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ZICTA awards Beeline Telecoms Nation’s 4th Mobile License


ZICTA has today announced that it has granted Beeline Telecom Limited a licence to commence mobile phone operations in the country.

Beeline Telecom, a Zambian wholly owned company, will be required to commence operation within the next six months failure to which, unless determined otherwise by the Authority, the licence will be revoked.

Currently the mobile service operators include South African telecoms giant MTN, Airtel and local telecoms firm Zamtel.

The local company has been offered the international network and national services licences with associated resources and becomes the fourth mobile network services provider in the country.

ZCTA Director General Patrick Mutimushi, who announced the development in a statement, said the decision to introduce a fourth mobile operator was arrived at after conducting an analysis of the ICT Sector Market.

He added the decision was looked at from the perspective of, among others, the quality of services being provided by the incumbent licensees as well as the need to raise the levels of competition.

In September last year, the Authority invited applications for a network licence under the International Market Segment and a Service Licence under the national Market Segment with associated resources.

Mr Mutimushi said following a thorough evaluation process and Beeline, having met the minimum criteria, the Authority resolved to award the licence in question to the local company.

He added that since the cancellation of UZI Zambia’s licence in 2018 and considering the fact the challenges hounding the sector have continued, the Authority had re-embarked on seeking a fourth mobile operator.

“It is this process that culminated into issuance of the licence to Beeline Telecom Limited,” Mr Mutimushi said.

No Covid-19 death in schools so far-Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina today told parliament that Zambia has not recorded any Covid-19 related deaths among pupils in schools which opened on February 1, 2021.

Mrs. Wina said government was ensuring that all pupils and teachers are protected against the spread of Covid-19 by providing all the necessary measures required to fight the spread of the virus in schools.

She was speaking today in parliament in responded to a question during the Vice President’s question time.

She explained that affected schools are inspected and provided with cleaning facilities to ensure that the premises are kept clean and safe to avoid more infections.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wina explained that government prioritises the security and safety of the nation by putting up surveillance cameras designed to capture deaths where human eyes cannot reach for purposes of public safety.

She said public security and safety are a high priority to government adding that the public surveillance was part of the smart city project.

And Mrs. Wina has told parliament that the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is soliciting funds to buy vaccines for cattle to protect them against foot to mouth and other diseases that affect herds in the country.

She said government was committed to ensuring that the agriculture sector is diversified through livestock rearing.

Clergyman demands removal of contraceptive advert from ZNBC


A Ndola based clergyman has called for an immediate withdrawal of an advert running on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) television promoting the use of contraceptives by young people.

Ndola Pastors Fellowship chairperson Mulenga Chilekwa said the advert on ZNBC depicting an African woman encouraging a boy and a girl in a relationship to use contraceptives is not a true representation of an African woman.

Reverend Chilekwa said in a statement issued to ZANIS in Ndola today that Zambia is a Christian nation with a rich African culture that teaches abstinence from sex outside marriage.

“The advert is indirectly encouraging sex before marriage among young people which we find unacceptable in a Christian nation and it conflicts with our Christian and traditional norms. Contraceptives were originally designed for birth control among married couples, which is also referred to as family planning,” he contended.

He added that young people should be encouraged to concentrate on studies, work, wealth creation, and no sex before marriage.

He further said there are other better ways of encouraging young people to stay away from teen pregnancies as contraceptives are never meant for use by young people in school.

Rev. Chilekwa has since called on the Ministry for National Guidance and Religious Affairs to show leadership by stopping the further weakening of the minds of the children.

The clergyman observed that Zambia has rich Christian and cultural values and encouraging sex among young people is not one of them.

Green Party Leader commends Bank Zambia for the effort to control the surging inflation


Opposition Green party leader, Peter Sinkamba has commended the Bank Zambia (BOZ) for the effort to control the surging inflation in the country.

Mr. Sinkamba has advised BOZ to manage the interest rate in order to regulate liquidity.

