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19 year old arrested for creating fake social media accounts for Inspector General of Police


Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested a 19 year old suspect identified as Aaron Luyako aged 19 for personating a public Officer and Obtaining money by false pretense.

This follows investigations into a matter in which a fake Instagram account was opened in the name of the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Kakoma Kanganja.

Investigations revealed that the instagram account had been opened using mobile number 0972493805.

The same mobile number was used to open other social media accounts on facebook and Whats App in the Inspector General’s names Kakoma Kanganja inviting members of the public to meet the Inspector General of Police.

It was further revealed that the mobile number 0972495805 was also used to solicit money in the Inspector General’s name.

Investigations aimed at establishing the owner of the mobile number led to Kalululushi where a male person identified as Aaron Luyako aged 19 was apprehended and was found in possession of a handset and Subscriber Identification Card (SIM-cards) which are suspected to have been used to open the fake social media accounts and swindle unsuspecting members of the public.

Various individuals and organizations were swindled of money amounting to K43, 290 between May, 2020 and January 2021.

The suspect has been formally charged and arrested for personating a Public Officer, Contrary to section 102 and obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to Section 309 of CAP 87 of the Penal Code of the Laws of Zambia and he will appear in court soon.

This is according to a press statement made available to ZANIS by Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo in Lusaka yesterday.

Partners pledge to continue supporting various health programs for enhanced health coverage


The Chinese, Japanese and Swedish governments have praised Zambia’s COVID-19 response with a pledge to continue supporting various health programs for enhanced health coverage.

The three countries have expressed their continued interest to support Zambia to overcome various health challenges especially amidst the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This came to light today when Health Minister Dr. Jonas Chanda held three separate virtual meetings with the Chinese ambassador to Zambia Mr Li Jie, Japanese Ambassador to Zambia Mr Zyuch Manuuci, and Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Anna Maj-Nulkmaj

Dr. Chanda expressed gratitude for the continued bilateral relationship with the three countries which has translated into increased support in human resource development and technical support in many sectors among them health.

Dr Chanda pledged to restore confidence in the county’s health sector as mandated to him by President Edgar Lungu and therefore assured the three ambassadors that transparency and accountability in the utilization of all resources and all forms of support will be key in ensuring that there is improved service delivery.

He further thanked the Japanese government for their pledge to enhance the provision of oxygen which is a critical commodity in the response to the pandemic and also lobbied for an increased referral system through the provision of logistical support to enhance medical response.

“I want to assure you that the mandate to restore public and donor support confidence given to me by the president will be attained and I, therefore, request for continued support from China in areas of public health security, disease prevention, and control and support in human resource,” Dr Chanda said.

Health Minister Dr Jonas Chanda
Health Minister Dr Jonas Chanda

He further advocated for support in the provision of essential medicines and also the construction of provincial Medical hubs to enhance the provision of essential medicines and further facilitated for provision of medical machinery to promote access to specialized medical care.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Mr Li Jie thanked President Edgar Lungu for the continued commitment in ensuring the bilateral relationship between the two countries remain sound for the attainment of various milestones in areas of health support.

He assured of continued support in the fight against COVID-19 which he praised Zambia for having done well in addressing so far.

Japanese Ambassador to Zambia Mr Ryuta Mizuuchi said the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down some projects due to human resource withdrawal but hoped for speedy completion of projects to meet the demand of healthcare provision in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Anna Maj-Nulkmaj expressed happiness that government is on the right path to restore confidence in the health sector and to have a clear benchmark on the need for transparency in order to enhance collaboration and get more support from Sweden.

Parents urged to buy more PPEs for pupils


School authorities in Chilanga district have called upon parents to supplement government efforts in procuring of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) for their children for use during School hours.

Chilanga Primary School Head teacher Dickson Lungu says the PPEs available are not enough to cover every child in school so parents with enough resources can help government by providing the necessary equipment for their children while the available PPEs can be shared among the vulnerable children.

