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Nkana Beat TAS Casablanca to Keep CAF Group Stage Hopes Alive


Nkana have thumped Moroccan side TAS de Casablanca 2-0 in the first leg tie of the CAF Confederation Cup pre-group stage played at home in Wusakile, Kitwe.

The win has brightened Nkana’s chances of advancing to the Confederation Cup group stage.

Forwards Fred Tshimenga and Obeddy Masumbuko scored a goal each on a rainy Sunday afternoon at the swampy Nkana Stadium.

Kalampa took a 1-0 lead into the half time break thanks to Tshimenga’s 17th minute strike.

Masumbuko wrapped up the scoring in 86th minute to stun the visitors.

The two teams will meet in the return match on 21 February in Casablanca with the overall winner qualifying to the lucrative group stage.

PF has shrunk Zambia’s GDP, and UPND and its leader HH is not an Option to Fix the Economy


By Sean Tembo

1. As Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP), we wish to remind the Zambian people that as they make their decision on who to vote for in the 12th August general elections, the ability of a given political party to properly manage the economy should be a major consideration. That is because sound management of the Zambian economy is what will create employment for the people, it is what will create business opportunities for the masses, it is what will convert Zambia’s potential into actual wealth so that citizens can lead decent lives.

2. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to remind the Zambian people that the failure of the ruling Patriotic Front political party is evident for all to see. Under the deficient leadership of the PF, the Zambian economy has shrunk from a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of about US$29 billion in 2011, to a GDP of approximately US$19 billion in 2020. The cost of living has skyrocketed with the price of most basic commodities such as cooking oil, electricity units, sugar, milk etcetera, being unaffordable to the majority of our citizens whose salaries have remained stagnant. Indeed, the only group of citizens who are thriving today are those who are closely affiliated to President Edgar Lungu as they are given inflated tenders by the President, as well as access to collect money from markets and bus stops, which ends up in their individual pockets instead of the bank accounts of city councils. Every genuine Zambian should have no doubt in their minds that the PF has failed this nation.

3. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we further wish to remind the Zambian people that if we seriously need to turn around the fortunes of this nation, then the main opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) and its leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema should not be an option. Just like the PF in 2011, the UPND today have no plan for this country. The proposals for turning around the Zambian economy that have so far been proffered by the UPND leader lack substance and are incapable of implementation. For example, his proposal to borrow about US$3 billion from the International Monitory Fund (IMF) and put this country on an IMF package, as his first order of business if elected President, will only further plunge this already heavily indebted country into further debt, as well as take away our sovereignty and place it in the hands of the IMF. The UPND’s proposal to subsidize the cost of production as a solution to the ever increasing prices, is untenable. Our treasury currently has no money to even meet our debt repayment obligations, witnessed by the recent defaults, so where would Mr Hichilema get the money to subsidize the cost of production in the entire economy? Besides, we tried subsidies in the KK era and they failed. They are simply not sustainable. Additionally, Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s questionable conduct when this nation gave him an opportunity to serve it during the privatization process means that he is unlikely to stop the current plunder of national resources, but would instead promote it, albeit to a new set of beneficiaries. Those who cannot be trusted in small things cannot be trusted in big things. Mr Hichilema failed to acquit himself properly as one of the Negotiating Chairmen of the privatization process and instead of putting the interests of the nation first, he put the interests of his pockets first. Therefore, it is unreasonable for any genuine Zambian to expect that the man who put the interests of his pockets above the interests of the nation when the nation called upon him to play the small role of Negotiating Chairman during the privatization process, will suddenly have a change of heart if elected President. There is no doubt in our minds that an HH presidency would be disastrous for this nation.

4. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we further wish to remind the Zambian people that the majority of the other so-called political leaders that have mushroomed in the past few months, leading a myriad of small parties, are former thieves in either the MMD administration or the PF administration. After they stole enough money to start their own political parties, they today want to portray themselves as saviors. We know that they are former thieves because their so-called businesses only thrive while they are serving in Government, and when they are no longer in Government their businesses crumble and they become overnight paupers. It is therefore fair to conclude that their businesses thrive on theft of public resources. The Zambian people must not allow themselves to be hoodwinked by these charlatans.

