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PF welcomes over 300 NDC defectors in Mpulungu

About 315 opposition political party members from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and United Party for National Development (UPND) in Mpulungu district have left their parties to join the Patriotic Front.

The opposition members include the entire constituency and district leadership of NDC.

NDC district Coordinator Montfort Mwanza said his team has decided to join the PF because of its commitment to taking development to the people.

Mr Mwanza said he has seen that the PF means well for the people in Mpulungu and the country.

He explained that the nation has recorded massive development under the PF government, stating that there is need for all well-meaning Zambians to support the party that is putting their interests first.

Mr Mwanza said this when he led the defectors during a meeting in Kasakalawe area in Mpulungu.

He apologized to the PF leadership for previously opposing the works being done, saying he feels sad that there are other people who are still opposing the party.

“I feel sad that I once opposed the PF party but I have for a long time seen that it means well for the people of the entire country even where it does not have a lot of support.”

Mr Mwanza also pledged to work with the party in order to foster development.

And Mpulungu Member of Parliament Freedom Sikazwe assured the new members that the party will work with them.

Mr Sikazwe said the party in Mpulungu is ready to welcome everyone, urging them to feel free and bring in ideas, to help grow the economy.

“When you were in opposition, you had ideas and we want you to bring those ideas so that we work as a team in Mpulungu without leaving anyone behind” said Mr. Sikazwe

He assured the members that those who will work hard and deserve positions in the party will be given the same opportunity as old members.

Zambia takes on $1.5 billion debt to acquire Glencore’s Mopani mine


ZCCM-IH has agreed to take over Glencore’s majority stake in Mopani Copper Mines in a $1.5 billion deal funded by debt, and will look for a new investor, Mines Minister Richard Musukwa has announced.

The sale comes after Glencore last year tried to suspend operations at Mopani due to low copper prices and COVID-19 disruptions, angering the government, which threatened to revoke the company’s mining licenses.

At a ceremony in Lusaka, Mr. Musukwa said the country will try to attract a new investor in Mopani, adding that “several entities” from Britain, Canada, China, Turkey, and Qatar have expressed interest.

Mr. Musukwa said ZCCM-IH needs about $300 million to complete expansion projects started by Glencore.

Mr Musukwa said Mopani’s current production of “over 34,000 tonnes” of copper has increased over the last year adding that the expansion projects will boost output beyond 150,000 tonnes a year.

Mr Musukwa said more than 15,000 workers would have lost their jobs if the mine was closed.

ZCCM-IH Chairman Eric Silwamba said the company would acquire 90% of Mopani from Carlisa Investments Corp, bringing ZCCM-IH full control of the company. ZCCM-IH previously held 10% of Mopani.

Glencore said today that it will receive $1 for the 90% holding it owns with Vancouver-based First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

There has been speculation on how Zambia would pay for the asset after it became the first African country to default on its debt since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

After the sale of its 73% stake for an indicative $1 is complete, Glencore will retain offtake rights of Mopani’s copper production until the transaction debt has been repaid in full, the company said.

Glencore said it holds 81.2% of the shares in Carlisa.

First Quantum Minerals, which previously held 16.9% of Mopani, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Glencore has been in talks with the state about Mopani since last year after the two clashed on the future of the mine, which has been unprofitable for years.

Zambia’s state-owned ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc already owned 10% of Mopani.

Once the deal is complete, Mopani will owe its previous owners $1.5 billion.

That will be repaid from sales and profits going forward.

*Below is the full press statement*

Glencore today announces that its subsidiary Carlisa Investments Corp. (“Carlisa”), in which Glencore holds 81.2% of the shares, has signed an agreement with ZCCM Investments Holding plc (“ZCCM”) to transfer its 90% interest in Mopani Copper Mines plc (“Mopani”) to ZCCM, the owner of the remaining 10% interest in Mopani, for US$1 and the Transaction Debt (as defined below).

Completion of the sale is conditional on receipt of certain regulatory approvals in Zambia and on the approval of the shareholders and board of directors of ZCCM, and is expected to occur within the next three months.

Mopani has been funded by borrowings from Carlisa and other members of the Glencore group. On completion, US$1.5 billion of debt (the “Transaction Debt”) will remain owed by Mopani to Glencore group creditors on the following terms:

a. interest under the Transaction Debt will be capitalised for the first three years after completion, and thereafter will be payable quarterly at LIBOR + 3% (subject to a switch to an equivalent interest rate based on SOFR); and

b. principal outstanding under the Transaction Debt will be repayable under a dual mechanism whereby:

i. 3% of gross revenue of the Mopani group from 2021-2023 (inclusive), and 10-17.5% of gross revenue of the Mopani group thereafter; and

ii. 33.3% of EBITDA less tax, changes in working capital, capital expenditure, royalty payments and interest and principal (calculated under the first mechanism) payments in respect of Transaction Debt, is at the end of each quarter required to be paid.

Repayment of principal (together with accrued interest) may additionally be required in the event of an occurrence of certain other early prepayment events, including certain change of control events in respect of Mopani.

