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HH calls for Independent Investigation in Recent Killings of Citizens


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema says government must institute an independent Commission of Inquiry to establish the killing of two citizens Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda on Wednesday last week.

In his end of year national address, Mr. Hichilema demanded that President Edgar Lungu gets to the bottom of the murders.

Mr Hichilema has described the changes in the police command as cosmetic and will not yield any positive results.

Mr. Hichilema says the only way to restore decency in the police service is by Zambians voting out of the PF out of government next year.

He stated that the command structure means that the person who gave instruction to fire live bullets on unarmed public should be fired.

Mr Hichilema said no citizens should be executed by the state as was seen on what he dubbed Black Wednesday.

“Why have they arrested those who survived live bullet rounds by the police? They were unarmed citizens exercising their democratic rights to assemble. How do you arrest the victims? I was victim number one. I was the target there, when the vehicles were negotiating their way, we overheard one officer shouting to his colleague that “Hummer One,” he revealed.

“How do citizens answer police call-outs in the future when police use it as an ambush?”

Mr Hichilema has since called for the strengthening of Police internal investigation to independently probe erring officers especially those who use deadly force.

“We demand for the reform of police service to make it more user friendly to the citizens – not the cosmetic changes we have seen to date. We also need to demilitarise the Police.”

Asked by Journalists to comment on government’s recently launched Economic Recovery Programme, Mr. Hichilema said he cannot comment about nothing.

“This is a ‘nothing programme’. There is no political will in PF, behavior of PF after ERP has been more expenditure. We launched another recovery programme a few years ago and you know what happened to that.”

Mr Hichilema has stressed that the UPND government will commit to deliver a vigorous fight against corruption, restore rule of law and restore freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

He added that the UPND government will work on economic turnaround which will deliver jobs for the youth and employable Zambians and business opportunities for Zambian entrepreneurs.

Mr Hichilema charged that the UPND in government will lower the cost of doing business in Zambia and that Zambian owned businesses will be supported to get contracts and also given mining rights.

He said Zambia belongs to all Zambians hence the need to equitably share economic opportunities.

Mr Hichilema also promised an inclusive and diverse government that reflects the face of Zambia adding that there will be representation from all provinces.

“The change UPND will usher in will see an end to disunity and exclusions we see today,” he said.

Killing of two citizens hurting – President Lungu


President Lungu says the killing of Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda has brought sorrow and grief to the families and the entire nation.

Commenting on the two citizens who were killed last week in Lusaka, President Lungu described their demise as unfortunate.

President Lungu said as Commander-In-Chief of the defence force, he is mourning with the bereaved families.

“The events of last week have not only brought out so much sorrow to the families of the two departed individuals; the events of last week have brought grief to the whole nation.

As President and Commander-In-Chief of the defence force, I mourn with the families of the departed,” the President said.

The Head of State pointed out that the nation is hurting especially that the police have no conclusive and detailed answers as to what transpired.

President Lungu has since asked the Inspect General of Police to expedite investigations into the killings of Mr. Kaunda and Mr. Nsama.

He also directed the IG to make changes within the Police Service command.

“Indeed, we are hurting as a nation especially that we do not have conclusive and detailed answers yet, eight days after the demise of our brothers, Nsama and Joseph.

This is why I have directed the Inspector General of Police to expedite investigations and also make changes in the police service command, part of which we are witnessing today,” he said.

President Edgar Lungu receive a letter of Oath from Newly appointed Deputy Inspector General Of Police in Charge of Operations Charity Katanga during a swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu receive a letter of Oath from Newly appointed Deputy Inspector General Of Police in Charge of Operations Charity Katanga during a swearing in Ceremony at State House

Meanwhile President Lungu has counselled the Police command to respect the rights of the people.

He explained that in modern times it is imperative that the human rights of the people are respected, adding that time is long gone when people used to run away from police officers instead of seeking refuge from them.

The Head of State stressed that the appointment of the five Senior Police Officers serves as the beginning of the cleansing of the Zambia Police Service.

He urged the newly sworn in Senior Police officers to serve the community as servants of the people.

“Your appointments, therefore, must serve as the beginning of the cleansing of the Zambia police service. Your image must be that of servants of the people. Times are gone when people used to run away from police officers instead of seeking refuge from them.

These are modern times, and modern times have come with many rights for the people that must be respected,” he pointed out.

At the same occasion, President Lungu called for full discipline among men and women in uniform.

He directed the Inspector General of Police to weed out all the criminal elements from the service.

President Lungu urged the IG to spruce up the police command and regain the confidence of the people.

“I, therefore, expect full discipline from your officers. Weed out all the criminal elements from the service. Spruce up the police command and regain the confidence of the people.”

