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Former Finance Minister on Campaign Trail for Ward Elections in Pictures

Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining team endures the challenging terrain of Liuwa Constituency in Luola Ward Local Government Election in Western Province
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining for UPND Candidate candidate Erick Nalishebo for Ward Elections
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining for UPND Candidate candidate Erick Nalishebo for Ward Elections
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining for UPND Candidate candidate Erick Nalishebo for Ward Elections
Former Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane campaining for UPND Candidate candidate Erick Nalishebo for Ward Elections

Government Threatens to Impose Drastic measures should Violation of COVID-19 Guidelines Continue


Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has warned that the government will impose drastic measures should there be a continuous laxity among members of the public towards adherence to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) preventive guidelines.

Dr. Chilufya disclosed that President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern with the sudden upsurge in the number of COVID-19 cases in the recent past.

He said the increase is as a result of relaxation to public health guidelines among the people.

The Minister reiterated that laxity to the stipulated guidelines is fueling the super spread of the second wave of the pandemic.

He therefore stated that pressing drastic measures will be the only solution to managing the further spread of the Coronavirus.

As a call to action, Dr. Chilufya urged the citizenry to get back to the basics of ensuring that they adhere to the five golden rules as stipulated by the public health authorities.

“Let us ensure that we live within the health guidelines, if we continue to see the rise in numbers by poor adherence, the message from President Lungu is for us to press for more drastic measures because it is the only way to stop the transmission,” Dr. Chilufya said.

Dr. Chilufya revealed that the country has in the last 24 hours recorded 411 new cases of COVID-19 out of 5, 190 tests done, four deaths and 146 recoveries.

He stated that most of the confirmed cases have a history of super spreader events such as traditional functions, night clubs and gatherings at parties among others, with poor adherence to public health guidelines.

The Minister was speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka today.

He has since called on political parties to show solidarity in the fight against the pandemic as opposed to politicising the disease in order for them to gain political mileage.

He noted that government is making all possible efforts to ensure that people’s lives are protected, while at the same time the economy is kept running.

“I would like to state that COVID-19 is a deadly and ferocious enemy of humanity which has claimed more than one million lives globally. The globe has united in solidarity and unity of purpose to protect humanity, and today any political leader trying to derive political mileage out of such a scourge is disastrous,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Health Director of Infectious Diseases Lloyd Mulenga disclosed that the approved COVID-19 vaccines will soon be in the country.

Professor Mulenga indicated that vaccines earmarked for Zambia are very safe and that emergency authorisation for use has been granted by the global health community.

“When we look at the approved vaccines so far, the ones which we are going to receive in the country have undergone three different phases,” Prof. Mulenga said.

He expressed disappointment that some sectors of society are against the admission of the vaccines.

He further explained that the safety data has been provided across all races, hence government will only have to prepare the communities for the vaccines.

28 people died in RTA during New Year holiday


At least 28 people have died in the 225 road traffic accidents that occurred during the 2021 New Year holiday.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed the development to the media in a press statement in Lusaka today.

Mrs. Katongo said there was an increase of 124 road traffic accidents during the 2021 New Year holiday.

During the 2020 New Year holiday, a total of 101 road traffic accidents were recorded.

Mrs. Katongo explained that Lusaka province recorded the highest number of traffic accidents with 105, followed by Copperbelt with 31 while Central province had 22.

She said Southern and Eastern provinces recorded 14 road traffic accidents each while Luapula recorded 11, North-western and Western recorded eight cases each.

She further said Muchinga and Northern provinces recorded six and four cases respectively.

“27 were serious road traffic accidents in which 31 people were seriously injured, 54 were slight road traffic accidents in which 61 people were slightly injured and 122 were damage only road accidents,’’ she explained.

Mrs. Katongo attributed the increase in the number of road traffic accidents in the country to increased movement of motorists to various destinations.

She said the other factor that caused the increase in road traffic accident this year was disregard to the road traffic rules and regulations.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Katongo disclosed that the Zambia Police Service has raised a total of K591.075 during the 2021 New Year holiday from admission of guilt fees compared to the K434, 270 in the same period last year.