5. As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to take this opportunity to remind the Zambian people that we are the only political grouping that has consistently and continuously developed and presented alternative solutions to the management of the Zambian economy through our Alternative National Budgets for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 as well as an Alternative 7th National Development Plan in 2019 and more recently an Alternative Economic Recovery Plan last month. The Zambian people must be reminded that our model for Zambia’s economic management leverages on efficient utilization of our existing potential in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, mining etcetera, by putting Zambians in the forefront in the development of Zambia. The PeP model does not rely on borrowing money from the IMF or implementing unsustainable subsidies, but rather on the sealing of tax and non-tax revenue leakages so that all money that belongs to the State should end up in the national treasury and not in any individual’s pockets. If true development is what the Zambian people want, then the Patriots for Economic Progress and its leader Mr Sean Tembo should be their only option. Any procrastination will result in serious regret sooner rather than later. Vote wisely on 12th August.

All is set for UPND elective General Assembly


The United Party for National Development (UPND) says all preparations for holding a successful elective General Assembly today are in place.

Making the announcement at the party secretariat in Lusaka this morning, Elections Chairman, Garry Nkombo said all was set for the landmark General Assembly.

And Nkombo says the party has put enough security measures in place for the smooth holding of the Assembly.

“We are set for our General Conference tomorrow. All lists of the electoral college are in the provincial centres and all ten commissioners and conveners are already in the ten provinces. 209 candidates have so far successfully filed in their nominations. However, 9 have withdrawn from the race citing personal reasons,” said Garry Nkombo.

He also commended the Ministry of Health for allowing the UPND to hold the Conference in the wake of the new strain of the novel coronavirus.

“I wish to commend the Ministry of Health for being forthright and allowing us to proceed with the General Assembly despite the ravages of the new strain of the novel coronavirus. As you may be aware, the MOH restricts gathering to 50 people but being a constitutional requirement, they allowed us to proceed,” he said.

The elections chairman also announced that 2, 915 delegates will take part in the voting tomorrow and that everyone was expected to be seated at exactly 08:00hrs.

“2, 915 will take part in the approval of the amendments of the UPND Constitution and the voting for a new National Management Committee (NMC) team that will take us to the general elections,” said Nkombo.

Mr. Nkombo also disclosed that the Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo has assured him that there would be no interference from State Police during the period of the conference.

Zambia to record bumper harvest – ZNFU


Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) has said the country is expected to have a bumper harvest because it has recorded one of the best seasons of crop production this year.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, ZNFU Public Relations Manager Kakoma Kaleyi said crop production is expected to exceed previous records of the past four years.

Mr Kalayi noted that the country has experienced a good harvest this year and this is because the government and farmers worked together to ensure minimal damage was caused.

He said Southern province and some parts of Western and Central province which have not been productive the past four years are expected to have a good harvest this year.

Mr. Kaleyi said most of the farmers in Central and Eastern province had to replant their crops owing to the flash floods which were caused by the heavy rains this year.

“When crop maturity is expected at a certain stage and then flash floods are experienced it becomes devastating to farmers because both the crops and nutrients have been washed away,” he said.

He added that Muchinga and Northern Province experienced fall armyworms, but the government had taken action and distributed pesticides.

Mr. Kaleyi said farmers were aware and ready after listening to the early warning messages that were sent to areas that were expected to have poor or heavy rainfall.

“The effects of the fall army worms were not very bad because the farmers were proactive and when the government was coming in they complimented each other,” he said.

Eastern Permanent Secretary impressed with provincial broadcast studio


Eastern Province Permanent Secretary (PS) Veronica Mwiche is impressed with the state of art provincial studios whose construction is nearing completion with only minor works remaining.

The Permanent Secretary who inspected the US$3.667 million project in Chipata said the people of Eastern Province are eager to see the studio completed and commissioned soon.

Ms Mwiche observed the studio is a strategic infrastructure that will give the country a competitive position in the development of the media industry in locally and at southern regional level.

“I am delighted to have inspected this massive and impressive infrastructure being put up by government in our province. This is one of the indicators in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) towards enhanced service delivery to our people,” Ms Mwiche said.

She noted that other than the new broadcast studio contributing to the dissemination of quality news and information it will also provide a platform for enhancement of art and cultural products in the province.

“This modern studio will have equipment that matches its status and this will contribute to production of desired content that will in turn enable the province and country compete on the international level in the production of film for instance,” the PS said.

The Eastern Province Permanent is optimistic that the studio that will house both radio and television broadcast facilities will be a source of employment for many people, including local residents.

She said it was for this that the minor works and installation of equipment must quickly be done in order to commission the facility.

