Saturday, October 26, 2024
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Medical stores urged to ensure stable supply of drugs


The government has called for a stable supply chain of drugs to all medical institutions on the Copperbelt Province.

Minister of Health, Jonas Chanda says there is need to eliminate erratic drug supply in all health institutions in the province as this poses a risk to the provision of quality health care.

ZANIS reports that Dr Chanda was speaking after inspecting the medical stores’ regional hub in Luanshya district.

Dr Chanda has hence implored Medical Stores Limited and the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) to co-operate in ensuring that challenges associated with the supply of quality drugs are mitigated.

He disclosed that President Edgar Lungu is soon expected to commission the Copperbelt medical stores regional hub.

And Medical Stores Copperbelt Regional Hub Manager, Mathews Fwambo said the facility was well stocked with all essential drugs.

Mr Fwambo said Medical Stores has maintained a regular monthly supply flow of drugs to health institutions in the region.

Aircraft Accident Investigation Board inaugurated


The government through the Ministry of Transport and Communication has successfully established an Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) that will reinforce aviation safety in the country.

Minister of Transport and Communication, Mutotwe Kafwaya disclosed that this is in line with the Chicago Convention on the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) that requires contracting states to set up an independent board.

Mr Kafwaya said the AAIB management will be in charge of investing into aircraft accidents and serious incidents that may occur within the country.

Speaking during the official inauguration ceremony of the Board of Directors for AAIB, Mr. Kafwaya expressed confidence in the team saying it is a necessary part of government’s efforts to consolidate and fulfil the convention on civil aviation.

“It is gratifying for me and my team that government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu has demonstrated its commitment to ICAO which is finally coming to fruition as we inaugurate the AAIB today,” Mr Kafwaya stated.

The minister stated that the Board was drawn from an experienced industry of experts hence is hopeful that Zambia will strive to achieve minimal to zero serious incidents in aviation to improve aviation safety.

He implored the board to always ensure that it provides accurate and timely accident and incident reports that will act as a guide in the industry.

The Minister told the board to enhance sustainable operations so that the country continues to comply with its national and international obligations for investigations of aircraft accidents and incidents.

“It is my expectation that through your guidance as board, the aircraft accident investigation board will develop relations with local stakeholders, regional and international bodies,” he added.

Meanwhile, AAIB Chairperson, Alick Sakala requested for a statutory instrument to be established that will guide the board to successfully implement its objectives as well as the prescribed ICAO standards.

Captain Sakala expressed gratitude to government for having confidence in the board to effectively create safety in the aviation industry.

“It is a great honor and privilege to be founder members of the AAIB, and with these we realize it comes with great responsibilities,” he said.

The establishment of the AAIB is in line with the Civil Aviation Act NO. 5 of 2016.

Previously, the functions of the AAIB were temporarily delegated to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as an interim added responsibility.

President Lungu Receives Full Report on Police Shooting of two Citizens


President Edgar Lungu has received the full report from the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Kakoma Kanganja on the shooting to death of two citizens in Lusaka last month.

According to the brief statement released to the media by State House, the President has studied the report and has since handed it over to the Director of Public Prosecution for her attention.

The President has, however, stated that the due process of the law must take place.

Last year President Lungu directed the Inspector of Police, Kakoma Kanganja to use every resource available to fully investigate the murder cases in a circumstance in which the two victims were shot.

President Lungu urged Zambia Police to investigate the matter as quickly as possible and that the deaths of the two Zambians would have been avoided indicating that it seems the country have cast aside the values believing in politics or politicking must be this country’s daily bread.

“My heart goes out to the families of Nsama Nsama Chipyoka and Joseph Kaunda, both of whom were killed by an unknown assailant or assailants yesterday in Lusaka. I am grieving with the families of these victims. My sincere condolences to the families,” the President said at the time.

The Head of State explained that it believed that it pays to spend time at police stations and courts, as cheerleaders of politicians, even over cases that we know little or nothing about.

He said he was saddened that even after being cautioned against going to the police station, many in sponsored transport traversed adding that there was a sign that many have become pawns in other people’s games.

“Yesterday’s incidents were totally unnecessary, to put it mildly. An individual, in his person, was called by the police to answer charges, and yet we saw multitudes of uninvited citizens thronging the police station.