UPND is Concerned with the culture of deliberate economic sabotage being peddled by PF


By Anthony Bwalya, UPND Presidential Spokesperson

We are concerned with the culture of deliberate economic sabotage being peddled by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime against Zambia’s mainstream economy.

While the UPND and President Hakainde Hichilema have consistently called for a reduction, suspension or removal of some controllable cost components around the pump price of fuel in order to help the mainstream economy, the PF have gone ahead to scrap VAT on petrol and diesel in order to mask their inability to manage the fuel supply in Zambia, whilst offering no benefit to the ordinary Zambian through a reduction in the pump price.

We are aware that the PF government has accumulated $727m (as at 30 June 2020) in unpaid invoices to International Oil Suppliers for the supply of fuel, the equivalent of the first Eurobond, or almost a whole year’s worth of fuel imports. Despite ERB insisting that it applies cost plus pricing, and consumers paying for fuel in cash, we wonder where this money received by the government has gone to.

Now that the Oil Suppliers are no longer willing to supply the government, Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have been requested to take on the outstanding contracts and directly import fuel.

However due to PF aligned middlemen and ministers who have hijacked the fuel procurement and supply chain, resulting in inflated oil supply contracts, OMCs have been unable to fulfil the supply contracts at current pump prices.

The offer of VAT relief to OMCs in order to convince them to import fuel and forestall an impending fuel crisis, without a required increase in the fuel price, is only a short-term remedy.

The VAT relief which should have been passed on to consumers through a reduction in the pump price, is instead going to increase the cost of doing business as ordinary businesses will no longer be able claim Input VAT, effectively increasing their fuel bill by 16%, with a downstream impact on consumer prices.

We note that this move, which offers no benefit to the public, whilst reducing VAT revenues for the government, is a further nail in the coffin for the 2021 budget.

The UPND takes the view, that SI No.125 of 2020 will harm the Zambian people, in that it not only fails to address the biting pump price of fuel for consumers, but it also directly diverts public money away from critical services such as education, healthcare and support for agriculture and instead channels it towards the consolidation of political power by the PF.

President Hakainde Hichilema reiterates his commitment to reforming domestic taxes and levies on the pump price of fuel, as well as cleaning out excessive middlemen activities in the procurement, supply and distribution of fuel in order to deliver maximum benefits for consumers.

ZAF Gulfstream cannot be sold-ZAF


The Zambia Air Force (ZAF) has clarified that the Gulfstream G-650 aircraft cannot be sold as it is against the laws that govern the Air Force as a defence entity.

Leading opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has promised to sell off the aircraft when he is elected into office in the August elections.

But ZAF Director of Public Relations and Foreign Liaison Mutale Kasoma said in a media statement that all equipment listed and appearing on the ZAF inventory is classified as military equipment.

He said such equipment is acquired for purposes of carrying out specific functions and missions or to fulfil Air Force mandates.

Colonel Kasoma said all military equipment procured for purposes of achieving functions, missions and mandate cannot be sold during the course of operational use, life span or for business purposes.

“The Gulfstream G-650 aircraft, which was acquired by ZAF through a contract by the Ministry of Defence and brought on the charge on the ZAF inventory, and is thus classified as military equipment for use by the Office of the President and Commander in Chief of the Defence force, currently held by his Excellency Dr Edgar Lungu, cannot be sold.”

“The ZAF’s mandate to convey incumbent Presidents has been in force since independence in 1964 and all six Presidents have been conveyed by the Air Force in this regard using different aircraft over the years,” Colonel Kasoma said.

He emphasized that the aircraft or any other equipment on the Air Force inventory cannot be done as it against the laws that govern the Air Force as a defence entity.

Colonel advised citizens to acquaint themselves with functions, operations and laws that govern all other Defence and Security as the are key institutions.

Comprehensive Sexual Education yielding results


A Senior education standards officer in Solwezi district in North Western Province says the cooperation between the Ministries of General Education and Health is yielding results in promoting sexual reproductive health rights in schools.

Mr Borniface Kanema who is Senior Education Officer for Special Education under the Province Education Office says Comprehensive Sexual Education is not about teaching Children on how to have sex but to give them correct information on their physiological make up for them to make informed decision on matters of sex.

