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DEC, BOZ orders ONO to pay investors with interest


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and Bank of Zambia (BOZ) have ordered ONO Savings and Credit Association (OSCA) to pay investors the money they deposited with interest.

According to a joint statement released by DEC and BOZ on Friday, a plea agreement has been concluded with promoters of ONO persuant to which the seizure on Accounts has been lifted by DEC.

“The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) wishes to inform the public that there has been substantial progress made in the matter regarding Ono Savings and Credit Association (OSCA) by the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). A plea agreement has been concluded with the promoters of OSCA pursuant to which the seizure on the accounts has been lifted by DEC following a directive from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP),” reads the statement.

“Under the Plea Agreement, Ono Savings and Credit Association has been ordered to pay the investors the money they deposited into the company inclusive of interest.OSCA is also required to recover the loans owed to the entity.”

According to the statement, the terms of the Plea Agreement include the requirement for Ono Savings and Credit Association to periodically report to the Anti-Money Laundering Unit of the Drug Enforcement Commission and to the National Prosecutions Authority (NPA) on the status of its obligations under the said agreement.

“Members of the public with claims are advised to contact Ono Savings and Credit Association,” reads the statement.

“The Drug Enforcement Commission and the Bank of Zambia calls upon the promoters of Ono Savings and Credit Association to comply with all the terms of the Plea Agreement and ensure that the interests of investors are duly protected.”

Meanwhile, the Comsave case is still under consideration by the Director for Public Prosecutions.

President Lungu mourns Constitutional Court Judge Mulembe


President Edgar Lungu says the death of Constitutional Court Judge Enock Mulembe is a loss not only to his colleagues but to the entire nation.

President Lungu said Mr Mulembe was a well-schooled judge who has gone too soon.

In a statement issued to the media by Special Assistant to the President Isaac Chimpampe, President Lungu stated that the death of the Constitutional Judge Mulembe who passed away on Thursday, December 17, 2020 in the University Teaching Hospital is regrettable.

The President hailed Judge Mulembe’s immense contribution to the development of the Zambian Judiciary, Particularly in the human rights.

He added that Judge Mulembe saved the Human Rights Commission with distinction when he was Director of the Commission.

President Lungu further added that the Judge together with other Judges of the Constitutional Court have been presiding over various cases independently.

“He also contributed a lot when he was Chief Executive Officer of the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education. Therefore, he was a well-schooled Judge who has gone too soon,” explained President Lungu.

The President highlighted that Judge Mulembe’s contribution to the country’s judiciary will be missed.

President Lungu has since conveyed his heartfelt condolences and that of the people of Zambia to the bereaved family and wished them Gods fortitude and solace.

North Western Province has achieved much in 2020 – Mubukwanu


North Western Province Minister, Nathaniel Mubukwanu says despite the country facing the challenge of Covid-19 in the year 2020, the province has recorded significant achievements in various sectors.

Speaking at a press briefing over the performance of the province for 2020, Mr Mubukwanu said major successes were recorded in various sectors such as non-tax revenue generation, water and sanitation, social protection, fisheries and livestock development among others.

Mr. Mubukwanu said massive progress was recorded in Social protection where the province had significant achievement.

He said during the year 2020 the province targeted 55,209 households’ beneficiaries and a total of 47,177 households benefited under Social Cash Transfer program, adding that a total amount of K11, 844,568.45 that was disbursed.

“So we have recorded massive progress in the areas of none tax revenue generation; social protection we have significant achievement, ” Mr. Mukwanu said.

He said in agriculture, under the 2019/2020 farming season the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) purchased 41,940 metric tonnes of maize from the farmers representing 60 percent of the total targeted 70,000 metric tonnes.

And Mr. Mubukwanu said during the 2020/2021 farming season, the province implemented FISP under direct input supply in all the 11 districts.

He said the province has 62,276 farmer beneficiaries adding that all of them deposited their K400 contributions representing 100 percent.

Mr. Mubukwanu said out of this a total of 37,366 are women and 24,910 are men.

He said the province received 25,474 metric tonnes of all the allocated input by October, 2020 and 97 percent of the farmers under FISP have already accessed their inputs.

“During the 2020/2021 farming season the province implemented FISP under direct input supply in all the 11 districts. The province has 62,276 farmer beneficiaries. Out of this, a total of 37,366 are women and 24,910 are men. The province received 25,474 metric tonnes of all the allocated inputs by October, 2020”, Mr Mubukwanu said.