The Head of State pointed out that the people need there services despite them openly showing disdain against them.

He recalled that in the past people would destroy a Police post only to wake up the very next day and cry for a Police post in the same place it was destroyed.

President Lungu said as Commander-In-Chief He is aware of the dangers men and women uniform come across in there discharge of duties.

The President revealed that he knows when people are genuinely complaining against their conduct and when they are being unfair to the service.

“I have been Home Affairs minister before and I know that your job is not easy. Much as many people have openly shown disdain against you, they still need you. We have seen citizens, out of rage, totally destroy a police post, only to wake up the very next day and cry for a police post in the same place!

As your Commander-In-Chief, I understand the challenges you go through, I understand the dangers you come across, and I know when people are genuinely complaining against you and when they are being unfair to you,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu implored the newly sworn in senior police officers to make the right call so as to avoid disastrous outcome.

“Some people will say they have every right to demonstrate or protest and yet some of those actions could lead to a stampede or violence and they will cry out for your help. The same people will ask for your rescue. Sometimes, it is innocent people, not part of protests that come in harm’s way.

That is where your duties become difficult. But you have to ensure that you make the right call all the time so that we do not end up with disastrous outcomes.”

And in addressing newly promoted individual Senior Police officers, President Lungu commended Charity Katanga who is now Deputy Inspector General of Police for operations for her hard work and commitment to duty.

President Lungu said he was confident that Mrs Katanga will execute her duties accordance with the provisions of the law.

He stressed that the combination of her skills as a Police officer and a Lawyer will be cardinal as she takes up her new role.

Ms Katanga has served the Zambia Police Services for 24 years in various capacities.

President Edgar Lungu receive a letter of Oath from newly appointed Deputy Inspector General Of Police in Charge of Administration Richard Mweene during a swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu receive a letter of Oath from newly appointed Deputy Inspector General Of Police in Charge of Administration Richard Mweene during a swearing in Ceremony at State House

In addressing the Deputy Inspector General of Police for Administration Richard Mweene, President Lungu said he was confident that Mr. Mweene’s rich experience in the service will help to address the administrative lapses in the Zambia Police Service.

He advised Mr. Mweene to make recommendation pertaining to staff promotions and welfare motivation among others.

President Lungu said promoting of staff is cardinal if the officers in the lower ranks are to perform to their required expectations of the general public.

Mr. Mweene has served the government for 27 years with his first appointment being that of a teacher in 1993.

He later joined the Zambia Police Service in 1996 as assistant superintendent in Livingstone where he also served as officer in charge of Frauds.

President Lungu implored Mr Mweene to work closely with the two Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Home Affairs and develop a system that aims to motivate men and women in uniform.

“I urge you to work closely with the Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Home Affairs to develop a system that will ensure a motivated workforce. As you are aware, the ministry provides the policy direction to the Zambia police service,” he directed.

Newly appointed Eastern Province commissioner of police Geza Lungu being sworn in during a swearing in Ceremony at State House.
Newly appointed Eastern Province commissioner of police Geza Lungu being sworn in during a swearing in Ceremony at State House.

For Commissioner of Police Eastern Province Geza Lungu, the Head of State saluted him for serving the Police Service with commitment and loyalty for 30 years.

President Lungu said he was equally confident that Mr Lungu will bring wealth of experience to his newly founded position and contribute significantly to the service.

“You are also a seasoned Police officer having served with commitment and loyalty to the command for 30 years. From 2nd April, 1990 when you joined the police service, you have equally risen through the ranks to the position of Deputy Commissioner, special duties here at State House, a position you held until this promotion,” said the Head of State.

Newly appointed Muchinga Province commissioner of police Lizzy Machina being sworn in during a swearing in Ceremony at State House
Newly appointed Muchinga Province commissioner of police Lizzy Machina being sworn in during a swearing in Ceremony at State House

And addressing Commissioner of Police for Muchinga province Lizzie Machina, President Lungu expressed confidence that Ms Machina will immensely contribute to the transforming of the work culture of officers under her command.

Ms Machina has served the Zambia Police Service for 38 years in which she held different portfolios.

Prior to her promotion Ms Machina served as Deputy Commissioner of Police.

“You have served the Zambia Police Service with great sense of commitment, dedication and loyalty for 38 years. This is no mean achievement. Congratulations.

You joined the Police Service on 1st June in 1982 as a Constable. You have held various ranks and served in different positions. from being a Sergeant, Sub-Inspector, Chief Inspector, Assistant Superintendent, Senior Superintendent, Assistant Commissioner of Police and until now Deputy Commissioner of Police.”