“The cooperation between the Ministry of General Education and Ministry of Health is now yielding results because our children are now able to access services on Comprehensive Health Sexual Education,” he said.

Speaking when he gave a report on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Adolescent Health, at the end of year stakeholders meeting organized by the Ministry of Health, Mr. Kanema said the adolescents are human beings with different health issues in need of help on sexual matters so that they are protected from early marriages, pregnancies and eventually HIV/Aids.

He said Comprehensive Sexual Education was introduced in Schools because of the alarming numbers of school dropouts due to pregnancy every year.

“In Northwestern province, pregnancies was the 3rd major reason for dropouts in 2017 with 1,226 accounting for 18.9 percent of the total dropouts.

Mr Kanema said 28 percent of the adolescent girls became pregnant before the age of 18 years according to the Zambia Demographic Health Survey (ZDHS 2013/2014).

He said the Ministry of General Education has the mandate of providing information to adolescent and young people in Schools through advocates to increase awareness on the consequences of early and unwanted pregnancies.

“We sensitize them on the consequences of child marriages, Sexually Transmitted Infections, un-safe abortion, Gender Based Violence, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS through curriculum activities in Schools,” he added.

Mr Kanema said it is not possible that teachers in schools can start teaching children how to do sex.

Provincial Health Office Principal Nursing Officer Hellen Mahamba called for concerted efforts in making parents understand that Comprehensive Sexual Education is not about teaching learners on how to engage in sex.

“You should help us to sensitize parents on this issue. There is a lot of misunderstanding and fears,” she said.

She said early pregnancies has done a lot of damage to Adolescent girls because of lack of information on Sexual issues.

Ms Mahamba said Comprehensive Sexual Education is there to protect lives of the adolescent in schools and outside.

She said traditional leaders have been engaged and that they are taking a leading role now.


Body of tourist who fell into Victoria Falls gorge found


The body of a 40 year old man from Harare who fell into the 108-meter-deep Victoria Falls chasm while on holiday on New Years’ day was located on Saturday, search teams said.

While police are still withholding the man’s identity, one news outlet named the local tourist as Roy George Tinashe Dikinya.

Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority (Zimparks) spokesperson Tinashe Farawo tweeted Saturday that search teams were now trying to recover the man’s body from the deep and rugged gorge.

“A ZimParks and police search team has identified some body parts down the gorge and work is underway to find ways to retrieve the body of a 40-year-old man who fell into the gorge in Victoria Falls on New year’s day,” Farawo said.

Images emerged on social media of the tourist, who was in the company of a female friend taking turns to take selfies when he slipped into the gorge.It is suspected that he slipped and plunged down the gorge at the danger zone.He was seen wearing slippers and walking on the slippery rocky edge of the water fall.

Federation of disabled launch empowerment initiative


The International Federation of People with Albinism and Blindness (IFPAB) has been launched in Zambia with a call to supplement government’s effort in improving the living standards of the less privileged in society.

The organization which is currently registered in West, East and Southern Africa has also launched an empowerment initiative for the different abled and the old aged by offering them with grants ranging from K5000 to K200, 000 for different income generating activities.

Speaking during the launch in Lusaka today, IFPAB President Peter Ngoma observed that people with disabilities are the World’s largest minority groups who often face barriers to participate in all spheres of society.

Mr. Ngoma explained that this had resulted in many people living with disabilities to become vulnerable and face many challenges in their lives resulting in high poverty levels.

He said this is why IFPAB whose headquarters is in South Africa identified Zambia to be among the countries that need to benefit from the objectives of the institution, which is among others aimed at reducing poverty among the vulnerable communities by empowering them.

He praised the Zambian government for the various interventions that it is putting in place to improve the welfare of the vulnerable in society.

Mr. Ngoma added that however, government alone cannot manage to respond to all the needs of people hence the need for other stakeholders such as IFPAB to come on board and supplement its efforts.

“We are working to eliminate poverty in Zambia by empowering the people in as much as bearing in mind that the government is trying its best to do so, government cannot archive this poverty alleviation alone hence us other bodies coming to complement what government is already doing,” He said.