And under Fisheries Mr. Mubukwanu said the province produced 9.5 metric tonnes of fish out of the 15 metric tonnes target.

He said the citizen economic empowerment (CEEC) supported the establishment of two commercial fish hatcheries in Solwezi and Mwinilunga districts under the aquaculture seed fund program.

Meanwhile under women empowerment program, Mr. Mubukwanu said a total of 2,084 women were empowered with productivity grants.

He said out of this total, 538 women were from Zambezi, 619 women from Manyinga, 611 from Mwinilunga and 316 from Ikelenge.

Mr. Mubukwanu has urged all the civil servants in the area to focus much more on the positive experience of 2020 and not on the challenges

“Our approach is not to focus so much on the challenges, our approach is to focus more on the positive achievements, the positive achievements have the capacity to encourage us to do more. So we build on positive vibes that we derive from our achievements”, he said.

Mr Mubukwanu said positive experiences should be the stepping stones to reach higher heights in the quest to serve the people better in the coming year 2021.

14 year old girl defiled in Mpika


A Fourteen -year- old girl of Malambwa Village in Chief Chikwanda’s Chiefdom in Mpika District of Muchinga Province, has been defiled.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joel Njase confirmed the incident in Mpika.

According to the Police Commissioner, the incident happened on 13th December around 19:00 hours in Malambwa village.

Mr.Njase said that the matter was reported to the police two days after the incident by Dorothy Chewe, 42, of the mentioned village.

“Ms. Dorothy Chewe reported the matter to the police on 15th December where she said that her daughter had been defiled.” said Mr. Njase.

The Police Commissioner further said that the victim was sexually abused by Alex Mukupa whose age is unknown of the same village.

Mr. Njase explained that the victim was coming from her friends place on the alleged day when she met Alex Mukupa who grabbed her hand and took her to a nearby bush where he had canal knowledge of her.

He added that the victim sustained painful private parts and a docket has been opened and no arrest has been made as the suspect is on the run.

Do not condemn people with suicide intentions – church


A Catholic clergy in Solwezi district in North-Western Province has appealed to the church not to ignore people who show intentions of committing suicide.

Speaking at a nine day prayer session in preparation for Christmas, dubbed healing of broken hearts held at St. Daniel Cathedral Parish, Father Daniel Maungani said committing suicide begins with a thought followed by a word.

Fr. Maungani who is also St. Daniel Catholic Cathedral administrator said people who commit suicide first develop thoughts of self-harm and hatred which eventually leads them to wanting to commit suicide.

“Others develop thoughts of self-harm…to harm themselves. Some want to commit suicide… anything I will kill myself…anything small I will kill myself…every time until finally you find them hanging”, he said.

Fr. Maungani said people who mention of wanting to commit suicide every time are heart broken and need to be helped.

He said condemning them is not a solution as it will only add petrol on the already deteriorating problems of the individual in question.

“So if you hear a person every time talking about hanging himself,take that person seriously because he will indeed kill himself …he has a broken heart…you just find a person has taken chloroquine and killed himself” Fr. Maungani said.

He said a person with thoughts of committing suicide is sick in the heart adding that people around him should pay a lot of attention to him.

Fr. Maungani said broken heartiness can lead people to throw themselves into different things and ways that make others surprised because the person is heartbroken inside.

He since advised members of the church not to condemn such people as sinners or outcast but to support them by offering them counselling in order to help them come out of the situation.

Samuel Matete on Elective ZAA AGM Ballot


The Zambia Athletics Association (ZAA) has declared Samuel Matete’s presidential nomination valid ahead of Saturday’s elective annual general meeting in Lusaka.

Matete, the former 400m hurdles world champion, is challenging incumbent ZAA president Elias Mpondela at the Mulungushi Conference Centre.

ZAA has in the past alleged that Matete was not its member.

According to the list of successful candidates released by ZAA, Matete and Mpondela are the only presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, Davison Mung’ambata is unopposed for the position of General Secretary.

Godwin Chenda, Maureen Situmbeko, Bernard Bwalya and Tonny Khunga are fighting for the role of vice president.

Zesco United Introduce Foreign Quota System


Zesco United has moved ahead of the pack and introduced a self-imposed foreign player quota.

A lot of lip-service has been flying around over the last five years for FAZ to introduce a foreign quota especially in the first and second tiers following a flood of imported players in the league.