In a related development, President Lungu has directed the newly promoted Commissioner of Police Northern province Jestus Nsokolo to continue working hard and recommend to the IG new ideas that will help to positively change the public perception of the Zambia Police.

According to President Lungu Mr. Nsokolo has served the Police Service for 33 years impressively.

“Since 1st September, 1987 when you joined the Police Service as a Constable, you have been loyal, humble and dependable to the command.

You understand the operations of the Zambia Police Service very well, having served in nearly all the lower ranks before rising to this position of Commissioner of Police,” he said.

Earlier before the swearing in ceremony of the five senior Police officers, President Lungu led the Police command, Ministers and senior government officials present at the swearing in, in observing a moment of silent in honour of the two citizens who were killed eight days ago.

He described the death of Mr Nsama and Mr Kaunda as unfortunate and sad.

Examination Council of Zambia commended for Decentralising its Services


North Western Province Permanent Secretary Willies Mangimela has commended the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) for decentralizing its service provision through the establishment of an Examination Services center in the province.

Mr Mangimela said the Examination service center is a clear demonstration of government’s practical developmental agenda of bringing services closer to the people through decentralization.

The Permanent Secretary said this when he officiated at the launch of the ECZ service center in Solwezi yesterday.

He said the service center will accrue a lot of benefits to the people in the province among them merging of school certificates, replacement of all academic papers, solving examination related queries, correction of names on academic papers, retrieving of information from records and save as a storage center for examination papers and marked scripts.

“I implore all District Commissioners and District Education Board Secretaries to inform all people about the presence of this center in the province, let us use every opportunity to mention to the people so that they can start enjoying the benefits immediately, “Mr Mangimela said.

Mr Mangimela said the facility will also reduce on time of travelling long distances to attend to ECZ related matters which will certainly amount to economic benefits.

“The center is also bringing employment to the people in the Province. Provincial Administration stands ready to support this center by every means possible, my office will take a leading role in ensuring that people are informed about the establishment of this center and utilize the facility to the maximum, “he said.

He said people will now no longer be travelling to Lusaka to access ECZ services.

ECZ Director, Dr. Michael M. Chilala
ECZ Director, Dr. Michael M. Chilala

ECZ Director Micheal Chilala said the Council will be offering post examination center services adding that in its expansion programme it has observed that there are certain benefits which the council would have not known without establishing centers in provinces.

“We promised in 2016 to the people that we will take our services closer to the people and arising from our resolution and promise, I wish to indicate that today with the opening of this office we will be existing in eight out of the 10 provinces countrywide,” Dr Chilala said.

Dr Chilala said the Province has become economically active due to mining activities, industries and businesses adding that this has attracted an influx of people making the area prone to have people who may want to fraudulently obtain qualifications so that they can seek for employment.

“This office should be able to help with cleaning up so that those people who are employed are credible and appropriate for the jobs they will get, “he said

Dr Chillala said children who give up in life or dropped out of school due to early marriages, unwanted pregnancies, distances they could not write examination and had difficulties combining their certificates can now do so with the opening of the center in the province and easily proceed to other grades.

“We hope that by bringing the services closer to the people we will be contributing to the development of the Nation by ensuring that education which is one of the major services is complete in the way it is offered including the assessment services. We are also hoping that by bringing the assessment services closer to the people we will be able to tap into the local needs that we might not yet be attending to so that we can accommodate and adopt them into part of our operations and so that as Examination Council of Zambia we continue to reform in order to be adoptable to the demands of our various aspects of society,” he said.

Speaking at the same event Dean of Head Teachers Wallace Kanchele thanked ECZ and government for the facility saying a number of parents have spent a lot of money to travel long distances to access the ECZ services for their children.

“A number of children have not proceeded to the next grades because they have challenges going to either Kitwe or Lusaka to access the services and now government has provided the services closer to the people, thank you very much this is a dream come true, “He said

Mr Kanchele said the Head Teachers in the province will support the center in any way possible and ensure it is utilized fully.

The center is the eighth to be established out of the 10 provinces countrywide since 2016.

Examinations Council of Zambia Solwezi Service Center
Examinations Council of Zambia Solwezi Service Center

Do not slow works because of elections, civil servants prodded


Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa has urged civil servants not to slow down government work because of the forth coming August 2021 tripartite elections.

Speaking during the Luapula Annual Media Press briefing at Sali Resort Lodge in Mansa district today, Mr. Chilangwa noted that there are currently a number of developmental projects in the province that do not need to stall.

The Minister added that slowing down government work at the expense of elections will be doing a de-service to the people.

“There are only two people in this room that are going for elections, that is me and the mayor, the rest of you will still keep your jobs,” he said.

Mr. Chilangwa stated that Luapula Province is doing far much better in terms of projects being implemented.

