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Former Zambezi East MP Sara Sayifwanda has died


Former Zambezi East MP Sara Sayifwanda has died.

Ms Sayifwanda who died in Solwezi General Hospital Wednesday evening is also a member of the UPND National Management Committee.

She served as Minister of Gender under the MMD government.

Ms. Sayifwanda was also appointed as Gender Deputy Minister by late President Micheal Sata in 2011, a position she declined.

Last year, Zambia Police arrested Ms Sayifwanda in connection with the tribal fight that occurred in Zambezi district between the Lunda’s and Luvales during an ECZ delimitation.

It was alleged that Ms Sayifwanda was the one who forcefully grabbed the microphone from the ECZ official and strongly opposed the creation of a central constituency which the majority voted in favor of. Ms Sayifwanda’s behaviour was said to be what triggered the throwing of chairs at each other by the lundas and luvales as she accused the electoral commission of Zambia officials of siding with the luvales.

Ms Sayifwanda was charged with conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

Sara Sayifwanda and HH on Campaign trail
Sara Sayifwanda and HH on Campaign trail

Employers Disregarding Labour Laws to be punished


Mkushi District Commissioner(DC), Emmanuel Sinkonde has warned employers in the district that he will take stern action on those that are found to be disregarding stipulated labour laws in the country.

Mr. Sinkonde told the media yesterday that his office is looking forward to improved adherence to labour laws from employers in various sectors in the year 2021.

He stated that he would act strongly on those who are found to be violating labour laws, adding government takes particular interest to uphold and protect the rights of workers.

He insisted that there is need for employers to ensure that they complete the necessary procedures of registering their workers with labour related agencies such as Workers compensation fund as well as National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

Mr. Sinkonde said that there is need to consider the possibility of injuries being sustained by workers at work for sectors such as mining, construction as well as agriculture, adding that registering with agencies such as workers compensation covers the plight of workers.

He further noted that employers must ensure that they provide transport or accommodation for workers who come far from the places of work, saying that this is particularly applicable for farm workers in the agriculture sector.

And in reference to the Mining sector, the DC said that government had laid out specific Laws that pertain to compulsory provision of protective clothing for workers such as gloves, safety boots and helmets.

Mr. Sinkonde expressed worry that over the past Months of 2020, the labour outlook had been characterized by issues related to none or late payments of wages to workers.

“this predicament had been experienced by workers of various sector and I will not hesitate to act sternly on those who continue to subject workers to suffering caused by non or late payment of wages,” he commented.

Meanwhile, data obtained from Mkushi District Labour Office showed that over the past quarters of this year, more than 45 labour related cases involved the mining sector, 29 cases were from the agriculture sector with more than 25 cases from the construction sector.

During the same period under, more than 166 cases were handled by the department with more than 142 of these cases involving wage related issues.

President Lungu will win 2021 polls – North West PF


North Western Patriotic Front (PF) Acting Provincial Chairperson, Koshita Sheng’amo says President Edgar Lungu will win in the 2021 general elections.

Mr. Sheng’amo told ZANIS in an interview in Solwezi today that the primary focus for the party in the province is to sell the candidature of President Lungu and ensuring that he wins the 2021 general elections.

He called for unity among the PF membership in the province, saying unity and discipline is paramount for the party to deliver for President Lungu in 2021 elections.

“We must stand united…observe discipline and we must all know that we have to sell the President first. President Edgar Lungu must win…that should be the primary focus of every party member and official”, Mr Sheng’amo said.

He said the party has resolved that members should go on the ground to sell themselves for those who want to stand as Members of Parliament and councillors.

Mr. Sheng’amo, however, emphasized that those selling themselves should conduct themselves in a civil manner and not to malign others.

“But what I can emphasize is that I want this exercise to be conducted in an orderly manner…when people move on the ground, they meet the structures even help the structures organize the party and they conduct themselves in a civil manner. People should not malign others….carry out smear campaigns, no”, he said.

Mr. Sheng’amo said the mood in the province has changed as people want to work with the ruling party as they are fatigued by the same opposition politics over the last 20 years.

He said the onus is now on them as a party to get down on the ground, motivate the people so that they move together with them.

“Yes we are going to deliver by winning at least a good number of parliamentary seats, even council chairpersons…yes we shall be able to do better than 2016”, Mr Sheng’amo said.

