coal for power generation.

Meanwhile, Gold production reduced to 3,578.81 Kg in 2020 as compared to 3,912.753 Kg during the same period in 2019.
Hon. Musukwa stated that the reduction in Gold production was due to reduced grades of Gold in ores mined at Kansanshi.
The Minister further stated that the new developments in the Gold sector saw the participation of a new entrant in the market, Zambia Gold Company Limited which was tasked to purchase Gold from Artisanal and Small Scale Miners for the purpose of building the country’s Gold reserves at Bank of Zambia.

“I am glad to inform members of the press that Zambia Gold Company Limited was able to produce a total of 93.66 Kg of Gold in 2020 from its mining operations at Kasenseli and was able to sell a total of 47.9 Kg of Gold to Bank of Zambia on 31st December 2020,” Hon. Musukwa said.
He explained that this is in an effort to build the country’s Gold reserves.

“Please note that Gold production by Zambia Gold Company Limited commenced in May 2020. I wish to commend the company for a job well done and we expect production to continue increasing as the company ramps up,” he said.

And Hon. Musukwa disclosed that in the area of value addition, a total of three companies namely Neelkanth Cables, ZAMEFA and ZALCO were adding value to Copper cathodes and produced various sizes of Copper cables which were consumed locally and exported to other countries.
“In addition, several medium to small scale companies were producing jewelry from Gemstones.”

“These include JAGODA Gem, Jewel of Africa, South Stream Enterprise Limited and Zambia Gemstone Miners and Traders Marketing Association,” Hon. Musukwa stated.

Meanwhile, the Minister has said that the prospect for the mining sector looks positive despite the COVID-19 pandemic as long as all the given health guidelines are adhered to.

And Hon. Musukwa disclosed that Zambia has projected to produce a total of 900,000 tonnes of Copper in 2021.
He added that commodity prices on the international market have started making positive gains which will encourage the mining companies to further increase their production.

19 pupils test positive for Covid -19


19 pupils at Chisale Day Secondary School in Katete District, Eastern Province have tested positive for the Coronavirus.

Katete District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Ruth Moyo, has disclosed that out of the 19 who tested positive, 11 are boys and 8 girls.

Ms Moyo also disclosed that a teacher from Tikondane Community School has also tested positive for COVID-19 and that she has also been quarantined.

ZANIS reports that Ms Moyo was speaking during the district weekly COVID 19 epidemic response meeting in Katete today.

Ms Moyo has also proposed for intensified sensitisation of pupils and communities on COVID- 19 to stop the spread of the disease.

Meanwhile, the DEBS bemoaned the lack of adherence to public health guidelines among learners especially those in primary grades when they are outside the classroom environment.

“Learners are only observing the regulations while in class, but once they are out of classes, non-adherence starts,” she complained.

And the District Health Office (DHO) reported that eight bars and two night clubs were closed due to abrogation of the S.I 21 and 22 of 2020 that only allows the selling of beverages on a take-away basis

In addition to bars and night clubs, several community shebeen pubs were also closed for similar reasons.

Responding to the reports, Katete District Commissioner Joseph Makukula encouraged the Ministry of Health to ensure that the closed bars and nightclubs do not come up with other means of selling the alcohol.

Mr Makukula said the public was safer if such clubs that were abrogating the S.I were closed as they were a conduit of rapid transmission of the virus.

He also encouraged the public to seek timely medical assistance whenever they felt unwell or experiencing symptoms that are associated with the COVID 19.

“Let us take precautions, let us not wait until the situation is bad for us to seek medical attention, and let us not be shy about it. If we are not feeling well, quickly visit a testing center so that you can be assisted,” he said.

ZCSD calls for women, youth participation at all governance levels


The Government has commended the Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) for embarking on activities aimed at promoting women and youth participation in governance and elections in the country.

And Minister of Gender, Elizabeth Phiri, notes that the ZCSD activities complement government’s vision of not leaving anyone behind in the implementation of government’s programs through promotion of equal participation especially in political leadership.

ZANIS reports that Ms Phiri was speaking in Lusaka today, during the official launch of the project dubbed ‘Promoting participation of women and youths in governance and elections in Zambia’ which is being implemented by ZCSD.

The Gender Minister said the initiative will go a long way in strengthening the tenancy of democracy and the rule of law for all Zambians to enjoy their rights to participate in the elections directly as candidates or indirectly through choosing leaders of their choice.

“The program reflects on the Patriotic Front (PF) Administration which seeks to encourage youths and women to utilize the opportunities of taking part in political leadership positions at various levels,” Ms Phiri stated.