“Yes, we are one of the poorest province in the country, but since the hosting of the successful 2017 Luapula Exposition we have had so many numerous developmental projects more than other developed provinces in the country,” he said.

Mr. Chilangwa cited the Samfya International Convention Centre that was recently launched by Republican President Edgar Lungu as one of the most successful Expo projects in the Province.

“We launched the construction works of the Samfya International Convention Centre in Samfya and the Green 2000 project in Kawambwa, this is really great for the province,” he said.

The Minister has noted that Luapula is on the right developmental trajectory hence no need to slow down work.

Meanwhile, Luapula Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry President Emmanuel Musanje has urged civil servants to have interest in joining the chamber of commerce which will help them easily switch to the private sector when they retire.

Mr. Musanje noted that having a plan after retirement is very beneficial as it helps one to avoid being economically deprived.

“As the Chamber of Commerce in Luapula, I urge you to join the chamber of commerce so that we help you with the entrepreneurial activities that you may have. It is better you are earning an extra income now and don’t wait until you retire,” he said.

He noted that the organisation has provided a platform for entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas including civil servants to grow their businesses with the help of the Chamber of Commerce.

“Our role is simply to provide a platform and guide entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas to help them grow and we offer them experts in their specific fields to guide them,” he stated.

Workers trained on HIV/AIDs prevention as they begin work on the 40 kilometer Chaola-Mberenje Road Construction


Chisomo, a local non-government organisation based in Chipata has recruited and trained over 50 peer educators to sensitise community members and construction workers on HIV and AIDS as road construction works commence on Chaola-Mberenje road in Chipangali District.

The 50 peer educators have been deployed along the 40 kilometer Chaola-Mberenje Road which has been contracted for upgrading to Tervium Constractors Company.

This came to light yesterday when Chipangali Town Council Chairperson Million Tembo launched the Chisomo HIV and AIDS sensitisation programme at Munduwi Primary School in Chipangali District.

Launching the programme Mr Tembo commended Chisomo for partnering with Government to mitigate the spread of HIV and AIDS in the community where the road construction works will be taking place.

The Council Chairperson said Government is keen to partner with various actors in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

“Government has been working effectively with various partners to ensure that HIV and AIDS infections in the country are reduced. People that are infected are getting all the needed medical attention from the Ministry of Health and cooperating partners,” he said.

The Council Chairperson is happy that Chisomo is is working to ensure that people of Munduwi area get all the necessary information to be used in preventing the spread of HIV as the road construction gets underway.

As the area will receive construction workers who would engage in social activities including sexual relationships, Mr Tembo urged people of Munduwi area to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS which he said was still a health problem of concern to society.

And Chisomo Community program manager Ann Chiseni announced that the main objective of deploying over 50 peer educators was to provide sensitisation on HIV and AIDS in the villages along the 40 kilometer stretch of the road under construction.

Ms Chiseni noted that the workers hired by Tervium Constractors come from different areas to work in Munduwi area and need to be adequately sensitised on protecting themselves from HIV and AIDS.

“These people come to work here without knowing their health status as well as that of the people in the area. We are here to promote sensitisation on HIV and AIDS so that the spread of the disease is reduced,” she said.

Ms Chiseni added that her organisation was also going to sensitise the communities on sexual reproductive health as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

She commended the National AIDS Council (NAC) for the support to her organisation in providing for the materials to be used in the launch.

Meanwhile, Munduwi Primary School Head teacher John Phiri commended Chisomo and Chipangali Town Council for the gesture targeted at sensitising the community on the dangers of HIV and AIDS.

Mr Phiri also emphasised the need for people in the area to protect themselves against HIV and AIDS because the disease was real.

Muchinga Provincial Administration forms integrity committee after sensitization meeting by ACC


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has sensitized the Provincial Administration in Muchinga Province on the formation of an Integrity Committee (IC).

Speaking during the sensitization meeting held in the provincial administration board room in Chinsali yesterday, Muchinga Province Assistant Secretary (AS) John Mwasha said the government has gone flat out to eliminate various forms of corruption in the country.

Mr Mwasha said this is the more reason why all players in the executive wings of government ought to be fully informed for them to be able to fight corruption as they execute their day to day duties.

He said corruption has become cancerous in the operations of duty starting with the senior officers to the lowest government officer hence the need to have an integrity committee in place.

Mr Mwasha added that it is because of the rapid increase in corrupt practices that have not spared Muchinga province that the provincial administration engaged ACC to sensitize members of staff on how to form the IC in a bid to reduce on the vice.

“We cannot form an IC without first being sensitized and then being appointed to be part of the committees that manage corruption issues in manner we execute of duties in various departments,” he said.

