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4 Former Ministers have not yet paid back the money-Accountant General


The Ministry of Finance has announced that full verification and reconciliation of repayments related to salaries that were paid to Cabinet, Provincial, and Deputy Ministers who served between May and August 2016, in line with the court judgement, has now been completed.

Accountant General Kennedy Musonda said the Ministry of Finance has in addition submitted the details of repayments and outstanding amounts to the Attorney General.

Mr. Musonda has explained that to facilitate the verification process, the Patriotic Front (PF) party submitted a schedule of persons who were covered under its bulk deposits made to the treasury.

He said to confirm the deposits, the party submitted deposit slips to the treasury and government receipts have accordingly been issued for the same.

“Therefore, according to our current records, 59 out of 63 former Cabinet, Provincial, and Deputy Ministers have been covered by the repayments,” Mr. Musonda said.

In a statement issued to the media in Lusaka yesterday, the Accountant General indicated that the reconciliation process has revealed that some individuals who were paid for by the PF Party had also paid for themselves, resulting in double repayments which will be refunded in line with public finance regulations.

He noted that taking both foregoing factor and the court judgement into account, the total outstanding amount of public funds due to the treasury by the remaining four (4) individuals is K230, 064.36.

“In line with procedure and to ensure that progress towards the closure of this matter is conclusive, the Ministry of Finance has written to the Attorney General to submit the detail of repayments and outstanding amounts. The details include names of all the fifty-nine (59) persons who have paid in full and the four individuals who have not,” stated the Accountant General.

Mr. Musonda clarified that to confirm the repayments, government receipts, some of which have not yet been collected from the treasury, have also been issued for individuals who have availed the Ministry of Finance with deposit slips.

He has since urged some former ministers who made repayments but have not yet availed the treasury with deposit slips to do so in order to be issued with government receipts.

Engage Qualified Forestry Professionals In Nursery And Tree Plantation Establishments For Pine And Eucalyptus


By Chaliafya Katungula

Gone are the days when acquired land was being left to lie idle, today it has become a common trend for Zambians to establish some form of plantation or indeed practice farm forestry. A quick survey has revealed that there are a number of nurseries that have sprang up over the recent years. These engage in the practice of raising seedlings and selling them to clientèle across the country but unfortunately, the majority in this enterprise are not engaging professionals who have silvicultural expertise, thus leading to failure and loss.

The fact of the matter is that this task of growing trees is challenging by the long term nature of forestry, the changing and greater demands of society for forest products and environmental responsibilities as well as the unpredictable nature of fire, pests and diseases. Thus, Successful plantation management requires increased and improved knowledge regarding tree health issues, more effective quarantine, silvicultural practices, and importantly, the establishment of sound breeding and selection programs.

I encourage fellow Zambians that are involved or interested in growing trees to engage trained and qualified forestry professionals with sound knowledge and expertise. This is because tree farming or tree growing involves Silvicultural operations such as site preparation, planting, tree pruning, weed spraying, and fertiliser application to ensure that the plantations are healthy and productivity is optimum.

Everyone should be aware that Planning for a pine/eucalyptus plantation starts several months before the first seedlings are planted. A number of factors need to be considered, including: Size of the area to be planted, Existing vegetation and protection of biodiversity values, Weed infestation, Water movement, Erosion prevention, Location of forest tracks, Soil type and nutrient content. Each stage needs to ensure a maximum rate of tree survival and growth, while protecting and managing environmental characteristics. If the site is a second rotation, the residue of the previous crop of trees is reduced. The site is cultivated to improve soil health and create planting lines. Prior to planting the seedlings, the area should be treated with herbicide (where possible) to control the growth of weeds, reducing competition for valuable water and nutrients

