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Home Affairs Minister Warns UPND and its Cadres


Ministry of Home Affairs has expressed displeasure with the manner in which the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) is responding to the summoning of their party leader by Police in Lusaka.

Speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka, Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo said that there is nothing extraordinary about the Zambia police summoning Hakainde Hichilema who is UPND party president.

Hon Kampyongo said that it is not the first time in Zambia that a leader of the opposition is being summoned by police to help with investigations in their quest to maintain law and order.

He said that the behavior of some UPND known officials of plotting to mobilize thugs to cause chaos when their leader appears before police on Wednesday will not be entertained.

“No one is above the law and as such when police feel you are relevant to their investigations there should not be a fuss just because you are an opposition leader” Hon Kampyongo said.

Hon Kampyongo said the government fully supports the Police in their efforts to bring about peace and stability in the country and will not allow anyone to intimidate the police with the intent to sway them from performing their mandate.

“Mr. Hakainde Hichilema is not the first politician and certainly not the last to be summoned by police to help with investigations and so the plans by UPND to mobilize themselves to cause chaos are very disheartening and highly unnecessary,” Hon Kampyongo said.

Hon Kampyongo further warned the opposition UPND against causing unnecessary chaos in the country as police are equal to the task and they stand ready to enforce the law by any means necessary in order to maintain law and order.

ZESCO to reduce load shedding hours during the festive season


ZESCO Limited has announced that load shedding hours will be reduced during the festive season.

Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu tells Smart Eagles in a statement that customers will now be experiencing up to 4 hours of load shedding with effect from tomorrow 23rd December 2020 to 2nd January 2021.

Ms Zulu says this decision is necessitated by the expected decrease in demand for electricity during this period due to a reduction in industrial activities as most companies will be on break hence, the need to transfer the benefit to residential customers.

“As a Corporation, we attach great importance to these festive celebrations since it is a time that promotes the social-economic wellbeing of our customers as it brings families and communities together and enhances trade and other commercial activities,” she said.

“We, however, appeal to our customers to continue employing energy efficient initiatives such as switching off all non-essential appliances, using gas for cooking and solar for lighting to help conserve the available power.”

She has since advised customers to report any outages outside their load shedding hours which may be attributed to faults.

Zambia to pay Kazungula bridge project fee balance by end year


Minister for Housing and Infrastructure Development Vincent Mwale has revealed that the government has released a total of US $73.7m towards the completion of the Kazungula bridge project with a balance of US $8.7m which will be paid before the end of this year.

The announcement comes after reports started circulating purporting that the Zambian Government had failed to pay its dues and would not honour the outstanding amount owed to the contractor.

According to the minister, an amount of US $82.3m has already been certified on the project of which US $73.7m has already been disbursed and the balance of US $8.7m whose certificates were received by the paying agent, National Road Fund Agency, will be paid before year end.

This is within the 56 days allowed for settlement of certified Interim Payment Certificates.

“I would like to put it on record that the assertions currently being circulated via social media, purporting that the Zambian Government has failed to pay its dues and will not honour the outstanding amount owed to the Contractor, are not correct. It is worth mentioning that the payment of the retention amount on the part of the Zambian Government is contractual and shall be met. As such, Ministry of Finance through the National Road Fund Agency is working towards the settling of the Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) before the end of the year,” he said.

He further added that, it should be noted that a balance on the contract in the sum of US $4.7m remains to be certified and issued to the Zambian Government.

The Kazungula Bridge project is a multi-national project in the North-South Corridor and is part of an infrastructure improvement programme that covers the whole corridor.

The project includes a bridge linking Botswana and Zambia over the Zambezi River to replace the existing ferry, and a one-stop border facility at Kazungula.

New rail line to link SA to Zambia


Botswana is advancing construction of a new railway line that will link Mmamabula coal fields in the centre of the country to Lephalale in South Africa.

The new line will also link Botswana from Mosetse with Zambia through Kazungala.

Effectively this creates a line running from South Africa to Zambia via Botswana.

Appearing before a Bostwana parliamentary committee, the chief executive of Botswana Railways (BR) Leonard Makwinja said the route made economic sense.

“That would be a shorter route for our big commodities. It makes more sense to build a shorter route rather than build another one parallel to the Mafikeng one,” said Makwinja in reference to an existing rail link.

Construction of the new line will begin in April 2021, and it will include a 4km bridge over the Limpopo River.

Mr. Makwinja said more than billion tonnes of coal deposits had been discovered in Botswana, and the new rail line was needed because the existing link had capacity to move 4,5 million tonnes per annum.

