Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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11 people arrested for operating Illegal drug stores


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) has arrested eleven people in Kapiri Mposhi District for operating drug stores without certification of registration.

The suspects were arrested during a surveillance routine inspection aimed at curbing the sale of medicines and allied substances in unregistered outlets.

ZAMRA Senior Public Relations Officer, Christabel Iliamupu has confirmed the development to ZANIS in Kapiri Mposhi today.

Mrs. Iliamupu said the operation was undertaken over the weekend by ZAMRA inspectors in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) officers around Kapiri Mposhi Town Center and in selected compounds.

Mrs. Iliamupu identified the suspects as Simon Phiri, 77, Elias Miselo, 65, Lazarous Daka, 30, Kayombo Chisale, 30 and Jabes Banda and Jones Mumba both aged 22.

Others are Lameck Musonda, 27, Gloria Lungu, 23, Robert Simfukwe, 22 Sharon Kalipenta, 20, and Patrick Chate, 19.

She said the suspects have been charged with an offence of operating a Pharmacy without a Certificate of registration contrary to Section 14 (1) of the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No. 3 of 2013 and will appear in court soon.

“ During our surveillance routine inspection directed towards curbing the sale of medicines and allied substances in unregistered outlets we have arrested eleven people in Kapiri Mposhi around Town Center, Ndeke, Matilyo, Kawama, Mpula and Turn-off areas for operating illegal pharmacies the suspects have however been released on Police Bond and will appear in court soon,” Mrs. Iliamupu said.

Mrs. Iliamupu urged all those wishing to venture into the business of running pharmacies to dully register for certification with ZAMRA stating that Pharmaceutical regulation is crucial as it ensures safety, efficacy and quality of the drugs available to consumers.

Mop out illegal foreign miners that have infested the mines in Rufunsa district-Lusambo


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has directed immigration officers and police to mop out illegal foreign miners that have infested the mines in Rufunsa district.

Mr Lusambo notes that illegal mining activities have heightened making it a concern to government as the local people do not benefit from the lucrative mining activities in the district.

He said this on Tuesday when he toured the mines in the hills of the district where miners are camping as they extract gold with a view of cashing in from the sale of gold.

“Government is determined to bring sanity to this area by removing all illegal miners,” he said.

And Mr Lusambo has assured traditional leaders who have differed over chiefdom boundary disputes in Rufunsa that he will raise the matter with the relevant government ministries for a resolution to be made.

“Government wants the mining activities in the area to create jobs and help improve the lives of the local people,” he said.

Chief Shikabeta and Chieftainess Mpanshya of the Soli people of Rufunsa district appealed to government to intervene in chiefdom boundary disputes that have led to confusion over lucrative gold mining taking place in the district.

Chief Shikabeta said his subjects do not benefit from the mining activities taking place in his area because of a dispute that he has with Chief Chembe of Mukushi district in Central province.

The traditional leader called on government to intervene and ensure the local people benefit from resources within their area.

“The mines should be able to employ the local people, most of the youths in my area are jobless, and there are foreigners that are working in the mines,” he said.

He also expressed concern that the area has no health and education facilities but only makeshift structures made by the miners.

“We need permanent structures, we need schools, health facilities and other social amenities,” he said.

Earlier, Chieftainess Mpanshya said the dispute regarding chiefdom boundaries could lead to violence among neighboring chiefdoms.

Chieftainess Mpanshya said the boundary disputes she is facing with chief Bundabunda and chief Chembe of central province has led to confusion among subjects of the neighboring chiefdoms who are exhibiting violent behavior.

Speaking through a representative, the traditional leader told Mr Lusambo when he called on her at her palace that the disputes could lead to physical confrontations if not addressed.

“I’m afraid my people may resort to violence,” she said.

The traditional leader charged that chief Chembe has been encroaching into her chiefdom where he has allegedly been forcing her subjects to recognize him as their traditional leader.

“This is why we need the government to intervene by availing us with maps to establish the boundaries of each chiefdom,” She said.

Chieftains Mpanshya said government should conduct a survey to determine the quantities of gold and copper so as to local people benefit from the minerals in the area.

“We just see truckloads of the minerals but we have no idea how much of the minerals we have or where they are destined,” she said.

She also charged that due to illegal mining activities, there has been encroachment in seven villages that are located near the mines.