And ACC Regional Manager for Northern and Muchinga Provinces Gibson Chizanda said government realizes that development cannot be talked about without fighting the vices of corruption.

Mr Chizanda said effects of corruption are broad as they erode investments and weakness institutions as well as makes the vulnerable to suffer more.

“Am aware that some people may say that corruption makes things to move faster while others say it facilities businesses but the bottom line is that corruption is disastrous to any country,” he pointed out.

Mr Chizanda said the ACC will soon roll out ICs in all the remaining provinces hence there coming to Muchinga.

He said the target of the ACC is to form ICs in all institutions including hospitals and councils among others in order for the institutions to help identify loopholes where corruption is trying to eat away the country’s mega resources.

The Regional Manager added that ACC at the moment has about 106 Integrity Committees countrywide in both public and private institutions.

Mr Chizanda added that the idea is to have ICs is to ensure that all sectors be it public or private buy into the idea of fighting corruption by devising systems that will help to fight the vice.

He said if corruption is fought, the benefits will trickle down to everyone unlike a situation where only a few benefit from the act of corruption.

PS warns thieving public workers over farm inputs


Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe has warned civil servants in the province to stay away from stealing farming inputs or risk losing their jobs.

Mr.Nundwe said it is disheartening to hear of civil servants stealing farming inputs meant for the vulnerable in society.

The Permanent Secretary said this at a press briefing at cabinet office in Ndola yesterday.

Mr.Nundwe noted that investigations for farming inputs that were stolen in Luanshya are still on going until the culprits are brought to book.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nundwe has hailed the media personnel on the Copperbelt for highlighting developmental projects in the province.

Mr.Nundwe said both private and private media houses in the province have been objective in their reporting and congratulated them on exhibiting professionalism.

2020 challenges should give us renewed hope for the future– President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has called on Zambians to reflect on the exceptional challenges experienced in 2020 as well as take advantage of the opportunity to celebrate the successes scored in the country.

President Lungu remembered 2020 as the year when world economies faced grave encounters, Zambia inclusive due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic and the impact of climate change, among other disasters.

Among notable challenges, the Head of state listed high inflation, exchange rate instability and high interest rates, low levels of electricity generation and the negative impact on key sectors such as education and health in Zambia.

He added increased food prices, low levels of support for programmes under the social cash transfer, reiterating that most of the challenges were worsened by the impact of the virus and climate change.

In his New Year message to the nation, in a live televised address on ZNBC Television, the Head of State reminded that even during the hard times, his government remained resolute to ensuring that Zambians are well served through implementation of interventions aimed at managing COVID-19.

The President indicated that government does not seat back to watch the harsh environment destroy the country’s development.

“We are grateful to the Almighty God who has enabled us to reach this far as we end the year 2020 and enter the New Year 2021. This is the moment we look back and reflect the unique challenges we faced together as a nation, it is an opportunity to celebrate our successes with renewed hope for the future,” President Lungu stated.

The Head of State indicated that government has rolled specific measures among which includes an integrated health response in order to manage the adverse effects of the pandemic, the emergency social cash transfer as well as the K10 billion COVD-19 stimulus package among other empowerment initiatives.

He also hailed cooperating partners for supporting government in a multi-sectorial approach to combat the further spread of the Coronavirus, which is evidenced through the country being ranked the fourth safest country to travel to during the virus by a world travel site.

He implored citizens not to take the peace and stability that the country continues to enjoy for granted, saying that the country is a beacon of peace in Africa.

President Lungu assured the nation that a number of COVID-19 vaccines will be available in 2021 which is an advantage for all humanity, thus boosting economic growth.

The Head of State listed various strides that government has scored such as infrastructure development which has increased health facilities, schools, roads, communication towers and increased electricity generation, thereby improved the living standards of many Zambians.

He said as the country goes to the polls during the 2021 general elections, he guaranteed that democracy will be exercised through free and fair election.

“Let me however sound a word of caution, intimidation and violence have no place in our democracy, they are an affiant to our democracy and Christian values that teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves,” the President commented.

The Head of State stressed the need to find other ways of enhancing revenue in the country by finding better ways of utilizing the mining sector.

He indicated that governments’ focus being on gold mining, the country has witness an impetus economic growth.

President Lungu called for urgent efforts to solve the issues surrounding Mopani and Konkola Copper mines so that the mining industry could move forward.

The Head of State reiterated that achieving economic recovery in 2021 depends on the actions taken as a country through the contributions of various partners, announcing that government will do its part.

He emphasised that it is through collective efforts that will accelerate the recovery of Zambia’s economy.