The nursery cultivates young plants from seed or cuttings sourced from genetically superior plants- those with the most desired traits, such as improved palatability and yield—are selected for continued propagation. However, there is a challenge in this area as most nurseries that have emerged in Zambia do not take the criteria of “genetically superior plants” into consideration and are mostly propagating plant material from genetically inferior plants. In reality most Planting material are imported from other countries that have not been bred and selected for local conditions in Zambia. This site-species mismatch adds stress to trees and exposes them to pests and pathogens to which they do not have natural resistance. Additionally, it makes them more prone to diseases caused by opportunistic pathogens, thus, you find a lot of people buying pine and eucalyptus seedlings but experiencing plant failure or low survival rates. Therefore the source of the seedling is important. Always source your seedlings or seeds from a trust worthy source that can assure you that the product you are purchasing sources from genetically superior plant materials.

At about nine months old (about 25cm high), the seedlings are planted at 1,111 trees per hectare using a spacing of 3meters by 3meters. Being close together, the seedlings grow straight as they compete for available moisture, sunlight and nutrients. If required, fertiliser is used to improve tree health and growth. Over the length of a rotation trees are “thinned”, with about 30-50% of trees removed per thinning. This occurs at approximately 10 year intervals, when tree growth slows due to competition. Thinning allows the remaining trees more space to obtain water, light and nutrients from the soil. This allows the remaining trees to establish their optimum rate of growth. Trees removed at first thinning are used for fence posts or other uses such as energy and pulp in countries that have developed pulp and paper industries.

Nursery owners, plant propagators and tree growers should be aware that it is a requirement under current legislation for nurseries be registered and regulated under the Plant Quantine and Phytosanitary Services (PQPS). Further, the forestry Act No 4 of 2015 provides for establishment of private forests. Specifically, section 26 (1) States that an owner or lessee of any land or plantation who wishes to establish a private forest shall apply to the Director, in the prescribed manner and form, for the registration of the area which the person intends to comprise the private forest of pests and diseases that could reduce productivity of Eucalypts and Pine. Therefore, those that are engaged in establishment of nurseries and growing trees should ensure that they abide by the statutes and operate within the confines of the law.

Tree growers should be aware of pests and diseases that could reduce productivity of eucalypts and pines. Prevention of these ailments requires the expertise of forestry professionals. In the eucalyptus category, tree growers must look out for leaf diseases such as Corky leaf spot, Mycosphaerella leaf Disease (MLD), Pseudocercospora leaf disease, Kirramyces leaf disease and Cylindrocladium leaf disease. The stem of eucalyptus tree species also present and manifest diseases of their own nature such as Botryosphaeria canker, Chrysoporthe canker disease and Coniothyrium canker disease. On the other hand the pines are also prone to common diseases such as Dothistroma needle blight and Armillaria root rot.

Seedling mortality at the early stages of plantation establishment in Zambia is mostly affected by Poor planting techniques like planting in shallow pits exposing their roots to heat and sun. It has also been reported that Thinning in Zambian plantations is usually not done and depends in most cases on market demand for timber, rather than on a plantation maintenance schedule. As long as the sale of thinning’s cannot cover the costs of this operation, thinning will not be undertaken and this results in overstocking

Members of the public should not be afraid of engaging into tree growing or farm forestry. Provided they comply with existing regulations and engage forestry professionals, success and productivity is guaranteed. Further, it must be made known that an intimate relationship between farming and forestry exists and is, on the one hand, bilaterally profitable: farming makes available labour and food for forestry, while forestry provides capital for farm development; on the other hand, farming and forestry conflict in the allocation of land, labour, manure, and time. Landowners interested in pursuing forest farming need to examine all internal and external factors that could influence their success. Many new enterprises may require additional skills and expertise of foresters.

The country has in recent years grown the calibre of cadres in the forestry profession. A forester can be found in the public service- usually found at the forestry department offices across the country and those in the private sector. Therefore as we encourage everyone in undertaking afforestation and reforestation, let’s engage forestry professionals so that these efforts are well informed and sustained.

Remember not to buy forest seedlings anyhow but go for those that are from genetically superior plants, sourced from a registered nursery facility.