As such, the new railway line will be an addition to more than 800km of rail network that is government-owned.

Mr. Makwinja said there was no need to panic about the steady global shift to renewable energy sources, saying the world was also moving towards “clean coal technologies”.

“There is what is called clean coal technology. You can use technology to clean coal and that is what is going to drive demand for coal,” he said.

Street Kid rehabilitation project: The journey in Pictures

Rounding up street kids for rehabilitation
Rounding up street kids for rehabilitation

Last week the Ministry of Youth Sport and Child Development sent 350 street kids to a Zambia National Service training camp in Katete, Eastern Province.

This follows a Memorandum of Understanding which the Ministry signed with Zambia National Service on the 15th of August this year aimed at rehabilitating street kids.

Zambia National Services had finished rehabilitating its centres designated to accommodate street kids in October.

Minister of Youth,Sport and Child Development,Emmanuel Mulenga said the aim was to remove all the kids from all the streets of Zambia and take them to National Service so that they could be tutored accordingly so that they can learn survival skills.The Minister said the government has a lot of confidence in ZNS hence identifying the institution as a reliable partner in ending streetism and ensuring that the minds of street kids are fully transformed.

Mr.Mulenga recently travelled to Katete to gain an understanding of how the 350 street kids and youths that were picked from Lusaka and the Copperbelt were coping and responding to behavioral change lessons and skills trainings they are receiving from officers.

Writing on his facebook page the Minister said ” What seemed an impossible journey has finally become a reality. The removal of Street kids from the streets has been something that has been a battle and we as Government still remained determined.

It is pleasing for me as Minister in Charge of Youths and Children in the country and also as a parent to see smiles on the faces of these Children and Kids who’s lives seemed to have no destinies on streets about to be transformed.”

Mr.Mulenga said he was very impressed with what he found at the facility and commend the Zambia National Service for a job well done so far.

” I am happy that officers here are exercising maximum patience with the kids to ensure that they adapt to their new environment. They are responding well to change and I believe they will come out of this place as responsible young people, ready to contribute to the country’s economic growth,”he said

Mr Mulenga said the Ministry has an exit plan for the youths once they are empowered with skills. When they complete their training, they will be awarded with Certificates and provided with start-up tools and materials needed for them to excel in the businesses that will help them put their skills into practice

He said the Government under the able leadership of His Excellency The President of the Republic of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has a lot of confidence in ZNS hence identifying the institution as reliable partner in the program of ending streetism and changing the mindset of Street Children.

Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga with a street kid
Street kids start their rehabilitation journey
Street kids on their way to the Zambia National Service Rehabilitation centre
Street kids all cleaned up at the ZNS rehabilitation centre
Street kids at the rehabilitation centre in Katete
Street kids pose for a picture at the rehabilitation centre in Katete
Street kids pose for a picture at the rehabilitation centre in Katete
Street kids playing soccer at the rehabilitation centre
Street kids attending a class at the rehabilitation centre
Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga visits the street kids at the ZNS rehabilitation centre in Katete
All smiles, Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga greets some of the street kids
Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga chats with some of the street kids
Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga chats with some of the street kids
Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga chats with the street kids
Minister of Youth ,Sport and Child development Emmanuel Mulenga gives the street kids a pep talk
Street kids playing at the rehabilitation centre in Katete
Street kids attend class at the rehabilitation centre
Street kids listen attentively during a class at the rehabilitation centre
Street kids attend class at the rehabilitation centre

Zambia Police to question HH over Kalomo farm after Tayali complaint


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema’s lawyer Mulambo Haimbe of Malambo and Company has revealed that Mr Hichilema’s summoning is connected to a compliant raised by Chilufya Tayali over the ownership of Kalomo Farms.

Mr Haimbe said the legal team is in possession of a police call out against his client to appear at Force headquarters on Wednesday 23rd December 2020.

He said the Call out is in relation to Mr Hichilema’s acquisition of farm 1924 of Kalomo.

Mr Haimbe who is also UPND Lusaka Central Constituency aspiring candidate says the country will be kept abreast of any development surrounding the police call out.

This follows the reporting of the UPND President to the police by Mr. Tayali on allegation that the opposition leader dubiously acquired his Kalomo farm in his capacity as liquidator of Lima Bank properties.

Records however show that Mr Hichilema legally acquired the farm from the administrator of the late owner’s estate.

The matter under investigation is actively before the Lusaka High Court.