After completion of the sale, Glencore will retain offtake rights in respect of Mopani’s copper production until the Transaction Debt has been repaid in full.

What it will take to create free, Independent and Professional Media after August 2021


By Dr Parkie Mbozi

IN LAST week’s article I elaborated the traditional functions of the mass media from normative and functionalist perspectives and how the media’s effective execution of these two functions will be crucial as Zambia goes to the polls this year. I further elaborated that an ‘ideal media’ will be crucial to ensuring that the 2021 elections are transparent, free and fair. The question is, how do we get the ‘ideal media’, that is judged as free, independent and, above all, ethical or professional during the elections and, more importantly, beyond August 2021?

The answer to this question, in my strongest of views, is going back to the drawing board, to the basics. That means another round of comprehensive media reforms, akin to the post-1991 reforms that the nation embarked on at the dawn of multiparty democracy under the Third Republic. The reforms culminated in very progressive pieces of legislation relating to freedom, independence and professionalism of the media, especially the public media, Sadly, the laws have either been amended or not actualized altogether to date, by successive self-serving regimes. We are back to where we were before 1991. The behaviour of the public media, for instance, is not any different from what obtained under the one-party UNIP regime and this needs to be corrected as a matter of urgency by the next government.

For starters, let’s look at what we mean by free, independent and professional media – what I am calling the ‘ideal media’. For each of the three benchmarks, I will articulate what the ‘Founding Fathers’ of the Third Republic Media reforms foresaw and how they dealt with it.

Media or Press Freedom: a free press is one that can execute its functions unhindered within the bounds of the law and professional code of ethics. Article 20 of the 2016 Constitution of Zambia provides for express freedom of expression and the press as follows:
“Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, that is to say, freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to impart and communicate ideas and information without interference, whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons, and freedom from interference with his correspondence.”

The ‘Founding Fathers’ of the Third Republic Media reforms sought to guarantee that the media or press would have freedom to access information of a public nature by introducing the Freedom of Information Bill of 2002. This was in line with the international trends. For instance, ….African countries have enacted an access to information law of one form or another.

Sadly, for Zambia, the Bill remains just that: a Bill. Successive regimes have promised but failed to turn the Bill into law. The post-Mwanawasa MMD took it to Parliament but withdrew it at the last minute. The post-Sata PF has adulterated it to make it user-friendly for them. Its new contents are yet to be made public and the revised Bill is unlikely to head to Parliament before the 2021 elections. In spite of the explicit provisions for freedom of the press and expression, however, Zambian media houses and journalists face various restrictions under criminal, civil defamation, sedition and obscenity laws and provisions of the penal code, including the State Security Act.

The way forward is to take the Bill, in its original (2002) form, to Parliament for actualisation.

Media independence: is the next benchmark of the ‘ideal media’. Media independence relates to the media-state relations. In general terms, independence refers to an absence of any external control, particularly from the state. It denotes freedom from the external influence but also the capacity of media institutions to make their decisions and act ONLY according to their own logic. One scholar writes that, “It is closely intertwined with other basic ideals of the liberal-democratic understanding of media’s role in society, such as freedom of the press, critique of power, media as the ‘fourth estate’ and journalists’ watchdog role.”

Media that permit influence of external forces in their editorial decision-making therefore compromise their ethical and professional obligations of being objective, fair, balanced, impartial, truthful etc. Ultimately, they forfeit their position as the ‘fourth estate’ and watchdogs of society, especially of the Party in power. Traditionally media independence applies to how the state controls the public media. However, in the Zambian context there has been a growing trend of private media that choose to be appendages and (we can say) partners with the ruling party. Such media cast aside ethical standards for the sake of political expediency. The state also controls the media through regulations and control over issuance of licences in the case of radio and television.

The ‘Founding Fathers’ of the Third Republic Media reforms sought to guarantee independence of the Zambian media through by enacting the ZNBC Act of 2002 (specifically for ZNBC) and the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act of 2002. Both the ZNBC Act and the IBA Act were intended to forestall independence of the two institutions. This was to be attained primarily by appointing Boards through competitive processes and independent adhoc appointments committees drawn from institutions such as LAZ, religious organisations, human rights organizations, NGOs etc. Article 4A (1) of the 2002 ZNBC Act reads, “The functions of an appointments committee shall be— (a) to invite applications from persons with such qualifications as may be specified for appointment to the Board.”

The principle of inclusive, free and fair coverage was enshrined in the ZNBC Act of 2002. Section 7 of the Act spelt out the functions of ZNBC. The relevant sub-sections read, 7. (1) (a) provide varied and balanced programming for ALL sections of the populations; (b) serve the PUBLIC INTEREST; (e) contribute to the development of FREE and informed opinions and as such, constitute an important element of the democratic process; (f) reflect, as COMPREHENSIVELY as possible, the range of opinions and political, philosophical, religious, scientific, and artistic trends.
However, the 2002 ZNBC Act was amended to allow the Minister to appoint the Board. Critics have drawn attention to political interference in the operations of the ZNBC specifically, skewing its broadcasting to favour ruling party sources. Speaking on “Let The People Talk’ programme on Radio Phoenix on 10th March 2019, Chanda Kasolo, then MIBS Permanent Secretary, seemed so embarrassed by ZNBC’s naked biased and unprofessional coverage that he had to publicly rebuke the station.

