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International NGOs demand action on killing of two Zambians by Police, condemn Kampyongo and Kanganja


Zambian Authorities must investigate killing of two people during peaceful solidarity assembly to support Hichilema, demands Amnesty International and many local, regional and international organisations and individuals.

The Zambian government must launch a prompt, independent, impartial, effective, and transparent investigation into the killings of two people by security forces during a peaceful assembly to offer solidarity to United Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema on 23 December, 29 national and International civil society groups and individuals said today.

Nsama Nsama, a state prosecutor who was buying a meal at a restaurant across his office, and Joseph Kaunda, a supporter of the opposition party who was walking nearby, were killed after police fired live ammunition to disperse Hichilema’s supporters during the peaceful solidarity gathering.

The authorities must ensure that the outcome of any investigation is made public, that anyone suspected to be responsible for the killings of Nsama and Kaunda are brought to justice in fair trials and that the victims are granted access to justice and effective remedies including reparations.

The Zambian government has legal obligations to respect, protect, and promote human rights and to investigate any allegations of violations and bring to justice suspected perpetrators.

The killings of Nsama and Kaunda and the police’s heavy-handed tactics to manage public gatheringsspeak to the growing levels of political intolerance and partisan policing in the country. It also demonstrates the contempt with which Zambian authorities continue to show total disregard for human rights, including the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.

It is deeply concerning that live ammunition was used when there was no imminent threat to life or property. We call on the Zambian authorities to desist from excessive use of force and to invest in training law enforcement officers in crowd control methods that respect human rights and dignity.

We also condemn in the strongest terms the use of threatening and violent language by the Inspector General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja, and the Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo, who, ahead of Hichilema’s scheduled appearance, warned UPND supporters against accompanying their leader, stating that police would “deal decisively with all those who would want to cause public disorder” and use “any means necessary to maintain law and order”.

This rhetoric has the potential to embolden police violence against defenceless people.

We call on the Zambian authorities to end attacks on human rights and to allow people to freely exercise their human rights including to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.
We also call on the international community to pay attention to the ongoing human rights violations in Zambia, and to put pressure on the authorities to end growing crackdown on human rights in the country.

The fatal shootings of Nsama and Kaunda must not be seen in isolation; they are part of a wider crackdown on individuals’ rights to life, association, movement and public assembly in Zambia.

In the last five years alone, several people have died at the hands of security forces or as a result of political violence without suspected perpetrators being identified and held criminally liable. As Zambia heads to what looks like a hotly contested general election next year, these violations may intensify or worsen, further stoking political tension and leaving the country on the cusp of large-scale violence.


Hichilema, who is the main rival to President Edgar Lungu in Zambia’s August 2021 general election, had been summoned by the police to appear for interrogations relating to a farmland he acquired in 2004, two years before he joined politics and was elected the party’s leader. A small opposition party friendly to President Lungu had filed a complaint against Hichilema, alleging irregularities in the procurement of the private land.

When Hichilema presented himself at the police headquarters, several UPND supporters gathered at the nearby Supreme Court grounds to offer him support. Moments later, armed police in full riot gear arrived at the site and used teargas canisters to disperse the peaceful crowd. In the course of this action, gunshots were also fired, resulting in the death of Nsama and Kaunda.


1. AmnestyInternational
2. Southern African Human Rights Defenders Network
3. Chapter One Foundation, Zambia
4. Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa
5. Pan-African Lawyers Union
6. SADC Lawyers Association
7. Advancing Rights in Southern Africa Programme, Freedom House

Milima bridge washed away, leaving motorists stranded in Kasama


Hundreds of motorists are stranded on the Kasama- Mbala road after the temporal bridge at Milima in Kasama that was washed away.

The Milima bridge connects Kasama district to other districts of the province including Mbala, Senga and Mpulungu, respectively.

It also the provincial capital to Nakonde in Muchinga province.

The washing away of the temporal bridge comes at the time when the Road Development Agency (RDA) is working on the main bridge.

A check by ZANIS at the site this morning found trucks and other vehicles waiting on either side of the bridge.

And Kasama District Commissioner Kelly Commissioner Kelly Kashiwa who rushed at the scene explained that RDA has mobilized to do emergency works on the main bridge so that it can allow flow of traffic.

