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Government increases both Maternity and Paternity Leave for Civil Servants


Biomedical Union of Zambia general secretary, Sitwala Inambao has said that said government under the new collective agreement has increased the maternity leave period from 3 months to 14 weeks and an extra two weeks for those that have twins.

Speaking during a sensitization meeting on the recently improved civil servants’ conditions of service organised by Public Service Management Division (PSMD) and union representatives attended by the team of heads of the government departments, Mr. Inambao added that paternity leave has also been increased from 5 days to 10 days inclusive of weekends which was only entitled to a civil servant every two years.

Mr. Inambao further said the government has also allocated two percent from the eight percent basic salary increment to health workers as an infectious health care allowance for this year’s collective agreement as they are seen to be directly involved in the positive cases and eight percent across the board for other civil servants.

“The agreement also includes two percent that was added to health care workers as a risk allowance due to Covid 19 situation,” Mr. Inambao said.

He encouraged all the heads of government departments to ensure they are abreast with the available existing law documents and help sensitise juniors.

Meanwhile, Kabompo District Commissioner, Patrick Kasoka has expressed displeasure at the increased level of indiscipline being exhibited in the Ministry of Education in the district.

Speaking at the same event, Mr. Kasoka said that he is not happy with the continued conduct of some teachers and head teachers in relation to government service delivery in the education sector.

“As ministry of education in Kabompo, I am not happy with the level of indiscipline being exhibited by some teachers and head teachers in our schools.

“Let us learn and ensure that we follow laid down grievance procedures even as we operate as government agencies”, Mr Kasoka said.

He said government is always concerned about the welfare of civil servants and that the eight percent salary increment was what the current resource envelope could allow.

“Government is so concerned with the civil servants that is why it always ensures to engage your union representative in trying to improve the conditions of service and that the recent eight percent was what the government resource envelope could allow”, Mr. Kasoka said.

And PMSD senior human resources management officer, industrial relations, Pamela Chalawila said government will ensure that all debt owed to the public service workers in form of allowances and others will be cleared as funds have already been allocated amounting to K500 million.

Ms. Chalawila said that all anomalies currently being experienced from Payroll Management and Establishment Control (PMEC) will also be sorted out as a group of officers is in the province to correct the situation.

“Government has already allocated about 500 million to pay off debt it owes public service workers before end of 2021.

“Also all those in salary scales which had not had their eight percent increment effected such as J ,will be corrected as a team of officers from PMEC are currently going round the province to help correct the situation,” Ms. Chalawila said.

Seven pupils test positive for Covid – 19


Seven pupils have tested positive for Covid – 19 at two secondary schools in Lusangazi District in the Eastern Province.

Lusangazi District Health Director Allan Kachuka confirmed the positive cases among pupils at Sonja Girls Secondary and Edgar Lungu Technical schools.

Dr Kachuka explained that the two cases at the girl’s school were recorded from grade 11 pupils who had travelled from Petauke to Lusangazi when they opened for the first term on February 1.

The District Director of Health said that the other five COVID 19 cases were recorded from pupils at Edgar Lungu Technical School.

“Yes, we have recorded two COVID 19 positive cases from pupils at Sonja Girls Secondary school and five other cases from Edgar Lungu Technical School, which is in Petauke but its catchment area falls under our department in Lusangazi,” he said.

Dr Kachuka has said all the seven positive pupils are in a stable condition and have been isolated within the school premises while the schools have been fumigated for safety of other pupils, teachers and the community members at large.

He disclosed that the health department is tracing and carrying out COVID tests on all contacts around the schools to curtail the spread of the pandemic.

“Tests for the other contacts is underway while the schools have been fumigated to ensure safety of the pupils, teachers and the community at large,” he said.

In the meantime Dr Kachuka has observed that the challenge health authorities have been facing is that the people in Lusangazi were not strictly adhering to COVID 19 regulations despite being sensitised about the disease.