President Lungu acknowledged that with the constant increase in the rainfall pattern comes water bone diseases, hence implored the citizens to maintain cleanliness at all times in order to avoid diseases such cholera and dysentery.

He warned that those who will not maintain cleanliness should be booked by the local authorities in an effort to enhance the culture of sanitation in the surroundings.

“The progress we have made thus far be the solid foundation for even greater achievements in 2021 and beyond. As we enter 2021, it is important that we embrace hope for our future in our hearts, clarity of purpose in our minds and determination in our actions, there is so much hope,” the Head of State echoed in his message to Zambians.

ActionAid: 2020 Was as a difficult year for Zambia, Economic Fundamentals Deteriorated Drastically.


By Nalucha Nganga Ziba Country Director, ActionAid Zambia

As the year 2020 comes to an end, ActionAid Zambia has witnessed with concern a downward spiral in relation to the socio-economic, political governance, and human rights violations in the country.

2020 can be described as a difficult year for Zambia on the economic front, where most of the economic fundamentals deteriorated drastically. The nation’s economic growth was projected at 3 percent; however, it plummeted to negative 4.2 percent as early as quarter two (2) of 2020. The nation experienced its first recession in more than two decades, mainly exacerbated by the advent of COVID-19 and the ever-increasing public debt stock, now standing at $18.5billion. With all recommended debt sustainability indicators and/or benchmarks breached, Zambia became the first African country to default on its debt interest repayments after failing to meet the US$ 42.5 million debt repayment on its US$ 3 Billion Eurobonds on 14th of November 2020. Additionally, the Zambian Kwacha was reported to be among the worst-performing currency in Africa, depreciating by more than 50% from end-December 2019 to End-December 2020. And the inflation rate was not only unstable but was above the Bank of Zambia target of 8%. It increased from 11.7 percent in December 2019 to 19.2 percent as of December 2020.

The economic vulnerabilities and deterioration entail that many vulnerable Zambians were pushed below the poverty line. With a high inflation rate and a free failing currency, for an import-dependent country like Zambia, this led to the cost of living to dramatically go up for the ordinary Zambian. According to JCTR latest BNB, the cost of a food basket now stands at K7, 126.62 which is far above the average household income for most Zambians. This does not only threaten the survival of many Zambians but also makes a reality of dignified life an impossibility.

Although we saw the enactment of the National Budgeting and Planning Act, a move to amend the Financial Intelligence Act in the quest to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of allocation and utilization as well as to curb corruption, corruption continued to be the talk of the day in 2020 midst the economic hurdles. Throughout the year, we continued to lose public resources in the hands of our civic leaders, whom we have given the mandate to manage the resources on our behalf. Corruption in the management of public finances reached another down tram level in Zambia with notable sad incidences, for instance, the mismanagement of COVID-19 donations. Corruption has also continued to widen the gap between the poor and the rich in Zambia, strapping poor Zambians on both the social and economic front.

The year also saw the worst violation of human rights which included the denial to exercise rights of freedom of assembly and expression through the continuous denial of police permit and arrests of opposition political leaders and their perceived sympathizers, which led to a group of young people demonstrating in the bush and online in raising awareness on this injustice. The police brutality was witnessed in 2020; where Carol Kambwili was publicly harassed by the police, and not forgetting the killing of innocent, defenseless, and unarmed citizens like Mugala, a young boy whose only concern was completing his homework, and the latest killing of Mr. Nsama, a state prosecutor.

Furthermore, independent media was not spared. The arbitrary closure of Prime Television for eight months now over a frivolous case and reported cases of District Commissioners and political party cadres threatening and harassing media houses that would try to cover opposition party leaders are some of the few examples of how the media voices were stifled.

However, one major win of 2020 was the collapse of the Constitution Amendment No. 10 of 2019. The Constitution Amendment process was flawed from inception as it did not meet the democratic principles of the constitution amendment process. Furthermore, the subsequent content of the bill undermined the principles of constitutionalism and good governance. The bill was short of the aspirations of all patriotic and well-meaning Zambians; therefore, its collapse was a win for all well-meaning Zambians.

ActionAid Zambia would like to urge the government of Zambia to work towards restoring the rule of law especially as we head toward the 2021 general elections. This will be key in limiting and checking the arbitrary, oppressive, and despotic tendencies of power, and to ensure the equal treatment and protection of all citizens irrespective of race, tribe, class, status, religion, place of origin, or political persuasion.

As its primary responsibility, the government must endeavor to promote and protect human rights which include the right to life, freedom of the press, association, assembly, and expression to provide a level playing field for all citizens and all political players as we go toward the 2021 general elections.