Mr Kashiwa said the RDA will compact the remaining part of the main bridge to allow the smooth flow of traffic.

He said RDA will later continue with the works so that the bridge is perfected.

Mr. Kashiwa however bemoaned the collapse of the bridge stating that the road is the main gateway for the province to Muchinga and the neighboring Tanzania.

And a Kasama motorist, Obby Chisala has praised government for its quick intervention to enable the flow of traffic.

Mr. Chisala is however confident that the road will be repaired before the end of the day so that traffic can flow.

By broadcast time RDA were still working on the main bridge to facilitate flow of traffic.

President Lungu must awaken and swiftly address Police Brutality-Felix Mutati


By Felix Mutati

As the Movement for Democratic Change MDC, we are disheartened and horrified at incident that happened yesterday and resulted in the killing of two innocent lives, leaving children without a father and wives without a husband.

This unprofessional conduct by the police against the citizens it is supposed to protect can no longer be tolerated or ignored and must be condemned as it is contrary to not only their professional training but over and above the tenets of democracy and our Zambian Constitution.

This year alone, there’s been repeated incidences in which innocent lives have been lost and the police have at best denied involvement or at worst relegated the public to now a common statement of “it was a stray bullet and we are carrying out investigations” which are never concluded. As a party we fear what might happen if this unprofessional conduct is not dealt with in the run up to 12th August 2021 elections and call apon the President through the Police Command to take responsibility and actions for these criminal killings, Justice must be seen!

It should also be noted that it is not the role of government and in this particular case, the Minister of Home of Affairs to issue warnings to political leaders who are ordinary citizens of this country when they are summoned to appear before the police, this action is both unusual and irregular as it creates excitement in the minds of unprofessional police officers who now feel the urgent need to impress government officials at the expense of maintaining law and order.

We demand that ministers should stick to their duties which are clearly outlined in the constitution of Zambia and allow the Police service do their Job without interference.
Lastly we have noted the urgent need for our Police Inspector General Mr Kakoma Kanganja together with the entire police service staff to take a refresher course to remind them what exactly their role is in the governing system of this country, in order to avoid and put an end to this senseless and criminal killing of innocent citizens of this country and we hope this particular need will be met.

Today’s reality is sadly clear, the protector is now the aggressor.

May the souls of Nsama Nsama And Joseph Kaunda rest in perfect peace

Kaiko Women’s Club Hands over borehole to community


The Kaiko Women’s Club (KWC) has handed over a Borehole to Kanyanga community in Shantumbu area of Kafue District.

The borehole is expected to provide safe and clean drinking water to the community of Kanyanga.

KWC Chairperson Gertrude Mundia said the borehole will supply water to about 500 households in the community.

She said having access to clean water in the area will enhance and strengthen the operations of businesses and small scale mining activities being undertaken by the community.

And speaking on behalf Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development Acting Permanent Secretary Fred Banda, Director for Geological Survey, Chipilauka Mukofu said having water will assist the community to enforce healthy standards.

Mr Banda added that the initiative by the Kaiko Women’s Club has been achieved through the United Nations Development Programme as part of mitigating the impact of COVID-19.

Mr Banda said that the grants were provided to KWC under the African Caribbean Pacific Group of States European Union (ACP-EU) Development Minerals Programme, being implemented in Zambia by the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development with support from the United Nations Development Programme.

Headman Kakote talks to Ministry of Mines Director of Geological Survey Chipilauka Mukofu during the launch of Kaiko Women's Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Headman Kakote talks to Ministry of Mines Director of Geological Survey Chipilauka Mukofu during the launch of Kaiko Women’s Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Kaiko Women's Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia talks to Headman Kakote during the launch of Kaiko Women's Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Kaiko Women’s Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia talks to Headman Kakote during the launch of Kaiko Women’s Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Kaiko Women's Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia talks to Headman Kakote during the launch of Kaiko Women's Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Kaiko Women’s Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia talks to Headman Kakote during the launch of Kaiko Women’s Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Ministry of Mines Director of Geological Survey Chipilauka Mukofu receive a borehole manual and keys from Kaiko Women's Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia on behalf of Kanyanja Community during the launch of Kaiko Women's Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu
Ministry of Mines Director of Geological Survey Chipilauka Mukofu receive a borehole manual and keys from Kaiko Women’s Club Chairperson Getrude Mundia on behalf of Kanyanja Community during the launch of Kaiko Women’s Club Bore hole initiative in Shantumbu

Mpongwe Commercial farmers mobilise resources for the main road


Commercial farmers in Mpongwe District on the Copperbelt have mobilized resources for the re-gravelling and rehabilitation of the Mpongwe Machiya road.