“The only challenge we have is that people in the communities are not wearing the face masks and not exercising social distance despite all the sensitisation we have continued conducting,” he said.

Dr Kachuka has since appealed to members of the community to take the COVID 19 regulations seriously and continue wearing masks, exercising social distance, sanitising and frequent hand washing.

And Lusangazi District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Wiseman Phiri has visited the pupils who have COVID 19 at Sonja Girls Secondary School to check on their condition.

In a short statement, he said the pupils are doing well and has assured that all schools in the Lusangazi have heightened adherence to the COVID19 regulations.

“Our pupils who tested positive to the Coronavirus disease look stable and are Isolated while the school was fumigated and both teachers and pupils are adhering to the health regulations not just at Sonja but in all our schools within Lusangazi,” he said.

Must the UPND win more by-Elections than the PF in order to win Zambia’s presidency?


By Venus N Msyani, Concerned citizen

Between the last general election to date, several parliamentary and council by-elections have been held in Zambia. The PF has won almost all and as a result some people, specifically PF supporters have started celebrating.

Based on the by-elections victory, PF supporters seem to have concluded that the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) can’t win the upcoming August 2021 general election.

Thinking deep, it is not the right conclusion and if not well explained, these are the people who would grow tooth and nail to protest the outcome of the election if it went in the opposite direction.

And the absurd part of it is that the very PF had not won more by-elections in order to grab the presidency from the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD). Instead of being the last ones to try to use by-elections as a litmus test for general elections in Zambia, they are at the forefront.

By-elections cannot be used to predict the winner of the upcoming general election because no government in Zambia has ascended into power because it had won more by-elections than the previous one.

PF grabbed power from MMD because of a better campaign strategy. It was the same with the MMD. They grabbed power from UNIP because they had a better campaign strategy.

One can clearly see that in the history of general elections in Zambia, campaign strategy is the only proven way of determining who wins the presidency in the country. Not by-election victories.

Reacting to the PF win in Vubwi Council Chairperson by-election in Eastern Province and Miputu Ward Councilor in Masaiti District in Copperbelt province, a stout-hearted PF cadr asked me, “If they keep losing by-elections, how are they going to win the general elections?”

The United Party for National Development (UPND) or any other contesting party can win the upcoming August 2021 general election. What is needed is to come up with a better campaign strategy and to make sure that the PF stop playing dirty politics.

It is a mistake to forget that losing an election provokes hard work and so is to believe that losing by-elections has left the opposition UPND weaker than before.

Meanwhile, there has been continued speculation that the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) is buying members of the opposition. Former UPND vice president Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba’s resignation was greeted by the same speculation.

The speculation attracts attention because the majority of the by-elections, mostly at the council level, have been as a result of the opposition UPND councilors resigning to join the Patriotic Front party (PF).

Whether true or not, the conclusion is that the opposition doesn’t need to win more by-Elections than the PF in order to win Zambia’s presidency but clean politics.

No NRC’S were issued to non-eligible persons and foreigners during the just ended exercise


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo has clarified that no national registration cards NRC’S were issued to non-eligible persons and foreigners during the just ended mobile issuance of NRC’S.

Delivering a ministerial statement in parliament today, on the ‘ purported issuance of NRC’S to non-eligible persons’, Hon. Kampyongo said it is disheartening to note that there are some individuals who were claiming that Government was issuing NRC’S to underage children and foreigners.

He said such misinformation and propaganda was orchestrated to discredit the Government.

“Sir, between 1st August and 4th November 2020 outreach activities were conducted. These were in form of the mobile issuance of NRC’S which were conducted in two phases, with each phase targeting five provinces. It is disheartening that there have been people saying that NRC’S were issued to underage persons and foreigners. This misinformation and propaganda was orchestrated to discredit Government,” Hon. Kampyongo said.

And Hon. Kampyongo disclosed that during the just ended mobile issuance of NRC’S Government-issued over 1,592,000 NRC’S to eligible Zambians representing 106 percent overall performance.