He added that the organization realizes the important role that education plays in improving the lives of people in society hence it will provide educational support from primary to tertiary in order to enhance equal access to education among children who do not have financial support.

Mr. Ngoma added that in the educational support, the IFPAB has already offered bursary support to students from all parts of the country to study locally and abroad in different professional fields.

“IFPAB has also seen the need of tertiary support in most cases that the children will qualify to go to college or university, but because of financial obstacles they are failing to continue and pursue the careers of their dreams hence they end up being drop outs, this is IFPAB has implemented a bursary and scholarship to supplement to what the government of Zambia is already doing,” he explained.

Discrimination against people with special need worries govt


Mpika District Commissioner Sampa Muswema says there is need to enhance support to fight against social stigma and barriers facing people with special needs.

Mr. Muswema notes that due to their disabilities, people with special needs are most often sidelined and discriminated in communities.

“Stigma against Children with special needs especially is common throughout the Country, especially in rural areas were retrogressive myths associated with down syndrome and Autism remain strong,” said Mr. Muswema.

The District Commissioner said this during a sensitization meeting against social stigma and barriers faced by people with special needs held over the weekend at Caritas Hall in Mpika District of Muchinga Province.

He said there is need for all stakeholders to increase efforts and come up with strategies that will help remove all barriers hindering people with special needs to actively participating in various activities at community and national level.

Once people with special needs are well embraced, they can productively contribute to the development agenda of the Country, Mr. Muswema said.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unity (DMMU) Committee has since donated 100 by 50kgs of mealie meal to people with special needs and given more than 2,000 Kwacha primarily from well-wishers within the District.

And Mpika District Caritas Director Father Peter Bwalya says more awareness on the positive contributions of people with special needs is required so that more people can begin accepting and appreciating their unique contribution to sustainable development of the country.

” Last year my organization managed to support 32 children with special needs by helping them with access to health interventions, education and child empowerment,” said Father Bwalya.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of Parents with Children with special need Brenda Chiti thanks Government and Caritas for the help they have continued rendering to People with special needs in the District.

Chinese national gets two weeks community service for assault in Chinsali


A Chinese national, Zhu Yongjiang in Chinsali District of Muchinga Province, has been given two weeks Community Service by Chinsali Magistrate courts after he was found guilty of assault.

Appearing before Chinsali Magistrate court’s Senior Resident Magistrate Julius Malata, was Zhu Yongjiang, 53, a foreman at Musanya Construction Camp charged with one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to section 248 of the penal code chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that on 14th November, 2020 at Chinsali district of Muchinga province, the accused did assault Edwin
Mungulube, 34, of the same construction camp thereby occasioning him actual bodily harm.

It is believed that Taser gun was used to assault his worker which resulted in Munugulube sustaining a swollen left forearm. The weapon has since been forfeited to the state.

And Magistrate Malata said as the court has found the accused guilty of the offence and sentenced him accordingly.

In his mitigation the convict pleaded for leniency from the court saying he was remorseful for his actions.

“I understand that what I did was wrong and am sorry, may the court forgive me, “, he asked.

Magistrate Malata said the court had heard all what the convict had said in his mitigation but that case he committed is serious though a misdemeanor adding that the cases of assault have become common and increasing each day.

He said the court has therefore, sentenced the accused to two weeks community service so that he can learn to respect the local people in
the same way he respects his co-nationals.

“Zambia is a legal state and the Law punishes anyone regardless of status in society,” he added.

Magistrate Malata further ordered that the convict shall do the two weeks community service work from 08:00 hours to 12:00 hours every day.

Government Orders Private Schools that have Opened Schools to Close Immediately


General Education Permanent Secretary in charge of technical services Jobbicks Kalumba has issued an ultimatum to all private schools who have opened schools to immediately close and release innocent pupils by 17:00 hours today until 18th January or risk stern action against them.

Stressing that punitive measures will be taken against all erring schools failing to abide by the ultimatum, Dr. Kalumba has since directed all the Provincial Education Officers (PEOs) countrywide to monitor compliance on private schools that have re-opened schools today.

Sounding the warning in Chinsali this morning, Dr Kalumba expressed his disappointment with some private schools opposing government’s directives for selfish ends.