“As we work in one government approach, we appeal that the final touches on this piece of infrastructure is done so that it is commissioned at the earliest possible convenience so that it does not fall to ruin due to lack of activity around here,” she added.

Meanwhile, local artists have commended government for implementing the project in the province.

Mr Martin Dube, a Chipata based artist, said currently the province does not have sophisticated equipment to facilitate the recording of quality music.

He said he is happy that the broadcasting studios will offer him and other artists a versatile space to have their musical works produced.

“I am happy with this development, and I am sure my fellow artists feel the same way. We cannot wait to have this facility open for use, it is definitely going to improve a lot of things in the arts and film industry”, he said.

The Reduction in the number of Positivity in Covid-19 Tests cases gives hope-Health Minister


Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded 773 new cases of Covid-19 out of 5,817 tests conducted in ten districts. The daily positivity rate has reduced from seventeen percent (17%) at the beginning of the week, to thirteen percent (13%).

In a statement issued to the media, Minister of Health Jonas Chanda said the accumulative number of confirmed cases recorded to date now stands at 68,454.

“Over the past few days, we have seen a reduction in the number of active cases. Additionally, there has been a reduction in the number of admissions from close to 500 to now having admissions in the 300s,” he said.

Dr Chanda stated that 1273 recovered patients have since been discharged from both home management and COVID-19 isolation facilities bringing the accumulative number of recoveries to 62,575.

The Minister said the country has on the sad note recorded nine COVID-19 deaths in the last 24 hours making the accumulative number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded to date 940.

“We have 4,939 active cases. The number of active cases has been reducing consistently for the past nine days and it is our hope that this will continue,” he said.

The Minister indicated that out of the active cases, 369 are admitted to COVID-19 isolation facilities, with 256 on oxygen therapy and 45 in critical condition.

He added that the remaining 4, 570 cases are under community management.

Dr Chanda highlighted that the reduction in the number of positivity cases gives hope that the curve can be flattened if everyone worked together in fighting the pandemic.

He urged people not to relax in the fight against COVID-19 but instead sustain the collective efforts and ensure that COVID-19 is put to an end.

He assured the general public and the frontline staff that the Ministry remains committed to ensure that essential supplies which includes personal protective equipment, reagents and oxygen are stocked.

The Minister stressed that contact tracing remains key in the effort to stop community transmission.

He explained that the ministry is exploring the use of contact tracing apps to efficiently trace all those who have been in contact with a confirmed case.

Dr Chanda encouraged everyone that tests positive to inform their close contacts so that they too may be tested and given the necessary guidance.

He said it is encouraging to see that people who were previously still in denial about the virus have now joined the fight against COVID-19.

“Our Mask Up Campaign has seen many of our community heroes and celebrities alike come out on different social media platforms to support the movement,” explained the Minister.

The Minister thanked everyone helping in the fight against the pandemic and urged them not to relent in their efforts.

He urged everyone to stay safe by adhering to the five golden rules of masking, hand washing, sanitizing, avoiding crowded places and seeking medical attention early.

Dr Chanda advised everyone to continue with the use of proven home remedies like steaming and practicing health habits.

Zambia yesterday the 12th of February recorded 1,083 new COVID-19 case, 1,313 recoveries and 14 deaths.

Honeybee pharmaceutical License revoked


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) has with immediate effect revoked Honeybee Pharmaceutical License.

In a statement issued yesterday to the media by Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu, the license has been revoked because Honeybee contravened with the terms and conditions of the pharmaceutical license.

Mrs Iliamupu stated that Honeybee Pharmacy failed to carry out remedial measures as outlined in the notice of intent to revoke the pharmaceutical license.

She indicated that the pharmacy in question also ceased to carry on business as Honeybee Pharmacy without giving notice to the ZAMRA.

“To this effect, the Authority has since directed Honeybee Pharmacy to surrender the aforementioned license to the Authority and further ordered that medical products on their premises be quarantined until further guidance from the Authority,” she said.

Mrs Iliamupu further added that ZAMRA wishes to dispel assertions in some sections of the media purporting that the Authority has entered into an (EX-CURIA) out of court settlement with Honeybee Pharmacy.

Global decline of condom use worrying – AHF


The Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Zambia says there is need to scale up Advocacy for condom use this year following a global decline in the use of condoms.

AHF Zambia acting Country Programme Manger Eric Mpoyi said UNAIDS had noted a decline in the use of condoms which is a cardinal strategy in combating the spread of HIV.