Police reportedly shoot dead State Prosecutor and UPND supporter in attempt to disperse crowds


Two people are reportedly dead after riot police fired live shots to disperse UPND supporters who had gathered to show solidarity to party leader Hakainde Hichilema as he arrived at Police Headquarters for questioning this morning.

The UPND has confirmed that a male supporter and another State Prosecutor who was caught up in the fracas were shot dead by police.

According to witnesses the State Prosecutor had just gone across the National Prosecutions Office to buy a snack before he was shot by an overzealous officer.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says police have not received any information about any death resulting from the fracas.

Large numbers of UPND members had converged at High Court grounds to offer support to Mr Hichilema as he was entering Police Headquarters just after 10 Hours.

Heavy police riot vehicles were patrolling the entire area near Police Headquarters and the three vehicles accompanying Mr Hichilema were throughly searched before ushering them in.

The party’s media team says and supporters across the country are advised to remain alert, and calm as the process proceeds.

“We have the background of all what is happening and we should be assured that our esteemed lawyers will ensure that the rule of law,is applied genuinely.”

The party says Mr Hichilema is represented by seven lawyers namely and in order of seniority, Nelly muti, Chad Muleza, Jack Mwimbu, Milambo Haimbe, Marshall Muchende, Xaviante Sinkala and Cornelius Mweetwa.

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo yesterday advised the Zambia police service not to tolerate any form of violence when United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakkainde Hichilema appeared at Police Force Headquarters where he has been summoned.

Mr Lusambo noted with concern that some people were planning on attending in large numbers to offer solidarity to Mr Hichilema as he appeared before the police.

“The police should be vigilant in their operations by deploying officers around the city of Lusaka to ensure order prevails” he said.

Mr Lusambo said police has called only one person and he does not expect any one to disturb the peace that Zambians are enjoying when the opposition leader appears before them.

Police at the block UPND president Hakainde Hichilema as he tried to go to Police Headquarters

Editors note: Lusakatimes received graphic images of the victims but we will not publish them out of respect of the dead,their families and ethics.

Lusaka businessman eyes Kabwata Constituency seat held by Given Lubinda on PF Ticket


A Lusaka businessman, Danny Yenda has announced his interest in bidding for Kabwata constituency seat during the 2021 general elections.

Mr Yenda says he will continue working with the already existing constituency party leadership come 2021 campaigns in order to avoid division in the party.

He said this during the party meeting held at Kabwata Hall where he officially announced his candidature at Kabwata Constituency before party members.

Mr Yenga pledged if voted as area lawmaker, he will ensure that he delivers the aspirations of the electorate as their obedient servant.

Mr Yenga declared that he meant business and would see to it that the ruling party triumphs in Kabwata and ensure that Edgar Lungu bounces back as Republican President in the forthcoming general elections.

“Before coming here today I spoke with Hon. Lubinda and I told him I was going to Kabwata to launch my campaign as MP. I made my intentions known to him and I do appreciate the works that our current MP has done for this constituency and my agenda is continue from what the incumbent MP did,” Mr Yenga said, amidst jubilations from the audience.

Mr Yenga said he was focused on building the party in the constituency as opposed to causing confusion.

“I am not coming here in Kabwata for the first time and this constituency is not new to me therefore, I understand the challenges the people of Kabwata face, ” he said.

“I am not going to form any structures but will work with existing structures as we take this constituency forward. Having grown up in this constituency, I understand most of the challenges and what our people are lacking so I will work with everyone in fostering development in Kabwata constituency because I am not a foreigner but I am a son of the soil,” Mr Yenga said.

Kabwata businessman Danny Yenga
Kabwata businessman Danny Yenga

Mr Yenga who has been associated with community works in the constituency added that victory for President Lungu in 2021 was guaranteed as the ruling party under President Lungu’s administration had scored a lot of positive achievements in all parts of the country.

“We are going to deliver President Lungu again in 2021 as Kabwata constituency because we are not playing jokes here and we mean business,” Mr Yenga added.

The Aspiring Candidate added that his priority would be to change the face of the constituency and to ensure that the welfare of the marketeers gets improved.

At the meeting, donated an amount of K30,000 to each ward in the Constituency.

And PF Kabwata constituency Chairman Trevor Ng’andu alias Uncle T welcomed Mr Yenga on behalf of the party as he launched his bid to Manda Hill. Mr Ng’andu said his job was to create a level playing field for all aspiring candidates under the ruling party.