He has since called on the general membership to ensure that all the wards are reorganized and put new people in positions where some members resigned or died.

RTSA secures convictions of motorists driving under the influence of alcohol


The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), has secured convictions of nine motorists in the Solwezi subordinate court for driving under the influence of alcohol.

This follows the conviction of five other motorists in the run-up to Christmas day in the Ndola Subordinate Court.

The motorists, who were all found to have been driving above the legal limit have all had their driver’s license suspended for periods ranging from one month to nine months and have also all been slapped with a K 5,000 fine for each.

Meanwhile, four more motorists are yet to appear in court in Solwezi for the same offence.

The RTSA is urging motorists to desist from driving under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating liquor as this has been identified as one of the leading causes of road accidents.

The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has scaled up law enforcement targeting excessive speed, drink driving and unlicensed drivers, among others, over the festive season and has also reiterated its call to all road users to be extra cautious over this period even as the Agency accelerates interventions to reduce the risk of road users being involved in road accidents.

The RTSA is now employing a new strategy relating to drinking driving and will now concentrate more on prosecuting offenders and suspension of driver licenses as opposed to just fines as a deterrent measure.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media in Lusaka yesterday by RTSA Public Relations Manager Mukela Mangolwa.

Collaboration of ZRA and DEC to help in combating and preventing tax crimes and drug trafficking


The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) have signed a bilateral Memorandum of Standing (MoU) aimed at strengthening the collaboration in combating and preventing tax crimes and drug trafficking.

The MoU is also targeted at addressing issues of money laundering and other offences related to the importation and exportation of prohibited or controlled goods or substances and cash.

And Attorney General Likando Kalaluka has underscored the need for the country to have effective mechanisms, collaboration and coordination in the fight against tax crimes, money laundering and other vices.

Mr. Kalaluka explained that Zambia is a member of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) which has set requirements for countries to have a well-coordinated effort in money laundering at the highest level of their operations.

He said this is why the MoU between the two institutions will promote a Zambia which is free from economic, financial and related crimes.

“The signing the MoU between DEC and ZRA is a step in the right direction is aimed at enhancing collaboration among law enforcement agencies and other anti-money laundering competent authorities to effectively combat and prevent crimes in general and also resultant acts such as money laundering, terrorism and other financial related acts, “ he stated.

Mr. Kalaluka who is also the AMLA Chairperson further expressed optimism that the agreement will also go a long way in combating and preventing cash smuggling which he said is the oldest form of money laundering and other illicit cross border transportation of cash.

The Attorney General has further directed that the two institutions form a joint committee which will spearhead the works that are of common interest and exchange information concerning the development and implementation of policies and activities to prevent and combat cross border crimes.

And DEC Commissioner Musonda Simwayi has disclosed that between 2017 and 2019 the Anti Money Laundering Investigation Unit (AMLIU) received a total of 781 reports on different predicate offences to Money Laundering (ML) including tax evasion.

Dr. Simwayi explained that out of this number a total of 341 persons in 211 cases were arrested for ML related offences involving over K115 million and over 270 million United States Dollars, adding that a number of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds and instruments of crime were also seized.

He explained that Zambia being a landlocked country surrounded by eight borders has been used as a transit point for trafficking of persons, drugs and cash hence the need to have effective measures aimed at addressing the vice.

“Zambia is a land linked country in south central Africa, bordered by eight countries and its borders are used for smuggling goods and as transit points for persons, drugs and cash. To effectively curb cross border related crimes and tighten border security, ZRA, DEC and other law enforcement agencies require close collaboration and strengthened intelligence systems,” he added.

Meanwhile, ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said the MoU between ZRA and DEC is meant to strengthen the working relations between the two institutions whose roles are critical to the nation.

Mr. Chanda noted that through the MoU the two institutions will be able to share vital information on crime involving cash smuggling, drug trafficking, tax evasion and money laundering, adding these crimes are on the rise and are becoming more supplicated.

“Governments World over are losing huge sums of money through illicit financial flows. The Zambia Revenue Authority stands ready to collaborate with the Drug Enforcement Commission in order to halt tax, evasion, money laundering and drug trafficking,” he said.

Late Association of Vendors General Secretary put to rest


Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo has described the death of Association of Vendors, Traders and Marketers of Zambia (AVTMZ) General Secretary Kelvin Kahilu as a loss not only to the family members but to the nation as well.