Ms. Phiri who is also Kanyama constituency member of parliament, pointed out that it provides for equal opportunities by women and men to actively participate and contribute to national development in all spheres of life.

“As PF Administration, we recognize the need for gender equality, therefore, having an opportunity to share on how we can close the gap in political offices is something we are happy to be part of,” Mrs. Phiri stressed.

She has since urged the women and youths to rise to the opportunity and contest as enshrined in various protocols which Zambia is a signatory to.

And ZCSD Chairperson, Mahamba Chiputa, explained that the project was aimed at helping to increase support towards the participation of women and youths in the 2021 general elections.

“ Zambia being a signatory to various international and regional instruments, it is our role as civil societies to continue to remind the government of the commitment especially this year when the country is heading to the polls on August 12, 2021,” Mr Chiputa said.

“We recognise that increasing women and youth participation in politics is not the sole responsibility of the government, but rather requires a multi- sectoral approach by all civil societies, traditional leaders, political parties and the media at large,” Mr. Chiputa explained.

He added that traditional rulers are also key in helping to fight negative traditional practices that hinder women and young people from standing as candidates, hence calling on various stakeholders to promote positive voices of the minority.

He assured that the project will work with all women and youths regardless of their political, religious, ethnicity and any other consideration.

CSOs demand for withdrawal of Cyber Security and Cybercrimes Bill


A Consortium of Civil Society Organizations has demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Cyber Security and Cybercrimes bill from parliament labeling it unjustifiable in a democratic nation.

The Consortium is comprised of Action Aid Zambia, Alliance for Community Action, Chapter One Foundation, and Council of Christian Churches in Zambia.

Others are GEARS Initiative Zambia, Transparency International Zambia, and Zambia Council for Social Development.

Speaking on behalf of the CSO’s, GEARS Initiative Zambia Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi said the bill is a trap targeting cyber users especially opposition politicians ahead of the August 12, 2021 polls, and will further shrink the electoral, media, civic and political space.

Mr. Chipenzi explains that the proposed bill further violates the bill of rights saying the country already has laws in place to deal with perpetrators of cyberbullying.

The Bill is currently at the Committee stage in parliament.

And ActionAid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Ziba said it wrong for the PF to seek to pass a law using the arrogance of numbers.

Below is the full statement

Do we need the intelligence services? Our intelligence officers – ba shushushu, ba OP – are hated and feared


By Fred M’membe

From time immemorial, nations, governments and communities have relied on intelligence as an essential guide to statecraft. It is on record, for example, that the Persian Empire, the Moguls of India and the City State of Venice utilised intelligence in a systematic manner as an essential feature of government. They recorded their concepts of intelligence in texts that are available for study today.

It is evident from this history that intelligence techniques have been used in pursuit of different objectives and that statecraft and its instruments are always a reflection of the culture and value system of a given society. Some nations believed in conquest and the creation of empires that exploited the resources of their subjects. Others used intelligence as an instrument in pursuit of wars and military supremacy. Still others sought dominance in trade and wealth creation for themselves and their peoples.
With the emergence of modern democratic states – be they capitalist or socialist – a fundamental change has occurred in the nature of intelligence as an instrument of government. Whereas previously the emphasis was on the security of the state and the survival of the regime, now there is a strong emphasis on human security and human rights and freedoms.

In our country, the Constitution is the supreme law and it enshrines the principles, culture and values of our multiparty democratic state and people. Our constitutional arrangements are not confined to setting out the distribution of power and the means for the peaceful change of ruling parties, presidents and settlement of disputes. The Constitution also reflects the basic values of our multiparty democracy and the economic and social principles for ensuring a cultured existence for all our people and their diverse political parties.

Unlike many other jurisdictions, our Constitution provides expressly for the setting up of intelligence services as part of the security system in the country – Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) [No. 2 of 2016 81 Establishment of Defence Force and functions Establishment of national security services and functions (3) The Zambia Security Intelligence Service shall— (a) ensure national security by undertaking security intelligence and counter intelligence; (b) prevent a person from suspending, overthrowing or illegally abrogating this Constitution; and (c) perform other functions as prescribed.

There are also statutes that describe in detail the role and functions of the intelligence services – An Act to provide for the establishment of the Zambia Security Intelligence Service, its functions and discipline; and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith [1st October, 1974]; An Act to provide for the continued existence of the Zambia Security Intelligence Service, its functions and discipline; to constitute the National Intelligence Council and define its functions; to repeal and replace the Zambia Security Intelligence Service Act, 1973; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing [24th April, 1998. Whilst operational techniques of covert collection of information are secret, the rest of our intelligence activities should be open and above board. This reflects confidence that our objectives and policies are ethical, honourable and in accordance with fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Our intelligence and other security services are not supposed to be oppressors of the people but protectors of their security and well-being. Hence our services are supposed to count on the full support of the people. But that is not the case today – our security services are feared and even hated.