This follows an engagement made to the farmers by district commissioner Keith Maila for the road to be worked on pending government’s upgrade of the stretch to bituminous standard.

Mr Maila said the road was a vital economic factor to the district housing various commercial farms which are vital to the national gross domestic product (GDP).

He stated that the farming community was engaged to work on the road using their own resources awaiting governments tarring of the stretch.

“You know this road is earmarked for tarring but government is constrained at the moment with this Covid 19, so we thought of engaging the commercial farmers to work on the road as we await government to tar this road.” He said.

Among the commercial farmers engaged to tar the road are Zataka, Zamhatch, Novatek and Somahwe estates.

Meanwhile, motorists have expressed happiness with the gesture by the commercial farmers.

Government is soon expected to tar the Mpongwe Machiya road upon completion of all contractual procedures.

KPPM, a South African based company has been engaged to tar the stretch once due diligence is completed with the ministry of finance.

Small-scale farmers to be helped improve their agricultural activities


Government has pledged to support any initiatives aimed at assisting small-scale farmers to improve their agricultural activities.

Central province permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba says this is because government is alive to the fact that any support towards small-scale farmers is vital in enhancing food security at household level.

Mr. Chomba added that to this effect there is need for small-scale farmers to take farming seriously and contribute to the country’s food security.

“Farming is our main stay for this country, it is for this reason that any support to the agriculture sector through small scale farmers is important and as the government we will support it because of the potential it has in improving food security at household level,” he said.

Mr. Chomba was speaking in a speech delivered for him by Assistant Secretary Mwape Kasanda in Kabwe today, when the Buy- Zed campaign in collaboration with Zambezi Seed Company donated an assortment of seeds and fertilizer to small farmers in Kabwe.

The Permanent Secretary noted that the cost of buying improved and certified seed varieties in the country has been escalating resulting in some vulnerable farmers facing challenges to access them, a situation he said had affected agricultural production in the country.

He said this is why the government is ready to collaborate with stakeholders that are willing to supplement its efforts through the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) and provide relief to vulnerable small-scale farmers.

“As you know very well, seed has proven to be more expensive than any other farming input, this has made our farmers who can’t afford to buy these improved seed varieties to face challenges and relay on FISP, but if we have stakeholders like you who willing to work with government in helping these farmers we appreciate your gesture,” he explained.

]Meanwhile, Buy Zed campaign founder and Zambezi seed company representative Evans Ngoma explained that the two institutions want to work with government in enhancing support to the agricultural sector.

Mr. Ngoma noted that this is because of the important role that the sector plays in reducing poverty levels in the country.

He said Zambezi Seed Company is committed to working with government through the provision of sustainable empowerment programmes aimed at helping small-scale farmers increase their production at reduced costs, adding that this is why the company has come up with a seed variety that can be recycled.

“As Zambezi Seed Company we want to work with the government to ensure that our agricultural sector is supported as a way of reducing poverty in the country, we realise that this can be achieved if our small scale farmers are provided with solutions to increase their food production at a lower cost,” he stated.

And the Central Province Agriculture Coordinator, Adreen Nansungwe has praised Zambezi Seed Company for coming up with an open pollinated seed variety that can be recycled and is resilient to the effects of climate change.

Dr. Nansungwe explained that the seed will help in reducing the cost of buying seed among the small-scale farmers thereby increasing their agricultural production which is key in uplifting their living standards.

Dirty Solwezi General Hospital irk Kamalongo


Solwezi district commissioner, Rosemary Kamalonga has expressed disappointment over the dirty and long grass at Solwezi General Hospital.

Ms Kamalonga expressed sadness that hospital surrounding looks like a place that has been abandoned.

The District Commissioner said this when she led some inmates from Solwezi correctional facility to slash and clean up the surroundings, yesterday.

“We will not wait for management but will clean”, she said.

Ms Kamalonga therefore, called on the community and all government institutions to keep their surroundings clean and desist from keeping long grass, saying they attract snakes and are a breeding place for mosquitoes.