Mr Lusambo said Kahilu was a very determined and hardworking young man saying he learnt of his demise with shock.

He noted that his family will be well taken care of by the Patriotic Front Party as a way of appreciating the services he rendered to the party.

ZANIS reports that the Minister said this during at a church service for the late Kahilu in Ndola yesterday.

And Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe said government on the Copperbelt is saddened by the death of late Kelvin Kahilu who worked diligently to serve the people.

“Kahilu assisted all traders, marketeers, less privileged and never wanted to see anyone around him suffer,” he said.

And Association for Venders, Traders of Zambia (AVTMZ) Coordinator Humphrey Mutale said the late Kahilu empowered traders, marketeers and the less privileged in order to help sustain their livelihood.

“He was a leader of all seasons, a front liner in the keep Zambia Clean, Green and Health campaign, and he spearheaded the fight against Cholera and Covid-19 pandemic,” the coordinator said.

Mr. Mutale called on the local authorities, various stakeholders and the government at large to help the family of the late both materially and financially.

Kelvin Kahilu who was born on 14th April 1980, died on 27th December 2020 from high blood pressure and sugar.

He survived by a wife and 5 children

President Edgar Lungu is Really Cruel


By Fred M’membe

The cruelty and killings going on in our country today under the presidency of Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu makes me reflect and deeply meditate over the presidency of Levy Patrick Mwanawasa.

It is said that “if you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power. Any man can stand adversity — only a great man can stand prosperity”.

It is the glory of Levy that he never abused power only on the side of mercy. He was a perfectly honest man. When he had power, he used it in mercy.

Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Levy that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy.

When early in his presidency Mr Lungu declared that he will “crush like a tonne of bricks anyone who tries to stand in his way ” many of us didn’t seem to pay much attention to what he was saying. Yet the man was revealing something very fundamental about his character and rule – cruelty!

This man has really been very cruel to others. His cruelty is really that of a sadist, psychopath. Look at what he has done to Hakainde Hichilema! Chishimba Kambwili! Harry Kalaba! Kelvin Bwalya Fube! And many others!

Count how many people have been killed by police under his watch for simply assembling to offer solidarity or protest against an injustice!

Humans are the glory and the scum of the universe, concluded the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, in 1658. When one looks at the conduct of Mr Lungu, little has actually changed. We love and we loathe. We help and we harm. We reach out a hand and we stick in the knife.

We understand if someone lashes out in retaliation or self-defence. But when someone harms the harmless, we ask: “How could you?”
Humans typically do things to get pleasure or avoid pain. For most of us, hurting others causes us to feel their pain. And we don’t like this feeling. This suggests two reasons people may harm the harmless – either they don’t feel the others’ pain or they enjoy feeling the others’ pain.

Another reason people harm the harmless is because they nonetheless see a threat. Someone who doesn’t imperil your body or wallet can still threaten your social status.

Liberal societies assume causing others to suffer means we have harmed them. Yet some philosophers reject this idea. In the 21st Century, can we still conceive of being cruel to be kind?

Someone who gets pleasure from hurting or humiliating others is a sadist. Sadists feel other people’s pain more than is normal. And they enjoy it. At least, they do until it is over, when they may feel bad.

The popular imagination associates sadism with torturers and murderers. Yet there is also the less extreme, but more widespread, phenomenon of everyday sadism. Most people would flinch from having to torture another human being, mainly because when we inflict harm on others, we share some of that pain.

Everyday sadists get pleasure from hurting others or watching their suffering. They are rare, but not rare enough. Unlike sadists, psychopaths don’t harm the harmless simply because they get pleasure from it – though they may. Psychopaths want things. If harming others helps them get what they want, so be it.

Can you ever change a psychopath’s mind? They can act this way because they are less likely to feel pity or remorse or
fear. They can also work out what others are feeling but not get infected by such feelings themselves. Many who harm, torture or kill will be haunted by the experience. Yet psychopathy is a powerful predictor of someone inflicting unprovoked violence.
Italian philosopher and diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli once suggested that “the times, not men, create disorder”. Consistent with this, neuroscience suggests sadism could be a survival tactic triggered by times becoming tough.

Sadism and psychopathy are associated with other traits, such as narcissism and Machiavellianism. Such traits, taken together, are called the “dark factor of personality” or D-factor for short.

We all have a role to play in reducing cruelty.