“ What was that about? In the meantime, a situation was created for mayhem and we end up with lives lost,” the President questioned.

Mr. Lungu clarified that no one is above the law including himself saying that for as long as he is a President, he will not allow anybody to usurp criminal justice.

He said Nsama was not just a prosecutor or a lawyer, he was a husband, dad, son, brother, nephew, uncle, cousin of people who are grieving today and equally, the loss of Joseph, a young man, full of life, taken away because of political activism.

The President warned that Zambia is a haven for peace and that not one will be allowed to turn this country upside down.

“This is the time for all of us to reflect as a country about the Zambia we want to live in. This is not what we are as a country. This is alien. What unites us is stronger than what divides us,” he emphasized.

Mr Lungu has since appealed to the public to stay calm as investigators do their work and resolute against crime and say, no, to political chicanery and demagoguery.

UPND Youths demand for the immediate release of 30 Chongwe residents arrested for illegal trade in Charcoal


UPND Lusaka Province youths has expressed concerns over the detention of over 30 Chongwe residents who were arrested last Thursday for merely trading in charcoal business. The police on said date, arrested the residents even when they had valid papers with them allowing them to trade in Charcoal.

The youth leadership said that the Chongwe case is a classic example of many trumped up arrests and charges that the Zambian people have been through under the Patriotic Front led police.

“Under this regime, many citizens have been subjected to these and many different kinds of trumped-up charges. How can one order an arrest of residents who are merely trying to survive under the harsh conditions that the same PF have brought since they took power? What is surprising is that these residents have valid papers allowing them to trade in Charcoal business. Why arrest them?” wondered the UPND youth leadership.

UPND Youths, who had hoped to see the residents walk to freedom yesterday afternoon when the matter was brought before Chongwe magistrate court were shocked when the magistrate refused to grant bail to the residents stating that the court could not do so as residents stay in different places. This was despite the residents availing before the court traceable references. The residents have since been taken to Kamwala remand prison.

Speaking shortly after the court proceedings, the UPND youths stated that their wish was to see both an independent judiciary and police service devoid of political infiltration and execute their duties in accordance with the republican constitution.

Isidore Tetamashimba, 2021 Mandevu constituency aspiring candidate who accompanied the youths provided food for all the remanded residents and took time to encourage them and their families to remain strong as this persecution was just a passing phase.

The 10 issues that must take centre stage in this year elections


By Nkonkomalimba Kafunda

As we head towards August 12th elections day,  10 issues must take centre stage

1 The need to fight corruption: Private greed has reached unprecedented levels and should not be condoned. The impunity with which government functionaries are looting the public purse through dubious contracts (honeybee being the latest) , have shown that society has lost the core values of honesty and honour in the conduct of public affairs.

2. Effective management of the economy: Only those who are illicitly acquiring wealth, those whose personal well being is put above national or public good do not admit that the economy is in shambles. Those who strut around with delusional self-importance will not admit that all the fundamentals have gone topsy turvy. Unsustainable debt comes to mind here.

3.Protection of media freedom: The free press has been under siege in the past few years. Independent media has been intimidated and harassed into oblivion. This onslaught on the fourth estate has been designed to obliterate any system of checks and balances that has been built up since the return to democracy in 1991. The closure of The post is now a harsh and sad reality All true patriots must stand up for the right of the media to operate in an unfettered environment free of harassment from authorities and the cadres they control.

4. Enhancement of judicial integrity: Few will argue that the people have lost faith in the Judiciary’s capacity to deliver justice. It is clear that other considerations rather than the law come into play in most cases. Inequitable bail conditions are now not uncommon.

5 Promotion of national unity: The country is highly polarized. It is either you are PF or opposition not Zambian. This must come to an end.

6 Promotion of democracy and good governance: Because Zambians have lost faith in institutions of governance, and not without reason, our democracy is under siege. This loss of confidence has meant that we have left it to people who should not be anywhere near government running our affairs. This can be seen by the serial incompetence witnessed in every sphere of public affairs’

7 upholding of peace: When those charged with the responsibility of protecting citizens turn fire arms purchased with tax payer kwachas on the same people they are meant to protect, it can only result in anarchy and lawlessness. If the people choose to take matters into their own hands only bloodshed will result. These potential triggers of mayhem must be nipped in the bud.