With Gold Mining Boom, Government puts in place plans to set up basic social amenities in Kasenseli area


The government says its plans to set put up basic social amenities in Kasenseli area of Mwinilunga district of Northwestern province.

Northwestern province Permanent Secretary Willies Mangimela says this is because facilities such as those for health and sanitation infrastructure are important to avoid disease outbreaks which may arise due to the population increase.

He said during a courtesy call on Chief Chibwika recently that the population in the area has increased hence the need to put up such facilities.

Mr Mangimela said the government will not allow a situation that happened in Lumwana with regards to lack of settlement planning to happen in Kasenseli.

“We should not allow that mistake of Lumwana mine to happen here in Kasenseli, you have seen how they have built your royal highness, it is terrible, so we want to put things straight and the government is ready to do that, ” he said.

The Permanent Secretary revealed that he has directed Mwinilunga town council to collaborate with the traditional leadership in the area to ensure that Kasenseli does not turn into an unplanned settlement.

Following the discovery of gold deposits in the area a number of local and foreign small scale miners rushed to area to illegally explore the precious mineral.

However ,government last year declared gold as a strategic reserve and suspended all activities at Kasenseli gold mine following a cabinet decision.

Meanwhile, chief Chibwika asked the Permanent Secretary to look into the compensation of displaced farmers which he said has taken long.

The traditional leader further appealed to government to guide on whether people can continue farming in areas which have prospecting licences.

“Is it right to stop people from conducting their daily farming activities even in areas which just have prospecting licences? Because my people have been stopped from accessing their fields” the chief said.

He said for two years his subjects have not been able to cultivate because they have been stopped from accessing their fields located in areas with prospecting licences by prospecting licence holders.

Village banking success in Mufumbwe inspires Government


Inspired by governments commitment to reduce poverty through social protection programmes, two women groups at Mufumbwe market have successfully implemented a three months village bank programme to the sum total of K 30, 046.

The development is ahead of the commencement of a new and longer cycle next month, January 2021.

At the close of three months cycle, Mingilo Saving Group accumulated a K22,366 both in terms of savings and interests while Success Savings Group had about K7,680 in both savings and interests.

Officiating at the share-out ceremony for community development programme, Mufumbwe District Commissioner, Haggai Kalota commended the women groups for their commitment to reduce poverty in their respective homes.

“It is gratifying to note that some women traders in our local market are appreciating government’s empowerment programmes meant to alleviate poverty in society, especially that there was no seed money given to the women at the start of the programme,” Mr Kalota explained.

He has since advised the women to ensure that the money realized from the village bank programme is put to good use and not get excited to waste their money during the festive season.

“We want to see this money multiply; then we and the rest of the world will see, job well done, our mothers, our women have made us proud,” Mr Kalota said.

With the intention of accessing vegetables products easily, Success Savings Village Bank Group has appealed to the district commissioner’s office to help them secure land where they can grow vegetables for selling in the market.

Success Savings Village Bank Group Chairperson, Harriet Chilonga said women find it difficult accessing vegetables each time local suppliers like the Kalondo Evergreen Gardens do not have supplies.

“We sometimes face a lot of challenges procuring vegetables from Kasempa district if our local supplier, Kalondo Evergreen Gardens has no supplies. As women, we resolved that it could be better for us to also be growing these vegetables so that we can supplement on our local supplier’s efforts,” Ms Chilonga said.

And Mingilo Savings Village Bank Group Chairperson, Fidness Mweshi appealed for empowerment of women in the market.

“ A Lot of times, we just hear on news that government has empowerment women groups in Manyinga, Zambezi, Solwezi and other places. But we do not get to receive such support from government.

“ Please DC, go tell the President and government that we do not want to be neglected again as women in Mufumbwe,” Ms Mweshi said.

YWCA train women in political leadership


The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) on the Copperbelt has trained over 120 women in political leadership, electoral processes and decision making in an effort to prepare them for adoptions to stand as members of parliament and councilors in the 2021 general elections.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kitwe yesterday, YWCA Kitwe Copperbelt Province Coordinator Sharon Chisanga said the trained women are mainly from Kitwe and Kalulushi district and were drawn from all political parties.

Mrs Chisanga said the trained women were ready to take up leadership positions after intensive training stating that there will be no excuse for political parties not to adopt them for elections.

“The training was undertaken with an aim of increasing the number of women participating in politics and taking up leadership positions, so we expect political parties to adopt more women in their structures,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Association has threatened to de-campaign political parties that will not adopt women to contest as councilors and members of parliament in the 2021 general elections.