The intelligence function comprises the gathering, evaluation and dissemination of information relevant to decision-making, and may include prediction based on such information, as well as planning for future contingencies. In short, intelligence involves the acquisition of information and planning in exercise of all the intellectual tasks required of decision-makers. The relation between the intelligence function and community goals is particularly subtle: although intelligence operates within the frame of authorised goals, one duty of effective intelligence is to appraise these goals in the context of knowledge and, where appropriate, to bring new attention areas, for the purposes of goal clarification, to the focus of decision-makers.

Intelligence is a critical function at all levels of decision-making, yet its very ubiquity seems to have obscured it from visibility to public inquiry.

There is no dearth of historical examples demonstrating the critical importance of reliable intelligence. Napoleon put it to use with devastating effect. Both Stalin and Hitler, in our own day, have shown that the utility of the most accurate and timely intelligence depends upon a decision-maker capable and willing to use it. What, then, are the ideal intelligence services we are striving for? We envisage intelligence services that are fully conscious and proud of our multiparty democratic and constitutional foundations. We expect our intelligence operatives, researchers and analysts to be highly trained and sophisticated.

The main function of our services should be the collection of true and relevant information that can serve as a basis for first class decision-making on security.
Our intelligence services must be seen to be collectors of information both inside the country and abroad, using human resources and the latest modern technology. They must rely on brains rather than brawn. They must be effective and efficient and deliver quality products superior to those ordinarily available.

Our intelligence services are not and must never be another police service with powers of arrest. It is true that the modern trend is to use the special methods of intelligence to assist the police in the realm of combating serious international crime syndicates, but essentially the services must aim at providing information for decision-makers rather than prosecution or persecution of criminals.

The intelligence services have been given special powers but these powers must be exercised in accordance with legislation, regulations, guidelines and rules. It is essential that intelligence services behave in an ethical and lawful manner. In Zambia these matters are considered so important that they are governed by the Constitution itself.
Intelligence services have the particular misfortune of going unnoticed and unappreciated when they are successful. We wish to record our thanks to and respect for the Zambian intelligence services and all their members, who make a significant contribution to the security of our country and people.

Multiparty democracy is founded on every citizen’s right to take part in the management of public affairs. This requires the existence of representative institutions at all levels and, as a cornerstone, a parliament in which all components of society are represented and which has the requisite powers and means to express the will of the people by legislating and overseeing government action.

A multiparty democratic state must ensure the enjoyment of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights by its citizens. Hence, multiparty democracy goes hand in hand with an effective, honest and transparent government that is freely chosen and accountable for its management of public affairs.

Public accountability applies to all those who hold public authority, whether elected or appointed, and to all bodies of public authority. Accountability has the political purpose of checking the power of the executive and therefore minimising any abuse of power. The operational purpose of accountability is to help to ensure that governments operate effectively and efficiently.

For this reason, no institution, function or act of the state, and no organisation or activity of the government can be exempted from public scrutiny and accountability.
There’s need to strengthen mechanisms of control of our civilian intelligence structures in order to ensure full compliance and alignment with the Constitution, constitutional principles and the rule of law, and particularly to minimise the potential for illegal conduct and abuse of power.

There’s need to review the executive control of the intelligence services; control mechanisms relating to intelligence operations; control over intrusive methods of investigation; political and economic intelligence; political non-partisanship of the services; the balance between secrecy and transparency; and controls over the funding of covert operations.

There’s need to bear in mind the fact that an effective state can contribute powerfully to sustainable development and the reduction of poverty. But there is no guarantee that state intervention will benefit society. The state’s monopoly on coercion, which gives it the power to intervene effectively in economic activity, also gives it the power to intervene arbitrarily.

This power, coupled with access to information not available to the general public, creates opportunities for public officials to promote their own interests, or those of friends or allies, at the expense of the general interest. The possibilities for rent seeking and corruption are considerable. We must therefore work to establish and nurture mechanisms that give state agencies the flexibility and the incentive to act for the common good, while at the same time restraining arbitrary and corrupt behaviour in dealings with businesses and citizens.

It’s not the duty of the intelligence services to keep the incumbent President in power and help secure him a third term of office. It’s the duty of the intelligence services to ensure free, fair and peaceful elections and let the best candidates, the most supported and trusted candidates win.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Part

Police to patrol grave sites following the case of exhuming a body


Police on the Copperbelt province say they will work hand in hand with the councils to increase vigilance around graveyards following the case of exhuming a body at Kantolomba gravesite in Masaiti.