8 Improvement in the delivery of social services: Social services are an essential part of governance. It follows, therefore, that instead of reduction in the percentage of the budget that goes to social service delivery due to debt servicing obligations, the allocation should be increasing.

9 Reduction in poverty: For a country so well endowed in resources natural human and otherwise the levels of extreme poverty are unacceptable. We require prudent resource management and allocation as a matter of urgency

10 Reducing the high rate of unemployment: Unemployment already high continues to rise. We need to figure out how best to create jobs through value addition of our produce and products. The emphasis should ne on the quality rather than quantity of jobs. Skill transfer and development should be encouraged as should be entrepreneurship with access to affordable capital guaranteed.

Health Minister calls for District-Level Covid-19 Management


Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has called for increased support to Covid-19 management at district level on the Copperbelt province. Dr Chanda said there was a need to devise a mentorship plan to build capacity in specialized critical care management to stop the movement of critically ill Covid-19 patients from other districts to Ndola Teaching Hospital.

“ I want to discourage the movement of Covid -19 patients in a delicate condition, this may even result in losing the patient, therefore, let us instead build capacity in specialized critical care among other needs like oxygen supply and manpower at the district level,” he said.

He was speaking when he visited Luanshya district on a familiarization tour of health facilities including a Covid -19 centre in Roan section 5.

Dr. Chanda observed that finding locally based solutions to Covid-19 management at district level was a sustainable approach as opposed to transferring critical patients to Ndola.

He further said the management of Covid -19 was not a preserve of public health facilities alone, calling on the private sector with the capacity to come on board and help in the management of the coronavirus cases.

“Let’s share the burden. I want to see the private hospitals on the Copperbelt with the capacity to come up and manage Covid-19 cases, of course, that should be after they are scrutinized and are seen to be capable to help in this fight because it is a multi-sectoral problem that needs concerted efforts if we are to stem Covid-19,” he observed.

Earlier, Luanshya District Health Director John Kamalamba disclosed that the district had nine active Covid-19 cases admitted to Clinic 5 isolation centre.

Dr. Kamalamba, however, stated that the district had no capacity to manage critical Covid-19 cases hence was referring patients to Ndola Teaching Hospital for specialized care.

He further explained that the centre was used to manage mild Covid-19 cases and that it was also a transit point for patients needing escalated care to Ndola Teaching Hospital.

“We are using the centre for patients needing mild treatment, but for those needing specialized treatment, we are transferring them to Ndola where they can access oxygen as the hospital doesn’t have enough capacity to handle critical cases,” he explained.

And Copperbelt Province Medical Director Robert Zulu said the initiative to create Covid-19 centres was to isolate the cases from the general patients.

Dr. Zulu said patients at clinic 5 did not require intensive care and could be managed on oxygen concentrators but those with critical conditions are moved to Ndola Teaching Hospital for high flow of oxygen care.

“In Ndola, the level of care is high as we have specialised staff such as critical care nurses and intensivists among others,” he said.

The Health Minister toured Kamirenda clinic and the Luanshya pediatric hospital at section 25 clinic which is still under construction.

He also toured Thompson and Roan hospitals where he was met with challenges of obsolete equipment, unserviced equipment, and lack of laboratory reagents.

“We don’t want museums for hospitals. We will work to transform these facilities and prioritise service delivery. I have asked the provincial health office to do a comprehensive health services report for Luanshya, Ndola, Kitwe, and the entire Copperbelt Province in areas of infrastructure facilities, human resource, and medical equipment so we can make them work,” he said.

The minister is in the Copperbelt Province to familiarize himself with the operations of health facilities.

LCC intensifies disinfecting public places


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has intensified its exercise of disinfecting public places around the city.

A team of LCC public health inspectors has been going around Lusaka to disinfect public places such as markets in order to reduce chances of the spread of Covid-19.

Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager George Sichimba said a team of health inspectors was in Northmead area where they were carrying out health disinfections yesterday.

Mr. Sichimba said the council has also embarked on the massive Covid-19 sensitization exercise in public cemeteries.