And Mrs Chisanga has bemoaned the materialistic campaigns being used by political parties where aspiring leaders use material things like money, Chitenge materials and food among others to entice voters.

She said this style of campaigning was not favourable for women as most of them cannot afford such materials yet they can make better leaders.

She however said that YWCA on the Copperbelt will work closely with all political parties to ensure that more women are adopted to stand in the 2021 general elections on the Copperbelt.

Zambia is also a signatory to the United Nations Charter that compels the country to have more women representations in decision making positions by the year 2030.

President Lungu’s Economic Recovery Plan lacks any substance to turnaround Zambia’s Ailing Economy


By Sean Tembo,

1. As Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP), we have taken time to review the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) that was presented by President Edgar Lungu last week Thursday. We wish to applaud the President and his Government for accepting that the Zambian economy is currently on a downward spiral and also for taking active steps to try and turnaround the economy onto a path of recovery, through an Economic Recovery Plan.

2. We are however disappointed to note that President Lungu’s Economic Recovery Plan lacks any substance and is therefore incapable of neither turning around the economy nor instilling confidence among economic players that the Zambian economy can be turned around by President Lungu and his Government.

3. From our perspective, there are four critical issues that have caused the plunge of our economy into a downward spiral. Number one; over-borrowing thereby causing debt distress. Number two; gross leakages for both tax and non-tax revenues thereby resulting in a small percentage of public revenues actually reaching the treasury. Number three; lack of accountability in public expenditure resulting in inflated costs for projects. Number four; unstable and unaffordable supply of electricity resulting in reduced production capacity in the economy.

4. Therefore, to the extent that President Lungu and his Government came up with an Economic Recovery Plan, our expectation was that such a plan will address all or some of the four major causes of our economic downturn today. However, the President’s Economic Recovery Plan was dismally inadequate as it failed to address the key causes of the downturn in our economy.

5. As Patriots for Economic Progress, our expectation was that the President will reach out to all economic think tanks in developing his Economic Turnaround Plan, regardless of the political affiliation of such think-tanks. That is because an economic turnaround plan is for the benefit of the entire nation and therefore, its formulation should not be based on partisan affiliation. However, the President decided to use the same inept Ministers and senior Government officials that are the key causes of Zambia’s economic malaise today, to find solutions for the economy’s turnaround. This is the main reason why the President’s Economic Recovery Plan is shallow and empty.

6. As Patriots for Economic Progress, our view is that the ability to turnaround our ailing economy is a major consideration among voters in next year’s presidential election. On the part of President Lungu, the Zambian people have seen for themselves, based on his shallow and empty Economic Recovery Plan, that him and his team are incapable of turning around our economic fortunes, and should therefore not be considered as an option in next years’ elections. President Lungu was given ample chance by the Zambian people to preside over the affairs of this nation. His shallow and empty Economic Recovery Plan is ample evidence that he has failed and has no plan or vision for this nation, whether now or in the future. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the Zambian people should cling onto a President that neither has a plan nor vision for the nation.

7. It is on the basis of the above that we wish to make a sincere plea to Zambians to consider retiring President Lungu next year, in the national interest. We appreciate the various contributions that he has made to this nation ever since he was elected into office in 2015, but he is not the right person to take this nation to the next level. We need to turn a fresh page. The Zambian people should therefore ensure that they do the needful on 12th August 2021.

The Author is the President of the Opposition Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP), an emerging political party in Zambia based on Patriotism, Accountability, Competence and Courage.

HH says he will appear before Zambia Police on Wednesday


United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema has said that his callout to appear before the Police has now been moved to Wednesday 10hrs at Force Headquarters.

In a statement to his supporters, the UPND leader said that he had no slightest idea what crime he may have committed this time around, just like has been the case in the past when he was being summoned and arrested purely on what he described as trumped-up charges, such as treason which carries a death sentence once convicted.

The UPND leader said that he only crime could be to aspire for the highest office in the land.

“We have said before and we shall still say it now, that we don’t have to commit a crime for these summons, because the only crime we have committed in this country is to aspire for public office of our beautiful and resource endowed country which is being mismanaged, he said

“We will not be subdued by any kind of intimidation by those who wield power and will not be deviated from our ambitions and vision to liberate our country from dictatorship, cronyism, patronage and corruption,” he concluded.

The change of date was confirmed by Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo who said that Mr Hichilema’s lawyers have asked the police to postpone the date for appearing from Monday 21st December to a later date.