Mr. Sinkamba urged the Bank to put up measure that will regulation the inflation rate or risk reaching hyperinflation levels such as the experience for Zimbabwe.

“The onus is on Bank of Zambia to be on top of things by applying the monetary policy well to ensure that these issues are sorted out. Otherwise inflation is not good for the economy because it makes a lot of things to escalate,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

He said commodity prices have become out of reach for the poor and those whose salaries and wages are not marching the ever rising inflation.

Mr. Sinkamba further urged the BOZ to be smart in applying the monitory policy to ensure that economic growth is not affected as such will push inflation higher leading to low production of goods and services.

The Green party leader attributed the inflation in the country to low production of goods on the market and hence making consumers to share a few commodities on the market.

The Bank of Zambia announced the increase of the monetary policy rate by 50 basis points from 8 to 8.5 percent as a way to stop the rising inflation.

All parents whose eligible children have not been enrolled into grade one will be punished-Senior Lunda Chief


Senior chief Sailunga of the Lunda people in Mwinilunga District of Northwestern Province has warned that all parents whose eligible children have not been enrolled into grade one will be punished.

The traditional leader said every parent who has not enrolled their eligible children into grade one will go and work at his farm as punishment.

“You who have not enrolled your children in grade one, I am taking you for cultivation at my farm, this I will do, I don’t lie,” senior chief Sailunga said.

The traditional leader sounded the warning during a community sensitization exercise on child protection held at Kazozu primary school in Mwinilunga yesterday.

He expressed displeasure at the low enrolment of children in grade one at the school.

The visibly annoyed traditional leader said he was ashamed to learn that only 28 children have been enrolled into grade one at the school which is right in his father’s village.

Senior chief Sailunga said he understands the population demographics of Kazozu community hence will not accept that only 28 children have been enrolled at the school.

He said he will, in the company of the area councillor and the school head teacher, go from house to house to register all the children in Kazozu community.

“Tomorrow at 08:00 hours I will be coming back here passing door to door registering children into grade one, every child I will find will register for grade one enrolment,” he said.

The traditional leader since has pledged to buy books and pencils for all the children he will enroll at the school.

Govt. implementing Covid -19 response measures in tourism sector-PS


The government says it had already started implementing some recommendations of the response measures highlighted in the findings of the assessment of the effects of Covid-19 on trade in tourism even before the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic struck.

Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Mushuma Mulenga said during the presentation of the 2021 budget to parliament, the Ministry of Finance made favourable pronouncements regarding the tourism sector.

The pronouncements were aimed at boosting the sector which is in line with the findings of this particular assessment.

Mr. Mulenga said this during a virtual joint launch of the findings of the assessment of the effects of Covid-19 on trade in tourism and Covid-19 response measures for Zambia between the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Tourism in Lusaka today.

He said the Covid-19 pandemic has been cited as a global crisis affecting human health and wealth which has been acknowledged by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

He said the Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption to the global economy and world trade as production and consumption are scaled back across the globe.

Mr. Mulenga further said the Covid-19 pandemic has wrecked devastation on trade performance for most business and industries including the tourism sector which has been identified as one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

He said Zambia’s tourism industry, like other sectors, has been faced with hardships in terms of sustaining a good business environment hence government was prompted to put up measures that respond to the effect of Covid-19 on trade and business welfare.

“The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has revealed that the total contributions of tourism to global GDP stood at 10 percent in 2019. However this was projected to contract by 20 percent to 30 percent in 2020 and further projected the Covid-19 pandemic could cut down 50 million jobs worldwide in the travel and tourism industry,” he stated.

Mr. Mulenga said this further prompted government to seek an in-depth understanding of the extent of the impact of Covid-19 on the tourism sector in order to facilitate evidence based policy recommendations given that the sector is profiled as one of the promising areas.

“The four modes covers consumption of tourism services from abroad using internets bookings, who physically travelled from one country to another to consume a services ,establishment of foreign businesses in Zambia to provide a service through foreign direct investment and foreign professionals such as specialist who travel from their own country to another to provide a service for a specific period of time,” he stated.