Private schools should not be sacrificing pupils in the name of catching up with lost time amid a second wave of COVID -19 whose symptoms are yet to be studied by health experts and how to protect the pupils as they open schools on January 18, he explained.

“Private schools must learn to respect government directives because there is a reason to every extension of school opening ,because general education caters for a majority of children who need to be protected from second wave of COVID -19,” the Permanent said.

A check by ZANIS in Chinsali found all schools closed. Witaya private school proprietors Benard Siame said that he has abided by the directive that was issued by Ministry of general education of opening on 18th January.

Mr.Siame explained that private schools must learn to respect government directives and work in harmony saying they all affiliate to the ministry.

Government through the ministry of general education, announced the rescheduling of the opening date for all schools from 4th to 18th January,2021 which some private schools in some provinces have disregarded.

Cleo Ice Queen starts off 2021 with “Dreamers” music video

Cleo Ice Queen unveiled the music video for her latest single “Dreamers” , the song feature Tio Nason.

The song was produced by JCaspersen with the visuals Shot & Directed by KBlaze and ERT, creative Direction by Tio Nason. 


Fathi Believes Napsa Stars Hopes Are Bright in Mozambique


Napsa Stars coach Mohamed Fathi is upbeat ahead of Wednesday’s crucial CAF Confederation Cup match against UD Songo away in Mozambique.

Napsa and Songo drew goalless in the first round, first leg match played in Lusaka close to two weeks ago.

The team flies to Mozambique on Monday morning with fit again strikers Tapson Kaseba and Bornwell Mwape in the team.

“The coming of Tapson and Bornwell will give us comfort and more options in the front line. I think we have prepared well for the match,” said Fathi.

“We have told players the 0-0 is like a new game so we have to go with a winning mentality. God willing we will make Zambia happy.”

Fathi is predicting an open game in Beira.

“The pressure is on the other side (Songo). They played a closed game here (Lusaka) so definitely that side they want to win the game so they have to open up.”

Delays to reconstruct City Market three years on disappoints Economist Hambayi


Lusaka based Economist Trevor Hambayi says delays by government to reconstruct the gutted City market in Lusaka is an affront to the growth of both formal and informal sectors in Zambia.

Mr Hambayi is disappointed that government spent K30 million for empowerment scheme for artists while traders at the market have continued trading in an open space, three years after the market was gutted.

He said government should have prioritized the reconstruction of City Market because it is key for income generation and offers trading space to both formal and informal traders across many sectors of the economy.

“Soweto City/Market is a trading place for thousands of both formal and informal traders across many sectors of our economy. I visited it on a Saturday afternoon and was saddened at the extent to which we as a country can ignore the plight of our citizens,” he said.

He added, “The market has no roof which was burnt in an act of vandalism 3 years ago. Where did the donated funds for its reconstruction go.”

“Who is responsible? Yet we have continued to collect daily market fees. Where are these funds going?,” he questioned.

Mr Hambayi said it is regrettable that Zambia continues to proclaim how important SME are to the economy but exploit them only to the interest of political mileage.

Wina tells Opposition not to Politicise the Mumbwa Floods


Vice President Inonge Wina has said that natural calamities such as floods should not be politicized.

Reacting to United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema’s blame on poor planning of settlements, Mrs. Wina said that government will focus at helping the flood victims in Mumbwa District of Central Province as opposed to politicizing their situation.

Mrs said that the government will not only help the victims in Mumbwa but across the country. She said this in a speech read for her by Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga when he addressed the flood victims in Mumbwa.

And Government has provided relief food and other assorted items to flood-affected victims in Mumbwa District. The donated items include mealie meals, tents and sanitary towels. The donated items were handed over to the beneficiaries by Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga.

Speaking on behalf of the victims, Angela Habasonda, thanked the government for the assistance rendered to the 274 families. She said the affected families have continued receiving help from the government since the first day when they were hit by floods.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Local Government is currently designing a drainage system that will help in dealing with the problem of flooding in Lusaka.

Local government Minister Charles Banda says the Ministry is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit to ensure that flooding situation is addressed.

He told ZNBC that the system been designed to attend to concerns in Kanyama and Mass Media area among others.