Hon. Kampyongo said the just ended mobile issuance of NRC’S was not without challenges as 1500 blank NRC’S were lost and saw the arrest of two registration officers who will appear in court soon.

” Sir, on 18th October, 2020 two officials from a named political party while appearing on Muvi TV ‘ the assignment ‘ program produced a large stack of NRC’S claiming they were irregularly issued and one of the NRC’S had a serial number which was within the range of the lost 1,500 blank NRC’S and the two officials have since been arrested and charged with forgery, altering false documents and being in possession of property believed to have been stolen,” Hon. Kampyongo said.

Meanwhile, Hon. Kampyongo has cautioned people using social media to spread falsehoods that the law will catch up with them regardless of their status in society.

“Government will not allow desperate politicians to discredit democratic processes through the transmission of messages of hatred and propaganda,” Hon. Kampyongo said.

Government bans the importation of onion and potatoes from outside Zambia


The government has banned the importation of onion and potatoes from outside Zambia.

Ministry of agriculture permanent secretary Songowayo Zyambo says there are enough onions and potatoes grown locally to meet national demand.

The move is meant to empower local farmers in order for them to establish available market for their produce.

Meanwhile, Farmers in Eastern Province have embraced the development justifying that even them have the capacity to produce quality crops to sustain the local market.
James Chalwe a farmer established in Katete district of Eastern Province told Smart Eagles in an interview that the move has been long overdue considering that farmers have for a long time shown capacity to sustain the market.

“This means a lot in our advocacy to prioritize locally produced products and government should be commended because this has been our cry.We have been expanding our yields and we have been hoping to get access to the market and this is an answered prayer” Mr Chalwe said.

He has therefore called on government to put in place strict monitoring measures that will make the pronouncement a success for the local farmers.

Mr Chalwe has since appealed to all local farmers to show capacity in order to avoid shortages of the two commodities.

“We need as farmers to make sure we prove ourselves that we are capable to flood the market so that we instill confidence in our capacity to locally produce and supply to the expectations of the market demand” he added.

Embrace digital libraries as channels for accessing education and information-VEEP


Vice President Inonge Wina says there is need for the country’s education system to embrace digital libraries as channels for accessing education and information.

Mrs Wina said traditional libraries are not serving the purpose for which they were built due to technological advancements in society.

She noted that traditional libraries have not received physical infrastructure facelift in ages and face the challenge of stocking relevant up-to-date books.

“This has resulted in most libraries remaining behind in terms of relevance in schools and communities, especially libraries which are supposed to be the nearest source of information for people leaving in the communities,” said Mrs Wina

Mrs Wina pointed out that digital libraries present opportunities for access to great volumes of educational materials and information at the convenience of the learners.

The Vice President said this in a speech read on her behalf by Minister of Transport and Communication Mutotwe Kafwaya during the launch of the Digital Library Programme in Zambia in Lusaka.

Mrs Wina said Zambia must begin to benefit from the national Information and Communications Technology policy and interventions of delivering knowledge in a cost effective manner to users,

The Vice President has since directed the ministries of Transport and Communication, General Education and Higher Education to ensure adequate investment in ICT infrastructure in rural areas in order to enhance provision and access to digital libraries.

She noted that the digital library programme and e-learning should take centre stage in light of the Covid 19 pandemic that has disrupted the traditional delivery of education in the country.

She further directed the ministry of Transport and Communication to ensure that the Universal Access Fund under ZICTA is fully utilized to create a digital economy that works for all sectors.

Mrs Wina said government attaches great importance to the Digital Library Programme as demonstrated by the continued effort of installing more communication towers countrywide to facilitate communications and ignite socio-economic development.

“Let me …congratulate the team at Digital library Zambia for embarking on this innovative approach to sharing knowledge, recognizing that modern education and knowledge delivery needs to ride on platforms created by information and communications technologies across the country” said Mrs Wina.