Zesco have now taken it upon themselves to lead the way with a five-foreign player quota cap.

“I wish to inform our strategic stakeholders, especially ZESCO United fans that we are mandated by the ZESCO United Football Club board to reduce the number of foreign players to five by the end of 2021. This process has already started as part of preparations for us to reach this target,” Zesco CEO Richard Mulenga told Zescounitedfc.com.

Mulenga gave the arrivals of Zambian internationals Bruce Musakanya from Red Arrows on a year -long loan and Kelvin Mubanga on a permanent deal as a free agent from Nkana as just the start.

“The club has put in place strategic measures to ensure that this process is executed smoothly. For example, Kelvin Kampamba was strategically brought in to ensure that there is cover in the midfield in case one of our midfielders left the club at the end of this year. Bruce Musakanya is another creative midfielder that the club recently signed to provide similar cover,” Mulenga said.

Zesco have also promoted two players from their youth team namely striker Enock Sakala Jnr and midfielder Kasoma Luwawa.

Meanwhile, Mulenga also announced the departure of Burundi midfielder Enock Sabumukama after three years at Zesco whom he joined from Le Messengers Ngozi.

Pompi releases video for highly anticipated collaborates with Grammy nomiated artiste Mali Music

Pompi collaborated with American Grammy nominated gospel artiste ,Mali Music on the song “Penne Ni Manga Nyumba

This song speaks about the importance of where you decide to pitch your tent (Build your house). E.g Lot faced the consiquences of pitching his tent in the wrong place. So the song is a call for people to pitch a tent where they see love and truth. Its a celebration of believers being a city on a hill.

Government concerned with the low number of school leavers finding places in tertiary institutions


Government has expressed concerns with the low number of school leavers finding places in tertiary institutions.

And Minister of Higher Education, Brian Mushimba says this is the reason the Ministry is working on modalities of increasing enrolment levels in universities and colleges which he said currently stands at only about twenty percent of School leavers.

Dr Mushimba pointed out that one way of increasing access to tertiary education is through the use of digital platform as it does not put demand on building physical structures.

Dr Mushimba who was speaking at the Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) 2020, media awards in Lusaka today, thanked the media for actively sharing stories on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on education.

“The number of students in universities and colleges has remained low ,but increasing enrolment means constructing additional infrastructure which comes at a huge cost, ”Dr Mushimba.

The Minister however, says the COVID19 pandemic has given rise to virtual learning which can be further harnessed to increase the number of students in tertiary institutions.

He disclosed that the Ministry of Higher Education will explore ways of using digital platforms for learning as a way of increasing access to tertiary education.

He said resulting from the positive reports on the education sector, government was able to achieve the re-opening of schools amidst the pandemic due to the awareness the media created through its reports.

Meanwhile, Zambia is on the path of exploiting Nuclear Technology in different sectors, following the launch of the Nuclear Policy today.

Minister of Higher Education Brian Mushimba who officiated at the event says the launch of the policy signifies government’s commitment to identify opportunities that will facility utilisation of science and technology to improve the economic status of the country.

Dr Mushimba says the Nuclear Policy provides guidance on the management of Nuclear Technology in a manner that protects both human life and the environment.

He pointed out that there is evidence indicating that countries that have embraced Nuclear Science have witnessed technological advancements in various sectors.

The Minister says the uptake of nuclear technology in Zambia will immensely contribute to advancements in the Health, Agriculture, Mining and Energy sectors in the Zambia.

Dr Mushimba also disclosed that the launch of the National Nuclear Policy paves way for the inclusion of Nuclear Science in the eighth National Development Plan that government is currently developing.

Workers at Chinese Owned Fubest Supermarket demand for better pay


Workers at Fubest Supermarket, a Chinese owned business in Kasama District, Northern Province, have turned down tools demanding improved working conditions of service.

The workers say they do not know their conditions of service and that they knock off late and are not provided with transport or overtime allowances.

The workers said in Kasama today that management at the company has refused to issue them contract letters despite working for two years.

“We get very low salaries of between K800 and K1, 200 per month, and the salaries are also not fixed, because they keep on changing from time to time,” they complained.

The workers who later stormed the labour office also revealed that the supermarket does not even pay social security for them.

But Fubest Director, Yan Jian, who appeared before the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ) and the Labour office denied all accusations made by the employees.

Mr Yan however, has promised to improve working conditions of workers after he was engaged on a number of labour related issues.