Dr Mpoyi said his organisation believes that there is need to strengthen the promotion of condom use as a way to prevent new HIV infections and curb unwanted spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

He said there’s consensus among health, HIV/AIDS experts and government officials to make condom advocacy a top priority in 2021.

Speaking during the commemoration of International Condom Day (ICD) which falls on February 13, Dr Mpoyi said condoms remain one of the main strategies for combating the spread of HIV.

Dr Mpoyi said the 2021 ICD theme of “Safer is fun” relays the importance of condoms offering the best form of protection from sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.

He said this is in line with National Comprehensive Condom Programming Strategy and Operational Plan for 2020 – 2025 launched by the National AIDS/HIV/ STI/TB Council to promote condom use.

“The commemoration strives to promote condom use as a way to prevent new infections and help partners protect themselves and their loved ones from sexually transmitted diseases,” said Dr Mpoyi

Dr Mpoyi said his organisation remains committed to promoting safer sex practices in a fun and creative way.

As part of the commemoration, the AHF Zambia organized a debate between Students from Evelyn Hone College and the University of Zambia to explore factors access to condoms and there correct and consistent use.

AHF has been operating in Zambia for 13 years providing HIV prevention treatment, clinical care and advocacy and supports 2 health facilities with over 80, 000 patients accessing its healthcare services.

Aviation Expert schools Government Over National Airline Relaunch


An aviation expert, Captain Charles Musenge has advised governnment that now is not the time to relaunch the national airline owing to the coronavirus pandemic negative Impact on the aviation industry among other factors.

Captain Musenge said as a result of the pandemic, many airlines such as South African Airways and Namibian Airline are being placed under liquidation while European and American airlines have faced similar closures or their governments having to bail them out using billion of dollars to remain in the sky.

Among others, the Air Namibia management announced this week that the airline will cease operations, leaving over 600 employees without jobs following a cabinet decision to file for voluntary liquidation.

During a Hot FM radio program on Thursday, Transport and Communication Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya condemned former Minister of Finance and now Movement for Democratic Change President Felix Mutati’s criticism of the yet to be launched airline which he described as a flamboyant project.

Mr Kafwaya also justified that the national airline to be relaunched will not be run by governnment but individual companies in Ethiopian Airline and the Industrial Development Cooperation IDC.

But Captain Musenge who is also MDC Matero Constituency aspiring Member of Parliament with 30 years experience in aviation said this is not the time for Zambia with it’s struggling economy to launch the national airline with or without Ethiopian Airline.

Captain Musenge said the alliance between the governnment and Ethiopian Airline will not serve Zambia well as the country is heavily indebted.

He also said governnment has no capital for such a venture as running a national airline at the moment and as such, full consideration of the airline will only be made when the right time is in place along with the right leadership that will utilize existing aviation expertise.

“This is not the time for Zambia to launch the national airline with or without Ethiopian Airline. The Zambia – Ethiopian Airline alliance will not serve Zambia well. Zambia is heavily in debt and has no capital for such a venture” Captain Musenge said.

An aviation expert, Captain Charles Musenge
An aviation expert, Captain Charles Musenge

Nkana and Napsa Begin Quest For CAF Confed Cup Group Stage Qualification


Nkana and Napsa Stars hope to make significant headway this Sunday in their quest to qualify to the 2020/2021 CAF Confederation Cup group stage.

Nkana and Napsa are Zambia’s last men standing in the race for continental group stage action this season after Forest Rangers and Green Eagles tumbled in December and January respectively.
At Nkana Stadium in Kitwe, Nkana hosts Moroccan second division side Tihad Casablanca in their first leg fixture.

Nkana will strangely  be seeking their first home win in continental competition this season and trace  their only victory to November 29 in Lesotho when they beat Bantu FC 1-0 away in Maseru in a CAF  Champions League  first round, first leg match.

Nkana were relegated to the CAF Confederation Cup in January when Petro Athletico of Angola eliminated them from the CAF Champions League pre-group stage.

A modest looking Nkana will also return to continental action for the first time since key striker Idris Mbombo left to join Egypt club El Gouna after January 6 when they lost 1-0 away to Petro in Luanda.

Mbombo’s departure was probably the final nail in the wake of Nkana’s pre-season player brain-drain after Mopani Copper Mines reduced its lavish sponsorship package on the until then big-spending defending league champions.