He said, “I was there two days ago. I was speaking to the Director of Programmes and also my good friend who runs the Sunday Interview Mr. Zulu (Grevazio) and I said to them, it’s about time we started improving our outlook and image of ZNBC. We must allow the opposition to come on certain programmes and also voice out their views. We must allow debate between opposition and ruling party MPs and Ministers. And I know that my honourable Minister (Dora) Siliya is very keen that we do that. We discussed at length.”

In Confirming ZNBC’s loss of one key media principle – credibility -Kasolo further said, “We need to bring back ZNBC to where it was, a trusted source. At the moment everyone is suspicious of them. They are looking at them and saying, ‘no they are biased.” Sadly, he was fired sooner than his directive could see the light of day.

The IBA Act went through a similar fate as the ZNBC Act. The original Act provided for an ad hoc committee of independent organisations that would appoint the members of the IBA Board. The independently constituted Board would be the one issuing TV and radio licenses and regulating their operations. Unfortunately, the whole section relating to appointment of the Ad Hoc committee was removed by 2010 Amendment initiated by the MMD government. It was replaced with Section (2) that reads, The Board shall consist of nine part-time members appointed by the Minister.

This amendment is the genesis of the political interference and biased decisions (real or perceived) of the IBA. For instance, soon after taking power in 2011, the PF government appointed a Director-General for the ‘Independent’ Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in the absence of a board of directors. Similarly, the minister appointed heads of the state-owned media in the absence of boards of directors. Such developments confirm the cancer of political interference facing the public media and broadcasting industry in general resulting from amending the original IBA Act.

In 2017, the PF government introduced a clause that was never there before, which impels the IBA to collect TV levies on behalf of ZNBC, a key player in the industry. Isn’t this akin to the referee and a player wearing the same jersey and scoring in the same goal post? Allegations of impartiality in handling affairs of the broadcasting industry by the government constituted IBA is not an academic disposition. In real life some private TV and radio stations have faced closures and/or suspensions by the IBA, while ZNBC gets away with similar transgressions such as airing hate speeches of PF officials. To date Prime TV remains closed on what many believe are flimsy grounds.

The way forward after August 2021 is to restore the IBA Act and ZNBC Act to their original (2002) form. Similar legislation should be introduced pertaining to how the print media and the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) should be independently managed.

Media Professionalism: this benchmark of an ‘ideal media’ can be described as one that sticks to professional ethics and a highly skilled one. The ethics are enshrined in Codes of Ethics of self-regulatory bodies (Media Councils) or Press Ombudsmen, wherever they exist world-wide. The key principles are: fairness, objectivity, accuracy, balance, truthfulness, impartiality and factual.

The ‘Founding Fathers’ of the Third Republic Media reforms sought to guarantee media professionalism in Zambia through self as apposed to state regulation. However, every self-regulation mechanism that has been put in place since 1991 has fallen flat due to disagreements and polarization within the media sector. From Media Council of Zambia (MECOZ) to Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC), nothing has worked.

As a way forward on media regulation, it is logical to suggest for a hybrid mechanism that revolves around a legally constituted entity that ‘self-regulates’ the media. However, once the law is in place, the state should have no role in how this body is constituted, conducts its business and how it determines who its members are. Lessons are there in the SADC region and in the local legal and medical disciplines to learn from.

To conclude, for the nation to enjoy the benefits of free, independent, and professional media, a fresh start is needed after August 2021. There is absolutely no need to re-invent the wheel. The original IBA Act of 2002, ZNBC Act of 2002 and the Freedom of Information Bill already provide a firm foundation

Zambia will not shut down the economy as a way of fighting the pandemic-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has said that the government will not shut down the economy as a way of fighting the pandemic.

Speaking yesterday when he met a team of businessmen in Isoka, President Lungu said that others have called on him to impose a curfew, adding that this can not work unless people change their mindsets.

The President said that in the past some countries have shut down their economies and imposed curfews but this has not worked.

And the head of state said that preventing oneself from contracting Covid 19 is better than getting the vaccine for the disease because experts have not explained how long the vaccine will be in one’s body before the person can contract the virus.

President Lungu said that he was not in any way discrediting the vaccine but wants more information given out to the general public, adding that s the best way to prevent the virus is by adhering to health measures such as wearing of masks and maintaining social distance.

And the Isoka Chamber of Commerce has urged the government to open Kobwa Mine in Isoka District. Speaking on behalf of others Lawrence Kasonde said the mine has huge deposits of copper hence the need to open the mine.

Mr. Kasonde said that the mine will create jobs for people in Isoka. Mr. Kasonde urged the President to ensure that the contractor working on the Great North Road implements the twenty percent subcontracting policy.