He noted that results for the assessment indicated that modes for consumption of tourism services from abroad using internets bookings and those who physically travelled from one country to another to consume a services were affected due to increased number of booking cancellations and reduced foreign spending and travel as a result of the lockdown measures imposed by most countries in the world.

He said the assessment results further indicated that the overall employment in the tourism sector had reduced by 39 percent from 2019 to 2020.

“The study also made a comparison of revenue between the second quarter of 2019 and 2020, the results indicated that 74.5 percent of enterprises reported of more than 50 percent in revenue and 22.2 percent of enterprise reported revenue decreases between 20 percent and 50 percent,” he explained.

He said the reduction in revenue was mainly attributed to booking cancellations and induced quarantine measures among other major consumers of tourism services.

DEC Must Investigate PF MPs dishing out Free Cash


By Obvious Mwaliteta UPND Chairman Lusaka Province.

It is sad that our nation’s dignity and decency has been reduced to the status of a banana Republic under the Patriotic Front regime due to failed leadership. Our standing among the community of nations has been degraded and thrown into the trash can, to an extent where it is no longer an honour to proudly display a Zambian passport when one travels abroad. A country where corruption and theft is glorified and applauded when ‘ubomba mwibala’ and ‘kasaka ka ndalama’ culture is preached on a Presidential podium and the Head of State is leaping in the air with excitement.

True to the testament of President Edgar Lungu’s ideology of being likened to an ATM, PF top officials stroll around with trunks of cash, freely throwing it to poor citizens like one throws gaga to village chickens. PF is proudly funding poverty and redirecting scarce resources that are needed to buy medical drugs and pay retirees, to corruption. It is true that PF as a party has more money than government, but where is this laundered criminal money coming from?

Bowman Lusambo openly confessed that the money they freely distribute to our people in the street has been provided for by President Edgar Lungu. That’s from the horse’s mouth! Why should PF then condemn Brebner Changala for stating that State House is a crime scene and a den of thieves? Chilanga MP Maria Sharapova Langa has been seen walking through Chilanga with trunks and trunks of hard cash distributing to our people that PF has deliberately made poor, so that they can depend on them for handouts.

What is then is the DEC waiting for when their investigations have already been done half way by Bowman Lusambo who has pointed his accusing finger at State House.

As UPND Chairman for Lusaka Pronvice, while not condoning this criminal behaviour by PF criminals, I urge all Lusaka residents and all citizens around Zambia, to pretend to be PF for one second, receive the money and buy medicine and food for your children! This is your money coming back to you illegally, get it but know what is in your heart, and that is to kick out these criminals in August this year.

Remember that Hakainde Hichilema is the only capable person that will manage these resources to the benefit of all Zambians through fair distribution of social services to our deprived communities. UPND has a capable team of men and women that will turn this country around and bring dignity back to the land.

President Lungu has commissions UNZA’s newly completed teaching and learning complex


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has commissioned UNZA’s newly completed teaching and learning complex housing two lecture theatres with a cumulative sitting capacity of 700 students.
“I am delighted to officiate at the Commissioning of the University of Zambia Teaching and Learning Complex. I am delighted because a project of this magnitude has been funded through internally generated resources,” he said.

President Lungu says the Complex has been built from revenue realized through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the University of Zambia and Graduare Properties Limited.

“I have been following very closely the execution of this project. My Government is encouraged by the effort that the University of Zambia has been making to improve its internal revenue generation capacity through this PPP,” President Lungu said.

The Head of State says Government is in a hurry to deliver development to the people and the education of citizens, in particular, is key in transforming the lives and livelihoods of our people.

He has since urged all who are in service in Government and those who want to do business with Government, to do so in public interest as this is the only way this nation will develop for the good of everyone.