Little known Striker Simon Mulenga is now the man who has stepped into those big shoes after scoring four goals in Nkana’s last three league games.

Mulenga is set for probably the biggest game of his career on his continental debut before he has even tasted the Kitwe derby.

But Nkana coach Kelvin Kaindu has also warned his players not to underrate Tihad become of their lower league status.

Tihad qualified to the CAF Confederation Cup after lifting last season’s Morocco Throne Cup and are so far unbeaten at home and away in their debut continental campaign with a win and draw on the road.

“This is just not an ordinary team, this is a North African team, and we know what North African teams can do when they come to play against us from the southern region,” Kaindu said.

Meanwhile in Nairobi, Napsa Stars face Kenyan giants Gor Mahia who like Nkana were demoted from the CAF Champions League and drawn in the CAF Confederation Cup against the Lusaka club.

This is Napsa  debut  CAF  Confederation Cup  campaign  and are eyeing history  to become  the first Zambian  club to  qualify to the group stage on the first attempt.

The final legs are set for February 21 and the group stage draws tentatively set for February 22 for the March 10 league phase kickoff.

Zanaco Kept Razor Lead, Zesco Move One Point Behind Them


Zanaco stayed marginally ahead of the pack on Saturday following a 1-1 Lusaka derby away draw against Red Arrows.

Arrows and Zanaco went into the break scoreless but it took the last eighteen minutes of the game for the goals to come.

This season’s FAZ Super Division top scorer Moses Phiri put Zanaco ahead in the 72nd minute to net his ninth goal of the season after seventeen games played.

But the lead was short-lived when Joseph Phiri leveled three minutes later to see the two sides share the spoils.

Zanaco crawled to 29 points, one more than second placed Forest Rangers who stayed put at 28 points following a 1-0 away loss at tricky Nkwazi in Lusaka.
Pride Mwansa, there, scored the game’s lone goal for Nkwazi in the 10th minute.

Meanwhile, Zesco United roared from one-down in their Ndola derby against Buildcon at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium to record a dramatic 3-1home win.

Buildcon took the lead in the 7th minute when Najeeb Abbas tapped in from close-range a poor clearance that ping-ponged off Zesco striker Jesse Were and his Kenyan compatriot and goalkeeper Ian Otieno.

But the lead lasted just twenty minutes when an unmarked Thabani Kamusoko who was lurking on the far post equalized when he turned in Kelvin Mubanga’s corner as the game raced into the break at 1-1.

Zesco then took the lead in the 50th minute through a very unlikely source when Brian Mwila striker attributes overwhelmed him from a defensive position after he headed the ball into his own net while attempting to clear a Mubanga free -kick.

The eight-time champions cemented the 3 points in the 90th minute when 87th minute substitute Enock Sakala, who had replaced Jesse Were, fired in a fine shot to send Zesco from sixth to third spot to sneak within a point of Zanaco.


Prison Leopards 2-Green Buffaloes 2
Red Arrows 1-Zanaco 1
Zesco United 3-Buildcon 1
Green Eagles 2-Lumwana Radiants 1
Nkwazi 1-Forest Rangers 0
Indeni 0-Kabwe Warriors 0
Lusaka Dynamos-Young Green Eagles
Power Dynamos-Kitwe United

Take GBV information to rural areas- Judith Mwila


National Values and Principles Ambassador Judith Mwila has said the organization is working hard to ensure that information is reached in typical rural areas in the sensitization of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child early marriages.

Ms. Mwila noted that GBV related information is hard to be taken to rural areas because people can hardly acquire basic Media platforms such Television and a Radio set in these areas.

“Sensitization has been going on and we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure information is going into the very typical areas in collaboration with other partners who will give information to the rural areas so that people can understand the issues relating to GBV and Child marriages,” Ms. Mwila said.

She said the Organisation is also working closely with the Traditional leaders in the rural areas in sensitizing and educating the subjects on GBV and child marriages of various chiefdoms.

Ms. Mwila also noted that the increase in divorce cases can be attributed to couples not undergoing Marital Counselling.

She however encouraged couples who are going through marital problems to undergo counseling before dissolving their marriages.

She was reacting to the State of the Nation Address by President Edgar Lungu today on morality and ethics.

Yesterday, President Edgar Lungu expressed concern with the declining morals and ethics in the country, citing Gender Based Violence (GBV) as one of the vices affecting the success of applying national values and principles.