Meanwhile, FFTUZ committee member Amos Muselema has expressed concerns over continued lack of adherence of the country’s labour laws by some employers.

“There is a need for both employees and their employer’s especially foreign investors, to acquaint themselves with labour laws and industrial related documents for them to work effectively,” Mr Muselema said.

He explained that FFTUZ and Fubest management need to ensure that employee’s working conditions are improved for the better.

And Acting Senior Labour Officer, for Northern Province Mathews Shimoomba said his office will remain committed towards promoting conducive working conditions for employees

“The labour office will engage Fubest management so that they can follow the country’s labour laws,” he stressed.

Mr Shimoomba has since advised the workers to go back to work while his office works to ensure their interests are protected.

U.S. Launches Program to Strengthen Regulatory and Fiscal Governance in Zambia’s Mining Sector


The Embassy of the United States is partnering with the Government of the Republic of Zambia to strengthen regulatory oversight and improve fiscal governance in the country’s vital mining sector. The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Energy and Natural Resources, through an 18-month program under its Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative (EGCI), has joined with Deloitte to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development.

U.S. technical assistance will provide the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development with a better understanding of the fiscal implications of mineral resource development, including a review of existing revenue frameworks, in order to strengthen Zambia’s international competitiveness and attract greater private sector investment. In addition, the EGCI program will provide an overview of international best practices in regulatory and policy development in the mining sector, including a review of the Mines and Minerals Development Act, in order to support a stable and effective regulatory regime for the mining sector.

Commenting on U.S. assistance to promote economic prosperity in Zambia, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. David Young stated, “We’re very excited to partner with the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development on this project. We believe that a stronger framework for regulatory oversight and fiscal governance will help Zambia to attract greater investment into the mining sector, which in turn will support job creation and drive economic growth.”

Christian Churches Monitoring Group challenged to provide proof of foreign registered voters


The Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG) has been challenged to provide proof of foreigners being registered as voters by the Electoral Commission of Zamba (ECZ).

CCMG has accused some voter registration officers under the Electoral Commission of Zambia of having enlisted foreigners on the new voters register which will be used in 2021 general and the future elections

But in an interview, Governance and Legal activist, Isaac Mwanza, called on Father Cleophas Lungu and his group to move beyond the making of mere political allegations by providing evidence of foreigners being registered as voters.

“At this point, it is clear the propaganda machinery of political parties is being used against each other and against ECZ. Some party functionaries are giving NRCs and voter’s cards to children and foreign nationals from neighboring countries to pose as persons ECZ registered as voters,” said.

He said it was unfortunate institutions which are supposed to have credibility such as CCMG are falling prey to this propaganda by attempting to give legitimacy through false alarms. 

“At the end of the day, CCMG and its funding international partners will be writing final misleading reports about Zambia registering children and foreign nationals just to discredit our country’s electoral system based on untested allegations and propaganda being made by political competitors,” said Mwanza.
Mr Mwanza said those claiming children were registered or foreign nationals are being registered are failing to provide exact location or finer details of where such practices have been done because that is how the propaganda works.  

“Unfortunately, I must add that the mission for CCMG can now be discerned from the political demeanor and language used by Father Lungu” he said.
Mr Mwanza has advised the clergy to desist from taking political sides and feeding into reports of international stakeholders aimed at discrediting the country.

“Clearly, Fr. Lungu has taken a political side and capitalizing on the goodwill of foreign entities who are funding CCMG to legitimize the propaganda being done by political parties,” said Mwanza 

And ECZ Acting Public Relations Manager Sylvia Bwalya disputed the claims of foreigners being registered stating the Commission can only register eligible candidates who are Zambians and are 18 years and above.

Enough political will required to implement Economic Recovery Programme-Chibamba


Economist Chibamba Kanyama says there is need for adequate political will if the newly launched Economic Recovery Programme is to be successfully implemented.

Mr Kanyama who attended the launch of the strategy document on Thursday at Mulungushi International Conference Centre described it as comprehensive.

Writing on his Facebook page, Mr Kanyama said the successful implementation of the document will depend on the political will of those in power.

“I have now read the Economic Recovery Programme document. It is extremely comprehensive though it is an enhancement from previous other strategies and budget statements,” he stated.

“To make it work this time, certain enablers are required: 1. Political will 2. Political will 3. Political will 4.”

He added, “Coordination the Liverpool way (knowing what is happening at every given moment across all government departments, passing the ball accurately, substituting effectively, watching the scoreboard and clock simultaneously and charging forward with discipline, focus and incisiveness).”

