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Government pleased by Donors’ U-turn on Social Cash Transfer


The government says it is pleasing that there has been increased confidence by cooperating partners on the Social Cash Transfer ( SCT ) programme following the introduction of the smart system of administering cash which has led to transparency and accountability.

Community Development Minister Kampamba Chewe says the reduction on the physical handling of the cash through the smart system is meant to reduce misappropriation of funds and promote accountability in the management of the mainly donor funded cash.

Mr Chewe however noted that the new smart system being used has resulted in challenges as some people were having problems with the use of phone password pins numbers to access the funds and in the end the money is sent back to Lusaka.

“Our people should just adjust and learn how to use the phones, I know the challenge has been with the pin numbers but that can be corrected, and once the pin is corrected, the money can be retrieved,” she explained.

Mrs Chewe was speaking in Kitwe today when she paid a courtesy on Kitwe District Commissioner before launching the Covid-19 emergency SCT.

Following the misappropriation of SCT by named officials at the Ministry of Community Development, a number of donors pulled out thereby disadvantaging a number of vulnerable people, mostly in outlying areas of this country

And Mrs Chewe explained that government realised that Kitwe had been hit hard by COVID-19 hence the decision to include it on the target areas for the Covid-19 funds.

And Mrs Chewe has explained that her Ministry is scaling up the old cash transfer to capture seven thousand beneficiaries from the current 632,000.

Apart from scaling up, the rations have been increased to K150 from K90 , beneficiaries with disabilities will receive double the amount to be paid bi-monthly.

Earlier Kitwe District Commissioner Chileshe Bweupe said there has been an increase in the number of vulnerable people in district.

Mr. Chileshe among these numbers the students and pupils who need sponsorship.

“There has been an increase in the number of vulnerable people in the district especially school going pupils, we appeal for your help,” Mr. Chileshe appealed.

Advising the Ministry to consider the plight of these vulnerable people, Mr. Bweupe also expressed happiness at the increased number of Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries in the district and the fact that they will be paid bi-monthly.

The Covid-19 Emergence Social Cash Transfer is a fund initiated by government to cushion the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the vulnerable people.

Justice Ernest Sakala appointed Acting Judge to the Supreme Court in Namibia.


Former Chief Justice Ernest Sakala has been appointed Acting Judge to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Namibia.

Namibian President Hage Geingob appointed Justice Sakala to act as a Supreme Court Judge for one year from January 1 to December 31 2021.

This is according to a notice issued by the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission of Namibia Uno Katjipuka, obtained by ZANIS this evening.

Justice Sakala is among three non-resident acting judges along with retired Justice Moses Chinhengo of Zimbabwe and retired Justice Jeremiah Shongwe of South Africa.

Justice Sakala , who has over 35 years of experience in the Judiciary, is primarily expected to “hear the intricate high treason appeal now pending in the Namibian Supreme Court.

Ms Katjipuka stated that other appeals may also be assigned to Justice Sakala and his fellow two non-resident acting judges from Zimbabwe and South Africa.

According to the Judicial Service Commission, the appointments are made to enable the Supreme Court of Namibia to deal expeditiously with its work.

Justice Sakala served as Zambia’s Chief Justice from 2003 to 2011, where Mrs Lombe ChibesaKunda acted from 2012 to 2015 until President Lungu appointed Justice Irene Mambilima.

Justice Sakala has also served on the COMESA Court of Justice during his tenure as Chief Justice.

He joins a list of privileged Zambian judges among them former Chief Justice Annel Silungwe who have served in the Namibian justice system.

President Lungu reiterates call for citizens to guard second wave of COVID-19


The President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu has urged citizens to minimize movements during this festive season due to Coronavirus pandemic ( COVID-19 ).

Mr Lungu explained that it is due to the fact that the festive season comes with travel, both locally and internationally, and conversely, the coronavirus is transmitted through human movement.

“Unlike the years gone by, this year’s Christmas arrives at a time the whole world is struggling to contain the covid-19 pandemic that, since about a year ago, continues to threaten our lives and livelihoods,” the President cautioned.

Mr Lungu has since cautioned against crowding and non-observance of the covid-19 guidelines during this period.

The Republican President made this caution against the backdrop of rising numbers of COVID-19 cases within Zambia, a trend he said that has continued.

He further indicating that if the country continues to ignore the health guidelines, the country shall be back to where it started with high numbers of cases, admissions and deaths.

The Head of State observed that the economy has been hit due to a number of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its spill in the number of admissions that he said would further stretch government’s ability to manage the cases.

“Last week, I cautioned that we need to revisit the health guidelines after noticing that we had dropped the guard by stopping to observe the COVID- 19 protocols like masking, social distancing, not shaking hands, and washing hands with soap, among others,” he warned.