“As PF Kabwata constituency Chairman, I have to make the ground fair for any person wishing to aspire. The party is bigger and I’m taking one step behind,” he said.

“There is currently only one MP for Kabwata, Hon. Given Lubinda and we respect him because he has brought development to this constituency but at the same time, we welcome all those that are wishing to take over from them and we wish them all the very best as we approach 2021,” Mr Ng’andu added.

Mr N’gandu cautioned the aspiring candidate to ensure that he fulfills his pre-election promises he will make to the electorate in area.

On his part, the Constituency chairman pledged to work flat out to ensure that the ruling PF wins during the forthcoming 2021 general elections slated for next, 12th August.

Mr Yenga’s support base in Kabwata constituency is steadily increasing especially among the majority of young people who have since indicated that they would rally behind him as their candidate and MP for 2021.

Kabwata businessman Danny Yenga
Kabwata businessman Danny Yenga

COVID-19 cases surges in Western Province


Western Province has recorded 153 total resurgence cases of COVID -19 cases with 72 cases the highest number recorded from Mongu district.

Western Provincial Health Director (PHD) Francis Liywali said the resurgence of the COVID-19 in the province would only be combated if all stakeholders abided by the laid down guidelines set by the ministry of health such as wearing of face masks and regular washing of hands.

Dr.Liywali added that reducing COVID-19 cases was possible if stakeholders took part in the fight against the pandemic as the case in Kafue district.

To this effect, his office has deployed health personnel in different border posts such as Katimamulilo border areas in Sesheke district to ensure all travelers are tested and diagnosed in masses for the disease.

The PHD has since implored members of the general populace to adhere to health safety rules and regulations in order reduce the further spread of the disease in the region.

“ It is sad to note that 70% of people in the especially in rural area have dropped their guard against the pandemic added that such action can act as catalysts for further transmission of the disease, “ he said.

Speaking earlier, Western Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Mukwambuyu Katungu bemoaned low levels of compliances by bar-owners.

Mr. Katungu said some bar owners have disregarded government’s directives regarding the closure and opening of bars which are operating normally despite the COVID -19 outbreaks in the region.

This came to light when team of law enforcement agencies toured various bar premises during the night yesterday.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary said the resurgence of the COVID-19 would be catastrophic if no proper safety measures were taken against the disease.

Mr. Katungu has since called for mindset change in publics if the fight against the disease was to be won.

Association of Mine Contractors and Suppliers described 2020 as the worst year


THE Association of Mine Contractors and Suppliers have described their business performance this year, as bad.

Speaking in an interview in Kitwe yesterday, Association President Augustine Mubanga said its members failed to realise significant business opportunities due to the poor performance of the mines, especially on the Copperbelt.

“The challenges surrounding Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani Copper Mine greatly impacted negatively on the suppliers and contractors as operational activities were reduced as well as business opportunities,” Mr. Mubanga said.

Glencore, the owners of Mopani Copper Mine are on the verge of exit the Zambian market while KCM is under liquidation with no investment being pumped into the mine for almost the whole year as the government seeks for a new investor to take up the mine when the legal stand-off between Vedanta and ZCCM-IH is concluded.

Mr. Mubanga also cited the COVID-19 pandemic as another major factor that contributed to the low business opportunities for the suppliers as most mines had to downsize on labour while others went on care and maintenance as a result they could not offer any meaningful business to the suppliers and contractors.

Explaining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which he said has also restricted the movement of cargo from import markets , the Association President stated that the global pandemic made it difficult for Zambian suppliers to buy goods for supplying as most goods supplied to the mines are imported.

“ Suppliers are now hoping that government will intervene in 2021 by putting measures that will create a win-win situation between the mines and the local suppliers as the copper prices sour on the international market, “ he added.

He said the mines should look at the high copper prices as a motivation to increase their production and also reduce the cost of production so that they remain sustainable so that they give more business opportunities to local suppliers and contractors.

“We are hoping to see a situation where preference should be given to local suppliers and with the coming in of the Statutory Instrument on local content, we want to see a situation where the mines are in the forefront to drive support into manufacturing, industrialization and also giving long term assurance in terms of contracts to those that have already started manufacturing products that mines are consuming,” he said.

He also stated that there is need to ensure that the mining sector begins to significantly plough back into the communities they operate from through Corporate social responsibility so that the local people also benefit from the current high copper prices as much as the mines are making profits.