He made the appeal when Chilanga District Task Force inspected the School to check on the compliance of schools to ensure they are safe and free from COVID-19.

He further appealed to government to consider purchasing more desks for the School to promote social distancing which is not possible currently as a result of shortage of desks.

And Linda open Secondary school Head teacher Doreen Nzela expressed happiness with the turnout of pupils at the school saying 939 out of 1200 at primary level reported and 200 at secondary level.

She urged parents to continue educating their children on the dangers of COVID-19 and following the set health guide lines.

And District Education Board Secretary Fr. Benjamin Chisulo has urged schools to comply with the COVID 19 set standards or face closure.

The District Task Force Committee visited 10 schools yesterday which include Great Scholars Academy, Parklands Secondary, Lukamantano Combined School, and Linda open Secondary school and will continue for the next four days to visit all the 140 schools in the district to monitor compliance and adherence to ensure schools are safe for both learners and teachers.

Labour Minister Joyce Simukoko tells Investors to abide by labour laws


Government has called on foreign investors to abide by the laws of the country when handling human resources issues.

Labour Minister Joyce Simukoko said this when she toured some farms in Chongwe district with area Member of Parliament Japhen Mwakalombe this morning.

Ms Simukoko said government wants a fair deal between investors and employees so as to promote development.

She noted the trend by most investors who take advantage of the ignorance of some local people concerning labour rights and hence exploit their workers.

Ms Simukoko also observed that records have shown that Zambian employers also have the habit of mistreating workers.

“We have records that show that our own people are the ones that are abusing their employees by paying them peanuts and not giving them safety clothing,” Ms Simukoko said.

She also called on workers in the country to always speak out when they find that their rights are being abrogated.

Ms Simukoko emphasised on the need for employers to take note that every right, has responsibilities and appealed to workers to make use of their leaders so as to ensure their concerns are attended to.

“The biggest problem with our people today, is ignorance and not having interest in fighting for what is theirs in the name of fear,” she noted.

And Chongwe MP Japhen Mwakalombe said he has been receiving reports of farm workers going through a lot of hardships at the hands of investors.

He disclosed that most farm workers in his constituency are poorly paid and live in deplorable houses.

“I have been receiving reports and am glad the minister of Labour together with the commissioner and inspectors are here to see for themselves,” Mr Mwakalombe said.

Meanwhile Labour Commissioner Givens Muntengwa disclosed that the visit is aimed at promoting labour laws at the work place and also ensure peace and harmony prevails between employee and employer.

“All I can say is that a team of our officers working together with the local leadership will be visiting these farms to try and harmonise the worker’s conditions of service according to the Labour laws,” Muntengwa said.

Among the farms visited where Chartonel Estates, Diamondale Farm and Chambers Valley farms.

On Charging HH Presidential Aides, ZAMRA, ZABS And MSL


By Isaac Mwanza

I learnt of the arrest, charging and detention of Anthony Bwalya and Mubita Nawa by the Zambia Police Service with sadness for various reasons. My personal position is that the Police should discontinue this case by dropping the charges against them not only because they are unlikely to secure a conviction on the charges of forgery and theft but also that both Anthony Bwalya and Mubita Nawa, are simply unwitting victims of UPND tactics and Hakainde Hichilema’s 2021 manipulative attempt to secure victory in August, 2021.

From the charges levelled against the two men, the police may want to argue in Court that the duo did steal the materials belonging to the Electoral Commission of Zambia and Department of National Registration, namely, the paper used for making voter’s cards and National Registration Cards and thereby, committed forgery by producing what appeared to be the identity cards of children below the age of 16 for purposes of those children, voting in the forthcoming elections.

In my view, the prosecution cannot secure a conviction from these charges and, if the DPP won’t enter a nolle in the process, this arrest and prosecution will only embarrass the prosecution. Apart from the burden of proof lying with the prosecution, one only has to read the recent decision by the Court of Appeal on similar charges of forgery and theft in Richard Sinkonde v. The People, Appeal No. 109 of 2018.