The Head of State is in Muchinga Province for a 5-day working visit where he is expected to inspect various developmental projects and meet traditional leaders

Court sends 51-year old man to 7 years in jail with hard labour for illegal ivory possession


The Chinsali subordinate court has sentenced a 51-year-old poacher to seven years imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful possession of 9.5 kilogrammes (kg) of ivory.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts Public Relations Officer Sakabilo Kalembwe said in a statement to ZANIS today that officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife in Chama district nabbed and arrested Jurious Sakala 51, of Mukhonka village in Chama district, on November 15, 2020.

Mr. Kalembwe said being in possession of ivory illegally is an offence contrary to section 130 (2) of the Zambia Wildlife Act number 14 of 2015 (ZWA 2015) which states that a person who is in possession of, sells, buys, imports or exports or attempts to sell, buy, import or export a prescribed trophy in contravention of this Act is liable, upon conviction.

He said in addition to the ivory, the National Parks and Wildlife officers also found Sakala in possession of bullets and gunpowder.

Meanwhile in passing sentence, the court bemoaned the increase in wildlife related cases.

The court observed that poaching is depleting the country’s natural resources and reduces elephant populations in the country.

The court further noted that elephants play an important role in maintaining the health and biodiversity of ecosystems and also provide opportunities for supporting local communities’ livelihoods through legal ventures such as tourism, which depends on thriving elephant populations.

ZCTU calls on Government to recruitment more teachers


The Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) has appealed to the government to consider recruiting more teachers in Lukulu and Mitete districts in Western province.

In a press release issued to the media , ZCTU Lukulu District Chairperson Simui Namunji said there is need for more teachers to be recruited and deployed to Mitete and Lukulu districts, adding that both districts are currently facing a shortage of teachers.

“There are about 200 teachers needed in Mitete and 150 in Lukulu, a situation that has disadvantaged learners from receiving the much needed education in the localities,” said Mr Namunji.

Mr Namunji revealed that the union has learnt with regret that the current shortage of teachers in the two districts is as a result of teachers recruited only staying in the localities for a few months at their posted schools, after being deployed.

He noted that teachers need to reject their appointments, as opposed to depriving the eager learners of a well-deserved education, and allow those who want to serve the government in the two districts carry out their duties.

Meanwhile, Mr Namunji has commended President Edgar Lungu for giving schools in the country another two weeks to re-open.

“As a union in the district, we were strongly against the opening of schools on the 18th January as it was going to expose parents, pupils and teachers to the deadly COVID-19 disease.”

The ZCTU Chairperson has urged parents, school administrators and District Education Board Secretaries to take advantage of the two weeks extension to prepare adequately, in order to safeguard the lives of both teachers and pupils against the pandemic.

“Parents and guardians should encourage their children to continue studying during this extension as the period for classroom based learning will be shortened,” he said.

Mr Namunji also said that there is need for schools in the area to get involved into meaningful projects under production units as directed by the Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba recently.

“We are requesting school administrations to get involved into projects under the production unit as such projects will benefit and reduce financial pressure on schools,” the Chairperson said.

Mr Namunji further disclosed that some of the people in the districts have little knowledge about the corona virus and as such the Ministry of Health should intensify sensitization programmes against the disease.

Hour For Chipolopolo To Deliver at CHAN Has Arrived


Chipolopolo kicks off its Cameroon 2021 CHAN campaign on Tuesday when they face Tanzania in their Group D opener in Limbe.

Zambia also head into the CHAN with a specter hanging over the home-based team following Chipolopolo A’s AFCON qualification failures in 2017 and 2019- with possibly another one looming for 2021 that will also be stage in Cameroon.

But Chipolopolo’s CHAN run has been a huge contrast to the AFCON, and they head into their third successive tournament after reaching the quarterfinals in 2016 and 2018 but have yet to better their third place finish in the inaugural championship in 2009.

The pressure is especially on Chipolopolo coach Milutin “Micho” Sredojevic who has just two competitive games in charge of Zambia from 13 matches since his appointment in February 2020 with the rest being friendlies.

Micho’s only competitive matches were in the 2021 AFCON Group H qualifying race where Zambia has collect a home win and away defeat against Botswana following a litany of friendlies after a six month international lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In football, it is the same as t is in life. First you need to plant the seeds and that is what we are planning to do on the field of play tomorrow,” Micho said.

“That will give us a performance and result after. So let our actions talk more than our words about our ambitions tomorrow.”

Micho will be banking on strikers Collins Sikombe and his Lusaka Dynamos club mate Emmanuel Chabula to lead their attack against Tanzania.

Sikombe, who was not part of the CHAN qualifiers has seven goals from all of Micho’s 13 games in charge, will be the Serbians’ trump card in their Group D matches against Tanzania, Guinea and Namibia.
But Chabula, who was Zambia’s CHAN qualifier top scorer on three goals, is currently on a seven-game draught since scoring in a brace in a 3-1 friendly win over Ethiopia on October 25.