Mr. Mubanga also challenged the government to protect the local suppliers who are currently sidelined in terms of getting a business opportunity from the mines.

“Government should promote more Zambian companies to supply because at the end of day government will benefit more through the taxes that will be collected from these companies through pay as you earn taxes from the workers of these supplying companies, corporate taxes again from the same companies, and other taxes in addition to the mineral loyalty tax from the mining companies,” he noted.

He noted that the government is losing all these revenue generation avenues when supply contracts are given to foreign companies.

The year 2020 has been a challenging year for almost all business sectors mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the instability in the performance of the Kwacha which has continued tumbling against the United States Dollar.

Government committed towards reducing gender inequalities in Zambia to minimum levels


Gender Minister Elizabeth Phiri says government remains committed towards reducing gender inequalities in the country to minimum levels through various empowerment initiatives for women.

Ms. Phiri states that government through the ministry of gender has put up strategies in line with the Seventh National Development Plan 7NDP and Vision 2030 to promote gender equity and equality with a policy agenda that combats retrogressive gender roles.

She noted that empowering women and girls enables them to enjoy life as any other person in society.

Ms. Phiri said this when she handed over 1000 day old chicks and poultry accessories to Kanakantapa women area association and Prophetic Tabernacle of glory society limited in Chongwe district.

She commended the two women groups for organising themselves through cooperatives to venture into activities that are helping them to improve their living standards.

Reminding women to take care of the chicks and poultry equipment, the minister added that any misuse of the empowerment will lead to retrieval of the equipment.

Meanwhile, Chongwe Member of Parliament (MP) Japhen Mwakalombe applauded the women cooperatives under the two women groups for partnering to sustain their lives through various entrepreneurial activities they have ventured in.

Mr. Mwakalombe implored other women in his constituency to form cooperatives for them to access empowerment which have been made available by government for people from all walks of life.

“Government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu is not selective in spreading development.

”I am appealing to all women who are in Chongwe to organise themselves and form cooperatives because they are missing out from such empowerment initiatives,” Mr. Mwakalombe said.

He thanked Ministry of Gender for empowering the two women groups and that the gesture will change their lives.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, a member of Kanakantapa Women Association Brandina Banda said the empowerment will benefit 232 households and is also expected to extend beyond the perimeters of Kanakantapa.

Ms. Phiri said the beneficiaries will sustain the economic activities that will be initiated using the accessories they have received.

She assured Ms. Phiri that the women from the two groups will venture to other viable business ventures.

Churches not following guidelines for Christmas and New Year’s Overnight Prayers will be charged, Warns Chingola Council


Chingola municipal council has cautioned churches in area to observe the COVID 19 preventive measures ahead of Christmas and New year’s overnight prayers or risk being charged a penalty fee of K750.00.

ChingolaTown Clerk Kabomba Mutakela said that the local authority has only authorised churches that were inspected and certified by authorised officers to conduct such cross over night prayers.

Mr. Mutakela noted that all permitted churches are requested to worship from the same church premises that were inspected and adhere to all COVID 19 guidelines.

He stated that the churches should also maintain the same number of congregants that they indicated on the approved gathering permits.

The TC further noted that all registered churches are requested to submit details of congregants using the register designed by the local authority.

Going by the Christian calendar , most churches globally assemble overnight to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as well as hold thankful prayers to God on new year-eve every 1st January.

Government in its guidelines against COVID-19 , has re-emphasised adherence to measures against the pandemic such as social distancing, mass gathering and wearing of face masks.

Lusambo Calls for Tightened Security at Police Force Headquarters to deal with UPND Cadres


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has advised the Zambia police service not to tolerate any form of violence tomorrow when United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakkainde Hichilema appears at Police Force Headquarters where he has been summoned.

Mr Lusambo noted with concern that some people are planning on coming in large numbers to offer solidarity to Mr Hichilema as he appears before the police.

The Provincial Minister highlighted this during the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) 4th Quarter 2020 meeting stating that police should be vigilant to quell any lawlessness among UPND supporters.

“The police should be vigilant in their operations by deploying officers around the city of Lusaka to ensure order prevails” he said.

Mr Lusambo said police has called only one person and he does not expect any one to disturb the peace that Zambians are enjoying when the opposition leader appears before them.

Meanwhile, UPND President lawyer Haimbe Mulambo said Mr Hichilema’s call out is in relation with the acquisition of farm 1924 of Kalomo.