Meanwhile, the President has advised citizens to give and share during this period especially remembering the sick and the poor those that do not have.

“As Jesus, who we are remembering, says in Mathew chapter 25 – “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!

“ The bible in proverbs chapter 19 verse 17 also says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed”, he said.

The Head of State has further urged the people of Zambia to love one another as it is only through love that this country will be guaranteed peace and harmony adding that Zambians must never renege for selfish gain as one people.

President Lungu said this yesterday in a Christmas message released to ZANIS this afternoon by his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe.

It is cardinal to put God at the centre of our lives — KK


First President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has encouraged Zambians to remember God in their lives and activities as they celebrate the festive season.

Dr Kaunda said it is cardinal to put God at the centre of our lives in order to appreciate his grace and the countless blessings he keeps pouring in people’s lives.

“Zambians must appreciate the role God plays in humanity as demonstrated by Jesus Christ when he came down to earth to guide and lead humanity to salvation, “ said the country’s first Republican President.

Dr Kaunda said this when the Zambia army orchestra entertained him to some Christmas Carols at his residence.

In his Christmas message to the nation, Dr Kaunda urged young people to emulate the selfless love and service of Jesus Christ to humanity.

Dr Kaunda encouraged youths to work for Jesus Christ to make society and the world a better and peaceful place to live and work in.

“May young people of today continue to understand the meaning of Christ Jesus our saviour, May young people continue to serve as he served us”, said Dr Kaunda

Dr Kaunda who was in high spirits and keenly followed and sang along the carols thrilled the gathering when he conducted the rock of ages song.

The first President also danced along to his famous tune Tiyende pamodzi played by the army orchestra.

“This is wonderful music, very good, fantastic” chipped in Dr Kaunda, at the end of every Christmas carol the Zambia Army orchestra played.

Dr Kaunda reminded everyone present that he was 96 years old and just shy of four years to reach 100 years.

When Regulation Becomes Interference – The Case Of The Securities And Exchange Commission




~ Professor C. K. Prahalad [Professor in Corporate Strategy at Michigan Ross University]

Like most / all regulators in the Zambian economy, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia [SEC] has transitioned from a defender of the market to a hired gun of the elite and powerful in the securities industry. Instead of serving the wellbeing of the local market players and citizens of the nation, which are better served through a dynamic, competitive and innovative environment the SEC now serves to protect the powerful and mostly foreign or government backed elites in the Zambian Capital Markets especially in the Fund / Asset Management industry as well as the Brokerage space.

The SEC, like all its fellow regulators, have basically spent their time legally infringing on the Economic freedoms of the participants and stakeholders using;

  1. Entry Requirements that are out of the Reach of most Zambian Entrepreneurs
  2.  Operational rules and Practices designed to bankrupt the small and often local players.
  3.  Anti-Local Private sector / Pro-foreign career Bureaucrat staff who do not appreciate the pain and sacrifice of Entrepreneurship but are very accommodative to the Big and mostly foreign players.
  4. It’s continuous support for Monopolies and Oligopolies in the market at the expense of the market and the nation at large.
  5. Continuous expansion of its own rules and powers at the expense of the Dynamism of the market.

This hostility towards the market has brought questions about the development of the capital markets. In order to grow the business sector and thus create a vibrant jobs market in Zambia, The nation needs a pro-small business competitive financial sector however the SEC is the sole major encumbrance in that optimal flow of capital in the market and thus the capital stock growth of the market and the nation. In short the SEC is hampering market growth, which is in turn hampering business growth and at the end stagnating wage and job growth in the nation. Instead of taking care of the ‘’ENGINE OF GROWTH’’ the have thrown a spanner in it. The other factor that needs to be addressed is the question of, ‘’is this even in the name of INVESTOR PROTECTION anymore or is it in the name of PERSONAL POWER?’’

The premise here is that the SEC has gone from a market regulator to an agent of Market Interference and they are actively blocking the market for their own POWER PLAYS and EGO even if it comes at the expense of the Zambian people.

In this article we are going to look at the fact the SEC has now officially become the ECONOMIC MOAT for the rich, powerful and established businesses and is serving to protect their interests even if it comes at the expense of the nation. As a moat may protect a kingdom it primarily protects the KING and the SEC is now protecting industry Kings.