Copperbelt province Police Commissioner Elias Chushi confirmed that police in Kafulafuta received a report of trespass at the gravesite which occurred on February 19, 2021 at unknown time at Kantolomba Cemetery Miengwe Re-Settlement Scheme in Masaiti District.

Mr. Chushi explained that Elvis Shamulanga aged 54 of Banhill Farm, reported that unknown people exhumed the late cousin’s remains, Harrison Mwileli, who was buried on June 25, 2020.

Mr. Chushi said on Saturday February 20, 2021 around 08:15 hours, Willy Chimwanga was going home and used a bush path through the grave when he noticed that Mwileli’s body was exhumed by unknown people.

“He quickly alerted the deceased’s relative, Elvis accompanied them to the Police Station. When Police visited the scene, they discovered that, the body was exhumed and coffin pieces were thrown around the grave,” he said.

Mr. Chushi added that the body was removed from the coffin and thrown back into the open grave.

He said police and relatives managed to gather and bury the remains.

He has since warned that police and the local authority will work together to increase vigilance around the grave yards in order to arrest any would be trespassers.

Malanji salutes preferential treatment of Zambian products in China


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Malanji has lauded China for increased bilateral trade and preferential treatment of Zambia’s agricultural products in that country.

Mr Malanji has cited the export of Zambia’s honey, groundnuts and soya beans to China.

Mr Malanji has however, complained that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decrease in trade volumes between China and Zambia.

ZANIS reports that Mr Malanji was speaking when the Visiting Chinese Special Envoy, Yang Jiechi, paid a courtesy call on him at his office in Lusaka yesterday.

“Your visit as a Special Envoy is just a renaissance of an already standing cordial relationship between the two countries. This shows the commitment that the Government of the Republic of China has for this country,” he said.

Mr Malanji added that Zambia and China must find a way to continue working together during the COVID-19 pandemic which has seen a bad patch in all economies globally.

Mr Yang Jiechi, is a Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office of the Communist Party of China.

Technical Committee to be headed by the ECZ to be constituted to manage elections under Covid-19 conditions


The Ministry of Health and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), have held a meeting to discuss the way forward on how to conduct the August 2021, General elections under the new Normal.

The meeting has been held under the directives of President Edgar Lungu.

The meeting was attended by Health Minister Jonas Chanda, his Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Kennedy Malama, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer, Patrick Nshindano and Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) Director, Victor Mukonka.

The meeting resolved to urgently constitute the Technical Coordination Committee to be headed by the ECZ.

The committee, will bring together different players who will come up with actionable points on how the August, 2021 elections will be conducted amid the COVID-19.

And Health Minister, Jonas Chanda says he was happy that the meeting, which was under the directives of President Edgar Lungu, resolved to have a Technical Coordinating Committee constituted, which will have a clear and simple message to communicate to the country.

Dr. Chanda also said the committee is very key as it will have to coopt various stakeholders.

He further stated that the committee should be above politics and focus on the health of Zambians.

Dr. Chanda appealed to everyone who Will be part of the committee to be professional and put safety of the people at the heart of everything.

” It is very easy for everything to be politised especially during an election period. However, measures aimed at protecting the people should not be politicized, he stated.
He noted that once the committee is constituted, there will be need for frequent updates to the public on the safety of Zambians before, during and after elections.
The Minister has since reassured ECZ of his Ministry’s support and that of many Cooperating Partners.

Dr. Chanda also said the changing epidemiology of the COVID-19 can easily change things at any time, stating that is was the reason Government was moving aggressively to have the vaccine.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nshindano says the engagement was timely, as it would give a road map on the holding of elections amid the COVID-19.

Mr. Nshindano also said his institution recognized the threats that the pandemic posed to the election calender, adding that there was need to continously observe and review COVID-19 guidelines in order to protect the stakeholders.

Police’s action to raid our home villages traumatized us-HH relatives


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema’s wife’s family members in Shibuyunji District have disclosed that they are traumatized by the Police’s action to raid their home villages.
Jones Mpolobe who is Mutinta Hichilema’s cousin stated to the Media that Police arrived at his home village around 05:00 hours demanded to search for imaginary weapons in his house, surroundings, and maize fields.

He adds that the Police produced a search warrant which they said was authorized by the Lusaka High Court to search for unknown weapons.

But addressing his wife’s family members in the District this afternoon, UPND President Hakainde Hichilema stated that the conduct by the PF leadership was uncalled for adding that he is preoccupied with finding solutions to the numerous problems the country is facing as opposed to acquiring weapons which are of no value in the fight against economic challenges.