Presidents Lungu explained that GBV, rape and defilement are among the vices that undermine the health, dignity and self-esteem of victims, thus should not be allowed to continue.

The Head of State disclosed that according to the United Nations Development Programme Human Development report 2020, on Zambia, the percentage of violence against women ever experienced from an intimate partner among the female population aged between 15 and older stands at 45.9 percent..

President Lungu indicated that the statistics are too high which can have a negative impact on national development, thereby stressing the need to address the issue.

“Acts of violence suffered by some of our people, especially, women and children these days are appalling. In some cases these criminal acts have, unfortunately, resulted in deaths,” President Lungu stated.

Speaking when he addressed the nation on the progress made in the application of national values and principles, President Lungu revealed that government and other stakeholders have continued to conduct countrywide public awareness and sensitisation campaigns.

The President stated that through these campaigns, more people have been made aware that such acts are inhuman and punishable by law, which has encouraged people to report GBV cases and child defilement to relevant authorities.

He added that the establishment of gender-based violence fast-track courts in Lusaka, central, Eastern, Copperbelt, Southern and Western Provinces has contributed to the speedy disposal of cases.

The Head of State urged the victims as well as the public not to shy away from reporting GBV cases, as doing so will not help the victims get justice.

President Lungu stated that the more people come out and report the vice, the more the perpetrators will be exposed and punished, hence will act as a deterrent to would-be perpetrators.

He further stressed the need for every citizen to participate in rendering assistance to victims of GBV as well as child defilement, saying that the victims need help.

“They deserve our help. We all have a moral duty to support and heal victims of gender-based violence and defilement. We must end gender-based violence and defilement,” President Lungu indicated.

He commended the traditional leaders, the church, civil society, and the media for being instrumental in encouraging people to report cases of GBV and other vices which is helping abandon the culture of silence.

President Lungu stressed the need to reaffirm the commitment and continue with the good work towards ending GBV and child defilement in society.

In the last four years, over 85,000 cases of gender- based violence were reported across the country. In 2017, a total number of 21,504 cases were reported, while cases reported in 2018 were 22,073, and 25,504 cases in 2019. And by the third quarter of 2020, 17,089 cases had been reported.

Purchasing of local products commended


Buy Zed (BZ) has commended the government on its pronouncement of purchasing local products following yesterday’s national state address.

BZ Founder Evans Ngoma says the organization appreciates the move to encourage people in preferring local produce as it is a milestone, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic.

In an interview with ZANIS, Mr Ngoma explained that if production in the country is increased this will lead to an economic boom for many players as it will create jobs and contribute to poverty alleviation.

“Let’s not compromise on the quality produced to ensure that we satisfy our consumers so that they should not look to imported products that are produced in the country so as to alleviate poverty in the country,” he said.

Mr Ngoma has advised citizens that prefer imported goods from locals that they must think twice and be able to support local businesses so as to improve the wellbeing of Zambians.

He adds that it is important to look for solutions that will scale up production as well as satisfy local consumers.

During President Edgar Lungu’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) he said it is encouraging to see that more local products are being sold in shops and more are being consumed which is a sign of patriotism.

He has urged all citizens to think local first when buying goods and services, adding that it should be a matter of pride to consume what is produced.

Chief Chinkata has a constitutional right to choose his preferred Presidential candidate-Chief Mukuni


Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni has said that Chief Chinkata has a constitutional right to choose his preferred Presidential candidate following reports that Chief Chinkata of Dundumwezi Constituency, Southern Province has openly endorsed President Lungu for the August 12 elections

In a statement released to the media, Chie Mukuni said that as a Zambian who respects the sanctity of civil liberties and other freedoms that include the right of choice, he will support any Zambian who expresses his desire to support a particular candidate whether from the ruling party or opposition and asked those that may object at the decision of His Royal Highness Chief Chinkata of Dundumwezi Constituency to endorse President Lungu.

“It is in view of the foregoing that I ask those that may object at the alleged decision of His Royal Highness Chief Chinkata of Dundumwezi Constituency, Southern Province in his asserted open declaration, to presumably endorse the candidature of President Edgar Lungu’s 3rd term bid, to please respect the tenets of democracy that allows freedom of choice among many other freedoms, ” he said

“I am aware of traditional leaders from other parts of the country who have also endorsed leaders from the opposition as their preferred candidates, they too must be allowed to exercise their constitutional right as individual Zambians. This is as it should be in a democracy, ” he added.