It is unfortunate that both Anthony and Mubita, despite being intelligent, could not recognize that the same documents they displayed as voter’s cards and NRCs are nothing but a product of the UPND election team meant to justify UPND claims of vote rigging if their candidate, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, should lose the forthcoming presidential election.

The two men, Mr. Bwalya and Mr. Mbita, should have recognised that what purported to be NRCs and Voter’s Cards were in fact blatant forgeries. Or, perhaps they knew but in furtherance of their own career ambitions, chose to present these forgeries on public forums as an attempt by the Departments of National Registration and the Electoral Commission of Zambia to assist the ruling Patriotic Front party to win the elections and retain power?

Either way, the two men ought to have recognised that they were being used, or else were willing participants in a fraudulent scheme to discredit our electoral process which, since independence, has been known to be the best on the African continent and one of the most secure electoral systems in the world. Many countries now emulate the Zambian electoral system for its openness and its security.

Again, I doubt the prosecution will manage to prove that Anthony and Mubita stole the materials from ECZ which they used to commit a forgery. But assuming the materials in question were genuine, the said Court of Appeal judgment cited above was clear that issues of forgery cannot stand.

Instead of wasting precious resources, time and our attention in the possibly fruitless prosecution of Anthony Bwalya in the same way the country has been wasting time discussing the procurement of alleged defective health kits by Government, we have much more important things to focus on as a nation such as our fight against the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic, righting the economy and harnessing our agriculture potential.

As a country, we seem to be lacking discernment in so many things that we are being moved by political gossip and fights of business entities who are beneficiaries of supply contracts to Government without understanding what is really at play. When we, as the public, are put in the middle of these fights by the heavyweights, we begin to pity ourselves while those giants are enjoying the benefits of our self-pity.

This is what happened when the Ministry of Local Government procured fire tenders a few years ago. Those business giants who felt aggrieved for not being awarded the tender to supply the fire trucks banded together against the company that won the contract. The competitors turned the whole nation upside down with their exaggerated grievances, manipulating the situation to make it seem as if the winning company had robbed the public when, in fact, they were simply conducting business and fulfilling their contractual obligations.

The winning company did not waste time responding to the complaints of their competitors; instead, they focused on delivering the goods they had tendered for.

Today, similar battles have arisen regarding the supply of health kits to the government. From my perspective, the conflicts among business giants that occurred during the fire truck procurement are no different from what is happening now. It appears that these disputes may simply be the struggles of large businesses, with the public caught in the crossfire as those who secured the contracts face heavy criticism from their competitors.

The difference with this fight, though, is that it is the same institutions of Government – accomplices in committing the alleged “wrongs” – who are trying to portray themselves as champions against the supplier. I personally don’t believe in the alleged defects of the health kits until independent tests are done and I take what is happening as nothing more than a fight among business people, now resorting to dirty tactics by attempting to rope in political actors as having aided and abetted one side or the other.
Poor Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, the former Minister of Health, is but one victim of this dirty fighting among suppliers to the Ministry of Health which dispenses billions of Kwacha in both taxpayer and donor funds to our business people.

Who are the losers and winners of these current scenarios discussed above? This administration has been painted as very uncaring and extremely negligent by the very government institutions under their charge. This cannot be blamed on the opposition but the very institutions of government themselves and the silence we keep hearing which is not reassuring to the Zambian people.

The failure to commission a proper, independent test of the items supplied by one of these suppliers, is adding to the perception that the government is guilty as charged in the court of public opinion. For the opposition, what is happening is a big win for them. They have campaign issues to talk about premised on the apparent admission of guilt by the government by its silence. In other words, the government’s silence can and has been taken to mean that the government has no defence to offer and is therefore guilty.

But lies always have short legs. The onus now rests with the Republican President to act and reassure Zambians of their safety. For me, the first step is for the President to order the removal of senior staff at the Ministry of Health headquarters at Ndeke House and Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA), including their secretarial and clerical staff who are all complicit in these system failures. At the time of completing this article, the President has gone further to act. This commendable.