He indicated that the exercise was started after an observation by the council that most mourners are not abiding by the public health guidelines.

He added that the observation also showed that the compliance levels among Lusaka residents has gone down making the work of the council difficult when enforcing public health measures.

The LCC Public Relations Manager explained that enforcing public health guidelines has been difficult because public cemeteries are not fenced. This makes mourners access the facilities from all corners at will.

“We are trying to change the methodology by speaking to mourners directly so that people realize that the prevention of Covid-19 is at individual level. So people should take individual responsibilities rather than waiting for people to go and remind them,” said Mr. Sichimba.

He disclosed that a group of public health inspectors was at Chingwere cemeteries over the weekend carrying out sensitizations.

Fuel situation under control, all fuels stations will have stocks by end of this week-Nkhuwa


Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa has said all the filling stations in the country will have enough fuel stocks before the end of this week to ensure stable supply and smooth running of the economy.

Mr. Nkhuwa has assured the nation that consumers and the general public should not panic since all filling stations will be serviced with enough fuel within the course of the week.

He emphasized that the government and oil marketing companies are in total control of the situation.

The Energy Minister made the remarks shortly after conducting a tour of Puma Zambia Limited, Total Zambia Limited and Tanzania Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) fuel depots in Lusaka yesterday.

“Government is in full control and there should be no panic buying as you have seen from all the three depots we have toured. Tankers are offloading fuel which is really impressive going forward as we know that the country’s economy will continue moving,” he assured.

Mr. Nkhuwa explained that the government is working closely with oil marketing companies to arrest the situation, an approach which he said is yielding positive results.

Meanwhile, Total Zambia Head of Retail and Digital Services Ernest Mfula and Puma Zambia Limited Terminal Manager Chinyemba Kalama both underscored that supply of fuel countrywide is stabilizing.

Mr. Mfula stated that 23 oil tankers offloaded fuel at the depot on SUnday and by 15 hours yesterday, 15 more tankers had offloaded the commodity.

He pointed out that to expedite the steady supply of the commodity to all its service stations in the country, Total-Zambia limited will activate the night and Sunday shifts.

“So far we have offloaded 15 oil tankers and yesterday Sunday we offloaded 23 as I speak 100 are on the way bringing fuel and we also hail the government for the collaboration,” Mr. Mfula stated.

And Mr. Kalama said in the last two days, Puma Zambia has offloaded 700,000 litres of fuel in the quest to have enough stocks.

Meanwhile Tanzania Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) Station Manager Moses Chipulukusu assured the Minister and his delegation that a number of oil tankers are offloading at the terminal.

Mr. Chipulukusu praised the government for removing VAT and other tax obligations on fuel importation saying this has improved the stocks.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Allan Chibwe-We Are Planning Hard For Namibia


Chipolopolo goalkeeper Allan Chibwe says they are working hard to ensure they come up with a plan to beat Namibia in their final Group D match this Wednesday in Limbe and qualify to the CHAN quarterfinals on January 31.

Zambia plays Namibia on January 27 in a match they need to win to ensure they secure their last eight place.

“I think we have a good coach and we will come with a good plan how to come out with the three points against Namibia,” Chibwe said.

Chipolopolo are second in Group D, tied on 4 points with leaders Guinea following Saturdays 1-1 draw in their penultimate pool match.

But third positioned Tanzania, who play Guinea in a simultaneous kickoff in Douala this Wednesday, have turned Group D into a three -horse race and are a point behind after their 1-0 win over Namibia on January 23 who are out after losing their opening two games.

“We are expecting a tough match like what happened in the last CHAN when we drew against them in out last group game. We are looking forward this time to win so that we top the group and meet the second placed team from the other group,” Chibwe said.

Zambia and Namibia met at the same stage in their final group match at CHAN 2018 in Morocco to both advance but made quarterfinal exits.

Meanwhile, Group D winner will host runner-up from Group C while Group C winner awaits second place finishers from Group D.

Defending CHAN champions Morocco lead Group C on 4 points, Togo and second on 3 points while Rwanda has 2 points and Uganda last with 1 point.