“It is the desire of the Patriotic Front Government to ensure that all public universities continue to operate in a financially sustainable manner. To this effect, my Government will continue supporting all efforts by public universities to ensure that they achieve financial sustainability,” President Lungu said.

And the Head of State says he is aware that the University of Zambia, just like the other public universities, has been facing serious challenges in providing adequate accommodation for its students.

He says Government has not slackened in its effort to complete construction of student’s accommodation at all the public universities.

“But while government is making this effort, I direct the University of Zambia administration to do an inventory on people residing in university accommodation and whether all of them are students. Further, the university administration must investigate whether all the monies paid by students for accommodation reach the university accounts,” President Lungu said.

He says pure students should not be disadvantaged by non learners.

“I have been made to make this call because I have received disturbing reports that while genuine students, especially first years, are grappling with accommodation, many of them living in private homes, there are some former students still occupying university accommodation. I, also, have received reports that some students and even former students are renting out accommodation to students who have nowhere to stay. This cannot be allowed to continue. It must be stopped because it borders on criminality. Students are here to learn and not to become landlords. Accommodation belongs to the university and the administration should be the ones to allocate accommodation to students and receive accommodation fees,” President Lungu said.

The higher education sector must respond to the changing dynamics in education. I challenge the University of Zambia and other public universities to provide leadership in the transformation of the higher education sector within the focus areas of quality, relevance, access, participation, equity and inclusiveness,” He said.
The Republican President says he is desirous to see safe and secure tertiary education institutions.

“To this end, I am delighted to announce that through the road de-congestion project, government has provided Eleven Million Kwacha to fence off and secure the University of Zambia.

He has praised cooperating partners for the contributions they are making towards the advancement of education in Zambia.
“Please continue providing all the support and working with government because this is the only sure way we shall address the needs of our learners,” the President said.

Big copper producers urged to take advantage of high prices


The Small Scale Miners Association of Zambia has advised large scale mining players to take advantage of the attractive prices of copper on the international market by increasing production.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, association president, Kunda Chani said the current price of the copper on the international market is the highest since May 2012.

Mr. Kunda said the spring of electric vehicles has contributed to the adjustment of copper prices, hence the need for giant copper producing firms to increase production in order for them to benefit from rising copper prices.

He added that it is surprising that as the demand for the commodity is going up, copper production has remained low.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Kunda has since appealed to members of his association to focus on copper production stating that the current copper prices on the market are attractive.

“We are excited to see that copper prices have kept increasing on the international market. This should give our giant copper producing companies the impetus to increase production so that we benefit as a country,” he said.

Mr. Kunda said key mining players should actively increase their production, urging his members to also participate in the production of copper ore.

Chibombo Multi-Facility Economic Zone to propel manufacturing base-Yaluma


The Government has expressed happiness with the pace at which the construction of the Chibombo Multi-Facility Economic Zone (CMEZ) in Central Province is progressing.

Minister of Commence, Trade, and Industry, Christopher Yaluma also says the US$600 Million investment, is likely to create jobs and will help the country to actualize value addition from the vast raw materials that the country is endowed with.

ZANIS reports that Mr Yaluma made the remarks yesterday, when he toured the Economic Zone in Chibombo district to check on the work progress.

The commerce Minister explained that the industrialization trajectory that the government has embarked on, will propel manufacturing in the country which is key to macroeconomic growth.

“As government we are happy with the progress being made so far. This is one of the fastest economic zones being constructed in the country and the government will support it and provides incentives that will attract more investors in the country,” Mr Yaluma stated.

Mr Yaluma pointed out that the government remains resolute to ring-fencing the industrial development in the country for the mutual benefits of both the country and investors.

And Jiangxi Corporation Limited, General Manager, XU JIANFENG explained that 6.1 kilometers of roads have been tarred with US$ 40 million spent on infrastructure development.

Mr JIANFENG said 500 jobs have been created, with 1800 jobs expected to be created by the end of this year.