“Police had summoned the President for the United Party for National Development (UPND) Mr Hakainde Hichilema to Police Headquarters and was expected to appear on Monday, 21st December ,2020 . We however recieved correspondence from his Lawyers requesting for the rescheduling of the date,” Katongo said.

She said police are still in discussion with the Lawyers on a new date on which the opposition leader should be availed to police.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Cotonsport Arrive For Eagles Clash


Momentum is building ahead of the mid-week continental action with Nkana and Green Eagles playing host in their respective fixtures.

Eagles’ CAF Confederation Cup second stage opponents Cotonsport of Cameroon arrived on Monday afternoon in Lusaka on a scheduled Ethiopian Airlines flight.

Cotonsport and Eagles will play the first leg at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Nkana’s CAF Champions League pre-group stage opponents Petro Atletico of Angola are expected on Tuesday.

Petro will arrive 24 hours before their pre-group stage, first leg date at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe.

Loser over both legs of the Nkana-Petro match will be relegated to the CAF Confederation Cup pre-group stage in February to play winners over both legs of the second stage ties that Eagles and Napsa Stars are involved in.

Meanwhile, both competitions return leg matches will be played during the mid-week dates on January 5-6, 2021.



Green Eagles 0-Zesco United 0
Green Buffaloes 1(Chipili Mungule 16′)-Forset Rangers 1(Quadri Kola 28′)

Red Arrows 2(Paul Katema 2′, Felix Bulaya 82′)-Young Green Eagles 0

Indeni 0-Lusaka Dynamos 1(Collins Sikombe 35′)

Zanaco 4(Moses Phiri 21′ 44′,Abraham Siankombo 62′ 89′)-Lumwana Radiants 0

Power Dynamos 1(Alex Ngonga 58’pen)-Kabwe Warriors 1(Mathews Nkowane 28′)


Kitwe United-Napsa Stars

FAZ National Division 1
Week 11 Results

Kabwe Youth 0-2 Konkola Blades

Kafue Celtics 3-1 Mufulira Wanderers

Livingstone Pirates 1-0 Chambishi FC

Gomes FC 1-0 Mpulungu Harbour


Police Collage 0-2 Nchanga Rangers

Kashikishi Warriors 1-0 Zesco Shockers

Kansanshi Dynamos 1-0 Trident

National Assembly 0-1 City of Lusaka

Malaiti Rangers 1-1 MUZA FC

2020/2021 TOP SCORERS


Moses Phiri (Zanaco):7

Collins Sikombe (Lusaka Dynamos):5
Roger Kola(Zanaco):5

Idris Mbombo (Nkana):4

Abraham Siankombo(Zanaco):3
Felix Bulaya (Red Arrows):3
Jacob Ngulube (Napsa Stars):3
Tranquilin Mwepu (Indeni):3
Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon):3
Aubrey Funga (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):3
Graven Chitalu(Indeni):3
Baba Basile (Zanaco):3
Felix Nyaende (Lumwana):3
Kelvin Mubanga (Zesco United):3
Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):3
Anos Tembo (Green Eagles):3

David Obashi (Prison Leopards):2
Quadri Kola (Forest Rangers):2
Laudit Mavugo (Napsa):2
Emmanuel Okutu (Buildcon):2
Benson Sakala (Power Dynamos):2
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):2
Kamal Jafaru (Buildcon):2
Jimmy Ndhlovu (Kabwe Warriors):2
Junior Zulu(Prisons Leopards):2
Pride Mwansa(Nkwazi):2
Adamson Mulao (Young Green Eagles):2
Ocean Mushure (Lusaka Dynamos):2
Steven Mutama (Nkwazi):2
Gerald Chisha (Buildcon):2
Akakulubelwa Mwaichiyaba(Kabwe Warriors):2
Jack Chirwa (Green Buffaloes):2
Evans Musonda (Kitwe United):2
Francis Zulu (Prisons Leopards):2
Enock Sakala Jr (ZescO):2
Eric Choomba (Nkwazi):2
Fred Tshimenga (Nkana):2

FAZ to Stage All-Stars Versus The Rest For Chipolopolo


Chipolopolo’s CHAN team will play a select side in an ‘All-Stars Versus The Rest’ match in Lusaka to convince the public they can shine at the Cameroon tournament this January.

The Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic’s ‘All Stars’ will face Wedson Nyirenda’s ‘The Rest’ in the friendly just after Christmas at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka

“The team will regroup on December 26 and on the 27th, we are having an ‘All Stars Versus The Rest’ match where we want to see that players that we have chosen are right players to go and not being relaxed and not thinking they are guaranteed places,” Micho said.