Zambia 2(Collins Sikombe 61’pen,Emmanuel Chabula 81′)-Tanzania 0


Zambia 1(Spencer Sautu 87′)-Guinea 1(Victor Kantabadouno 58′)


Collins Sikombe(Napsa Stars):8
Emmanuel Chabula(Nkwazi):4
Albert Kangwanda(Zanaco):2
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):2
Moses Phiri (Zanaco):2
Spencer Sautu(Power Dynamos):1
Paul Katema (Red Arrows):1
Zacharia Chilongoshi(Power Dynamos):1
Clement Mwape (Zesco United):1
Enock Mwepu (RB Salzburg, Austria):1
Chaniza Zulu (Lumwana Radiants):1
Tandi Mwape(TP Mazembe DRC):1*
*Denotes own goal


Zanaco 3(Gideon Sichone 4’og,Roger Kola 44′,Abraham Siankombo 78′)-Green Buffaloes 0
Napsa Stars 1(Jimmy Mukeya 13′)-Indeni 1(Heriter Nkonko32′)

Lusaka Dynamos 2(Taddy Etekiama 15′, Lubamba Moyela 60′)-Nkana 0

Kabwe Warriors 1(Twiza Chaibela 57′)-Kitwe United 0

Young Green Eagles 2(Kingsley Fichite 61′ ,Samson Mwila 88′)-Nkwazi 1(Kenneth Kasanga 51′)

Lumwana Radiants 0-Prison Leopards 0

Forest Rangers 2(Webster Muzaza 76′,Lameck Silwaba 78′)-Red Arrows 1(Joseph Phiri 65′)

Buildcon 1(Gerald Chisha 9′)-Green Eagles 1 (Gozon Mutale 46′)

Zesco United-Power Dynamos

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS

Moses Phiri (Zanaco):8

Quadri Kola (Forest Rangers):6

Collins Sikombe (Lusaka Dynamos):5
Roger Kola(Zanaco):6

Abraham Siankombo(Zanaco):4
Emmanuel Mayuka (Napsa Stars):4
Idris Mbombo (Nkana):4
Felix Nyaende (Lumwana):4
David Obashi (Prison Leopards):4

Webster Muzaza(Forest Rangers):3
Gerald Chisha (Buildcon):3
Francis Zulu (Prisons Leopards):3
James Chamanga (Red Arrows):3
Akakulubelwa Mwaichiyaba(Kabwe Warriors):3
Felix Bulaya (Red Arrows):3
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa Stars):3
Tranquilin Mwepu (Indeni):3
Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon):3
Aubrey Funga (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):3
Graven Chitalu(Indeni):3
Baba Basile (Zanaco):3
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):3
Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):3
Anos Tembo (Green Eagles):3

Joseph Phiri (Red Arrows):2
Twiza Chaibela (Kabwe Warriors):2
Taddy Etekiama (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Amenu Moro (Forest Rangers):2
Van Basten Neba(Lumwana):2
Brian Mwila(Buildcon):2
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):2
Aubrey Chela (Green Eagles):2
Francis Simwanza (Red Arrows):2
Tshite Mweshi (Prison Leopards):2
Tiki Chiluba (Indeni):2
Mathews Nkowane (Kabwe Warriors):2
Godfrey Ngwenya (Power Dynamos):2
Laudit Mavugo (Napsa):2
Emmanuel Okutu (Buildcon):2
Benson Sakala (Power Dynamos):2
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):2
Kamal Jafaru (Buildcon):2
Jimmy Ndhlovu (Kabwe Warriors):2
Junior Zulu(Prisons Leopards):2
Pride Mwansa(Nkwazi):2
Adamson Mulao (Young Green Eagles):2
Ocean Mushure (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Steven Mutama (Nkwazi):2
Jack Chirwa (Green Buffaloes):2
Evans Musonda (Kitwe United):2
Enock Sakala Jr (ZescO):2
Eric Choomba (Nkwazi):2
Fred Tshimenga (Nkana):2



Chambishi 0-0 National Assembly

Gomes 1-0 Livingstone Pirates

Mpulungu Harbour 1-1 Kafue Celtic

Konkola Blades 4-1 Kashikishi Warriors


City of Lusaka 1-0 Zesco Malaiti Rangers

Mufulira Wanderers 1-0 KYSA FC

Nchanga Rangers 0-1 Kansanshi Dynamos

Zesco Shockers 1-2 Police Collage

Trident FC – MUZA

Fuel shortage shouldn’t trigger fare hike- BTOAZ


The Bus and Taxi Owners Association of Zambia (BTOAZ) has appealed to government to maintain its promise that fuel pump prices will remain unchanged for now.