One only needs to Ndeke House to witness the rot at the place, where even low-level staff can withhold documents in order to force the recipient to pay something to collect their own letter of appointment or confirmation or transfer. The President must act decisively and reshuffle staff at the Ministry headquarters.
Most importantly, it is my belief that the President must dissolve ZAMRA, Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and Medical Stores Limited (MSL) Boards, remove the staff at the top and reshuffle the rest. If possible, these institutions must be placed under the oversight of the President the same way that RDA was placed under the oversight of the President.

ZAMRA, ZABS and MSL are a failure and will contribute to the fall of the PF government in the same way the failure by the PF and Government to counter continuous allegations of corruption is seriously damaging the name of the regime which has only been in office for less than 10 years.

Mumbi Phiri leads scores of Copperbelt residents in paying their last respect to Timothy Walamba


Patriotic Front Deputy General Secretary Mumbi Phiri yesterday led scores of Copperbelt residents in paying their last respect to one of the PF founders Timothy Walamba who died over the weekend.

Mr. Walamba who also served as Zambia’s ambassador to Ghana has been put to rest at his farm in Kitwe along the Kitwe- Ndola dual carriage way.

Ms Phiri said the party has lost one of the loyal founding members who contributed greatly to the development of the party.

She said Mr Walamba was a respectful person who never engaged in insults as opposed to youths in the party who are fond of issuing insults on social media blogs.

“Mr Walamba was a father whose loyalty to the party made him serve on different positions, he was also a jovial person who got along with late President Michael Sata and current President Edgar Lungu,” Ms Phiri said.

Mr Walamba served as Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) president, Zambia’s High Commissioner to Ghana and Member of the Patriotic Front (PF) Central Committee among other positions.

Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Secretary General Hon. Mumbi Phiri
Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Secretary General Hon. Mumbi Phiri

Ms Phiri also took advantage of the funeral gathering to welcome and commend former Copper Copperbelt Minister Mwenya Musenge who attended the burial, for re-joining the party.

She urged former PF members that left the party to freely re-join the party assuring them that they will be embraced.

And in giving a tribute, Mr Walamba’s son, Chilufya said his father was a strong person who always counselled his children to be respectful.

Chilufya advised his siblings to carry their father’s legacy by making sure that they do not engage in criminal activities.

Mr Walamba has been put to rest on his farm as he requested.

He has left behind a wife, seven children and 15 grandchildren.

The burial procession was also attended by Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe, Kitwe District Commissioner Chileshe Bweupe and Green party president Peter Sinkamba among others.

Nkana Face Big Test At Stubborn Nkwazi


Nkana coach Kelvin Kaindu say Sunday’s 4-0 home win over Young Green Eagles have given them confidence heading into Wednesday’s tricky trip to Nkwazi.

The defending FAZ Super Division champions beat fellow strugglers Young Eagles 4-0 at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe to collect their biggest win of the season and also ended a two-match losing run.

Nkana now face stubborn 10th placed Nkwazi who beat fourth placed Zesco United 2-1 in Ndola, and also beat the latter’s neighbours Buildcon 1-0 and held leaders Zanaco 1-1 in their away Lusaka derby.

“Tricky encounter, but I think we go into this fixture with a bit of confidence. I think we haven’t been consistent in term of play before Sunday and we also managed to keep a clean sheet which has always been our biggest problem,”Kaindu said.

“And after Sunday’s game, it gives us a bit of confidence and it’s helped reduce on the goal difference from the many goals we have been conceding and it is a plus for us.”

Twelfth placed Nkana have not won away at Nkwazi since 2016 and have collected two draws and a defeat in their last three league visits.

A rare victory at Edwin Emboela Stadium will see the defending champions move within five points of the top four on 20 points.