Sadism involves enjoying another person’s humiliation and hurt. Yet it is often said that dehumanizing people is what allows us to be cruel. Potential victims are labeled as dogs, lice or cockroaches, allegedly making it easier for others to hurt them.
There is something to this. Research shows that if someone breaks a social norm, our brains treat their faces as less human. This makes it easier for us to punish people who violate norms of behaviour.

It is a sweet sentiment to think that if we see someone as human then we won’t hurt them. It is also a dangerous delusion. The psychologist Paul Bloom argues our worst cruelties may rest on not dehumanising people. People may hurt others precisely because they recognise them as human beings who don’t want to suffer pain, humiliation or degradation.
Clearly, the exercise of power must be a constant practice of self limitation and modesty.

Smuggled herds of cattle impounded, slaughtered


A combined team of veterinary officers and Zambia Police in Luampa District has intercepted and slaughtered six herds of cattle smuggled from Mongu enrooted to Nkayema district in Western Province.

ZANIS reports that Luampa District Commissioner Winnie Kamayoyo confirmed today that six herds of cattle moving from Mongu district to Nkeyema through Luampa District were impounded by alert Veterinary Officers at Mwandasengo area in Luampa.

And Acting District Veterinary Officer Simwanza Suwilanji said the ban for the movement and slaughter of livestock in Western Province was still in effect as a control measure to the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

He said the impounded animals have been sloughed and disposed-off in accordance with sections 6 (1) (a) (b) and 33 of the Animal Health Act No. 27 of 2010.

Mr Simwanza cautioned livestock farmers in the district to desist from such illegal activities as it will cost their animals.

He further warned that the disease is of national importance and the government is spending a lot of money on the fight against FMD.

He has since appealed to stakeholders to partner with government in sensitizing livestock farmers on the dangers of illegal stock movement.

The animals belonged to a teacher identified as Maxwell Nalumago of Mongu District.

ERB says its 2020 performance is impressive compared to 2019


Lusaka, December, 30, 2020, ZANIS—The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has in the last year improved its performance as compared to the year 2019.

ERB Director General Langiwe Lungu has attributed the improved performance to non-adjustment of fuel prices since December 2019 despite the outbreak of COVID-19.

Ms Lungu stated that the board has this year not effected any price change on petroleum products in the country despite the fluctuation of the US dollar.

‘’Fuel prices were maintained despite the turbulent events experienced during the course of 2020, specifically the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and fluctuation of the kwacha to the US dollar,’’ Ms Lungu noted.

Ms Lungu was speaking today during a press briefing at their offices and explained that the board reviews petroleum prices under a 60 days cycles whenever petroleum feedstock is imported into the country.

She further explained that the price change is only effected if the wholesale price is more than 2.5 percent threshold.

She however noted that the movement in the exchange rates had negative impacts on the benefits of a reduction in the pump prices that should have accrued to the county.

In a related development Ms Lungu disclosed that the organization issued 289 licences against 117 in 2019 attributing the increase to private sector participation in the energy sector.

‘’Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, I am pleased to report that ERB issued a record number of licenses at 289, against 117 licenses issued in 2019,’’ She said.

She said the sector experienced an increase in demand for energy products and services but had challenges of supply.

Ms Lungu also highlighted that the board made adjustments on electricity tariffs for domestic customers that are supplied by ZESCO limited, North-western Energy Corporation (NWEC) and Zengamina Power Limited.

She said ZESCO Limited had this year increased tariffs by a weighted average of 113 percent.

“At the beginning of the year, tariffs were increased for ZESCO’s customers by a weighted average of 113 %. However the increase did not affect customers with power purchase agreements and the mines whose tariffs are directly negotiated with ZESCO and approved by the ERB,” she explained.

Meanwhile ERB managed to score above target in revenue collection of more than K2. 9 million for the year 2020 against the target of K1.5million

Government E-bus to improve service delivery


Ministry of Finance and Smart Zambia has partnered with the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) to effective communicate to the public on the new method of service provision using an online payment solution under an integrated system called Government Service Bus (GSB).

Ministry of Finance Chief Analyst for Budget Kayula Chimfwembe says the GSB system will be accessed throughout the country and will enhance quality service delivery and will also improve the provision of service to the public.

Mr. Chimfwembwe said this during the sensitization workshop on the online platform for members of staff at ZANIS headquarters in Lusaka today.