Mr Kanyama said there is also need to make some hard decisions if Zambia is to have the support from the IMF.

He charged that the IMF may not pass the document as it is unless Zambia adds to it measurable commitments in the areas of fuel, energy, agriculture subsidies, stalling growth in wages, showing evidence of project cancellation, rescoping, and postponement of loans.

Mr Kanyama added that there will also be need for realignment of the ERP to the 2021 budget a d bringing forward the debt reprofiling to before mid-2021 from the projected end of 2022

He further noted the need to deal with external arrears in 2021 when Zambia plan to engage the Fund and not by end of 2023.

Mr Kanyama stressed the need to demonstrate transparency and accountability in social safety nets.

“The goal in the ERP should be to ensure our intentions are consistent and speak with each other. Above all, there must be extensive change management training in the public service.”

He added, “In order to have different results for any strategy, there is need for clear leadership at every administrative level. The EPR will be the same old story unless we learn the power of efficiency (the Liverpool way). If we really need the support of the IMF, let us translate the EPR from a narrative to actual projected figures; showing clearly what each action will produce quantitatively.”

Firing Fear Haunts Winless Kitwe United Coach


Kitwe United coach Stephen Mwansa fears for his job as his promoted side remain rooted at the bottom of the FAZ Super Division.

Winless Chingalika, who have four points from 10 matches played, on Wednesday lost 2-0 to Nkana in Wusakile in the Kitwe derby.

In a post-match interview, Mwansa said his destiny remains in the hands of club management.

‘I cannot say much but the onus is with the sponsors. I don’t know what is going to happen but I have tried all my best,’ Mwansa said.

He said Kitwe have assembled a good side despite failing to win so far in the season.

‘I think the focus and tactical discipline is lacking. We planned to contain Nkana and defend but ended up allowing two silly goals,’ Mwansa said.

‘I am very disappointed with the loss because what we planned is not what players did on the pitch. ‘

Mwansa added: ‘Also fatigue is coming in because we have been playing games continuously on Wednesday and Saturday without resting.’

Money being Paid Back by Ministers is Initial Payment, UPND will Ensure they Pay More Money Back-HH


United party For national Development (UPND) President, Hakainde Hichilema has described the amount of money being paid back by Ministers who illegally stayed in office following the dissolution of Parliament as initial payment.

Speaking to journalists at his New Kasama residence yesterday, Mr. Hichilema said that that his Government would ensure that a proper assessment is done in order to determine the correct amount each minister was supposed to pay.

Mr. Hichilema termed the amounts being paid back ranging from K50, 000 and K60, 000 as initial payments, saying a proper assessment would determine if more money had to be paid back to Zambians.

“That money belongs to Zambians. They must pay. In fact, they must pay the initial amount now, that’s what I call it. Then, they will be required to pay more once the assessment is done,” he said.

Early this month, the Constitutional Court gave former Cabinet ministers, their deputies and provincial ministers 30 days in which to pay back over K4.2 million which they got from the government in 2016 in a case where Ngosa Simbyakula and 63 others were supposed to pay back a total of K4, 266,664.10 as salaries and allowances for May to July 2016, following the court’s judgment of August 8, 2016 which ordered the ministers to pay back to the State all the allowances and salaries they received when Parliament was dissolved.

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) and UPND general secretary Stephen Katuka had challenged the continued stay of the ministers after parliament was dissolved ahead of the 2016 general elections and the case was decided in their favour, where the Constitutional Court registrar Dorcus Malama said it was common cause that Simbyakula and others were all paid their respective salaries and allowances in full for the period, May to July, 2016, and that there was no evidence of any other further payment of salaries and allowances made beyond the month of July 2016.

Malama however, said the monies which would be paid back was less the K8,000 repatriation allowances which the State owed the respondents.

“I have first assessed the second to 64th respondents respective earnings for the first eleven days of May, 2016. I have further deducted the 11 days earnings for each of these respondents from the respective totals of the salaries and allowances to be deducted from ministers, as re-computed by the first respondent after the deduction of the repatriation allowances from the initial computation. The resulting totals are, in my view, the amounts that should be refunded to the State by the second to the 64th respondents,” she said.

Malama said on the issue of interest that since the judgment of August 8, 20216 which directed the assessment, did not award interest against the respondents, the argument by LAZ that the monies be paid back with interest could not be sustained.