And speaking at the same function, Minister of General Education Dennis Wanchinga who is also acting Higher Education Minister said digital libraries will enhance the quality of education in the country due to the enormous value being brought to the table.

And Chief Executive Officer of Digital Base Limited John Mulenga speaking from Poland through Zoom said the Digital Library programme will save government huge sums of money being spent on students at the two public universities.

Mr Mulenga said his firm is ready to partner with government and other stakeholders to ensure successful implementation of the digital library programme and e-learning solutions in the country.

Government set up a Labour Market Information System aimed at capturing labour migration data


Labour Minister Joyce Simukoko says her Ministry is in the process of setting up a Labour Market Information System (LMIS) aimed at capturing labour migration data and other migration information.

Ms Simukoko says this is to ensure effective coordination of statistical data by institutions mandated to deal with migration in the country.

Ms Simukoko said this when International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Regional Director for Southern Africa, Charles Kenin paid a courtesy call on her in Lusaka today.

She called on IOM to assist the ministry in capacity building in terms of monitoring migration issues, to ensure effective coordination of statistical data by institutions mandated to deal with migration in the country.

on migration and sharing practices that will strengthen institutions compliance monitoring and inspections.

“There is a need to develop workable tools for assessing the effectiveness of national migration related policies to identify gaps and priorities,” Ms Simukoko said.

She said the ministry looks forward to cooperating with the IOM in addressing the management of Labour migration and contributing to the country’s development agenda.

Ms Simukoko further said the government has entered into a memorandum of understanding with South Africa and Mauritius and looks forward to doing the same with other strategic countries in ensuring effective management of labour migration in Zambia.

She observed that human trafficking is a complex and dynamic global problem involving the trade in human beings for the purposes of exploitation and Zambia is a source, transit and destinations.

“The seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) has prioritised the effective migration governance to harness the benefits of migration and countering its negative effects,” The Minister added.

She said the intervention to combat Labour migration is stipulated in the national Action Plan on Human trafficking for the period 2019 to 2021 as well as the employment code act number three of 2019.

Meanwhile, IOM regional Director for Southern Africa, Charles Kenin said the organization is willing to work with the government to curb labour migration.

Mr. Kenin noted that due to Zambia’s geographical location, it has become a destination and transit country for migrants from the Horn of Africa mainly from Somalia and Ethiopia enroute to South Africa.

He observed that there is a need for Zambia to have a National migration Policy which would have an integral part of Labor migration.

“ But what we would like to propose is to have a more rigorous, comprehensive labor Migration Policy which will deal specifically with the challenges of labour,’’ Mr. Kenin said.

He also noted that Covid-19 is changing the face of migration which is leading to migrants losing their Jobs as a result of the restrictive measures which have been put by governments which have made people vulnerable to unscrupulous recruiters and smugglers with false promises of jobs.

Civil servants urged to collaborate with politicians to actualize development – Chungu


Northern Province Minister, Chungu Bwalya, has called for mutual collaboration between civil servants and politicians if Strategic Development Goals and the Seventh National Development Plan are to be actualized.

Addressing civil servants and political leaders from the Patriotic Front (PF) in Kaputa and Nsama district yesterday, My Bwalya said both civil servants and political leaders re serving the interest of the citizenry the development of the country hence the need for them to work as a unitary force.

ZANIS reports that the Provincial Minister, who is also PF party Chairman for Northern Province, clarified that politicians make government policies and define draw developmental programs as enshrined in the party manifesto while civil servants and other public service workers implement the policies and programs to benefit the people of Zambia.

“Politicians come up with policies and draw programs while the duty of civil servants is to implement those policies and programs for the benefit of the people and development of the country. This is why politicians in the ruling party and civil servant should work together because they have one goal,” he said.

He advised civil servants to read and understand the PF Manifesto for them to successfully carry out their duties, adding that reading the manifesto of the ruling party does not convert any civil servant into a politician.