Looming in the shadows is late call-up Zanaco striker Moses Phiri who has two goals and the first came in the 1-1 draw during the All-Stars vs. The-Rest that saw him picked after shinning for the latter team on December 28 in Lusaka.

Meanwhile, Micho will be hoping his winless run against Great Lakes sides since he took charge will end on Tuesday following two friendly defeats.

Chipolopolo lost 2-1 away to Kenya on October 9 in Nairobi and Uganda 2-0 on January 4 in a pre-CHAN tournament in Cameroon.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Juju Shower And Sprinkle Lands Forest Coach in FAZ Dock


FAZ has suspended Forest Rangers goalkeeper coach Charles Chileshe for his unsporting conduct committed during Saturday’s away loss to current FAZ Super Division leaders Prison Leopards.

Chileshe was captured on amateur video footage on January 16 sprinkling an unknown substance and allegedly simulating urinating against a goal post prior to kick off of the game at President Stadium in Kabwe.

He later flung the used bottle into the back of the goal.

Fifth placed Forest subsequently lost the match 2-0.

“His actions have without doubt brought the name of the game into disrepute and therefore we have no option but to suspend Mr. Chileshe’s registration for the 2020/2021 season and his case shall be decided by the appropriate FAZ judicial body,” FAZ deputy general secretary Joseph Chimpampwe.

“This means that Mr. Chileshe cannot function as an official for your club in any capacity until his case is disposed of.”

Chipampwe added that Chileshe’s case has been referred to the FAZ disciplinary committee.



Lumwana Radiants 1(Van Basten Neba 89′)-Napsa Stars 0
Nkana 2 (Obert Masumbuko 48′, Diamond Chikwekwe 77′)-Red Arrows 1(Francis Simwanza 30′)


Nkwazi 0-Lusaka Dynamos 0
Kitwe United 0-Lumwana Radiants 0

Prison Leopards 2(Francis Zulu 2′, Kobe Chipeta 90′)-Forest Rangers 0

Indeni 0-Buildcon 1(Brian Mwila 82′)

Green Buffaloes 2(Aubrey Chela 68′ 78′)
-Kabwe Warriors 0

Red Arrows 2(James Chamanga 25′, Joseph Phiri 41′)-Napsa Stars 2(Emmanuel Mayuka 10′ 61′ pen)


Nkana 1(Ronald Kampamba 54′)-Zesco United 2(Thabani Kamusoko 19′, Winston Kalengo 81′)

Green Eagles 1(Shaderick Mulungwe 23′)-Young Green Eagles 1 (Boniface Sunzu 13’og)

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS

Moses Phiri (Zanaco):8

Quadri Kola (Forest Rangers):6

Collins Sikombe (Lusaka Dynamos):5
Roger Kola(Zanaco):5

Emmanuel Mayuka (Napsa Stars):4
Idris Mbombo (Nkana):4
Felix Nyaende (Lumwana):4
David Obashi (Prison Leopards):4

Francis Zulu (Prisons Leopards):3
James Chamanga (Red Arrows):3
Akakulubelwa Mwaichiyaba(Kabwe Warriors):3
Abraham Siankombo(Zanaco):3
Felix Bulaya (Red Arrows):3
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa Stars):3
Tranquilin Mwepu (Indeni):3
Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon):3
Aubrey Funga (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):3
Graven Chitalu(Indeni):3
Baba Basile (Zanaco):3
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):3
Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):3
Anos Tembo (Green Eagles):3

Van Basten Neba(Lumwana):2
Brian Mwila(Buildcon):2
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):2
Aubrey Chela (Green Eagles):2
Francis Simwanza (Red Arrows):2
Tshite Mweshi (Prison Leopards):2
Tiki Chiluba (Indeni):2
Mathews Nkowane (Kabwe Warriors):2
Godfrey Ngwenya (Power Dynamos):2
Laudit Mavugo (Napsa):2
Emmanuel Okutu (Buildcon):2
Benson Sakala (Power Dynamos):2
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):2
Kamal Jafaru (Buildcon):2
Jimmy Ndhlovu (Kabwe Warriors):2
Junior Zulu(Prisons Leopards):2
Pride Mwansa(Nkwazi):2
Adamson Mulao (Young Green Eagles):2
Ocean Mushure (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Steven Mutama (Nkwazi):2
Gerald Chisha (Buildcon):2
Jack Chirwa (Green Buffaloes):2
Evans Musonda (Kitwe United):2
Enock Sakala Jr (ZescO):2
Eric Choomba (Nkwazi):2
Fred Tshimenga (Nkana):2


Collins Sikombe(Napsa Stars):7
Emmanuel Chabula(Nkwazi):3
Albert Kangwanda(Zanaco):2
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):2
Moses Phiri (Zanaco):2
Paul Katema (Red Arrows):1
Zacharia Chilongoshi(Power Dynamos):1
Clement Mwape (Zesco United):1
Enock Mwepu (RB Salzburg, Austria):1
Chaniza Zulu (Lumwana Radiants):1
Tandi Mwape(TP Mazembe DRC):1*
*Denotes own goal