Kitwe United-Napsa Stars
Lusaka Dynamos-Green Eagles


Young Green Eagles-Zesco United
Lumwana Radiants-Indeni
Forest Rangers-Green Eagles
Kabwe Warriors-Red Arrows
13h00:Green Buffaloes-Kitwe United
15h00:Zanaco-Prison Leopards
13h00:Napsa Stars-Nkwazi
15h00:Lusaka Dynamos-Power Dynamos

Chilongoshi Remorseful Over 2021 CHAN Quarterfinal Exit


Chipolopolo defender Zachariah Chilongshi is remorseful over his sending off in Zambia’s botched 2021 CHAN quarterfinals as he reflects on his debut competitive international outing.

The Power Dynamos was sent-off in Zambia’s 3-1 last eight loss to defending champions Morocco on January 31 at the ongoing tournament in Cameroon.

His 20th minute red card came as Chipolopolo trailed 2-0 in the opening eight minutes of the game.

Chilongoshi said he has come away with some valuable experience and lessons from his debut competitive outing at CHAN.

“It was the worst moment in the career so far. The red card was also the first in my career and I think it cost the team a bit,” Chilongoshi said.

“Our quarterfinal exit wasn’t a good feeling at all and we really wanted to go to the semifinals and then final.

“But we have more things coming with the AFCON and World Cup qualifiers and so we hope to do much better there.”

Meanwhile, Zambia returns to action next month to play their last two 2022 AFCON Group H qualifiers against Algeria at home on March 22 and Zimbabwe away four days later in Harare.

Thereafter, Chipolopolo will kick off their 2022 FIFA World Cup Group B qualifiers from June 1-15.

Lusaka Province PS directs all school managers in Lusaka to send away teachers who do not mask up


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga has directed all school managers in Lusaka to send away teachers who do not mask up as a measure to curb the spread of COVID-19 among institutions of learning.

Mr Kamanga says failure by teachers to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols is a sign of indiscipline which he said will not be tolerated in the Province.

Mr Kamanga who today, sent away a teacher who was found unmasked in the staffroom at Bayuni School when he inspected schools in Chilanga district, said teachers should set an example to learners by adhering to health guidelines to curtail the spread of the disease whose second wave has seen increased new cases and deaths.

“I will not tolerate such indiscipline as it puts the lives of other teachers and the learners at risk of contracting the disease,” he said.

Mr Kamanga said disciplinary measures should be taken against teachers who defy the regulations.

He also cautioned the pupils to adhere to the set rules even when away from the school premises to avoid the risk of infection.

“You can get infected outside the school premises and spread the disease to your colleagues and teachers here, so you have to take the guidelines seriously,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary observed that the classrooms were crowded and advised the head teacher to split the classes to ensure a one meter physical distance among the learners.

“It will be better to reduce the learning hours to ensure that all the set guidelines are observed and that the pupils are not at risk,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary observed that there are lower compliance levels to the protocols among government and community schools in the district.

He stated that Government through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is donating masks among schools and urged school managers to distribute them to vulnerable pupils.

“They may not be adequate for all the pupils but the head teachers should ensure that only those that are vulnerable are given the masks,” he said.

Mr Kamanga maintained that schools that will be found defying the health protocols will be closed.

And District Education Board Secretary Fr. Benjamin Chisulo noted that some government and community schools require logistical support to enhance adherence to the set guidelines.

Fr. Chisulo stated that the schools are also depending on well-wishers who are providing the pre-requisites through his office.

Bayuni School head teacher Kenneth Nkhoma made an assurance the school which is currently operating in sessions will split the classes as directed.

Mr Nkhoma noted that the school has put up handwashing facilities and a full body sanitizer to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

He noted that sensitization on the COVID-19 protocols has been included on the daily programming of the learning institution.

And Islamic school chaplain Ikram Sanaullah explained that all entrances to the school have been placed with handwashing facilities and that only those that are masked up are allowed into the institution.

Bloggers call for cyber security in the wake of the approval of the cyber security and cybercrimes bill of 2021


Bloggers of Zambia has called for increased cyber security education and awareness in order to enhance the safety and security standards of citizens on the internet.

The call comes in the wake of the approval of the cyber security and cybercrimes bill of 2021 which will be taken to parliament for enactment into law.