He added that the call out is in relation with a report made by Facebook activist and Economic and Equity Party (EPP) president Chilufya Tayali on allegations that the opposition leader dubiously acquired his Kalomo farm in his capacity as the liquidator of the Lima Bank properties.

Mr Malambo further added that the records show that Mr Hichilema legally acquired the said farm from the administrator of the owner’s estate.

The matter under investigation is actively before the Lusaka High Court.

Engineering body wants Alick Nkhata Bridge demolished


The Engineering Institution of Zambia has called for the total demolition of the Alick Nkhata bridge in Lusaka.

EIZ Registrar and Chief Executive officer Linus Chanda says following a review undertaken of the structure by the institution, it was concluded that the space where the flyover bridge is being constructed is not sufficient to meet a well-designed structure.

He stated that the safety of the pedestrians and the steep slopes were not adequately addressed, which he says would eventually lead to frequent accidents.

Mr Chanda has since recommended that a new redesigned road section should be constructed to avoid accidents.

The Alick Nkhata Bridge in Lusaka
The Alick Nkhata Bridge in Lusaka

Bravo Nchanga Rangers Bench Toasts Top Spot Status


The Nchanga Rangers coaching bench is cheered that Brave have reclaimed the top four status in the FAZ National Division 1 campaign.

Nchanga went into the New Year break placed fourth on the table with 19 points, four behind leaders Kansanshi Dynamos, after 11 matches played.

The season resumes on 9 January 2021 when Nchanga hosts second placed Kafue Celtic at home in Chingola.

“So far Nchanga’s performance has been good,” said club assistant coach Ben Chiwaya said

“We are going into the break but we are not going to relax. We need to work hard during the break. We need to work on the defense, midfield and striking force.”

Chiwaya is confident Nchanga will secure promotion back to the Super Division.

“The competition in our league is tough but we are going to make it to the Super Division,” he said.

Chiwaya added: “I can give thanks to the players and the supporters for supporting us.”

Nchanga last tested Super Division football in 2018.

Nkana Seek Refreshed Continental Form Under Kaindu


Kelvin Kaindu starts his Nkana tenure with a big continental test on Wednesday against Angola’s perennial continental campaigner Petro Atletico in a 2020/2021 CAF Champions League pre-group, first leg home fixture at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe.

Kaindu takes charge just over ten days following his predecessor Manfred Chabinga’s dismissal after Nkana advanced to this stage with an unconvincing 1-0 aggregate win over Bantu FC of Lesotho.

But Nkana head into the game following recent back-to-back league wins for the first time this season after an overall poor start to their 2020/2021 campaign.

“First of all the most important thing is for you to get a victory especially that you are playing at home,” Kaindu said.

“We are targeting to get an outright victory and hope that we keep a clean sheet as much as we try to defend to avoid our opponents getting an away goal.

“But what is important is for us to get a victory and see how we can close up the game.”

Meanwhile, Petro also come into the match unbeaten after defeating Akonangui 1-0 away in Equatorial Guinea but drew 2-2 at home in Luanda.

Petro are also gunning for a third successive group stage qualification after campaigning in the 2018/2019 CAF Confederation Cup and 2019/2020 CAF Champions League.

But it has never been easy for Zambian clubs against Angolan opposition who have proved stubborn with recent testament being Green Eagles and Power Dynamos who suffered bruising continental exits while Zesco United have endured torrid runs in group stage action.

However, Nkana are unbeaten against Angolan opposition and ironically Petro are the only club from the Western neighbours they have played.
Nkana drew 1-1 with Petro in Kitwe and beat them 1-0 away in Luanda in the second stage of the 1987 edition of the same competition then called the Africa Champions Cup.

Napsa Stars Draw With UD Songo


Napsa Stars have all to play for in the CAF Confederation Cup following a stalemate at home in their second round, first leg game today at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

Napsa were held 0-0 by UD Songo of Mozambique, a result that saw the hosts 100 percent start in the competition come to an end following emphatic back-to-back first round 5-1 away and 4-1 home wins over Ngazi of Comoros.

The two sides meet on January 6 in Beira with the winner advancing to the pre-group round of the competition.

Napsa coach Mohamed Fathi disclosed that they came into the game with little insight of their opponents.

“At least we have a bigger chance in Mozambique at least we have seen them now, we know their weak points, we know their strengths and this game has helped us a lot,” Fathi said.