He said the implementation of the Government Service Bus is part of Smart Zambia’s transformation agenda aimed at modernizing public service delivery through digital technology.

“The system will help improve revenue collection and enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public service,” Mr. Chimfwembe.

He said through the system, payments can be done using a debit card or other mobile services to access government services.

Mr. Chimfwembe said government service buses will help to eliminate corruption and reduce on the time taken to access public services.

He said through the government service bus, people will be able to access various services such as firearm registration, fingerprints clearance and motor vehicle registration among other services that require payments.

“ What caused the government to come up with the e-government system is because government services were done manually which posed a lot of challenges such as poor services and customer care due to the increased number of population and which led to an increase in the cost of doing business,” Mr Chimfwembe noted.

And Zambia News and Information Services Director Patrick Lungu pledged to assist the government in communicating with the general public on the services being offered under the GSB portal.

“The GSB services investments will take Zambia to greater heights and the added services will add value on the one line platform for money not to exchange hands to pay for various services,” Mr. Lungu noted.

Meanwhile, Smart Zambia Team Leader Baeton Sibulobwa said the project is aimed at ensuring that quality service delivery is done in a more convenient manner to solve the challenges being faced currently.

Mr Sibulobwa stated that the Zamportal has 96 active services that can be accessed online.

Among the services listed on the Zamportal include different government departments such as the Road Safety Agency, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, National Registrations, immigration and forestry department.

“The benefits of the online payment platform GSB is that it will improve service delivery and will also reduce on revenue related quarries such as un accounted for revenue and delayed payments and also reduced interaction between public officers and the general public”, he noted.

People’s ignorance on GMO’s worries NBA


The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) says it is concerned with the misinformation surrounding the misconception of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) products in the country.

NBA Communications Officer Sandra Lombe pointed out that the general public has been fed wrong information on GEMO products.

Ms Lombe who speaking at the end of the year NBA press briefing in Lusaka today, stressed that the authority is saddened with the knowledge gap on GEMOs among members of the public.

She notes that the authority is worried with the myths and misconception attached to the GMO products in the country.

“The myths and misconceptions that surround the GEMO’s status in the country leave us worried and concerned because of the same miss information.

We note with sadness how the general public are being fed with misinformation on the GEMOs,” she said.

“The greatest challenge we face as an authority is the knowledge gap we have identified and noticed among the general public as regards to issues relating to Genetically Modified Organisms,” She said.

And the NBA says porous border entry points in some parts of the country are a source of concern.

“The porous border points in some areas are also a source of serious concern to us as they may be entry points for smuggled GMOs and other products.”

Ms Lombe disclosed that some people are using illegal point of entries to smuggle in GMO products.

She however issued that the authority has put in place measures to control inflow of GMO’s.

Commenting on the import payment issued by NBA in 2020, Ms Lombe revealed that the authority has issued seven import permits which are valid for five years each.

She explained that the issued import permits allow companies to import into the country GMO’s which are subjected to screening by the authority.

Nkana Knocked Out By Prison Leopards


Promoted Prison Leopards on Wednesday end 2020 as the surprise leaders of the 2020/2021 FAZ Super Division season following a stunning home win over defending champions Nkana.

Prison humbled the champions 2-0 at Presidents Stadium in Kabwe to take a one point lead into 2021 from eleven games played.

Tshite Mweshi gave Prison a 1-0 halftime lead when dribbled his way passed Nkana goalkeeper Tanunurwa Shumba in the 15th minute.

David Obashi added the final goal in the 81st minute to end Nkana’s promising three-match unbeaten run that included two league wins and a 1-1 home draw in the CAF Champions League against Petro Atletico of Angola in a pre-group stage, first leg match on December 23 in Kitwe.

Prison have now won four games in a roll and it is their third big kill in that same space following home wins over Buildcon and Lusaka Dynamos whom they beat 1-0 on December 19 and 4-2 on December 9 respectively.

Mwenya Chipepo’s side now has 20 points, one more than Zesco United who drop to second who had led through Christmas.

Nkana stay put at number 13 on 11 points from nine league games played.

Zambia experiences second wave of Covid-19 as variant linked to new strain in South Africa isolated


Minister of Health Dr.Chitalu Chilufya has said there is an increase in the number of Covid -19 cases in the country.

The increase in cases is accompanied by an increase in the severity of the disease requiring hospitalization and oxygen therapy.The new infections are more transmissible and more widely spread in terms of geographical locations.