In a statement released to ZANIS, Blogger of Zambia Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Richard Mulonga said the call was made because cybercrimes are being used in certain countries to infringe on internet freedoms and shutting down the internet during events such as elections and peaceful protests.

Mr. Mulonga said when well implemented, Cyber security laws have the potential to increase digital access and enhance the digital transformation.

He said that during the participation in two of government’s internal legislative meetings for review of the cyber security and cybercrimes bill, Bloggers shared their opinion for internet legislation that will make the online spaces safe and secure for all.

In the same meetings, Bloggers of Zambia indicated the need for internet laws and policies to be democratic, specific and must enhance online rights and freedoms rather than be used to silence citizen voices online.

Mr. Mulonga noted that the internet has become an important resource for realization of democracy and as such there is a need for internet governance processes that will enhance the digital rights of users.
He has however urged all Zambians to engage in level-headed activities on the internet rather than engage in processes that expose others to harm.

Mr. Mulonga has further urged Zambians to verify and check the facts of all information before sharing on the internet in the era of escalating misinformation and harmful content online.

Marking of grade 9 exams completed -PS Kalumba


The countrywide marking of Grade Nine exams under the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) has been completed and will be announced soon, Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary, Technical Service Jobbicks Kalumba has disclosed.

Dr. Kalumba however said marking of grades 12 and 7 exam papers were still ongoing as it was a critically involving exercise as opposed to false reports on social media that ECZ completed processing results three weeks ago.

“I want to set the record straight as opposed to the speculation on social media, the marking of ECZ exams is going on well as planned and so far, grade 9 exams have been completed but grades 7 and twelve were still underway and almost completed,” he disclosed.

Speaking in Luanshya today, Dr. Kalumba said examination where an assessment tool and needed to be handled with the attention required.

He said once the examination was ready, government will make a public announcement to the public and all candidates will be able to access their results through the right channels.

Dr. Kalumba is on the Copperbelt province to inspect ECZ examination marking centers for grade 12 and also check the compliance of schools to Covid-19 Measures following the reopening of all schools on February 1, 2021.

Dr. Kalumba however expressed concern with reports that Luanshya Trust School had not reopened and was asking for an extended 2 weeks to prepare the school for pupils.

“I want to appeal to all schools to open as by directive by President Edgar Lungu, learners had closed school for over 5 months last year and it is not acceptable for schools to buy time when they were already given a two-week period from January 18 to February 1,2021 to prepare”.

He appealed to both public and private schools across the country to reopen schools to assist learners to catch up on work as pupils were subjected to one examination body with the same exams.

Dr. Kalumba noted that delaying in opening school was disadvantaging pupils and affecting the education process of the country, thereby putting the future of education at a risk.

Mr. Kalumba also took time to check compliance of COVID-19 guidelines in schools and conducted an English lesson with grade 12 pupils at Luanshya Girls Secondary School of excellence.

He also spearheaded prayers for learners and teachers, seeking Godly intervention in their health and further seeking protection of teachers and learners from COVID-19 throughout the school term.

Earlier, Luanshya District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe informed the PS that the district had successfully disinfected all schools both private and public before 1st February 2021, however, Luanshya Trust School had requested an extension of two weeks to put other things in place.

Mr. Maipambe further observed that parents had complained to his office that they had already paid school fees and wondered where their children in examination classes should be further delayed.

He added that Luanshya Trust School Head teacher informed his office of the failure to opening the school on the anticipated date because one teacher had tested positive to COVID-19.

President Lungu endorses Moussa Faki Mahamat for the position of AU Commission Chairperson


President Edgar Lungu has endorsed the nomination of outgoing African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat who went unopposed for the position of AU Commission Chairperson for the next four-year-term.

The President notes that Mr. Mahamat has shown exemplary leadership and has served the African Union Commission with great pride.

“I strongly believe that with the support from all member states we will achieve the objective of promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.”

President Lungu further noted that during his tenure Mr. Mahamat managed to achieve significant progress in the African Union Institutional Reform process.