The UPND President was accompanied to Shibuyunji District by the leader of the opposition in Parliament Jack Mwiimbu, Lusaka Province Chairperson Obvious Mwaliteta, Mwembezhi Member of Parliament Jamba Machila, Former Mwembezhi Member of Parliament Austin Milambo, party National Management Committee members among others.

A team of Police officers headed by one Rodrick Mwale from Lusaka force headquarters yesterday raided Mpolobe village in Shibuyunji District and searched Mutinta Hichilema’s cousin’s village homes in search of weapons alleged to be belonging to the UPND President Hakainde Hichilema.

The Police did not find any weapons as the exercise was in futility but are said to have coerced Hakainde Hichilema’s wife’s family members to write a statement that they were not threatened during the brutal search.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Nkana Hero Mulenga Reflects on Goal in Morocco


Striker Simon Mulenga reflects on his debut continental goal that helped Nkana secure their 2020/2021 CAF Confederation Cup group stage qualification.

Mulenga scored Nkana’s lone goal in Sunday’s 2-1 away loss to Tihad Casablanca in the final leg decider in Morocco.

Despite the score line, the goal ensured Nkana avoided a post-match penalty decider and saw the Zambian champions’ progress 3-2 on aggregate following a 2-0 first leg home win on February 14 in Kitwe.

“My goal was very important for the team. We needed a goal to go through and I thank God that I helped the team to go through,” Mulenga said.

“We are very happy we managed to go through to the group stage.”

Mulenga, who was only playing his second continental match with Nkana, scored in the 57th minute after Mahmoud Bentayg and Aymane Dairani had put Tihad ahead in the 4th and 38th minutes respectively.

The goal was Mulenga’s fifth in four competitive games with Nkana after scoring three in the sides last three league games prior to the two-legged tie against Tihad.


2020/2021 CAF Confederation Cup PreGroup Stage Final Legs


Napsa Stars 2(Austin Banda 18′,Emmanuel Mayuka 90’+4 pen)- Gor Mahia 2(Samuel Onyango 17′, Clifton Miheso 20′)


Tihad Casablanca 2(Mahmoud Bentayg 4′, Aymane Dairani 38′)- Nkana 1(Simon Mulenga 57′)


Emmanuel Mayuka (Napsa Stars):4
Daniel Adoko (Napsa Stars):2
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa Stars):2
Lineker Mwikisa(Green Eagles):2
Daniel Silavwe (Napsa Stars):2
Austin Banda (Napsa Stars):1
Simon Mulenga (Nkana):1
Fred Tshimenga(Nkana):1
Obeddy Masumbuko (Nkana):1
Harrison Chisala (Nkana):1
Idris Mbombo (Nkana):1
Timothy Otieno (Napsa Stars):1
Hosea Silwimba Green Eagles):1
Chanda Mushili (Napsa Stars):1
Joseph Kanema (Green Eagles):1


Prison Leopards 1(David Obashi 33′)-Kitwe United 0

Indeni 1(Tranquilin Mwepu 70′)-Zanaco 3(Roger Kola 30′ 61′, Abraham Siankombo 68′)

Green Eagles 2(Amity Shamende 33’pen, Ceaser Hakaluba 61′)-Kabwe Warriors 2(Field Kandela 45’+3,Clement Mundia 46’pen)

Nkwazi 0-Lumwana Radiants 0

Red Arrows(James Chamanga 12’21’, Kayembe Alidor 32′)-Green Buffaloes 0

Young Green Eagles 0-Power Dynamos 0
Lusaka Dynamos 1(Duncan Otieno 90′)-Buildcon 0


Zesco United-Napsa Stars
Nkana-Forest Rangers

Zesco United 2(Thabani Kamusoko 27′, Enock Sakala Jnr 71′)-Power Dynamos 1 (Luka Chamanga 6′)

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS

Roger Kola(Zanaco):10

Moses Phiri (Zanaco):9

Quadri Kola (Forest Rangers):7

Abraham Siankombo(Zanaco):6
David Obashi (Prison Leopards):6

Tranquilin Mwepu (Indeni):5
James Chamanga (Red Arrows):5
Collins Sikombe (Lusaka Dynamos):5
Brian Mwila(Buildcon):5*
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa  Stars):5

Enock Sakala Jr (ZescO):4
Tshite Mweshi (Prison Leopards):4
Aubrey Chella (Green Buffaloes):4
Simon Mulenga (Nkana):4
Akakulubelwa Mwaichiyaba(Kabwe