The first thing that briefly needs to be tackled is what is an ECONOMIC MOAT? Simply put, an economic moat is factor that makes a business, brand or company defensible from competition and protects its profitability or level of Power or dominance in the market. The term became very popular in the 70s and 80s with the rise of capital markets and the rise of Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger’s Value Investing Approach, which was outlined in their book the INTELLIGENT INVESTOR. In the book they outlined that a good long term investment needs to have an ECONOMIC MOAT and that was stated as a factor that allowed the business or the company to defend itself from competition and rise to or maintain a position of dominance. That factor made the business more valuable and more investible. According to the book the types of Economic moat fell into 3 categories and these were;

  1. OPERATIONAL COMPLEXITY – difficult to imitate and compete as markets usually do when competition intensifies.
  2. HIGH SWITCHING COSTS – difficulty to win customers from incumbents due to high financial or non-financial costs of switching to a new brand.
  3. BRAND LOYALTY / EQUITY – The brand name of the company is a selling point on its own and customers trust and value the brand above the product.

These economic moat factors can also be known as Barriers to competition. In this regard looking at the SEC it is evident that the SEC has somehow placed itself as in the category of an OPERATIONAL COMPLEXITY MOAT for the established players by making it difficult for new entrants to even get in the market in the first place.

Let’s say you are a young vibrant financial analyst who has seen an opportunity in the market to start trading or managing portfolios of government bonds and you would like to start a bond fund helping the average Zambian channel their savings [let’s say for their children’s College / Tertiary Education, like many Zambian parents want to] here are the requirements you need to fulfil before you can even start to market yourself to the public after you have registered your company at PACRA and ZRA:

  • You need to get a Dealer’s License from SEC which requires the following
    ? K20,000 paid upfront for the FIRM
    ? The firm must be a member of the Capital Markets Association of Zambia which will cost the firm K8,000 Annually
    ? The firm must have an operational base office which the SEC will come and inspect to insure that it is an actual Office that you pay for.
    ? Three full-time employees or partners who will act as dealers representatives who must have
    ? Completed education in Investment and Securities course at ZBIC or at least have relevant Economics and Financial Markets education
    ? The must be Members of Capital Markets Association which is K2,000 per representative employee
    ? One of the must be your COMPLIANCE OFFICER for Financial Intelligence Act Adherence
    ? SEC Practicing License which costs K4,000 per employee
    ? You Must have a 3 year business plan which has 3 years projections
    ? You must have an Anti-Money Laundering Policy which is subject to SEC Approval
    ? You must have at least 2 independent Directors who have passed police and financial scans over the last 5 years
    ? You must have a minimum of K50, 000 in cash reserves in a bank account which must remain untouched at all times.
    ? You must already have a credible audit firm assigned to your company and that can cost you anywhere upwards of K20, 000 per year.
  • You Need a collective Investment Scheme License which requires the following
    ? K100,000 for SEC Approval of the scheme
    ? A trust Deed for the fund put together by an official LAW FIRM
    ? You must have tentative agreements with a Trustee and Custodian Bank
    ? You must already have automated fund management system which will cost you anywhere north of USD25, 000 per year and a setup fee of USD10, 000 of which the SEC will still need to test and approve.
    ? You need marketing material that will cost you K5, 000 to K10, 000 for graphic design work of which the SEC still needs to approve.
  • You need at least 90 days of cash on hand above the K50, 000 to hold you as the SEC will take 90 days to go through your requirements that 90 days only starts when you have successfully submitted all the requirements above and paid all the fees above.

When totaled up the SEC Set up fees alone can come to K250, 000 of cash that needs to be dispensed before commencement then there is the system fee which give the current exchange rate environment you are looking at K700, 000. So if you are looking at starting a collective investment scheme you must be prepared for a Year 1 outlay of K1 million before you have even made One Kwacha of revenue. Even with this expenditure of K1 million your approval is still subject to the discretion of the SEC and its bureaucratic structures that require 3 levels of meetings before approving this.

The SEC has 2 arguments to protect the extent to which it conducts such stringent entry requirement:

  • The first one is that it is claiming to do so in the name of the investor protection which it states is its central mandate.
  • The second one is that it is claiming that these requirements are not as expensive other jurisdictions in the world such as Namibia and Botswana.

Dealing with the second argument first of comparatively inexpensive is one that is on face value correct but does not take into consideration the context of Zambia and the average Zambia entrepreneur. This is the mistake made by many regulators in Zambia and is the reason why 60% to 80% of our private sector is controlled by 250 foreign companies. The entry standards an inexpensive for FDI investors but local startups such requirements are way out of the reach of the average Zambian entrepreneur.