“All government institutions, let them be cleaned up because this is another way of how mosquitoes are breeding.

“Even if we are giving out mosquito nets, do you think with tall grass we will be able to fight malaria?” she questioned.

Meanwhile, Solwezi General Hospital management has promised to keep the surrounding clean.

Solwezi General Hospital acting senior hospital administrator, Judith Sangambo said management will consider making the place very clean.

“Knowing that if we don’t keep our surroundings clean, this is a breeding place for mosquitoes and other diseases and if surroundings are not clean we will have a lot of infections in our hospital which will not be very good,” Ms Sangambo said.

She also commended the district commissioner for making time to visit the hospital.

100, 000 hectors of maize field swept away in Mpika


HEAVY rainstorm have destroyed more than One Hundred (100) Hectors of maize fields in Linda and Musungu villages of Mpika District in Muchinga Province.

ZANIS reports Mpika District Commissioner Sampa Muswema confirmed in an interview today adding that as a result more than One Hundred (100) families have been affected.

Mr. Muswema said that the area experienced a hail storm for over two hours yesterday afternoon adding that fields maize, cassava, sorghum and Millet crops among others have been lost.

Residents of Lunga and Musungu Villages are the most hit by the storm hence the need for urgent attention to help them mitigate the impact of the disaster.

“The storm has also damaged the infrastructure for United Church of Zambia (UCZ) and Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) as well as killed some domestic animals in the area,” said Mr. Muswema.

The District Commissioner has since appealed to the affected families to be patient as Government is looking for a measures to help mitigate the impact of the disaster.

And Musungu Village Headman Emmy Musungu has thanked Mpika District Disaster Management and Mitigation Unity (DMMU) Committee for the quick response to ascertain the extent of the damage.

“We are hopeful that Government through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit will soon come in and help the affected families with some inputs and relief food,” said Mr. Musungu.

And speaking earlier, one of the affected families, Belita Mutale appealed to the Government to quickly consider giving them fertilizer and some seed so that they can immediately try to replant some crops.

According to the metrological department ,in the next seven (7) days, rainfall activities are expected to continue across the country. Given the saturated soil moisture in most parts of Zambia there is a high likelihood of flash floods, flooding, mudslides and damage to infrastructure.

From 30th December, 2020 to 2nd January, 2021, a deep low pressure system over the Indian Ocean is projected to traverse from coastal Mozambique up to northern Zimbabwe.

This system may enhance rainfall resulting into flash floods and flooding during this period especially over Eastern, Central, Lusaka, Southern and Western Provinces.

In view of the anticipated weather conditions, the department advises the general public to Keep the drainages and surroundings clear and clean; not to drive during heavy rains to avoid accidents due to poor visibility and avoid flooded roads.

The same department also advises the public not to seek refuge under trees when it’s raining to avoid lightning strike as well as boil and chlorinate drinking water especially from wells to avoid diarrhea diseases.

Zambia records over a 1000 Christmas babies


The Ministry of Health says Zambia has recorded over 1,000 babies countrywide born on Christmas day.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya disclosed this when he handed over Christmas hampers to mothers of Christmas babies at selected health facilities in Lusaka namely the Lusaka University Teaching Hospital, Kanyama Level One and Chawama Level Two hospitals.

Dr Chilufya, who, in the company of senior health officials, visited mothers and their christmas babies said Lusaka had recorded 59 Christmas babies with selected health facilities such as UTH posting 11 babies, Kanyama 14, and Chawama nine, respectively.

ZANIS reports that Dr Chilufya said the government remains committed to accelerating the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality in the country.

The minister said the PF administration has made strides in ensuring that no mother or child dies during birth as demonstrated by the reduced incidences of mother and child death.

“It’s President Edgar Lungu’s vision that no woman and child should die at childbirth. So the government is going with this vision to ensure that maternal and neonatal deaths are reduced, ” said Dr Chilufya.

Government will continue implementing its health infrastructure development agenda in order to enhance improved health service delivery to Zambians in the country, added the minister.

He thanked medical and nursing staff in realising the government’s vision of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality as they are the flagship carriers of the government’s universal health vision.

And one of the mothers of a Christmas babies at UTH, Clara Mulenga thanked President Edgar Lungu for the Christmas hampers and improved health care services.