Anos Tembo (Green Eagles):4
Emmanuel Mayuka (Napsa Stars):4
Idris Mbombo (Nkana):4
Felix Nyaende (Lumwana):4

Thabani Kamusoko(Zesco):3
Pride Mwansa(Nkwazi):3
Joseph Phiri (Red Arrows):3
Godfrey Ngwenya (Power Dynamos):3
Martin Phiri (Green Buffaloes):3
Landu Maite (Prison Leopards):3
Jimmy Ndhlovu (Kabwe Warriors):3
Emmanuel Mwiinde(Nkana/Buildcon 1**):3**
Taddy Etekiama (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):3
Webster Muzaza(Forest Rangers):3
Gerald Chisha (Buildcon):3
Francis Zulu (Prisons Leopards):3
Felix Bulaya (Red Arrows):3
Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon):3
Aubrey  Funga (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):3
Graven Chitalu(Indeni):3
Baba Basile (Zanaco):3
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):3
Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):3

Luka Chamanga (Power Dynamos):2
Fredrick Mwimanzi (Green Buffaloes):2
Edward Lungu (Kitwe United):2
Dominic Chungwa (Lumwana):2
Hosea Silwimba(Green Eagles):2
Heriter Nkonko(Indeni):2
John Chingandu (Zesco United):2
Doisy Soko(Napsa Stars):2
Nester Lukupa (Kabwe Warriors):2
Gozon Mutale(Green Eagles):2
Amity Shamende (Green Eagles):2
Twiza Chaibela (Kabwe Warriors):2
Amenu Moro (Forest Rangers):2
Van Basten Neba(Lumwana):2
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):2
Emmanuel Chabula (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Derrick Bulaya (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Francis Simwanza (Red Arrows):2
Tiki Chiluba (Indeni):2
Mathews Nkowane (Kabwe Warriors):2
Laudit Mavugo (Napsa):2
Emmanuel Okutu (Buildcon):2
Benson  Sakala (Power Dynamos):2
Kamal Jafaru (Buildcon):2
Junior Zulu(Prisons Leopards):2
Adamson Mulao (Young Green Eagles):2
Ocean Mushure (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Steven Mutama (Nkwazi):2
Jack Chirwa (Green Buffaloes):2
Evans Musonda (Kitwe United):2
Eric Choomba (Nkwazi):2
Fred Tshimenga (Nkana):2
Moses Soko (Indeni):2*



Trident 2-1 Mufulira Wanderers
(Felix Sinkamba, Jonathan Tanganyika/ Benard Mapili)

Kafue Celtic 1-1 Police College
(Peter Chikola/Misheck Luwisha)

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-1 Gomes
(Scotch Mwanza Pen/Fabian Kapumba)

MUZA 0-0 Chambishi

ZESCO Malaiti 2-1 Mpulungu Harbour
(Gift Lukwesa, Jackson Mphande/ Chisopa Malama)

City of Lusaka 1-0 Kashikishi Warriors
(Emmanuel Kalala)

Konkola Blades 4-1 Nchanga Rangers
(Emmanuel Mwaba (2), Owen Tembo/ Victor Mubanga)

National Assembly 0-1 Livingstone Pirates
(Evan yengayenga)

KYSA 2-0 ZESCO Shockers
(Thomas Likafi 43’/ Malambo Mupeta 60′)

Nkana Handed Another Morocco Opponent in Group Stage Draws


Nkana have been drawn against former champion Raja Casablanca of Morocco and 2019/2020 runners up Pyramids in Group D of the CAF Confederation Cup.

The Kitwe giants will travel to Egypt on match-day-one to face the ambitious Cairo club Pyramids on March 10.

Pyramids renew acquaintance with Zambian opposition exactly season after they beat Zanaco 3-0 in Lusaka but lost 1-0 at home in Cairo to The Bankers in last season’s quarterfinals.

And fresh from eliminating Morocco second tier side Tihad Casablanca, Nkana have another Moroccan draw this time with 2018 CAF Confederation Cup champions Raja Casablanca.

Raja will visit Nkana on March 17 in what will surpassingly be their debut continental meeting.

Nkana will then face either Namungo of Tanzania or CD de Agosto of Angola on match –day- three away on April 4 and match-day-four at home on April 11 in Kitwe.

Namungo and Agosto are currently engaged in a controversial two legged tie that has yet to be decided.

This is follows CAF ruling that both legs be played in Tanzania after the first leg in Luanda was aborted due to tough Covid-19 protocols in Angola when local authorities there demanded that the visitors quarantine for ten days before the first leg date on February 17.

But Namungo won the ‘away’ first leg 6-2 on Sunday in Dar es Salaam and the final leg will be played on February 26 at the same venue.