The Author is Advocate General Forestry Advocacy for Communication, Transparency, Accountability and Research- F(A+C+T+A+R)

Government will this week conclude paying personnel engaged in pre-Census exercises – Chiteme


The Minister of National Development Planning Honourable Alexander Chiteme, MP, today announced that the Government is this week concluding to pay all outstanding balances to contracted personnel that worked in the Pilot Census as well as the Mapping and Listing exercises.

Addressing a media briefing in Lusaka, Hon. Chiteme said the completion of the Mapping and Listing, as well as the Pilot Census, demonstrates Government’s commitment to the undertaking of the main Census.

“I am pleased to inform the nation that, the Pilot Census was successfully completed in all the selected districts on 12th December 2020. The Mapping and Listing was successfully completed in all the 116 districts in the third quarter of 2020. These are major achievements considering the numerous challenges in 2020,” Hon. Chiteme announced. “Let me also state that outstanding balances to contracted personnel under these two exercises are currently being paid-out in all provinces. We expect all payments to be completed this week. Thank you to the more than 3500 personnel mostly grade 12 school leavers that were recruited to carry out the aforementioned activities in various communities of Zambia under the supervision of the Zambia Statistics Agency.”

He explained that the Government postponed the 2020 Census of Population and Housing to this year following challenges which included the gassing incidences between October 2019 and February 2020, and flooding in some parts of the country, as well as the outbreak of Covid-19.

The Minister explained that Cabinet will decide the dates when the Census of Population and Housing will be held.

Minister Chiteme addresses the media
Minister Chiteme addresses the media

Hon. Chiteme also announced that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has donated 2,110 bicycles towards the main Census of Population and Housing.

“I wish to acknowledge the support of UN through UNFPA, UNICEF and UNDP for continued technical and financial support since the start of the Census planning process in 2017. I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to [UK Department for International Development] DFID who have so far provided 15,025 tablets for data collection through a south-to-south cooperation arrangement with Malawi, through the UNFPA,” Mr. Chiteme said. “I am also grateful to the World Bank, US Government through the US Census Bureau for providing technical support for the Census preparatory activities, and the private sector organizations namely, ZANACO and ECO banks that have committed and supported the Census activities thus far.”

Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (in charge of Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation) Mr. Danies Chisenda and Zambia Statistics Agency (ZAMSTATS) Interim Statistician General Mr. Mulenga Musepa accompanied Hon. Chiteme.

This is according to a media statement issued in Lusaka by Ministry of National Development Planning Spokesperson Chibaula D. Silwamba.

Over 100 houses on verge of collapse in Chipata


More than 100 housing units built on the foot of the Kapata hills around Muthilansembe area in Chipata district are on the verge of collapse due to a huge gully that has developed closer to the houses.

Chipata District Commissioner (DC) Kalunga Zulu visited Muthilansembe and directed the affected families to vacate their homes before a disaster occurs.

Mr. Zulu has warned that the houses that are located close to the gully filled with running water might collapse any time if the area experiences heavy rains again.

He observed that the gully has developed due to running water from the hills. This has been caused by land degradation due to cutting down of trees to clear land for agriculture on top of the hill.

“It is due to the cutting down of trees and farming activities in the nearby hill that has led to the creation of the gully,” Mr. Zulu said.

The DC has further advised people who have settled on the foot of the Kapata hills to desist from cutting down trees in order to arrest land degradation that is occurring at a faster rate and posing a danger to human habitat.

He has also advised the residents of Muthilansembe to start replanting trees on the hill top.

In addition, Mr. Zulu told the affected people of Muthilansembe area that the government means well when it advises them to stop cultivating from hilly areas because it is intended to avoid a pending calamity.

He has further advised the people around the area to stop their farming activities on the hills and start replanting trees to safeguard their settlement and houses from being swept away by landslides.