“Everyone needs to fight for his place to earn and deserve and not being gifted, awarded or rewarded.”

The ‘All Stars Versus The Rest’ is not a new concept and was a staple end-of -year Chipolopolo showpiece 23 years ago and was especially a big crowd draw as a pre-AFCON send-off event.

Chipolopolo will after the match depart for Cameroon to play a four-nation pre-CHAN tournament in Yaoundé where they will face Niger on January 1, Uganda on January 3, and the hosts on January 7 before moving to their Group D base in Limbe.

“And on January 14 ,we will enter our tournament camp and see if we can have one more friendly against most likely a CECAFA team so that we can be ready for Tanzania,” Micho said.

Rwanda is the third CECAFA team at 2021 CHAN.

Zambia will face Tanzania in their opening Group D match on January 19 and later Guinea on January 23.

Chipolopolo will renew acquaintances with Namibia in a COSAFA derby on January 27 in a repeat of their Morocco 2018 CHAN group stage meeting in Casablanca that ended 1-1 and saw both advanced to the knockout round where they made quarterfinal exits.

Meanwhile, Micho’s provisional 33-member team entered preliminary camp in Lusaka today, December 21 and before taking a Christmas break this Thursday.

However, not in camp are regular call-up from Napsa and Green Eagles who on CAF Confederation Cup mid-week duty.

Matete Accepts ZAA Elections Defeat


Athletics great Samuel Matete has accepted his loss to Elias Mpondela in the ZAA presidential contest despite noting some anomalies during the elective annual general meeting held on Saturday in Lusaka.

Matete lost to Mpondela by 51 -25 votes to incumbent Mpondela during the ZAA elections.

In an interview, Matete, the former 400m hurdles world champion, charged that the constitution was not followed during the AGM

“At the end of the day it is a fact that the results were announced in favour of Mr Mpondela. And I walked to him and shook hands; you cannot run away from the fact that he was announced as the winner,” Matete said.

“Who am I to nullify the elections when I am not the one in charge of elections?”

The 1996 Olympics Silver medalist questioned the credibility of the Electoral College used at the ZAA indaba.

“Some clubs that voted are not members of ZAA and we don’t even know where they came from. Even now I am still trying to get hold of the Electoral College as we were not given the Electoral College pamphlets,” Matete said.

Meanwhile, Matete has revealed that he will only take up the proposed position on the ZAA technical bench when he is written to and signs a contract.

After victory, Mpondela told journalists that Matete will be part of the ZAA technical bench.

“That has to be put in writing and signed by both parties for me to be part of the technical team,” Matete said.

“You know what happened last time I reconciled with ZAA and I was appointed National Assistant coach and Copperbelt Director by mouth and nothing materialised. There was no appointment letter or contract. I do not want to go through the same things again,” he said.

Matete added:”I am still part of athletics and I will always be. I will continue developing athletes through my club.”

ZANEC hails govt’s move to reschedule schools’ term one for the year 2021


The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) has hailed the government’s rescheduling of the first term in 2021.

In a statement released to the media, ZANEC Executive Director, George Hamusunga says the Ministry of General education’s decision to reschedule the re-opening of the first term from 4th January 4th,2020 to 18th, January 2020 is a step in the right direction.

Mr. Hamusunge said the move will enable parents and guardians to prepare adequately for their children’ s return to school both financially and mentally.

“After analyzing the responses from stakeholders, ZANEC would like to welcome the recent statement by the Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba in which he indicated that all schools will open for term one on 18th January 2021 instead of 4th January 2021 as earlier announced,” Mr. Hamusunga explained.

ZANEC appreciates the importance of ensuring that enough time is given to the marking of examination papers for Grades 9 and 12 candidates given the adjustment that was made to the examination calendar which now goes up to the end of December.

Mr. Hamusunga is hopeful that there will be no further adjustment to the academic calendar beyond what has already been proposed to ensure that the valuable gains is not lost that have been so far achieved in remediating the loss in learning time which was experienced this year due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

“Therefore, our hope is that the Ministry of Finance will release adequate funding to the Ministry of General Education in time so that the process of marking examination papers is done smoothly and as planned,” the Executive Director appealed.

Recently, Dr kalumba announced that in view of challenges caused by COVID-19 his ministry decided to reschedule the re-opening of the first term for 2021 from 4th, 2020 to 18TH January.

He said this will allow parents and guardians more time to adequately prepare their school going children and dependents for the new term.