Napsa Face Defending CAF Confed Cup Champions in Group B


Napsa Stars will jump straight into the fire in their group stage debut in the 2020/2021 CAF Confederation Cup with a date against defending champions RS Berkane.

Napsa are in a strong Group B and will travel to Morocco on match-day -one to play the holders in Berkane on March 10.

It is the second successive season that Berkane are playing a Zambian club in the group stages after drawing 1-1 home and away with Zanaco in Group last season en route to their debut continental title triumph.

Napsa will return home on match-day-two to host 1990 African champions and 2010 CAF Champions League semifinalist JSK of Algeria on March 17.

JSK return to Zambia for the first time since the 2006 CAF Champions League second round when they eliminated Napsa’s neighbours Zanaco 3-1 on aggregate after losing 1-0 away in Lusaka.

Napsa will then play a Group B doubleheader against Cotonsport of Cameroon starting in Lusaka on April 4 before heading to Goroua on April 11 when the countdown to the final round of league stage matches starts.

Don’t to limit the Cybersecurity Bill to social media, Transport and Communications Minister


Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya has Zambians not to limit the Cybersecurity Bill to social media saying this is just part story when it comes to the cyber environment.

Hon Kafwaya said that the Cyber Security Bill will ensure that people who Infringe upon other people’s freedom are dealt with by the provisions of this Bill.

Speaking when he featured on radio Phoenix breakfast show today. Hon. Kafwaya said that the Cyber Security Bill is aimed at enhancing people’s rights and providing security.

He said it was unfortunate that some people are misleading Zambians that the Cybersecurity Bill is intended at taking away people’s rights when in fact it is aimed at enhancing their rights and protecting them from being abused on social media.

Hon. Kafwaya who is also a Lunte Member of Parliament noted that the Cybersecurity Bill doesn’t look serious to people who have not been a subject of cyberbullying on social media.

“People are using falsehoods saying I’m a Minister of Defense and we are recruiting so send K500 when in fact the government does not charge for recruiting, ” Hon. Kafwaya said.

The Minister said that it was therefore President Lungu’s desire that citizens are safe from online abuse hence the need for every Zambian to support this bill.

And Hon. Kafwaya said that it is expected for the opposition to oppose the Bill because when it is passed in parliament and becomes law, it will be credited to President Lungu which they don’t want.

“When this bill is passed in Parliament and becomes law, it will be credited to President Lungu and obviously those that want to seat in his chair don’t want that, all they want to say is that this is a failed government, ” he stated.

China to Continue Supporting Zambia in Pursuing a Development Path Suited to its Own National Conditions


Chinese Special Envoy Yang Jiechi has hailed President Edgar Lungu’s leadership of ensuring that development for all Zambians is of utmost importance.

Mr. Jiechi indicated that President Lungu’s leadership has prioritized economic growth and people’s well-being.

The Special Envoy revealed that this is evident through his strong commitment to create jobs, reduce poverty, enhanced government performance and the promotion of economic diversification.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on President Lungu at State House today, Mr. Jiechi noted that impressive progress has been made throughout President Lungu’s tenure in office.

“I am convinced that guided by your vision and leadership Zambia will score new achievements further along its path of development,” Mr. Jiechi stated.

He recapped that Zambia was the first country in Southern Africa to establish diplomatic ties with the new China, dating back the two countries’ bilateral relations to the guidance of First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda and Chinese Communist Revolutionary Founder Mao Zedong.

He noted that China and Zambia have forged a true friendship over the past centuries, featuring equality, mutual benefit, and solidarity in adversity.

He listed the support that the two countries have continued to offer to one another especially during the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in December of 2019 which he noted are the most trying times.

Mr. Jiechi disclosed that the purpose of his meeting was to have further consultations with Zambia to better implement the common understanding reached between President Lungu and China’s Head of State Xi Jinping.

He assured that his country will continue to support Zambia in pursuing a development path suited to its own national conditions.

“Between China and Zambia, we respect each other and have engaged in mutually beneficial cooperation. We are confident that the next meeting will achieve important results and we believe that our two countries built on World Corporation will deliver more benefits to the people of our two countries and to the entire developing world,” he added.

President Edgar Lungu speaking when a Chinese delegation led by Hr Yang Jiechi paid a courtesy call on him at State House
President Edgar Lungu speaking when a Chinese delegation led by Hr Yang Jiechi paid a courtesy call on him at State House

President Lungu expressed gratitude for the support that China has offered in various areas among which includes the country’s fight against COVID-19, construction of the Tanzania Zambia Railway project, hospitals, Airports, roads among other notable infrastructure projects.