“We have so far spent US$ 40 million and work is going as planned and we are receiving maximum support from the government and the local communities. We have so far done 6.1 kilometers of internal roads and infrastructure has advanced as you can see and we will not relent in expediting this work,” he emphasized.

Once complete, the Chibombo Multi-Facility Economic Zone will have five functional areas among them Technological innovation area, modern agricultural area, and Industrial cooperation area.

The Economic Zone whose memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed on September 5th, 2018 in China, is sitting on 760 hectares of land and is expected to create at least 6000 jobs by 2025.

Only Frogs Can Challenge HH and Lungu at Party Conventions!


By Rev. Kapya Kaoma

We are in 2021! It only means one thing–Vote! Vote! Vote! Politicians are out to tell the truth. When the PF sings “Lungu is Zambia’s Saviour, UPND shouts, “Bally will fix it. How? Just believe it mambala iwe! Thanks be to God; we are in Lent; we all have time to ask for forgiveness for our lies.

I don’t want to pretend. I have never had confidence in the PF administration going back to the now celebrated Sata regime. The Sata Kaponya syndrome gave us Lungu and his cronies; the man who is much crafter than his appearance suggests. I won’t be surprised if he wins the forthcoming election.

UPND wasted too much time in courts trying to overturn Lungu’s victory, and then his eligibility to contest the 2021 election; I called them fallacies, and it turns out Lungu is the Patriotic Front flag bearer in the forthcoming election. The only way to stop him is to find a challenger during the PF Convention.

Is it possible? On paper? Yes. Practically? No. Today PF is Lungu and Lungu is PF! If you want to challenge the PF presidency, you can do it as long as you don’t campaign against his omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, corruptor in Chief, and Zambia’s liberator Dr. Edgar C. Lungu SC! If you don’t, stay away from the PF Convention–you don’t mean good for PF democracy. If you insist, your neck will be dating the PF rope. So what is the alternative?

UPND is the only democratic party in Zambia. Who can doubt it’s democratic credentials following the just ended National Convention? Congratulations to the “newly elected” UPND leadership of the most uniting, capitalist, rescuer, and beneficiary of, and high-end liquidator, President and Bally will fix it, Hakainde Hichilema. Did “new” change its meaning? Only to UPND cadres! Taking my old suit to dry cleaners does not make it new; unless you are a “Bally will fix it” worshipper.

HH and Lungu hold many things in common. Both are humble dictators; who can miss the humility of Bally and Lungu. Just look at their innocent and inviting faces. The only difference is that Lungu is the National President, while Bally is UPND president. Both operate on the same premise; “if you love me, keep my position untouched.” If you don’t, ask Kambwili; ask GBM; ask Sampa; ask Banda–the list is endless!

They also believe in self-serving or personal protecting democracy. Your vote only matters if you vote for me as party president. Dance “Bally will fix it,” you are in! Refuse to dance Bally, you are out! Dance dununa reverse, you are in; refuse to dance dununa, you are out! It is democracy the UPND and PF way.

The Kaunda or Museveni syndrome is at play here — we must respect the people’s choice as long as the Party Presidency is unchallenged.

Dress it the way you want, but the truth is, HH is UPND president umuyayaya, until he rules Zambia! If he doesn’t win, only the grave would bar him from being elected as the New Leader of UPND over and over again! And so is Lungu.

Since Party Constitutions are worth less than toilet papers, the only term limit respected is enshrined in the National Constitution.

During the Convention, people are not voting for the Party Presidency–this is already predetermined as was the case during the UNIP regime when Kaunda competed with a frog. On paper, Kaunda opened the presidency to anyone as long as nobody, but a frog contested against him. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe attempted to replace the frog; his end, historians know. The same thing would happen to those who want to take the UPND Presidency or PF Presidency from HH and Lungu respectively.

Democracy dies when we legitimize undemocratic tendencies in political parties. We need to confront the fact that Zambian political parties are personal ituntemba–the big man syndrome holds strong. Please come clean! Contest against frogs! Don’t insult our intelligence!