Chief Mukuni further said that tt would however be understandable if concerns were raised because Traditional leaders were advocating for their subjects to support a particular candidate over the other.

“This is not in our terms of reference, because as Traditional leaders our Chiefdoms comprise of people from different interest groups such as various political parties. Encouraging them to support candidates of our own personal choice would be encouraging them to fight one another and hence bring conflict in the country. ” he said.

“Chiefs like any Zambian are given only one ballot paper to choose from among many contending Presidential candidates, instead of many ballot papers that equate the numerous competitors. This is because they have a right of choice of one candidate like any other citizen. ” he concluded.

In Search of Truth and National Unity: Response To Obvious Mwaliteta’s Impulsive Outburst Against Sebastian Kopulande


By: Hon. Sebastian C. Kopulande, MP

1. Introduction

I have read the Press Statement of one Obvious Summerton Mwaliteta, Lusaka Province Chairman for UPND, published on the Zambia Eagle page, an online publication of Tuesday 9th February 2021. The statement is entitled “Kopulande must concentrate on his failed adoption process in Chembe.” Obviously, I assume that because the Statement is written and signed off under Mr. Mwaliteta’s official party position and title, what is expressed therein is the official position of the UPND, or was he just being overzealous as usual, the character that has gotten him in conflict with the law in the past?

2. Cyberbullying

Obviously, Mr.Mwaliteta picked on me for the target of his venomous attacks and unsubstantiated allegations based on some audio that has been circulating on social media, ostensibly produced and issued by me when in fact NOT. I have received all manner of invectives on several social media platforms as a result of the same audio where some other person’s voice has been mistaken for my voice. I have suffered extreme cyberbullying in the last few days, including the one by Mr. Mwaliteta, an experience like no other in my many years of service to the people of Zambia. The truth, to put it in plain and simple language for him and those of his like who are just too lazy to do their homework before they open their mouths, that audio was NOT produced by me, period.

3. Need for Truth

If indeed Mr. Mwaliteta was interested in establishing the truth before acting impulsively in the manner he did, he should have played that audio to his UPND Members of Parliament who, for the last four-and-half years, have heard me debate serious national issues on the floor of Parliament, with passion and love for my country, every corner of it and every citizen in it, always seeking the best for our people across the entire country. The Honourable UPND MPs could have told Mr. Mwaliteta straight to his face that the voice in the audio was very far from being mine! They would have told him that I never go “always yapping without substance”. At every point, I speak with facts and passion as I represent the people of Chembe in fulfillment of the mandate and honour they gave me in 2016 to represent them in Parliament and to be their advocate for their development needs as I seek answers to the challenges that face them on a daily basis.

4. Development Chembe since 2016

Today, since independence 56 years ago, the people of Chembe have witnessed unprecedented development delivered by the Patriotic Front Government. They have had schools built and extended; they have a Mini Hospital and other health facilities built, extended or rehabilitated; they have seen communication towers go up getting the entire Constituency connected; they have new markets built in all the Wards giving our mothers decent places to trade from; Chembe has street lights; there is piped running water in addition to numerous boreholes that have been sank in all the Wards to provide safe drinking water and for other household needs.

Cooperatives have been created to accelerate economic empowerment and some of these have received livestock such as chickens and goats; school going girls do not miss class anymore because they receive free sanitary pads from their Member of Parliament.
The two major roads in the Constituency have been funded by the listening and responsive PF Government. Contractors have moved on site awaiting end of rains to commence major earthworks but minor works and others such as installation of culverts are in progress in readiness for the major earthworks; a new town is under construction with various infrastructure projects at an advanced stage; township roads have been done and continue to be done; electricity has been extended to previously unserved areas off the main road; the people enjoy exciting football tournaments sponsored by their Member of Parliament twice a year for their entertainment, hand washing facilities in schools and markets have been provided by the MP to avert the spread of Covid-19 etc, etc. And all these and others too numerous to mention, in only four-and-half years since I became the first Member of Parliament, the Pathfinder for Chembe. I am proud of my record and need not have Mr. Mwalitea’s approval or endorsement.