In an online survey of over +100 entrepreneurs it was found that the Median [50th percentile] local entrepreneur starts their business with K5, 000 – K20, 000 while another private survey of local entrepreneurs found that the average [Mean] entrepreneur starts their business with USD20,000. With the SEC’s entry level requirements for a CIS business getting as high as USD50,000 this means that only a select group of local entrepreneurs can get into the investment space thus making the requirements out of reach for most of the entrepreneurial community. Added to this access to capital in Zambia is at best expensive if not impossible to acquire. With the government basically lending the private sector, especially small businesses, out of the market lending rates have gotten as high as 40% and that’s if the cash is even available to lend in the first place as lending and credit markets are pretty much dried up. This leaves the markets only available for foreign companies especially the current crop of new entrants because only they have lending / credit markets that give them access to such a quantum of cash and the flexible repayment to manage themselves. Comparing the requirements to other jurisdictions is absolutely incorrect because it must be compared to environment that entrepreneurs in Zambia are in or else our own regulators are seeking to exclude our own people and therefore who do they serve THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA or the GLOBAL CAPITAL ENVIRONRMENT.

Now let’s address the argument of Investor protection. The most powerful protection you can give a consumer [saver / investor] is a competitive environment in which firms / businesses actively compete for clients and make sure they not only put their best foot forward but deliver the best services they can to ensure customer retention and most importantly a very good reputation on the market amongst consumers. By creating such a rigid sieve the SEC has limited the level competition on the market to the point where it’s detrimental to the market and to the consumers / investors. This can be seen in the average pricing of services in the Securities market, especially in the CIS Management industry. A high structure of 5% on Assets under Management or Funds under Management has been normalized in Zambia because the customers don’t have that many CIS operators / Managers to pick from while the SEC is even actively working to thin the numbers even more. So in accordance with PORTERS 5 FORCES MODEL the SEC is putting the power not in the hands of the customers but in the hands of the RICH and POWERFUL incumbent businesses in the industry. Ironically in the name of Investor protection the SEC is the one reason why consumers can get sloppy and poor service in the market. The other thing happening is that Innovation is being stifled because innovation in many industries usually comes from cash strapped new entrants looking for a new offering they can use to penetrate a market that has established players. With limitations on new players the Regulator is actually creating limitations on financial markets innovations. This is the reason why we do not have Mobile App based Exchange Traded Funds in Zambia or Mobile Banking based investment schemes which would reach more people and is one of the reasons why we have struggled to get more of the local household savings of the nation into the Treasuries and Government Securities market and thus our government bond market is dominated by institutional and foreign investors putting our nation at risk. All to serve the pride and egos of some regulatory bureaucrats who don’t want to admit that they are the real problem and would rather have the market suffer than to surrender their need for power.

With or without knowledge of it the SEC has actually become the attack dog of the established firms protecting their positions of power rather than protecting the integrity of the market. They are the tool by which the rich get richer.

Like many industries the securities and asset management industries are siting with virtual monopolies or at best very powerful Oligopolies:

  • 60% of Assets Under Management in Collective Investment Schemes are with African Life Financial’s Mpile Umbrella Fund
  • The Lusaka Securities Exchange is the only active Exchange on the Market with 2 that have attempted to set up but have felt the iron fist of the SEC. Giving the LuSE A monopoly on publically traded stocks and secondary trading of Bonds in the whole country.
  • The Securities Brokerage industry has 5 active players and is generally controlled by 2 brokerage firms who handle all almost of the listings and over 60% brokerage volumes between the 2 of them. The brokerage industry has even gotten to the point where the Consumer Protection and Competition Commission once opened a Cartel investigation into the brokerage industry of Zambia.

These market dynamics have kept a lot of local players and potential new comers out of the market and thus reduced the competitiveness of the market and left the customers or potential customers at the mercy of the current market players and leaders who have no incentive to improve and grow the market and thus offer substandard efforts at innovation at change because they know that they don’t have to do anything and the SEC will keep players out for them.

As mentioned before that market innovation in any industry use comes from Price sensitive new entrants or small businesses looking to capture clients / customers with very little resources available to them and a determination to penetrate the market effectively. Without this active threat the incentive to grow and change in order to suite market is not there and the markets will not grow.

The Lack of indexed innovation has left to the market experiencing;

  • Slow Growth in Assets Under Management and Low levels of AUM in comparison with other jurisdictions and the with the potential of the Zambian market.
  • Lack of Low income inclusive market products / services leading to lack of capital markets for the lower income such as Exchange Traded Funds which are the best entry level investment products in other countries.
  • Lack of Asset Class innovation in the market which has led to the same stale products which fail to resonate and connect with the Zambian investors.
  • Slow growth in listed companies to the point that 23 years after the launch of the LUSE there are still less than 25 listed companies on the market which is also explained by the rigid listing standards of the market.
  • Lack of integration between the market and online or mobile technology which has rapidly become the fastest and most effective way to distributed financial services.

This slow growth in innovation has really led to slow uptake of capital market services in the market and has failed to make the markets appealing even to the growing formal sector employed middle class of Zambia who are currently over 1 million and even they barely have capital markets accounts except through their occupational pensions and NAPSA accounts.