“Reading the PF Manifesto does not make you a politician but it only makes you understand why you are supposed to do what you are mandated to do,” he said, adding that the antagonism that has existed in some districts where civil servants had failed to collaborate.

He, however, appealed to political leaders to avoid harassing civil servants in their course of duty because they are professionals who have to follow laid-down procedures to implement their work.

The Northern Province Minister also advised civil servants not to turn away politicians when they are approached but to explain the situation at hand in the simplest language, adding that politicians may not understand the professional semantics which may result in a misunderstanding.

And speaking on Lubuto Community Radio in Kaputa district and monitored by ZANIS, Mr Bwalya regretted reports of shortage of certain drugs in some health facilities by Chief Kaputa’s representative and sister, Febby Chansa.

Mr Bwalya, who visited some health facilities in the area, however expressed happiness that all essential drugs were available and being dispensed to patients.

He explained some drugs were ordered from countries that are facing a lock down due to Covid-19 and would be delivered to the country soon.

“Some certain drugs are ordered from China, India, the UK and other countries that are facing Coid-19 lock down. Planes and ships that carry cargo, including our drugs, are not allowed to leave these countries. That is why we lack specific drugs,” he said.

Mr Bwalya is touring selected parts of the province where he is is inspecting progress on developmental projects and explaining government policies to civil servants and political leaders

Political parties urged to adopt women candidates


Non Governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) says there is need to embark on robust sensitization to promote women participation in politics and decision making positions in the country.

Ms Mwale noted with sadness that currently there is only 17 percent of women representation at the parliamentary level and nine percent at local Government level.

NGOCC Executive Director, Engwase Mwale said this in a speech read on her behalf by NGOCC Coordinator for Grants Management Unit, Kizito Chalwe, during a validation meeting in Mpika District.

She pointed out that there is need for government and all civil society organizations to increase their efforts in promoting equal rights and opportunities for everyone especially woman who are lagging behind.

Ms Mwale said that Zambia must take a leading role in championing promotion of women participation in politics.

” Am a signatory to SADC Protocol of Gender and Development whose attention is to promote 50/50 Gender parity principle and ending violence against women at all levels,” she said.

She has since appealed to all political parties across the country to step up and adopt a more women aspiring to stand in this year’s general elections.

“Am happy that Zambia is part of many international human rights instruments that focus on promoting inclusive growth and participation of women and men in the governance system of the country,” she said.

Speaking at the same event, Bethel Church Pastor, Lemekani Sakala says eliminating all forms of barriers that hinders women from actively participating in politics needs concerted efforts from all stakeholders across the country.

Pastor Lemekani said once given an opportunity to lead, women are naturally peace makers who can significantly contribute to reducing the growing trend of political violence.

Speaking earlier, Mpika and Kanchibiya District NGOCC Coordinator, Elizabeth Domingo has thanked President Edgar Lungu for appointing more women as District Commissioners in Muchinga Province.

Mutapa Happy With Power Dynamos Draw At Eagles


Power Dynamos Coach Perry Mutapa is satisfied with the goalless draw his side settled for against Green Eagles in the away midweek rescheduled FAZ Super Division match played in Choma.

Mutapa described the match against Eagles as tough.

He acknowledged that it is not easy for visiting teams to win at Independence Stadium in Choma.

“Tough game, it could have gone either way but obviously coming from a loss I will take a point from this pitch. Playing away in Choma I will take a point because it is not to come here and get a point,” Mutapa said.

Prior to this game, Power lost 2-1 to Lusaka Dynamos in the capital city.

“I think in the last three, four, five years I think Choma Eagles have done well because most of the time they have been winning from here.”

“You could see from today’s game it could have gone either way. Both teams had chances to score so it is a fair result for me,” Mutapa said.

Power are eighth on the table with 20 points and two games in hand.

Nkana Insist CAF Confed Trip to Morocco is Firmly on Course


Nkana Football Club say it is financially ready to travel to Morocco to face TAS Casablanca in next week’s CAF Confederation Cup pre-group stage match.