Muza FC 0-2 Konkola Blades
(Owen Tembo 26′, Victor mubanga)

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-1
Mufulira Wanderers
(Samuel Chiteta 85’/ Bwalya Chela 90+5′)

National Assembly 0-0 Nchanga Rangers

Livingstone Pirates 1-0 ZESCO Shockers
(Davison Siuluta 49′)

Kafue Celtic 0-2 Chambishi
(Kelvin Chomba 48′, 66′)

Police College 2-0 Mpulungu Harbour

Kashikishi Warriors 0-0 Gomes

KYSA 1-0 City of Lusaka
(Lewis Maimba 8′)

Zesco Malaiti Rangers 1-0 Trident
(Benson Sakala 70′)

The Office of the Auditor General has began the Auditing of 2020 financial year


The Office of the Auditor General has announced the commencement of the auditing of accounts for the financial year ending 31st December 2020.

Auditor General Dick Sichembe has since made a clarion call for all auditees to ensure that their book of account and other records are put in order in readiness for the audit.

Dr Sichembe says the office will not suspend any audits this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic but will carry out the work within the laid down health guidelines.

He said, in this regard, auditees must be ready and facilitate for smooth flow of information even with the rotational work schedules that have been put in place in Ministries, Provinces and Agencies (MPAs) as directed by the Secretary to Cabinet.

The Auditor General cautioned that he will not entertain any auditees who will fail to provide the information, adding that engagement letters have already started being issued which will spell out the timelines and the information required.

Dr Sichembe further observed that transparency and accountability is the backbone of good corporate governance which all auditees should uphold.

He noted that it is a requirement by law that auditees provide information to Auditors and this must be done within the given timelines as failure to do so is an offence according to Section 82 of the Public Finance Management Act number 1 of 2018.

He added that therefore, adherence to the timelines is non-negotiable as the Auditor General is required by the Constitution to submit the report on accounts of the preceding financial year by September 30th every year.

This is according to a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Office of the Auditor General Head of Public Relations Ellen Chikale.

Southern Province Minister pleased with zero tolerance to corruption stance taken by the judiciary


Government is pleased with the zero tolerance to corruption stance taken by the judiciary in the country.

And the government has called on other stakeholders to emulate the judiciary on assuming the zero tolerance to corruption stance.

Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale commended the judiciary for taking a leading role in fighting corruption.

Dr. Hamukale said other stakeholders should support the judiciary for it to achieve its goal.

He has meanwhile cautioned stakeholders to desist from inducing magistrates and other officers in the judicial system to engage in corruption.

The Provincial Minister said this in a speech read for him by his Permanent Secretary Mwangala Liomba in Livingstone today during the ceremonial opening of the criminal sessions at the Livingstone High Court.

“…it is you inducing the magistrates and all people involved in the judicial system. Do not try to lead others into temptation which will cause them to lose their jobs, resist that temptation,” Dr. Hamukale said.

He urged the judiciary to ensure that they form an integrity committee at the Livingstone High Court saying this is the first step in the quest to fight corruption.

And Dr. Hamukale has praised the judiciary for the tremendous progress made in the disposal of cases.

He encouraged officer in the judiciary to maintain the progress made and not to let challenges reverse the improvement made so far.

And speaking earlier, Livingstone High Court Judge In-Charge, Maka Phiri said there could be no justice in the midst of corruption.

Justice Phiri said the institution had resolved to get rid of all judicial staff bent on engaging in corrupt activities.

“I therefore implore all our judicial staff present here to resist any temptation to engage in corrupt activities and to embrace the vision of the judiciary to inspire public confidence through applying the highest standards of integrity and morality,” she said.

Justice Phiri also expressed concern over the deplorable state of the Livingstone High Court, which is a pre-independence building.

Every year, the cracks on the building widen every year thereby posing a real threat to judicial staff and court users.

She has since appealed to government to avail funds for the construction of a modern High Court building with adequate court rooms to be situated in Choma, the provincial capital.

She said land for the same is already available.

Meanwhile, a total of 125 cases were received at the Livingstone High Court in 2020 and 80 of them were disposed of, while 45 are still pending.

In addition, 25 appeals were received and 17 have been disposed of, while eight are pending.

BOZ orders top Zim Banker George Manyere to exit MyBucks


The Bank of Zambia (BoZ) has ordered a top Zimbabwean banker George Manyere to exit from both controlling shareholding and directorship in the fintech company MyBucks after violating banking rules.

The Brainworks Capital Management founder, but now former managing director and chief investment officer of the equity firm, allegedly violated banking regulations in the neighboring country.

A letter seen gleaned by Business, and signed by the BoZ director of non-bank financial institutions supervision, Freda Tamba shows that problems have been brewing for the top banker since September 2020.