The other problem that has occurred is that Jobs in Capital markets have been slow and few to speak of because of lack of market growth and thus failing to accommodate the growing number of educated but employed youth in the country who have dreams of one day becoming a stock broker or an fund manager after watching a show like BILLIONS on TV but now find that Zambia has a slow and unaccommodating market mainly because the SEC is more interesting in dream crushing and its own power plays than it is about making the market work for the people.

This is a problem that needs to actively be dealt with from the top and thus needs drastic regulatory roll back and reduction of legal barriers that the SEC has actively erected in the name of keeping the big firms BIG and eventually making them even Bigger. One cannot trust change to come with personnel because there is an old saying that goes,

‘’Never give a Politician or Government Bureaucrat a power you don’t intend them to use’’

With excessive regulation being a nationwide problem to all industries here are some regulatory reforms that need to be enacted to protect against excessive regulation such as with the SEC in the capital markets:

  • PLACE EXPRESS ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND BUSINESS FREEDOMS IN OUR NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and in that make the right to start a business an expressly stated civil right that is enshrined the constitution in order to create a legal grounding for protection against Regulatory overreach and unreasonable regulatory barriers. As Zambia is a constitutional supremacy and Entrepreneurship is pivotal to poverty alleviation and Job creation. The regulators are regulating the industries but who is regulating the regulators and thus we must assign the constitution to regulator the regulators.
  • PROHIBIT ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES AND ENTITIES FROM ERECTING FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL BARRIERS to operationalizing a business such as fees, excessive time taken to process applications [e.g. Turnaround time should be less than 14 working days for applications] and burdensome requirements out of the reach and means of the average citizen of Zambia.
  • PROHIBIT FORCED ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP, individuals and entities must be allowed to enter industries but they should not be forced to join associations by decree of the regulator.
  • ADOPT A NATIONAL POLICY OF LIGHT TOUCH REGULATION in which growth of industry and job creation is prioritized as the most important outcome of regulators. Regulators must adopt or sign onto the Light Touch Policy to ensure that industries are brought to a state of maturity and that regulation serves its intended purpose without being cumbersome. Seek to make a combination of high and intense competition and basic rules the front-line form of regulation. Empower the courts to better handle customer and competitive disputes and only bring the regulator where competition and the courts are not able to handle the situation but always and only temporarily.
  • PROHIBIT ENTRY FEES for operationalization in the first year of businesses and only allow regulators to tax or charge profits and not revenue. Regulators should not be making for money than the actual market participants as they take no risk as the Entrepreneurs do.
  • INTRODUCE A MOVEMENT OF REGULATION THROUGH PLATFORM PROVISION. Tech platforms in America have proven than they are the most market efficient forms of regulators that are small business friendly. Platforms such as Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Bloomberg, Reuters have proven that platforms help regulate markets while providing a service to the market. Regulators should create public option tech platforms that help absorb some of the capital costs they would otherwise require.
  • REJECTED APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE JUSTIFIED IN WRITING TO THE APPROPRIATE MINISTRY and to the MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND TRADE AND COMMERCE. One should be able to justify why applications were rejected and regulators should provide good reasons and not just discretions and these should be allowed to be challenged in a court of LAW.

Here are some industry specific reforms to the capital markets to help improve entry levels in the capital market:

  • The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia needs to totally do away with or at least waive the entry level license fees for the first 2 – 3 years to allow practioners to start generating revenue that they can pay license fees from and grant entry level practioners 2-3 year starter licenses that will valid until expiration or until they get to a certain revenue level.
  • The Licensing process should now be reduced to a maximum of 22 working days and no longer 91 working days because that is beyond the cash on hand capabilities of most businesses, especially startups or small businesses.
  • The SEC Needs a digital compliance and onboarding system that allows the individuals to submit their applications digitally and through self-management like many online service providers.
  • The SEC Needs to invest in a digital cloud-based market management system that deals with fund management, trading, exchange management, customer on-boarding and other market requirement. This will be a platform that they can offer and through this they can have better control of quality in the market and interconnect the different sub-markets they want to have operating. It will also justify some sort of fee requirement rather than for licensing but for on-boarding and system operations.
  • The SEC Must abolish forced membership to the capital markets association it serves no purpose and just acts as a deterrent and extra cost to keep new entrants out.
  • The SEC must justify in writing any rejections of licensing and any lines to the Minister of Finance, Trade and Commerce in writing.
  • A regulatory overreach tribunal / court should be set up between the Ministry of Justice and the Courts to allow for complaints by market practitioners of regulatory overreach by actions or by laws.
  • A GROWTH-FIRST Policy needs to be adopted by the SEC to ensure market growth above bureaucracy and this will also include a policy of light touch and last resort regulations.