Apart from COVID-19, unsustainable public debt and high corruption levels being major contributors to our current economic malaise, as we go into 2021, ActionAid would like to urge the government to avoid the temptation of borrowing more while seeking sustainable solutions to our current debt problems. The Government should also enhance the fight against corruption by ensuring the prosecution of perpetrators of financial crimes regardless of their social status and political affiliation.

AU member States to Effect African Continental Free Trade Area agreement on January 1st, 2021


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma has announced that the commencement of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement will be effected on January 1st, 2021.

Mr. Yaluma disclosed that the official launch of the AfCFTA will take place at a virtue event which will be graced by the African Union (AU) Chairperson, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the AU Secretariat, Ghana President Nana Akuffo Addo.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka, Mr. Yaluma indicated that the development entails that AU Member States will now trade with each other across regional blocks under a single preferential trading regime.

The Minister was happy that Member States remained resolute to ensuring that the African free trade zone was a success even under the restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

He noted that the establishment of the AfCFTA is part of the AU’s wide agenda to boost intra Africa trade and contribute to the attainment of the envisioned Africa in line with the vision 2063.

“I take this opportunity to signal the launch of the start of trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement scheduled to commence on January 1st, 2021. The launch of the start of trading under AfCFTA is a culmination of years of intense negotiations by AU Member States, work which is still going on,” Mr. Yaluma explained.

The Minister however disclosed that among the 55 Member States, Zambia is one of the 21 countries that have not yet deposited their instruments of ratification.

Mr. Yaluma stated that the country has been given Cabinet approval to ratify the agreement but that it is currently under consideration by parliament for approval.

He revealed that Zambia became a signatory to the framework agreement establishing the AfCFTA since February 10, 2019.

Mr. Yaluma told the media that even when the country is signatory to a number of configurations, there is need for more efforts at sub regional level in order for the country to get a fair share of trade openness especially within SADC and COMESA.

He was optimistic that the creation of AfCFTA may result in trade creation but that it was necessary to put in place conditions to avoid Zambia being a dumping ground.

He noted that his Ministry has continued to engage with the private sector who are the main drivers of the economy, adding that this is the only way the country can benefit from the free trading area.

“The Ministry looks forward to continued collaboration with various arms of government, the private sector and civil society on matters relating to AfCFTA so that decisions taken are owned by all segments of the Zambian society,” the Minister mentioned.

The AfCFTA was officially launched on March 21, 2018, in Kigali, Rwanda. As of December 2020, 54 AU Member States had signed the AfCFTA agreement.

President Lungu aids Mpika farmers with inputs


Residents of Musungu and Lunda villages in Chief Chikwanda’s Chiefdom of Mpika District in Muchinga Province have received farming inputs after their crop fields were destroyed following a hail storm that was experienced in the area recently.

The farming inputs have been delivered after Chief Chikwanda of the Bemba speaking people requested President Edgar Lungu to help the affected farmers.

President Lungu has sent more than 1000 bags of fertilizers and 300 hundred bags of maize seed.

Chief Chikwanda handed over the farming inputs to the affected families today.

“I was saddened by the news that crop fields and places of worship were destroyed by rains in this area,” said Chief Chikwanda.

He said government will not allow people to die of hunger and that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) will ensure that they come through to help the affected families.

Meanwhile, Acting District Agriculture Coordinator Geoffrey Ngandu assured that farmers still have time to plant their maize.

“SEEDCO 403 matures early, so if you still have time,” said Mr. Ngandu.

Mpika district experienced a hail storm that destroyed more than One Hundred maize fields and other crops in Musungu and Lunda villages.

Zambians warned against unscrupulous online car dealers


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised members of the public to be cautious when purchasing used motor vehicles from online dealers purporting to be operating in Japan.

In a statement made available to ZANIS by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Public Relations Officer Chansa Kabwela, the Ministry has been drawn to information regarding mounting complaints from Zambian citizens who have been swindled or shortchanged by unscrupulous individuals running websites purporting to sell used motor vehicles when in fact not.

Ms Kabwela stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of cases involving Zambians who have not had their vehicles delivered despite having made payment.

She noted that there are people who have received their motor vehicles late and other individuals who have received different vehicles altogether from those originally purchased online.

She encouraged people wishing to purchase used motor vehicles from Japan to contact the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Tokyo.

“All individuals wishing to purchase used motor vehicles from Japan are encouraged to contact the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Tokyo on [email protected] for guidance on the legitimate sources to avoid loss of funds and personal inconvenience,” advised Ms Kabwela.

Ms Kabwela further encouraged people to alternatively use the Zambia Postal Services Corporation which has signed Memoranda of Understanding with various car dealers in Japan or to purchase their vehicles from companies with a physical presence in Zambia.