5. The Rush for Chembe

So, my dear Mr. Mwaliteta, what are you talking about when you have never even stepped a foot in Chembe? Yes, there are many so-called aspiring candidates wanting to take the mantle from me; it is called democracy and that is the name of the game! However, take time and ask some of these candidates which Primary School in Chembe they went to, who their classmates were, who their parents are and where exactly they lived, who their blood relatives in Chembe are so they can be properly identified! You see, there are those little black-and-white birds we call “tu katyetye mwenda mwalimwa”; those opportunists who only go to fields after the same have been cultivated by someone else. What have these people done for Chembe before this season? Do they know when and how Chembe became a District and later a Constituency and who was behind that? Do they know when and how Chembe Primary School grew to become Chembe Secondary School and who was behind that? Do they know how electricity got to Chembe and who was behind that? Do they know when and how the bridge on the Luapula River on the border with DRC was built and who was behind that? What exactly do they know about Chembe?

6 Prospects for my re-election in Chembe

Adoption is the preserve of the Party I belong to, the Patriotic Front under the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The leadership know what I have done in Chembe as well as my performance in the House and outside at times when my contribution was needed. I am therefore, not working to get adopted, I am working to deliver on my mandate and leave other issues to those responsible for them to make the necessary decisions when the time comes for them to do so. That is my attitude towards these things and I do not understand why the interest in my adoption from a person who is not even a member of my Party!

As regards my prospects for re-election in Chembe if I am adopted, which I am confident will be the case, that is obviously the prerogative of the people of Chembe; they are the arbiters and will chose amongst all the contending parties. I have served them to the best of my ability, against all odds. I may not have done everything the people wanted but development is a process and not an event. Rome was not built in a day and neither can I meet all the people’s needs in one term of service.

Nevertheless, I am proud of my record which the people of Chembe can all see with their own eyes. They know what was there before and they can see what is there now and I will tell them what will follow soon according to our vision as a Party and Government; it is for them to choose between reality and fake promises devoid of any evidence.
In his usual verbal escapade, driven by his violent disposition for which he is notorious, Mr. Mwaliteta goes on to make wild claims about my attempts to get attention and sympathy from President Lungu and getting none, my hope for a Cabinet position after Bill 10 but not getting one, my engaging in tribal hate speech and anger against Hakainde Hichilema and the Tonga people, my having been rejected by the Chief, blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum.

7. My support for Bill 10

As regards Bill 10 which I indeed fully supported and still do with no regret at all, I will not attempt to justify my position here as I can write an entire book on the subject elucidating the progressive provisions and benefits to Zambia in the content of the Bill. Needless to say, Mr. Mwaliteta could have obviously been a beneficiary if he had lobbied his Members of Parliament as regards the Grade 12 qualification for Parliament which was in the Bill.

8. Check your facts

If Mr. Mwaliteta had bothered to check his facts he would have at least found out;

i. How long I have known President Lungu and my relationship with him and that I could not have been a Member of Parliament on the PF ticket without his blessing;
ii. My position on tribalism and tribal hate speech which is on record at Parliament through my debates on the subject;
iii. How many Tonga people are part of my immediate family within my household;
iv. My relationship with the Chiefs in Chembe, etc, etc.

I have decided not to do a favour to Mr. Mwaliteta by giving him answers to these questions but to give him some homework so he can bring his essay with answers within 7 days for marking.

9. Conclusion

Lastly, here is my humble advice to all political actors in Zambia. This is our country; therefore, the development question faces us all in equal measure, opposition and ruling Party alike. I believe that political involvement is a noble calling, a vocation to work for our people so as to improve their welfare and living standards. This is the noble duty and responsibility of every citizen.

Let us, therefore, build a better Zambia together in unity, based on our cultural and moral values of mutual respect and peaceful co-existence. This is what has made us the envy, not only of Africa but the whole world. We cannot do that by insults and an insatiable appetite to get power at all costs to the detriment of our country. We can not turn at each other as though we are enemies when in fact not when we should be holding each other’s hands to address the challenges that face our country and our people. Let political leaders in our country desist the temptation to prey on the artificial differences amongst our people, such as tribe, to advance their narrow political agendas to get power for their self-aggrandizement to massage their overblown egos. Leaders must unequivocally condemn violence and cyberbullying which are showing their ugly faces in our politics.

The day the spirit of Ubuntu permeates our body politic and drive the manner in which we conduct our political engagement, will be the day when we shall see real development come to Zambia in a peaceful atmosphere where we are all equal stakeholders and participants in the noble duty of nation-building and national development.
It will not do to cannibalize our country into little tribal enclaves; we are and must remain;

May the Almighty God bless our country and all the peoples that live in it.

Sebastian C. Kopulande, MP