Such changes should yield a more innovative environment that promotes financial innovation and financial inclusion that will allow the capital market to play the role of engine of growth rather than center of elitism and power. This requires that we must call for a strong and stern reduction regulatory power and the reduction of regulatory bureaucracy by calling for legal changes and more PRO-BUSINESS approach to governance.

Power Dynamos’ Winless Run Continues


Power Dynamos winless run continued on Wednesday after losing 1-0 at home to Forest Rangers at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe.

Power have embarked on a suicidal three-match schedule during the festive season from December 24-30 so that they can release their projected four 2021 CHAN tournament call-ups for Chipolopolo duty.

Striker Quadri Kola settled matters in the match with a 45th minute goal to dispatch Power to their third league defeat of the season.

Power have now collected just 2 points from their last three league games and are stuck at seventh spot on 15 points, four points behind leaders Zesco United whom they face away in Ndola on December 30.

But before that, Power have a home date against second placed Zanaco (on 18 points) on December 27.

Meanwhile, Forest are sixth on 16 points from eight games with three matches in hand and are also in action on December 27 away to Kabwe Warriors in what will be their final league game in 2020.

Public Protector Demands Transparency In The Inquiry Into The Deaths At The Hands Of The Police


The Public Protector is saddened by the excessive use of force by the Zambia Police on unarmed civilians which resulted in the death of two people on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 in Lusaka.

The use of firearms on unarmed civilians constitutes a serious violation of human rights.

We, therefore, urge the Inspector General of Police to ensure that the investigation process is expedited so that the truth of what transpired is established and that the culprits are brought to book.

The Public Protector demands that the Police Command ensures that the findings of the investigations are made public, in line with the principles of natural justice.

We further urge the Zambia Police to be professional and adhere to the rule of law as they discharge their duties and protect the general public. We equally appeal to the general public to remain peaceful amidst this charged atmosphere.

The Office of the Public Protector shall also carry out an own-initiative investigation into the decision making processes that resulted in the police using firearms on unarmed civilians.

The Office of Public Protector sends its condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes them God’s comfort during this trying period.

Issued by:
Public Relations Unit
Office of the Public Protector

President Lungu Gives Police IG upto Monday to Produce Report on Yesterday’s deaths


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Inspector of Police, Kakoma Kanganja to use every resource available to fully investigate the murder cases in a circumstance in which the two victims were shot yesterday.

Mr Lungu noted that the Police force must investigate the matter as quickly as possible and that a report must be availed to him by Monday, 28th December, 2020.

In a statement released to the media, Mr Lungu gave indications that the deaths of the two Zambians would have been avoided indicating that it seems the country have cast aside the values believing in politics or politicking must be this country’s daily bread.

“My heart goes out to the families of Nsama Nsama Chipyoka and Joseph Kaunda, both of whom were killed by an unknown assailant or assailants yesterday in Lusaka. I am grieving with the families of these victims. My sincere condolences to the families,” the President said.

The Head of State explained that it believed that it pays to spend time at police stations and courts, as cheerleaders of politicians, even over cases that we know little or nothing about.

He said he was saddened that even after being cautioned against going to the police station, many in sponsored transport traversed adding that there was a sign that many have become pawns in other people’s games.

“Yesterday’s incidents were totally unnecessary to put it mildly. An individual, in his person, was called by the police to answer charges, and yet we saw multitudes of uninvited citizens thronging the police station.

“ What was that about? In the meantime, a situation was created for mayhem and we end up with lives lost,” the President questioned.

Mr Lungu clarified that no one is above the law including himself saying that for as long as he is a President, he will not allow anybody to usurp criminal justice.

He said Nsama was not just a prosecutor or a lawyer, he was a husband, dad, son, brother, nephew, uncle, cousin of people who are grieving today and equally, the loss of Joseph, a young man, full of life, taken away because of political activism.

The President warned that Zambia is a haven for peace and that not one will be allowed to turn this country upside down.

“This is the time for all of us to reflect as a country about the Zambia we want to live in. This is not what we are as a country. This is alien. What unites us is stronger than what divides us,” he emphasized.

Mr Lungu has since appealed to the public to stay calm as investigators do their work and resolute against crime and say, no, to political chicanery and demagoguery.

HH’s Summoning in Pictures


HH leaving Police Headquarters in Lusaka on Thursday after a five hour questioning
HH leaving Police Headquarters in Lusaka on Thursday after a five hour questioning

 Zambia Police officers remove the body of a government worker who was shot as opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema was being questioned at Police Headquarters.
Zambia Police officers remove the body of a government worker who was shot as opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema was being questioned at Police Headquarters.