The BoZ believes Manyere’s actions and his counterpart, Barkat Ali were detrimental to the stakeholders of MyBucks Zambia after the duo allegedly guaranteed for a sum of US$10 million in favour of Ever Prosperous in exchange for an asset purportedly valued at US$5 million that was to be acquired at a later date.

“The view of the Bank is that the transaction was irrational and failed to satisfy the requirement that it was done in the ordinary course of business of MyBucks. These actions constitute unsafe and unsound practices as defined by section 2 of the Banking and Financial Services Act (BFSA),” said Tamba in the letter.

The BoZ, therefore, found Manyere; “not to be fit and proper to be a shareholder and director” of a financial services provider.

The decision was implemented basing on section 41 (2) of the BSFA which empowers the Bank to remove a person from office, if it considers that its requirements have been breached.

Accordingly, MyBucks Zambia is expected to dispose of its 45% shares to Xtenda, which if approved by BoZ, is expected to provide for an orderly divestment of shareholding in the company.

Meanwhile, Ecsponent Ltd will dispose of its entire 25% shareholding in MyBucks Zambia while MyBucks SA will sell 20% and remain with 45% shareholding among other transfers.

“After all the procedures, this means that your shareholding in MyBucks Zambia will be reduced to 40.9% through MyBucks SA,” added Tamba.

Contacted for comment on the developments could Manyere neither acknowledge nor dismiss the allegations.

“I cannot comment on confidential matters from the Regulator (Bank of Zambia) and in my decades long banking career, I address any issues of a regulatory nature directly with the Regulator,” he said.

The BoZ did not respond to e-mailed questions on the matter at the time of publishing.

COVID-19 vaccines will be verified before being administered-Chanda


Government has reiterated that the COVID-19 vaccines which Zambia will receive are verified by credible sources.

Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has disclosed this adding that his ministry will follow the necessary procedures required in receiving and giving vaccines to members of the public.

Dr. Chanda said the issue of COVID -19 vaccines will first have to be taken to Cabinet after which he will issue a ministerial statement in parliament according to what would be agreed upon.

ZANIS reports that Dr. Chanda has since reassured Zambians that the acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines will be done in a transparent manner and everything that government is doing is in the best interest of the people.

He said in a briefing after touring Maina Soko hospital in Lusaka today that there will be no back door vaccines that will enter the country and be given to people to endanger their lives.

“Every vaccine that is developed has to answer to the questions of efficacy and safety of the people being vaccinated and as government we will not leave things to chance,” Dr. Chanda explained.

He has meanwhile called on private health institutions that are carrying out COVID-19 tests to desist from exploiting members of public by charging exorbitant prices.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chanda said testing positive to COVID-19 is not a death sentence that should make people panic.

He said government has state of the art equipment and facilities that would handle COVID-19 cases that are being reported in the country.

Dr. Chanda further said people that are testing positive to COVID-19 and are asymptomatic should stay home, use prescribed home remedies and only rush to health centres when they need medical attention.

He said the policy is to admit those with symptoms.

The minister of health has meanwhile emphasised on preventing the spreading of the virus by observing the five COVID-19 prevention golden rules, which are masking up, social distancing, sanitising and staying home where possible.

“We have the capacity to handle and contain this virus as a country. The only thing missing is the enforcement of preventive measures and people not taking individual responsibility,” Dr. Chanda said.

And Dr. Chanda has called the on the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) to rise to the occasion and make sure that all the drugs that are on the market are authorised.

He said all drugs that are not licensed and are being served to members of the public should be withdrawn until certified fit.

The health minister noted that public confidence in the health sector has gone down hence the need for all concerned stakeholders to reassure members of the public of their safety.

He further said there was need to take charge and regulate the messages being given to the public on how to treat and protect themselves from contracting the virus.

Meanwhile, Zambia has recorded nine COVID-19 related deaths, 602 new cases out of the 4, 800 tests that were conducted in the last 24 hours.

Health Minister Jonas Chanda said when he gave the routine daily update on COVID-19 that 254 patients are currently on oxygen with 17 being in a critical condition.

Dr. Chanda said most of the deaths are being recorded in health facilities because some people are getting to the hospital with irreversible conditions.

He urged members of the public to make sure they seek medical attention in good time to avoid losing lives.

“Although deaths are being recorded every day, it is good to note that recoveries are also being recorded hence the need to keep guarding against the spreading of the virus and taking personal responsibility wherever we are,” said Dr. Chanda.

And government has designated Maina Soko military hospital as a COVID-19 isolation centre in order to decongest the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and Levy Mwanawasa Hospital.

Maina Soko military hospital Commandant, Bernard Kapatamoyo said the hospital is happy to work with the Ministry of Health in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brigadier General Kapatamoyo has therefore called on people that usually get health services from Maina Soko hospital to seek services elsewhere as the military hospital will now be dedicated to serving COVID-19 patients.

“As a hospital, we are always ready to offer service whenever we are called upon and has currently offered 86 bed spaces that will be dedicated to COVID-19 patients,” he said.