“Today we report that Zambia has isolated a new strain of COVID-19 , which is the same as the one that was isolated in South Africa. We are seeing an increased number of cases, worrisome disease severity and an average of a death per day in the last two weeks, and this signifies the beginning the second wave.Today we report that the second wave is firmly established,”Dr.Chitalu Chilufya said.

South Africa’s new variant of the coronavirus, 501.V2, is more contagious and has quickly become dominant in many areas of the resurgence, according to experts.

Doctors in South Africa noted a shift in the epidemiological landscape, with more younger patients, without co-morbidities, developing severe forms of the disease.

All the elements “strongly indicate that the second wave in South Africa is carried by this new variant and
it has become the first country on the continent to register more than one million Covid-19 cases.

Public Health experts encourage everyone to follow the health measures put in place to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 .These include wearing of face masks, social distancing, washing of hands and avoiding crowds.

The commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation in Pictures

Vice President Inonge Wina being welcomed by Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina being welcomed by Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina, Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili and Minister in the Office of the Vice President Olipa Phiri during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina, Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili and Minister in the Office of the Vice President Olipa Phiri during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Bishop Joshua Banda confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Bishop Joshua Banda confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Worship Connection Choir singing at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Worship Connection Choir singing at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Christians from different churches following the proceedings during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina flanked by Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri and Minister of Labour Joyce Simukoko confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba being shortly after officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina flanked by Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri and Minister of Labour Joyce Simukoko confers with former Vice President Nevers Mumba being shortly after officiating at the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
The clergy praying and worship during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
The clergy praying and worship during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
The clergy praying and worship during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
The clergy praying and worship during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili speaking during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Minister of National Guidance and religious affairs Godfridah Sumaili speaking during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Defence and Security Choir singing during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Defence and Security Choir singing during the commemoration of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation at mulungushi international conference centre yesterday. Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

CLRI Calls For Increased Stakeholder Engagement By ECZ and Zambia Police


The Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Zambia police to have more engagement meetings with stakeholders as the country heads to the polls next year.

Speaking in Kitwe when he featured on Flava FM Tuesday evening, institute executive director Mundia Paul Hakoola said ECZ and the Zambia Police are the institutions key to a free and fair election hence the need for them to be more engaging with the stakeholders on matters relations to elections.

He said the role of the two institutions cannot be over emphasized and that having more stakeholder engagement will help defuse the tension and suspicions surrounding the 2021 elections.

“As we head to the 2021 elections we want to call on ECZ to increase stakeholder engagement meetings. We also call on other state agencies such as the police to also increase stakeholder engagement. These are key institutions in ensuring that we have peace. If we have an election which is going to have a number of stakeholder engagement meetings it is going to defuse the tension among stakeholders.

“We believe that the ECZ should be able to have stakeholder engagement meetings with the police and we also believe that the police should be able to gather information and explain to the citizens on the double standards exhibited with regards to issuances of permits,” he said.

And Mr Hakoola said his organization will continue to train youths so as to increase the capacity of youths in the country to ensure meaningful participation in the Governance of the country.

“Continental Leadership Research Institute CLRI is conducting a days capacity building training in Kitwe. The training is aimed at increasing the capacities of youths who are in politics and also in Civil Society on effective participation in governance.

“We have recognized the low Participation of youths in governance hence our training. Our training aims at building the capacities of youths in non violence, in areas of effective dialogue skills and in areas of issue based advocacy. We also want to increase the capacities of political parties to have the capacity to do budget tracking at local level to so as to track various expenditures of the state and through that we will be promoting transparency and accountability,” he said.

Last week the United States Embassy in Zambia praised the Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) for it’s efforts in developing programs that engaged young people in the Democratic process of the country.

Speaking during the launch of the Capacity Training for Youth on Governance for Effective Youth Participation in Democratic Processes, U.S. Embassy Deputy Director of Public Affairs Julien Kreuze said his government will continue to help CLRI and other like minded organizations in their efforts to ensure that youths are equipped with skills for responsive leadership.

He observed that with 65% making the country’s population it was commendable that CLRI has developed a program that does not only deeply engages the youths in their advocacy skills but also learn about responsible civic engagement.

CLRI is in Kitwe to hold capacity building workshop for youths in politics and civil society from the district.