“The progress includes the restructuring and the accountability mechanisms of the Commission, governance and policy coherence between the different organs, the division of labour between the Commission and the Regional Economic Communities, the issue of partnerships and the implementation of the new financing system of the Union.”

The President is happy that the historic African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) Agreement was launched fulfilling one of the great dreams of the Organisation’s founding fathers and that it is at the heart of Africa’s aspirations for economic integration.

“The outgoing AU Commission Chair played an instrumental role in attaining this important continental milestone.”

And President Lungu looks forward to the upcoming elections at the African Union Commission to fill the vacant positions there.

Mr. Mahamat went unopposed in September last year and his candidature for the position of African Union Commission Chairperson awaits formal endorsement of the AU Summit through a two-thirds majority vote in his favour.

The African Union Summit is slated this month February, 2021 during which elections will be held.

The President expressed satisfaction at the ongoing campaign for the re-election of Zambia’s candidate Ambassador Albert Muchanga who is vying for the position of Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Industry and Mining.

This is contained in a press statement issued to the media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe in Lusaka today.

1,191 new cases of COVID-19 out of 8,355 tests recorded in the last 24 hours


The Ministry of Health has recorded a total of 1,191 new cases of COVID-19 out of 8,355 tests done in the last 24 hours

Minister of Health Jonas Chanda disclosed in a statement that 741 tests were collected within the last 24-72 hours whereas 450 were older than 72 hours.

Copperbelt Province recorded 259, Lusaka 235, North-western Province recorded 126, 116 for Southern Province while Muchinga recorded 105, 65 in Eastern, Northern had 57, 44 in Western and 33 from Luapula provinces

Dr Chanda said the cumulative confirmed cases recorded to date stands at 56,233.

14 new deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours bringing the cumulative number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded to date to 794, of which 359 are COVID-19 deaths while 408 are COVID-19 associated deaths and 27 deaths are pending classification.

The Ministry of Health has further recorded 302 recoveries bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to 49,696.

A total of 5,743 are active cases of which 5,279 are under community management and 464 representing 8.1 percent are currently admitted to the COVID-19 isolation facilities with 310 on oxygen therapy and 37 in critical condition.

Dr Chanda has since urged citizens to continue following the stipulated guidelines in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.

This is contained in a press statement issued to the media by Minister of Health Jonas Chanda in Lusaka today.

Heavy rains leaves 30 families homeless in Luanshya


A heavy downpour in Luanshya district has left a trail of destruction leaving over 30 households homeless in Misaka ward one, in Roan constituency.

A spot check by ZANIS in Luanshya district revealed that some houses had completely collapsed, others partially collapsed while others sustained huge cracks and were on the verge of collapse due to continued rainfall for three days.

The affected families have appealed to government to come to their aid and assist them with shelter and rebuilding their houses.

Charity Chanda, 56, who takes care of over 8 orphaned grandchildren said her house partially gave in to the heavy downpour at about 02:00 hours while her family was asleep.

“I was awakened by a loud noise from the cracking bricks around 02:00 hours, that was when I awakened the children as I attempted to unlock the door when the walls fell to the outside and were left in the cold, I managed to seek shelter from the remaining room which we used as a living room but is now our dwelling place,” she narrated.

Another victim Racheal Mwenya, 27, said her house collapsed yesterday morning and she was spending nights with her neighbours.

Mwenya appealed to government to help rebuild their house as they are spending nights at the neighbour’s house.

And Misaka Ward one councillor Simon Kombe said the area has had a consistent pour of heavy rains this year.

“We have had heavy rains continuously for the past three days and this has resulted in most structures that had already been weakened by the heavy rains experienced this year to collapse. This settlement has extended to dumbo areas and the houses here are built from mud bricks therefore they could not withstand the pressure of heavy rainfall”, he explained.

And Luanshya District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe visited the area to appreciate the extent of damage and advised families occupying partially collapsed houses to vacate their areas to avoid loss of life.