In an interview with ZANIS, BTOAZ spokesperson Amiss Daudi said the current fuel shortages should not lead to an increase in fuel prices which will consequently trigger hiked transport fares.

Mr. Daudi said the shortage of fuel does not increase the cost of operations and therefore cannot lead to an increase in transport fares.

“A shortage of fuel does not affect the cost of operations,” he said.

He said there was a process that must be followed before increasing transport fares.

He explained that the process involves engagements with government and other stakeholders adding that no plans are being made to increase the fares.

“We have a channel on which we use when we want to increase fares,” he said.

The BTOAZ spokesperson said reports of price hike are probably coming from unregistered transport operators who do not know the processes that should be followed before fares are increased.

Mr. Daudi further appealed to government and oil marketing companies to quickly address the fuel shortages in the country.

A number of districts in Zambia have in the past few days experience fuel shortages.

Benson Sakala Fit to Face Namibia in Must-Win CHAN Group D Date


Midfielders Benson Sakala and Albert Kangwanda have been certified fit to face Namibia in Wednesday’s 2021 CHAN final Group D fixture against Namibia.

Sakala of Power Dynamos, and Kangwamda from Zanaco, both missed Zambia’s opening two Group D matches against Tanzania and Guinea due to injuries.

“Benson Sakala and Albert Kangwanda who had minor injuries are now fit for selection, in fact all the players are fit for selection so there is no one else injured which is good for the coach to widen his selection,” Zambia team Doctor George Phiri said.

Dr Phiri also revealed that goalkeeper Allan Chibwe who sustained head injury in the 1-1 draw with Guinea on January 23 is fit.

“Allan, the goalkeeper, sustained a minor laceration and he is very OK and the wound is healing very well and he is fit to also to play, it is just a minor injury,” Dr Phiri said.

The return of Chipolopolo vice-captain Sakala especially is a huge boost ahead of the January 27 must-win date against winless Namibia who has been eliminated from the CHAN after two successive defeats.

Zambia are second in Group D on 4 points, tied with leaders Guinea following their 1-1 draw on January 23.

Both teams need to win their respective final Group D matches with Tanzania just a point behind them following last Saturday’s 1-0win over Namibia who have zero points.

ZAMRA advises against self-prescribing medicines


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) has bemoaned reports of members of the public self-prescribing the Ivermectin injection for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in humans.

Senior Public Relations Officer, Christabel Iliamupu has advised people that there is no conclusive clinical data to support its safety and efficacy in the context of COVID-19.

Mrs Iliamupu said currently, in Zambia, Ivermectin Injection has been registered and authorized for veterinary use only.

She has urged people to adhere to the current Ministry of Health guidelines on prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and refrain from self-prescribing of unauthorized medical products.

Mrs. IIiamupu has cautioned importers and distributors of veterinary medicines to adhere to good distribution practices (GDP) and standard treatment guidelines (STGs) in order to avoid misuse of medicines.

She notes that non-adherence will result in the prosecution of offenders in line with the provisions of the law.

Fuel shortage should be resolved-ZAM


Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) has raised concerns on the fuel shortage in some parts of the country.

ZAM Vice president, Chipego Chileshe says the situation will affect the transportation of raw materials and finished products around the country.

She said the current situation should be resolved as soon as possible in order to reduce the adverse impact not only on production processes but also on distribution and retailing of products.

In a separate interview, Economic Analyst, Chibamba Kanyama said the current fuel shortage situation in some parts of the country will disrupt the level of production.

Mr Kanyama said fuel shortages will affect the mobility of products such as agricultural produce which are supposed to be consistent in production.

“We should not have an artificial induced disruption such as fuel when we are trying to maximize output at this time, when COVID-19 is destroying the economy,” he said.

Zambia records 8,557 GBV cases


Zambia Police Service has disclosed that about 8,557 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were recorded during the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to 7,640 reported during the third quarter in the same year.