The Head of State said that Zambia was encouraged by the increased bilateral economic activities that are currently going on in the country, mentioning the favourable investment environment and access that has been created by his government.

President Lungu informed that Zambia joins other countries in welcoming the lunar year, the year of the bull, wishing the people of China continued success.

The Head of State also congratulated China on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and for leading its people in attaining remarkable social-economic achievements over the years.

“We also love to applaud China for eradicating extreme poverty among its citizens for nearly 100 million people in the country. We

He reassured continued support for the one-China policy noting its ability as a Sovereign State to safeguard national sovereignty and security.

He reiterated the value that Zambia attaches to the long-standing friendship with China, premised on mutual respect, shared values and common aspirations at both bilateral and multilateral levels.

President Lungu reaffirmed the country’s commitment to implement all agreements that have been undertaken at bilateral and multilateral levels, adding that they are beneficial to the people of both states.

President Edgar Lungu speaking when a Chinese delegation led by Hr Yang Jiechi paid a courtesy call on him at State House
President Edgar Lungu speaking when a Chinese delegation led by Hr Yang Jiechi paid a courtesy call on him at State House

Government commended for restricting the importation of onions and table potatoes


The Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) has commended the Government for restricting the importation of onions and table potatoes from outside the country.

Ministry of Agriculture Permanent Secretary Songawayo Lungu has since notified the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) in a letter he addressed to ZRA Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda, dated February 8th, 2021.

Mr Zyambo, said the ministry through a stakeholder consultation resolved to restrict the importation of onion and table potatoes in line with President Edgar Lungu’s directive to prioritize and promote the consumption of locally produced fruits and vegetables.

PMRC Executive Director, Bernadette Deka Zulu has commended the Government on this move, saying it is a step to achieving Government’s aspiration of enhancing production within the Agriculture sector as highlighted within the third pillar of the Economic Recovery Plan which aims to restore growth and diversity within the economy.

“There are several benefits in the economy that come with regulating imports of a particular commodity, which is produced locally or rather domestically. In line with available information which shows that Zambia has the capacity to meet the demand for the two commodities,” Mrs Deka Zulu stated.

Mrs Deka Zulu noted that the restriction will not only increase production but will impact positively on the commodities value chains.

She also commended Government’s intensions to fully migrate Farmer Input Support Program (FISP) from the Direct Input Supply mode to the e-Voucher, which gives farmers a choice of crops by the 2022/2023 farming season.

‘PMRC believes that with the full migration to the e-Voucher and the restriction on importation of the commodities, more farmers will venture into onion and potatoes farming which will further ensure that local demand for the commodities is met,” she stated.

She stressed that in the case of Zambia, restricting the importation of horticultural crops particularly onion and table potatoes will promote and strengthen the horticultural value chain, which has shown positive growth potential over the years.

“Moreover, this will promote crop diversification among small-holder farmers, the majority of whom still grow the staple maize. They will be able to shift to farming of onion and table potatoes. This will in turn increase household income and wealth among the farmers and also enable them to achieve food security and nutrition in their households,” she said.

“Furthermore, the increased participation of farmers in the production of these specific crops will increase off-taker opportunities in the industry. This tends to provide ready markets for the products and reduce the transaction costs farmers face in trying to access these markets for that particular commodity,” she added.

Mrs Deka Zulu said this move by the Government will work towards stabilizing the balance of payments considering that it will become expensive to import onion and table potatoes because of the continuous depreciation of the Zambian Kwacha.

“The country will be able to save enough money for use in other undertakings such as procuring medical drugs and vaccines inter alia which are currently important in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. This move will also stimulate local production as well as generate a marketable surplus of the product for distribution in chain stores and exports in foreign markets.” she explained.

She said on the other hand, consumers will be able to access onions and potatoes at affordable prices in the market.

Adding that the restriction also has the potential to increase job creation, as the importation of commodities tends to affect local employment.

The restriction on the importation will also prevent the introduction and spread of plant pests that are new or not widely distributed in Zambia.

She urged that small-scale farmers must form cooperatives that enable cost-sharing opportunities and output market sourcing as there is a need to consider practicing contract farming with the appropriate model that can work well for the onion and potato industry towards reducing hunger and alleviating poverty in the economy.

“We must also ensure that quality onions and potatoes are supplied to the domestic and international markets, PMRC urges Government to engage the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) to develop the scale of standards that local farmers should meet in the production and distribution of onion and table potatoes. Commodities, hence investments in these facilities will improve and prolong the shelf life of the products, which can eventually reduce any unforeseen supply shortages of onion and potatoes in the market.