“the situation is sad and hazardous, am now appealing to these affected families to vacate the partially collapsed houses because they can give in any time and might result in calamity, I also want to ask friends and families to the affected areas to shelter the victims as we are planning the way forward”, he urged.

The District Commissioner said his office would inform the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit DMMU of the situation and will wait for a report from the experts.

Mr Maipambe however observed that most of the affected houses were built in a Dumbo and urged the residents of Misaka to desist from building in hazardous areas to avoid the repeat of what had befallen the community.

He further appealed to the area councillors and the local authority to sensitise people close to streams to avoid building houses in unsafe zones.

President Lungu blames Investigators Over Corruption Cases as he Fires Sturdy Mwale, Bishop Edward and others


President Edgar Lungu has challenged investigative wings that probe corruption cases to be serious and conclusive in their operations.

President Lungu said those tasked with investigating such matters should inform him when they face challenges so that they can be provided with the help needed to execute their duties.

The Head of State made these remarks at State House in Lusaka today during a swearing-in ceremony for newly appointed Permanent Secretaries.

“Right now there is talk of government being corrupt, no we are not corrupt but what is becoming obvious is that those who make noise about corruption fail to prove their actions and those who are charged with the responsibility of investigating corruption are not going out to investigate and bring this war to court,” the President explained.

He added that the fight against corruption is not his job alone saying it requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders.

And President Lungu has urged all the newly appointed Permanent Secretaries to use their individual vast experiences and skills to bring a new dimension to the operations of the public service.

“You are now Permanent Secretaries charged with the responsibility of ensuring the smooth implementation of the various government policies, programmes and regulations falling under your respective ministries, provinces and other spending agencies. I urge you to take a keen interest in understanding the respective roles of your institutions in the development agenda of our great nation, which is clearly articulated in the seventh National Development Plan and vision 2030,” the President said.

The President further urged the Permanent Secretaries not to lose sight of their very critical role of being the chief advisors to the ministers in terms of articulating government policies and procedures.

“Do not fall prey to the temptation of antagonising your ministers. This growing tendency among some permanent secretaries is creating a toxic environment in the ministries and consequently affecting performance and service delivery,” he noted.

President Lungu reiterated that government is in a hurry to deliver on its promises to the people of Zambia hence changes will be made as and when necessary.

“I, therefore, expect hard work, professionalism and discipline from all of you as you take up your new positions. Once more, congratulations on your appointments and may God bless you,” the President stated.

The newly appointed Permanent Secretaries include Mr. Emmanuel Ngulube for the Ministry of Health, Mr. Matthew Ngulube for the Ministry of Local Government, Dr. John Phiri for the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development and Mr. Royd Chakaba for Northern Province.

Others are Mr. Lenox Kalonde for the Ministry of Works and Supply, Mr. Patrick Lungu as Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Tourism and Arts and Captain Davison Mulenga (Rtd), for Muchinga Province. Mr. Lungu was until today Director for the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) and has worked for the department for 29 years.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has transferred the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Works and Supply Agnes Musunga to Cabinet Office in the same capacity but in charge of remunerations and Mr. Trevor Kaunda from Ministry of Energy to Ministry of National Planning in charge of Monitoring and Evaluation while Mr. Davies Chisenda has been moved from National Planning to Energy in the same capacity and Ms. Joyce Nsamba, who was Permanent Secretary for Muchinga Province, has been transferred to Southern Province in the same capacity respectively.

And the Head of State has terminated contracts for Permanent Secretaries for Northern Province Charles Sipanje, Youth, Sports and Child Development Joe Kapembwa, Cabinet Office Remuneration Division Sturdy Mwale, Bishop Edward Chomba Local Government, Ms. Mulalelo Kakulubelwa for Ministry of Health and Dr. Auxilia Ponga, who was Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Tourism.

President Lungu said the termination of contracts for the said Permanent Secretaries is to enable some of them to go and pursue their political ambitions while for others it is because they have fallen short in terms of their conduct.