The minister and his entourage then later on toured Kanyama Second Level Hospital which recorded 14 Christmas babies and consequently handed over the hampers.

Area lawmaker Elizabeth Phiri who witnessed the event appealed to the Ministry of Health to expand the health facility in order to improve delivery of health care services.

Ms Phiri , who is also Minister of Gender, pointed out that her constituency caters for a larger population and needs expanded health facilities, infrastructure and adequate health care personnel.

“ Kanyama Level Two Hospital had recorded 14 Christmas babies, I therefore call for urgent attention to address of the lack of space needed for performing crucial health care services, “ said the lawmaker.

In response, Dr Chilufya assured the people of Kanyama that the government remains committed to tackling and reducing maternal health and promoting improved health care services through construction of healthcare infrastructure.

The minister said that the construction of the 150 bed capacity JICA funded hospital at Kanyama will help improve health care delivery in the community.

“We are committed to completing the JICA funded hospital to improve access to health care services. Government has since recruited more nurses and doctors to improve health service delivery”, said Dr Chilufya.

He noted that as Kanyama has a higher population density , government is working round the clock to ensure that the population boom is matched with commensurate health care infrastructure and services.

At Chawama First Level Hospital which recorded nine Christmas babies, Dr Chilufya disclosed that the health facility will switch to a Second Level Hospital on January 15, 2021.

“ The transformation entails that Chawama Hospital will be fully equipped and staffed to perform any medical undertaking being performed anywhere else in the country, “ Dr Chilufya said.

Chawama Member of Parliament Lawrence Sichalwe who is also Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs thanked the government for bringing improved health care services closer to the people.

Dr Chitalu and Mr Sichalwe jointly urged Zambians to promote peace and love during the festive season and build on that in maintaining Zambia as a peaceful country.

Silence Your Guns Zambia Police !


The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection strongly condemns the government and the police service for the recklessness in operations. It is with great sadness that guns of Zambia Police are becoming louder at a time when the rest of Africa is trying to silence the guns in accordance with the African Union’s 2020 theme.

In February 2020, Zambia lost a young life of a grade 8, Frank Mugala to the Zambia Police gun. On 23rd December 2020, Zambia has again lost two lives to the Zambia police guns – Prosecutor Nsama Nsama and Mr. Joseph Kaunda suspected supporter of the United Party for National Development (UPND). Life is sacred and must be treated with greatest sanctity and reverence. The primary identities of the deceased are that they are Zambian citizens which should be respected regardless of their secondary associations, affiliations, and groupings. No human being deserves to die to the gun because of their political or any other association.

The primary duty of the police service is to defend and preserve life and property, thereby fostering peace and justice in our societies and communities. It is shameful that Zambians must die to the gun especially manned by fellow Zambians. Since Zambia’s Independence in 1964, Zambia has earned herself a descriptive noun of “Zambia a peaceful country” guided by the national motto of “One Zambia, One Nation.” But with the current happenings where Zambians are dying to the guns, it is making the long earned national descriptive noun and the independence ideologies whose aim is for Zambians to live a dignified life through a peaceful and flourishing country, to slowly start fading away. A nation that respects civil and political rights, must amicably work together to restore public order without losing any life.

JCTR has noted the tension in the political environment. Politicians at this moment need to exhibit the highest form of leadership that fosters political and social charity. Currently, Zambia’s political need is politics of recognition, politics of tolerance and politics that would improve the economy and not merely politics of ad hominen. One of the key tenets of the Economic Recovery Programme 2020-2023 is to safeguard livelihoods, but how will livelihoods be safeguarded if the fate of peoples’ lives is at the mercy of the gun?

The Centre calls on law enforcement agencies especially the police service to see themselves as development actors and that they should play this role diligently and professionally to ensure among other issues that no life is unnecessarily lost due to indiscriminate shooting. Unwarranted killings escalate into police brutality. Zambia cannot afford to have both an ailing economy and a violent political environment if as a nation we are to anticipate inclusive development.

The Centre also encourages the general public to take caution and observe the Public Order code of conduct and operate within the guidelines. Noting that 2021 is an election year, the youths, the unemployed and women remain vulnerable to being used as vehicles of political violence. JCTR therefore, encourages all Zambians to detest all forms of political violence. Nonetheless, JCTR re-emphasises that responsible authorities in the Zambia Police Service brings to book and justice those responsible for the two lost lives. The police must also re-strategize their operational code of conduct especially as the country prepares for the 2021 elections. We demand that killing of innocent people must come to an end.