“We should start a programme of planting trees with the young boys and girls to avoid the problem again in the near future because if this continues, our children will suffer,” he said.

The DC has meanwhile told the people around the area to quickly report any dangerous situation as a result of land degradation to avoid a calamity that might lead to loss of lives.

And Mr. Zulu has assured the people, whose houses are closer to the gully, that his team and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), will put in place partial intervention measures as they wait for the rain season to be over before they can bring in heavy machinery to bury the gully.

“We cannot bring any heavy machinery to come and work on this gully. We will have to wait till the rains are gone. For now, we can only come up with a partial solution as we are waiting for this season to end,” Mr. Zulu said.

He has also asked ZESCO to disconnect electricity immediately from the affected nearby houses before they collapse.

Meanwhile, one of the affected residents, Janet Njobvu expressed concern saying the gully has been increasing in size since 2018.

“The gully grows big every year and we have been facing this problem since 2018 but this time it is worse,” she said.

Ms. Njobvu has since appealed to the government to quickly look into the matter and help the affected families.

Ms. Nelia Daka, another Muthilansembe resident, narrated that she has lived in the area for 10 years and the gully, which now looks like a stream, only started developing in 2018.

“This gully is now a stream and recently, a 13-year-old boy died in the gully. The government should kindly come in and help us,” she said.

Maid commits suicide at employer’s house


Police in Lusaka have received a report of suspected suicide in which a living-in maid aged 46, is alleged to have committed suicide from her employer’s home in Lusaka’s Olympia township.

Zambia Police Service Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the incident happened in the early hours of today, January 21, 2021 at around 05:20 hours.

Ms. Katongo said the body of the deceased maid was discovered by her employer in a swimming pool outside the house.

In a statement to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Ms. Katongo said according to the employer, the maid, named Anastasia Mulenga, was missing from her bedroom in the morning.

This prompted the employer to search for Anastasia during which an empty bottle of pesticide namely doom was found on the floor of the kitchen room.

Ms. Katongo explained that the deceased’s employer said the pesticide was bought by her and was intended for killing cockroaches. The pesticide was stored in the kitchen display.

“The report was made by the employer of the now-deceased person aged 54 that her maid identified as Anastasia Mulenga aged 46 was discovered dead when she had gone to check on her after noticing that she was not responding to the persistent alarm on her phone (maid’s phone) at about 05:00 hours,” Ms. Katongo stated.

Police have since visited the scene and found the body in the swimming pool without visible injuries.

The body has since been taken to UTH mortuary for postmortem to ascertain the cause of death while an inquiry in the matter has been launched.

St Ignatius Parish Priest Charles Chilinda dies


St Ignatius Parish Priest Father Charles Chilinda has died.

Father Chilinda who had been battling with Covid-19 and was admitted to Maina Soko hospital and died on Thursday evening.

Father Chilinda who is also Loyola Media Director, an Apostalate of the Society of Jesus, has over the last decade emerged as a strong figure from the clergy.

He was renowned as a peace-maker and national builder and unifier, helping bringing together political figures and ending political conflicts

We have terrorists working at the Ministry of Health-Kanyika


Former President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia Jerome Kanyika has described officials at the Ministry of Health Headquarters who authorized the use of fake medical kits as terrorists.

Mr Kanyika charged that Former Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya and his officers at the Ministry unleashed terror on Zambians when they distributed fake drugs and medical supplies from Honey Bee.

Mr Kanyika demanded that medical practicing licenses for all officials at Ndeke House who played a part in the Honey Bee scandal should be revoked and culprits be prosecuted.

He was speaking Thursday morning when he featured on the Hot Seat radio programme on Hot FM.

“It is hard to believe that some of those people are still working at Ndeke House (MoH Headquarters) after they did what they did and today they have even received their salaries. What those people did was an act of terrorism on the Zambian people,” Mr Kanyika explained.

He said it is sad that some of the defective commodities supplied by Honey Bee are still in use in health facilities as there has not been a full recall.