CSOs launch Democracy and Motherland Defenders Coalition


10 civil society and student organizations have launched a consortium called the CSOs launch Democracy and Motherland Defenders Coalition (DMDC).

And the Coalition has commended the Electoral Commission of Zambia for the efforts and resources it deployed to ensure available and willing citizens register as voters.

Speaking during the launch this morning at Mika Lodges, DMDC Spokesperson Andrew Ntewewe said Zambians have a duty to chart their own paths by creating democratic governance systems that speaks as well as responds to the country’s unique greatness.

“The course of Zambia can only be decided upon by the Zambian people. Zambia can only be built by the labor and sacrifices of the citizens who genuinely love and have total loyalty to Zambia” said Mr Ntewewe.

The Coalition said Zambia is faced with challenges of betrayal and foreign interference in the management of our national and electoral affairs.

“Our country has been betrayed by some selfish, unpatriotic citizens who have ganged up against our country with foreign interests that are championing and positioning capitalistic imperialism ideals. These foreign interests have no obligations to love or be loyal to our country, their loyalty lies in how much of our God given resources they can take out of our country,” said Ntewewe.

The consortium said Zambians must refuse to be a generation that fail to defend and protect its motherland from foreign interference.

“Our fore fathers and mothers with the little resources at their disposal vigorously fought colonies to create the Zambia we have today. This generation has a duty to continue defending Zambia and positioning her to be competitive beyond the 21st century,” said Ntewewe.

The Consortium has officially written to the Electoral Commission of Zambia requesting for them to carry out an independent audit of the new voter’s register ahead of its certification next year.

The 10-member consortium include among others Young African Leaders Initiative, Center for Leadership and Good Governance, Center for Community Development, Zambian Institute of Governance and Civil Liberties Platform and Public Health and Good Governance Zambia, among others.

No more blood would be shed going forward-Kampyongo


MINISTER of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo has expressed utmost sympathy on the death of the two Zambian Citizens who died from ‘gun shot wound’ during a fracas yesterday as police tried to contain United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres who went to Zambia Police Headquarters to show solidarity their leader, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema when he appeared for questioning.

Speaking during a media briefing today in Chinsali, Mr. Kampyongo said President Edgar Lungu and the government are saddened by the death of State Prosecutor Nsama Nsama and the other supporter (not yet identified) who got shot during the fracas.

Mr. Kampyongo assured on behalf of the President that no more blood would be shed going forward.

Mr. Kampyongo noted that the government had procured anti-riot equipment earlier that was meant to contain such situations and avoid incidents that would result in the loss of life.

Mr. Kampyongo further announced that an all-inclusive investigation would be utilized involving all relevant stakeholders to ensure a thorough investigation.

Mr. Kampyongo however, instructed the relevant agencies to expedite the process, adding that the loss of life was disheartening as every life matters. Mr. Kampyongo further pleaded with citizens to remain calm.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has pardoned 130 correctional service inmates to commemorate Christmas Day that falls on the 25th of December of each calendar year.

Speaking at the same media briefing, Mr. Kampyongo disclosed that among those Pardoned are 17 females and 113 male inmates. Hon Stephen Kampyongo says the pardoning of inmates is persuant to article 97 of the constitution which provides for the Presidential pardon and substitution of severe punishment imposed on convicted persons.

Hon Kampyongo said that the pardoning of the inmates will help to decongest correctional facilities and allow inmates to practice social distance in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and that Government will continue to support the Zambia Correctional Service to ensure that the measures put in place are observed and sustained.

Hon Kampyongo said that the staff of the correctional service is confident that the pardoned persons have been rehabilitated and are ready for reintegration into society. He said successful reintegration of former inmates depends on the support of family members of the immediate family and communities of the former inmate.

The Minister has since thanked all stakeholders that supported the Zambia correctional service throughout the year especially those who made several donations of Covid-19 Preventive materials.

Tourism PS wants PPP implementation for LongAcres Lodge


Government looks forward to the implementation of the Private Public Partnership (PPP) for the redevelopment of Longacres Lodge in Lusaka that will see the facility upgraded to a three to five start hotel scheduled for 2021.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts Permanent Secretary (PS) Dr. Auxilia Ponga says the improvement of the resort that will bring about banks, business centre, a big conference facility and a restaurant will bring about a new lease of life to the gatehouse that has been in existence since 1957.

She bemoaned the state of some of the fitting like the ceiling boards that have to be continuously replaced due to leaks in the roof from time using the little finances raised from room fees.

The PS says when the deal is signed and implemented next year, the facility will start to attract a new class of clientale and earn Government better revenues than it is doing now.