By John Kunda Sauti,
SJ–Faith and Justice Programme Officer

Zambia Police officer aaim their guns at UPND lawyer as they tried to block UPND president from going to Zambia Police Headquatres

Prioritise service delivery using local resources , Eddie Chomba tells Local Councils


Government has directed the local authorities in the country to prioritise service delivery using locally generated resources.

Local Government Permanent Secretary, Eddie Chomba says councils should devise innovative methods to generate resources locally and focus on the implementation of projects targeted at economic growth in their respective domains in order to sustain service provision.

“ Government is committed to restoring revenue avenues for councils in the country to increase their revenue base to effectively fund service provision, “ said Bishop Chomba.

He said this when he commissioned an office annex that Kapiri Mposhi Town Council , yesterday.

The infrastructure has been constructed at the total cost of K 470, 000 and a refuse collection Tractor purchased at the total cost K 428, 000 using locally generated resources and 20 percent of the Local Government Equalisation Fund ( LGEF).

He said his ministry has already signed a Memorandum of Understating (MoU) with the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) for councils to start collecting revenue on its behalf on commission basis to improve the revenue base for local authorities in the country.

“This government recognises the role of the local government as an engine of delivering of services and wants to bring back the glory of the local government,” Bishop Chomba said.

And the Permanent Secretary used the event to commend Kapiri Mposhi Town Council for utilising locally generated resources to implement various projects for the benefit of the public.

He expressed delight that Kapiri Mposhi Town Council was up-to-date with salary payments and was utilising fees for approval and applications for development on service delivery.

“Kapiri Mposhi Town Council has managed to showcase that through hard times certain initiatives can be accomplished through prioritisation of resources… the construction of this office annex is the testimony of prudent use of resources by the council,” Bishop Chomba said.

And Kapiri Mposhi Town Council Chairman Obby Kabasa says the council embarked on the construction of a new office annex to carter for the increase in staffing levels following government’s the granting of the council the planning authority status.

Mr. Kabasa has commended government for granting his council with a planning authority status noting that the development has improved the revenue base for the local authority.

“The conferring of Kapiri Mposhi Town Council with planning authority status saw the deployment of more officers. This led to the challenge of a shortage of office accommodation which prompted the local authority to construct this office block using local resources,” Mr Kabasa said.

Mr. Kabasa has further appealed to government to grant his council with a Municipal status to have the necessary planning authority in view of the increased inflow of investors willing to invest in the district.

Wrong specifications and poor supervision on infrastructure construction irks PS


Luapula province Permanent Secretary Charles Mushota has attributed the high number of public infrastructure being brown-off by strong winds in Luapula to use of wrong specifications and poor supervision in some cases.

Eng. Mushota says it was time the province starts treating all public infrastructure as commercial buildings and ensure that those assigned to come up with designs do not compromise on standard specifications.

He observed that poor specifications at design level leads to use of wrong build materials that compromise the strength of the structure.

A number of structures especially schools have had their roofs brown off due to the wrong specifications when it comes to the gauge of the roofing sheets.

“Materials such as mortise locks and hand wash basins fitted in a commercial buildings cannot be the same like those used in a private home, but sadly I have seen fittings meant for private homes being used in commercial buildings,” Eng. Mushota pointed out.

The PS was speaking during the Senior Management Meeting following a submission by the Disaster Management Unit (DMMU) Provincial Coordinator Abel Mwape yesterday.

Stressing that his unit was overwhelmed by the number of disasters being recorded in the province, Mr Mwape told the meeting that according to a joint assessment done together with the Department of Public Infrastructure on Mwense and Nchelenge Secondary schools which were recently battered by hail storms, they requires about K4.6m to fix the damage.

And Public Infrastructure Officer Eng. Morris Bwalya has noted with sadness that a number of new public structures which were coming up in the province had some wrong specifications in the designs.

Eng. Bwalya has since appealed to those who come up with designs not to be compromising on standards specification in order to come up with good infrastructure.

He added that bids equally needed to be scrutinized for the pricing of each item to avoid compromising on the quality of materials to be used.