But Songo assistant coach Manuel Carlos said they had accomplished their away objective.

“We played the game according to our plan and we take this result into the final leg so that we try by all means to win the game,” Carlos said.

Meanwhile, Zambia’s other CAF Confederation Cup envoy Green Eagles will host Cotonsport of Cameroon in their second round fixture on Wednesday on the other side of town at Nkoloma Stadium.

A 48-year old South African Man commits suicide in a hotel room in Kabwe


A 48 year old South African man has allegedly committed suicide in a hotel room in Kabwe District of Central Province for unknown reasons.

Central Province Commissioner of Police, Chola Katanga, has confirmed the incident to ZANIS in an interview and identified the deceased as Goosen Martin, a holder of passport number A05939131.

Mr Katanga said his body was discovered by one of the house keepers hanging on an in built wardrobe in room 216 around 15:40 hours yesterday.

He said Tuskers Hotel Manager Daniel Mweetwa, of 51 Ghana Avenue in Kabwe District reported the matter to the police.

“Received a report from Daniel Mweetwa aged 51 of 51 Ghana Avenue, Kabwe, a Hotel Manager by occupation to the effect that around 15: 40 hours of 21/12/20 his house keeper discovered the body of a white South African male person hanging on an in built wardrobe in room number 216,” he said.

Mr Katanga said police visited the scene and observed that the body was completely naked with cuts on his right arm and a hand bag rope was used to hang himself.

He explained that after a thorough investigation was done on his belongings, a note declaring himself to have committed suicide and a whatsapp line to inform his relatives was found.

“A thorough check on his belongings was done and found a note declaring himself to have committed suicide and also a passport bearing his details as M/Goosen Martin aged 48 a South African by Nationality, the holder of Passport A05939131 and left a whatsapp line to inform his relatives,” Mr Katanga said.

The body of the decased has sonce been deposited in the mortuary waiting for possible identification of the body and postmortem.

And Mr Katanga said the son to the deceased called from South Africa to find out about the father’s death after he was told about his demise by the fiancé only identified as Susan.

He said the son revealed that the deceased has not been in contact with the family and relatives in South Africa for the past one.

He stated that the deceased son indicated that the family was unable to make arrangements to travel due to COVID-19 but that further discussions will be done through Susan.

Cholera remains national problem -Dr Chilufya


Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has expressed deep concerns that cholera remains a major public health problem that the country has grappled with for years.

Dr. Chilufya however, states that President Edgar Lungu has massively invested in public health security systems and is determined to eliminate cholera by 2025.

The Minister says this is the reason Oral Cholera Vaccine campaigns have been adopted as one of the pillars in the Zambia Multi-sectoral Elimination Plan as an effective tool for cholera prevention and control.

The Minister further adds that Zambia’s Multi- sectoral Elimination Plan outlines a strong commitment to ensure 85% of the population living in the hotspots is vaccinated with two doses of the OCV.

Dr Chilufya has further emphasised on the need to focus on social determinants such as good hygiene and access to safe and clean water among others despite cholera being a treatable and preventable disease.

ZANIS reports that Dr Chilufya was speaking in Shibuyunji district today, at the national launch of the Oral Cholera Vaccination, targeting more than 5,000 people older than 12 months in 11 cholera hotspot districts in 2020 and 2021.

“In line with the cholera elimination plan, it gives me great pleasure to be here today to launch the 2020 OCV campaign under the theme “Ending Cholera, Delivering Hope”. This campaign comes at a very opportune time and will provide preemptive protection against future outbreaks, “he said.

Dr Chilufya noted that he is delighted that the OCV campaign is targeting the capture of 70,000 people of Shibuyunji district as it houses one of the vulnerable citizens in fishing camps.

UNICEF Country Representative Noala Skinner, noted that the launch of the OCV campaign is yet another milestone for the Zambian government’s efforts to eliminate cholera.

Ms. Skinner said UNICEF remains fully committed to support efforts of eliminating cholera in Zambia.

And in a speech read on his behalf by his Representative, Shikanga Otipa, World Health Organisation (WHO) Country Representative, Nathan Bakyaita noted that the Zambian government has been in the forefront of giving global leadership in addressing cholera.

Dr. Bakyaita said WHO is thus delighted to support interventions to be implemented in cholera hotspot districts in the country throughout the cholera season.