This announcement comes hours after Nkana president Joseph Silwamba was quoted in the media as saying the team is struggling to find US$30,000 to meet its budget of US$50,000 for the Morocco trip.

In a statement released on Thursday afternoon, Kalampa said the travelling, accommodation and all other essentials for the trip are in place and already paid for.

“We wish to state that yesterday the Club received three journalists sent by the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines – Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH) who are now the new owners of Mopani Copper Mines Plc having bought off shares from Glencore,” the statement read.

“The journalists toured the Stadium and later had some discussions with President Silwamba and acting CEO Mutale Kapwepwe in which many issues were discussed. It is important to note that whatever was discussed was for the attention of ZCCM-IH as the owners of Mopani which should have been treated as internal matters.”

Nkana has been facing financial difficulties since Mopani Copper Mines ceased to be principal sponsors last year.

“Nevertheless, we wish to state Nkana is prepared and ready to travel to Morocco for the CAF Confederation Cup Pre-Group Stage 2nd Leg on February 21. The travelling, accommodation and all other essentials for the trip are in place and already paid for,” the club stated.

Meanwhile, Nkana are currently preparing to host TAS Casablanca in the first leg match on Sunday at home in Wusakile, Kitwe.

Go to Court now over election clauses or face hurdles after nominations says Mwanza


Interpretation of Article 106 as to whether President Edgar Lungu served two terms or has held office of Republican President twice cannot be moved by a nomination petition, Governance Activist Isaac Mwanza has charged.

In an interview on Thursday, Mr Mwanza said the mode of commencement of court processes determine whether a court can proceed to determine a matter or not.

Mr Mwanza said during nomination of presidential candidates in May, ECZ will only be interested in the answer to a question on whether a Presidential candidate is or is not disqualified by provisions of Article 100 of the Constitution and interpretation of Article 106 is outside their checklist and mandate.

“The correct mode therefore to seek an interpretation of any provision of the Constitution, including Article 106 on term of office, holding office or any other matter is the one which was pursued by Dan Pule and others, through a petition,” said Mwanza.

Mr. Mwanza said those who may want the Constitutional Court to interpret, yet again, what it means to hold office twice cannot move the court through a petition but only through originating summons.

“Much as they will be seeking the declaration of the court on the eligibility of a presidential candidate, a nomination or election petition is not the best mode to seek Interpretation of any provision of the Constitution,” he said.

Mr Mwanza has since advised entities who want the Court to interpret provisions of Article 106 to do it now through commencing an action using Originating Summons than wait to commence the same through a petition, which is a wrong method.

“It would not be surprising if the Court dismissed the nomination petition that seeks to interpret provisions in Article 106 under the guise of being a petition to challenge the qualification of a presidential candidate,” he said.

There are indications some civil society Organisations and opposition parties will want to seek an interpretation on the meaning of the phrase, “twice held office” in the Constitution using a petition.

Recently, Mr Mwanza won a constitutional Court against councilors who resign but later retract their notice of resignation. The matter was taken to court through originating summons to interpret the Constitution and not through the petition.

Vandals ransack Zamtel equipment slowing down internet speeds


Zamtel has revealed that it recently suffered incidents of vandalism on its critical equipment which has resulted in downgraded internet service quality.

Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta confirmed that preliminary investigations point to acts of vandalism by unknown people.

Mr Mupeta disclosed that multiple sites in Lusaka have been affected with Makeni and Meanwood suffering the most damage to equipment over the last few days.

He revealed that the cost of the damaged equipment is estimated to be around US$ 50,000 per site.

“We wish to inform our customers and the general public that the out-of-character slow internet they have been experiencing over the last few days is due to acts of vandalism that we have suffered on some of our critical equipment used to supply our internet service such as Velocity,” Mr Mupeta said.

Mr. Mupeta stated that a further examination of the damaged equipment and sophistication of the act suggest that the vandals could be individuals with sound technical knowledge of the telecom industry.