According to the DMMU data base, the province requires about K38m to attend to 41 primary schools, six secondary schools, six community schools, six health posts, 72 households, 31 staff houses and 283 crossing points that have been affected by hail storms.

Catholic Bishops strongly condemns killing of Prosecutor Nsama and Kaunda


The Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops has condemned the killing of two citizens by the police.

ZCCB President Right Reverend George Lungu says it is disheartening that people given the responsibility of protecting and defending people’s rights are the very people who are abusing and abrogating them and seriously sowing seeds of disunity.

Bishop Lungu says the statements by politicians and police officers, and events that occurred in Lusaka leading to the loss of lives are creating the unnecessary environment of tension and hatred in the nation.

He has called on President Edgar Lungu to rise above partisan politics and provide the needed leadership and must ensure that the provisions of the Constitution are strictly adhered to by all institutions of governance, including the Zambia Police Service.

He has also called on all political leaders to act within the confines of the law, to use a language which builds rather than inflaming the situation or increasing the tensions in the country.


On the Summoning of the UPND Leader and the Police Brutality Against citizens.

“No longer shall violence be heard of in your land …” (Isaiah 60:18)

1.0. Introduction

The Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) deeply regrets the loss of two (2) lives at the hands of the Zambia Police during the confusion that erupted as Police Officers allegedly shot at unarmed people who gathered to show solidarity with the UPND Leader, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, who was summoned to appear before the police.

Our hearts and prayers reach out to the bereaved families in this difficult time. At the same time, we hereby condemn in the strongest terms possible the killing of two citizens by the police who acted against their key mandate of safeguarding the lives of Zambians, irrespective of their political, social, cultural and religious affiliation.

Zambia is a country that embraced multi-party democracy in 1991. At that time, it was believed that Zambians are better off to live in a Multi-Party-State, than to continue with the One-Party-State. This meant that the tenets of democracy such as freedom of assembly, speech, demonstration and access to information were to be our guide. It is now nineteen years and Zambia is still struggling to live up to that ideal. Those given the responsibility of protecting and defending people’s rights are the very people who are apparently abusing and abrogating them and seriously sowing seeds of disunity. This is indeed a matter of great concern to all well-meaning citizens.

2.0. The Summoning of HH – Lessons to be Learnt

The Zambia Police probably already knows that summoning a leader of one of the major opposition parties is not the same as summoning any other ordinary citizen. We are therefore left wondering as to how many times they have created and faced the same scenario? We remember incidents in Luanshya, Ndola and here in Lusaka where every time the police came up with an allegation against the UPND Leader, national agitation and tension is witnessed.

During this festive season of Christmas, we strongly believe that the nation that claims to be Christian is supposed to focus on promoting peace, love, unity and reconciliation.

However, the statements by politicians and police officers, and events that occurred in Lusaka leading to the loss of sacred lives are creating the unnecessary environment of tension and hatred in the nation. This has come only a few days after the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs (MNGRA) launched their document on the promotion of national values. Whilst we do not condone any form of recklessness and the breach of the Rule of Law, we call upon our leaders and the Zambia Police to always aspire to adhere to the tenets of Multi-party democracy, especially the respect of human rights and protection of life which is a sacred gift from God. In the run-up to the General Elections in 2021, the Zambia We Want is a nation where citizens are law abiding and do not only feel but are actually protected by the police as FREE sons and daughters of God. The law must be applied equally and fairly to all without looking at the political party to which one belongs. All must be equal before the law and no one, not even police officers and some party cadres, must think or believe that they are above the law.

3.0. Our Appeal

We call upon His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, to rise above partisan politics and provide the needed leadership in the nation as a statesman. He must ensure that the provisions of the Republican Constitution are strictly adhered to by all institutions of governance, including the Zambia Police Service. Not only that, we call upon the Presidency to ensure that a detailed investigation is immediately launched to ascertain both the person behind the command to use excessive force, to shoot and the officer that executed the said order as well as bring the culprit to book. We therefore join our voice to that of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) in “calling upon the Government to establish an inquest in line with the provisions of section 4 and 28 (1) (c) of the Inquests Act, Chapter 36 of the Laws of Zambia in order to establish the perpetrators and institute appropriate criminal charges”
(Cf. Human Rights Commission Press Release – Extra Judicial Killing issued on 23rd December 2020).