“You know our medical kits normally carries about 60 different drugs but according to ZAMRA, only a few of those commodities have been recalled, since September when the flagging off for the distribution was done, most of those defective drugs are still in use,” he revealed.

Mr Kanyika added that the firing of Dr Chilufya is not enough adding that the former Minister should be prosecuted.

“Furthermore, Dr Chilufya and other officials at Ndeke House who participated in this scandal should be made to lose their practicing licenses for life.”

“Those are terrorists who should not be allowed near patients ever again.”

Ministry of Health Headquarters in Lusaka
Ministry of Health Headquarters in Lusaka

Numba: Zesco Didn’t Underrate Nkwazi


Zesco United coach Mumamba Numba insists Wednesdays 1-0 loss to Nkwazi was not a result of overconfidence after beating Nkana last Sunday.

Nkwazi punished Zesco through a second half penalty converted by Christopher Zulu to end their seven match unbeaten run.

The highlight of Zesco’s good spell saw them beat struggling defending league champions Nkana 2-1 away in Kitwe on January 17.

“I don’t think that was in their minds. It was just a tough game. We played a determined Nkwazi and they are not a pushover,” Numba said.

“We told the team during our pre-match meeting that it won’t be an easy game looking at the way Nkwazi played against Lusaka Dynamos.”

Nkwazi halted seventh placed Lusaka Dynamos two match winning run with a 0-0 home draw on January 15.

“I watched them on TV and I told them it won’t be easy for us to get maximum points and we have to work hard on the pitch and it showed how Nkwazi came on us on the pitch. They deserve to get the three points,” Numba said.

The home defeat denied Zesco an opportunity to go top of the table and stayed put at number two on 22 points, one point behind leaders Prison Leopards.

Zesco have the weekend off because Power Dynamos had five players on CHAN duty but the fifth, midfielder Chaniza Zulu, has yet to return from Cameroon after he was dropped from the final team.

Ndola Teaching Hospital denies charging for Covid-19 tests


Management at Ndola Teaching Hospital has refuted claims by some members of the public that the health institution is charging citizens for Covid-19 tests.

Ndola Teaching Hospital Medical Superintendent Joseph Musowoya said testing for Covid-19 is free for all citizens adding that the Ministry of Health distributed testing kits to health facilities in the country.

Dr. Musowoya however said the Tropical Disease Research Centre in Ndola is the one charging only those intending to travel outside the country.

“We are only charging those who require a Covid-19 traveling certificate from the Ministry of Health which is a clearance for them to travel,” he explained.

He said the health facility is only testing referred patients who show Covid-19 symptoms.

“We are only conducting tests for those who are sick but for those who just want to know their status should visit TDRC,” he said.

He has meanwhile discouraged patients who are well and have no Covid-19 symptoms to stop frequenting health facilities or hospitals that may be highly infectious places.

Zanaco Take Aim For Number One Spot


After second placed Zesco United failed to go top on Wednesday, an opportunity has opened for Zanaco to try and dislodged Prison Leopards from top spot of the 2020/2021FAZ Super Division table this Friday.

Third placed Zanaco hosts 15th positioned Green Buffaloes on January 22 in a Lusaka derby at Sunset Stadium.

Zanaco face Buffaloes 48 hours after Zesco lost 1-0 at home in Ndola to mid-table side Nkwazi that saw them miss a great opportunity to come into this weekend’s round 14 fixtures as leaders.

The seven-time champions have 21 points, one behind Zesco and two less than Prison.

Zanaco return to action after a fortnight off since beating Kabwe Warriors 2-1 away in their Midlands derby at Godfrey ‘Ucar’ Chitalu Stadium in Kabwe.

Zanaco coach Chris Kaunda admitted that the pressure was on the old guard to stay in touch with Prison who are seemingly punching above their weight following their promotion this season with five wins and one defeat in their last six games alone.