The hiring a PR Company to advise on debt restructuring-related communication with all creditors and stakeholders is shameful


By Dr. Cosmas Musumali

The hiring of Highgate Advisory Ltd by GRZ to advise on debt restructuring-related communication with all creditors and stakeholders is shameful, a waste of the taxpayers money and is symptomatic of our clueless PF government.

The Socialist Party had in May 2020 criticised the unnecessary USD 5 million hire of the French Company, Lazard Freres. This company was contracted to provide advisory services regarding liability management for Zambia’s debt portfolio. Our Party had consistently given GRZ free advice on debt restructuring. We warned of the immense hardships the masses of our people were going to face as well as the damage to the international reputation of our country if no urgent action was taken. In the typical arrogance and parasitic behaviour of the PF government, this advice fell on deaf ears.

The Socialist Party views the hiring of foreign companies for debt restructuring services as corrupt, wasteful and retrogressive. Senior Officers in the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Zambia have over the past 10 years provided valuable options on how debt sustainability could be achieved. Several workshops have been held, study tours conducted, econometric models developed and a policy framework suggested.

However, all these efforts were thrown away and rubbished because the PF leadership did not want a systematic structure and process for debt management. Transparency and accountability was never a top priority. This is a government that thrives on chaos and disorganization. They deliberately created conditions under which debt contraction could allow high-level corruption.

Today, GBP 333,403.54 from the taxpayer is going to be spent senselessly on Highgate Advisory Ltd! This company is by all standards a briefcase one and whose owner has a questionable background. The picture emerging is that we have a cartel of former French graduates, who went through the corrupt, elitist Grande Ecole university system, worked in the finance and prime ministers offices, then went on to work for a number of dubious state actors that found themselves in a debt trap, such as in Greece and Ukraine.

In vulture-like style, this cartel has found out that corrupt, clueless governments whose economies are dying under a debt burden are the easiest victims. Such governments are ready to dish out millions of dollars to any “healer” who promises success without them being accountable to the citizens.

The Socialist Party calls upon all people with a heart for this country to strongly condemn this open theft and wasteful use of public resources.

Do not Request Callers to Disclose their Registration Card Numbers on Live Radio, Stations cautioned


The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has cautioned all broadcasting stations in the country against requesting callers to disclose personal information such as National Registration Card Numbers live on air when participating in promotional campaign programmes.

In a statement made available to the media today, IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma explains that requesting callers to reveal whether in part or in full, full names and mobile numbers, live on air possess a security risk to them.

“IBA wishes to advise all broadcasting stations against requesting their callers to reveal personal information such as National Registration Card Numbers whether in part or in full, Full Names and Mobile Numbers, live on air when participating in promotional campaign programmes. Revelation of such details poses a security risk to them” she said.

Ms Mapoma said the authority has issued the directive following consultations with the Bank of Zambia.

She added that to this effect, all broadcasting stations should obtain such details from their listeners or viewers, off air in order to avoid public disclosure.

She further noted that the disclosure of personal information on air may result in increased cases of fraud by impersonation thereby affecting the achievements that the country has recorded in migrating people to a digital economy through digital financial services.

“It is important to note that the disclosure of such detailed personal information on air may provide a ripe environment for fraudsters to perpetuate fraud through impersonation and may erode the gains the country has made in migrating people to a digital economy through digital financial services,” she stated.

Ms Mapoma hoped that all the broadcasting stations would comply with the above stated directive.

Increased defilement cases irk Gender Minister


Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri has bemoaned the escalating number of defilement cases in the country.

Ms. Phiri noted that despite efforts being made by the ministry to ensure that offenders pay for the crime, perpetrators of the crimes are mostly protected by their families.

She observed that while the ministry has made strides in ensuring that punishments are stiffened as per call from the general populous, very few individuals come forward to report crimes committed by those they term close family.

The Minister narrated that most cases that are being heard of in the public domain are those of family members who inflicted pain on fellow family members, but wondered why her office is not receiving such crimes for processing.

Ms Phiri has urged stakeholders to play a role and assist in enforcing the law in order to help reduce the continued escalating cases of defilement in the country.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, Mrs Phiri said this moral decay in the country has to be dealt with the urgency it deserves.

She said the government has done its best to enact laws that deter people from committing such immoral vices, hence the need for all stakeholders to come on board in order to curb such vices.

Mrs Phiri has further encouraged people to talk about such happenings in their homes in order to avoid defilement cases.

She added that it was saddening to note that most perpetrators of defilement and sexual Gender-based violence are sadly people who are meant to protect the victims.

Mrs Phiri said Zambia is a Cristian nation and entails that people should live by the biblical standards, if cases of defilement are reduced in the country.

“My appeal is for the church to also come in, and help preach about such happenings,” Mrs Phiri said.

“We have to preach about any evil vice, it has to start from the family level, community level and also the nation.” She added.

Mrs Phiri also said the media which is a bigger voice should not only be writing when defilement cases happen, but should also take a leading role in giving precautions before such evil vices occur, through feature articles and hard news stories.