To the Minister of Home Affairs and the Police Command, we wish to reiterate our earnest appeal that your primary mission is to protect the lives and property of ALL Zambians. Ensure that within the rank and file of the Zambia Police Service, there is high level of professionalism, which includes the determination of the kind of force to use against unarmed and peaceful citizens. In addition, allow the police to perform their duties without waiting for orders from politicians and without fearing the wrath of political cadres.

To all political leaders, we call upon you to always act within the confines of the law, to use a language which builds rather than inflaming the situation or increasing the tensions in the country while at the same time never shying away from demanding the respect of your political rights. In this time when we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we call upon you to be channels and instruments of God’s peace in the nation. Do not close the door to dialogue. Be ready to engage in genuine dialogue aimed at reconciling nation.

Lastly, we remember the people who have lost their lives during this and other similar events in the past. We pray to God that their souls may rest in eternal peace and that the bereaved families may be consoled by the grace from above.

Issued on 24th December 2020 Rt. Rev. George Cosmas Zumaire Lungu, Bishop of Chipata,


Catholic Church urges Zambia to avoid hatred


The Catholic Church in Northwestern province has Zambians to avoid hatred but instead let unity, peace and joy run supreme in their livelihoods.

Delivering his homily during Christmas eve mass last night at St. Daniel Cathedral Parish in Solwezi, Solwezi Catholic Diocese Bishop Charles Kasonde said must watch against hatred which is alien to Zambia as a Christian nation.

“The hatred that comes…the iniquities those are obstacles..all our iniquities and they can be avoided and let unity, peace, joy run supreme in all that we do. This is the message of Christmas”, he said.

Referring to the Bible teachings on the subject matter, Bishop Kasonde said people who are made in the image of God are not expected to be on the side of hatred.

He said the nation which is divided against itself weakens itself and remains susceptible to the intrusion of external forces.

He said divisions comes among the people of God when they do not appreciate what God has given them.

“When you do not appreciate what God has given you but you want what God has given others then trouble comes on”, Bishop Kasonde said.

He said when envy for what others have grows, people end up stealing and eventually getting in jail.

The clergyman for this reason called for unity and peace among Zambians as they celebrate the birth of Christ, today adding that God has granted everyone the seed of growth to give life, to unite, to create peace and to bring joy.

“So in all of us the seed of growth that God has is the seed of generation to give life, to unite, to create peace and to bring joy”, he said.

Everyone should look at his or her own indebtedness before God including their iniquities, differences and forego them and take the good points that bring people together, the clergyman said.

He reasoned that as human beings were created in the image and likeness of God hence, they should be good because they came out of goodness.

“And this is the message of Christmas… to look at our indebtedness before God, our iniquities, our differences, forego them and take the good points that bring us together because we have come out of goodness hence we should be good”, Bishop Kasonde said.

Zambia today joins the rest of world to celebrate Christmas day marking the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ through giving and sharing.


20 bars and Bottle stores have been closed to curb underage drinking


More than 20 bars and Bottle stores have been closed in Mkushi District following an operation that was conducted by Mkushi District Council Authorities.

Mkushi District Council Clarence Kaoma confirmed to ZANIS that the operation was conducted in order to curb underage drinking.

Mr. Kaoma explained that the move is in line with enforcing Act number 20 of 2011 Regulation which outlaws admitting persons who are below the age of 18 years into premises that sell alcohol such as Bars, Taverns and Bottle stores.

He maintained that council would continue with patrols to curb this social scourge, saying that the aspect of hygiene standards of the premises will also be amongst the areas of scrutiny during the execution of these inspections.

He said that the council confiscated crates of Beer and other alcoholic beverages and withheld the Trading licenses of the Proprietors until Legal Penalty Charges are fulfilled .

Mr. Kaoma said that although the impounded merchandise and closure of Bras was conducted within the central part of the District, local authorities are imploring Proprietors of Drinking places who are based far from the Boma to comply with the Law.

He also took the opportunity to appeal to residents to drink responsibly during the festive period of Christmas and New Year celebrations, adding that accidents as well as unruly behavior are common when people abuse alcohol.

He maintained that issues pertaining admittance of under age revelers into drinking places had been topical at forums such as the District Child Protection Committee(DCPC) as well as in the Council Chamber that has Ward Councilors from all 14 Wards of this District.