Government moves in to Control the Prices of Essential Commodities


The government has reaffirmed its commitment towards curbing further hiking of prices of goods and services in the country. Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma said the government is concerned with the sharp increase of prices for basic products in the country.

Mr Yaluma cited cement, sugar, wheat flour and cooking oil, as among the commodities whose prices have sharply increased. He pointed out that drastic measures have been put in place to mitigate the price hikes.

Mr Yaluma made the remarks in Lusaka yesterday during a press briefing. He underscored that the government is working with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to ascertain whether there is collusion and dominance among market players.

“We are concerned with the hiking of prices for basic commodities and our desire as the government is to have the manageable cost of living amongst the people. We are taking drastic measures to arrest the situation,” he said.

The Commence, Trade, and Industry Minister explained that the Bank of Zambia Act will be amended to halt the quoting of prices for goods and services in any foreign currencies.

He emphasized that government has among other things scrapped off the import duty of products to strike a balance in the market supply chain. Mr Yaluma was quick to mention that several factors have necessitated the increase in prices.

He cited the weakening of the local currency, the coronavirus pandemic and quoting of rental charges and key raw materials in the United States Dollars as among the instigating factors.

Minister of Commerce , Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma confers with Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Mr. Mushuma Mulenga and others staffed shortly after media briefing on the effects and efforts of the pricing of goods at his office yesterday, February 18, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of Commerce , Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma confers with Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Mr. Mushuma Mulenga and others staffed shortly after media briefing on the effects and efforts of the pricing of goods at his office yesterday, February 18, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

Minister of Health appeals for more support from UN agencies


Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has appealed for more support from the United Nations (UN) agencies to enable the health sector address challenges of maternal and child mortality in the country.

Dr. Chanda says Zambia loses as many as 15 women in maternal deaths every week hence the need to address this challenge.

He says neonatal mortality rates are high in Zambia and are contributing more than 40 percent to under five mortality rates in the country.

“It is therefore clear that additional investments are required to strengthen the provision of maternal, child, newborn, adolescent health and nutrition services in order to reduce morbidity and mortality,” he said.

Dr. Chanda was speaking yesterday when the UN family paid a virtual courtesy call on him at his office.

And Dr. Chanda has revealed that various UN agencies have been playing important roles in ensuring optimal health service delivery to the Zambian people.

The Minister of Health pointed out that the country has been benefiting from the technical, material and financial support being offered by the United Nations family.

He disclosed that the UN family supported the formulation of the Covid-19 preparedness and response plan, communication and community engagement, training of technical staff, strengthening surveillance in communities, procurement of personal protective equipment and strengthening infection prevention measures.

“The World Health Organisation has been working closely with the Ministry of Health in system strengthening and service delivery to the people of Zambia through the Ministry of Health,’’ he said.

He further stated that UNICEF has continued to support the health sector in strengthening various programmes such as immunization, maternal and neonatal health, child health, HIV and AIDS and community health while UNFPA has been supportive in reproductive health and family planning.

Meanwhile, UN family Zambia president and Residence Country Coordinator, Coumba Gadio pledged continued support to the Zambian government in the area of medical health sector plan.

Ms. Gadio said the UN family will continue to support public health responses to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic by decreasing mobility and mortality.

She said the UN family has been providing Covid-19 testing kits, oxygen syringes, training lab technicians and connecting power and water facilities at Levy Mwanawasa general hospital.

46 foreigners arrested for various immigration offences


The Department of Immigration has apprehended 46 foreign nationals for committing various immigration offences countrywide.

The suspects were apprehended between 12th and 17th February 2021. They include 15 Ethiopians, 10 Tanzanians, nine Zimbabweans, six Congolese, three Burundians, one American, one Malawian and one Mozambican.

In a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Department of Immigration Public Relations Officer, Namati Nshinka explained that officers in Luangwa also apprehended 33 male Ethiopian nationals for illegal entry.