She added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Mission Abroad remains seized of this matter and has officially brought it to the attention of the relevant authorities in Japan.

Western Province PS to revoke licences for bars not adhering to COVID-19 rules


Government has directed the Zambia Police in conjunction with the Local Authorities in Western Province to revoke trading licences of bar owners and other public businesses that operating without strictly following COVID-19 preventive health guidelines.

Western Province Permanent Secretary Danny Bukali made the directive through his official address to the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) virtual Meeting in Mongu.

Mr. Bukali directed councils and the police not to charge bar owners operating without observing COVID-19 guidelines but revoke their trading licences in order to safe guard lives of people in the province.

Mr. Bukali said the Province has since last week Tuesday recorded a total of 190 cases of COVID-19 while 42 cases have been recorded this week.

He said the province had the lowest numbers of COVID-19 cases but has seen a spike of cases in the last two months and thus urged all to tighten preventive measures.

President Lungu directs Kanganja to restore order in the police service


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated his call for the Police to expedite the investigation into last week’s killings of two citizens in Lusaka.

President Lungu says the bereaved families and the nation at large deserve to know what happened on the fateful day leading to the killing of the two citizens.

He was speaking this morning at State House when swore in five senior police officers who included Deputy Inspector General of Police Operations Charity Katanga and Deputy Inspector General of Police Administration Richard Mweene while others included Commissioner of Police Eastern Province Geza Lungu, Commissioner of Police Muchinga Province Lizzie Machina and Commissioner of Police Northern Province Jestus Nsokolo.

In a related development the Head of State who is also the Command In- Chief has directed Inspector General of Police (IG) Kakoma Kanganja to transform the operations of the Zambia Police Services.

President Lungu implored the IG to use his six months contract to change the Police Service and earn the confidence of the members of public.

“Let me end by directing you Inspector General of Police to up your game in this six months I have given you, it can’t be business as usual. Conclude the investigation of last week’s killings, the nation especially the bereaved family, deserve to know what happened,” President Lungu directed.

President Lungu stressed that there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the manner the Police Service operates especially as the country approaches the 2021 general elections.

He however admitted that the road ahead of the country’s general election will be turbulent hence the need for the Police Service to remain professional in their discharge of national duties.

President Lungu urged the Police command to redeem itself and earn the respect of the public it swore to protect during their course of duty.

“There is an urgent need for the paradigm shift in the Police Service especially as we enter 2021 and as we approach the general elections set for August 12 2021.

“The road will be difficult but navigate this is because heroes are only made when the going gets tough, transform the Zambia Police Service and earn the respect of the people of Zambia whom you have sworn to protect all of you including myself,” he urged

Meanwhile President Lungu has implored the Police Command to work in harmony with all officers at all levels across the ranks and file in the Zambia Police Service.

President Lungu counseled Police Officers to desist from the culture of pulling each other down but rather to work together as a team.

“As your command in-Chief I would you to work in unity with all officers at all levels across the ranks and file in the Zambia Police Services. I expect you to be professional, disciplined and royal. Work as a team there must not be this culture of pulling each other down so that you get to the top united we stand divided we fall,” President Lungu counseled.

The Head of State reminded the Police Command that Zambians expect a lot from them especially in maintaining peace and order.

President Lungu pointed out that peace and security is Zambia’s greatest asset which should be protected and safeguarded at all times.

“Have regular management meetings and encourage team building. The Zambian people expect a lot from you.

The greatest asset of this country is its peace and security. It is therefore my call to the general public to offer support to your respective officers in order for the country to continue enjoying peace and order.”

And President Lungu has called on the general public to offer support to the Police in order for the country to continue enjoying peace.

Nsabata and Owino End 2020 With Farewells


The year will end with a couple of high profile farewells at Zesco United and Zanaco.

Kenyan defender David Odhiambo Owino has left Zesco after five years with the eight-time champions whom he joined from Nairobi giants Gor Mahia in 2015.

Owino was the first of the Kenyan legion to have come through the doors at Zesco.

“On behalf of the ZESCO United Football Club Executive, I wish to take this opportunity to thank Odhiambo for his dedication and commitment to duty. We will never forget his contribution towards the growth and success of this football club,” Zesco CEO Richard Mulenga said.

And at Sunset Stadium in Lusaka, goalkeeper Toaster Nsabata has left seven-time champions Zanaco.

The Chipolopolo goalkeeper joined Zanaco from Nchanga Rangers in 2015.

“It has been five incredible years at this great club, whatever goes up must always come down, the time has come, it is hard to leave, but i have to say goodbye,” Nsabata told

“I gave in my very best during my time; I hope my contribution made a difference to the success of the club.”