He added, “Our team of Engineers are examining all sites and working round the clock to ensure that service is restored to optimal levels. It might take a few days and possibly weeks to fully repair the damaged equipment.”

“We wish to apologize to our valued customers and we appeal that they bear with us as we address the negative effects of this vandalism and work to restore full service quality.”

Inflation will drop under Hakainde Hichilema’s Presidency


By Charles Kakoma, UPND Spokesperson.

The cost of living in Zambia is very high. Everybody is complaining about the rising prices of goods and services. Inflation has run out of control.

When one goes to the market these days, he or she is greeted by high prices of tomatoes, onions, and other vegetables. In fact, marketeers now count how many tomatoes they put in a packet or on a hip. Tomato yadula!!.

Gone are the days when one would walk in a supermarket and just start picking things and throwing them in the trolley without looking at the prices. Prices of groceries have gone up. Sugar is now about K40 per 2kg while the bread is now about K15 per loaf. Mealie-meal prices have jumped from K35 per 25 kg under the MMD government to K150 or more under the PF government.

The general increase in the price level is what economists call inflation. By definition, inflation is a persistent generalized increase in the overall level of prices of goods and services in the economy. Rising prices reduce the buying power of money. In other words, inflation is the decline in the value of money. When inflation gets out of control, it is called hyperinflation. Zambia is now close to hyperinflation.

In 2006, Zambia managed to reduce inflation to a single-digit level of 9% for the first time in three decades. This achievement has been wiped out by the PF government in the last 10 years of their irresponsible rule. Inflation has jumped from 7% before PF took over the government to more than 18% last month, according to the Central Statistics Office.

Inflation is the number one enemy of the economy. It is practically impossible to manage the economy under inflationary conditions.

Inflation has to be brought under control if standards of living for the people are to be uplifted. Inflation tends to affect the poor people the hardest. This is because the largest component of inflation in Zambia is food inflation and most poor people’s income is spent on food.

By far the largest cause of inflation in Zambia is food prices. Food items dominate the Consumer Price Index. Food prices are affected by shocks such as fuel price increases and exchange rate depreciation that lead to increases in transportation costs.

In order to tackle food inflation, the costs of production of food have to be brought down. The UPND has committed itself through its manifesto to subsidize farming inputs to lower the cost of producing food. I have just bought urea fertilizer at K625 at Farmers Barn in Lusaka. At that high price of fertilizer, it is impossible to produce cheap maize. Similarly, the prices of stock feed are skyrocketing. A 50kg bag of chicken feed is now over K400. No wonder broiler chickens at markets are now selling at K70 one while eggs which used to be a poor man’s relish are now at K50 per tray. Which poor person will afford to have a chicken or eggs?

High inflation has to be fought because it contributes to poverty as the purchasing power of people’s income is eroded. High and unstable inflation makes it difficult for the business community and households to plan. At the household level, for example, it throws the family budget into disarray when one plans to buy a stove for K3000 and has taken a long time to make savings but only to discover that the price has gone up to K4000. It also leads to a loss of confidence in the local currency. We have witnessed a situation in Zimbabwe where the country abandoned the use of the local currency and resorted to using the American dollar.

Even here in Zambia, people prefer to quote their rentals in dollars rather than kwacha.

High inflation also discourages mobilization of savings since the saving public is aware of the loss of purchasing power of their money if it is deposited in a bank where the interest rate on savings is lower than the inflation rate.

High inflation also leads to high lending interest rates which in turn discourages borrowing for investment which is critical for sustained economic growth.

Apart from high food inflation, the country is also facing high non-food inflation. In this category are items like transport, communication, rent, fuel, electricity, clothing, education, health, and household goods.

Non-food inflation is caused by an increase in money supply, prices of fuel, depreciation of the kwacha, fiscal deficit financing, and high inflation expectations by the public.

Excessive money supply growth which is not supported by economic growth is inflationary. In simpler economic terms, increased money supply results in “too much money chasing too few goods “.