“You can see that Prison Leopards who are straight from the National Division One league are doing very well. They are pushing everyone and they are making us think,” Kaunda said.

“Teams that were thinking Prison Leopards is a small team but now we are watching them and saying; ‘What is it they are doing? How do we handle them?’ because they also want to win the league.

“Everyone wants to win the league but let’s see what happens at the end of the day.”

A win over struggling Buffaloes will see Zanaco take an overnight lead until Prison visit Lumwana Radiants this Saturday.

“Of course everyone would like to be on top but it is not a simple league, it’s an open league and you can see that if you make one mistake you can pay, so for us we have to stay focused and see what happens at the end of the season,” Kaunda said.

Joseph Biden administration will strengthen bilateral ties that Zambia enjoys with the USA


United State Charge de Affairs to Zambia David Young said that the Joseph Biden administration will strengthen bilateral ties that the two countries have continued to enjoy.

Mr. Young says President Biden, who is America’s 46th President, will among other areas focus on bettering the ties that have existed between Zambia and America in the health and education sectors.

He also expressed confidence that the US government will appoint an ambassador to serve under the new leadership.

Mr. Young also explained that despite the violence that characterised the election, he is pleased with the smooth transition of power.

He told ZNBC News in a virtual interview that the smooth transition is the rebirth of democracy in the United States.

Meanwhile Mr. Young appealed to Zambians to adhere to the health guidelines set by health experts following the second wave of the COVID 19.

Zambia records 1,264 new Covid 19 cases from 10, 523 Tests in the last 24 hours


Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded 1,264 new Covid 19 cases out of the 10 Thousand Five Hundred and 23 tests carried out across the country.

Health Minister Jonas Chanda said that the country has also recorded 12 new Covid related deaths in the last 24 hours.

Dr. Chanda explained that the 12 deaths bring the cumulative number of deaths to 597, saying the deaths have been classified as 233 covid deaths, 345 Covid19 associated deaths and 19 pending classification.

Dr. Chanda said that Government has continued to employ a multi-sectoral approach towards the fight against the pandemic and that the Ministry is collaborating with various sectors of society in order to incorporate response activities at community levels.

Dr. Chanda reiterated the need for Zambians to continue adhering to health guidelines to fight the disease.

Meanwhile, Saint Ignatius Catholic Church in Lusaka’s Roads Park area has been closed down with immediate effect following the COVID-19 positive cases recorded at the parish.

In a statement released to the parishioners and obtained by ZANIS in Lusaka today, Parish Priest Father Hector Mukwato, said the Church will remain closed for a period of two weeks.

Father Mukwato and his Assistant Parish Priest Father Charles Chilinda have both tested positive for COVID-19.

The two priests have since placed themselves in self-quarantine.

Fr. Mukwato has urged congregants who may have come into contact with them to go ahead and get tested for COVID-19.

He said the rest of the priests and staff at the parish have all carried out similar tests and have tested negative.

He added that the church will resume operations on February 3, 2020, after being fumigated and made safe for public use again.

Boxing Promotions promoter Anthony Mwamba dies


The Zambia Boxing Federation (ZBF) has expressed sadness following the death of Exodus Boxing Promotions promoter Anthony Mwamba.

Zambia Boxing Federation General Secretary Bright Chomba said the death of Mwamba is a sad development to the boxing fraternity.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Chomba said Mwamba who represented the country in promoting boxing at a high level has left a gap that will be hard to fill.

He said Mwamba contributed a lot to the fraternity like bringing Women boxing into light, and grooming former World Boxing Council (WBC) Champion Esther Phiri among others.

He said some youths who were being groomed by Mwamba were taken from the streets, adding that the task has now been left to those still living to carry on the mantle.

ZANIS reports that Chomba has since appealed to boxing stakeholders to come on board and continue with what Mwamba has left in order for the youths to remain focused and not fall back to the streets.

“For us as the Boxing federation I think it is very bad and we just implore the people to mourn him in harmony and Christ,” Chomba said.