Mr. Nshinka said the group of Ethiopians aged between 16 and 29 was nabbed on 16th February 2021, in Chitope village, 45 kilometres from Feira (Luangwa) boma.

He noted that the group was nabbed during an operation conducted by Immigration officers and officers from other security wings following a tip-off from alert members of the community.

He added that the Ethiopians failed to produce documentation legalizing their entry into Zambia and have since been transferred to Lusaka pending court appearance.

In another development, Mr. Nshinka disclosed that the Lusaka Regional Immigration Office has secured the conviction of two Congolese nationals, Banza Ngoie 53 and Fabrice Tshimba Doko 31, for being found in possession of a forged immigration stamp and aiding and abetting illegal immigrants respectively.

He stated that particulars of the offence are that Banza Ngoie, the now convict, on dates unknown but between 1st and 3rd February, 2021 in Lusaka, did forge an entry endorsement stamp for Nakonde border control which he endorsed in a Burundian passport number OP0221555 belonging to Niyounkuru Mediatrice without lawful authority.

In the case of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants in which male Fabrice Doko a Congolese national was jointly charged with female Regina Ndayashimiye 33, a Rwandese national, particulars are that the duo aided and abetted the stay of an illegal immigrant named Niyounkuru Mediatrice without lawful authority.

Mr. Nshinka added that particulars of the offence are that the duo on 1st February, 2021 did aid and abet the stay of an illegal immigrant by the name of Niyounkuru Mediatrice without lawful authority.

Both Banza Ngoie and Fabrice Doko appeared before the magistrate court in Lusaka on 16th February 2021.

Mr. Nshinka said Ngoie was sentenced to two years imprisonment with hard labour, without the option of a fine while Doko was sentenced to pay a fine of K15, 000 or in default nine months simple imprisonment, while Ndayashimiye denied the charge and her case will be subjected to trial.

In another court development, the Department of Immigration between 12th and 17th February, 2021, secured 35 convictions for various immigration offences with the convicts receiving sentences ranging from fines of K200 to K12, 000 or in default to serve 24 days to nine months simple imprisonment.

He explained that the convicts included 12 Congolese, nine Tanzanians, four Malawians, four Zimbabweans and two Burundians. Others were two Namibians, one Rwandese and one Senegalese.

He pointed out that during the same period, the department also removed 78 illegal immigrants from the country, including 18 Congolese, 15 Malawians, 11 Ethiopians, 11 Kenyans and 11 Zimbabweans. Others were five Tanzanians, four Burundians, one Chinese, one Egyptian and one Senegalese.

Mr. Nshinka has since encouraged members of the public with information of an individual, business, or employer who may be aiding and abetting illegal immigrants to contact the Department of Immigration

Police in Kafulafuta unearth mealie meal smuggling scam


Police in Kafulafuta in the Copperbelt province have unearthed a scam where smugglers are concealing bags of mealie meal in empty 90 kg cement sacks for easy smuggling into the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner, Elias Chushi has confirmed to ZANIS that one truck laden with cement was found with 50 bags of 90 kilogrammes each.

The 90 kg sacks were each containing five by 25 kg bags of mealie meal.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Chushi said three trucks were impounded this morning around 05:00 hours.

He said each truck was laden with cement but one truck also had concealed mealie meal destined for the DRC.

Mr. Chushi said after checking thoroughly, it was discovered that 285 by 25 kilogramme bags of mealie meal were concealed in 90 kg branded cement sacks.

He said upon being interrogated, the drivers revealed that the trucks were destined for the DRC.

He said the matter is pending investigations.

Mr. Chushi said police in Masaiti have since detained a woman, who is the owner of the mealie meal in question.

He said police in province are working round the clock to curb smuggling especially that this is the time when the scourge is rife.

The Copperbelt Police Commissioner has since commended his officers at the borders for being vigilant and ensuring that the mealie meal does not get out of the country illegally.

Mr. Chushi was accompanied to the scene by Ndola District Police Commanding Officer, Emmanuel Bwalya.