And Lodge Manager Carol Temba says management has decided to undertake renovations and refurbishment of the lodge to meet clients’ expectations.

She says most clients prefer rooms with shower facilities opposed to those with bathtubs.

Ms. Temba soon the lodge will have a Café that will offer services to clients 24 hours every day

CiSCA condemns the gunning down of two people in Lusaka, demands justice for the murdered citizens


By Judith Mulenga

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) strongly condemns the gunning down, in cold blood, of two people in Lusaka yesterday, Thursday the 23rd of December 2020 for merely exercising their constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms.

CiSCA further puts the blame for the two deaths squarely on the Republican President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The action by the police violated all national, regional and international human rights principles and standards, including policing standards. The killing of the two innocent persons has once again demonstrated the continued repression of the citizens by the government of President Edgar Lungu.

The right to life is guaranteed in Article 12 of our Constitution. It is also guaranteed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which Zambia ratified in 1984, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights which we ratified in 1984 too. The right to assemble is also guaranteed in our Bill of Rights Article 21 which expressly states, “Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of assembly and association, that is to say, his right to assemble freely and associate with other persons and in particular to form or belong to any political party, trade union or other association for the protection of his interests”. The same right is provided for in Article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We would like to believe that the opposition UPND supporters turned up to exercise this right.

The Zambia Police command also violated international policing standards as provided for in the United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials. Principle 9 restricts the conditions under which force can be used. The standard is plain about the use of firearms as the very last resort of police and only as a life-saving action. CiSCA demands to know the threat that the two unarmed people posed to the police.

In confronting the UPND supporters with live bullets the Zambian Police Service further acted contrary to Articles 7 of the ICCPR, Article 5 of the African Charter as well as Article 2 of the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials which all obligate law enforcement officials to respect and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons.

CiSCA demands for justice for the fallen unsung heroes. Though we know it is an exercise in futility since President Lungu has never listened to citizens’ voices, it is our duty as CiSCA to still ask President Lungu to dismiss Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo and the Inspector General of Police. Their continuing in office has become untenable. Human rights long ceased to be a sovereign matter and Zambia now has a blot on its image and standing in the world. Putting us on the map for all the wrong reasons has been a hallmark of President Lungu’s leadership.

UPND is Working against the interest of Miners and Suppliers on the Copperbelt-Davies Mwila


THE ruling Patriotic Front (PF) says the statement by the United Party for National Development (UPND) condemning the government’s decision to intervene in the case of Mopani and KCM has exposed the opposition political party for who they are.

PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila says 15,000 workers at Mopani alone could have lost their jobs had the government not intervened after Glencore decided to pull out and put the mine on care and maintenance.

Speaking when he addressed the media yesterday, Hon Mwila said it is clear for all to see that UPND is working against the interest of miners and suppliers on the Copperbelt.

“The Patriotic Front is a party for the poor and we will do everything as a party in government to protect the Jobs for our miners and suppliers on the Copperbelt,” said Hon Mwila.

“VEDANTA has failed to meet its own investment pledges since taking over the mine. They have failed to invest in Konkola Deep Mine, they were NOT paying suppliers and creditors, and had the government not intervened, creditors could have grabbed the mine and throw workers out on the streets.”

Meanwhile, the ruling party has applauded the government for the quick and strategic intervention on KCM.

Hon Mwila says as a party in government, PF will not allow miners and suppliers on the Copperbelt to be at the mercy of foreign capital.

“Today, because of the government’s quick and strategic intervention, KCM is back and fully in operation. Jobs for our miners have been secured and protected and suppliers are now getting their money,” said Hon Mwila.

“We want investors that will guarantee jobs and businesses for our people and we would like to encourage Zambians to take a keen interest in the investment opportunities in the mining sector via ZCCM-IH.”

Kamanga expresses concern over poor health services civil servants are receiving from NHIMA


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga has expressed concern over the poor health services that civil servants have been receiving from the National Health Insurance Management (NHIMA).

Mr Kamanga noted that his office had lately received concerns from civil servants on the mismanagement of NHIMA saying a lasting solution needs to be found for the statute body to improve on the service delivery.

“A follow-up on NHIMA’s poor service delivery will be made and feedback will be given in due course,“he said.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary highlighted this concern during the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) 4th Quarter Report meeting which was held virtually.

One of the representatives narrated during the PDCC virtual meeting how he was unable to receive treatment for his child at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) because NHIMA does not leave any forms to fill in when they knock off.

“I took my child to the hospital, they refused to admit her saying they only admit one patient at a time under NHIMA at high cost and there was already a patient admitted” he said.

Some civil servants have also complained that despite contributing to NHMA every month they are subjected to buy medication when the Hospital gives them a prescription to buy in Chemist shops.