Police Spokesperson, Esther Katongo disclosed that the country recorded a 10.7 percent increase in the number of GBV cases compared to the previous quarter.

Ms Katongo stated that about 1, 723 cases involved juvenile victims, representing 20 percent of all victims of GBV.

She added that among the 6,834 abuse cases, 5,121 represented female adults while 1,713 were male adults countrywide, adding that females of all ages have continued to be vulnerable towards the vice as 75 percent of all reported cases were abused in the fourth quarter.

“The fourth Quarter 2020 Disaggregated Data indicates that 1,723 juveniles were abused countrywide representing 20 percent of all the victims of Gender Based Violence. Out of the 1,723 juvenile victims, 1,298 were females representing 75 percent while 425 were males representing 25percent of all abused juvenile victims respectively,” Ms Katongo said.

The Police Spokesperson noted that under sexual abuse, 787 cases of sexual offences were recorded and of these, 622 victims were female juveniles translating to 79 percent, while 163 victims were female adults translating to over 20 percent.

She added that both adult and juvenile males recorded six cases of sexual violence in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Ms Katongo announced a reduction of 128 child defilement cases compared to the third quarter of 2020, as the country reported 586 cases in the fourth quarter, of which 585 were female juveniles and one case of a male juvenile, thereby representing 99.8 percent and 0.2 percent respectively.

She disclosed that Lusaka Province had the highest number of child defilement cases with 257 reported, while Northern Province recorded the least cases.

“Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 257 translating to 44 percent of the child defilement cases reported country wide. Eastern Province recorded 63 cases, followed by Central Province with 62 cases, Southern Province had 53 cases and Copperbelt Province recorded 39 cases of all the reported defilement cases. North Western recorded 38, Muchinga 23, Western 19, Luapula recorded 17, Northern nine, Airport Division recorded one case,” Ms Katongo said.

She stated that the number of rape cases stood at 106 and 13 attempted rape cases were recorded under the reviewed period.

Ms Katongo added that the country also reported 32 cases of indecent assault, 2,363 physical abuse, 480 economic abuse and, 22 murder cases.

She reiterated that Zambia Police will continue conducting GBV sensitization activities in an effort to curb the vice, while encouraging victims to report perpetrators of crime for possible prosecution.

Ms Katongo disclosed that a total of 8,897 people comprising 5,598 victims and 3,299 offenders were offered counseling by officers from the Victim Support Unit.

DIV 1 WRAP :Sharp Blades Sneak Into Second


Konkola Blades have sneaked into second place on the FAZ National Division 1 table following a huge home win over Kashikishi Warriors in Chililabombwe.

Blades thumped Kashikishi 4-1 at Konkola Stadium in the Week 14 match played on Saturday.

Christian Mpoyi, Emmanuel Mwaba, Paul Mumba and Kunda Kabila were the scorers for the Charles Bwale coached side.

Blades moved one place up after increasing their tally to 27 points, one behind leaders Kansanshi Dynamos, after 14 matches played.

This was revived Konkola’s fourth consecutive win.

Meanwhile, Kansanshi stayed top after edging Nchanga Rangers 1-0 away in Chingola on Sunday.

Midfielder Bob Chansa scored the goal at Nchanga Stadium that moved Kansanshi to 28 points.

Chambishi have dropped from second to third position after being held to a goalless draw by National Assembly at home in Chambishi.

Chambishi have 26 points after playing 14 matches.

City of Lusaka are back in the top four after beating Zesco Malaiti 1-0 to end a five match winless run.

The win has pushed Ya Moto to number four with 26 points from 14 matches played.

City of Lusaka

FAZ National Division 1 – Week 14 Results

Mufulira Wanderers 1-0 KYSA FC

Nchanga Rangers 0-1 Kansanshi Dynamos

Chambishi 0-0 National Assembly

City of Lusaka 1-0 Zesco Malaiti Rangers

Konkola Blades 4-1 Kashikishi Warriors

Gomes FC 1-0 Livingston Pirates

Mpulungu Harbour 1-1 Kafue Celtics

Zesco Shockers 1-2 Police Collage

Trident FC vs MUZA (game to be played on Wednesday)