Chomba has requested that all Boxing Tournaments in different provinces be suspended until Mwamba is put to rest.

And in a separate interview, Zambia Professional Boxing and wrestling Control Board Secretary General Expendito Chipalo said Mwamba’s death is a huge loss not only to Zambia but to the entire African continent.

Chipalo has said Mwamba was committed to the sport he loved from childhood as an amateur boxer before going professional.

“He was one of the only two active promoters in Zambia and it is not an over statement to say he will be irreplaceable,” Chipalo said.

Mwamba died at the age of 61, at the Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital this morning from suspected COVID-19.

ECL unhappy with people policising Covid-19


President Edgar Lungu is deeply saddened that some people are politicising a serious global disaster like the coronavirus (Covid-19).

President Lungu said the coronavirus has impacted economies not only in Zambia but the entire world hence the need not to politicise the pandemic.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu complained when he met chiefs Mubanga and Nkweto of the Bemba people of Chinsali district in Muchinga Province.

The meeting was at Kapasa Makasa University in Chinsali today.

The Head of State said it is sad that some people are accusing him of spreading the virus through his routine tours around the country, which he said is not the case.

“As much as I know that there is coronavirus which is a very sad situation, I will not allow everything to remain standstill because if the pandemic is not well handled it can cause more economic catastrophe, but we will ensure that as we work, we are also following health guidelines to reduce the further spread of the virus,” he said.

He lamented that a lot of people have died worldwide through Covid-19 and said it is a pit that some elements in Zambia are politicising the sad phenomena.

“Please I urge you chiefs to continue sensitizing your subjects on the dangers of the virus and to adhere to the health guidelines of sanitising, washing hands regularly and self-distancing,” President Lungu stated.

And President Lungu has called for the speed construction of the Chinsali-Mulilansolo road which is in a dilapidated condition.

He said the road is an economic highway for the people in the area.

President Lungu has meanwhile praised the people of Chinsali for massively involving themselves in agriculture.

“I am very much happy with what I have seen here in Chinsali. You have cultivated a lot of maize which is very encouraging,” President Lungu said.

Meanwhile, chiefs Mubanga and Nkweto have assured President Lungu of total support in the August 2021 general elections saying they have seen unpresented development in Chinsali under his leadership.

“ ‘Ushitasha Mwanawandoshi’, meaning he who does not appreciate was born from a witch, because we have seen a lot of development in Chinsali under this administration than any other,” chief Mubanga stated.

The traditional leader added that, “you have changed the face of Chinsali, we have hospitals, clinics, schools, roads and all we needed, so why can’t we support you? You are assured of our support”.

President Lungu later met Chinsali village headmen and the clergy who also echoed chiefs’ sentiments to support the PF leadership.

President Lungu is in Muchinga Province on a four day working visit.

5 year old boy accidentally kills 3 year old girl


A five year old boy of Ibrahim village in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province has accidentally hacked his three year old female cousin to death.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Lizzie Machina confirmed the incident that happened yesterday.

Ms Machina said the incident occurred when the two children were playing outside their home when the boy who was digging with a hoe on the ground accidentally made the hoe to bounce and hit the three year- old girl who was running towards him.

Ms Machana said the hoe hit on the girl’s head leaving her with a deep cut and was later rushed to Katozi health post in an unconscious state where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Ms Machina said police have since compiled a docket of case to enhance an inquest and a smooth disposition of the matter before court as the case was perpetrated by a child who is not liable for a criminal offence.

The Police Chief said the department of social welfare have been engaged to counsel the parents of the accused as well as the accused in order to solve the matter amicably within the family.

” I also want to take this opportunity to advise parents to always watch and take care of their children when they are playing and ensure that dangerous things such as hoes and medicines are far away from their reach,” the police Commissioner said.

Ms Machina added that it is sad that life has been lost in such an unfortunate manner which can be avoided if parents take extra care.