Over the years, we have witnessed growth in the money supply without corresponding economic growth.

In particular, the growth in money supply has been linked to fiscal deficit financing. The government has more and more resorted to borrowing money from the Bank of Zambia and other local financial institutions for consumption.

When the borrowed funds through treasury bills, bonds, and other instruments are spent on consumption, it results in the increased money supply not supported by production.

In its desperation, the PF government has been intimidating the Central Bank to give them money to meet their excessive expenditure. The financial indiscipline in government has resulted in the government living beyond its means. The PF government is broke and to continue sustaining government operations, they have resorted to financing the budget through excessive borrowing from the local banking system. They have also overborrowed from abroad thereby landing the country in a serious external debt crisis.

When the UPND government comes into power in August this year, we shall limit deficit financing to no more than 2% of the Gross Domestic Product from the current 6% of GDP. The UPND government will also cut reckless and excessive expenditure on consumption. The combined effect will be to lower inflation in the economy.

In addition, the UPND government will lower the prices of petroleum products. Increases in fuel prices are a major contributor to inflation in Zambia. Increased fuel prices are transmitted through the prices of other goods and services in form of higher transportation and production costs. In order to tackle the high petroleum prices, the UPND government will cut off middlemen from the supply chain and remove the incentives for corruption in oil purchases. It will also encourage the private sector to get more involved in the direct importation of fuel supply instead of depending on the government to import the fuel.

Lastly, the UPND government will reduce inflation by lowering the exchange rate of the kwacha against other currencies. In an import-dependent economy like Zambia, the exchange rate is a major cause of inflation. Each time the kwacha depreciates, almost all the prices of goods and services increase. The kwacha will appreciate UPND President Hakainde Hichilema taking over as Republican President after the August 12 presidential and general elections because of market expectations and confidence in his ability to manage the economy. The kwacha will also appreciate it because President Hakainde Hichilema has a solution to the country’s choking foreign debt. The high external debt has by far the greatest impact on the exchange rate in Zambia. By putting a moratorium on debt, restructuring the debt portfolio, attracting foreign direct investments and donor support, there will be increased inflows of foreign currency which will result in the appreciation of the kwacha and lowering down of inflation. In the long run, the inflationary pressures will come down through increased production for both domestic and export markets which will result in supply outstripping demand and lowering both the exchange rate of the kwacha and inflation.

Chief Sokontwe Introduces One Household-One Hectare Agricultural policy


Chief Sokontwe of the Ushi Speaking People in Milenge District of Luapula Province has introduced a one household-one hectare agricultural policy in his chiefdom.

Chief Sokontwe explained that following this policy, every household in his chiefdom is expected to grow crops on not less than one hectare of land.

Speaking in an interview Chief Sokontwe stated that the initiative is aimed at ending hunger in the area.

He noted that there is vast fertile virgin land in Milenge which his subjects must put to good use especially for agricultural purposes.

“It is an error for my subjects to be begging for food when we have plenty of fertile land in my chiefdom. I want every household to engage in agricultural activities so that we can become food secure,” he said.

Chief Sokontwe added that village headpersons have been tasked to spearhead the programme by ensuring residents comply.

He said his council will start inspecting the fields to ascertain that people have grown crops.

“The information has been disseminated to the people through the village headpersons and I expect people to have cultivated their fields by now. We will start inspecting the fields in April and I want every household to harvest some food. Those who won’t have will not be spared,” he said.

The Traditional Leader stated that singles are required to grow at least a Lima of some crops while a couple is to grow at least a hectare.

He said people are free to grow any type of crops but he places emphasis on cassava growing.

Chief Sokontwe stated that he has since requested for cassava cuttings for his subjects from the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) provincial office.

“Most people lost their crops last year following the floods that were experienced. I am hopeful that the DMMU office will come to our aid as soon as possible. We are thankful for the relief mealie meal we have been receiving. Now we need to empower our people with a sustainable source of their staple food,” he said.